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ok so IF this shit is real, why? there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
he's the most ZOG'd politician ever, they spent hundreds of millions to set him up for success.
the jews are not gonna take out their #1 golem.
this is the biggest reason why i think it's fake, other than the fact that it would be super easy to fake.
there is absolutely no motivation. a dead trump makes things much worse for the jews.
They want a civil war
no they don't. YOU want a civil war. are you retarded?
Don't care, I'm ridin'
No dumbass, the point wasn’t to kill him but make it look like they tried so that fat orange nigger can get right back up and look strong for the nation. He fucks his own daughter.
why do they want a civil war, asshole? they've spent the last two years saber rattling with russia, china, & now a handful of israel's enemies. why in the hell would they want to trigger a civil war while we're at the edge of WW3?
There's no hard reason to believe this was a government plot. I chalk it up to pure incompetence and laxity on the part of an agency that has had no serious threats to a president since the 1980's and is run by DEI retards. If this was a government plot, then they would have employed a competent shooter and not this absolute lolcow incel,
Their plan will fail because people are so buck broken they'll just do nothing anyway, kek.
You wish WW3 would happen, the faggot elites rather you suffer, then to get bombed and start fresh again.
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this seems like the most likely explanation imo
>there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point
Ukrainian jews like Nuland will get the rope if he's elected, and they have zogbot traitor cells all through the US government and military
Trump will abandon Ukraine, that's why
so you agree that it's fake
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>there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.

because biden's brain is cooked and cannot even discern between putin and zelesnky
if the bystander somehow lived it makes sense, but it seems like he really died. You'd have to be pure evil to do something like that for big boy points.
Everyone else is controlled opposition. They shat on Trump and MADE him run for president in order to shut the big mouthed retard up. To their surprise Trump won. Ever since then its been a war on anything Trump because they can't stand they were proven to be wrong. (((They))) choose the winners and the losers. Trump has been investigated for over 20 years and they have never found anything to pin on him, to control him. Now theyre just outright making shit up to frame him. That hasn't worked either. time to Kennedy him
no he won't lmao he never does anything he promises to do other than help jews
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>get the rope
he wont do shit
Trump was going to win anyway and they wanted to be sure it didn't happen .. because ukraine is big business for many politicians that wanted to suck infinite funds from your taxes throught the washing machine in Kiev. now the war will be over
opinion discarded
Welcome to zogbots where they kill thousands of americans (9/11) for their own sake.
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>if the bystander somehow lived it makes sense, but it seems like he really died.
what difference does that make? do you think any of these niggers care about blowback or civvie casualties?
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>there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
Insanity do be like that though. You're trying to think rationally about the mental state of completely irrational people. Stupid irrational people at that. Dangerous combo there.
brave words from a non ukrainian
Kike detected, opinion discarded. Shoo shoo little joo.
What if it wasnt them
I think it might be real just because of the ear.
Even trained snipers couldn't go for a grazing shot with a high degree of precision, let alone the typical skitzo incel shooter that's always the fall guy.

I guess the option2 is that it literally hadn't happened. All it would take to fake it would be some practical effects and a couplen thousands NDAs but idk i usually don't go that deep into these things because then nothing is real.
Trump didn't have two people killed and perform an elaborate WWE pantomime just to get a photo op. Sorry chuds, the science is settled.
he probably had live rounds but just shot directly nto the crowd while trump pretended to take a hit.
why bother faking casualties? that complicates things immensely.
Trump fucks his own daughter, he would do anything at this point
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
Exactly. This was not a false flag. This was a patriot attacking an Israel firster pedophile pathological liar with pics standing beside Epstein who didn't lock Hillary up or build a wall and pardoned Jewish felons like Rubashkin and rappers encouraging attacks on Trump fans.
I analyzed like 50 HD photos and it looks like part of his upper ear came off and the rest of the thing swelled.
Im thinking its less staged and more inside job.
refer to >>474242430
I just gotta say
ding-dong diddly KWAB
Netanyahu wants to drop Ukraine and get all US gibs and arms for Israel. Blinken and Nuland disagree. Trump will do it.
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notice how i only replied to you; he very well might work to deescalate the ukranian war & defund nato & such, but anyone claiming that he's going to transform into caesar augustus & start unilaterally executing & gulaging motherfuckers for treason & other high crimes is schizophrenically delusional
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If it's fake then this is the answer 100%.
I never understood the crisis actor narrative. As if glowies care if a bystander gets shot lol.

I'll have to say, i believe it either way because
>If it's real, it's fucking incredible
>If it's fale it's the greatest feat of illusion there ever was and they deserve my belief for the sheer genius of the spectacle at hand.
I have a better explanation. God protected Trump. You would think it's staged if you don't believe miracles still happen.

No other qualifiers needed.
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>he doesn't want the fake useless kike war to continue

>must be a kike

pristine logic there commie faggot
Enjoy your deployment to Iran.
true unless they live in Ukraine the rope is likely to be metaphorical
he will simply keep supporting both. the man is fully neocon. he will not rock the boat.
They know Trump will make peace in Ukraine, and if that happens all the work the glownigger jews have done to start WW3 will be undone. These niggers desperately need WW3 to hide their economic malfeasance and traitorous behavior.
they tried really hard to make it look like an inside job by having such blatantly useless security. everyone & their mother thinks it was an inside job. i know normies that are telling me it was an inside job.
war with iran is ww3 and trump has never followed through on any promise.
They should have hired people from state universities rather than faggots from Harvard and Yale to get the job done.
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>implying jews don't want the total destruction of the United States of America.
People are waking up to the jews. They're losing power and influence. All they have left is money to bribe politicians and or the average joe for lesser jobs. They're parasites and have fed on the people for long enough. Whatever they don't own China does. Blackrock, Vanguard etc own the majority of companies and land. All they have to do is watch us kill each other. They've weaponized people politically and racially. Most people are too stupid to see the truth and in the end we'll be killing our own people and not them. There will be nowhere to escape to since Europe will share the same fate. Europeans got soft and lost our sense of tribalism. Even the younger generation clings to false leaders (Fuente/Destiny/Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson/Joe Rogan etc). Once the shooting starts Mexico and every other country with a grudge will jump in (China, Russia etc). Wake the fuck up and get armed niggers the ride is gunna be bumpy.
wrong, he's not a neocon. He's an oligarch, a new-age fascist with a huge ego. He'll make hasty peace deals for both to cement his legacy.
They shot him because of that. Netanyahoo gas been trying to cut aud to Ukraine before oct 7 through Matt Gaetz. It didn't work. He wants Trump to drop Ukraine and movilize all US resources for Israel exclusively. The ukrainians know it, that's why they cheered for the shooting.
the guy did nothing for 4 years and that was when he was """""based"""", wtf do you think is gonna happen now that he's kiked up?
Feel bad for J6: thrown under the bus by their hero, treated like they treated others (apathy at prison reform)
He did a lot for Israel and will do it again. Whatever Netanyahu wants will be given.
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The most likely explanation is usually the simplest one. That being some batshit crazy retard tried to kill the former president for reasons we don't know yet. Crazy people still exist y'know.
100% but at least the ukkie war will be over and that shit is on my border so good for trump on winning this election
>nothing in North Korea
>nothing in Israel
>nothing in Ukraine
>nothing (to see here) in Syria (formerly ISIS)

sometimes nothing is a pretty cool hand
Just kicking out all the illegals would set their plans back 40 years
The security failure us not accidental. The SS director woman glows hard.
There's too much proof that the secret intelijence was in on it. They allowed it to happen and probably even orchestrated parts of it. No more war in ukraine means no more billions of dollars to wash and steal for politicians
Putin and Netanyahoo will be very happy if Trump wins.
It would die at this point a chain reaction would happen across europe with mass deportations and murders of invading shitskins.
>nothing in Afghan
>nothing in China or periphery
anyway, that's the whole idea of a hasty peace deal. Appear strong while doing nothing.
yeah but at least it's not europeans shooting each other. zion don will focus on middle east from next year
> there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
> he's the most ZOG'd politician ever, they spent hundreds of millions to set him up for success.

The fact that it happens proves you wrong.
We've been telling you you're wrong about that, and so you are.
Trump is a patriot, and is not a controlled asset.
Nah. Israel touted how they had the best national security in the world and look what happened to that. Unless I see something other than pure conjecture or hearsay I think it's more likely that some retard had a once-in-a-life time opportunity to commit a political assassination in the US and missed (Just barely.)
simply won't happen. the man does not deliver on anything and he doesn't need to stop funding ukraine.
that would end his career. he doesn't give a fuck about anything else.
you're falling for is bluster AGAIN.
israel will not do any peace deal.
This, also frog and scorpion, the frog help the scorpion but the scorpion will always be scorpion
oh yeah, how much do they love Trump?
single digit IQ/shill take
There isn't just 1 power-that-be.
If someone has invested so much in him, taking him out destroys their investment, that's can be reason enough.
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We still have nothing. The Act Blue donation is now being said to be from someone else of the same name, the Jew article is on an extremely dubious website, Yearik is 17 years older than him. Everything pol has come up with has been a wild goose chase and dead end. And so we still have nothing.

And it makes no sense. How does a 20 year old who is willing to die for politics have no social media trail at all, much more leave no trace of political discussion. He is somehow smart enough to win academic awards yet brazen enough to think he wont get caught so he leaves no manifesto yet also scrubs his online footprint? None of this adds up.

- thoughts of a different anon

how do people not see that drumpf is THE deep state candidate?

oh wait let me say something about the j00s so i fit in

he's a ZOGbot glow nword

we can't let him get the nuke codes!
Israel wants Ukraine war to stop. It'sibiluzing too much US and NATO resources that Israel needs for its war against Iran.
Your Jew rhetoric is tiresome
You may not touch my monkey
You’re literally posting from lsrael
You will be dead soon
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Trump is obviously controlled by nobody but himself. A guy that pompous in the face of RICO and dozens of felony charges is a guy who knows that nobody has anything on him, hence the assassination attempt. The pattern with Trump is that he tries to befriend his biggest adversaries. The bigger the threat the individual is to whatever he has planned, the more he will suck up to them. He does it with Xi, with Putin and with the Jews.

Trump doesn't want to expel or exterminate Jews. He wants their loyalty and, will bearhug them into submission if he has to. He actually believes that with enough patience, he can charm anybody over to his side, including the Jews.
>a dead trump makes things much worse for the jews.
IF it was real then it could be because the shooter was based and the SS was incompetent
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
Trump is God's favorite, evidence not needed. But incase it is needed just skip to 11minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BH-S5GtFj0
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You're a truly gullible goy, you're the reason jews rule the world
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They control china too, stop posting and start lurking
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You're worthless
>none of my assumption explain the reality
>why is this
it's because you're fuckin retarded.
>why do they want a civil war, asshole?
Because the markets are fake and gay and when the bubble bursts and millions of people lose their pensions/401k's people are going to lose their shit and come for the people responsible.
Why do you think they've been flooding every Western nation with niggers and Muslims for the last few decades? Because they represent a sound financial strategy?

Use your fucking brain, retard.
Trump's security detail has been halved and then halved again, under Mayorkas' leadership at Homeland Security.

This particular shooting wasn't set up, but it was made possible thusly
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>couplen thousands NDAs
So blanks killed the guys in the audience??
>a dead trump makes things much worse for the jews
Except they now have a survivor hero Trump who can inspire a newly discovered sense of patriotic duty in a whole new generation of young white men, just in time to enlist in the forces and go to war for Israel.
>jew memeflag
>words words words stop looking goyim nothing to see here words words words
eat shit jew
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
Why do you think so?
Do we even know the name of the person that died
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trump is my president and trump is your president and trump is our president. trump is the most successful president in world history. he won 3 consecutive elections back to back. he won 3 times. 3 TIMES. trump is smarter than tesla and einstein combined. he is stronger than hercules. he is a sex symbol. trump is errr impervious to bullets apparently. he is the avatar of YHWH - the fist of god.

say it with me:
trump is KING. trump is LORD. trump is MESSIAH. trump is ELOHIM. trump is RABBI. trump is GOD... trump #2024 reich will KILL ALL GOYIM #Q #POTUS #WWG1WGA #2024

>noooo drumpf attended these parties but never engaged in satanic pedo orgies!!!
>his children are all married to jews? that's irrelevant!!! he will abolish the federal reserve and drain the swamp!!! MAGA!!!
If Trump dies then Republicans return to being controlled opposition.
Trump won't let them have their middle east wars they want or their Ukraine ww3 shitshot. It's pretty simple. Nikki Haley the warhawk would.
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
Why do you retards still think everything has to do with Israel? There's been confirmed warring factions within the deep state of zionists vs anti zionists. Obviously the anti zionists want him dead.
The government plot is to make it look like it was a failed government plot and give trump the mandate of heaven
the preferred deep state candidate is either nikki haley or ron desantis. they will give israel whatever it wants, no questions asked. trump will put pressure on netanyahu to stop the expansion into rafah, and it's a non zero chance he will try to stop the war in ukraine by stopping aid packages.
once the war against hamas/hezbollah stops, then there will be an investigation against netty about the security failure 9n oct 7, then he's screwed.
so yeah, lots to benefit with trump being killed and the rnc hand picking the republican candidate to win against joe brandon who is nearly comatose
also what >>474251711
said, basically
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>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
He isn't, though. I've been telling you idiots this for years and you refuse to accept it.
Aid to Israel:
>Obama: $38,000,000,000
>Biden: $26,000,000,000
>Trump: $225,000,000

He is a real american hero. Killing the rich oligarchs is the right thing to do.
It was a republican who shot him. Trump wasn't right wing enough.
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the first shot didn't miss due to incompetence, it was on point. trump miraculously turned his head at the last second to dodge the bullet. it would have hit him in the back of his skull cleanly
Bullshit. I remember him giving billions to Israel in the first months of his presidency.

Zion Don has done more for Jews than any other president in history, according to himself. His daughter and grandchildren are Jewish.
>Bullshit. I remember him giving billions to Israel in the first months of his presidency.
Prove it. You can't, because he didn't.
>The provision tucked in the 1,159-page bill includes $3.3 billion in funds designated for security assistance to Israel under the 2016 memorandum of understanding between the Obama White House and Netanyahu government.

>Another $500 million for Israeli missile defense was apportioned in a defense appropriations bill passed last fall, making American aid to Israel total $3.8 billion.
Your own link debunks you
>trump is obama white house
The US gives 3.8bn to israel every year including the Trump years
Trump continued the obama foreign aid to israel during his presidency every year
>under the 2016 memorandum of understanding between the Obama White House and Netanyahu government.
Not sure if illiterate or disingenuous. Guessing the latter.
Because Obama made that deal, which was linked in my post and you ignored:
>>Obama: $38,000,000,000
Kill yourself.
And Trump continued giving that money to israel and added 500 million. It was 3.3bn under Obama.
not if Nikki Haley got the ticket by default
It was a lone shooter that was given a chance by SS. They knew Trump was going to win anyway but this was a nice opportunity that presented itself. Easy to cover up too, but the head of SS is a retarded DEI hire so they left clues everywhere due to negligence.
Maybe, now bare with me here, sit yourself down, take a deep breath, just maybe... some retard bought the hype about trump being literally Hitler and a threattoourdemocracy and took the initiative to try and kill him?
Qtards need to KYS themselves en masse, I fucking hate you spastics. You're an embarrassment. Fuck off of this board ffs.
there are two factions of jews at war with each other, right-wing zionists and globohomo. globohomo hysterically wants him dead, it's as simple as that.
>allow a deranged retard to try shoot trump
>he fails miserably
>move on to plan B
>write Biden's speech calling for "unity"
>assassinate Biden themselves
>"why did MAGA do this??" played 24/7 on every news channel until elections
for context, globohomo just won a pyrrhus victory against the kosher right at european and french elections
Some deranged leftist (Destiny viewer no doubt) decided to suicide by taking pot shots at Trump and our government is so corrupt and pathetic now that he was actually able to get a few rounds off and kill an innocent bystander while Trump magically lived by turning his head at the last second. That is literally what happened anon. The deep state didn’t do this. I mean, they might have groomed the kid and intentionally sabotaged his security, but they didn’t train him, didn’t arm him, didn’t even coach him to shoot Trump. What happened is literally what I described. The world really can just be that crazy sometimes.
>Half the population galvanized and frothing at the mouth over trump for 8 years
>No way this shooting has to be fake

You people are fucking stupid.
>there are two factions of jews at war with each other, right-wing zionists and globohomo. globohomo hysterically wants him dead, it's as simple as that.
Bingo. Came here to say this.
>They want a civil war
You are delusional and think too highly of yourself. It is the complete opposite of them wanting a civil war. After years of American right wingers not doing shit, the kikes are 100% confident that you will not do shit even if they kill Trump. And they're probably right. If they succeeded in the assassination attempt, you would still be here shitposting instead of fighting. That was the plan, to assassinate Trump in broad daylight and prove once and for all that it's over when the right wingers don't do shit in retaliation.
So you're saying if obama and congress agree to give money before trump was even elected, that's trumps fault for not just taking the money and doing whatever he wants with it?
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever,
Trump and team Q are increasingly very unpopular on /pol/ and in the global alternative media.

We are not interested in this fake assassination circus.
the thing is, both these factions want us dead.
either in a trench for israel, or in a euthanazia pod after cutting our dick.
Post proof and evidence of it being fake, or kill yourself already subhuman. No one fucks you.
And he’s gonna win kek
Obviously. I don't know what kind of moron takes Amerigoon-style politics at face value.
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Violence begets violence. The basis of western democratic governments is to solve things with words not fists. Otherwise we'd end up having a praetorian guard deciding for themselves who sits on the throne. Why not just kill him? Obviously you didnt put any thought into that dumbass question, retard. Guess what? Jews dont actually control everything.
Trillions of dollars are on the line. Trump wants to put money back into the middle class.
>Trumptard confused by the concept of individuals having free will
>free will is when you do things that make no sense for no reason
Weird how all it took was orange man to expose leftys for the unhinged conspiracy theory shouting blood thirsty lunatics they always were.
Massive optics fail.
The reason people want this to be a reality is because they dont want to even think that a miracle occurred. It would destroy too many people's worldviews if they just saw visual confirmation of a miracle. Think of all the billions of people who now have to rethink their entire lives. Basically, the lies that they were told and believed as children would finally have to be re examined. I too would probably try to construct a narrative like this to protect my fragile ego from being exposed to the harsh truth of the situation.
I don't know but all of his stocks are blowing up. I'm making mad money right now thanks to this event.
the Jews in this administration are divided on Israel
you're a genuine retard but you think you're smart
many such cases
You can turn on any news channel in any country at any time and they will tell you one billion reasons they hate Trump. What the fuck are you talking about?
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>posts complete schizo retardation
>I'm not a retard
>Stephen Paddock's massacre happened on Trump's watch
>Trump never once mentioned the bullshit investigation even though 60 people died in Las Vegas, a major Trump city
>Trump skips initially meeting with families and FBI in favor of going straight to Sheldon Adelson's office, joined by Jared Kushner

>Jeffrey Epstein was either murdered or disappeared by glowies on Trump's watch
>Trump never references the bullshit investigation, merely tweets that Hillary killed Epstein, literally that's all

>January 6 happened on Trump's watch
>knows Pelosi hates his supporters but sends them into a giant trap that ruins thousands of lives

>plandemic happened on Trump's watch
>never mentions FBI's Nov 2019 arrest at Harvard of Charles Lieber for taking Wuhan bribes
>let's Fauci run wild
>offers Bill Gates a job (Epstein friend and client)
>transfers trillions to the 1%

Trump is shady. Admit it. Allowing himself to get nicked isn't too far fetched. He doesn't need to know details.

Why do it?
Because he's now a major hero. He is punished snake now. He needs to lead America into the final Zio war. He literally took one for the team. This will be used as propaganda by boomer media after the 9/11 sequel occurs in 2025.
Miracles are real but this is not one of them. Do you even believe in the Saints of Church if not stfu.
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
It seems that they do not have compromising material on him, if they did they would have already used it but they wouldn't have needed to because having blackmail material is on you is the only reason they will allow you into office.
>the jews are not gonna take out their #1 golem.
Biden is the biggest recipient of AIPAC donations in American history.
>other than the fact that it would be super easy to fake.
It wouldn't though and this makes it obvious that you're a glownigger Jew poisoning the well.
You're so naive
>there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
It’s about the knock-on effect. You kill Trump, his devout followers go fucking apeshit, they take “revenge” on Democrat politicians. One (or more) get killed. Tensions and the political divide explodes. Then either civil war happens and the government grants itself supreme powers to deal with it OR everybody associated with the right gets labelled as potential terrorist threats and they get disarmed, finally burying the 2nd amendment.

Alternatively, it could simply not have been a sanctioned hit. It’s not shocking that some people would want to kill Trump. This kid just took a chance
>ok so IF this shit is real
Which one of the 700 current theories?
it doesn't have to be more complicated than:
>literally Hitler
how fucking retarded are mutts to pile on more even more than that with conspiracy garbage, like it wasn't enough to allow such slander for over 8 years now and expect someone would actually go for it.
Anons are too gullible its honestly a waste of time to try to discern any truth out of this event with the amount of shills on this board poisoning the well. So tiresome.
>there is absolutely no motivation
that's life for you
not everything is a conspiracy anon
>ok so IF this shit is real, why? there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
because they're planning to shoot biden too. biden is tons more troublesome to the establishment than trump is atm. if they shoot trump first, they can paint the biden attempt as right-wing retaliation. 2 birds, 1 stone.
This. Except the dad attendee died and the other was injured. I am not convinced Trump was hit by a bullet. There were several sources on the left/right, like Candace Owens, who repeatedly said it was glass or shrapnel, even after many said it was a bullet. Trump didn't even need stitches. I just don't buy it. There's no "burn" from the graze.
Doubtful he used a squib or WWE shit. Too many cameras. He got nicked by something that wasn't the shooter's rifle.

Reminds me of Las Vegas. You had gunfire from Paddock's room at Manderlay Bay, you had gunfire from elsewhere. Eerily just like with Paddock we had a near instant gore photo of the shooter's face uploaded. Who tf uploaded that photo from the roof? It was still an active crime scene *of the century.*
Las Vegas massacre was glowies. It was either Saudis firing on the crowd or glowies themselves. Similarly they also said Paddock had fertilizer explosives in his truck, as they're saying now for Cr00ks. Look at Seth Rich. Michael Hastings.
The reason is that they are THAT fucking desperate.

Biden got outed as being in the throws of dementia in the debate and the media, realizing their credibility would be irrevocably destroyed if they kept up the white knightng/gaslighting to bury the truth about Biden being dementia addled, sold him down the river. Triggering a bloody struggle as the bulk of the Democrats are now calling for Biden to be removed from office/the ticket for 2024.

Biden's fucked and his only firewall is that Kamala is hated more than he is. But even more anti-Biden Democrats are starting to say they'll risk a humiliating defeat with Kamala as the new candidate than keep him around.

Adding to this, Trump's not losing popularity and the recession is pissing off more and more people and the Democrats are pissing off the Jews who control the money for the party not crushing the current anti-Israel movement. And people know the DNC stole the 2020 election and that with another super tight race, they won't be able to steal the election this time and the consequences of civil war are too great to risk it. Especially since the lawfare route backfired on them.

Hence them trying to kill Trump. The Democras are literally out of options.
lol. lmao.
Trump does whatever kushner and friends tell him to.
But is there not a different type of weapon that could have been fired in Trump's direction? The intent was to make Trump bleed. The intent was the lovely optic. I don't think Trump was hit by the shooter, it could have been a glowie. Hell it could have been a covert pellet gun from somewhere else.
There seems to be surprisingly few videos from behind Trump in the stands.
Trump doesn't need to know exactly what's going to happen. This gives him plausible deniability. Trump is also schooled in all types of kayfabe. He's also be in shooter scares prior to this one.

All Trump needs to generally know is that he isn't going to be gravely injured. The shooting not only won him the election but it won him the ability to launch a bigly war.
Jesus, libtards even managed to appropriate QAnon and make it even gayer. You BlueAnon niggers should seek therapy.
For years there have been threads about a competency crisis.
We just saw the results of that this past weekend.
What if that was the best they could do?
It's like they're expecting to win by the other team dropping the ball more.
Not only did Netanyahu know of the Oct. 7 attack in advance, he let if happen, he also admitted to funding Hamas, he also ordered the Hannibal Directive, meaning IDF is responsible for the majority of deaths on Oct. 7 not Hamas.

Oct 7 is a shitty argument to use when saying that the Trump shooting was the result of incompetence and not complicity, kek.
Lmao don't forget shitloads of vaxx money to Israel, namely Pfizer's "miracle cure" lmao. Hell, Netanyahu awarded Fauci $1 million as a thank you lol
I've said it before, I'll keep saying it as long as it's true; Trump is bad for jews. I don't like his kids being married to jews or him saying what he says about them, but at the end of the day they don't want him in power.

Always do the opposite of what jews want.
The perfect sideways position he had on that roof with the tree in the way relative to the SS snipers is literally too perfect to be an accident. there is absolutely no universe in which they would not account for that angle.
You'll know why they did it after the convention. Be patient. You don't need to know everything right away. what would you do to stop it of you did know? exactly. nothing. just sit back & enjoy the show while they say he did it because Trump supported israel and then start coming after you hahahahaha
He's a political outsider you dumb shit. He threatens their control. How can you possibly think they don't own Biden? Like somehow Biden is anti-Jew. You're fucking dumb.
video proof that he fucks his daughter?
Glow nigger shills.
It's not an "IF it's real", it's an "IS it real" question? And you already answered that yourself.

He's so far ahead in the polls, with Biden so unbelievably behind, that he doesn't need something to put him over the top. He didn't need the additional sympathy and the Zionists didn't need him dead.

It's 100% real. The attempt on his life is 100% real.

If the assassin had been successful, who would the new nominee have been?
How would that have worked?
Its actually 100% based and truthnuke take
The jews still prefer the Democrats overwhelmingly because they want white destruction NOW, not 20 years from now as they would get with said Republicans. Beyond that, Trump was too charismatic, and they had no hope of beating him, or anybody.
The deeper plan here was to not only get rid of Trump, but also to get rid of Biden and replace him with someone other than Kamala, who is the only candidate that polls somehow worse than him. With Trump dead so close to the election, Biden would be forced to delay the election to give the Republicans time to pick a new candidate. You can tell this was the plan because they waited absolutely as long as they could but acted BEFORE Trump picked a VP, who would likely have simply slipped right into the roll and won.
No, instead there would be a long delay, long enough for them to replace Biden and get their new candidate on the ballots in every state.
It would almost be genius except that it doesn't think far enough ahead, ignoring the fact that Russia has been holding back with NATO hoping for Trump to get in and make peace. With that off the table, their next most likely course of action is to try intimidation, which means at a bare minimum a tactical nuclear weapon detonates in Ukraine, but where a global first strike is not off the table (if they believe that NATO would escalate after that rather than backing down). The fact that their plan doesn't account for these sorts of variables is strong evidence for it being a Democrat operative plot. Specifically jewish because of it's sneakiness and double purpose, but again, its short-sightedness.
This is it. They don't even need WWIII, they just need the U.S. playing World Police so they can keep the international markets from collapsing. Trump doesn't care about that as much as he cares about American lives. And they hate him for that.

You're delusional if you don't think Trump's head exploding wouldn't lead to open season on the DNC and Media. RWDS would 100% form overnight. Gun stores and ranges were unbelievably packed on a Sunday.

It's completely false to think it would lead to Civil War, though. "You won't do shit" really only applies to Civil War, not mass revenge killings. Those would be GUARANTEED.
This is exactly what the glowies ask themselves every night before getting low sleep
People lost interest in the fake puppets and political theatre, they needed to spice it up. Senile vs orange man wasn’t good enough anymore. Now he is the orange man against the “deepstate”. Notice how they never call out the biological social parasites that have been infecting and destroying ethnic groups from the inside for over 2000 years now.

Zog can now use him for a civil war, a fiat system collapse or ww3 while claiming that he is aktually an enemy of the “deep state”. While giving him some sort of excuse for not doing anything about the replacement genocide, anti European propaganda, internet censorship or the fiat system.
Because trust the plan. 5d chess.

If they could get away with the Las Vegas shooting and 9/11, why can’t they shoot a bystander while having the patsy use blanks? It just had to clip his ear by a few millimetres… very convenient.

Trumptards are something else. What use does trump have, beyond being a zog puppet? Oh you think he is le based and red pilled saviour of the US?

The one who won’t call out the fiat system that robs the people? The one who won’t whisper a word about the replacement genocide going on in every European founded nation on the planet? The one who won’t call out zog itself? The one who worships jews?
Fuck you! You are a worthless piece of shit for supporting this. Normies are cattle that follow the shepherd to the slaughterhouse.

This is the response the zog desires. Just keep following the narratives and weekly happenings.

>what replacement
>what genocide
Something that hasn't been mentioned are the two assassination attempts on President Gerald Ford in 1975.
These both took place in California in the same month September, and were 17 weeks apart.
Privately Ford complained about his security having been reduced for mysterious reasons.
The vice-president of Ford was Nelson Rockefeller whose dream was to become president. However he was very unpopular with both the public and republican party members.
If Ford had been killed Rockefeller as vice-president would immediately have become president by law.
This was established by the Twenty-Fifth Ammendment to the constitution.
Rockefeller was one of the people behind the passing of the Twenty-Fifth Ammendment in 1967.
So was Nelson Rockefeller behind the assassination attempts on Ford?
He was desperate to be president but was so unpopular only extraordinary reasons would get him the position.
He helped push through the Twenty-Fifth Ammendement.
His sister-in-law Barbara claimed in interviews that she heard at one of the Rockefeller Sunday weekly conferences, of a plan to seize the Presidency for Nelson without an election.
In 1975 Ford's security detail was reduced, after which he suffered two failed assasination attempts.
no, the CIA was hiding in the bleachers and used a heart attack gun on him, then threw blood packets and rubber brain matter onto the stands when everyone was distracted
First off, you're a kike. Second, for all of Trump's faults, he is vehemently opposed to the US being involved in pointless foreign wars (a tradition since Woodrow Wilson the hero of jews), so he remains extremely annoying to most jews.
Even with massive fraud, Biden can't be elected, Kamala either. So the only hope for the jews of keeping the US as a good puppet golem for Israel or Ukraine or whatever, is to get a regular zionist Republican like De Santis to win after Trump's death.
>muh voting

I have never seen a based French poster on here.

You are a retarded faggot. Left or right wing. They belong the same jewish body.
I will call you faggots out every single time I see you. You are worthless traitors, cowards and retards.
You deserve to be mocked relentlessly for following (((their narratives))).
You a retard and France should have killed you all Brits for Mers-El Kébir. Now that it's out of the ways, when did I ever say elections weren't jewish lobbies? They still aren't the exact same jewish lobbies, and it is a FACT that during Trump's presidency the US was far less inclined to join foreign wars than it was under Obama and Biden.
I am a National-Socialist and anti-democracy, not sure why you're looking for traitors over here when the Brits are the worst traitors in the history of Europe. At least we had Chad Pétain cooperate with Germany and prevent useless deaths, while your country fell to Churchill the old alcoholic gambling boomer who sacrificed your country, history, empire, people and the entirety of Europe for the jews.
tell that to the people who died retard
It’s all part of the show retard. Clown world circus needs a steady stream of happenings to stop you from thinking about the ongoing replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans world wide and the complete lack of political representation for our people.
I will mock every politician that doesn’t fight against the genocide of the European people world wide. If you defend these zog puppets, I will mock you too. It’s that simple.
I don't defend anything, and you've outed yourself as a kike, fucking kill yourself anglo-kike.
Or the leftists are the good guys.
yup and just like vegas the dead guy in the photo is not the guy they say did it
>those ugly nails
>that bogged coin
Troll image or just Israeli demoralization things
Blah blah blah Anglo this kike that. That’s all you devolve to. Honestly can’t find one based French anon. Maybe except the guy who uses a pirate meme flag.
Checked. The World Trade Center towers were nicknamed after the Rockefellers, was it David and Nelson? I forget.
>I seriously believe that Trump paid someone to shoot at his head and only hit his ear from over 100 yards away, and make sure you kill someone in the crowd to make it look good too

I hope you understand that your assertion that you believe this to be true reveals a lot more about you than it does anyone or anything else. Particularly it makes your TDS blatantly obvious in a very pathetic and stupid way. Good luck with that.
Nice bait
It was probably legitimately just a lone wolf retard. The fact that he went for the headshot is enough of a proof for me. Any brainwashed puppet controlled by the feds would've been competent enough to not even attempt that.
The blame is still largely on the globohomo deep state for creating an environment where the enemies of Trump feel agitated enough to do this stuff.
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He may be kiked, but he's the least globalist politician close to the mainstream and the globalists have wanted him dead for years. Lawfare won't stop him getting elected again and Biden is a senile disaster who doesn't realise his masters are done with him. While the globalists have probably not planned this, they certainly wanted to let it happen by ignoring the shooter until he struck. This piece of shit Crooks was a convenient 'lone gunman', that might have triggered a civil war, but had some plausible deniability.
>what could only be their motive?
They are desperately looking for a candidate to challenge him.
>what could only be their motive?
They are letting their media suggest to kill him.
it's fake and gay
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The answer is pretty simple. OP is a retarded faggot and wrong.
This is what happened. To expound upon it the U.S. can not negotiate from a position of strength with Biden in charge. Further, Trump's strength must be bolstered to have a greater effect. Not just in geo political matters but also at home to ensure participation of military aged Republican white men. A message of unity must be pushed to ensure the left falls in line. The constant media barrage against trump will be diminished in scale and Democrats focus will be reoriented on rebuilding their party for 2028. In which everything they hope and dream of will be promised to them. The war in Ukraine will end with Russia keeping the territories they annexed and attention will shift to Israel and in a more limited scope Taiwan.
Enjoy the next 4 years.
>a competent shooter and not this absolute lolcow incel,
They let him shoot from this close distance and hindered the policing side from intervention (would be good if this part gets underlined by supporting facts) ?
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
Maybe this isn’t actually true? Lip service for israel didn’t exactly equate to doing their full bidding
and this the shot literally only missed parts of an inch (cm's in euro lango)
Right, if the dems really wanted to win they could have easily had a replacement lined up and ready. Biden isn't a hard act to follow, but he has made some advances to satisfy the progressive base that ultimately would hurt profit and corporate control. Trump isn't a threat to that and actually BlackStone has publicly supported Trump with an endorsement. In splitting the two party system like this and tanking Bidens chances if not just expectations to do anything else but remain centrist (while using Trump policy a the boarder), the economic elite create a win win with Trump being more their guy.
Ok glowie.
>the powers-that-be
Nigger it was literally some random incel

Not everything is some big conspiracy
you're fucking retarded
There are no 33s in the story. No hidden signature in the news reports. Doesn't mean it wasn't some kind of setup, but the signals to indicate its all fake are missing.
I guess the point to remember is this: in both sides of the Ukraine war are jews standing to make billions. But they are different jews, they will kill each others good goy golems all day long for the trillion dollar prize.
Trump is not as ZOG'd as you think he is. He was pushed to unfreeze saddam husseins assets and hand them over to Iran by Netanyahu and he did not listen because he knew the Jews were just going to use it as casus belli to rampage on the Palestinians. This was part of the debate with Biden, if you were paying attention at all. Trump admits it. So that doesn't sound super ZOG'd to me. That sounds like Trump being a New York business man, he's learned not to listen to Jews.
holy fuck can the thread topics get more retarded than this
Because it was staged (well enough for the masses to believe it was "real"). They guarantee Trump gets into office and then Trump continues his hyper pro-israel shilling both on the top of the table and under it as he did before, all while eroding the US's economic power and freedoms and not holding up his promises to the people and still making his supporters ecstatic.

Donald John Trump is of the New World Order. The deep state's best weapon for control and enslavement of man since Bush Jr and Cheney. The supermajority of people cannot see where this is going because they have been so profoundly brainwashed.
Some random incel that just happened to know where the blind spot was.
Ok nigger.
>Trump is not as ZOG'd as you think he is
truth that most of /pol/ fails or is unwilling to acknowledge, comprehend
>and the Zionists didn't need him dead.
Biden states of himself, he is a zionist, the opposing candidate gets an assassination attempt (after the media was asking for exactly this...).
>The deep state
so what about the years-long Lawfare, that was staged too?

is Trump actually going to win on 5 November 2024?
will there be a national U.S. election on that day (or will the global economy make it to then)

If Trump doesn't win the Nov '24 election he goes to jail for life.
He isn't simply "ZOG'd", he IS zog. Groomed from day one for this role. Nothing is ever predicted beforehand, it is planned.
>Biden states of himself, he is a zionist
is far more so than Trump and has a 50-year career in D.C. swamp sucking off AIPAC cock each day of his adult life to prove it
>IS zog
no that is the D.C. deep administrative state and shadow government owned by AIPAC (totally since the 1980s, it took a couple of decades for them to attain totality of ownership after they knocked off JFK)
>lip service
>obvious zionists want him dead
>what makes you think so
https://files.catbox.moe/nh7e2y.mp4 for starters. does this mean this should change anything for anyone? no. everything in american politics is a device to be used, get over yourselves if youre gonna reee about factionalism like the policies and shit actually fuacking matter
No it is actually a single digit IQ take.
>Trump is a pedo
Says the shill for the millionth time, without providing any evidence.
You put way too much faith in the oligarchy. Not even they know EXACTLY what's going to happen. Your belief that everything always has to be perfectly planned out is actually a form of learned helplessness that this website has drilled into you. No, not everyone is on board with Jews the way you think they are.
little hint, you have to do your homework (no matter if you are a young or an old person.) do you think the police side lets assassins shoot on various other democrat persons, or lets the media even suggest this?
15 IQ schizo take. Fuck off back to /x/
By the way, I'm sure people have tried to explain this before but you can be retarded and think the Jews are your friends and allies and still do the opposite of what they want you to do. This happens in politics all the time.
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What /pol/ does not comprehend is that
"the legend of Trump"
is wholly created by corporate mass media, who parrot the agenda of the deep administrative state
>Peach Mints
>2020 election which was totally illegal mass mail ballots for '81 million votes' bcuzzz totally unprecedented never-before-in-human-history global lockdown
>muh insurreKKKKKKKKKKKTshun
>classified documents
>paid back the banks who loaned money to his businesses
>paid off a porn star
>overthrew the 2020 electoral vote

for normies Trump is a 'bad bad man'
That's all they know because of corporate mass media bombarding them with it 24-7 for eight straight years. It's no wonder that leftoids are so diseased with a steady 8-year diet of this propaganda, it's far worse even than the 2-to-3 years of continuous propaganda after 11 September 2001 about 'muh War on Terror' / 'muh al-Qaeda' / muh Saddam that Americans were bombarded with.

all that was heard-seen by normie NPC American for eight straight years from corporate mass media is 'Orange Man Bad'
that is the Legend of Trump, it's wholly a creation of corporate mass media, they can't discuss him as a living breathing human being because every mention of him, ever, in the bytes and imagery of corp media is that he is the Citrus Caesar.
see the January 2024 issue of The Atlantic.
David Frum's piece just the other day
>not everyone is on board with Jews the way you think they are
>*the way you think they are*
except that /pol/ must reflexively think 'only and exclusively 1 way'
and a contingent of glowniggers is also on here to larp and enforce that cariicature
which kills independent thought, that's their goal
The courts, the government at all levels, the economy, and reality itself does not work as you have been made to believe it does. Cabal agents never go to prison, the fall guy does (Epstein, who is actually still alive or at least was after his supposed "suicide"). They run the entire show, the players on the board are just show pieces, actors.

This staged "assassination" changes the public paradigm a bit, which leads Trump supporters to become fervent (ie more brainwashed), and it leads to the other side of the controlled board the "left" to stop their play against biden and back off of biden, which leads to them both going to election in november. Trump will win this time, because this is what the cabal wants, biden is getting too old as a puppet frontman and they planned this out as early as 2000 or earlier.

Nixon (ended the collapsing US gold standard for the cabal),
Ford, Carter (fill in counter narrative guy that did nothing really),
Reagan (Mr alien threat one world government guy),
Bush sr (an intimate deep state glowly at the upper or mid levels of management, set the board for a whole lot of shit),
Clinton (another deep state asset, helped orchestrate the US response to the planned collapse of the USSR and subsequent ethnic wars in Europe which killed hundreds of thousands, was also threatened by Bush Sr for trying to opt out at least once),
Bush Jr (dancing to daddy's and Cheney's tune which is the cabals tune and set up the first huge step towards the NWO, 9/11)
Obama (a planned counter narrative guy, who actually just continues fulfilling the NWO plan under the table while giving the people a false sense of choice)
Trump (a counter narrative guy to the previous counter narrative guy, return of the "right", actually just sets up huge deals in favor of israel and the deep state his entire presidency and helps the reserve implode US currency valuation at the end of his term and knew about covid and biden 2020)
>so IF this shit is real, why? there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point.
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever, they spent hundreds of millions to set him up for success.
>the jews are not gonna take out their #1 golem.
It could be because you are wrong.
Everyone in politics is on board. Because the entire theater of politics is merely one part of the structure set up to support zog and the NWO (complete and final enslavement of the human race).
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>Trump doesn't need to know exactly what's going to happen. This gives him plausible deniability.

Which is why he ignored the specialist that entered his trailer during the pre-event makeup session. "Where's the guy who usually places my ear piece?", he asked himself. But he sat there cooperatively as the faceless techy applied the nano-charge to his right ear before disappearing back into the crowd of handlers.
That’s too many words to pretend a Zionist mafia child rapist is anything other than a worthless piece of shit who would be better off buried upside down and backwards in a shallow grave full of piss
>reality itself
How the post-1947 U.S. government is structured and operated (no, it is not 'muh elected politicians' the 535 Congressmembers or presidents that you duly listed, or "muh sequential cabals")—

Part 1 of 2 :

'The Blob' is a generic overall term for the conglomeration of permanent official agencies and individuals which steer and direct the U.S. government through multiple presidential administrations, irrespective of D–R political party rule and consists of the following :
• the Deep State are the top- or secret-level agencies which direct policy over the long-decade time frame, not only due to the unelected personnel within them but their mission.
• Administrative State (*some* occasional dual-use and shared target mission crossover with Deep) are what the recent NYT shitpost are attempting to rehabilitate. Just bureaucrats
• Shadow Government are non-governmental orgs which direct and control government and elected official policy, either overtly or covertly through various funding channels and mission profiles.

Deep State—
>DHS (established 2002 after 9/11, now includes FEMA)
>State Dept

Administrative State—
>U.S. Federal court system
>NIH (works on Deep State/Pentagon bioweapon projects)
>NIST (agency of DoC, formerly 1901–1988 the National Bureau of Standards)
>United States Department of Commerce
>DoE (works on nuclear weapons for Deep State)
>U.S. Agency for Global Media (formerly Broadcasting Board of Governors)
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Democrats started the last civil war.
>How the post-1947 U.S. government is structured and operated

Part 2 of 2 :

Shadow Government—
>AIPAC (largest and most powerful U.S. lobby, unrestricted)
>Trilateral Commission
>National Endowment for Democracy (private CIA cutout managed by State Dept)
>Security/Spy Industrial Complex
>Censorship Industrial Complex
>Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex (spreads beyond gov into Medical School indoctrination)
>Immigration NGO Industrial Complex
>Military Industrial Complex (weapon manufacturers)
>Corporate Mass Media (infiltrated, used by CIA/State Dept/NIH/CDC to spread and enforce messaging, narratives)
>Food/Beverage Industrial Complex
>K Street corporate lobbyists (phalanxes of attorneys who actually write 95% of all language in Bills of the U.S. Congress)

all our governments are actually at the top controlled by private central banks. Every part of the deep administrative state bows to them.
The Federal Reserve could be considered the most powerful Shadow in the U.S. Government, or the one which rules them all.
>he's the most ZOG'd politician ever
True but at the same time, he has a big ego and there is a possibility he gets annoyed that Netanyahu is constantly defying him and the US and stops backing Israel for that reason alone. Wouldn't be the first time his personal feelings about a leader affected a foreign policy decision. He's a wildcard in other words, the elites don't know for sure what he might do. Compared to Biden or any other career politician who has a 40 year long political career of blackmail to use on him to keep him in line.

It's not like he supports Israel out of some principle, he does it because most of the evangelicals in America like that.
Unlikely. What is more likely is that people are fulfilling the wishes of ZOG and the NWO without even knowing that that's what their doing. Entire political ideas have been set up to support the system. But no, not everyone in politics knows that their helping or knows that their entire ideology is fake. If you were ZOG or the NWO how would you set it up? The mafia had a way of doing things and that way of doing things was known as compartmentalization. That way if someone was caught they aren't able to snitch because they don't know the pertinent information necessary to rat out everybody else. ZOG, the NWO, it works the same. It's not a grand conspiracy where every single politician secretly has a device that gives them orders or allows them to attend Jewish cabal meetings. That's not how it works, because if it did work that way it wouldn't function.

Exactly. When you're a part of a large system and some change trickles down, rolls out, or bursts onto the scene, you have a choice. If you're powerful enough pushing back may be an option, if you're in the position of most you have to roll with new situation and reorient if necessary, whether or not you like it.
>Everyone in politics
>'muh politics'

is not what (You) or most on /pol/ think it is
that is, the 535 Congressmembers or presidents in elected office
the government consists of an *un* elected deep administrative state and shadow government (NGOs, think tanks, K Street lobbyists, corporations, MIC)
1. >>474275223
2. >>474275388
They are all deep state assets. Every single politician that is allowed into congress or any higher office. The economy itself is occult jewish money magic practices that has been in place for *thousands of years*. They set up and destroy civilizations to appease their god (the great deceiver). The freemason order is of the same order as the jesuits, the illuminati, the rosicrucian's, and the ancient Egyptian dark cults. The United States itself was founded by these same groups from the beginning. It was all an illusion to the populace, except n the early days of the US a man actually had an order of magnitude more economic freedom than a man does today.
>"Im not retarded" after posting the most retarded take ever.


To do this would require Trump having a magic blood packet behind his ear on a 90 degree day that would be set to go off in sync with the blanks, and then for Trump and nobody else to notice and for it to look convincing to a live crowd of thousands of people and cameras and then to have people in the audience look realistically like they got hit, and bleeding and get wounds and for secret service and almost everybody to be in on it. It would also require a near 80 year old man to convincingly play and act this off without risking messing it up since it's a live and filmed act.
100% Trump knows exactly what is going on up to a certain level. Like I said he groomed for it. Where do think his family's wealth came from. He knew he was going to be the 45th president and win again after bidens term back in the early 2000s.
>screencapping a memeflaggot

What is wrong with you?
Yes, but depending on how much Trump knows this would greatly incentivize him to resist in whatever way he can.
>the economy
our post-1970s global economy is Financialized and (after 2008 especially) totally dependent on private central bank debt note fiat currency. Segregated totally from the goods-services-commodities in Real Economy
The post-1970s Financialized autofac created brand new, never-existent-in-human-history speculative instruments, derivatives, CDOs, options that confect 'money' and 'assets' out of *NOTHING*.
After 2008 'capitalism' no longer exists, none of us would even be here posting or internet servers existing without endless supplies of debt note fiat currency from private central banks.
Remember that the Aug-Sept 2019 overnight repo crisis of the WS investment banks being unable to cover their overnight transactions,
was the beginning of our current economic collapse.
from Sept 2019 to Jan 2020 almost $1 trillion in bailouts were 'printed' to prevent a 2007-style credit freeze (what would've occurred without <--that bailout) happening and instant Mad Max at your local grocery store and bank.
Elizabeth Warren herself was on Capitol Hill "what the F is going on here"
magically, though in January 2020 along came covid :
and with it $13 trillion more in 'liquidity' for HNW entities, investment banks to continue their Financialized artificial casino entirely removed from the Real Economy of goods-services-commodities which we all subsist in.

Must watch : what is 'money', how is it created —

The Money Deluge —


a few recent threads where (You) can all learn more about how the global economy *actually* works, post-1970s Financialization, and central banks :




Century of Enslavement : The History of The Federal Reserve
You can't resist. Who do you think Jeffrey Epstein was, and where do you think all his dirt on the puppets went. It didn't go anywhere. The cabal at the upper levels has it and can destroy anyone of their puppets at any moment if they chose to.
This shit has been going on since before the roman empire. You can't see the bigger picture. When I say the entire economy is FAKE, I mean ALL of it. It's a complete scam and has been from the beginning. Money magic occult economies are set up to make the populace believe in a false paradigm of free will and choices which may or may not act in their benefit. None of it acts in your benefit. If you were born in the US after the federal reserve was created, your physical body is owned and traded by the cabal.
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this, and gun rights.
even all the zoged up gun tubers like t rex arms are pushing the narrative.
So owen hart's death was fake?
He ruined stone colds career
Get to reddit and eat out of your floorbowl

Because he is trying to stop immigration. Appeasing, the Jews has just been his own way of buying time before they kill him. It won’t work any longer, and I expect he will be killed in his fifth year.
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>this seems like the most likely explanation imo
That's only because you chopped you dixk off and, for you, that organ is attached to your neck.
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for this to have been a hoax pretty much about 20 agents would have to have been into it and also a doctor who was in the audience who took care of the dead guy that was shot in the head.
That's a bingo
wait, are we the jews now?
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he only has himself to blame
The lack of intelligence of your typical /pol/ user is just an example of why democracy doesn't work.
They will settle for balkanization. The main goal is to finish off the dollar and move the center of the world economy back to Babylon.
Fuck off low IQ loser.
He's a loose canon at best.
Why jeopardize anything when you can easily have certainty in a hapless retard puppet instead?
He probably thinks King Charles is reptilian as well.
Eglin is crying, and my cock is hard as fuck
There are usa jews and israeli jews.
The usa jews are pro israel, but do not want to risk their powerbase in the US, israeli jews, while allied to the US zionists care about Israel over the US jew's powerbase.

Trump is friends with the latter, the former have no control over Trump.
USA jews want war with Russia and think the Israel jews fucked up in Gaza, fearing the noticing will end in a US shoa. Israeli jews also wants war with Russia, but are 100% focused on desroying Gaza and wants the US jews to unleash their goylem in Gaza to protect them, no matter the cost.

That's pretty much it.
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American Civil War 2 will begin as a way for Jews to remain in power. They will lose.
yeah and they tried to make him their fall-guy. i always root for the underdog.
It's truly frightening. It's schizophrenic and narcissistic type of behavior and their stupid conspiracy theories get more convoluted and low IQ all the time. The worst part? They think they're intelligent and know the inside scoop that no one else does. All schizo fantasies based on no evidence... so tired of it.
yeah same, can't stand mossad and the idf
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>roman empire
>bigger picture
Yeah whatever dude.
you'll forever be an amateur historian on the internet good luck with that

>after the federal reserve
the year 1913 and the un-ratified 16 Amendment along with Federal Reserve Act was the beginning of the end of American freedom.

the world is ruled by private central banks, all the 'muh cycle of empires' / 'muh cultural evolution-degeneration' stuff is a bunch of goddamned bullshit. (You)'re a token of fiat currency on a computer screen in 2024

Study up some of the references and documentary films in my post ^^above, the archive.4plebs links have a lot more.
even (You) can learn something and incorporate it into (You)r very own pedagogy. It's not too late

>The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers [3h29m]
What better way to keep their asset deep cover.
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I guess the bystander got paid to violently explode his head and smother his brain chunks all over the benches too

This whole incident has proven me once and for all that libtards are actually retarded, like genuine sub-average IQ retarded
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Don't look up, the feds/idf/joos/mossad are in helicopters are tracking your schizo ass now. Get off here and go listen to more Alex Jones and Icke.
Because he would prevent WWIII.
It's like /pol/ is run by them now. How can they be this stupid?
Anything that decreases the white population.
Cause Civil War!
And external war.

What good are election winnings if you keep losing power internally and especially externally!

They won't stop btw, they will larp though to be disclosing... just remember though, they won't stop, not much time for them left either... so expect hell.

they know their lies are bullshit, but they prefer to keep lying looking for some to stick or desinform because the message is important that the truth.
The difference is paddock was supposedly dozens of floors up in a hotel room, the dead troon being photographed makes much more sense, especially since one of the talking points is that people fucking saw him before the speech had actually started.
>a major hero
The extreme proliferation of non-state online-actors has muddled the perception of boots-on-ground responses, and the talking-heads don't actually know how to interpret local U.S. public response anymore.
Some people are pissed, yes, but this is flipping very, very few votes. Because Russian & Chinese internet propagandists cannot actually vote in the U.S. election, we do not actually know if this has done much of anything toward November.
>infinity jeet legal immigration taking out all the good job

Donald Trump lowered pajeet immigration to the lowest level in my lifetimes and decades before, by firing nearly everyone that approves H1B visas and keeping the roles unfilled.


>infinity dollarinos for Israel

Trump did more to fuck over Israel's plans than virtually any President, greatly reducing our presence in Syria (to the point that Pentagon officials fucking bragged about lying to him about presence and committing insubordination to the Commander in Chief to continue having a hold there) and scheduling a withdrawal from Afghanistan. In return he moved an embassy to Jerusalem. This is negotiation 101 -- give your enemy symbolic things and say nice things while you are fucking them.

Stop being a stupid wignat. There's plenty of things to criticize Trump over but Middle Eastern affairs, pajeet immigration, and being stymied on Congress and the courts over spics are not any of them.
Maybe it wasn't the kikes who tried to have him killed? People who are obsessed with kikes forget the fact we have several other great enemies on our flanks. They are idiots who miss the bigger picture and would side with our enemies who are potentially even greater threats over it. Notice all the sandnigger cock glazing going on on here as of late. Idiots like that.
The exact argument you made to state that things are obfuscated so that news agencies can no longer accurately ascertain the situation on the ground could be used to argue the rest of your statement would fall under that same argument. How would you know?
>there is no compelling reason for the powers-that-be to kill trump at this point

All of Washington DC has seen him as a threat to the establishment ever since he took office in 2016. Stop being a fucking idiot.
The Jews dont control everything retard. If they did, the EU and the American administration wouldnt be launching a color revolution in Israel to oust Netanyahu, and they wouldn’t be trying to prevent Israel from glassing the parasite terrorists in Gaza.
>He fucks his own daughter.
She enjoys it.
Look into the economic reforms of Julius Caesar and how quickly after doing so he was killed by his "senate" (ie jewish bankers who worship the great deciever). It's a tale almost as old as time.
>ok so IF this shit is real, why?
ritual magic

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it was just a random leftist that actually had the balls to do something. these people are much worse than you think even though the evidence has been there all along.
keep deflecting to jews or reptilians or whatever the fuck you retarded faggots cope with. the only way this shit stops is by the subjugation of the american left and that reality terrifies you limp-wristed pussies
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>It's a tale almost as old as time
look I enjoy history, have a degree in it and obviously history repeats itself and has parallels.
None of that specifically assists us with the post-1944 Bretton Woods economic order (which eventually resulted in 1 global reserve debt note fiat currency denomination) and moreover the post-1970s Financialized global economy which is totally run by private central banks.
it's a debt-based economic model
there's no 'nation state' in control of it, the banks run and control the nation states.
Hey. What if Trump actually isn't a zog golem? What if he actually wants to make america great again?
glownigger shareblue gay orgy thread
right wing populism will turn into fascism, they think killing him will stop it.
The final outcome is the total destruction of the leading civilization at the time while they have already pulled out and plotted its demise in order to prop up their next puppet. Nothing is new under the sun. The choice of following or unwillingly participating in the jewish money magic ritual based economy results in not only your enslavement but the eventual destruction of that civilization and death of the majority of its populace (blood ritual sacrifice to their god). The US is the one that was engineered into its top position, and will soon be engineered out of it and destroyed with the rest of history. History as taught in schools is also largely false, and schooling itself (ie the academic system) is run by the jewish ritual magics (the graduation hats and gowns are appeasing their god).
Its almost as if the zog shilling is… is organised

Almost as if the entire wealth and labour of North America and Europe is enough to fund shills to post psyops manufactured by departments in the pentagon on an online forum…

Almost as if it’s in the interest of the jews in power to have their little political theatre for the normies.
There is a jewish civil war. Zionists vs Non-Zionist
you're fucking retarded
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seems legit
Wait, this board doesn't like Trump now? Jesus Christ, that's what I get for bowing out for almost 10 years. Glad you fucks finally came around on that, but you still helped this country to fall to shit
no you didn't you fucking glownigger retard. You saw exactly what everyone else saw; no damage to his ear and blood covering the top of it, where clearly there was no physical damage. It was all fake and gay and anyone with a brain and two eyes saw that.
Its actually unsettling how you can be so dumb and disconnected from reality. The mainstream narrative has been anti trump for 10 years, and you cant fathom that one of these hyper mentally ill retards would give it a try? I am more surprised this hasn't happened sooner. I get it, your next deflection is believing the SS is incapable of fucking up. Its the same thing, your intellect is so low that you think everything has a simple explanation for your infant-like brain to process.

You zoomers really shit up this place once you started getting hair on your ankles and got bored of roblox. You dont know shit about anything. Go back.
>>>474241455 (OP)
>Wait, this board doesn't like Trump now? Jesus Christ, that's what I get for bowing out for almost 10 years. Glad you fucks finally came around on that, but you still helped this country to fall to shit
fuck off Discord tranny
>am more surprised this hasn't happened sooner
I kind of am too, they went with the hyper aggressive Lawfare for a few years i.e. put him in jail for life and when that didn't work look what happens.
remember that Judge Merchan was supposed to have pronounced sentence on July 11th

>look bro, two choices for you.
>senile or orange
>no zog draining the people of their wealth
>no ongoing genocide
>vote and trust the plan!
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>I just can't figure it out with my false narrative that everyone but brics is Zog as a basis.
Maybe it's because your forced narrative is false? Could that be it, anon?
It was glass from the teleprompter on his right side that got hit. You niggers would know this if you actually looked for the facts instead of writing fanfiction on /pol/.
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You are such a dumb anglo rodent goy. You need to know your fucking place, anglos are slaves of the chosen. You spent your entire lives licking our ass, Churchill bent over backwards for us more than Trump has. Everything the anglos have done for the last 100 years is to serve G-d's chosen people, and don't you forget it. You inbred toothless island floater. You are a goyim chud forever destined to be our walking pad we tread on forever. Now shut the fuck up. You are a farm animal like Elon Musk in picture related. Cattle.
Is there any place more ZOG than UK? BBC directs the show.

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