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Just explain to me how the shooter magically made the shot when he was on the other side of a pitched roof and not even looking through the scope when the shots were fired.

Just explain it to me.

Just explain to me the physics on this one, someone.

The shooting didn't happen. It was staged. Staged to make Trump seem sympathetic.


It's extremely clear in video that Thomas Matthew Crooks is not the "shooter" (in quotes since honestly I thought the entire event was staged and seemed entirely as fakeass theatrics from the start.
By crawling over the peak of the roof?
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And you can also see that they moved his body as well. Visibly. Visibly that body is not even remotely in the same spot it was in in the video
The video shows he's not over or even anywhere near the peak of the roof as the shots are being fired so srsly explain the basic physics to me.
Emperor has no clothes guys but you're all pretending he does.
Just like the JFK assassination, the secret service fucked up and needed to cover it up.

It doesn't look good for business if your whole organisation fails at its one job.

Not saying they were accomplices but they surely would want to get their guy at least.
The video is like 90 seconds prior to the shots.
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Here's a version with an archived link.
No bud. That's the Trump campaign/FoxNews/MSM version of "the conspiracy" that they are MKULTRAing you with. The fact is that it didn't happen and it's stunningly easily provable by simply watching the video of the shooter as he supposedly fired the bullets. He'd have been firing through a pitched roof
Must have been corn syrup in trump's mouth
I'll bite, to what end is the reason to have a second shooter and a patsy?
The event is a PR stunt dude. I say "2nd shooter" but what that really means is Trump smearing corn syrup on his face while the secret service has him dogpiled.
It's a perspective trick. Had me for a minute but no, that's not where he was.
>You're looking at the building from an angle, not 90 degrees
>With him being at the far end the high point of the building is NOT where you think it is in relation to his body
>This creates a "gentle angle" that leaves the center line sloping backwards. Try to imagine this in the 3d, your front angle isn't 90 degrees and it modifies the way the building is pointing from this perspective, which also modifies where you think he is

Not sure how I can even describe this better without 3d models.
It's Jussie "Donald Trump" Smollet. Or Donald "Jusslie Smollet" Trump. Take your pick.
So the dead guy in the audience doesn't exist? Tell me your quick thoughts on Sandy Hook before I give you any more attention
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Actually, this describes it pretty perfectly. Common perspective trick that confuses you because you don't realize the ridge of the building is angled too.
Fake and gaay
If he was shot while firing, why is his rifle some 10' away from him?
OK let's say that's accurate...

Then look at the picture up here >>474230692. He's still 5 to 6 feet away from the roofline andwith a giant 1ft+ lip on it.

You see in the video I posted precisely when he gets shot so it's not like his body gets blown back 6 feet
Not to mention in the video I posted he's not even sighting the rifle
I think the real shooter got away and secret service snatched some random kid from the audience to use as as a scapegoat and claim they got him
There's just no way, I'm sorry, the vide from TMZ essentially is the Zapruder video of our time and it clearly shows this dude wasn't Trump's shooter
The entire Trump campaign works on this idea of manufactured victimhood. "Vote for me because I'm a victim of society" says the nepotistic billionaire and slumlord. And the things you're seeing are orchestrated to keep you away from socialism in America. Americans minds are completely controlled and they don't realize it and it goes 10X as much for /pol/
Exactly, on top of what I'm mentioning here >>474232832 and here >>474232928
I see an optic on that rifle. I thought he was using iron sights
nah ridgecap sticks up no more than 6 inches.
>Trump smearing corn syrup on his face while the secret service has him dogpiled.
He has blood on his fingers right after touching his ears retard. Keep up with the cope
Clearly not since you can judge it next to his dead body, but let's just say for argument's sake that it is...it's still blatantly impossible for the dude to shoot over it while he's prone, 6, or we'll even say 5 for argument sake, feet back from the ridge, shooting at a target on the ground that's 140 yards away and not even sighting his rifle
In the video he's blatantly not even sighting the rifle so I mean it's absurd people want us to believe that this man shot Trump.
the kids shoulders are no more than 2 ft and he fits snug in that panel. guns maybe 6 ft away
Again, no, because you're leaving out the ridges on the panels. So in every case here you're just showing up with these fake measurements
i do fucking roofing. youre literally pulling shit from your ass.kill yourself nigger
what a pointless cope.
well poisoning kike. we can all see it
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Here's a still shot of him as he's supposedly shooting. Directly as his shots are supposedly being fired in the TMZ video. He aint even sighting that rifle and you want me to believe he's hitting a target 140 yards away. Yeah right.

It's fakeass shit, people. It's a PR stunt.
>And the things you're seeing are orchestrated to keep you away from socialism in America
Oh no, it's retarded
Well you have degenerated to mere name calling with the "kike" and "kill yourself nigger" awfully faster after all your fake measurement bullshit, now haven't you.
Yeah it's about rich fucks like yourself protecting your rich friends and your own fat bank accounts.
I'm gonna make a new meme to focus on the official photo of the dead shooter and the fact that he's blatantly not scoping his rifle, instead of dealing with the "muh perspective" argument.
Kek and Biden is going to totally tax the fuck out of his billionaire donors rite? And raise the corporate tax...while adding even more loopholes?
Cuz there's enough just based on this to prove that it was a blatant, blatant, blatant physical impossibility for Thomas Matthew Crooks to have made those shots.
Which one do you support and which one do you oppose? Right. Now get fucked bitch.
Isn't it funny how all of the people who hate socialism oppose Biden while simultaneously saying "hurrrrrr he's not really gonna raise my taxes!" and yet they still all hate him!
>If he was shot while firing, why is his rifle some 10' away from him?
They shot it away. It was the last shot that happened when he was doing the fist pumps, you can hear it in the background.
Ok now you're reaching for any excuse.
>Still 5 to 6 feet away
Lel, no. Look at the size of the rifle and how far away it is from the ridge of that roof, the rifle isn't 6 feet long. In fact, that's a great measurement to use for this picture. A gently sloping roof and a rifle propped up on its magazine, from this position he would be nearly perfectly the distance to have his gun just peeking over.

Compare the size of the gun to his distance from the ridge cap, it's an almost exact fit. That's what you want to do when you're peeking the gun over just enough to shoot but not get seen / shot yourself.

Basically you're trying to make these perspective measurements but if you actually understand what you're looking at it's not even surprising. There's nearly no slope on that roof and resting the gun on its magazine would give you enough clearance if he was the length of his gun away from the ridge, which he was from the picture you posted.
>he fell for the dark brandon memes
FWIW, he could have marked the angle beforehand if he saw the setup from same spot. perhaps the night before.
Without even going into the minutiae of how everything you just wrote is obviously bullshit, it's clear from the photo posted above >>474230692 that it would have been a physical impossibility from him to hit a target on the ground and on the other side of the roof from that position, with a pitched roof and a ridge vent in front of him. And then there's the screenshot here from the moment he's supposedly firing and he's not even sighting his rifle >>474234538
It was all staged. Trump used a blood squib. Even showed us his hand is empty before he "got shot"
WELL dude it's quite convenient how rich shits such as yourself who seethe over socialism exhibit this much butthurt over even a democrat moderate such as Joe Biden now isn't it!
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Eye witnesses said he crawled his way up there until he got a view and took 3 shots then it was all over.
The only possible conspiracy here is that the secret service/fbi set up trump to get shot not that the shooter wasn't real or aliens did it.
>you hate muh based brandonerino!!!
The ginger interview on BBC said the shots 100% came from him.
"Eyewitnesses said"

There's a video. I posted a video of it and it's literally the thing we're discussing this thread FFS and it blatantly shows Matthew Thomas Crooks wasn't the shooter
see >>474236056
Holy shit you are low IQ. Like borderline retarded.
>Without even going into the minutiae of how everything you just wrote is obviously bullshit, it's clear from the photo posted above >>474230692 that it would have been a physical impossibility from him to hit a target on the ground and on the other side of the roof from that position

Literally just look at your own picture. The length of the gun is almost EXACTLY how far away he is from the ridge.
>Shooting at a target on the ground
He was on a platform that's above head height. He really did not need that much of a downward angle, almost none, for a 400 foot shot, especially when the guy you're shooting at is elevated above everyone around him.
Look at this right here, even in your own pictures he appears to have the an extremely slight downward angle like what you would need for a shot like this. You're talking about literally an inch or two of difference being all the difference you need, and with iron sights that's literally it, no big scope sticking out.

>He's not even doing whatever
Not even what you were arguing at the start, you've changed what you were arguing about like 4 times in the thread and confused perspective constantly. Argue one point and I'll point out a flaw, pivot onto a new one, okay, don't do this nigger shit and expect people to believe you.
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OK here. Here's my new meme
Dude you wrote this wall of non sequiturs and it's literally all just non sequiturs that are totally irrelevant to everything I'm saying. And IDK what else to tell you other than that sort of deceptiveness doesn't fool many people.

Once more, his position with 5 ft of pitched roof in front of him + a ridge vent would have precluded him from making a prone shot in that position. And the video shows him prone while not even sighting his rifle as he's supposedly shooting
It's so blatant how insane the entire world is that they think you can make a shot like that to a target on the ground. With 5 ft of pitched roof in front of you and a 6 inch ridge vent (prob even more on the ridge vent and space but I'm being as conservative as possible and necessary about these things)
"Uhhhhh, hullo everyone, I'm an American and I believe that a sniper can no-scope targets 140 yards away through solid buildings cuz muh daddy TRUMP SAYS SO!
Jesus christ you people don't even understand the basics of distance and angle?
Aren't (most of us) legal adults? Meaning graduated fucking high school?

400 feet away (shooters distance) means an angle of negative 2.2 degree produces a ~15 foot decline (roughly height distance between a warehouse rooftop and trump's head)

This is basic algebraics level formula you apply to basic triangle geometry, holy shit how are you all this dumb. It can't be possible.
It literally cannot be possible for thousands of people to be this dumb. You GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL
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Now to be clear this is what it looks like when you sight a rifle, OK? See this goofy shithead in this picture? He's doing it correctly and that's how it looks like. How would there POSSIBLY be so many 2A rightwing gun nuts in here who don't know that? (Obviously the people posting against my obviously factual premise in this thread don't even believe their own fucking BS).
well it's a nice distraction from the questions about the secret service completely fucking up.
Great someone else said that too and I disagree with the premise but I'm happy to abandon it for argument's sake, so I updated the picture using the official photos of the shooter's dead body aerially and posted it here >>474236878
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To explain perspectives and distance one more time for you, you really do not need much of a change in the angle of a gun to be able to shoot someone.
Here's what 400 feet looked like, if you were standing on the roof of a car (to simulate trump on a podium) could you shoot the guys on the roof of the red barn if you had a rifle in your hands? Yeah, with pointing like 5 degrees upwards.
>He couldn't make a 5 degree adjustment with how far he was!
He could, easily.

It really does seem like you struggle with perspective and distance.
>Within 5 feet
He's roughly the distance of how long his rifle is to the ridge cap. >>474230692 it's literally a perfect fit to fill that space.

I don't know what else to tell you or what I can do for you, you seem to just think that people will believe you but you lack basic understanding of angles and you haven't actually argued against anything I've pointed out, you're still saying that he's 5 feet away from the ridge even when you can clearly see that he was gun-distance away, which more or less for a roof like this means the muzzle is peeking out right above the ridge cap.
Just look at here >>474235385, at 400 feet an extremely minor change in the angle of a gun barrel drastically modifies where the shot goes.

The pitch of that roof looks to be either 1/12 or 2/12. That means that at most for every foot away there was 2 inches of drop The magazine is 7 inches long. Extra inch for the chamber / barrel. 8 inches, meaning he can be 4 feet away before he's at the center. the ar-15 standard is 39 inches. This means he could easily peak his gun over, he had 8 inches to play with and he was realistically only using up 6, giving him an extra 2 to do whatever he wanted to do with the angle.
Literally just look at your own picture and the length of the gun, perfect match for its size.

Well, yeah. That's a more eloquent explanation.
PS I mean it's not that I totally disagree with the premise, it's just that it's irrelevant on the grounds of concepts of physics
There, that's what 400 feet looks like. It's far. The tiniest change means you greatly modify the trajectory of the bullet.
This one you can also see the pitch of the roof in, and roof pitches for commercial buildings like these are typically MUCH less than the standard for residential.
OK these big walls of text and the ranting about perspective are irrelevant. As see >>474236878

And the wall of completely random and fake measurements you posted is also entirely irrelevant since he's clearing sitting on a pitched roof with 5 feet of pitch in front of him, plus a ridge vent, and that's simply an indisputable matter of physics
See when they can't disprove what you're saying then they just pretend that they can't hear what you're saying. As all of this whacked out shit with the blatantly random and fake measurements is entirely irrelevant simply on the basis of >>474236878
Good god man just give it a rest.
Again I posted a video of the moment of the shooting in the OP and that's blatantly not what happened, so there's 0 chance you people arguing with me in this thread actually believe the pisspoor rhetoric you're sharing and >>474236878
>5 feet of pitch
It's the length of his gun. That's literally what it is, I keep showing you and you just can't seem to understand perspective. I also showed you roof pitch and the standard roof pitch of a roof like this, you seem to not have any arguments at all, it's back to the same thing of insisting that that's 5 feet and not roughly the 40 inches long that his gun is.

>Perspective is irrelevant
This is the best you can do.
>Blatantly random
Roof pitch when we're talking about roof pitch is directly related to what we're talking about and shows you exactly how much clearance you have for moving your gun. The size of the gun and the pitch of the roof is what we're talking about here.
I don't know what's wrong with him, he's just dismissed literally every argument in favor of saying that the distance is 5 feet and not an inch less. Instant dismissal of points that he had wrong, then backpedaling, then making up of whole new points and insisting everyone is trying to trick him.
>Again I posted a video of the moment of the shooting in the OP and that's blatantly not what happened, so there's 0 chance you people arguing with me in this thread actually believe the pisspoor rhetoric you're sharing and >>474236878
PS I mean just blatantly CLEARLY not a thing that happened or is relevant.
I dont give a fuck retard. What next you're going to complain that my drawing of the roof angle is incorrect, because you're retarded?

He's actually trying to push a new conspiracy troll. I mean it was obvious, but I'm replying so other people don't take him seriously.
Sir you're making up your own measurements and again they are irrelevant as I have pictures posted up here >>474236878 and there's nothing else to say. Like all of this "oooooooo I'm gonna make up a bunch of make measurements and lengths and pretend everything is different than it was" is irrelevance since there are pictures
I don't know, I have a feeling it's not trolling and he really thinks he's found something, he backpedaled and revised things too much to not believe his own slop.
Ok maybe he is that was a pretty low-quality post.
Your drawing that suggests the shooter was a disembodied head and floating in the air by magical means whilst shooting a riflecigarette is not by any means relevant or accurate.

Trump wasn't shot and he faked the entire event for PR. Face facts
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>stand/crouch to take first shots
>lay down immediately after
And there we have it.
I'm not interested in your 100% normal and endemic mass attempts to rewrite reality, through turns of phrases and twistings of words, on this board when there are photos >>474236878
I sent you the video of when the shots were fired so as always with everything you people post on this board all of which is designed to simply gaslight and deny reality, the answer is "No".
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I'm still not entirely sure anon
He's still going. They've been doing this shit since the shooting and it really does only get more retarded.
I think he tossed it thinking they would spare him
You're afraid that people will figure out the truth about how your orange demagogue faked a fucking shooting and assassination attempt to ramp up victimhood points, apparently, + help himself in the polls.
Blatantly low-quality posts now.
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do you think the shooter is 4 slats long?
The crest of the roof follows a line through the vanishing point, because the cameraman is standing to the left of the crest.
If you could see the crest through the side of the building, you would see it has a positive slope in relation to the image edges, and would conceivably meet up with the shooter where he is at the far end of the roof.
You know what? All of this fucking shit with you people trying to like rewrite the basic layout of reality are totally irrelevant. And all I'm saying to ANY of you right now when you do this are there are photos right here >>474236878
The video that only started getting recorded after the first shots were fired? And is less stable than a blue haired tranny in their late thirties?
How does that show what he did with the first shots?
He did not have a scope.

Needing automatic gearbox to do their driving.
Scope to do their aiming.
And BBC to do their fucking.
PS photos "and video"
Considering that there's less than half a second between each of the 3 shots the shooter fired, and the video picks up on the 3rd shot, then yes it's perfectly viable
Just report and move on anon, he stopped responding to arguments half an hour ago and just spams now.
>The shooting didn't happen. It was staged. Staged to make Trump seem sympathetic.
Have you considered that there may have been more than one shooter?
>Considering that there's less than half a second between each of the 3 shots the shooter fired, and the video picks up on the 3rd shot, then yes it's perfectly viable
PS actually I just watched it and its got the entire shooting which can be deduced from the secret service's 5 bullets.

So what this means is that you can't even hear the shooter's supposed shots in this video, but you can hear the secret service's shots coming from across the way.

And that's because Matthew Thomas Crooks clearly wasn't shooting a gun at the time Trump was "shot"
PPS this actually adds in another whole wrinkle of evidence that I hadn't considered.

You can hear the secret service's 5 shots in the video but you can't really hear Crook's supposed shots. Based on the timing of the shots they absolutely are in the timeframe of the video. So it's just another piece of evidence that these shots weren't even coming from this area
PPPS and what I mean is note in the vid of Trump getting clipped that's been played all over media 10000s of times, there are 2 and a half seconds between the shooter's shots and the secret service's shots.

So you can clearly see that all of these shots happened during the TMZ video I posted and yet they're either not audible or barely audible. Why? Cuz they even didn't fucking come from the direction Crooks was in
vid of Trump getting clipped where you can clearly hear 2 and a half second interval between the 2 flurries of shots.

yeah I'm just 1000% correct on all of this stuff guys, I'm sorry.
And all of this, I mean everything I just posted, this is just another giant log of evidence to throw onto this fire, which I had not even considered prior up until this moment.
That isn't where he shot from, idiot. He's crawling up to the roof peak for the entirety of the video. It ends well before the shots are fired at Trump. So clearly he didn't just stop and hangout for a 90 seconds.
In the video that I posted you can clearly hear the 5 secret service bullets that were fired. What is more difficult to hear (which I just noticed inadvertently due to another poster arguing with me) is the 3 shots that Crooks supposedly fired. So now I would submit to everyone that's even more immense evidence since the 5 shots from 140 yrds away are very clear but the ones from right in front of the camera are more difficult to hear
Your POS fascist candidate unironically stages a mass shooting where he gets his ear clipped, and an innocent person unironically dies as a result and it's all just so he can get a boost in his polls with his sympathy and victimhood narrative bullshit.
That's unbelievable. I just listened to it again. 2 of Crooks 3 supposed shots are audible, though much lower decibel than the secret service shots from 140 yards away. All 3 shots should be audible if indeed he was making those shots from right in front of the camera in the way it supposedly happened.
Crooks' gun had 5.56 caliber ammo so it's not a water pistol. Those shots should have been audible
I mean, more audible than the secret service's .300 or .338s from 140 yards away but instead it's the opposite
There's no way that this happened as we're told. It doesn't stack up. This shooter is a patsy and most certainly no actual shooter exists since the entire event was blatantly a PR stunt, which is why the SS was slow to get up on the stage, slow to take him off of the stage so he could do his photo opportunity fist bump. And how about that picture some journalist supposedly shot of him being covered by the SS? Is that something a journalist would real do as he's being fired at, instead of take cover? All of it reeks of staged PR
And this one here is the one I'm talking about. With the American flag conveniently right there in the frame on a ol' big red MAGAHAT! TOO convenient. TOO convenient. Shot by someone named "Anna Moneymaker", too! Which seems appropriate!
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photo reference above
You have to be some kind of damn fool to believe this MAGAdrama is real and not a ploy from the fascists who run America to distract you from your decline, your economic enslavement under capitalism, the spiraling wealth inequality, the rising cost of living etc
So its harder to hear the first 3, but you hear his 3 shots, then the return volley, pause and camera says "hes turning this way guys, and then a finishing shot that sprays visera in the air". Just to devil's advocate a wee bit, perhaps the sound issue is directional, i.e. the sound is projected outward so his shots are heard less than the return fire. Like how if you're out shooting, standing neside someone on a range is a helluvah lot louder than if you're behind them
OK so he's using 5.56 ammo so tell me why the secret service's .338 or .300 is so much louder from 140 yards away
it's literally a video of the gunfire you stupid fucking shill.
PS answer is: It's all. Just. Not. Fuckin. True. ALL of the Trump drama is a project bluebeam-esque ploy to distract you from your increasing levels of financial misery in the failing fascist state you inhabit, while the wealthy stay wealthy and indeed even continue to get wealthier.

And they'll manipulate you into voting for those policies, the far right policies of fascism that enslave you, which include union busting, tax cuts for billionaires, fucking medicare and social security, privatization of what little govt and govt oversight you still have in America...

Those are all of the policies Trump supports
Again doingo like i said, directional sound. The supersonic crack is the same no matter caliber, that leaves the initial report, which is rhe explosion propelling the bullet. In general the sound of the explosion is projected forward, thus leading to the aound being precieved as louder by an observer in the direction of fire versus an observer behind the fire. Camera is behind alleged shooter, therefore his shots appear quieter than SS's. Again not sayin i'm right, just some devil's advocate based off fucking around shooting with the bois over the years.
And I'm sorry I don't mean to bombard you because your comment is technically perfectly fine and fair and all of that even though it's an issue that the secret service bullets are so much louder, but I just wanna add too that we've seen Americans will happily even give up their most basic right of all to their godemperor trump, their right to vote.

Americans are about to lose everything on the strength of this clearly manufactured drama surrounding trumpism.
Though your assertion that a shot fired directly in front of you is not going to be louder than a shot fired 140 yards away (technically more like 200+ yards away if we actually consider where the observer was standing rather than the shooter) is simply false
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Because it was placed there by the SWAT who came up to inspect the body. Pic rel.
Everyone is gonna lose everything and they're just gonna continue focusing on the manufactured Trump drama.

And each year it gets progressively more absurd too. By next year they'll have to go full bluebeam and manufacture an alien invasion for Trump to proudly stand against as a human messiah.

And you'll be sitting there buying into it all whilst still digesting the far right private MSM's propaganda that "people in communist countries are misinformed by their state media"
I'm not even in on the gun thing. Not massively anyway. But the photo I posted, which is the photo in question, is from before the cops got up there. Note there's no police in it and of course they weren't going to just leave the shooter there with his weapon a few feet away from him.
Nigga you have 68 pbtid. Link me the photo I ain't gonna look myself.
whys his gun like 15 feet away? you sure that wasnt some zogbot who fell out of a helicopter because of competency crisis?
I' wouldnt say directly in front of you, but i'll give you that the snipers do seem to be double distance as aoppsed to shooter, 300ft vs 560ft by my shitty gos distance checker
For the record, about the gun, I presume it's so far away from him because he tossed it once he heard the shots (which he did not fire) and the SS killed him anyway since his entire purpose was set up to be a patsy and they didn't want their patsy surrendering and getting brought in alive. But either way the placement of the gun obviously demonstrates the secret service shot this man while he was surrendering and unarmed
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The photo of his corpse is from AFTER the cops got there, took his gun, and put it down away from him. Pic related.
You don't actually need to stick your WHOLE head above the roof crest. Just your eyes. Hence why he's so far away to provide the smallest possible target for counter-snipers who still managed to get him anyway
Let's state facts

No doctor or medical professional or outside party has corroborated Trump's claims that he was indeed struck by a bullet. Immediately after he stood up and the photo of blood trailing from his ear was taken, it was speculated to be shrapnel which is exactly what it looks like. But it wasn't until Trump was "released" from the hospital that he personally confirmed it was a bullet.

Everyone knows this is fishy.

Something is definitely suspicious here.

>The Las Vegas patsy massacre occurred on Trump's watch.
>explosives were allegedly found in shooter Stephen Paddock's car but there was never any follow up

>Jeffrey Epstein was allegedly murdered in a federal max security wing on Trump's watch
>sketchy autopsy and Epstein's brother is now doing press rounds as the "voice of reason" to clear Jeffrey"s name. Mark Epstein even hired Baden, the autopsy consultant on JFK and Michael Jackson

>Crooks allegedly had explosives in his vehicle
>What a stupid risk to take when driving and when your objective is Trump and not the rally itself

The optics are too perfect for Trump. Sorry. MSM suddenly turns on Biden? Now they are cozying up to MAGA? Even Bill Maher is kissing Trump's ass, and that is Maher's job, to be the urbanite bellweather for libtards
So looking into the video I do believe it's a perspective trick and he is fairly close to the center ridge of the roof and not as far behind it as the video appears.
The video is recorded from the back side of the building, you can see the front side has an overhang above the door and in the center of the overhang is what appears to be a lamp with a blue/green top.
The video shows the suspect visually in front of that lamp, with the lamp near his feet. But that lamp is actually the center of the building and he is not FRONT of the center but behind it. So it can be confirmed there the perspective makes the suspect look further to the left of the center than reality, just as the lamp appears further to the left (and behind) of the suspect than reality.
In other words the rooftop drone photo does appear to be representative of where the suspect actually was.

Whether the suspect could fire the shot and clear the center ridge at a downward angle, I'm not sure of yet. I imagine it wouldn't take much elevation to do so, just a couple inches. I also can not tell if he was or was not sighting the rifle when firing.
What I find strange is the similarity of the suspects corpse photos and Paddocks, both "leaked" immediately after by Feds which is very odd. Like they are trying to get in front of a high profile story and make the patsy more believable. a technique called Misdirection, which is what magicians use. "Look at this gruesome bloody corpse, focus on him and his mysterious identity, don't look at anything else"
>they just all left the scene so we could take this photo goy
Why would they stick around after confirming that suspect is dead?
My biggest issue with "he's not shooting" is that if thats the case, glowies that set it up now how the new issue of keeping quiet everyone that may have watched and saw he never fired. If the plan was have a patsy thats not a real threat and womt shoot, why place him where he could be seen or recorded not shooting. Sheer chance that cameraman in your vid shakes like hell and you cant see wwther or not he fired. Why take the risk? Or why not give him blanks, and have the second shooter that killed crowd memeber wait to fire till after a blank report? The issue with a big conspiracy liek this is keeping tons of people quiet. So even if you wanna go with the "trump planned it" route, it'd still be more logical to do the fbi classic of groom some nutter then set him loose, could have alot less risk by just giving him a gat with a fucked zero, so almost no chance of really hitting trump, let him fire a few and take him down. Not having him fire just seems too risky
It’s very easy to hit a target at 150 yards with an AR using iron sights
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sorry, what?
i was too busy laughing at the idea of someone attempting to assassinate a former president with the police, secret service and for literally no reason at all other than the director was some israeli jew, even the military, all working in tandem to swarm the shooter. and after checking his pulse and seeing he was dead every single one of them just leaving the scene completely unattended without the rifle, body or any of the evidence so they could take the propaganda aerial photo lmao

honestly.. its as if someone gave anon the resources to troll jews for a day by doing his best impression of a "theyre not sending their best" attempt at jews doing a psyop, and making it as intentionally fake and gay as possible that it hit unheard of levels of both fake and gayness that it circled back around into a Troll 2 level masterpiece
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
Trump is God's favorite, evidence not needed. But incase it is needed just skip to 11minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BH-S5GtFj0
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I signed off and took a walk for a few minutes and thought about it, and I figured out exactly what they're gonna do...what it's all about:

They're gonna sell you a conspiracy about it as per the norm on the right but it won't be anywhere near the truth, also as always for the right.

They're gonna tell you "Biden did it" and then when Trump wins the election in November Biden will be found criminally liable. The entire democrat party will go down in flames through the course of 2025.

They're going to say "the supreme court found presidents were immune to prosecution if they officially assassinate political rivals 2 weeks before Biden ordered the assassination of Trump".

Of course that was a rightwing decision from the rightwing justices with all of the democrat party opposed to it but it's almost irrelevant at this point.

And then America will be a 1 party state. There won't be anymore democracy.
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This is going to be their reichstag fire. The thing that they use as the justification to take away everyone's democracy
OP here who wrote the other 100 posts in this thread. On a different connection now since my entire comp shit the bed. Just in case it matters to anyone (and yes I know that it doesn't)
No no no. Look forget about the picture in the OP if you're concerned about the perspective and just look at the one I posted after here >>474236878
This is a glowie thread and all of you are dumb enough to partake in this thread. Anyone who thinks that Trump himself staged this is retarded, and should kindly kill themselves or get rapes by their fathers.

>Verification not required
Always remember Biden anit ordering shit, hes a vegetable.
You know when Caesar took over Rome and abolished the senate, it's the same sort of thing you're living through now. Or when Hitler took over Germany.

Those of you who are not from filthy rich families and still think that's "based" will be in for a fucking rude awakening when you see how much it goddamn sucks for you
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>completely unattended
The building was surrounded by cops.
>without the rifle, body or any of the evidence
Not their job to gather evidence and they are not going to disturb the crime scene even further.
Yes, it's exactly the same m.o.
Another word for misdirection is legerdemain which I learned here.

Many of us are naive because we presume that glowies are incompetent. Most MAGAtards believe Trump is somewhat innocent and naive himself when it pertains to judging who is the swamp etc.
Trump's bread and butter is obfuscation and misdirection and the art of the deal. Everything about him is smoke and mirrors but most boomers will say, "most of America is just smoke and mirrors when you really stop n think about it."

Glowies have developed new methods of sleights of hand. A magician never lets the viewer know how the trick is performed. It never resembles a trick. Biden's team or handlers employ a different type of misdirection, where Biden is ironically the decoy.

But the Trump "shooting" takes the cake. Real people died and were injured. Imagine if Trump wasn't injured. The narrative wouldn't be in his favor. He had to be injured in order for this trick to work. His injury is the art of the deal. And his injury is purely cosmetic and superficial. Crazier still the sight of blood, the implied proximity has 40% of MAGAtards implying higher powers intervened. Coincidentally since January every eCeleb has converted to Christianity and moved far away from the millennial anti-war anti-Israel stances of 2016.

As the days pass I expect more anons to shake off the fog and romanticized narrative to scrutinize where all of this is headed. It's almost like Trump bit off too much. People are beginning to question how all this went down.
no one cares about your larpfest post more on the shooter
This is a brilliant and oroginal theory anon. Capping it. Will repost if you're correct after November.
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>Tell me your quick thoughts on Sandy Hook
There is nothing magical about any of your questions, you're just a terminally brain rotted low IQ retard who probably believes in the flat earth and that the American government has alien technology.
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Absolutely destroyed. he is in the exact same area towards the front in the chopper cams

Totally and utterly embarrassing the state of NU/pol/ qoomers and schizos.
If you want something to schizo out about then PIC RELATED.
This was dropped literally 1 hour after the shooting here by a 'Xwitter account' that disappeared immediately.
Now before you go all schizo RETARD again it was already decided by SANE anons that this was taken with a security camera and not a drone (you can't fly drones anywhere near a POTUS anyway).
Things to know when this was dropped
- we had already figured out his shirt and it was posted everywhere so security cam guy could be looking for it
- could be taken at a different location earlier in the day than the site of the shooting
- ?? srsly wtf they just dump this and disappear?
I don't know what more you want me to say about him. The idea that he shot president Trump is simply a matter of physical impossibility. What matters now going forward is how this clearly staged event will be used to take out the political party in America that ostensibly represents the working, the poor, and all of their economic interests against the republicans, who support fascism.
I only believe in part B of the statement.
>They're gonna tell you "Biden did it"
I'm leaning pretty heavily towards Biden having something to do with it, or the people who actually control the government at least.
PS I can tell you about how IRL fascism will go for you as a poor or working class person (presuming that's what you are) and how it wont' be fun.

It will start with hope and vaguely leftwing promises of the sort Trump made during his 1st campaign. "I'm gonna end the wars, break up the banks and give universal healthcare to everyone". Then when he's in office wars will rage on and tweets like pic related are what you'll see.

You won't notice that though since you'll be distracted by endless dramas.

And one of those dramas will be their rounding up of the commies like me, who you will cheer for the death of gleefully from all of what you've been brainwashed against me with.

I'll be the 1st one to go.

Next it will the tradeunionists and so forth. And the artists.

This group will include hollywood actors who are so smug and annoying, while many are also moderately wealthy. You'll cheer.

Once the thrill of that bloodlust wears off the next group will be "the jews". This is still years out. Think 2030s but it's coming. And we all know you'll cheer for that.

YOUR life will get worse and each time you'll be thinking "very soon my life will get better!" This hope will propel infinite support in you.

And then once all of the jews have finally been rounded up you'll be thinking "YES! NOW FINALLY THINGS WILL BE BETTER!"

And then boom, that's when a new war will start and you'll have to fight. It won't be like present murica wars of fascist imperialism where it's optional, you'll be forced.

You'll be slaughtered like the Germans were. You'll never achieve any meaningful positive political policies from fascists. You'll be impoverished, enslaved, kept barely alive but always vampirically feasting on the psychic suffering of others. And that vampire feast will sustain you, just barely enough to keep you from murdering yourself, through all of the misery you face under fascism.

How do I know it goes this way? Simply history. Germany etc.
They'll take all of your unions, all of your regulations, all of your free speech, all of your right to have a say over the govt whilst everything will be left in the hands of the rich. You'll be commanded to work 60 to 70 hours a week, obligatorily, and if you complain you will be fired without recourse with a mark on your permanent record that will prevent you from being rehired in other industries in the future. (Note the nazi "workbook" policy as a particularly egregious example of this)

You won't have any healthcare. You'll be in debt. The private banks will give you loans for basic items like groceries or household furniture and your government will term this "a socialist policy that is noble and benevolent" exactly as the nazis did with their homegoods loans to new families.
You'll also be TOTALLY uneducated by design in order to keep you more ignorant and simpler to control. EVERYTHING you hear from your internet, radio, TV or whatever other forms of mass media are invented from now to the next 10 years, will be COMPLETELY fake and absurd but you'll be too sick, dumb and tired to even know the difference much less do anything about it if you did.
Kekekke my guy went from decent arguments about inconsistancies to full on tds "literally hitler" meltdown. RIP thread
This is the future every single poster on /pol/ is actively working towards every single fucking day. And no matter who shows up to try to explain it to you you all just say "COPE AND SEETHE KIKELIBTARD YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN STILL VOTING TRUMP"
case and point >>474252604
It's an unwinnable fight when no one wants to do what's right
Germany was successfully baited into that war by the Jews so your example is flawed from the outset as the Jews have no alternative to their American Empire golem and would have no reason to go to war.
This is genuinely one of the most retarded takes I have ever seen.
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Another thing is if you watch the video of the snipers, they appear to be trained over on the shooter's location for a fairly long period of time. Pretty convenient they were looking right at him and it almost seemed like they were waiting for him. But obviously this is wildly circumstantial and speculative. But I'm too bummed to try to dig up the video right now. Absolutely fuckin' demoralized. And I guess I might as well tag >>474249873
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Bro I give 0 fucking fucks about your nazi propaganda and revisionist history. I'm not one of you and no one outside of your gay little closethomofascist circle is impressed by your false claims or historical revisionism.

Only thing I have to say to nazis is "just come out of the closet bro". It's the 21st century now and no one seems to care if you're gay ATM, though I suppose that will change soon enough with your fascists solidifying their power.
BTW when I say I'm 1st on this list, I'm talking about the historical order these things have been dealt with, obviously, but also the fact that Trump has openly come out and started talking about "rooting out the communists in America". And "rooting out" obviously is a nazi dogwhistle since that's the language Hitler used. "Ausrotten"
Then why are you here you glowie fuck?
Piss off back to Plebbit and your Jewish handlers.
I hope you catch AIDS and die a horribly slow and painful death you kid touching faggot.
Reddit's just as far right as /pol/ is. Just under the falseflaggy guise that most rightwing things in America undertake. And true of the rightwing in Europe too
this is what you'll all be cheering as Chancellor Trump hauls me off to the gas chamber cuz I think you deserve a raise
You are an utterly delusional faggot that is no better than a Qtard.
Go outside retard. Literally go touch some grass unironically, then go touch some bark while you're at it. Trees aren't walls.
Hey Tanktard most Republicans dont want to LARP your gay post WWI Eurotrash Weimar crap with you. We want to massively REDUCE the size of govt, and return the Empire back to the Republic. We dont want to maintain military bases in 181 countries or build camps to feed and babysit Commutards. Get a fucking job and shut the fuck up.
"Gas chambers" aren't real, I wish they were but they're technically impossible for use at scale.
Like Communism.
Trump was up hill to him
Either you're a nepotistic rich kid with nothing better to do than post your fascist rhetoric on /pol/ and advance your bourgie family's interests...or you're in for one of the steepest learning curves of all time...

And that goes for every single poster here...
you are such a faggot holy shit
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Essentially any photo of the area will clearly show this not to be the case
Isn't it funny how these fascists will say literally everything to protect their fellow rich criminals though? No matter how absurd?
Blah blah I'm a faggot. Whatever man. How much is your rich family worth?
Wait PS here's another photo showing more directly into wear the rallystage was, before this anon tries an Orwellian "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command" ruse to pretend Trump was on the raised area to the right
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You know art is often inspired by reality, right? Particularly a scenario like this. These things do happen. They have happened. Many, many times. You have just been conditioned by a society that is so insulated from outside problems that you never have to see any of it. So you don't think it exists.

You are just like the northern bureaucrats ignoring the border situation. Or rich city councillors who don't have to live near any homeless slumtowns they refuse to deal with. Just on an entirely meta level. I hope you
>Nothing ever happens
Faggots have a reaction image ready to go for when it does. Because it's coming fast. This is a time of upheaval and change.

Less than a centimetre.
>People are beginning to question how all this went down.
They made the shooter a Republican to throw the liberals a bone, before that nugget was released they were in full panic mode and calling it staged as well. "Registered Republican" is the honey needed to make them swallow it. It's part of the whole thesis/antithesis=synthesis.
So I don't think normal people will question it, the 2% of people who think it is fake will be treated the same way as flat earthers are.
I don't think trump bit off more than he could chew, I think this psyop has been pulled off very well, ill even give credit to them for pulling it off so well after taking so many other recent L's.
The core 1-2% of people will still see through this but I think this effort will do what it set out to accomplish, re-invigorate white men into backing Trump again (who is absolutely going to be installed).
The psyop may even go as far as getting leftists on board with trump. Sounds ridiculous until you realize the ONLY reason they hate trump is because they were told to by the media. The media just needs to back off and start showing Trump positively and have the late night funny men say "maybe trump isn't so bad after all!" a bit and they would get in line.
Biden serves no purpose anymore, his whole character is to be the bumbling old fool that allows his puppeteers to hide behind the veneer of incompetency. But incompetency doesnt motivate white men into dying for Israel or whatever else they got planned.
>a combined 93 posts
I just like how you leftoids lose as reliably as a sunrise
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"Trump was uphill from him" this fascist says since these fascists will do anything to deny facts and cover up his godemperor's crimes
Hey dipshit retardo he’s obviously looking through a red dot in that picture
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I raised the exposure here. He's not looking through anything and the gun is pointed upwards, not downwards. He is on an inclining gradiant.
>I raised the exposure here. He's not looking through anything and the gun is pointed upwards, not downwards. He is on an inclining gradiant.
And I'm sorry do keep in mind as well 8 or 6 inch RIDGE VENT IN THE WAY
>>>474256417 (You)
>>I raised the exposure here. He's not looking through anything and the gun is pointed upwards, not downwards. He is on an inclining gradiant.
>And I'm sorry do keep in mind as well 8 or 6 inch RIDGE VENT IN THE WAY
PPS let's even assume that he was McGuyver or some shit and he went up there and drilled a fucking hole in the ridge vent to stick his rifle through, like an assassin in a james bond movie...then even if that were true then the scope would still be blocked by the ridgevent. So I'm sorry but your myth is busted.
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>>>474256641 (You)
>>>>474256417 (You) (You)
>>>I raised the exposure here. He's not looking through anything and the gun is pointed upwards, not downwards. He is on an inclining gradiant.
>>And I'm sorry do keep in mind as well 8 or 6 inch RIDGE VENT IN THE WAY
>PPS let's even assume that he was McGuyver or some shit and he went up there and drilled a fucking hole in the ridge vent to stick his rifle through, like an assassin in a james bond movie...then even if that were true then the scope would still be blocked by the ridgevent. So I'm sorry but your myth is busted.
>he’s still seething
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>70 posts by retarded OP
but "SEETHING" in your mind is thoroughly busting the fascist's myth
WAY more than that since I'm on 2 IDs nice try though fascisttard
The jew boy was groomed by a blackrock freemason coach from his school. Then he was sold a rifle and blanks by another glownigger posing as a street gun dealer. Also a gew drugs to get high and relax on the big day. The jew boy went into that toof thinking he'd have a shot at killing Trump. Then he shot his blanks. Trump popped the red ink bag behind his ear. Then the glowsniperniggers shot the jew boy to tie it all up nicely. No loose ends.
What does that word mean to you? In your own words, you seething leftist
>I use multiple IDs to prolong my seething
And that’s why you’re so fun, never understood why cats toy with prey before I met leftists like you
I don't have a problem answering you. A fascist is someone who uses identity politics to resist socialism. And fascists are either rich or brainwashed inevitably. And please note your propaganda about what you and what your agenda is, is not ever going to matter to me or anyone who isn't a part of your lame circlejerk here
I'm not intentionally using multiple IDs my connection is just endlessly resetting for whatever reason tonight
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PS pic related is one thing I made a long time ago which is still perfectly onpoint
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>/pol/ in an eternal civil war because they can't decide between being Trump cocksuckers and conspiracy theorists
This is the funniest shit ever
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Why are all the president shooters such kino schizoid figures?
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Here's one of the clearest shots of the ridgevent I've seen. I just found this. There's no holes. It's a wall of solid mass so it just adds another layer of abject impossibility to this scenario. Thomas Michael Crooks simply did not shoot former president trump.
So I mean it's done. It's just done. Any conception that this dude was maybe peaking his gun through the ridgevent somehow is done and he'd of had to be firing up into the air, shooting geese or whatever if you stare at the photos here >>474236878, rather than the former president.
PPS I guess I'll tag this dude even though he's a shithead since he's interested >>474249873
your low visuospatial IQ really dovetails with your political persuasions
American women are the most annoying squawking noise holes ever to curse our ears.
Disney owns ABC and that kike can't even help contradicting itself, no matter how short their tweet.
I see that all you Nafo trannies have been reassigned.
this photo in essence erases any last semblance of personal doubts that I had and I can say that with certainty.
What if he was higher up for the shot but then slid down when he got domed? It's a slope...
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All 3 supposed shots are on video. Materials posted in the OP.
hate to say this but i think OP is making a lot of sense here
It happens when you phonepost on mobile data
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/pol/ needs to have this moment with me rightnow
You're a fucking retard
communism is a very sad bluepill.
go lobotomize yourself somewhere else, like over a D&D game.
Provided this is the shooter, they're just like school schooters and are brainwashed and under MK ultra control.
I bet you're unvaxxed
Oh shut up
I have to say another thing I just noticed in the video I posted up top...there is 0 recoil as the supposed shots ring out. 0.
The camera is clearly trained on him as he fires 2 of the shots and there is ZERO visible recoil
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>it’s just like JFK!
Except there are cheap drones in current year that can’t be stopped or traced. Really it’s the perfect way to assassinate someone, but you can’t think logically so you revert to things you’ve been told rather than things you’ve figured out.
aren't you the gun flag?
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He used a 556 AR15 bitch. Here's video of a person shooting the same gun for reference.

Now everyone note how no matter what I write some fascist shows up and tries to pass off some blatantly bullshit lie as factual until I can manage to thoroughly dismantle it.
anon posted this recently. it checks out.
FBI has lost all credibility.
>made the shot
He kinda didn't tho. Maybe start there.
Explain to me how the shooter could shoot the most important politician in the US, along side Biden, when they can catch lone wolf assassins in 5eye states that target low tier politicians?
Explain that.
You can't.
It makes no sense at all. Someone is lying. Either the surveillance state is a lie or the assassination attempt is a lie.

I doubt the surveillance state is a lie. So the assassination attempt was a lie. A puppet show.
And if people did die there, they were most likely the targets. Trump played along. Clearly all the cops knew about it or were prevented from acting.

So the US law enforcement just committed another Waco while also pushing agenda to give them more power and guilt the public for civil disobedience.
You have the wrong shooter position, you moron.
And as I posted above >>474263402 here's someone shooting the same rifle with the same ammo for reference
Note the kick
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Indeed, it's more like they're orchestrating people to leverage their corrupt cartel and totalitarian state.
>false flag
Absolutely retarded braindead take.

The question you should be asking is how the shooter could have reasonably known that roof would be clear from snipers? He was obviously fed intel prior to the event, or else he would have planned his attack differently.
Any totalitarian is nothing but a different shade of totalitarian. Be it fascist, socialist, capitalist, technocratic, etc.
It's all bullshit to leverage an administrative caste above the plebs.
shouldn't there be blood between where he was killed and where they moved him, you fucking brainlet?
You can argue recoil all you want but its a shit argument without full specs on gun and ammo, recoil on an ar15 goes straight back into the shoulder. Muzzle climb is an action of redirection cause human biomechanics, but there are plenty of ways muzzleclimb can be mitigated. We dont know the muzzlebreak, alot of muzzlebreaks divert gas up to counteract muzzle climb. And shooting prone, body will.react differently, so recoil more likely to go straight back, hard or impocinle to precept in a potato cellphone vid. Stick with your angle arguments, they hold water, dont try to out /k/ /k/fags with shit you dont know
>Either the surveillance state is a lie or the assassination attempt is a lie.
Or the surveillance state knew and let the assassination attempt continue. The question here on which side this surveillance state is.
>I doubt the surveillance state is a lie. So the assassination attempt was a lie. A puppet show.
It's possible. There were warnings _prior_ to the shooting that a shooter was identified.

>And if people did die there, they were most likely the targets.
Don't assume on what you don't know for sure.
>Trump played along. Clearly all the cops knew about it or were prevented from acting.
Don't assume on what you don't know for sure.
By the way to be clear in order to make this shot up over that ridge vent the shooter would have needed to be in this yoga pose

Note the size and solidness of the ridge vent >>474258583

And on an already pitched roof.

And he's clearly not in that pose as he's shooting >>474236878

by the way I tried to look it up and I think that yoga pose is called "Salamba Bhujangasana" but I'm not entirely sure.

That's what he'd of had to be doing though, whatever it's called or the "Salamba Bhujangasana"
He was obviously peeking over the peak of the roof when he was shooting and only fell farther back and dropped his gun after taking a counter snipers shot to the dome.
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>By the way to be clear in order to make this shot up over that ridge vent the shooter would have needed to be in this yoga pose
>Note the size and solidness of the ridge vent >>474258583 (You)
>And on an already pitched roof.
>And he's clearly not in that pose as he's shooting >>474236878
>by the way I tried to look it up and I think that yoga pose is called "Salamba Bhujangasana" but I'm not entirely sure.
>That's what he'd of had to be doing though, whatever it's called or the "Salamba Bhujangasana"
PS just to SEE over this ridgevent. Let me just be clear. Just in order for him to SEE over this ridgevent and on this already pitched roof he would have had to be doing this "Salamba Bhujangasana"

And then obv he wouldn't have no hands or nothing to make no shots.
>Or the surveillance state knew and let the assassination attempt continue.
Which means:
>assassination attempt is a lie
Because it's staged then.

But think about it. It JUST so happen to miss his head and snick ever so minor on his ear. Seems a bit convenient. I very much doubt they ever intended to kill Trump. Trump is an actor. He's literally been in Hollywood films.
They're doing this to engineer more state controls over you at deeper and deeper regulatory levels.

Lone shooters are a lie.
Corporate assassinations don't happen on the most prominent stars and individuals unless they are a publicity tool or a psyop tool. Most assassinations happen without your press even knowing about it or with the press being hushed. The people killed are generally "not important" to the system. I.e. plebs.
Trump is not a pleb. He's a critical actor for a sophisticated piece of theatre.

>Don't assume on what you don't know for sure.
I guarantee it. If these deaths in the background did occur, they were potentially the targets. The US is notorious for doing this shit.

>Trump didn't play along
He's literally in cahoots with Biden. They were both blackmailed by Epstein. The state is a system of blackmailing prominent individuals to keep them obedient.
We've know that the FBI and CIA have been doing this on politicians since the 50s, particularly with sex blackmail.

I think it's time to stop denying the reality of your fraudulent totalitarian system. Only the naive are free now. And that's only because they're not aware they're a slave until it's too late.
Now I've done EVERYTHING I can do to spread the truth SO I have to sign off.
He didn’t make the shots.
Damn ya know actually i dont agree with your angle thing anymore now that i really look. Look at the lamp with the blue thing on top, its behind him in the tmz vid. That lil refrence point makes it clear that vid is taken at a pretty wode angle, and he's very close to the ridge. I'd say about as close as he is in the overhead pic of his corpse. Looking at the pic you posted to prove no cutout holes, you can see he's less than his body length, maybe a wee bit more than his rifle length, from the ridge. So lets say 3-5 feet from the ridge. To my eye at least, the roof isnt flat but it sure as hell isnt the insane grade you seem to believe to make him have to do some crazy shit to see
Well explain why a surveillance network comprising pretty much the entire planet nowadays couldn't stop this shooter when they could stop lone knife using teens from attacking a nobody politician?
Explain that one.

You can't.
Your system is a lie regardless. You cannot resolve this problem in a manner that aligns with the system's narrative about state surveillance and it's narrative about the lone shooter of Trump. They cannot both exist.
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>trump can't even trust his close allies at this point or his own body guards
saddam best waldo ever tbqh, your OCs are nice leafbro keep it up
>Just explain it to me.
crawl up to the reverse side of the ridge
point gun
results may vary
>low shill effort
deep state did it
we know they did it
I really couldn't give a shit where he is. The press immediately and dogmatically reinforced the following line post shooting:
>Violence is incompatible with democracy.
Which is nonsense, it literally established it.

They are turning your system into a political cult of personality through bullshit puppet events like this. It's quite obvious from the manner the press and the government have behaved post alleged shooting. Your state is basically taking a pre-emptive position for a perceived civil war. It knows the economy is failing and is about to pop like 2008. They're taking pre-emptive action to that.
Nice try.
Nobody can trust anybody in the US state. Your system is a totalitarian regime pretending to be free and democratic.
You should pay more attention to Bank investments. JPMorgan has been heavily investing in AI and cryptocurrency. They are probably far more sophisticated in technological surveillance and big data than most people know about. And they know their toxic assets from Bear Stearns and Lehman's are about to implode. Asset pool maturity is an issue and things are most likely on the verge of maturing and setting the whole pool ablaze. No AI and cryptocurrency shenanigans will prevent that, but they can be leveraged to prevent people enforcing shit against contractual obligations and market evaluation/auditing.

Most malware nowadays are made by megacorporations, not freelance hackers.
Nah nah triple fuck this actually, looking at street view, the grade of the roof is so fucking subtle, garuntee both elbows were touching the roof when he shot. If the roof was as steeply inclined as it'd need to be for your stupid yoga thing, the snipers couldnt have domed the fucker. Lemme guess, now there's a third shooter, and he's the one that really took out the kid?
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its quiet pleasing to see the Left get their own conspiracy to seethe over for the rest of your lives have fun as it warps your mind you will never be the same again you might make it out the other side and become whole again or u might remain scattered and shattered.......good luck
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>that pic

I will admit I preferred Smith over Trinity.
There is a window in the building directly below the roof shooter’s position. Same line to the podium.
Who was in the building?
Was building secured?
Probably not.
Real Sniper probably shot from inside with a scope. Roof guy was patsy. Confusion between crooks and yearick deiberately sown.
Typical sloppy job.
Rare mixtape from The Donald
JTrump - Take Ur Lives Away

Save it while you can, it's limited edition.
JTrump doesn't mind who takes credit for it, he makes enough money.
This is not remotely true quit muddying you niggerjew
How does this tie in to the assassination attempt on Trump?
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Also, this is clearly not the same guy. The one on the top is Sam Hyde. I don't know who the other one is
Andrew Anglin is that you?
Their operations are so sophisticated now that they can arguable prevent law enforcement from preventing assassinations and doing their job.
But that didn't happen with trump. Trump's ear should be off if it was snicked with a sniper. The convenience to his agenda is too suspicious.
But they could shoot a potential person at a rally and likely get a literal hollywood actor to make it a publicity stunt.
It's not like Trump doesn't have connections, particularly with mortgage assets. He's a real estate tycoon lord after all.

But that explains why assassinations are generally prevented if the person attempting it is harming useful grunt politicians and not random nobodies. Trump is a useful asset, so he is being kept alive while being exploited politically for public policy reasons.
The surveillance merely protects elites and not the pleb class, who are at the mercy of it instead (where surveillance is used to assassinate people and cover loose ends instead).
A 4.7° angle, golly jee how fucking steep, the shooter better have mad reverse situp game to pull this off! Nigger he probably coulda made the shot kneeling on the far rear edge of the building with how little the slope of the building is. Face it, you saw it from an odd perspective, and now that everyone has shown you the understandable error, you went on a fucking tirade
innocent people got hurt one man killed in the stands

are you retraded?
For max benefit of the doubt, assuming 9foot wide parkingspaces, and half length of the building as a whopping 4 parking spaces, half roof is now a right triangle. Plug in 36foot leg, 4.7° angle, total rise from edge to middle of building is 2.95974, so about 3 feet. But guy is within 5 feet of the crest. Length of the roof from edge to crest is 36, so even if we say he's 6 feet away, he's looking at 1/6 of that 3 feet of rise, or 6inches. Measure your fucking forearm, its a very easy shot to pull off. Also fuck you for making me have to do math i aint done since highschool
Stay critical, everyone. The shilling is off the charts.
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I'm sorry to everyone cuz I was gonna stay signed off and be done with this topic forever but then I came across this photo which portrays a very clear shot of the supposedly "shot" ear. And where would the bulletwound be? I simply do not see anything in this photo that portrays a bullet wound.
Defending trump asserting it's real makes you a turbo kike nice try dumb inbred trash
I mean a bullet wound should result in hanging skin and gnarly dangling meat right? But it does not in this case. It does not in this case cuz it's just another testament in the evidencebased case I posted above.
>70 pbtid
Kill schizos. Behead schizos. Roundhouse kick a schizo into the concrete. Slam dunk a schizo baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy schizos. Defecate in a schizo's food. Launch schizos into the sun. Stir fry schizos in a wok. Toss schizos into active volcanoes. Urinate into a schizo's gas tank. Judo throw schizos into a wood chipper. Twist schizos' heads off. Report schizos to the IRS. Karate chop schizos in half. Curb stomp pregnant black schizos. Trap schizos in quicksand. Crush schizos in the trash compactor. Liquify schizos in a vat of acid. Eat schizos. Dissect schizos. Exterminate schizos in the gas chamber. Stomp schizo skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate schizos in the oven. Lobotomize schizos. Mandatory abortions for schizos. Grind schizo fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown schizos in fried chicken grease. Vaporize schizos with a ray gun. Kick old schizos down the stairs. Feed schizos to alligators. Slice schizos with a katana. Burn schizos alive. Riddle schizos' bodies with shrapnel. Throw acid into schizos' faces. Gauge schizos' eyes out. Curb stomp schizos on the nearest pavement. Obliterate schizo colonies. Kick schizos' heads into washing machines. Crush schizos with tank treads while they still scream for mercy. Slit schizos' throats. Cut schizos in half with a rusty saw. Push schizos' faces inside jet engiges. Brutalize schizos with improvised weapons. Smash schizos' heads into the wall repeatedly. Pour molten metal into schizos' mouth. Feed schizos glass. Feed schizos to stray dogs. Execute schizos with autocannons live on state TV. Hunt down every previous and future schizo generation. Kill schizos with every weapon ever invented and documented by mankind. Bomb schizos in a cafe.
Asshole cop goons fucked with the GODDAMN EVIDENCE.
>Hey Tony, just toss that rifle down 10 feet away
>Sure thing Boss.
Here we fucking go again...
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And this teeny tiny little line here? It necessarily has to be one of his hairs because in order for that to be a bulletwound it would mean the bullet would have had to go deep into his lobe. The line is through his inner ear so it's impossible for that to be "a wound".
>>>474270958 (You)
>>>474271042 (You)
>And this teeny tiny little line here? It necessarily has to be one of his hairs because in order for that to be a bulletwound it would mean the bullet would have had to go deep into his lobe. The line is through his inner ear so it's impossible for that to be "a wound".
PS, so I mean so far as I am concerned it is now confirmed indeed that there is NO WOUND.
I mean it just looks like...like you know...like someone just put some cornsyrup with red dye onto his ear (that's the shit they use to make fake blood in movies)
I think it's hilarious that anyone thinks the government wants Trump dead. When he's in office he tows the corporate/jewish line as well as anyone, and his mere presence is enough to keep liberals furiously donating to the DNC no matter what decrepit zombie they prop up as candidate.

Do you know what this assassination attempt is in terms of political discourse? Imagine a classroom full of frantic, screaming kindergarteners that a teacher is trying to calm the fuck down, and someone just made the loudest fart noise ever into the crook of their elbow. Was the fart noise planned by the administration? Is it a conspiracy?

Who fucking cares? You're never calming those kids down now.
And lastly on this lemme just say...if you think "oh OK well there could be a teeny tiny little scratch there that maybe the camera isn't picking up, and it was caused by the bullet wizzing by" THEN WHY ALL OF THE BLOOD?

I don't see him moving in the video. They could have dumped his corpse on the roof as a patsy.

It's a question of whether it was faked to give Trump a near miss. Or staged to take out Trump, who by a fluke survived. So far it looks like the former.
Sure feels fake. Trump's reaction itself was weird. Getting up seconds later, not wanting to know what is going on, like is it a lone shooter or a terrorist attack, or was anyone else shot, or is the the place secure. Just gets up and starts posing.
Try looking at a picture taken FROM the roof, not a picture OF the roof.
This was where the thread peaked.
Funniest cope I've ever seen. Good job anon.
He looks like a patsy some loser the FBI scrapped off the streets, some yarmuke wearer missed the shot and they put the patsy down.
The closest thing to that which exists is what I posted right here >>474258583 which blatantly makes my case even better for me than anything I've posted previously
Fed shills are really pumping their "staged" narrative.
>explain to me how rifles shoot far
kys retard
>Don't move gun
>Don't handcuff shooter
>Ree Tardy Oswald self-revives and grabs the gun and shoots cop in the dick
It's happened before, that's why it's standard practice. Worry about evidence when the scene isn't potentially active.
Kek the mental illness is incredible. How are these people allowed to roam free?
Errr yea Drumpf staged being shot in the ear! Thats the most logical explanation possible!
IMO it was staged quite obviously
If it was fake, the media woukd be in on it and talking about it, however, after 2 days, it hasn't even made the trending list on my search bar.
+1 real point
If it was fake, they would have picked a better place for Trump to get shot, and survive. The ear is not only pretty lame, but pretty close to your head so it's dangerous to shoot at it.
+1 real point
The media and FBI are now scrubbing this dude's motive and all of his online stuff.
+1 real point
The media is trying to say it was a deranged conservative Trump supporter.
+1 real point
The bullet was caught on camera
+1 real point
SS is full of fat dykes that can't do their job
+1 real point
Sniper legit jumped out of his boots when he saw shooter shoot
+1 real point

That's my score. If you want to make a case for the SS allowing it to happen, I think that can be argued, but I think he definitely got shot in the ear.
you are a dumb nigger
you are the blackest retard nigger i've ever seen
All you dumb fucks claiming this can find yourself sued,Alex Jones style.You think your anonymous here,your fucking retarded.And the document case has been tossed,HAHAHAHA
I mean, I can potshot coyotes while holding a spotlight at about that range fairly easily. Scopes aren’t some magical auto-lock like in your games.
Well poisoning glowniggers.
Deepstate tried to kill Trump, failed and tries to discredit any mistrust to (((official events))).
Watch Trump go off Ye style and endure the shitstorm kikes.
Go suck a baby dick in hell, parasites.
fuck off CIA tranny shill
Do you not understand why that's just as useless?
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Here here here here. I did this now. I drew a straight line across the entire picture beginning at the muzzle of the gun so that you can see the butt is lower than the muzzle. That means shooter is pointing upward as the shots are firing. It's exactly what I posted >>474260190

Face facts guys it's a matter of material physics
and reminding everyone again that he is blatantly not even looking down the barrel in the picture here >>474274250 and even if he has a small red dot sight on the gun that's not showing up on the pic...his eyes aint even on that
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Uhmm that's how rifle scopes work sweaty, it's actually more efficient to shoot that way.
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New 1080P source video for you to check out anon; it provides better angles for determining Pitch, etc.
Wonderfully done. It make for one of the true few keks I've ever done upon this board.
Dead retarded patsy, muh SS incompetence, weird shooting angles with iron sights... are we back in 1963?
>Worry about evidence when the scene isn't potentially active.
>Head Blown open
Suffice it to say, there was no risk to officers.
I'm tired of lame excuses...
not when it's a 22lr, that's closer to an airgun round than a sniper caliber
You've clearly never shot anything in the ear with a rifle before.

There were lots of witnesses that saw crooks climb the roof with a rifle, fire shots and then get shot in return.

Don’t need your lame conspiracy theory.
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Oh I see you're actually being serious. In which case I should respond to this >>474274721 in seriousness. The answer is that so far as what you posted up there it's completely false. Zero trajectory (which means the length you can shoot a bullet without it even dropping one bit) on an AR15 style weapon with 556mags is essentially 110 yards. To for the shooter to make his 130 yard shot? Completely not even something you'd have to worry about since it's practically 0trajectory
>are we back in 1963?
My thoughts exactly.
The Kikes have even more disdain for us this time around, however, and the Public is far less competent with even Basic Logic and knowledge.
We need to tear this shit apart, methodically.
See this 1080P NBC vid, I extracted a few choice shots, to help with orientation and angles.
And you know what's funny as shit about me having to lecture all of you rightwing retards about how guns work all through this thread? Is that I'm not even a gunnut. I'm just a very regular guy in a sea of rightwing gunnuts and none of you here appear to know how to shoot even.

Lol na that first pic was just having fun (>>474274721)
I am serious about the second post though, I've shot game through the ear before, neither it or I noticed until I went to collect the carcass. Shot with a .270 from about 130 yards in the fold of the ear and could hardly see the hole.
Seriously this is the dumbest thread I have seen on this to date. There's not a photo of brass flying out the rifle while he holds up that day's newspaper so he must have never shot it despite all the accounts to the contrary. There's been so much garbage on here in general surrounding this and very little of value. Board couldn't even agree on what roof it was for most of that first evening.
PS just for the keks of it I just wanna note for everyone that this fascist fuckwad unironically posted precisely as I was making fun of up here >>474260190
you're a fucking sperg dude
>>>474276344 (You)
>>>474276156 (You)
>PS just for the keks of it I just wanna note for everyone that this fascist fuckwad unironically posted precisely as I was making fun of up here >>474260190
And PPS there will be no redemption for the Murican rightwinger. There will be no redemption for the /pol/ack. There will be no redemption for the fascist. There will be no redemption for the Trump supporter. There will be no redemption for America.

I say all of that with a heavy heart and wishing it weren't true but VERY OBVIOUSLY IT IS.
All that adderall you're taking is going to kill you
>Just like the JFK assassination, the secret service fucked up and needed to cover it up.

theres witnesses on the seen dumbass.

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