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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Jesus, there really is no option in Germany, they all hate Russkies for no reason.

We need to come together with our Russian friends and settle our differences. We need to start finding peaceful solutions instead of prolonging the war.
vote for a woman unironically. didn't merkel initially oppose nato expansion into ukraine before the US put their foot down?
The peaceful solution would be to slaughter everyone in the Bundestag.
You guys need to ditch the US and work with Russia.
If you make nice with Russia, you guys could split up Poland.
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Merkel was the last bastion of reason.

In 2015 she made a Palestinian girl cry on live TV when Merkel said “you have to go back to Palestine and fight fight fight”.

Ultimatelty, the girl became a German in 2022, started dating a far right /pol/ poste white Aryan German and started to post “from the river to the sea” in 2023 praising Hamas.
>Jesus, there really is no option in Germany, they all hate Russkies for no reason.
Being the historical enemy of Europe seems like a good reason.
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>they all hate Russkies for no reason.
kek, you are a retard
>for no reason
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>ditch the US

Why?mBy November a Russian friendly president is elected and we can go back to normal, friendly relationships with Belarus/Russia
Totally worked out before, right?
Poland is already 100% German owned, but we can split Belarus and Ukraine.
>Germany, they all hate Russkies for no reason.
Do they all hate Gerhard Schroder too? Because that might have something to do with it.
Do you honestly think that the (((elites))) will allow the masses of goyim to choose policies different from the ones they prefer? Do you honestly think they'll let you derail their plans in the name of fairness?

There is no real opposition in modern Judeo-Western Democracy, the electoral process exists to give dumbass the illusion of control and serve as a halfassed circus. The real power isn't even invested in elected officials, the sum total of the bureaucracy has more power than your elected leaders and can block their actions if they get out of line or if by some miracle the wrong leader is elected.
never gonna happen peacefully, Germany is still under occupation
>for no reason
Funny how everyone who has to be in contact with russians hate them and for no reason as well.

Kinda reminds me of some other tribe, cant put my nose on which one
>Russkies for no reason.
Plenty of reasons really but we know you arent be honest anyway. Giving weapons to a nation defending itself isnt warmongering.
>for no reason
krauts have unfinished business over there
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Ruskies deserve it for saving jewish power in ww2 and communism. Apologize to Adolf Hitler, he tried to save you.
Wow, you are a quick one. There is no political solution.
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>opposition leaders
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>there really is no option in Germany
>they all hate Russkies for no reason.

*implements Social Nationalism
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>hate Russkies for no reason
How retarded can you be? It was the Russkis who started all this, and still haven't paid for it.
I hope the next chancellor will finally bomb Moscow.
>It was the Russkis who started all this
Yeah, let's ignore the GLOWNIGGER COUP.
>for no reason
The only unreasonable position is your cuckoldry towards russoshits.
>they all hate Russkies for no reason
They hate Russia because MUH RAPE OF BERLIN.
I think rape of berlin was perfectly justified. The germans invaded soviet union and genocided everyone they came across. Bit of rape is too good of a punishment for Germshits
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I hope so, too.
RF must be destroyed at all cost even if that will mean full scale world war.
There is only one place for a global superpower - USA and its empire.

Millions, no. Billions will die for the glory of GAE. But RF will be destroyed at the end.
Russians are degenerates. They destroy, sellout their state from time to time on a regular basis - russian empire, USSR. Now it is time for RF to die.
They can stop this and save the lives of billions.
Just fucking destroy RF.
Destroy it , russian dogs and you will live. Or you will die with millions. It is up to you.
GAE is only one!
I would like peace and cheap fuel prices again too, but the problem is that Putins regime won't stop with Ukraine if they get peace on their terms.
This is no conspiracy but exactly what they stated as their goal.
The Russians want the old gang back together even though most of the old sattelite states hate the russians because they were exploited and mistreated by them.
It's an awful situation for us germans, we don't have nukes for deterrence and can't expect the US to help us since NATO only says the members
>"will assist the Party or Parties so attacked with such action as it deems necessary" in article 5
The EU has a much better defence pact (Artikel 42(7)) which would guarantee at least french nukes as a defence.
If we didn't fuck our own military for 30 years we would be in a much better position and russia would be much less of a threat to us.

I don't believe Ukraine can really win this, but if they lose outright we will have a horribly unstable europe for the next 30-50 years and everyone will suffer from it through increased taxes for military spending.

I don't like the warmongers.
If russia would be a reasonable diplomatic partner we could have trusted the first and second minsk agreement, but russia broke both for their own benefit.
Let's hope for the best, I don't see any outcome being good for humanity though since the peace won't hold.
The one in ukraine?
Why do you care? Ukraine isn't part of russia.
>Germany has started two previous world wars
You guys have the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now...
Third time's the charm.
Third time's the charm
Trips of truth
Imagine US reaction if Russia did a coup in Canada (that is not a part of US).
tell us who blew up Nord Streams, retarded burger?
it was one country just 30 years ago
every third Ukrainian had a relative in Russia
cities in South and East of Ukraine are still Russian-speaking
it's certainly not some Mexico to Russia
Okay Rajesh
If Canada doesn't ask for help, why should they care?
The protests in ukraine didn't start from the cia, they just fostered it. If yanukovitch thought he was in the right he could just have asked help from neighbouring coutries.
Lithuania was also part of russia 30 years ago and under the russian empire for two centuries. Go ahead and ask putin to take over.
maybe in a world where Putin alone has the button to destroy both US and Europe with a nuclear triad that Russia inherited from USSR, maintained and improved

no political solution?
2014 coup Western sponsored coup happens a second time in 10 years in Ukraine - Ukraine loses Crimea (otherwise they would kick Russian fleet out of there)
Ukraine did not fulfill Minsk 1-2 - Ukraine losses Donass
Ukraine tricks Russia in Turkey - losses Zaporozhye and Kherson regions (ground bridge to Crimea)
right before the current Swiss summit, Putin again offered a diplomatic solution: use the agreement reached in Turkey as the start, recognize Crimea, Donbass and 2 other regions as Russian, etc., and it will end - crickets

you burgers are especially vile
sending tanks with a cross to Ukraine yet again to kill Russians after what you did in WW2 to them, after they let Western Germany annex Eastern Germany and supply you cheap gas for 50 years
if the nukes start hitting, just remember - you deserved them
the official France was a Nazi ally in WW2
it only thanks to USSR/Stalin that you not only ended up being the "victors", but also got a UN security council seat
now go suck some more of that American cock
he is a Blackrock manager what did you think was he going to say? I still find it impressive that people aren't not aware how fucking evil Habeck, Merz and co. really are its not incompetence its pure malice.
The past is the past and past rights don't excuse the current wrongs. The fact that you automatically jumped to american cocksucking certainly shows you're a fucking retard who only thinks in black and white. I dislike the americans and more than anything their politics that are spreading to europe but if russia are being ultrafaggots and waging war on my porch, I'll take the help I can even if it's from people I don't like.


Too good to be real.
>for no reason
You need to go back, Vladimir.
CDU? jej
>Merkel was the last bastion of reason
lmao she also was a lying bitch, as we’ve discovered, when she herself admitted to be lying on Minsk 1 and 2
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>muh reason
The only reason needed is the one their ZOG handlers give them.
Germany had a gainful relationship with Russia and amerimutts just couldn't let that slide.
Any kind of European sovereignity attempt has to be stopped by the schizo judaic mutts as they fear losing control. The same applies to all other vassal states like Japan that went from faint attempts at nationalism to PM assassination and refugees welcome/slava urine in no time.
All mainstream parties are filled with the same people.
They've been waging 4th generational warfare on you for over a century and NOW you notice?
>Being the historical enemy of Europe
ok, but the thread is about germany and russia, not britain
Check the nose.
>if you kill your enemies, they win

Obviously nation-states are going to find threats in large powers so its not completely out of the question to fight against Russia if Putin did decide to keep on after Ukraine and move further into Europe. The issue is fighting these wars while our countries have their own problems not being fixed just because a bunch of wealthy elite are afraid of Putin fucking up their globalist plans. Really though diplomacy is the only real way to solve Ukraine otherwise Putin is just going to win completely.
Enemies? We aren't allies with Ukraine, we rejected an association accord with a referendum Russia is no more my enemy for intervening in Ukraine than the usa is for invading Iraq. They aren't associated with us, they aren't allies, they aren't even neighbors. Why is this any of my business?
kek based continentalist
If the Ukrainians didn't want to deal with Russians maybe they should've handed us the oil fields back in the day.
>germans hate russia for no reason
Really hans?
>they all hate Russkies for no reason.
smegmovich behind the VPN you are not fooling anybody
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Netherlands however had a pretty high trade turnoff with Russia but now your government is imposing sanctions and sending weapons to the so called ukraine. The same happens across most EU and nobody voted for it.
Curious, isn't it?
Of course they all want war it is time for another harvest. This centuries harvest will be the largest goyim harvest in history.
>Merkel was the last bastion of reason.
>no reason
Arab nigger you need to go back
Nu/pol/ worships Russia the same way normiods worship niggers. In each respective mind their chosen ones can never do anything wrong and it’s everyone else’s fault they’re a subhuman.
>White genocide is bad unless it’s Russian kikes doing it
>We aren't allies with Ukraine,
so? Russia are economic and geopolitical adversaries of European powers

>Why is this any of my business?
because you're a pleb in the western world and fighting Russia is important to maintaining western hegemony. welcome to based and red pilled imperialism that /pol/ loves so much
Yeah normally sending billions of dollars with of weapons is treated as a declaration of war.
We voted against an association accord with Ukraine through a referendum, our government just ignored us though. They don't give a shit what the people want
If they're out adversary why did Germany spend the last several decades building it's entire infrastructure around Russian imports?
There is no western hegemony, there is america and it's vassals and the Jews that run America want white people dead, that doesn't serve my interests now does it?
>that doesn't serve my interests now does it?
who cares what you think? are you come kind of communist? the new aristocracy is in charge, their interests are what matter. do you even own land? get fucked pleb
white people want to tax everything and demand raised minimum wages and sick days and environmental regulations and food regulations and blah blah blah, youve outlived your use to the aristocracy. you are obsolete. serfs who have forgotten heir place. just listen to your fucking impudence acting like you should dictate policy instead of the king
Because we were discussing my opinion, bro. I said I don't have any reason to think of Russians as my enemy. That's what we were talking about.
I know what you're getting at but this is a non-sequitur
You think the king is in charge? That man can't even control his waistline
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>there really is no option in Germany,
There are ALWAYS options when your government is occupied and controlled by foreigners Hans. You might not like them, but they're there.
Until you free yourself from the American yoke your politicians will continue to put Americans interests above German interests.
>for no reason
Hello Ivan.
Doesn't Germany have like 45000 american soldiers and bases installed? I bet nothing happens there without the USA ambassador approving it before and that includes parties getting legalized
>Ruskies deserve it for saving jewish power in ww2
That's literally you, fun fact the regular people from USA didn't want to join neither WW1 or WW2 the hooked noses made lobby for it to happen
>Russians kill 250 Dutchmen
>Russia is jot our enemy
>2014 coup
It was the kikes who started this because they want a weak Europe and kill as much people as possible for their messianic prophecies that btw Evangelist believe in too
i'm pro-russian (slavic), which is why i support this.

>it only thanks to USSR/Stalin that you not only ended up being the "victors", but also got a UN security council seat
The UN security council is something that seems to be forget by people, Churchil and Roosevelt didn't want France there but Stalin put that as a condition for the conference of Yalta

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