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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Belongs in the Smithsonian
Damn get a coat that fits whore
Just think that's a piece of history that people will be bargaining large sums of money over for centuries
Now that it has been annointed in divine blood, it carries the powers of the divine lance as well as keeping the sun out of his eyes.
lmao you can see his bald head, what a fat fuck
Don’t insult SS hat chan
Cry harder bitch lmao
Poor boy, somebody needs to get him mcdonalds.
SS is for shortstack.
Insult whomever you like. But it was 89 in the shade and they were all wearing multiple layers of clothing and body armor.
My sides....

die Blutfahne...
>says "mutt" on the inside
but he's bringing back abortion. you're being distracted and the country will still go into the toilet
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Damn, checked.
Is he missing a shoe?
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It already went into the toilet under Biden, at least Trump is fun.
>that, that's mahhh lucky hat, that's one beautiful sucker right there
Kek has spoken.
Yeah that's going in a museum. We need a gallery somewhere donated to POTUS assassinations since there are so many.

>>474231344 checkd

Witnessed. Put me in the screencap. Divine numbers
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trump down, close up
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This shall be our blutfahne
tell me why abortion is actually bad
the bitches getting abortions will produce offspring that they hate since they were forced to have them
Uh oh!!
Nigger alert!!
I like how Trump's hat says "SMURT" instead of "SMART"
Shows you what kind of a dumbass he is.
18:12:33: Trump: “Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes.”

18:12:35: Male agent 2: “I got you sir, I got you sir.”

18:12:36: Trump: “Let me get my shoes on.”

18:12:37: Another male agent: “hold on, your head is bloody.”

18:12:39: Male agent 2: “Sir we’ve got to move to the car sir.”

18:12:42: Trump: Let me get my shoes.”

18:12:43: Female agent: “OK, [inaudible].”

18:12:47: Trump: “Wait, wait, wait” then fist pumps to crowd. He mouths “fight” three times – a move met with cheers by the crowd.
Killing babies is wrong. Allowing killing babies to be a normal thing in society is wrong. If we were a civilization that didn't allow killing babies, we might also be one where there aren't peice of shit moms who resent their children.
Haha he’s wearing a bootleg hat it’s not even the real trump that’s a staged photo the hat says pmurt, check and mate you far right nazi imbeciles lmao
The Hutfahne!!
it's against Christ's law. simple as. repent
Well shit, no arguments there, but this is the society we gotta deal with, what are you gonna do with the shitty moms that were forced to birth the kids?
i started selling these bullet proof maga hats and didnt beleieve when they said it was for Trump
looks like it says MUTT
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Q predicted this

We have more than we know.

Captcha: DAnkn
I'd rather the child never be born than be born by a mother that doesn't want them
>I'd rather the child never be born than be born by a mother that doesn't want them
That's why the Ku Klux Klan makes regular donations to Planned Parenthood.

Ok leafbro, that was pretty good. No rake for you.
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>Lucky red hat

The Simpsons did it again
Does it have a spider nano polymer ballistic weave sewn into it?
we want what God wants. Who cares what you want.
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Ok, God wants Shaniqua to birth some baby that'll she leave unfed and unbathed until it dies of hunger while she is out partying
soaked in blood, it was green before
I think he actually said the words fight but the mic was either cut or they moved out of range of it
Everything he was wearing on that day is going to go for a lot of money if they ever decide to sell it, including his underwear and socks.
Put me in the screen shots, ya fucks
he said fight fight, it was pretty clear, calling for more violence but not reported on strange
Will be worth millions!
The woman is actually good here because all the men would have forgotten the hat.
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It looks like it says "I MUST", which honestly would fit very well with the front message.
Maybe they have ice packs underneath.
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let me get my shoes
Because I wont get put in the screencap nobody will remember that I admitted to being gay.
So what bitch
Yes, this is what I meant, but I am retarded.
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Your faggot friend missed lol cry more
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Holy shit niggers fucking checked
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Wealthy people already spend millions of dollars buying the hair of celebrities including US presidents.

>John Reznikoff, an auctioneer and authenticator who, according to the Guiness Book of World Records, owns the world's largest collection of presidential hair.

>Reznikoff has samples from 25 former presidents and from celebrities like Edgar Allen Poe, Susan B. Anthony, Albert Einstein, Marie Antoinette, and Napoleon Bonaparte. An exquisite specimen of Lincoln's deathbed lock is among his most prized possessions. His collection, which he has been assembling for three decades, is so renowned that his JFK strands were used to disprove a Texas man's claims that he was an heir of Camelot. Reznikoff was also the inspiration for a character in a 2009 Law & Order episode about a presidential paternity case.


John Reznikoff's World's Largest Collection of Celebrity Hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvILbEoUu0c
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Abortion is mostly niggers. the amount of *people* dying isn't as bad as the numbers make it seem, and those dying are th offspring of shitlibs.
what is the reason to hire short female Secret Service bitches.
Burgers are really mentally retarded with their equality shit agendas.
the shroud of Trump
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That hat would auction for a minimum of $100MM guaranteed.
it says pmurt.
When my great grandmother was near the end, she always used to ask for her shoes, even if she was wearing them. Why do elderly like shoes so much?
Why do the GETs keep happening??
>prototypical cucknadian post
Lucky red hat was from Doug
Mein gott
I can tailor her
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He did say them but a lot of the (((media))) edited the clip to make it inaudible.
So do you!
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The world in 2024, attached.
Abortion is Spartan.
Divinely based
Former ER and burn fag here.
If these fetus fetishists had to go to work every day for a year and a half, trying to repair a six year old girl sold for gangrape in all three holes by her sow...
...then have to hand the more or less repaired kid back to the family that allowed that/knew it was happening...
...they wouldn't be so glib.
Fetus fetishists in general don't give a shit about unwanted kids and have no comprehension what they endure.
Some of my worst nightmares come from that shit. Powertools up the anus. "Lil sizzlers" dunked in boiling water, or tortured with cigarettes, or their butts parked on the red hot coils of the kitchen stovetop. Little boys with stuff shoved up their urethras by their sow's latest squeeze.
And case after case after case after case after case after case after case of 8-12 year old girls who received home abortions in the form of sharp things, chemicals, beatings, etc.
But somehow the fetus worshippers never give a single thought to any of that.
They use their fetish to allow THAT child sacrifice. And the destruction of the innocence of everyone who has to deal with the consequences of their fetishes.
lol he's groping that secret service slut
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oh yeah i'm thinking we're back
I guess those jews you worship just don't give a fuck do they?
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Laura Loomer was he 2nd shooter
wew rabbi those jewish fantasies are gettin pretty spicy
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Das Blutsonnenschutzkäppi
They will shoot Biden and solve two problems at once - get rid of the senile pedofart and energize the far left in figthing fauxism. The shooter will be yet another loser with mommy's guns and will be eliminated promply. You read it here first.
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There is like 5 times more people waiting to adopt than there are kids in adoption the state slow rolls them or denies people so they can collect taxes to house them but steal the money anyway

Look it up I always btfo every leftist pro abortionist with this fact.
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LOL, kill yourself disgusting faggot animal.
So if someone says "keep up the good fight" or "fight for your rights", what are they saying, exactly?
Especially the undies and socks, right Moshe?
screencap, in it, put me
shut the fuck up you retarded fed. if they really wanted biden to die, they'd let a strong breeze hit him. There's literally no need for violence with someone that is made of dust.

Imagine the smell
Trump just hugging them all like they're his buds lmao. I wonder how much the Trump assassination attempt hat would go for on auction.
ok this is funny but do we actually like Trump now or are we just meme riding? Because he fucking sucks.
>Magic hat
>Deflection of bullets +50%
>Make troons seethe +100%
>Make your country great again +200%

If you own this hat you're guarantee a nice clean upper class neighborhood free of niggers and FAGGOTS
Checked meme magic is back on the menu
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fbi handbook recomends poor fitting suits for better mobility and ability to conceal a handgun better. id imagine the secret service is the same
>There's literally no need for violence
That's how you make leftists howl, moron. They need a martyr, not a simple funeral. You deserve everything happening to us because you have no fucking idea about how big crowds are driven.
Its because he wears platform shoes to appear taller than he really is
The Blutkappe shall be our sign.
yeah, thats where he put the empty blood pack, for some reason she had the hat, he put it into the hat and im guessing she secured it in the flap behind its bill, the sweatband flap.
It's that or Biden and Biden is boring so what the fuck do you think?
>All Hail Kek!
We are so back. Some anons are ready to admit it yet though
the hat of destiny?
she was expecting more blood
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They're getting ready to go.
quads of truth
What if they don’t want to give birth at all, will you just force them to birth the child?
Nature and biology forces them to give birth. You can't induce birth with words
SS agency made it the dress code to wear jackets that are one or two sizes too big to acomodate bulletproof vests or underarm holstered submachine guns.
did you fall for their christcucks (pagan vs christians D&C) zion don (right vs normie right D&C) psyop?
they like buzzwords.
long term they hate you, they don't care if you hate them.
short term they don't want this guy elected.
long term or short, they always want you divided.
Witnessed. Was here
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I did not force anything you had sex and there are consequences

Its akin to deciding to put your arm out to save a man from a ledge and when you get him close to safety you decide to let go knowing he will die....you wojld be called a murderer no one forces you to help him but you started and now are responsible for it
>let's make this 10 year old shit out a permanent reminder of all the trauma she endured because otherwise jebus might get cross with us
Fucking retard
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the helm of dawn
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cannot wait for my new one to arrive
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Probably has +5% dodge on that bitch.
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Trump hair got added in like 2012, before he was president . Makes you think
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>wearing a hat with his own name
vanity and pride. It make me think trump migh be an antichrist
blood stain on the hat.
jfc. forgive us our sins none of us worthy.
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>blood stain on the hat
>blood that flowed on his face.
Or a retard. I write my kid's name on his stuff.
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i kneel
>Made in CHAYNA
read about pride and why it is the worst of all sins

You're not my comrade, sport.
You Chudjacks need to get over it just like DJT Said. Get over it. Move Along.
I hope civil war comes so we can finally test marksmanship skills between the DEI left and the right.
pipe down, fednigger
There's no "we" here faggot, you're allowed to think for yourself. The fact that you can so shamelessly ask others what your opinion is supposed to be is disgusting.
already very familiar, you are reaching in my opinion. what would you put on the hat instead?
It belongs on a holy shrine right beside Washington's teeth, Lincoln's top hat, and Netanyahu's foreskin.
What a groper!
Arrest him now.
>DEI shill can't even fit in
One day it will appear in Pawn Stars if that show still exists
I wouldn't wear that hat at all, show some humility. As a president he is supposed to be "a servant to the people" an it dosen't work if he thinks he is better than everybody else.

1 Kings 12:7
And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.
>P-p-please, he is bad okay? Maybe if I appeal to Christian imagery, you'll stop liking him!
drumf!! amiright guys?
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If only Hitler had used cheap schlubby hats instead of European colored shirt movement. If only he was a real estate developer and a reality tv star instead of a WW1 veteran and an orator. If only Hitler worked for jews instead of breaking their power in Germany then he too could have been as meaningless as Trump.
even if we don't do that pride and vanity are virtues of a tyrant not a just ruler
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this is why Christ cucks are a cancer.
people like you use the bible as an excuse to finger wag, judge everyone, cast stones, all while doing absolutely nothing yourself all while remaining pious in your own mind.
Mathew 7:1
Judge not, that ye be not judged
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Witnessed. Praise KEK!
No shoes left behind.
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i read about why his shoes were off.
they tackled him so hard, and hit him so hard it knocked his shoes off.
pretty surreal.
The first real black president
This is why i love this site was waiting for a post on this was thinking about this all day yesterday and wondering where it ended up last image was a SS (Man ) agent picking it up up after the car drove off. And of course this whore DEI hire dropped it will be a relic for sure
You don’t need to explain how horrible niggers are. We already know
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Do you think he wears Allen (((Edmunds)))?
I did not pass a judgement. It was merely an opinion. Why did you get so upset when I mencioned bible? This is an idea that is probably older than any written text. In Platos work The Laws he describes rulers as servants to the law assuming laws benefit people which is not the case in todays america or Poland. What am I trying to say is that you don't have to be christian or believe any of this to read and learn from the bible. It is full of timeless ideas and concepts that people should learn and simply ponder about them
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i am not upset, i am happy this morning and focused on supporting Trump.
i am focused and honed and this incident re-aligned me.
>feels good
all that i am saying, is do not let the Bible become a crutch for yourself and others.
Christine please.
why do you need a permission for your opinions, anon? all politicians belong in hell. this is just for teh lulz.
If trump is going to follow up on his promises to end the work in ukraine, he has support on that. What worries me is his stance on israel. What good is ending a war and starting another one in the middle east. Basicaly im afraid my countrymen and myself are going to die on foreign soil for foreign intrests
Made in china
Get the arms tailored FFS. This is what happens when you introduce minorities and dumb women into men’s areas. Standards disappear.
More importantly, it’s a potential hazard them being so long.

SS carry towels?
Imagine meeting your divine maker, in nothing but your socks
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What's his ear made of, i wonder?
Watch the video. Going down stairs he drops the hat. The female SS agent actually bends down, exposing Trumps full torso to any shooter, to pick up a fucking hat. Is that in their training?
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>Basicaly im afraid my countrymen and myself are going to die
and i am concerned by that as well.
i was thinking about this yesterday, the best i can do as an American is continue to voice my concerns about this continued insane tyrannical jewish war worship on the right, and be outspoken about it.
i can not sit by while they drag him through the mud, arrest him, try and bankrupt him, and shoot at him.
believe me, i am thinking about your concerns, those concerns have given me pause in my support for the right and Trump.
i cannot in good conscience vote for any action or causes that send American soldiers to die for Israeli wars.
this must end.
I like how it says TRUMP and not SMURT
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Based. Good point.
I don't think a person thar wants to kill children should work in an er. I work in an er. You're a fucking retard
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Lol you gonna die nigger, lmao
that shit's going to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars
that hat is gonna sell for so much money
When you're moving on you want to look your best.
>a father of our pastor was in hospice when he was 95, literally on his deathbed
>every morning he was angry because he woke up, meaning he didn't die and go to heaven in his sleep
Fun guy
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Checked, witnessed, based, put me in the screenshot
the problem is the state does this for profit and a job

What point is curing cancer if your job depends on treating cancer?
Totally agree
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Trump is a jew like biden.
Both should be purged really, but your state won't allow those shooters. It's not economically beneficial to it.
God has decreed and blessed the hat.
God didn't do shit. A corrupt cartel led state is literally purging you with disease and staging acts to consolidate control over you to purge you even faster and faster.
There's nothing but satan now.
The debate was never about whether abortion is right or wrong, but whether it's guaranteed by the Constitution.
Selling the hat and donating the money towards the family of the guy who ate shit would be a nice touch.
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agreed. there is a huge fund raiser going on. that poor guy and his family.
I need this Divine Cap modded in Elden Ring
>Description: A crimson cap, emblazoned with the insignia of MAGA. Worn by the God Emperor Trump during an attempt on his life, it has since been anointed in divine blood. This sacred relic now carries the divine powers bestowed upon it, shielding its wearer from harm and empowering them with the Emperor's indomitable spirit.
>Once merely a symbol, it now harnesses the might of the sun, protecting the eyes of its wearer and imbuing them with clarity and vision. Legends say that those who don this hat can glimpse into the future and are filled with an unyielding will.
>Lore: "In the darkest hour, when blades sought the heart of the God Emperor, the crimson cap bore witness to divine intervention. Bathed in celestial blood, it transcended mortal threads, becoming a beacon of power and protection. Worn by those deemed worthy, it channels the unbreakable resolve and vision of the God Emperor Trump."

Physical Damage: 85
Holy Damage: 150
Fire Damage: 70
Lightning Damage: 60
Magic Damage: 55

Strength: +20
Dexterity: +15
Intelligence: +10
Faith: +30
Endurance: +25

Special Effects:
Sun's Clarity: Reduces incoming damage by 20% and grants immunity to blindness.
God Emperor's Will: Increases all resistances by 76%.
Vision of the Future: Enhances critical hit rate by 25%.
Indomitable Spirit: When health drops below 25%, grants a 50% boost to attack power and a 50% reduction in damage taken for 10 seconds (cooldown: 60 seconds).
if civil war happened most of the "left" would just immediately pretend they were "right" the entire time and youd believe them
they have no beliefs they just side with whoever is winning
ahh yes meme magic is back on the menu
feels good to be home, boys
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The problem with that thought experiment is that "we" don't even do (((creative accounting))) like that anymore. The govenrment just says "we have a billion trillion dollars, do what we want.", and businesses are either allowed to survive or doomed to fail based on how Jewish and retarded their boards are.
He clearly said
>18:12:33: Trump: “Let me get my jews, let me get my jews.”
>youd believe them

It's really easy to tell who's left and right it doesn't take some type of Genius to be able to analyze it individuals Behavior to know where they stand on issues.
>shielded them from something they most likely couldn't see coming

Do people buy this horseshit?
Especially after the press's lies during covid?
>A week to remember
It’s RNC week. Was this incident the start?
Checked & witnessed. USA hasn’t lost the Mandate of Heaven if we stick with this dude
Did you not read what you replied to.

Third worlders are so fucking stupid.
i was not there and they are in mourning and nobody wants a headline like "father was eating a hot dog when shooter blew his brains out".
i feel honesty is always the best policy but such is not the case in the court of public opinion for the masses.
let him be a hero (and he seems as he was a hero for real being a fire rescuer)
Imagine the smell.
I've never been more confident of an anon being a nigger than (you)
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Those things are going to be priceless one day, aren't they?
Shudda bought a hat...
It’s believable because men protect their womenfolk when there is danger.
Looks like he didn't get his shoes after all.
>butler county
>butler, pa
Did he get his shoes?
"They shot me in the ear and then my shoes fell off and I was very upset" jerky boys 2024
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Is this like the American Blutfahne?
Do you think Trump bath water could beat prior sales of certain terminally online whores?
ill fight any one of you little trump hater faggots.
>do we actually like Trump now
Trump was memed into office in part by /pol/ in 2016. It was a massive campaign. I will say, since the assassination attempt, I've felt a massive energy boost around him similar to that of 2016. And Trump doesn't "suck". Biden fucking sucks and swallows. Trump is and always has been a mild reformer who was a terrible judge of character. We knew that when he picked Pence. Some of /pol/ was dumb enough to buy into the left's version of Trump where he is going to firing squad niggers, jews, and spics and put women back in the kitchen and got mad when he didn't.
>NOO he's owned by Israel!!!
What western politician that CAN WIN isn't? Pre-covid the US economy was outstanding. If we could get back to that it'd be great and we can talk about everything else later.
did you see that part 2 is coming out?
excited for that
>M U T T

Fucking lmao
Walking around in your socks is inelegant, why hasn’t anyone doing a side by side of Trump bein* shot and loaded into a car and Hillary being tossed in like a sack of shit after the 911 memorial. That shot got memory holed fast,
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One day anon, the child may be wanted and loved by someone else
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call me crazy...
It clearly says
>M U 'backwards' R T.

Which means Trump is Russian. Only Russians use a backwards R.
>that level of abuse
>have to hand them back, not immediately investigate the parents and have the kids in temporary custody
Its hard for me to believe you anon, and how do you know that these people would have never had those children or others?
Witnessed; Christ is King
Based /fa/ noticer.
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Praise Kek
The lord was with him
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quads confirm
He almost died you piece of shit. And yes, there was some commentary on it by MSNBC/CNN pundits. They also said the shooting was his fault because of his own past rhetoric and not Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. You really want to be on the side of these evil people? Fucking brainwashed cunt.
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>Trump shat
Nice hat
razor blade?
Bad ass.
HAHAHAHA... based timeline
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no, look closer
This whole shit is faker than the moon landing. Blood, which appeared only after he ducked, these "epic" photos of him raising his fist, that killer who doesn't even remotely look like that Crooks fellow. Staged as fuck, CIA-Mossad simply want him to win with 350+ electoral votes and let him send even more billions to Netanyahu and Zelensky than Biden does now.
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wtf? i love joe biden now
I was here to witness this
A lot of people are worried that Trump will help negotiate a ceasefire in Ukraine and then the west will stop sending billions there.
staged as fuck. If you believe in this blatant false flag you are an unironic cretin
Put (You) are in the screencap
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Take it easy Dysgenity
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>I put on my MAGA hat
>I travel to Israel to kiss some nice circumcised cocks
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>only after he ducked
try harder
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Very so Checked af hard
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from your parts

aaaand it isn't
Checked with quads of blessed ones
assassinations are not a part of our culture
Isn't Lincoln's chair in there?
did you really just photoshop a razor into his hat OP :| faggot
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But here’s my question, why did OP photoshop a razor blade into the hat in his photo which we can see. Why is it so important for them to push this narrative?
We are achieving the Punished Trump timeline.
What the FUCK is going on?
When they steal it again and you guys don’t do shit about it I’m gonna laugh so hard at you.
Fuck, it's happening.
People care more about Shannon Doherty. This is yesterdays news.
Get me in the MF'n screencap.
That incompetent broad better not steal that artifact.
Looking for any disqualifier they can get -- even if they have to fake them.
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Witnessed. Incredulous
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I mean, Trump is a fake and gay Jew cocksucker being setup to win through a series of underdog narratives. Still, the razor blade bullshit is so oddly specific.
I want to believe.

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