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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She's kinda cute/hot I would like to fuck here after a long day of secret servicing

Ex meal team six
You''d want to keep it secret if she was servicing you.
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I'm glad she found a new job that pays in burgers.
Like riding a moped. Fun till your friends find out.
*record scratch*
Jesus it really does look like some shit Netflix or Amazon series
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Would, without shame or regerts
this type of job should be reserved for actual killers of good kind (military, police, etc that killed before)
She was there to take a bullet for Donald but his own supporters make fun of her…why?
looks more like Schumer
Der derp da der
Da terp ta turp ta tiddly tumtum
This will get the women voters.
>there to take a bullet
More likely she'll steal his dessert.
>she trusted the memes
Uh, well, hmmm.
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Just a bit of banter. We here at /pol/(the real people, not the shills and bots) always appreciate a well built woman. And you're right, she did her job and didn't just run away like some city cop would have.
Remember that dumb chick who said something about "broke ass niggas," and expected to join the RW crowd since she got "canceled?" Then the RW crowd saw she had a mixed kid, and a slightly kike nose, and shit on her worse than the Left ever could?
she looks like an english bulldog
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Teaser trailers for Secret Cervix:

Which one is best, lads?
Why are they so easily swayed and manipulated? I've considered becoming a grifter just because it seems like such an easy way to make money
Hey. That's anti anglometic
and yet leftists attack the right for loving jews... really makes you think
Why not? She's a goverment golem who likely would shoot trump if she had a bit of courage.
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All the government agencies are hard up for people and desperate to hire anyone who qualifies, anyone but White men that is. Also, nigger worshiping is obviously a plus.
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Trump's entire secret service detail stood by for three whole minutes to allow some random faggot to take a shot at him, and you're seething about some bitch who had awkward moment in the aftermath.
Think about that.
>they're the same thing
No. They're not the same thing.
Keep thinking.
tfw you get caramel corn stuck in your teeth
Those women aren't SS assigned to Trump?
I’m sure the spot between her asshole and vag-hole is the best smelling. It almost always is on a girl.
You get the nice sour scent from her front hole mixed in with that wonderful musky warm aroma from her anus, topped of with just hint of that salty goodness of her sweaty taint.
You know you’ve got a keeper if you can detect a bit of urine as well.
The back of my mouth tingles and puckers like I just sucked on a lemon when I smell this. It takes everything in me to not give it a lick so as to not ruin this symphony of a smell.
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So what if she's a fat gross heifer you ungrateful pukes. She saved THE DON your DEAR LEADER. It would have been the end of your cult it wasn't for her. You scumbags have the worst take on shit even if it benefits you. Thank god Biden will order another hit.
you fucking tourists are insufferable kek
See? There you go, blinded by your contrived ideology, missing the forrest through the trees. Did that particular woman instruct the local police, who had the assassin in their sights for three whole minutes, instruct them not to shoot? Why is your anger directed at a person who did her job and not at the agents who refused to do theirs? Because you didn't get pussy in high school?
So she is SS? And they failed to do their job, right? You're really bad at this.
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Her job was to be a human shield, which she did.
Do you think the agents assigned to human shield duty are the ones calling the shots?
Do you have any idea just how stupid you are?
>hi guys I'm 12 and have no fucking idea how the world works!
>secret cervix
I admit I let out a little chuckle
>had the assassin in their sights for three whole minutes
Source for this? I don't think that happened at all dude.
It's amazing. But the blessing of your stupidity is that you'll die without ever realizing how fucked you were from the beginning.
They're not making fun of her but of SS.
The woman is a normal american woman. That's the problem
Trump is overextending himself by going to so many rallies, and at the same time there are one billion sleeper cells in the US govt who hate republicans and the orange hitler. What a surprise, bureaucratic sabotage led to a SS disaster.
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>which she did
When she finally decided to stop fucking around, she still didn't cover Trumps upper body at all. She was completly ineffectual.
She is the one, she is left handed.
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So immune is the female human to responsibility that this one got paid $500k for being a slut, which factually makes her a whore.

Funny the old guy in the foreground who keeps giving the finger to the media.
She bent down "behind" Trump.
She used Trump to shield herself.
The local police office who killed the suspect claims that he had the suspect in his sights for three minutes waiting for secret service to make the call. Another officer climbed on the roof to confront the shooter, the shooter aimed the rifle at police, the officer retreated, the shoot shot at trump, and the police snipers killed the suspect. The entire secret service detail never did shit until after the shooting.
Only the snipers that killed him were wearing vests that had “Secret Service” written on the back.
There's pictures of her covering his body retard. You're seething about one picture of her approaching him. This is why incels should be exterminate. No pussy turns a nigger retarded.
when it was over faggot, when the suspect was dead you idiot.
the fat blue line
At least she had trigger discipline and didn't fatfinger it, lmao
this photo should be everywhere, but it's not.
praetorian glob
foxtrot alpha tango
butch flacidly
nice high and tight grip there
Affirmative Inaction
She is the leader, signaled by her different colored coat
pooper trooper
I didn't stutter
Can you imagine putting your life in the hands of someone that cant even open a jar of peanut butter without help?
She had to gain an hundred pounds for that role, learn how on pagd 6.
f it
constable imposter syndrome
That's a really disgusting picture.
agreed. both compositionally, ideologically, politically, AND historically. it's fucking rancid.
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Yep, that's the wage gap.
Imagine stuttering in the internet kek
This stunning and brave women risked her live outside of the group. You can clearly see her being excluded from the rest of them, another sign of the patriarchy.
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lol she's legit hiding behind the Trump pile.

>The bullets can't penetrate ALL those men, so I'm safe

Surprised she isn't screaming, though...
some bitch...

Are you THAT not self-aware?
Satan, you'd fuck anyghing that glanced in your general direction
That's literally Shane Gillis
I'd secrete in her cervix if you know what I mean
I thought SS are the best of the best, people close to being superhumans. Meanwhile - short, fat, obviously not trained very well woman. How's that even possible? If that's the state of american services, I only imagine what state in less elite forces are, like USArmy. I would absolutely reconsider any thought of facing Russia ANYWHERE - not to mention real superpower - China. As a citizen of vasal state, I'm worried.
They should ban these physically unfit fucks from law enforcement or military service which isn't exclusively deskwork. It's getting fucking ridiculous how many of these pudgy non-athletic cunts you see walking around with a firearm that would get bested by just about every white dude given basic training.
None of this makes sense and it's almost like they're stacking the deck with these retarded girlbosses, as if they want things to go wrong.
>when you exclusively stack your agency with criminology hires
The woman wearing a fucking helmet really takes the cake, really proves that those American inventories are overstocked with bullshit nobody wanted and nobody needs.
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Hang on is that, that whore cop?
co starring my dick
Wtf is this 4Chan lingo i don't understand what anyone here says.
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Yeah, he’s an idiot.
You forgot the K9 unit
needs more sauce on the shirt
ngl chief davis sounds like a real fucking nigger.

how did this coon make chief? holy shit.
bro is trump packing?
I think that is a SS man, a lot of them had the same coloured suits on. I think if trump had a gun, he would have shot back.
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Only in america women are in active SS duty.
She does. If you listen to the clip where you can hear the agents (or read the transcript) she is lost.

Male agent 1: “Get down, get down, get down.”

More shots heard as Trump surrounded by agents.

18:11:41: Female agent: “What’re we doing, what’re we doing.” “Where are we going…”

Man indistinctly yelling.

18:11.50: Gunshot, then woman screams.

18:11:58: Male agent 2: “Go around to the spare, go around to the spare.”

This is why DEI is a mistake
Women are so fucking stupid. The 19th amendment was a mistake.
imagine that
bitch thinks she's hot shit with a cushy job where nothing ever happens
then something actually happens and you spill your spaghetti so hard that it will be remembered as a reminder of why females should not be given this kind of role, ever.
Yeah, pretty much
Create a Trump Assassaniation general thread.

We are not interested in this scripted staged show.
Black intellectuals are tired of your misogyny.
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it's sad because they did a half-decent job after fucking up and covering instead of protecting Trump, kek, but how sick is the west that they were there in the first place
Niggers can't stop smiling for white women.
someone ought to add the Benny Hill theme song as the audio for this, kek
relax, shes not there to protect trump, but to give hin the bussy after a long campaign day
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gotta get the photo that shows this from the other angle. this one makes it look like she's at least close, but in reality, she is hiding behind the stage while all the male SS is guarding trump
Things really went downhill for her after that Ghostbusters movie flopped.
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You dirty bastard. Absolutely disgusting
I suspect they've fallen prey to a generic federal quota system.
Let's be honest, the people the secret service protects would prefer to have 100% male teams no matter what their stated politics are, but a federal hiring quota is a federal hiring quota and it's not easy to work around.
Because she's a failure.
She didn't take a bullet for him, so what are you even talking about?
This is truly a mark of where the US has gone, this picture has nearly everything.
It's disgusting but fascinating at the same time.
This will be one of the pictures in the history books regarding this time period.
>Did that particular woman instruct the local police, who had the assassin in their sights for three whole minutes, instruct them not to shoot?
Seriously, how the fuck did she make Secret Service? I doubt she can fucking jog a mile, let alone run.

>anyone but White men that is

I have never seen a black secret service member. It always felt like the one thing they never touched. And this event was the first time I've seen female secret service members. So I don't know what you're talking about here.
Scroll up.
...Anonymous (ID: 337p/ALm)
07/15/24(Mon)19:20:50 No.474255158
Investment Giant BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Rally Shooter

BlackRock and JPMorgan back $15 billion fund to rebuild Ukraine

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Investment Giant BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Rally Shooter

BlackRock and JPMorgan back $15 billion fund to rebuild Ukraine

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Ukrainian energy company

Bolton says Trump 'unfit' to be President in new memoir intro

The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ماجرای ایران-کنترا; Spanish: Caso Irán-Contra), often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal,
Seek Jesus.
>Meanwhile - short, fat, obviously not trained very well woman. How's that even possible? If that's the state of american services, I only imagine what state in less elite forces are, like USArmy.
It's bad.
She looks like Tim Dillon
Wtf why did she show her tits?
Is that thecoli? Aren't most of them tethers and wiggers?
shes on the world's most elite personal security team and theres video of her struggling to replace her gun in the holster...failing repeatedly... and giving up and holding it.

let it sink in how shameful and alarming it is. its absurd. the best example of equality's inherent lie that weve seen in months. and in clownworld thats saying something.
did you just watch the matt and blonde show? I haven't fired up bitchute for like 3 or 4 years but did after the trumpstein shooting and one of my subscriptions was that. Was playing COTW and clicked that and they mentioned both "Secret Cervix" and "Melissa McCarthy"
>shes on the world's most elite personal security team and theres video of her struggling to replace her gun in the holster...failing repeatedly... and giving up and holding it.
>let it sink in how shameful and alarming it is. its absurd. the best example of equality's inherent lie that weve seen in months.
Nepo baby.

The sad part is the rest sucked, too, but she gets the most flak.
I am openly misogynistic and women tune in quickly. But I guess I do it in a different way because they all laugh and agree and will even lead me into my anti women jokes just so they can laugh themselves.. I don't know if its because women in the Dakotas understand they are not men but they laugh more at those jokes than men do. And they also seem to understand they aren't men.
Shameful. She should perform ritual suicide to restore some shred of honor.
trump is a big guy, if he actually got shot and collapsed these noodle arm females wouldn't even be able to carry him
Same. It's all about how you look. If you're a Chad, they will agree with you.
I'm loathe to defend women, but don't they need some bodyguards surveying the area as well as physically protecting him?
lmao yeah I even convince women to repeal the 19th. Just a fun way to pass time while working I guess but I have 5 or 6 legit Nat Soc minded women waiting to repeal the 19th at the first op they get
I thought that was Trumpsteins tank ass with the guns being holstered under the guy at first.
I feel every president should have a .500 mag and should be free to shoot at will to discourage conflict. That would have been bitchin if he .500 magged the antifa faggot the escorted out in the dome just for associating with the pitbull jawed faggot that tried to shoot him
Pretty sure she's a dyke, butch ones arent hard to spot
those two guys are holding the nuke briefcases for their respective totalitarian regimes. they aren't secret service.
She's there to take a second scoop of ice cream for him so the media doesn't criticize it
That's the problem. She did everything she could NOT TO take a bullet for him.
Follow this man, for he is a seeker of wisdom
Call it secret service she plays Backa a down on her luck waitress that one night thwarts an attempted kidnapping of the president’s daughter by extremeists and is given the job to guard her
Could be kino
Spy was actually pretty funny
Holly shit lmao
>Secrets female security

Secret Cervix Compromised?

Zoom in, look at her face! You really are off the devil!
Have female secret service agents in the field is peak clown world
women are not cut out for that which was clearly shown live on tv
These women took jobs from more qualified, taller, bulkier men, that project fear into the crowd and thwart randoms from getting ideas
Square meals, six...
Make the flag a Pepsi sign and you just might have it
>Female body investigator
They are dykes
Why did she even pull her gun
They clearly had no idea what to do and had the ick
She felt "theatened".
Women don't belong in any security, police, military, firefighting on field activity and I'm tired of people pretending they are.
Greatest comedians couldn´t come up with this
>She's kinda cute/hot
Americans, we need to talk...
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Kek even trad secret service girl is glancing at her disdainfully.

What is the tiny sliver of red above the speaker? Did that guy really dogpile on top of Trump's head after witnessing him get shot in it?
That’s pretty based
no amount of training, propaganda etc can erase women's natural instincts when shit gets real.
In that moment no amount of preparation can truly make her behave as if her life is worth giving for some man.
She ghosts her duty like women ghost nice guys. It's just their nature. This is why they cannot be in such positions.
The USA are a fucking joke.
"Most powerful country in the world" with ranks filled with obese soldiers who have trouble running for 10 seconds, overweight, short, menopaused women who can't holster their gun properly in the secret service.
I've heard that the SS had a 30% quota for women or something.
A country where some kid can just crawl into a nearby roof and shoot at a presidential candidate and ex-president without any difficulty, and then all those retards standing around for three minutes in the line of fire before evacuating him. And those snipers on the roofs who looked at the shooter for a while before recoiling in fear when he started shooting.
What an absolute disgrace of a country.

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>If you were to repeal the 19th Amendment

>States’ Rights
>Argue the issue of suffrage should be left to individual states to decide, emphasize a more decentralized approach to governance.

>Originalist Interpretation
>Take an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, suggest the Founding Fathers did not explicitly intend for women’s suffrage; a constitutional interpretation should adhere to the original understanding.

>Legal Process Arguments
>Emphasize that the amendment process itself allows for changes; if there is a broad consensus to repeal the 19th Amendment, it could be done through constitutional means.

>Concerns About Overreach
>Express concerns that expanding voting rights without a thorough understanding of the potential consequences lead to unintended societal changes; argue for a reassessment of the impact of the 19th Amendment.

>Public Opinion
>Highlight that public opinion has evolved over time, and repealing the 19th Amendment reflects the will of a significant portion of the population.

>Framing as a Constitutional Experiment
>Present the idea that the 19th Amendment was an experiment in constitutional governance; suggest it’s legitimate to revisit such experiments if they do not align with the envisioned societal order.

>Raise questions of potential flaws or imbalances in the original ratification of the 19th Amendment that should be reevaluated
>Acknowledge that special interest groups, particularly those advocating for women’s rights, had an outsized influence on the ratification process, overshadowing broader public sentiment.

She didn’t do shit though
and they both are to short so they can’t even cover any politicians
America is way to comfortable
I want to play professional basketball
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Whenever you encounter a female cop, tread extremely carefully, do not look her in the eye, just carefully walk on by, do not say anything to her (even hello), just walk until you get to a safe place.
You may never know what kind of hormones are flicking her switches when you encounter her.

Women who enter "power positions with guns" are there to get attention and dick or they are bulldykes who are prone to violence and crave a chance to act it out.

tl;dr A normal woman doesn´t become a cop.
They are all just canon fodder
When this bitch gets rolling
>record scratch
>freeze frame
New Camera Angle Proves They Could’ve Acted Sooner

um, excuse you honey, this isn't 1952 anymore
Based boomer
that's a kike
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America is way to comfortable
wtf is she doing?
No imagine if she had to shoot a couple real faggots that were motivated and some experienced
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that ONE female is representative of all the secret service. Look at the stellar work this specimen is undertaking while making sure no assasins crawl under the stage
I know i am gay for saying this but i honestly feel sorry for this lady. The abuse she is going to take... i blame her bosses
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It’s her fault for wanting to play secrets service but also her enablers yes
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One qt 3.14 was with him the entire time and he elbowed her in the face for her loyalty.
He broke her glasses and she had to get new ones from the car here kek >>474253600
She deserved it
That chick actually did her job but she’s to short
All these chicks should be doing undercover crowd work honestly
Spying on pleads in the stands
Got to know your people’s strength and how to use them
It was worth it for those big Trump hugs.
You know how they say "if you can't take the heat, get the fuck back into the kitchen"... or something like that.
Yeah, like other anons have said, she wouldn't be carrying Trump out of there on her own.
Beat me to it, you Italian beauty.
Imagine if Trump was actually hurt and had to rely on a tiny girl to hold him up to walk.
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Shameless cunt, she was so enamored by this Chad, she had to go for his cock in front of all the people. At least wait until you're in the car before you give your boss some well-earned stress release, you slut.
Imagine the smell
You fucker.
I'm in a corporate meeting laughing my ass off.
What're you gonna do if you're a female cop? Run for cover
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It absolutely pisses me off to no end when I see cops wearing their guns on their waist where the handle is almost under their armpits (and I've noticed that women especially carry it this way). Pic related is the most efficient way to carry a gun. Either a chest holster or "drop-leg." And two guns are better than one in case one jams. I mean, if you're pinned against a wall or inside a car, it's virtually impossible to draw a firearm like those girls are carrying (especially the second one from the left).

With drop-leg it's just it's not just easily accessible, but you can do so without clearly advertising that you reaching for your gun. With chest holsters, you're ready as can be in the event of a shootout. Rather than reloading, in a tense situation you can just magdump, drop one gun and draw the other.
>Her: You don't understand, I really might die tonight
>Date: What? From my dick? Heh.
>Her: No! Protecting the fucking president!
>Date: But... also my dick right?
>[I Can't Get Enough of You Baby]
MCCARTHY, GET DOWN! Enemy sniper...stay low and crawl along the ground, that should enable you to sneak past the enemy
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Clear Signs This Was A Set Up

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This whole thing is fake and gay
Shooter is a Hapsburg(Vanderbilt) , the guy they said died is Richard Sexton(Jennier Greenberg Sexton)s husband
because she's a coward, her one job is to protect the president and she failed at doing that
She should be fired or resign immediately. The fucking director said she was committed to DEI and hiring more women, and this is what we fucking get? Competency crisis on full display right here. This shit was literally a matter of life and death, and she blew it big time. Liberals and their emotional feelgood bullshit have no place in society. Fuck them all.
Rare mixtape from The Donald
JTrump - Take Ur Lives Away

Save it while you can, it's limited edition.
JTrump doesn't mind who takes credit for it, he makes enough money.
wtf, thought that was o'keefe
Not everyone in the US Secret Service is on bullet sponge duty. And it looks like she was behind Trump anyway.
>cannot holster it
>hands shaking
>breathing is uncontrolled
lmfao they got the job simply because they knew someone and never ever expected this to happen
>Not everyone in the US Secret Service is on bullet sponge duty

Yeah, we often don't take into account that the SS's main job is to catch fake money. Why in the fuck they were chosen to protect the President is beyond me. It should be straight up Marines armed to the teeth walking around in full combat gear.
Presidential Lard Detail of the U.S. Secrete Sauces
Fucking sluts playing man.
> It should be straight up Marines armed to the teeth walking around in full combat gear.
these dudes that you're talking about exist as well but they're following out of sight usually.
I want to see these guys fight for each other's suitcase
White-knighting leftist bullshit from the username of a fictional character that hunted women for sport...

These lefty faggots really have no idea about anything, do they?
>is to catch fake money
What does that mean?
I read that most of Trumps SS detail were rerouted to Jill Bidens event
>She was there to take a bullet for Donald but his own supporters make fun of her…why?
Because she's hiding behind the guy she's hired to protect. She's literally using him as a shield.
10/10 in muttland
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I should have said "intercept" counterfeit money. Apparently that shit was rampant during the civil war, and thus the Secret Service was designed to specifically catch counterfeiters, and then after Lincoln was assassinated, they for some reason chose that agency to protect the President. Before them, Presidents just had like some dude with a gun follow him around, like based Pinkerton.
I wouldn’t go that far since I believe in equal opportunities and the law of averages, but it should be so infinitesimally rare. Only the most male brained Amazonians (probably all sheboons unironically, sheboons are the only female soldiers I’ve ever respected)
I wasn't aware of that. Thank you, friendly stranger.
she still chewing on a burger.
Ah, anything for a based Hungarian. Best wishes from the US!
Put the Benny hill music to it.
This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home...
this world is insane
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>women have honor
nigga say wot?
Yeah and the only reason Lincoln wasn't being protected at the theater was because at that time it was thought unthinkable for someone to want to kill President Lincoln. I know movies make it seem like Southerners hated him, but Lincoln was actually highly respected by both sides; I mean just the fact that he didn't execute or even imprison confederate soldiers for treason and instead ordered that they be allowed to return home as Americans made him very popular with Johnny Rebs. Even Robert E. Lee fell into a massive depression after Lincoln was killed and immediately started referring to the south as "we" instead of "us."
Imagine saying this shit as a fucking French... buddy there are shitskins commiting abominations in Paris as we speak and your own people are cheering them on. We've all got shit in our cornflakes, stop pretending yours is chocolate.
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>whatdowedo whatdowedo whatdowedo
>uh uh ma gun can't come out
What a cluster fuck
I-I believe you
i LOVE how he fast moves to awaken the prey insticnt inorder to dispense plesentaries and i also love how it momentarily registers on teh other guy

>did he just fucking fast move me he was being polite
Ah, cut the bitch some slack. I probably would've been shitting my pants too. That's a lot of shit coming at you at once, and what if there were several shooters? I've had a gun pointed at me before and made the mistake of thinking about how my mom was going to handle the news. I can only imagine flying bullets coming from anywhere being very nerve wrecking. It's not like she ran away.

It's okay to be scared of being shot bro.
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This is Putin's secret service just for comparison.
Mega chads, looks like a Jason Statham action movie cast.
Russia don't play DEI
also prez is in full coverage its not a fucking dogpile
alothough if more shots rang out i would expect here to jump ontop of fellow agents if no move order is given
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That's because you're a coping faggot or DEI female officer.
I have a right to criticize these useless women, my job requires better and have been tested fuck off.
A lot was said without any words.
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It can be done. I've met some cold blooded bitches that straight don't give a fuck.
"Not Men "

I'm just saying; she panicked. Fuck it. Some aren't cut out for shit like that. I'm a trucker and I've worked with women that are tough as nails and then others that cry, but then I've worked with dudes that are even bigger bitches that cry AND go home...at least the crying bitches keep working.
I've seen the movie and that's how she responds.
The exception is the example of the fool.
>believing obvious propaganda
Come on anon. Do you believe in the ghost of Kiev too?
its wrong blame the screen writers then

>not men
*powerful, symbolic*
>Not a man
*wrong, sad*
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Read a book, read two.
Shane Gillis was trying out one of his female characters.
Verification not required.
That's a good cover. If Trump's fat ass won't stop bullets then nothing will.
Of course those were propaganda numbers, but she had to have at least killed ONE. How many enemy soldiers have you killed?
Women shouldn't be in the military or any security position, they are dumb, slow and weak.
That’s a different femoid, younger and not so fat. There were several of them
I'm for a Ukrainian/Russian family I know well of our shared history and I still will say that women don't belong in war. They were just brought to the front lines to inspire them men to fight harder and to serve as propaganda pieces. But hey, the story is pretty cool I guess.

> Moя лaдoнь пpeвpaтилacь в кyлaк.
Is one hell of a line

Post a selfie and cover your face.
Women are neither of those things they still shouldn't be in military or security positions because they are women. Violence is the job of men that's the only reason.
>doxx yourself
All you need to know is that I'm 193cm, manletmutt
you don't know biology then
>Violence is the job of men
lol go touch grass.
>Of course those were propaganda numbers, but she had to have at least killed ONE
Really? This is were you are going to move the goal post?
Why is Biden sexist?
Why doesn't he have a 100% female detail?
I call for feminism!
I don't speak metric. Those numbers mean nothing to me. Stfu and go drink olive oil and pretend you live in a real country.
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Bring back the stached SS agents!
>t. dei hire who hates it when another dei hire is held accountable
did someone already pointed out she look just like an amy schumer persona?
As a 69 position enthusiast, I know exactly what you mean brother.
>Ah, cut the bitch some slack.
No. Don't take the job if you lack the qualifications. You'd expect the same from a surgeon or any other person you need to be able to trust with your life.
This is the ex-President facing an assassination attempt, which is exactly the high threat scenario her job and role exists for: keeping the VIP safe and alive.
100% failure, not physically fit, only hired because it fits the current agenda but not because she's in any way fitting:
In one image we could see her cowering behind the VIP, using him as human shield / line of sight block, in another we see her pulling out the gun for no reason and being unable to holster it. We also have the audio from the confused "what do we do" while the shooter's direction should be obvious the ear piercing shot and line of sight breaking cover / extraction would be the next thing unless being able to immediately deal with the threat personally. I only played games and know this, she has the job.
this is why ukraine is losing the war
Ofc I know. I'm not saying that women are as strong as men I'm not retarded. What I'm saying that women shouldn't be measured by these parameters as it's not their biological role to be strong, brave or violent in a physical sense. I'm 190cm tall, 110kg I know full well I can break the spine of pretty much any woman in half but if you measure a fish for it's ability to climb a tree who is the dumb one? You or the fish?
Go hide under momma's skirt you faggot. I don't want a woman to protect me as if I'm a child.
She would make a good shield. Would take some anti-tank rounds to get through that.
Sovl vs souless.
jej best so far
>they got the job simply because they knew someone
Knew them biblically
>not to mention real superpower - China
Fat American women could kill a chink one on one.
wtf why is she eating during a shooting??
Watch the video, they have guys in full armour with rifles up there surveying the area like you say
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>I don't want a woman to protect me as if I'm a child

And you shouldn't, but I'm not just going to agree with all of you that women can't be badass, because it's just not the truth. Believe me, I've broken bread with these rabid bitches and they're scary as fuck. They may be the minority, but they exist.
Women are rewarded for fleeing danger because they survive to have more children. Men are rewarded for facing danger because women reward heroism with sexual opportunity. This will not change. Women have no business in any endeavor where courage and fast devision making are required. They will simply flee.
i got pulled over, 78 in a 65, pimply young sheriffs oficer woman gave me a warning kek "just slow down ok?" yeah sure retard
>dem women truckers good as men on the road
Getting a blowjob in the Love's parking lot helps lol fuck off
Women are so fucking cringe
Imagine not firing these retards
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Absolutely embarrassing.
You had one fucking job and what the fuck do you do?
Cower behind the person you're supposed to protect.
This is why you don't put women into a male-dominated field.
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Chads in charge when Reagan was shot. This guy in the Brooks Brothers three piece whipped out that Uzi in the blink of an eye.
Ignorant fuck; I've known bitches that tarp flatbeds during a blizzard and wouldn't think twice about slitting your fucking throat if they had to. Change your ways anon, because if you go outside thinking you can wipe the floor with any woman just because you've got a swinging dick, then you're going to found out how wrong you are in a very devastating way.

Obviously there's a disparity, and I'm not arguing that, but they're not all little princesses either. You just haven't met a bad bitch yet.
This is why I still come back here.
There are women SS in the Hillary video where she almost collapses and is pushed into the van.
Vaginal "police".
>America: A nation of pussy sniffing "men" on their knees
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DEI is a Hollywood based religion. Every cop show in the last two decades has stronk, smart and sassy wammen saving the day judo flipping scruffy white men into submission.
You will never be a real woman pretending to be a man
hot food fuzz
Because she’s clearly more concerned about her reddit karma than doing her fucking job which no one forced her to do. It was completely voluntary. She knows shes a fat out of shape dumb bitch but decided to burden everyone around her to prove that woman = men>>474234652
You can clearly see her hitting her head on the glass ceiling.
Natural diversity vs forced diversity.
That nigga looks like actual business.
Show tits or gtfo
>black intellectuals
pick one
“He took me back, he said, ‘I’ve got to tell you a secret about SNL,’” shared Macdonald. “He secreted me into this room and he locked it and made sure it wasn’t bugged. He said, ‘I got a secret to tell you.’ I was very honored to have this. And then his secret was — he said, ‘This doesn’t go past these walls. Pat is a woman!’”
Imagine the size of this truck stop food disposing bitch.
that's the i just pooped face
The guy in the back is there to shoot the other three if they hesitate to act.
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Is that hamburger hepler??
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Women are pathetic. I shouldn't be surprised by this.
you can get in the SS running 12 minute miles, fucking joke.

Push-Ups - The purpose of this test is to evaluate upper body muscular strength and endurance. Applicants are required to complete as many push-ups as possible in one minute. Only one trial will be given and scores are based on how many correctly performed push-ups are completed. Minimum required > 14 push-ups.
Sit-Ups - The purpose of this test is to evaluate abdominal strength. Applicants are required to do as many sit-ups as possible in one minute. Only one trial will be given and scores are based on how many correctly performed sit-ups are completed. Minimum required > 22 sit-ups.
Illinois Agility Run — The purpose of the Illinois Agility Run is to evaluate an applicant's anaerobic power and ability to quickly change directions. This component will take place either indoors or outdoors and requires applicants to complete a short distance run with changes in direction as fast as possible. Two trials for this component are given, but only the best trial will be scored. Minimum required < 23.89 seconds.
1.5-mile run- The purpose of this test is to assess cardiovascular endurance. This test can be administered either indoors or outdoors on a marked hard and flat surface with minimal sharp turns. Applicants are permitted to walk or stop during the run. The total time required to complete the distance is recorded. Minimum required < 19:41 min:sec.

-Melissa McCarthy as Agent Kupeski, Commander and Grief, 2022
Tell me you're a woman while not telling me you're a woman
ok lady relax
To be fair they lowered the standards in 2017 for SS members

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Projecting as always Moshe
So much of this stinks.
Imagine being Trump. Something hits your ear. You realise it was a shot from a rifle, you are buried under protection agents on the stage. There's blood dripping from your ear down your face. Nobody knows how many shooters there are or if the threat has been neutralised. You get to your feet, but are so unconcerned at the possibility of another shot drilling through your skull that you stop and grin at the crowd, pumping your fist, and all your protection detail allow this to happen, ensuring the photographers, and any would be assassins, will get a good shot.
There is no fucking way even cheap ass protection details would be this bad, surely?
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Trump is a big, tall guy and he literally fought his detail to rise up and show defiance. You're having trouble comprehending courage and it's understandable as a UK PM would be in a fetal position.

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