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How the fuck do any of you think a civil war is coming? What even are the factions? How are their ranks going to be determined? What are their goals? How do these factions plan to reinstate a government? Would they even?

You think all the libtards and conservacucks are going to unite or some shit? What side even is the US Army? Would it be a brawl between multiple bloodthirsty fags?
None of your shit matters. What matters is people are poor and angry. See history.
>muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh
Only bots think that
Texas and Florida's state governments, between them, are solidly controlled by opposition to the Feds. The Democrats have no real power in either Austin or Tallahassee. That is enough to rally the rest of the Southeast and a lot of the Midwest. The people? The people don't fucking matter. People don't decide things, States do. Governments do.

Either Trump is allowed to take power or we get secession and war, and the poor average person is going to be caught in the middle and there's fuck-all they can do about it. I hope to God they known how to shoot.
>what are the factions?
About 16 or 18 blue counties vs. the rest of the country
No one thinks that. No one will do shit.
You are a fat slave get over it <\thread>
Progressives own all the ports and critical infrastructure thanks to Jack "get out of the cities posobiec"
Paramilitary thugs will form. First its just stuff like Patriot front marching and black israelites marching in retaliation but then its gonna ramp up. Then, Freikorps style units made up of army dudes and veterans will form and help police and feds shut it down in exchange for political concessions. Eventually it will get to the point where these freikorps types try and coup the govt and get shut down
Regionally you will have NF wignat fags fighting Cascadia lefty fags as well as Texas republic fags fighting Aztlan fags fighting loyalist fags for example.
Some will try and seize the national govt and twist it to their ideology others will try and secede.
US Army is neutral maintaining the status quo. Some parts will defect or help the factions like the police and feds and others
Some libtards and concucks will unite for democracy as a sort of pro govt "pro democracy" paramilitary like Reichsbanner
>civil war is coming
Fuck no lmao most americans wont get off their ass to fight for anything
I've actually lived through several civil wars and I can explain this fairly simply.
It starts from the bottom up, where a cycle of dispossession leaves political adversaries with no basis for cooperation.

The two groups drive people out until they are geographically isolated, like a bloods and crips situation. You then get terrorism where a whole area is targeted, which forces the majority to take sides, and there's no workable political solution because peace is not a common interest where one of the two sides seems to be winning. With very little actual violence the community is cut in two.

Officials then can't govern the split community, quickly losing legitimacy among both sides, illegitimate/ unofficial community leaders then usurp the authority of state, declare independence, and immediately start open war. And both sides tend to do this at once.

A civil war in a western country isn't fiction, it happens every hundred years or so. We sort of missed the last round because what would have been civil wars became world wars. The civil war in Germany and the Spanish civil war, the Italian civil war, we don't remember these as civil wars simply because they became world wars
>How the fuck do any of you think a civil war is coming?
There wont be a civil war, it will be Second Revolution after Project 2025 rolls back 150 years of progress.
ID, MT, ND, WY should be red. Also a couble dozen of dudes with sawzalls can knock out electricity to the whole Puget Sound and Portland. So WA and OR will bend the knee red to their eastern overlords or just be out of the fight with resource battles for survival cut off from aid.

>Verification not required bitches
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The world has had many civil wars, and you know what? Ours is the one that stands out as being unusual. You know with two armies duking it out on battle fields and shit. The troubles in Ireland would be more akin to what you could expect. Overt militarized police force being sent to communities where they are not welcome with spiritic armed resistance. Asymmetric gorilla tactics and terror plots in opposing territories.

America is strong and powerful but it could deteriorate but that would take time, in 10 years or so you could see things get bad enough to have warlords popping up.
How do you do fellow concerned patriot. I think there will be a major insurrection where Trump voters march on Washington DC
America is already at the breaking point,
Ill go you any amount of Money that If Trump Wins and tries to implement Project 2025, WE WILL go into another civil war before the midterms (Assuming someone doesnt try stand alone Shenanigans 1st and succeeds)
>What side even is the US Army?
The side that doesn't despise them.
Any hypothetical scenario of widespread civil unrest and bloodshed that will involve the armed forces will result in the army siding with the right wing, the side that actually appreciates and respects them.
It won't even be much of a civil war, just a quick mop up.
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There are two ways that it could happen in my mind.

1. You have some sort of disagreement between a state government and the federal government that escalates to armed conflict. That would be the unpredictable one. States vs federal.

2. Societal collapse. One day the trucks just stop running. Things grind to a hault everywhere. Then, you would see people in cities turn chaotic. The people in rural areas would be safer just because of their further proximity to the other starving people. Eventually the city people would start to flee the cities, and the rural people would kill them.

It will either be state vs federal government or city vs rural people. Left or right won't matter that much.
It’s just NWO Jews vs humans
That’s all it is
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>What even are the factions?
Me vs you. Get ready, bitch.
>not forming a third faction
>new england not just descending into chaos and purging boston

I've studied you savages long enough to understand your ways, this isn't even mentioned the Greater Idahoan Empire that would form.
The only ones apeing for an american civil war is china
the US is one nation, we are just cleaning house of all the crooks and liars thanks to our boy Trump
>The side that doesn't despise them.
Sooooo The Democrats?
Republicans Hate everyone in the military that is not Straight White Male
Republicans hate Veterans
Republicans Hate the Mothers, Sisters, Spouses and Daughters of Service Men.

You all are in for a rude awakening if you think the bulk of the Army will rally behind the Christo Fascist Side Republicans.

You will have a better change getting Cops on your side, But cops dont have Drones.
Ohio is not blue lmao
Highland square and those little faggots like Kenny Averette Eddie Gancos and ilk will be taken out quickly as fuck and then the rest is basically ahrdcorr republican maybe pretending, outside of Columbus
>What even are the factions?
I see you cannot even conceive of possibilities beyond two.
You will be educated the hard way.
You will refuse to see the truth until you get killed.
Then it will be too late for you.
OP is a retarded ass faggot
For real. Nothing ever happens.
If a civil war happens it's gonna be with those states and Mexico in the south
>ND, WY, MT, and ID not in FSA
Who the fuck made this map?
Latin America looks good this time of year come to think of it, USA gayest country in human history isn't worth fighting for
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Conservatives and Libertarians will unite behind privatizing all functions of government and outsourcing them.... and behind Project 2025, which basically aims to help that process along.

Conservatives and Libertarians love defunding the nation. It's their agenda....

The Establishment left will do whatever Bezos and Zuckerberg say....

The Marxists and Anarchists will probably burrow, and stay low, as they're less than 1% of the population.
Mexico will have one hell of a laugh time closing the border if a Civil War breaks out in USA. Given practically every state that border them (except California) hates them.
If project 2025 actually happens ur government is fucking cooked honestly
So how does that work out in USA where almost all the land is red with some blue metro areas dotted here and there?
You have hollywood brain. Just because everything isn't playing out in a slick action montage like a John Wick movie doesn't mean nothing is happening. modern civil wars are multi-factional shit shows with like 2 dozen different factions fighting for power over limited territory and lots of terrorism in between
That doesn't matter when ur at war already being attempted to be occupied, you southerners literally receive all funding from us in literally everything, ur not going to win a war with us let alone Mexico too.
America is too fat to have a civil war
Possibly, definitely aim for South America not Mexico or North America at all, maybe central America will be ok in some areas
>illegitimate/ unofficial community leaders then usurp the authority of state, declare independence, and immediately start open war
Warlord Tom.
It would be a global marxist takeover all at once in the west probably.
>Conservatives and Libertarians love defunding the nation
well given that they pay to fund it in the first place, that only seems fair.
Mexico is not gonna get in the war, Mexico will just Close the Border.
Only way mexico gets in the war is IF whatever side ask for their help, concede to give back New Mexico at the very least
>civil war is coming
>Fuck no lmao most americans wont get off their ass to fight for anything
I believe it is silly fantasy at least for near future but nothing ever done by the most. around or even less then 10% as active participants is usually enough.
It seems like none of these international organizations benefit any of the white citizens of the western countries. Only big businesses and Jewish psychopaths.
The main global issue would be Trump allowing China to take over Taiwan
That will make China the biggest (and practically sole) manufacturer of Semiconductors and chip waffles.
Its hard enough already to tell China to fuck off cause Legal Slavery manufacturing. If they get Taiwan, its basically Game Over.
Same for Allowing Russia to Expand unchecked.
you would be stupid to try and cause another civil war, it will be worse than what happened in 1865, the US Government is not one to be trifled with
the same texas that completely shuts down with the tinest bit of snow or enters a near apocalyptic state when the state generator stops working?
t. lives in texas
I don't mean from a foreign country, I mean a global Marxist takeover from within in each western country at the same time.

Low quality.
It’s always been fairly simple. It’s a civil war between the cities and rural areas. Those cities are 100% dependent on electricity, food and fuel from rural areas. Once the power lines are down and the trucks won’t move because the cities are blockaded for any travel. Law and order will quickly break down in these huge cities. The looting and rioting done by their own citizens will cause the social fabric to break down. Any attack on rural areas will ignite key conservative states to secede from the union and order the national guard and the troops on military bases to view the government as having been taken over by a hostile force that has dissolved the constitution meaning they’re oath of protecting the constitution from enemies both foreign and Domestic would pressure them to ignore any orders to attack American citizens. Cities like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be viewed as attempting a coup on the American republic and attacking the rest of the country to implement their regime. People don’t realize that as these major cities tear themselves apart and the police and firefighters attempt to stop the anarchy and violence. The outcome would likely be eventual surrender as the rural parts of America would be able to hold out this siege and provide their own food, fuel and electricity.

It really is as simple that only 30% of Americans live in major cities and outside of that the suburbs and rural areas are full of people with guns and resources to survive and protect themselves. The civil war would be decided more by the inability of these cities to maintain law and order than any other factor. Any attempt for these groups to try and move out of the cities and attack the rural and suburban areas would be quickly defeated by those who have the guns and resources to fight against them.
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Im old and fat, and have fairly advanced heart disease. Im just going to walk into a battlefield and make sure I have good video for the gore streams.
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they are violent too
Op your map is more retarded than you are. That's astonishing.
There won't be another civil war anytime soon. The only group in the US with an actual casus belli are the natives, and they do not have the strength to do anything currently. Everything else will continue to be the type of shitposting and minor bloodshed that has dominated the US since World War 2.
People are too fat and lazy to go to war. US is still the richest country in the world
Few people thought the first Civil War would happen and that Americans can just get along, a Southern sympathizer was in power at Congress aftet all. But an election later and a events, we had one.
>Go to civil war
>Army rallies behind the People in the cities
"Rural" people will be all droned to hell and back before you can start Guerrilla Warfare
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This is what a civil war looks like .. it wont take long actually.. the hard part will be dinding enough bullets for all the faggots
>nigger still thinks Land Votes
you fucking muppet
>Muh Civil War
Americans have been crying wolf about civil war on here since at least 2009. Really looking at Americans and how they behave today bring the first Civil war into question if it was really even a conflict at all and not just another nigger worship fest, no different than today.
I'm guessing America breaks into at least 5 or 6 countries. No one is going to want to fight about it.
California's military dwarfs all of that. A civil war would just lead to a massive conflict between Texas and California. spoiler Texas loses. But again Americans are too fat to have a civil war.
>Puerto Rico
yeah you're wrong hoss, when america falls PR will sell itself to whatever country gives the most bountiful handouts and sacrifices their women to GPRC at la placita
*poor, angry, and comfortable
when was the last time in history where that was the case?
picrel in img is retarded because there are more Republicans in California than any other state. So it isn't the entire state of CA versus the red states, it's basically a bunch of degenerates in urban environments versus the rural communities.
People still have take away and social media to distract them. Maybe when that's no longer the case something might happen.
What strikes me is how Americans casually talk about a civil war like it would just be shooting some ANTIFA people and waltzing into Congress, instead of the cycles of famines, ethnic groups genociding each other, Mormons and some obscure religious fanatic group using tactical nukes to destroy the other, a total collapse of the food and water supply, no functional health system, tens of millions of American refugees collapsing Canada, a total financial meltdown that would dwarf the Great Depression on a global scale.

It's all fine and good to idly shitpost on 4chan about wiping out the Jews and Niggers, but most Americans here would not survive, or would be directly affected in some way.
>a total financial meltdown that would dwarf the Great Depression on a global scale
I think this is something that people both inside the US and outside of it dramatically underestimate. The US stock market collapsing lead to a massive global depression that wiped out 15% of the world economy, imagine the financial impacts of the US collapsing because Americans are waging war on each other.
Hell, the US collapsing basically means the Chinese economy collapses as well, removing the two biggest economies in the world. It almost certainly leads to a world war.
Glowies and media pushing agenda. The only people fighting a civil war are the people the country hates the most. The bottom of the horse
>poor and angry
Kek anon is a fucking retard. This a country where people are living extremely comfortable, ask someone with a trade job how poor they are
>you would be stupid to try and cause another civil war, it will be worse than what happened in 1865, the US Government is not one to be trifled with
This is a understatement,
Russian glow nigger please get drafted in Ukraine war so you can star in drone videos
As someone who engages in 3 of these states pretty actively:
>Iowa would be red
>Illinois is only blue because of Chicago
>Minnesota is only blue because of Minneapolis
You'd have a lot of rural voters marching on the cities while the people within those cities fight amongst each other normally. I could probably make a case for other states if I actually lived in them for any length of time.
It wouldn't be a simple march on cities. I don't think anyone in America is ready for the slaughterhouse that urban warfare would be in this scenario, whether they're rural or urban. That sort of violent urban combat with zero support is something very few people in the US have any experience with at all, even people who have served in the military. It would be a tragedy that kills millions of Americans, potentially tens of millions.
that's a stupid map
you already live under two separate governments, the US and the USA, dumbass

I looked at the map, quickly, and noticed it was shit
Two different scenarios that could bring about a civil war and what it would look like in both cases.
Why the right would start civil war:
If Trump is taken out, the right will bring the country to a halt. They won't go into the cities and target anyone. They would target infrastructure to keep city people in the cities. This would cause a free for all in the cities and when the food stops people will turn on eachother. 5 to 6 months later the cities would look like gaza does now.
Why the left would start civil war:
If Trump wins in November the democrats and their controllers can't be proven wrong by allowing Trump to turn things around. So riots, looting and economic crash will be sanctioned. Again, the surburban and rural people will cut off all cities. Chaos will ensue and 5 to 6 months later the cities will look like gaza.
Either way, the left, in the cities, will eat eachother until there is nothing left. After that the right will come in start a new centralized govt and rebuild.
In either case if the time frame goes into winter the city folks are beyond fucked.
Daily reminder that “Muh civil war” shills are glowies and shills who want to remain angry so you don’t accomplish anything in life or enact peaceful positive change. Violence for its own sake is meaningless bloodshed that results in only emboldening your enemies and resulting in a cascade of suffering far worse than what currently exists.

Glowies are only as powerful as long as you listen to their psyops and are COINTELPRO’d into doing what they want. Simply refuse to participate in the hate and they lose all their power.
>None of your shit matters. What matters is people are poor and angry.
It's literally the opposite.
Elites matter
Drone operators have addresses and mothers. Simple fact, also insanely simplistic world view of how reality would play out.
That implies that no one in the military is more sympathetic to the cities.
The most likely outcome in that scenario is that the military fragments in terms of both manpower and material resources, resulting in a bloody civil war akin to the civil wars that happened in the first half of the 20th century.
I suggest you read about the russian revolution.
Even with all the gay shit the military introduced, its still mainly staffed by right leaning people. Like you said they would break off and take lots of material and supplies with them. What would be left would be dei soldiers who are only there for the college tuition or to get a check. These are the people that fill the ranks of lower level military jobs like supply, motor transport etc. They would probably be the first deserters. The 75 and above asvab scorers with higher technical skill jobs will get the hell out of dodge.
Any military personnel who do happen to be more sympathetic to the cities will probably go there and when they do they'll be stuck in a quagmire like Mogadishu. They might be well meaning, but they will be outnumberd by gangs looking to up their supplies.
Who grows the food?
Who keeps the power plants running?
Who drives the trucks/trains that cities rely upon every day to avoid famine?
Who do the police and military support?

The upcoming Civil War will not be fought between easily separable North/South divide, but urban/rural. Cities are 9 meals from anarchy. That's all it takes to collapse society.
This is the reality. Sure the President and higher-ups' families will get protection ... but not police chiefs, sergeants, mechanics, logistics, etc. and certainly not the boots on the ground. How many of them do you think would leave the families unguarded to go and enforce tyrannical orders against their neighbours? - this is why all the F-35s, miniguns, explosives, etc. means nothing.

Whilst it's clearly their aim to have fully-automatous defence, they're still quite a ways away from that. So long as they rely on ordinary men to defend them, they need the ordinary men on-side.
>I suggest you read about the russian revolution which was organised by aristocrats like dzerzhinsky and sponcored by western powers.
However it starts, it will be something like this in six months
>Conservative side leadership and ideology collapses in favor of radical right-wing pro-white views in response to atrocities
>Independent Utah and surrounding Mormon territory forms and doesn't expand, essentially becomes massive fortress
>Mass black rioting and killing against everyone
>Mass migrations of Hispanics going south
>Euro-NATO intervention for the (((federal government))) against everyone fighting against it
Tens of millions dead by the end of this shitshow
I can tell you're a transplant or live in the north of the state, since you've never seen all the people who stay behind during extreme hurricane evacuations, when there's no power and water, and play armed militia securing their communities. It's part of why we have so many niggers and wetbacks, but none of the looting that takes place in other states when people leave their homes undefended. I also wish you people would go back, because you flip the fuck out and tear through stores like packs of panicked retards, being cunts to everyone, when it gets even slightly windy or rainy.
This seems most likely. I lived in a huge city for a long time and let me tell you they will fucking burn like you would not believe. The ghetto population will completely go apeshit the second services stop expecting that everything will start up tomorrow again if they burn a bunch of stuff.They will be confused becase every other temper tantrum has always ended after a few days and things are back to normal again. The second they cant get pork rinds at walmart they will break mpore shit expecting to be appeased and once tey start starving they just start robbing everything around them just trying to live one day longer
nigger do you feel comfortable?
>Californias military

What fucking military? You got bases that more likely to side what the Miltary itself
The USA also prpvides most of the worlds Phosphrous used in the fertalizer that put us ahead of Malthusian theory by providing enough food for over 2 billion people to live on Earth. Its gonna be like the Bronze Age collapse where a few key components dissappeared and everything outside of Egyptian fell itno ruin while the Nile kept them limping along
>>Euro-NATO intervention

I simply do not understand the overly simplistic rural vs. urban “war” that some anons are trumpeting. In any crisis, those who survive tend to be wealthy or well-prepared. Farms will still need/want to sell their food (and governments will order them to do so) to the highest bidder - and many of those bidders (and politicians) live in cities.

If you live in a rural area and have prepped, your survival is fairly likely. However, simply living near a farm or farming community will have absolutely zero benefit to you. Food will not be rationed based on geographic proximity, it will be rationed by military force and by money. If you can pay, you can eat.

What seems likely is that a rogue right-wing group could seize control of some farms by force and an establishment left-wing faction could simply buy the rights of other farms. Regardless, money will still speak. Once we consider the complexities of delivering medication to an American population that is chronically ill, this picture becomes even more messy.
>nigger still thinks he votes
my sides
Map source because some of you faggots think I actually made this map or that it's an actual prediction.


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