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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
>The President is not a king and the Supreme Court is corruptly working at the behest of Trump
>It's kind of funny when people who attend a rally for an insurrectionist get shot by the violence they brought upon themselves

Everything he says is correct and the best and brightest of conservative twitter were embarrassed by him. He was literally treating them like children, and they responded as such. Perhaps it's time to hop off the Trump bandwagon, boys.
>insurrection on Jan 6
shitty bait

1) False
2) False
3) It's kind of funny when people who attend Biden rallies get shot by violence they brought upon themselves ??
>show love for your nation
>you're bringing violence
I'm more bringing a lot of seethe and projection.
>you are le obsessed not me policing every intitution and online community and shitting up the famous mongolian nazi board day and night
it's true. look up the fake electors scheme, the full narrative of his speech the day of, the bogus legal strategies his lawyers attested to informing him of, his rhetoric towards specifically Pence. it's all laid out in the indictments
Damn, nice bait. I can smell you from here. Take a shower, OP
Supreme Court says its an insurrection. you lost
Fuck off already
He is 5’1”. Has the body of a 12 year old and the size of his head is a 24 year old. He’s also a complete fucking cuck. Anyone average male in the US could beat the absolute shit out of him. He should stick a gun in his mouth and pull the fucking trigger.
>when the system works in my favor = good
>when the system works in your favor = BAD
Wrong. Wrong.

And Biden supporters do not bring violence upon themselves, they've never been the ones turning up the temperature in the country and constantly destroying established norms and rules in support of rigging the system for their criminal cult leader. Biden himself has consistently tried to mend the country.
>not american
I thank god every day for that.
I had an insurection on your wife

Lol you have no wife pajeet
Incel rage isn't disproving my point. All you have is pissing and shitting yourself.

The Supreme Court can eat a dick, the evidence doesn't requires their interpretation. This is how it's written in the Constitution, in fact.
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and yet he mind broke /pol/ and twitter LMAO
lol. faggot cannot even keep his own wife from fucking the entire world. Why would anyone take a man like that seriously?!
>4 years of seethe and protesting during trump
>4 more year of policing and institutional activism because i must purge muh evil nazis everywhere
>i am not a fascist
>People starting to feel bad for him, suggesting that he get off the internet
>That means he won!!!
Delusional leftoids, tell me about how this is all staged next.
psst. we're in here
the problem with his argument is that it puts more emphasis on it than it deserves. a far graver threat to america and all western white countries is brown immigration, which destiny endorses.

america and any country can recover from fascism, totalitarianism, or whatever shit he's whining about. countries don't recover when they turn brown.
>Another shitskin in a parasocial relationship with a communist manlet
Many such cases
>And Biden supporters do not bring violence upon themselves,
They are the ones filling the nation with niggers, spics and goatfuckers.
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>God Emperor Donald J. Trumo got an erection on the 6th of January
When will leftists stop whinging about this?
>The Supreme Court can eat a dick, the evidence doesn't requires their interpretation
the double standards are remarkable, read again here >>474238515
Because he's right on virtually all of his political analysis, regardless of his (admittedly hilarious and juicy drama) marital problems

I have plenty of criticism of the left, but Biden is not their guy anyway. Biden has been consistent on this.

I'm not going to disagree with you, but his actual points about Trump are undefeated
Unless these threads are going to get Destiny removed from the internet permanently then these need to be moved to a general.

I hate the fucking mods on this website more than any other person on Earth.
he got ratio'd by someone calling him a faggot lol
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>act like a piece of shit online
>eh eh i got a reaction it means i won
The literal cuckold is just mad Trump wasn't killed.
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Who is this?

Looks like a dude who's wife I would fuck. Please provide deets.
Actually the last statement is saying Trump supporters deserve to be killed is inciting violence. I think Elon can ban him now if says anything close to that.
It's true. As written in law, it's on the states to decide whether he can go on the ballet and on Congress as to whether they will seat him in office.
>I have plenty of criticism of the left
Stop pretending to be a balanced cuck, fucking coward.
he keeps calling it an "insurrection" but no one from the capitol tour group was charged with insurrection.
destiny does not live in reality.
He did not say Trump supporters deserve to be killed, nor was he inciting violence, he said that he wouldn't feel sorry for them and would find it funny in an ironic sense.
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>Everything he says is correct
I'm not going to humor an actual response to this.
He is factually and morally incorrect in every way.
And this morons going to a supermaxx for life for his terror tweets.
>I'm not going to disagree with you, but his actual points about Trump are undefeated
his argument that trump tried to subvert the democratic process is true and i think conservatives are retarded for denying it. but i don't ultimately care. the left is way more dangerous.
Destiny is spit balling hard that’s why Zion don fans here are crying and Elon musk shill.
u mad bro? you got btfo eternal
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No erection was encited.
> a hundred threads of seething on /pol/
> infinite salt tweets from rightwing retards
Yea I don’t think destiny is the mind-broken one lmao
>So what you are saying is, democracy had failed.
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A bad leader of America leading a bad world order does more overall damage. Trump is a bad leader by any metric.
>>The President is not a king and the Supreme Court is corruptly working at the behest of Trump
Federal immunity has been a thing since 1890, retard
Everyone got the memo with the new talking points except this guy. He's still reading off the "Trump is an existential threat to democracy" talking points.
>He did not say Trump supporters deserve to be killed, nor was he inciting violence
No in fact he just cheered like a piece of shit, i am not wishing death upon you but i would mind if you get struck by a train.

Same shit with "it wasn't an assassination attempt, it's a shooting".
shareblue doesnt hire the brightest
Trump is a good leader for the singular reason he brings us closer to deporting every single one of your kind back to whatever the fuck shitholes you came from. If you believe in that, like most reasonable people do, he is a good leader. This is not a disputable assertion shitskin
Handsome fella
> one cuck versus the entire rightwing twittersphere
> win
can't let him have the nuclear codes
From civil litigation, not from criminal. Every President has worked under the belief that they were to be held criminally liable.

He laughed, and he has every right to. Just like conservatives do every time some white woman gets killed by her black boyfriend or when Rittenhouse shot a pedophile.
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wtf is this real
>A bad leader of America leading a bad world order does more overall damage
not even close. the permanent brown low iq underclass permanently and irrevocably damages america. it slowly degrades institutions and makes life worse for white natives. in comparison, a president subverting some processes of democracy for 4 years doesn't matter much.
>From civil litigation, not from criminal. Every President has worked under the belief that they were to be held criminally liable.
False retard. Google Ruby Ridge.
Shitskins like OP define good leader as GDP line go up and disregard anything else as invalid. Doesn't matter if you imported the entire third world and now your neighborhood looks like India or Mexico
Nebraska Steve won.
He is literally a canadian cuckold. His ex-wife gets railed by niggers unironically.
>>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
this is completely false, there's literally zero evidence he co-ordinated anything on Jan 6th
>>The President is not a king and the Supreme Court is corruptly working at the behest of Trump
at no point did Trump declare himself king, and there is no evidence of corruption on the Supreme Court. remember, decisions you don't like aren't corruption
>>It's kind of funny when people who attend a rally for an insurrectionist get shot by the violence they brought upon themselves
he's not an insurrectionist, so this statement makes no sense. building a strawman then justifying violence based on it is a logical fallacy and has been used by many genocidal regimes throughout history
destiny's arguments are weak and based mostly on emotion
he completely folded when debating jan 6 with zio shapiro. i guess it's easy for him to be beaten if he meets someone who can talk faster than him
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There are more than 300.000.000 firearms in civilian hands in the US, yet precisely 0 (zero) was brought to the Capitol, at least not by genuine protesters. Isn't it weird how so-called insurrectionists didn't bother to arm themselves when they attempted to overthrow the government? It's a pretty shitty coup attempt if you ask me.
Yet one of these guns found it's way to Trump two days ago. Interdasting....
Looks like an xbox avatar
Both of these comments are false.
>i have every right to laugh and shit on you but hey don't confuse it with wishing death upon my enemies eh!
It's called bad faith.
I completely disagree, plus it probably wouldn't end at just 4 years.

Read Nixon resigning over Watergate. Read him consulting with lawyers constantly. Ruby Ridge was a shitshow of gigantic proportions but the President wasn't liable there.
Destiny's wife lead an insurrection in my pants oh wowee bazinga, man what id give to have him attack me after catcalling that roastie svvede forcing me into a self defense situation.
Nice bait nigger.
>Read Nixon resigning over Watergate.
He resigned because he was a coward who was afraid of his tapes becoming public record and had advisors turning on him.
>Ruby Ridge was a shitshow of gigantic proportions but the President wasn't liable there.
The sniper who shot the woman in the head was criminally charged and declared immune by a judge because he was a federal officer acting in his official duties.
Counter point: blow it out your ass
Hello destiny.
>there's literally zero evidence
Yes there is, see previous comment

>decisions you don't like aren't corruption
they are when they consistently undermine the government in ways that are convenient to Donald Trump and gift him immunity he never had

You don't need guns to have an insurrection. If they had gotten their hands on Pence, they would have lynched him.

he was a coward but he resigned to accept a pardon, because the President is criminally liable.
>because he was a federal officer acting in his official duties.
yes, the duty of an officer is the shoot people who need to be shot and he was acting in this duty in a situation where he had that permission. it was a tragic mistake, but it was his job. this doesn't apply to the President, who could not just shoot someone in cold blood and get away with it. but now with new supreme court decisions, he probably could get away with it.

Trump is a great leader because he makes shitskins like you seethe. You have no worth as a human. You're not even human.
>You don't need guns to have an insurrection. If they had gotten their hands on Pence, they would have lynched him.
According to this every protest is an insurrection.
Sometimes I think every Canadian posting on here is just trudeau, his wife, and wife's boyfriend and the rest are split between Chinese that make up the "good Canadians" and other Canadians I loathe
>his speech the day of
"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"
"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"
"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"
>he was a coward but he resigned to accept a pardon, because the President is criminally liable.
Accepting a pardon isn't evidence of guilt
>yes, the duty of an officer is the shoot people who need to be shot and he was acting in this duty in a situation where he had that permission. it was a tragic mistake, but it was his job. this doesn't apply to the President, who could not just shoot someone in cold blood and get away with it. but now with new supreme court decisions, he probably could get away with it.
If shooting a woman holding a baby in the head is part of official duties, so is giving a speech addressing the public.
>Yes there is, see previous comment
please learn to make a coherent argument in the response you're replying to
you provided no evidence he co-ordinated an insurrection
>they are when they consistently undermine the government in ways that are convenient to Donald Trump and gift him immunity he never had
no they're not. again, decisions you don't like aren't corruption
you've also provided no evidence he declared himself king
saying things you wish were true aren't arguments, they're just strawmen. destiny argues based on emotion and his meltdown the past few days highlights just how invested he is in distorting the truth for ideological goals
I'm whiter than the anyone from fucking Portugal

No, it becomes an insurrection when it's meant to violently overthrow and democratic process, and therefore the government. 1776 was an insurrection. BLM was not.

Make sure you get my blackface right

Hours after the riots started. He was sitting in the White House watching in unfold and waited hours before he finally noticed it was calming down and probably wasn't going to work. He had authority to call the national guard. He wanted it to happen.
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we should really do a swap where we take all the ukraine and rainbow flag, truanon canadians and swap them with other countries for basically anything else
i would literally rather have a bunch of inner city blacks than you.
>Accepting a pardon isn't evidence of guilt
It explicitly is.
> so is giving a speech addressing the public.
Giving a speech telling them to go to the Capital and fight to win the country back, in aid of his plan to overturn the election results, is not part of his duties as President.
>get bodied on stream
>do a fucking tide pod eating zoomer joke while screaming over the top of people
LOL based tranny nigger cuckold
he actually responded on twitter about 30 minutes into the capitol tour and implored the people should be peaceful
>It explicitly is.
People are not guilty until proven so in a court of law, and people can be pardoned before they're even charged, so no, it's not.
>Giving a speech telling them to go to the Capital and fight to win the country back, in aid of his plan to overturn the election results, is not part of his duties as President.
Is that the entirety of your case against him? That's covered simply by the 1A.
You're a shitskin like every single woketard on /pol/ and Trump winning puts the fear of God in you, because he opens up options that wouldn't be otherwise available. You're right to fear him. That's what makes him a great leader. This is indisputable.
>please learn to make a coherent argument in the response you're replying to
I have. And I have
>no they're not. again, decisions you don't like aren't corruption
They are when they are incoherent nonsense and the Judges vary wildly from one case to the other as to how they come to decisions and the standards they apply, all in service of aiding the degradation of the government's ability to control a tyrant
Now I know you're fuckin around, you're one of the good Canadians. Overthrowing the democratic process and 1776, the colonies were under a constitutional monarchy with no right to vote or seats in parliament. Alright buddy, stop trying to rustle these guys jimmies and hop threads, it's pretty late, I know I live near you people. Anyways I know Canada is boring it's basically a shittier version of Cali now that weed is legal in even a few free states.
I feel outraged and neoreactioned
he did not, and he knew it was violent (not a tour) and he had aids telling him to do something and he had full authority to call in the national guard and even stop this with a few tweets and he sat on his ass and did nothing. that, plus the fake elector scheme plus his desperate attempts to pressure governors to change vote counts, etc, etc make him an anti-democratic insurrectionist
you wont do shit faggot
republicans love to talk loud about muh guns but dont have the balls to do anything
13M invaders last 4 years? how many shots? lmao

fucking pussies. dems at least walk the walk
>he did not
he did actually.
He's a weak leader who will never help you. He was incompetent and couldn't get anything done. He already had a turn and he did fucking nothing, he was an embarrassment and his downfall will be satisfying.
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>being this npc
> 1776 was an insurrection. BLM was not
Every act aimed to disrupt you country economy and social life can be seen as an insurrection, including burning down your own neighborhoods, defunding the police or even truck drivers on strike labeled as a terrorist act. It's aimed to harm the system in some way to make it work according to the interests of that specific group.
hes not an insurrectionist unless congress votes that he is. and they didnt.
Trump is going to TSD (the s is for shitskin) your ass. Trumps ideology enables political solutions to the mass migration problem that would otherwise be impossible. Everyone on /pol/ not a fob like you supports Trump
Lots of fat jews in this thread, they pay people to hate destiny publicly because the jews want him silenced
so trve, March on Rome Amvrica federal agents embedded in the ranks will carry chvd legions there and before they can spring their trap they will already have caused regime change.
Nope, that's simply not true.

Nope, that's simply not true.

He was ineffective the first time, why would he be better the second?
No chang , trumps getting in office , then we’re destroying your country

Is there a online adress book where people can report the adress of traitors like Destiny, Alex Soros, Blinken, etc ?

If not, Why isnt there one ?
>Nope, that's simply not true.

Do inform the rest of us then, what qualifies as an insurrection, as a factual matter?
No they didn't. They just said states couldn't disqualify him from the ballot if he did, they never ruled that he engaged in insurrection.
>they've never been the ones turning up the temperature in the country
they literally set Washington DC on fire during Trump's inauguration.
Because he makes brown people suffer. He was very effective at that. If I can't remove you, I want you to suffer at least.
There's also a reasonable, not 50% but like 30%, chance that he gets rid of democracy. Which means a total chvd victory.
you haven't, you said >look at my other post which is not an argument
>look it up
is also not an argument. there is no evidence he co-ordinated anything on Jan 6th. this is an objective fact
>They are when they are incoherent nonsense and the Judges vary wildly from one case to the other as to how they come to decisions and the standards they apply, all in service of aiding the degradation of the government's ability to control a tyrant
they aren't. the decisions made by the supreme court were fully legal and within the power given to them. none of that is evidence of corruption. decisions you don't like aren't corruption
>wants brown people to suffer
there's nothing more pathetic than self-hate
Well yeah, dead people can't be violent, only vote.
this man is literally and factually a histrionic gooner, cuck and groomer. why does anyone care what it thinks?
My mom is Norwegian, she got bred by my Portuguese bvll dad.
How do you go from Trump getting into office to getting anything done? He was a failure the first time, he will also be the second time.


An insurrection is a violent uprising against the government. Specifically, AGAINST the government. Not a policy, not a person, but against the process and function itself.

Get in the general.
crazy that not one of those "insurrectionists" bought a gun to their attempted violent overthrow of the US government. seems like a riot tbdesu.
Fine, I'm going to bed anyway. Maybe by tomorrow the mental titans of /pol/ will have a counterargument to anything said.
as much as I have contempt for this faggot eceleb, there's no way he actually believes any of these points. any single one of them could contend for the single dumbest opinion in the world. he claims to vehemently believe them all.
overwhelmingly more likely that he does so to drive engagement and visibility, eg. this thread. sage.
Rare destiny W
Im not going to cry for the faggot that was shot at the rally, his family will get over it
No reply, kek
Still not taking the jab fast tracked by Trump and endorsed by Biden. Winter is coming.
>An insurrection is a violent uprising against the government. Specifically, AGAINST the government. Not a policy, not a person, but against the process and function itself
Like a protest.
Trump makes shitskins suffer, he's going to get rid of democracy.
Lusotropicalism is when you have sex and kill those browner than you B)
okay you're a mixed race social outcast who got bullied in school and now hates his family and neighbors. that's more pathetic. go outside get some friends and stop being a loser.
Calling that an insurrection is peak leftist mental gymnastics.
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>snownigger is STILL seething hes not med
lmao @ you loser
>Claims to not be a leftists
>Excuses and pretends anything the left does that's bad never happened
>Makes a mountain out of a molehill over anything the right does
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The insurrection occurred on a daily basis between Jan 2016 and Nov 2020. Every means possible was used to destroy Trump, without any regard for the country or logic itself.
i think meds are chads but they are clearly brown people? that is literally the color of their skin
Conservatives wish they were this cool.
stop remembering the last eight years CHUD
Biden is not an insurrectionist
Fr now you people are orange, I'm actually white next to you.
Someone please kill this faggot asap
Lol if I ever see Steven Bonnell irl
Such as?
>The polish leftoid defiantly barges into this thread hoping to stir up discussion
Trump is inevitable
Biden lead an insurrection against the racial jungle and then they kidnapped him and brainwashed him with sissy hypno, even forced him to work for a black guy. Terrible stuff, I remember when biden was talking shit about Obama on C-span, man I miss the old biden straight from the go biden
You're making the canadians look good why the fuck does the one pole living in Poznan or some other gay shithole have to come in
didnt this guy try to fuck his kid/little cousin?
and he tried bringing up something like "ethical cp"?
try all you want, satanist. i will never listen nor believe your lies.
and i don't think anons are the ones making threads
kindly fuck off back to your pisscord
>Supreme court says that men in dresses are women, so that means it's true.
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
that thing's arm is warped and not even holding the flag.
Two days ago I didn't know who this faggot was, and now he's pretty much all the threads on this damn board.
Watched a supercut of this faggot and he's exactly like all the other e-celeb trash commies. He uses big words and talks fast so he thinks he won the argument. He probably took one philosophy 201 class and now he thinks he's on Zeno's level. His wife cucked him for the entire online world to see and now he's lashing out at people who have differing political ideology than his. So this guy is just another Vaush, Hasan, Pakman.
I'm glad I don't have to deal with faggots like this in real life. People in my life know not to try and talk politics with me. I tell them to shut the fuck up about politics unless they're willing to sit through Money Masters Extended Cut with no bathroom break.
I hate people who haven't studied anything further back than 2016 and think they know anything about politics.
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Yea? How about you say all that to his face.
>he had aids
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>Donald Trump mismanaged security by failing secure his own event wants you to feel sorry for him while at the same time trust him with managing the nation's national security
I prefer voting for someone that doesn't get shot.
Who even is this faggot?
with no weapons? are you retarded? all that inbreeding to keep your blood "pure"?
Whats that little fag going to do? I will waste his whole family as he anit got to balls or the milage.
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Holy fucking based
then why was 50 Cent so popular?
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He'd kneecap you, then his bull would fuck you while he watched.
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It's that time again
Did he also try to smash through the plate glass window of The Beast to grab the wheel and swerve it back to the Capitol anon? Do you believe every story about Trump you hear from someone testifying for a Democrat committee?
Keep dreaming fag
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You mean popular among brainless nogs that celebrate drug dealing and gang violence?
They never said that. They said he was never convicted of insurrection legally so they couldn't just remove him from ballots like Colorado tried to do based on their headcanon.
This HAS to be photoshopped. He's like the missing link between dwarfs and normal people.
Those eyes. They are the eyes of a broken soul.
this is what happens to you when you get fucked by the long end of evolution dude
never mix with squats
I'm so glad I cant Imagine life inside of your demented little head cunt
>Muh fake electors
Not an insurrection & legal, stupid faggot acts like they wouldn’t have used it in court to convict him. What ended up fucking him was fundings
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Destiny supporting US funded insurrections in other countries for 10 years

suddenly an insurrection is bad when it happens to the U.S

rest of the world laughs at you, your not a victim, zero sympathy, if anything we need more january 6ths until they stop supporting coups and insurrections in other countries
>>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
I heard his arguments and they make 0 sense to me as someone with no steaks in the game.
the yank couldnt take his echo chamber being interrupted
>Trump committed an insurrection with no guns, unarmed
You have to be a fucking retard to believe this
They didn't even charge him with insurrection.
>they've never been the ones turning up the temperature in the country and constantly destroying established norms and rules in support of rigging the system for their criminal cult leader
This is just one small compilation.
Explain. I've seen this kind of stuff a lot more from lefties than righties, like 95% of the time at least when there's someone calling for violence, it's lefty against righty.
so many weird repititions just to say niggers.
come on, step it up.
He's been on the meth pills for long enough he's become one of those tweakers you see on the street attacking random people, but online since he doesn't go outside
>shitty bait
>its true
so you admit it
how is questioning a VERY questionable election "insurrection". If nobody could ever question or investigate an election then we do not have democratic elections.
stop spamming this fag
>i'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years

>boxes full of votes just thrown away
>little red wagons wheeled in after hours
>"a pipe burst" somehow, in every voting place, at the same time
>dead people somehow voting

Kill yourself.
He is literally begging for someone to kill him, beat the shit out of him until he's a vegetable, or smash his spine in with a hammer.
Personally I don't understand sadomasochism, but hey different strokes.
trying to certify false electors and delay the certification of an election by bringing your boomer retard fans into the capital isn't questioning or investigating an election
What insurrection? And who doesnt support murdering the entire american political class? This is what should have happened on jan 6th.
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Based and midget-pilled.
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Im right-wing though
Note you didn't answer my question
>yeah but
How can the President be a King if his appointments can be denied? If his purse can be withheld? If his entire office can be impeached and he removed?
Because he can legally instruct all of the executive branch to kill anyone attempting any of those things, as well as instructing the DoJ to drop any cases of civilians doing the same
Okay, and then the senate and congress just impeached him and removed him from the office. Just like the founding fathers intended.
I guess they better do it fast!
He's based and correct
Destiny owns chuds
How do dead people impeach a president?
Kings aren't gods. When people get tired of them they get deposed.
Guess they lost then.
>he isn’t a king but he can control the Supreme Court somehow
Mind telling me how?
im going to call him a nigger on 186 burner accounts for making threads here all day
you know this picture wasn't from Jan 6, right?
All opinions are instantly disregarded because he's a dysgenic manlet cuck
Stop responding to this shit, he feeds off of your hate
Donald Trump could be a child rapist and I would still support him. MAGA.
Only Destiny can save the world from 4 more years of Trump
I see that all you Nafo trannies have been reassigned.
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>muh jan 6th
after an entire summer of every city in the country being burned down its hard to take a bunch of boomers strolling around the capital as a serious thing. they really fucked up with that
What I want to make exceptionally clear, is that the congresses entire main job to the president *as a person* and not the office. Is to impeach him from the office.
The presidents office has killed millions of people by order. His office kills people every single day probably. If he needs to kill a congressman, he can order it. Does someone have to follow that order? If they want to stay in his employment, obviously. Do they want to stay in his employment? That's for them to decide.
Does congress want to live and not get killed? Then they have the sole power to get him out of the office that is expressly designed to express the power of killing people.
They dont do it? They get killed. Not impeaching the president when he's killing them proves that they approved his actions of office by their inaction.
To a king, yes
I accept your concession
No, they lost to a Presidential Dictator. Which the President would be if he started killing them and destroyed the concept of congress checking him.
The checking hasnt happened, but if you think being "that close" to a loss of 1 entire branch of government, then sure. He's a king then why not. It's not happening though.
He could also just illegally drop a nuclear bomb on congress too when everyone is there holding quorum. The same way some thug could throw a yugoslavian spare hand grenade at you.
The difference is, the president is the lead prosecutor of the united states, and has prosecutorial discretion. Since it would be "President versus United States of America" in the court case. And the part of the Government that sues people for crimes is the executive office. Which the president is in charge of.

Gladly though the person throwing the yugo war spare hand grenade isnt the president, so you can rest assured that they most likely would be prosecuted for killing you.
You cant prosecute a president, his office is who prosecutes people.
It's just that simple.
/pol/ s acting to slow to dox this faggot, iwanthim fuckin sufferin
> Insurrection
> Nobody charged with insurrection
> Still is though, because some random moron on twitter wrote it

Am i getting this right ?
>Donald Trump survives an assassination attempt.
>Lose your fucking mind because this increases the chance of Trump winning tenfold.
>Schizo tweet for 1.5 days straight.

I gotta love dems. The extreme amount of cope coming from Destiny that day was nothing short of a fever dream. Seeing someone who is normally extremely composed and logical lose his fucking mind gave me such a good laugh.
Yes, Trump incited a riot at capitol hill and basically got pardoned by the supreme court but WHO CARES!

Trump does not deserve to die nor is an attempt at his life "kinda funny". Saying this implies you think your political rivals don't deserve to live. If you give off this impression, no one will ever take you seriously. They will just label you as some lunatic who doesn't deserve to speak.

If Destiny didn't have a meltdown that day, he and you would've realized that this is the worst thing he could have done in this situation.
Being edgy and doubling down on Trump's flaws did nothing but make Destiny seem like an extremist, seething hypocrite making normies, his left leaning fans, and even his own fucking orbiters questioned him.

Look at how the usual hardcore leftists responded to this (Vaush & Hasan). They didn't act this extreme.

Elon already deleted Destiny's tweet laughing at the dead Trump supporter and I have no doubt he will face more backlash that won't help him.

Looking forward for this retard to lose his career just in the name of debating and being factually correct. I'd be laughing about it for weeks.
Evil? Sure. Bad leader? Nah. Maybe in the sense that you never actually get anywhere, but he sure can lead in that regard and leading in circles is great for evil shit.
the supreme court interprets the constitution, retard
>Looking forward for this retard to lose his career just in the name of debating and being factually correct. I'd be laughing about it for weeks.

Sure but is that not what this is about? Like, surely you'd admit at this point that the whole point of this shit is to show that truth doesn't matter?
No, he is an insurrectionist because he tried to change the result of the election using fake electors, and led a mob to the capitol to pressure Mike Pence and congress to make him the winner.
Unironically kill yourself
alternate electors have been a thing for a long time, and were never considered insurrectionist before
plus, the constitution makes it quite clear that its up to congress to impeach the president if he really did what you describe
congress decided he didnt
sorry, you lose

lol, if he's not right why is he such a threat to you guys. you know 100% he dismantles your entire worldview and makes you look stupid that's why you need to shut him up. admit the truth louder. show everyone how wrong you know you are.
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Lol you're gonna die nigger, in front of your screaming family, lmao
"congress decided he didnt" = "Majority of the senate voted him guilty"?
The "alternate" electors are fraudulent because they were never certified by the stae. Try repeating a different piece of rightoid cope, this is the wrong one. Dozens of people have been indicted over this already and investigfation is ongoing.
did Trump ever said then that they are going to be there to do an insurection?
How attending a rally brings violence upone one selfe?
>>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
Bullshit, stopped reading right there. He actually said go home, and boomers had no guns .

Reminder , you are in a Fed thread. Answer at your own risk.
Why would you have to say the word "insurrection" to make it true? Actions speak for themselves.

Attending the rally doesn't bring upon violence, but it sure does not beget sympathy which was all that his tweets actually say.
You honor, how can you say I murdered this man, when I did not yell out "This is a murder"?
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>And Biden supporters do not bring violence upon themselves, t
Yes they do.
Niggers who all vote D are violent morons.
Antifa is D
We had small businesses burned to the ground by D agents, niggers and Antifa in many different cities, lying faggot.
what actions? he wasnt there.
She was never his wife, friendo.
His act of directing retards to go to the capital to halt the elective process. You are brain dead.
they were married. Despite that they both slept around who gives a shit.


More like cringe but go with that if it makes you fell better.
Yes it was you fucking kike
show me a record of him stating to his supporters to halt the process.
Trump and his supporters literally deserve to get shot. They all support fewer restrictions on guns, don't care when kids die and they all love trophy hunting. They quite literally deserve to get shot because that's the type of society they want to live in.
>, boys.
>I only listen and adhere to regime approved propaganda
literally none of what you say happened
in fact, he posted on his twitter to settle the fuck down, but the jeets who control it conveniently b& him after he posted it
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Is he your country's spirit animal?
well your in luck, we happen to have an OVERSUPPLY, fantastic discount on VOLUME TRANSFER
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>Literally who is correct
Sorry i don't absorb the opinions from a nobody in front his microphone reading a script or some Twitter posts from his PC monitor on YouTube live
>go to rally to finally see a president in real life
>get your head blown open while your children are there
>somehow you deserve this says some literal who
who simps for an actual cuckhold?
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Big agree, if you don't want to be shot by a registered Republican then don't go to rallies for literal fascists who preach their divisive rhetoric want to overthrow the government and our democratic institutions.
>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
proof or stfu
it was a fedsurrection
Both Jan 6 and July 13 are bad.
you are just a lying cunt
>alternate electors have been a thing for a long time, and were never considered insurrectionist before
maybe they were never considered insurrectionist before because they were never used in an obviously corrupt attempt to overthrow the election jfc. The electors forged the documents and didn't actually meet in the capital. I know facts aren't important for rightoids but if you're gonna bitch about how bad you look by lying so much maybe stop lying so much idk

>plus, the constitution makes it quite clear that its up to congress to impeach the president if he really did what you describe
ok so that does what exactly? kicks him out of office? at the end of a term he had already lost reelection to??? for trying to OVERTHROW the fucking PEOPLE'S VOTE? oh right just impeach and THEN prosecute WHOOPS can't do that either LOL AND NOW you can't even prosecute him because the guys he put on SCOTUS say so even though he's ALREADY BEEN CONVICTED lmfao how heavily you drape yourselves in patriotic garb and the colors of our nation makes perfect sense considering the level of blatant treachery you're defending. You're defending a traitor. A criminal and a VERY likely pedophile. And I think you're aware and have been aware for some time, otherwise the invocation of 1776, Independence Day returns etc rhetoric wouldn't make any sense. You're fully aware that you're a traitor and are currently working to close any attempts at accountability.

>clearly coordinated attempt to destroy the US
wake up people, this whole thing is orchestrated. Even the guy I'm responding to is a pawn. The difference is that he knows he is and is playing checkers while he has everyone convinced that the only game around is tic tac toe. Wake up, they are an enemy force way more coordinated than you (or even they lol) could have predicted. They've stumbled upon the control levers of higher-order phenomena and they are madly pulling levers and pushing buttons trying to get the golem to smash us.
>Insurrection where no politician died and the only casualty is an ex zogbot female
Do Amerimutts really?
>Because he can legally instruct all of the executive branch to kill anyone

Thats probably the most retarded thing ever said here
> committed an insurrection
Could you sound more retarded? Stopped reading there. All fields.
>Donald Trump committed an insurrection on Jan 6
The head of state AND government of the US lead an insurrection against what exactly? Himself. You're saying the commander in chief commanded an insurrection against himself.
That's how retarded you all are
For it to be an insurrection he would have had to wait
Two weeks
No the insurrection was against the US PEOPLE and the US CONSTITUTION. Upon assuming the office he swore an oath to faithfully execute the handing over of power as specified in the constitution and by attempting a coup upon losing the election he violated that presidential oath of office. By standing with him you also stand for that violation and thus against the US constitution in furtherance of the completion of said coup.
and yet the only reason i know who he is is because of faggots like you
>umm acktually sweaty one of the protestors had a rifle in his parked car blocks away, DEBUNKED
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yet there will never be a drone or F-15 outside blue soft targets like pic related. I love that this one had his son see his brains splatter on the family lawn.
>everything he says is correct
This is false and you're a wrongdoer/atheist.
Sweat team en route
Beawawaw how the hell can Americans be dumber than the niggers they let in their country?

Honest question when Black Lives Matter burn down Washington in the church across from the White House in Forest Donald Trump into "a bunker" do you consider that an insurrection? That's a textbook insurrection.
Yes it was a shitty coup attempt but that doesn't matter.
Then why wasnt he or any of the jan 6ers charged with insurrection ?
Again.. some random moron on 4chan saying it was means nothing.

An insurrection in which the people who fuck their guns didn't bring any. No one on that side got killed, nothing got blown up, and the only thing keeping that from happening is what? A black dude who killed a woman?

I imagine for them, what those maga people did was an insurrection, but if the right wanted to do an insurrection, it would be a lot more interesting than Jan 6.
>The "alternate" electors are fraudulent because they were never certified by the stae
Remember after the 2016 election when democrat activists and Hollywood shills tried to make a push to have alternate electors appoint someone else over drumpf? Those people can be deemed insurrectionists and threats to our heckin democracy too then, yes?
Destiny can be correct. He can be correct until all the cows come home. But it won't stop the inevitable. It won't stop what keeps him and all the seething leftist shitwads up at night melting down on social media. And that's another Trump presidency. In time, you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right. Yet to fail all the same.
> destiny
> see people having a nice constructive debate/conversation
> immediately invite yourself into their space like a jew
>right away start screeching and talking over everyone
>distupt the space call people insults and scream
>get reactions from those people
> pretend you’re a thought leader and you’ve won

he’s been doing this all his life. His debates are retarded and bring no intellectual thoughts, it’s just him talking fast and rambling and as soon as someone gets one minute detail wrong he atttacks them for the next 30 minutes on it calling them stupid
So this heavily armed group went to overthrow the government but just collectively forgot to bring their firearms?
Ah ok leaf, now I can sleep tight tonight
>Fuck off
>Viva El Trumpo
simple as
>trump shooter was Republican
>Republicans dont do shit
fucking pick one you embarrassing zipper tit. it's not your fault your parents are retarded liquor bottles and shit you out to be stupid. you'll cope
>Destiny can be correct. He can be correct until all the cows come home. But it won't stop the inevitable. It won't stop what keeps him and all the seething leftist shitwads up at night melting down on social media. And that's another Trump presidency. In time, you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right. Yet to fail all the same.
Well yes, that's really what this is whole thing is about, isn't it? Reason vs might making right. It's about collectively deciding that you don't care if you're wrong. You will make us tell you 1 + 1 = 3 at gunpoint.

the left superpower are lying and gaslighting. they enjoy keeping up the facade even when they have won and play with their powerless victims

you know is bad for them when they go mask off
Imagine having this broad cucked away from you by a 19 year old lanklet from New Zealand who looks like he inhales estrogen and has 1% of the net worth.
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Melina is built
He did make some good points i'll give him that. I hadn't seen that video of those people sent by Trump trying to submit fake ballots post-election. That does reek of corruption
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can you faggots buy an AD already

>be Indian
>be paid to say stupid shit
>wife still fucks white guys
Where’s your girl, Duke? I’m ready to fuck
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>He just described us
We're doing it so much better and funnier though
He's just being obnoxious and retarded
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ye ngl i'd fuck her even though i know she probably sucked 100 nigger dicks and fucked guys worse than Destiny
What's his fucking problem?
he doesnt like conservatives, something about them being anti-democratic
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Haha aww lil guy is trying so hard :)
wat if you get chipolte before your canoe trip with melina
>Supreme Court says its an insurrection
They said the opposite you retard.
An Insurrection without any guns is not an insurrection, faggot leaf.
I am not wishing death on you but if I accidentally stepped on your neck 20-30 times it would be funny and ironic lol
They want more niggers, more faggots and more baby killing.

Why should I have to play by the rules when they want to play God?
>hiring Indians online to argue on Destiny’s behalf is the democrats last ditch effort to scrape together a couple votes
Wow dems are cooked for real, real, yo
More than likely OP is a jeet.
Certified Canadian flag moment, I like how destiny really went full mask off and showed how much of a scumbag subhuman he is. In the words of his friend vaush “My only principles are to win”, They do not care that a random grandpa was killed because They don’t care about optics or principles. When the tile comes, stop giving these animals any Mercy or civility because they won’t afford any to you.
>look up the fake electors scheme
literally happened in the past in the US, no one was screaming about an insurrection
Supreme Court also said abortion isn’t a right. Glad you agree
trespassing is not insurrection
"random grandpa" kek
>I kill people i disagree with.
Fuck democracy.
It's crazy how we actually have faggots who watch this manlet here. They're always easy to spot as well.
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Destiny is smartest and most handsome man. Look at his wife bruh. You are incel

You are mad because you do not know of a facts, and he is knowing about them.
Kind of a kek reference ngl.
The election was fraudulent. That's the argument.
I don't wish death on you but if someone murdered you, you had it coming and deserve it
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He is benchod from Gujarat giving us all a bad name of course he deserve it
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The real truth is that Destiny is secretly a poojeet himself. He uses skin whitening cream to hide it.
I've seen how they treat those elephants in India. Brutal stuff. Absolutely deserved I'm sure that elephant did not have a pleasant life. That elephant is going out of his way to make sure that guy is dead, not just trying to escape.
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>An insurrection in which the people who fuck their guns didn't bring any.
What was the goal of them being there and breaking into the capitol building? Trump was trying to put pressure on Pence to accept his fake appointed electors and block the counting of electoral votes to formalize Biden's victory.

>I imagine for them, what those maga people did was an insurrection, but if the right wanted to do an insurrection, it would be a lot more interesting than Jan 6.
They did an insurrection, anything else is cope. The courts (with trump appointed judges in them btw) have ruled, the bipartisan house select committee have ruled, Trump doesn't even contest it as being an insurrection, just that he dindu nuffin. Btw, he tossed all of you under the bus to save himself and yet people like you who worship him like he's some deity still slurp up gallons of cheetoh flavored cum gobbling it up like disgusting little gremlins. The reason he is getting charged is because he was obviously involved in pulling people in, he was refusing to admit defeat to Biden (despite knowing that he lost), he had false slates of electors, he was trying to pressure states like Georgia to come up with fake votes for him, and after his speech about fighting he gave in DC earlier that day, he refused to say anything to try to stop his loyalist cumslurpers until almost 3 hours after the capitol was invaded.

It's amazing how all of the sudden you MAGAtards even turn into pro-immigration stances because king Trump said so, almost like your programmable automatons.
>about 30 minutes into
you're actually retarded
The massive amount of cope and seeth from breadtubers like destiny and Reddit has been really funny. Showing how evil they actually are and how they never actually cared about “Le principals” while also Coming up with genuinely crackpot conspiracies about how it was faked by trump Both at the same time.
>It didn’t happen because it was all staged by Trump to make him look better or something, but it would’ve been based and right cause he’s a traitor or fascist or something
absolutely based wage slave poster
keep supporting billionaire tyrants
It was a building, there’s no sanctity for a publicly taxpayer funded building, They wandered around it for a few Hours, and you’re still seething about it. Shut up faggot

Dude if it were an insurrection it would've worked. They were woefully understaffed to handle that mob, if that mob were armed and they tried any bullshit like that black capitol police dude, they'd have domed him. It wasn't an insurrection and no amount of goofy ass government employees saying otherwise will make it so.
is this a plebbit pasta?

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