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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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He’s reaching levels of based we didn’t know existed.
does this nigger have any friends?
buy and ad tinynigger
literally who? go buy an ad and not spam /pol/ with some retard that has an opinon
Maybe you glowies should recruit him as the new patsy for the next failed assassination attempt
>another Destiny thread
>type type type type

didnt read
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So, how many divisions does these guys have?
what keeps this faggot going?
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weird how this obvious spam doesn't get deleted
Suck his cuck dick so he’ll fuck you
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Literally who even is this nigger other than some faggot posting on Twitter? You know what nevermind I don't even give a shit.
Holy based!!
>this person's death is worth more than that person's death BECAUSE IT JUST IS DOESN'T OK
Bit of a strange position to suddenly take up but ok..
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Buy an ad, faggot.
This guy made a big show about how Republicans aren't evil and lefties need to stop demonizing them, now he's posting shit like this. I think he just likes being an edgy contrarian.
Truly miserable person who burns bridges with anyone and everyone he can for the buzz of fleeting attention.
No wonder his whore wife left him
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>These cucks already realise the election is over and are starting their meltdown 4 months in advance
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Victim Mathematics is harder than Toilet Mathematics. How many Trump Supporters is a Palestinian worth if we measured them in Illegal Immigrants?
I can imagine him quivering with anger, near tears posting this.
He is just an eceleb edgelord. The King Faggot of Edge Lords.
I always loved this argument when it pops up to here
Absolute madlad
Wtf, wasnt he arguing FOR palestinian genocide like a month ago?
Why is he being such an edgelord?
He's just doing this for more shekels

Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:
This guy is emotionally messed up and he should be taken seriously by nobody.
Let's be frank about this. He was promoted because he indulged certain political positions that were establishment friendly in an era when youtube was trying to purge wrongthink. Otherwise he would not have advanced to his status.
What the hell happened to this guy? I thought he pivoted to more moderate liberal content after vaush and Hassan stole away the radical leftist audiences?
why is mid-2000s teenage boy tier edginess so prevalent now
this shit is so fucking embarrassing
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Destiny didn't want that guy to die but he appreciates him taking a bullet for Trump so he can serve his prison sentences
You should of been aborted with a coat hanger during the third trimester destiny but here you are lol
Sperging out for sure the last six hours
>hehe I laugh at arabs dying but also at magas dying
>no one can comprehend radical centrism like this
but it's basically a center left jewish take
You call taking money to defend Israel based?
That makes all your politicians based, I guess.
watching other men have sex
so brown people have more value than white people? why is he ignoring the fact that these brown people are most likely homophobic and racist (at the very least towards jews, they've probably never encountered blacks so no reason to hate them).

this is exactly the type of take I'd expect someone with blue hair who's been cucked to have. honestly destiny is the best example we're living in a simulation, his entire character and backstory is just way too over the top.
This meltdown has confirmed to me that he's jewish. No other group of people are this unhinged and blood thirsty, not even the hoodest of hood niggers.
>don't be selective with your laughs now!
Oh I haven't stopped laughing at your seething manchild ass since you lost your shit, cucklet

Buy an ad
With his wife.
He’s psychotic and has shown his true form. What a faggot.
cum siphoned from the anal cavity of his ex wife
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Mass report for hate speech
Get this little faggot demonitized
Buy an ad Steven
adderall, and watching his girls get railed by niggers
this isn't memes, he sits on his streaming chair like an obedient cuck while his wife gets rizzed by and dances with niggers on live stream like somr humiliation ritual
he's the perfect zionist neoliberal system boot licker
Steven has been paying people to spam this board for many years now. It's honestly pretty incredible that the mods haven't figured out that this is an astroturfing campaign and banned all mention of this little grifting manlet queer.
Reaching the levels of schizo we always knew lurked under every leftist mask now. Pretty neat.
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Any psychfags here? Do we think he is manic or is he just psychotic?
He’s definitely going to snap out of it and feel extreme regret and shame and go silent for a while before coming back like nothing happened.
This is not normal behavior for this guy
he's going full retard in real time thinking the rage bait will help his youtube channel. instead it'll probably destroy his entire career since he's using a dead rally goer guilty of nothing at a political assasination attempt, as fucking CLICKBAIT FOR HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
This little evil 4chan faggot troll is toast. Absolute fucking being shredded in the comments. He was always a troll who just like harassing people, this is why he took the liberal side and attack conservatives, because the media and social media and big companies are already almost completely against them so they are easy target.
He's just a lunatic sociopath and because he chose to do this now everybody knows it.
Not at any point has he backed down and said.
>look i got really angry and took it too far obviously i don't mean this
no he doubles down and starts shitting on anyone who comments to him that he should probably go to sleep or stay off drugs etc. LOL unfortunately for them he's totally sober this just how he is.
It's morons like him who post fake nazi shit and sit and troll and demonize europeans all the time. that's who he is.
How ironic he is suiciding his own little bullshit career and he doesn't even realize it.
Nobody who hates trump has gone out and condoned this political violence and assasination attempt, biden or anybody else who hates trump has said yes they condemn it in the strongest way.
leave it to this sociopathic faggot to say it's nice and celebrate it. For no fucking logical or rational reason. JUST CAUSE HE CAN'T HELP HIMSELF.
And this 4chan roach has been spamming himself here aswell since 2015. Saying he can outdebate everyone when he's just a lying personal attack troll same as hasan abi. So it's HILARIOUS that he's suiciding his own career since he enjoys ruining other peoples lives so much.
well, mostly yeah
They were all fucking his wife
You think that's sad, look what he says here.
Part 1, you can skip that.
Part 2. you have to watch this.
This is him way before he posted the tweet. This is his rationale for why it's okay to mock that guy who died. He has decided he hate all conservatives and they have to get the fuck out of USA and is the 'cancer that is destroying my fucking country'.
he's always been a lunatic troll and a sociopath, the rest was an act. I feel sorry for you that it took you so long to notice. He loves harassing and ruining other peoples lives. Is why he took the 'liberal side' and go after 'conservative' because they are easy as fuck targets since most the media and social media is completely against them. He just loves trolling and harassing people.
And he's still fucking going. 24 hours of total meltdown. Because he's going through a divorce to his little swedish trophy wife he went to sweden to get just to piss off euro americans online. And she divorced him ofcourse cause he's a piece of shit. And now he feels maybe he needs extra views for his youtube channel so he decides to use this situation for rage bait for his youtube channel. FATAL ERROR.
>but I thought you guys [insert retarded strawman]
>so why aren't you now adhering to [retarded strawman standard that i said you should have]
>Maybe he's just mad he cucked himself out of the best he ever had?
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I love maga larpers pretending to take the moral high ground after, covid, paul pelosi, and all the other calls for violence from trump and all his stochastic terrorism
rings pretty hollow
>>but I thought you guys [insert retarded strawman]
>>so why aren't you now adhering to [retarded strawman standard that i said you should have]
yes it's been these 'liberal' lunatics for last 9 years.
some troll or fraud post
>let's kill homosexuals jews, africans and immigrants
then they go
>let's kill all republicans white people and conservatives, but for real and in real life
>what is matter we can do that because you saying you going to do it
and it's always 4chan cause they can't find this shit anywhere else. And here's the punchline who is it doing that on 4chan. Bunch of liberal cockroaches on VPN!
>you said pwn the libs, now we just ban all conservatives from EVERYTHING, take that!
>you said this baker can bake cake, now we just going to use our companies to deny service for every single american conservative or republican or trump voter, take that.
>you say we triggered, how about we troll europeans genocidally with relentless anti european racism and call for invasion of every european country and laughing and saying 'oh i hope they go extinct'.
They are literally insane. It's surprising that with people like this USA isn't in an actual civil war yet. These fucks think they can troll and harass the opposition to their ideas away. Few deserve to be punched in the face as much as these rabble rousing trash like cuckstiny.
Cry more fag
>I love maga larpers pretending to take the moral high ground after, covid, paul pelosi, and all the other calls for violence from trump and all his stochastic terrorism
>rings pretty hollow
here we go you little retard.
9 years of american 'liberals' doing non stop stochastic terrorism on every european ancestry person every european country race and nationality. On euro americans. And on donald trump, saying they are most evil people in world and literally hitler satan and whatever else in order to ofcourse excuse to treat them horribly.
AND THEN YOU BLAME IT ON FUCKING REPUBLICANS. It's precisely because you lie so fucking much that mr. i only want to deport illegal aliens donald klompf is winning so easily. He's total normal american conservative otherwise.
At some point the american conservatives are going to give little of a fuck about you as you do about them. And then you going to see something else!
You're a fucking faggot
Buy an ad, you sawed-off little cocksucker.
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Hi desinty. Remember that time a spic tranny fucked your wife?
>Hi desinty. Remember that time a spic tranny fucked your wife?
who hasn't fucked his wife? lol oh i mean ex wife cause she divorced him and took half his money ROFL
and if he was not a total piece of shit i'd feel sorry for him. But he is such an asshole from top to bottom and from inside to the outside. And loves ruins other peoples lives for fun and laughs. that it just is absolutely fucking hilarious LOL
And you know he married her just to annoy some euro american trolls online. And then his little swedish trophy wife divorces him takes half his shit and runs away with another man. LOL. Not that she wasn't already running around with other men. I mean she fucking other people all the time. In absolute cope of being the biggest cuckold perhaps in US history he also had this to say;
>ofcourse i'll guard who fucks my wife, i care about who fucks my wife. Not just anybody can fuck my wife only those that i like.
ROFL. Not true melina fucked anybody she liked. ROFL
You can't even call it a marriage it's completely retarded. He was just a piggy bank for her and she finally got bored of his idiocy.
>spic tranny

HE IS STILL GOING BTW. posted 22 minutes ago posted 17 minutes ago.
>Oh, so conservatives believe in hate speech now?
Not a fucking conservative but yes, fuck free speech and free press. Ban anti european race hate and all this garbage. This is how these fucks are.
>oh we going maximum hate speech on any 'conservative' or european person.
>cause of they saying they not against hate speech so we going to maximum hate speech them and make them uncomfortable
you fucking little shits the internet is full of anti european race hate non stop that's what the issue is about mass immigration that's the entire rest of it.
Little fucking faggot forgot he's not on 4chan when he does this. Everybody knows who you are cuckstiny. And he's like
>you are a little bitch
said to a 6'4 guy who can kill him with his bare hands and who has met him before. He's a fucking midget.
It's exactly a 4chan anti euro roach who forgot he shouldn't post like that anywhere but 4chan, cause if people find out who you are you going to get in trouble later in life. you not ALWAYS going to be sit in front of your fucking computer posting black dicks and saying "Lol europeans going muh extinct blablalbooo"
Everything these cockroaches do is based on a false charicature of anyone who disagrees with them/their opposition, which they have demonized as evil incarnate and use it as excuse to hurt them. THIS IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF STOCHASTIC TERRORISM. I'd be interested if anything this faggot has ever said doesn't qualify as it. And he's attacking american conservatives or euro americans which the entire US establishment fucking hates, so it's easiest target to get banned and suspended or generally harass and get away with it. Because all the corporations and media in USA and social media companies are fucking against them. So you can troll them hardcore online atleast and ruin everything for them with relative safety. This is perfect situation for a sociopath who enjoys harassing other people for shits and giggles, aka the real 4channers that only started larping as neo nazis in 2015 to demonize trump supporters.
who has motivation to sit and pretend to be neo nazi and posting shit about non europeans? someone who hates europeans.
So many mexicans and non europeans here there's barely any europeans. Just a bunch of anti euro scum on vpn. Who want everyone to hate europeans.
JUST LIKE YOU, that's why you are here for. You larp as neo nazi for 2 seconds then spend 99% of the time to demonize said 'nazis' which are yourselves larping.
Then you use these larps to hurt hundred million people in USA and everyone of any european ancestry.
You are so absolutely fucked if this site gets deanonymized in the future.
You can't use some fucking trolls which you make up yourself and try to rage bait and provoke to say certain things. As excuse to go and hurt every fucking european in USA YOU FUCKING RETARD.
You little evil anti euro scum need 4chan to exist so you can do this, is why you retards don't want to take it down. You are little cockroaches exactly like steven is.
Buy a fucking ad, you pathetic worm.
>you are traitors to muh america
>also I want americans to die

Stfu Destiny, the bull needs to be prepped now to cum in your former wife again
Self reflection is a dying concept amongst some it seems. We are really in the end times, ready for another mass killing of people that can't come to terms with living anymore.
I've never been able to understand why he or 99% of people online get any attention at all.

Oh well, I'm just glad he's white so y'all have to stare at his wimpy pasty flesh all day.
Buy an ad.
Who would want to be friends with a psychopathic autist?
the entire internet is filled to brim with anti european racism. SO you make your little chuddie incel 4chan larp and go say kill jews niggers and immigrants, and so you spend 0.5% of time here doing that and 99.5% of time shitting on europeans claiming it's okay cause you are 'trolling nazis'. No who you are shitting on is normal european people who are against invasion of their countries or just in general european ancestry people.
When all these countries and races and people in future find out it's you who have been doing this, and single you out personally for your individual participation in this YOU GOING TO WISH YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD. I'd sincerely consider suicide if i were you.
You are not fighting nazis, you are worse than adolf hitler. You say poland for non polish france for non french britain for non british. You absolutely ridiculous trolling morons. Your life is completely fucked the moment you are going to be held accountable for this.
And idk if you fags like cuckstiny have noticed, NOBODY OUTSIDE USA GIVE A FUCK ABOUT FREE SPEECH AND FREE PRESS ANYMORE. You got to be an idiot to be for it seeing how americans abuse it to lie and do anti european racism and double standards all the time last 20 years.
He's going to be fucked in the ass by every european ancestry person in the world in a decade or so when they figure out what these evil fucks have spent all their online time on doing. It would not be surprising if you could be jailed in europe for previous posts you've made about europeans, or even banned entirely from visiting their countries, denied service etc.
INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, WELCOME TO IT. Nothing is more serious business than peddling racial invasion and takeover of entire races and cultures and people.
Idk what you idiot anti european scum think it is to be hated as individual by around 700 million people (europes population), but you're in luck because you're going to find that out in your life time.
Amphetamines literally
lol so much for MUH FREEZE PEACH. cancel culture faggot. drink bleach.

picrel: the troon's stance in the bottom panel is perhaps the best way to survive backlash for helping the kikes with their agenda.

the lgbt crowd need to be on the lookout for subversives trying to foment violent reprisals in their name and under their banner. as long as jewish representatives weren't organising every public utterance for the lgtb crowd the trannies, the faggots and the rugmunchers should put their energies into righting wrongs as publicly and as loudly as they aired their grievances.
The arguement is that civilians in palestine have more respect in their deaths when they die unfairly to a bomb meanwhile dumbfuck trump supporters deserve no respect if they attend these rallies.
and the ones who are for free speech, and free press are without exception stocastic terrorists, trolls and scum. It's why these 'liberals' are for it. They control the companies they dictate the norms and values which is ofcourse 'fuck white people fuck europeans, fuck republicans and f donald trump'.
When free speech goes anti european racism goes aswell. You can't enact double standards if you don't have control over your little shit corporation and its terms of service, it's all good beirut from there.
They always excuse it with muh free speech and muh free press.
Where would cuckstiny be without it. He'd have to be polite, not be allowed to be a harassing troll and shut his fucking mouth or risk beatings.
>i thought you were for free speech
LOL NEVER what you think i am, a fucking american *spits*. I'm for shutting every retarded liar every person of any race that is annoying rabble rouser the FUCK UP! always were i was back in 2015 i am now aswell.
That's the default position ANYWHERE outside USA, the fuck needs to listen to this garbage excuse.
THey're the ones escalating all of this. So now you got both a political assasination attempt on donald trump and a dead rally goer which the fuckass nailed instead, he's dead now. And this little cuckfaggot is like LOL one maga nazi down..
>it's ok because of you saying same
no, it's you larping as nazis SO you can do this thing that you already wanted and you think entire world is idiots! LOL
>look at muh flag
yes it's called vpns faggot. Only people who hate europeans have motivation to keep 4chan running, to larp as neo nazi or any of this dumb shit that goes on here LOL
ITS YOU WHO DONT WANT TO SHUT DOWN 4CHAN, EVERY EUROPEAN DOES. Wtf you going to do if it shut down. Can't larp as europeans anymore and do all this shit. Oh it's almost like you are completely fucked isn't it?
Who has a link to his debate from today?
>The arguement is that civilians in palestine have more respect in their deaths when they die unfairly to a bomb meanwhile dumbfuck trump supporters deserve no respect if they attend these rallies.
maybe he should take his daliban crew of political terrorists and move to fucking palestine instead of USA then. Hamas is harassing palestinean civilians and using them as human shields. And islam and judaism are two lunatic cults who don't like eachother. So this dumb shit fighting they been fighting for 70 years, nothing is new there.
It's not like the trump voters are bombing gaza is it retard?
When you favor some other race over your own citizens of your own country, you are nothing but a psychopathic troll. He even thinks it's funny that he died. But oh my palestineans i cri everytime. Why don't this faggot just go to afghanistan and get a 9 year old child bride like he probably wants to.
This is the funny thing about the stupid american 'liberals' you don't know it's 100% your fault and you are escalating this dumb shit. You fucking pretending as if it's anybody else.
Had you lunatic anti european scum just calmed totally down when trump got elected, he'd be easy to beat cause he sucks he's not even strong on immigration, just deport illegals get as many legals in for same situation. Instead 9 years of fucking retarded over the top anti european racism. So much that china and russia both laughing at you dumb fucks.
>Lol we don't have to do anything these fucks are destroying themselves cause they keep pretending it's nazism to not hate europeans.
And this is the self annointed thought leaders on american internet? some fucking dwarf cuck faggot who loves trolling and harassing peoplef or fun LOL. No wonder you retards are fucking screwed.
How cucked will his apology be?
migrate when ready
>How cucked will his apology be?
it's way too late for that, he's attacking every fucking person personally in snide little troll quips who is telling him look delete tweet, go to bed whatever, this is bad idea.
He's like
>no and also you a little bitch
he's doing that to anybody.
I've never seen someone go full retard like this before when they have hundreds of thosuands of subs LOL
No one gives a shit about this attention whore retard. Stop spamming his worthless posts here.
Pro Tip: add "destiny" to your filters or shift-click all destiny posts.
did the mindbreak really happen just because of the expectation that Trump will get a minor boost in the polls from nearly dying?
Every Gazan male murdered is one less bull that will fuck this guys ex-wife.
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Oh fuck elon musk is on him. This dude is so fucked man. he destroy his entire career in 24 hours.
This is the most insane meltdown i ever seen, and he doesn't even realize he's destroying himself
He's like
>this is ebin lulz man we triggering the conservatards. And i gets clicks for my youtube channels and twitter feed -ACK elon musk is on my ass.
why does anyone listen to this rat? Is he an NPC magnet?
the attention we give him duh
>the attention we give him duh
normally i'd agree like how he shill himself since 2015 here. Saying he's a master debater and can beat the fake nazis here in any debate.
He's just a troll that has been harassing conservative and pro european and anti immigration people non stop since.
HOWEVER HE DESERVES THIS ATTENTION; because unlike normally he's suiciding his own fucking career without even knowing it.
Someone is going to kill him and that person will be remembered forever as a great American hero.
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I will be selective with my laughter.
Also, the thing he doesn't understand is that Palestians are worth nothing. White Americans are worth an infinite amount more than any non-white.
you're disabled if you think being demonetized or even banned from twatter is equivalent to destroying his career.
All that molly and vivance gonna put Nebraska in the grave next to his unalived homie he wished cucked melina
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Is this "Destiny" guy afflicted with dementia or something? I don't know who he is, but he appears to be off of his meds or something. Poor guy. Looks pained.
>you're disabled if you think being demonetized or even banned from twatter is equivalent to destroying his career.
you think that's the only thing going to happen you fucking retard, sit back and watch.
He thinks this will give him more revenue for his youtube channel? Lol how stupid is he.
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>Let's be frank about this.

reporting for duty.
Not even mad. Wish all leftists would just be honest and stop hiding behind a mask of virtue. We all know they want White people dead because White people are the only thing standing in their way of 1 party rule.
He doesn't have a fertile wife anymore so theres no longer a reason to hangout with him anymore.
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>does this nigger have any friends?
is meth a friend?
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>Maybe you glowies should recruit him as the new patsy for the next failed assassination attempt
my nigga
Destiny has been an intelligence asset since before 2016.
This particular sperg out is because he's realized the power he's tied to is going to lose and quislings do VERY POORLY in the subsequent government.
>I will be selective with my laughter.

if the headline uses the word hilarious I'm already gritting my teeth.
This is probably one of the best responses to him.
>mr. faghelly, you are such a fantastical moron, please shut the fuck up LOL
cause that's what he is, a moronic troll who somehow wiggled his way into having conversations with serious intellectual people.
Nobody is home the fucking retarded lunatic thinks he's a genius and shitting on this dead rally goer in a political assasination is nice click and rage bait to fuel his viewership and add revenue.
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God bless you Bruce
more than you chud
Destiny is realizing that the regime he's tied to is losing and he's actually in real danger since he's a war criminal.
Demonic possession
Sycophant around find out.
I doubt it chudsister
>more than you chud
you think we don't know all these fake neo nazis is bullshitters like you larping right? yout hink we are fucking idiots.
What in the world would posess a german or someone else to go larp as a neo nazi to demonize themselves as neo nazis or evil people? Just because you fucking want them to be seen as that?
Let's see if this idiotic cuckfaggot has a single social media channel active in a month.
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all anti-trump propaganda ALWAYS makes him look awesome
its fucking HOLY
its God
its insane how immutable that rule is.
>Get this little faggot demonitized
he's a quisling for the deep state
he should be executed for crimes against humanity
he caused THOUSANDS of vax deaths personally.
This is insane levels of based
No. He used to be friends with some twitch streamer crowd but chased them away one by one over the years with his trashy attitude. Pretty sure even his old leftist debatelord friends hate him. Not to mention even his wife left him for some eurotrash. No one wants to be around him these days
This. He completely gave in to his dark side.
>No one wants to be around him these days
there will always be an impressive amount of OF hoes trying to farm his clout.
and empty hollow bonus
but such a glorious bonus
working for literal Satanic Pedophiles has benefits.
hi des tiny
Bring him down to our level, it won't be hard.
>that unholy energy
some may think you jest, but only because they've never met a bitch with bpd
Lol you have yet to experience even a modicum of "right wing violence". You have no idea how bad things can actually get.
Why does this midget have a hooker nickname?
Feds Tiny
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, basically the whole crew down at the Daily Wire.
They did an intervention for him recently.
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Borderline personality disorder, that's the undiagnosed disorder this faggot has. They all act like this when they get frustrated, the female ones start screaming and the males do this ARGGHHHH I'M FULL OF TENSION FROM HOW WRONG YOU ARE bouncy act. It's funny knowing how miserable this dork is lol
Ok now let's all tell Destiny that he won't do shit.
I hated his Zion arc but he’s winning some points from me on these ones. *in the style of Randy Newman* Trump supporters got, no reason to live!~
I'll back up anyone being actually edgy in this day and age.
Didn't he take 3 of Trump's dodgy covid vaccines
Destiny is on friendly terms with his wife's boyfriend. (seriously he's in an open relationship)
He isnt wrong

Zion don isn’t worth anything
that isn't how Twitter works faggot. musk is replying to someone else, Steve is tapping musk on the shoulder trying to get in on their discussion
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Go to your goddamn containment thread
>that isn't how Twitter works faggot. musk is replying to someone else, Steve is tapping musk on the shoulder trying to get in on their discussion
yes and who he is replying to is someone posting screengrab of cuckstinys posts retard. Why don't you go check it out. Or do you lie so much on 4chan to be a fake nazi that your brain stopped working?
Yet this faggot supported Israel bombing them. i hope he gets raped to death by a pack of AIDS riddled niggers
No. The cost of killing Palestinians is too high because Israel has a monopoly on that.

The Supreme Court should... do anything but give the potus immunity via vague "official business" criteria jewish lawyers will have to interpret. Anything but that.

>court give potus king powers leaving foreign nations no choice but assassination
>assassinations increase

Whoa. Who could have predicted this? Expensive think tanks, I'm looking at you.
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he was making over 2 million a year before this, i don't think he cares

also he has an IQ over 150, so i'm sure he has already considered every possible scenario and decided this one was optimal
All liberal men are the same in this regard, they get sexual arousal out of their own humiliation, i. e. cucks
Stopped caring about free speech a decade ago. Now I want all liberals financially ruined by any means necessary
Go to sleep destiny. Solidifying yourself with the extreme left will do no good for you
Why do anyone care what this faggot thinks?

/pol/ is unbrowsable rn
It seems like the only thing he does is spergs out on twitter and worships Israel.
He's actually absolutely done you here, you've been absolutely done up like a kipper /pol/
let's push the faggot over the edge
>foreigners are more valuable than natives
I want him dead so bad. He's such a schizo hypocrite. He was going on about how Trump is a traitor for not wanting to fund Ukraine as well. He apparently doesn't even know the meaning of the word. Physiognomy is real and you can judge the weight of someone's character by how they look. Destiny is a prime example.
>IQ >150
Lololol the faggotry and idiocy of your country astounds me constantly
>He's actually having a full blown melty
>Because le orange man is gonna be president
I think he needs a wellness check
>he was making over 2 million a year before this, i don't think he cares
>also he has an IQ over 150, so i'm sure he has already considered every possible scenario and decided this one was optimal
wrong, he's a fucking retarded troll and he fucked himself with this. Plus he's being divorce raped by melina.
>it's optimal to commit career suicide
No he's a retarded troll who thought it would give him extra views and everything else would be just fine.
>He's actually absolutely done you here, you've been absolutely done up like a kipper /pol/
Oh look another retard, yes it's 5d upside down backgammon right?
Literally the only ones who scream of free speech are 4chan trolls which are the same liberal douchebags who spew anti european race hate non stop: They can't do any of that shit without muh freeze peach bullshit. Go to hell with free speech and free press entirely. Stupid shit. This is what happens when you buy your own bullshit and confuse it with reality.
Onions and bull prep. Its all he has at this point
I have never laughed with him, only at him.
>He’s reaching levels of cuckness we didn’t know existed.

Why is this cuck being spammed on Pol/
>Is it him trying to find relevancy after he came out as a cuck?
His adderall and meth dealer maybe
He will be arrested on July 19th.
>Why is this cuck being spammed on Pol/
>>Is it him trying to find relevancy after he came out as a cuck?
same reason he advertize himself here since 2015. Only this time he's comitting career suicide and the best part is he's too much of a retarded troll to realize it and thinks it's just going to make him more add revenue and clicks.
>"You know how little dead Palestinians are worth to me? Well, dead people at a Trump rally are worth even less"
This has got to be part of the Controlled Narrative shift to dunk and defame the 'lefties'. But I bet the people who tried to mainstream him are feeling so .... in on the joke.
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single handedly mind broke /pol/ and xitter
normalfaggots on /pol/ that like making twitter threads about him, obviously
>Borderline personality disorder, that's the undiagnosed disorder this faggot has. They all act like this when they get frustrated, the female ones start screaming and the males do this ARGGHHHH I'M FULL OF TENSION FROM HOW WRONG YOU ARE bouncy act. It's funny knowing how miserable this dork is lol
yeah I'm a incel loser who has only had LTR with emotionally stable women so I don't really know what BPD feels like but I know how Feds Tiny is so you may be connecting some dots for me here.
It's so female to be upset about the overall issue but to manifest it as vitriol over these lesser, not-really-relevant issues.
Little nigga salty because after the assassination its absolutely ogre but he's seething about this victim or that supreme court decision...
the feminine spirit is so evil
>single handedly mind broke /pol/ and xitter
what do you mean you kabuki theatre retards. 4chan is nothing but retarded american liberals and anti european scum larping as le ebil neo nazis. and then 99% of the time shitting on europeans. And everywhere else they do it 100% of the time.
All your american nonsense of free speech and your fake neo nazis is all bullshit. Nobody is for free speech globally, only these stupid 'liberals' in USA are for it, because that's how they spew anti european race hate non stop and selectively use their companies to promote it and censor whoever they personally prefer and for any reason they choose.
The moment this free speech/free press goes, this game is completely over and so is anti european race hate. Cause then it'll be punished, severely.
And now he decides to suicide his own career and wants to post it on 4chan, after spamming his idiocy on this fake and gay website since 2015.
I'd be happy to watch and laugh.
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>Didn't he take 3 of Trump's dodgy covid vaccines
dude it's BRUTAL how fucking shitty you all are to each other. That's a fucking asset of your fucking intel alliance and you're just burning him to make some fucking lame never-had-traction shill push to absolve big pharma of their complete and total guilt for the vax.
it's such a pleasure watching you faggots wriggle at the sight of the coming oblivion.
You are a lying faggot and 4channers have always been anti european idiots, and cuckshits like fagstiny. that's why they larp as neo nazis, it's so american to do and so retarded aswell. No european would ever do that or think they are a nazi if they are against mass immigration, this is an american idea.
You bought literally your own larp. It's like you shat and then you ate your own poop, shat again and ate your own poop again and then confused it with reality. And you think everyone is retarded and didn't notice.
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Babit is fake and gay
all your psyops are belong to us
I love the fact that you're going to be killed by Iranian drones after Trump drafts you for Israel's wars
fagstiny still laughing that she died and the other one and saying they are in hell. He's a real class act this little trollfaggot. He's exactly what 4channers are. Annoying liberal douchebags who trying to demonize europeans by larping as nazis ever since trump ran for office.
typical fagstiny troll, very 4chan, much cringe.
He’s not talking to me
1 income source eliminated
Many more to come ;)
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kill yourself nobody caaaareeees
ok fagstiny.
I hope this is the end of his internet presence. He's such an insufferable butthurt jackass. I know he's pissed because this event gave Trump the mandate of heaven. He's such a bitch, I hope someone kicks his ass IRL.
Actually.. based
best thing he said so far ngl
i wonder how many shitposts fagstiny and his daliban army of annoying trolls with 15 fucking sockpuppet accounts have on this gay website pretending to be incels, nazis 'supremacsits' and saying to kill niggers jews and immigrants, trying to rage bait and bait others into saying same.
Why would I be friends with him now that his hot wife is not longer available for fucking?
Lol reddit tranny faggot europoor.
>i love watching you guys lose your shit. I’m gonna buy another gun this week and name it after your sister…what are jew girls names?…luciferia or lucifera…which is correct pronunciation in yiddish
>Actually.. based
>best thing he said so far ngl
ofcourse my nigga, it's litterally your boy isn't it.
>I hope this is the end of his internet presence. He's such an insufferable butthurt jackass. I know he's pissed because this event gave Trump the mandate of heaven. He's such a bitch, I hope someone kicks his ass IRL.
If you had a trollochaust in form of publically beating annoying provoking little trollfaggots like him you could have total normal sensible and honest discussions again. The real crime is that this fucking doesn't happen.
This little dumbass is sitting calling some 6'4 guy a little bitch, just cause he's safe behind his computer. He should get some of his teeth knocked the fuck out. And so he can talk less shit. That's what fucks up the entire internet is that this doesn't happen.
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>fagstiny still laughing that she died and the other one and saying they are in hell. He's a real class act this little trollfaggot. He's exactly what 4channers are. Annoying liberal douchebags who trying to demonize europeans by larping as nazis ever since trump ran for office.
much organic extremism
Lol. Even your sarcasm screams faggot. How much pain are you rn? Whens the last you got laid?
Narcissistic sociopaths don't have friends they have flying monkeys.
ofcourse you are a little retarded omniliberal, why don't you go larp as a neo nazi about it and say to kill niggers jews and shitskins and immigrants? lol
You think everybody doesn't already know that. you fat american fucks.
typical fagstiny omniliberal 4chan roach.
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>That's what fucks up the entire internet is that this doesn't happen.
lol it's so fucking funny that Destiny's own side is trying to get him beatup to get some right wing terrorism narrative.
DGGers wtf when are you going to learn that the feds hate you too.
>muh 150 IQ
Lmao do people actually try to win arguments with this?

>muh 2 million a year
I bet he wishes he made less now that his ex wife is going to take half and spend it on her new boy toy.
Oof he’s already seething that loss of revenue.
>Narcissistic sociopaths don't have friends they have flying monkeys.
this nigga has gray rocked a narc into seeking alternative supply
t.son of a narcissist mother
there are no sides, normal people hate every single one of you, and you both the same cockroaches, the nazi larpers and the daliban are fucking same people always were.
Nobody is on your free speech or your little gay larp side idiot. 'right wing' you don't even know what that means you fat american lardass.
I see he's going the Sam Harris route and obliterating his career and image by doubling down instead of taking a moment to step back and realize he looks insane to normal people.
Hes finished as he knows it, hes going to be doing 40 in a supermaxx for sponsoring, and encoraging terror attacks and assasination. Bye nigger
>I hope this is the end of his internet presence. He's such an insufferable butthurt jackass. I know he's pissed because this event gave Trump the mandate of heaven. He's such a bitch, I hope someone kicks his ass IRL.
he's a war criminal and the regime that protects him is collapsing
I'm not even joking he'll be lucky to avoid life in prison he's intentionalyl lied for years and cost THOUSANDS of lives
he's a world class war criminal.
He's had literal Bandarites on his show.
>I see he's going the Sam Harris route and obliterating his career and image by doubling down instead of taking a moment to step back and realize he looks insane to normal people.
ofcourse because usually that's how he talks to people, always excused with that it's an evil nazi or a right winger or a whatever.
And he could just say
>Look i got pissed off and i took it too far cause i was in total rage mode, i obviously don't mean that
little too late, the idiotic cuckfaggot went on a 24 hour marathon and insult and attack everyone who's trying to get him to stop.
>i will use this for clicks and views i'm a genius in my own imagination.
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>there are no sides
sounds like something a drowning man says
don't let me interrupt you
work through the cycles
it's natural
nothing can change the outcome
Fuck that blue haired faget
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Jew Biden
Those people are animals and they all deserve eachother.
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His mom.
This is fucking ridiculous. Fuck off with the threads about this nobody
>>i will use this for clicks and views i'm a genius in my own imagination.
the assassination attempt has convinced him that Biden is losing
that means he might be prosecuted for the literal war crimes he's committed.
that's what this is over
he doesn't care about views because he's worried he'll be executed for his numerous crimes that have caused the deaths of thousands.
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oh no
here we savor the fall of the cabal
keep the destiny posting up boys
It's crazy that the weakest people in the world are constantly megalomaniacal and trying to threaten us.
His bird cucks him to niggers in front of him
>opinion discarded
"Destiny" will be his prison name in due time.
>It's crazy that the weakest people in the world are constantly megalomaniacal and trying to threaten us.
it's a tantrum
Ok. What would you like to argue about? Youre lashing about like a Finn without a sauna.
>why the memeflag Moishe? Youre among friends
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I can't provide much but I'm an upper level manager at kick streaming and it sounds like the higher ups are going to pull the plug on his account. His metrics aren't that great in the first place.
No MAGA people are reading your tweets faggot.
Why should we let assholes like you use our morals against us. You will be treated the same way you treat others. It's only fair and equitable :^)
q predicted this
He was dabbing on palestinians like a jew? What is his audience?
-Donald Trump
>Ok. What would you like to argue about?
i'm here to celebrate how this turbofaggot is committing seppuku. Because i hate cuckstiny same reason that i hate 4channers, is cause it's exactly same people and i've been sabotaging your little fake neo nazi boogeyman so much that you tried to make it pathetic instead by adding that incel garbage to it.
It's absolutely satisfying to see these 'libertarian' trolls fuck themselves in the ass by not remembering, you can't post like this anywhere else on 4chan, because if people know who he fuck you are none of that shit is going to work. The dumb faggot is literally sitting on twitter and calling some big 6'4+ guy who can kill him with his bare hands a 'little bitch'.
He forgot he was not trolling fake nazis on 4chan. But that he was on twitter, it's like that's what happened. He's so fucking used to doing so that he switched to twitter and then accidentally did same thing. OOPSIE and now is doubling down on it.
Lmao what a cuck. No wonder he's getting divorced. After that he'll have to change his name to Destitute.
the halitosis king
LOL yes, he's such a piece of shit it's the only reason why it's funny, otherwise it'd just be tragic you know. He loves ruining other peoples lives and trolling the fuck out of any european patriots, anyone against mass immigration (racial invasion of entire countries) and anyone against anti european racism.
It's just hilarious that his temper got the better of him and he's seppuku'ing himself and not even realizing it, just keep doubling down.
His swedish trophy wife he only found to shit on euro american trolls online left him, took half his money. And now he's decided the best way to get more money is to destroy his entire career by using a dead guy at a rally as RAGE BAIT. And obviously everyone getting pissed off at him and he's just saying muh muh blabla hypocrite blabla freeze peach. or "fuck you stupid bitch fuck off lolol if you go to rally i hope you die too". Everyone tearing him a new anus in the comments LMAO
>What is his audience?
his number one and only fan named willy, who lives in his downstairs.
>The madman is at it again
This guy is just spouting shit to try and be relevant. Don't even react and play into it. He's a shill of the highest order, SAAAAAAAAAAAAAg
I sure hope nobody does anything drastic
Verifiably based.
MAGA is composed of trailer trash mutts who would sacrifice their own children on the altar of Israel.
Fuck those niggers.
Isn't this the dude that thinks it's ok for Israel to genocide Palestinians? What a psychopath.
Destiny has openly admitted to being paid by the isrealie government to sell the genocide they’re committing on our dime, how much more proof do you need?

lmao nice i love when chuds get bitten by the pet snakes they adopt to own the other side.
oh right cause that's what he is is he a nazi chuddie now too?
You're right about one thing he's a 4channer, they are cockroaches just like you larping as neo nazis and spewing anti european race hate, which is what larping as neo nazi as too.
Go larp as neo nazi and pretend you love germans lol.
It's why it's great that this retard is committing seppuku, one less 4chan roach the better. Maybe you can be next.
The breadtubers hate each other
>eceleb spam
I listened to his stuff pretty habitually for a few years and I don't remember him ever having any stories like "so I went out with my friends last night..." that didn't begin with "I went to a streamer meetup and met (insert retard zoomer or stupid hole 'influencer')"

Also there's an interview with the whore he married that cucked him where she's like "Yeah I love going out and looking at sunsets and experiencing things and he likes sitting indoors arguing with people online"
I forgot summer is starting so we'll get the inevitable flood of subhuman retards who don't understand this site spamming
there were a couple of younger faggots named Darius and some coon, but they jumped ship once his tightbody fuckhole of a wife left him. she got passed around the friendgroup like a spare car lmao
Destiny clearly suffers from low T
there is nothing else. if he stopped interacting with people on the internet via edgelord behavior that gets him attention, he would simply be sitting in a room counting seconds forever. his entire world exists because the internet gives him a digital life. he has no actual life.
>He was dabbing on palestinians like a jew? What is his audience?
establishment leftists; they'd naturally be pro Palestinian normally, which makes Destiny's audience worth double, psyopping them into liking Israel counts as support and reduced opposition.
He's making so much money right now I bet.
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>MAGA is composed of trailer trash mutts who would sacrifice their own children on the altar of Israel.
yeah that's us
we're not anti Semitic enough
>Destiny clearly suffers from low T
and high meth
Why is he chimping out so loud? Anger and frustration about being cucked and dumped?
>my edgy

we've went full insane ,this is what happens when you are to bully faggots
It will be hilarious when the islamics declare hes an infidel and launch him off a building.
His son Nathan will be the next tranny shooter. Mark my words
No joke apparently for the past 48 hours he has been up and tweeting every 2 hours and sperging out. There is no way this dude isn't on drugs. He could benefit a lot from just going outside and touching grass.
Muzzies should stay in their desert though, a white man should break his neck. He wants to escalate violence, let's give him ultra violence.
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Nobody is taking his Freeze Peach away. He'll just not get any monetization for it.
I think twitter shouldn't ban for content or opinion, but should ban when people have meltdowns for their own personal health. This and what Jordan Peterson does is straight up psychosis.
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>Why is he chimping out so loud?
>This particular sperg out is because he's realized the power he's tied to is going to lose and quislings do VERY POORLY in the subsequent government

>Anger and frustration about being cucked and dumped?
I'm loath to defend that faggot deep state war criminal but he's actually VERY red pilled about women, he's slightly sociopathic, so he literally doesn't have any emotional feelings for his ex wife (which is INSANE, she's gorgeous, and delightful) and basically uses his emotional ambivalence to control her (which he did successfully for years). I think it's weird to not feel possessive over your girl, but that's basically his secret, none of them are his girls. He actually deals with women like a SUPER ADVANCED rp dude it's called 'dark triad' game and considered like too hard to pull off for most people.
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doesnt this guy just play games 24/7 ? why then fuck would i care about his opinion on anything except perhaps the best source of overwatch hentai.
No need leave him to the animals, that way you are untainated for god.
Nice projection
He's going to be disabled if he ever comes back to the UK
but palestinians are getting slaughtered under biden's regime
A few lads, some BAMEs and a Londonistan street come to mind
Kek what a raped bitch
Destiny is raping himself in the summer of '24
These niggers are unhinged this is why we need to bring back insane asylums
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Frank you look so assertive!
God hates this little judaic bitch, why would He give him such a deformed body otherwise?
>God hates this little judaic bitch, why would He give him such a deformed body otherwise?
this nigga gets it.
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have a (you)
>There is no way this dude isn't on drugs.
yeah he's literally always on stimulants.
holy fuck! - BASED!
Good troll bait, you got a few. To others reading, when you see actual shitlibs say this, remember that there is a difference between cancel culture and incitement of violence. Don't try to reason with them, though, because the game is rigged against you.

Remember that even violence itself is LEGAL for leftists.

Remember that even words like "faggot" or misgendering are ILLEGAL for those on the right.
AWWW, 4channers cope thread LoL
>just keep making threads
>don't engage at all
Fuck off eceleb lover. You post here because you have given all your money to eceleb man and he didn't even say your name. You want eceleb mans attention and he doesn't give it to you so you spam him here.
You're pathetic.
>Fuck off eceleb lover.
lol this is the first tiem I've heard a leftist called an e-celeb
Are you dumb? He makes millions on twitch he's an eceleb. Anyone posting him is a faggot that wants his friendship. It's that fucking simple.
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>Are you dumb?
> He makes millions on twitch he's an eceleb.
eceleb is a psyop word created by glowniggers to suppress right wing content which is necessarily online.
first day bruceglownig?
> Anyone posting him is a faggot that wants his friendship. It's that fucking simple.
friendship is gay?
But destiny is a zionist? What's his point actually?
He's basically the 'most rational' and sane of any left-wing intellectuals remaining under the age of 40. He is the absolute best the left has to offer. Everyone else is quite literally a diversity hire or commie. Or refuses to even debate right-wingers.

This guy has been trying to act more centrist for a few years with Biden in charge since jan 6th. That mask slipped off quick though.

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