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Previous: >>474240147
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises -
>US Drones no longer fly over the Black Sea -
>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow -
>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine -
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default -
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
Death to Russia!
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>LMUR house deletion
>Russian Su-30 vs NATO F-18 over Baltic Sea
>Chemical weapon being deployed
>Hohols being bullied by foreign mercs in Kiev
>Russian motorcycle gang (from Espanola brigade) storming hohol positions
>Cluster Iskander strike on claimed IRIS-T AD System and TRML-4D Radar in the area of the settlement Voloskoe, Dnepropetrovsk region
>Iskander hit hohol train full of ammo and equipment near Buda in Kharkov region
>Looting stuff in Chasov Yar
>FAB-3000 in flight
>Capturing of Urozhaynoye compilation
>Ukraine must mobilize 18 year olds
>Iskander strike on hohol train transporting armored vehicles and other equipment in village Buda near Kharkov
>Hohols jailed Fortune Tellers who predicted that Ukraine will lose
>Interview with an VDV soldier who crawled on the balcony in Chasov Yar (no subs)
>Chud says Slava Rossiya and punches pig catcher
>Hohol pig catcher was sent to the front for handing out conscription notices to politicians
>Missiles and Gerans hitting Yuzhmash workshops in Dnepropetrovsk, hohols kvetch
>Low altitude missile flyby

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Henlo frens, wish you have a wonderful day

Talmud - denounced
Hohol - dead
Z - victory
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>hohol refugee comes to spam again
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Inaccurate the kike would probably flood ukraine with niggers and pajeets if he won
I'm a ruZcist.
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Prove you are actually in China, or stop larping
He sounds like his ancestors sucked cock.
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I think we need to wait for about a year until the EU starts sending refugee piggers back to the trenches
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Of course. Kikes would never dream of having someone speak bad chinese in a modern film.
>faggot who works for a living
Yup. Feels good too.
Ooof. It looks nice, but I can get a beater F-150 in good mechanical shape for less than 10k for now. Oh well.
>he's too young to recognize the meme
Pic rel, padawan
Chinese President and general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping is that you?
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Oops. This pic is related....
Sadly don't have my Russian passport with me, but here is a pic from the store I am now, kek
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>but I can get a beater F-150 in good mechanical shape for less than 10k for now
can the f-150 do this?
Prove that you are in UN, hohol
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probably not enough gibs and phone operators for pajeets
god damn i miss china
isn't it #1 so much?
Not comfy at all.
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>New York Fries
Chinks have fallen
I've been in a lot of places, in Europe, US and some Asian countries.

China was a huge surprise to me. And complete opposite to what western media told me.

Now I have a Chinese catwife and life is good
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Any update on biolabs shenanigans? Or was that a nothingburger after all?
If you add a locker, put mudding tires on it and lift it.. yes it can do that easily.
The question always comes down to cost and application. E.g. an F-150 can haul way more than a Desertcross, but if you just wanna scoot around then that's not an issue, etc.
>Russians confirmed to have entered center of New York
But New York will be Russian. They're just supporting their allies.
Never saw anyone buying stuff from that store, but in defense of China - the way how they cook burgers is pure textbook. Damn, even Taco Bell is good here. Like super good
>It is so ridiculous, childish and transparent to seize on the very first headlines hours after the attack to accuse "the media" of propaganda. Unfortunately, that is exactly Musk's level.
poor jihadi julian gets so salty when someone reveals the truth
Are you in chinkland begging for more of those golfcarts, or offering siberian land?
wow, living the dream
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>don't have my Russian passport with me
>single-digit ICQ pigserf hiding his shithole behind a memerag thinks someone specifically paid 20 bucks to shitpost on this shithole AND LARP as a chink without actually being in Chyna








thanks for bread
new york has fallen
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chinese food is so good and cheap and it's everywhere
god damn i miss china
i fucking hate the united states and everyone in it, it sucks so much here
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Is it true Chinese are unusually loud in public? Although mostly judging it by this video of a French girl living in Moscow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itgHb3Jlw1g
which could be due to her clearly being an introvert. Wonder if extraverts experience it differently.
Isn't Brighton Beach mostly kike just like everything in Jew York Shitty that isn't nigger like Bronx?
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no matter how cheap the food is I couldn't imagine living in country full of Chinese is like living in a country full of jews
>Is it true Chinese are unusually loud in public?
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Unhappy surprise for Putin from Victoria Nuland
chinese people are just like americans except not fat and retarded
He, нe кaк в Бopнe


Not visiting, living at this point. It's Chengdu - Sichuan food, mountains and Panda. Still learning Chinese. But my Chinese wife helps me a lot. We talk English to each other, if you are curious


Example. I prefer Sichuan food. Spicy!
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If you miss China then try visiting Japan some time, anon.
Bro, NYC is a kike mecca second only to LA. Brighthton is getting gentrified last I checked. Russian enclaves (Jewish or otherwise) are all but gone since the big immigration waves of the 80s and 90s were a long time ago and since then people either left to Europe because it's easier or to Israel.
>not retarded
Dozens of videos I saw on liveleaks (RIP) prove you wrong.
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The day Miss Piggy Nudelman dies should be declared a national holiday in every country she's set foot in.
Fucking whore deserves a firing squad
The irony is that Baiden is much more preferable for Russia to win than Trump.
>try visiting Japan some time
why would i go to japan? it's bullshit autistic china
Ehhhh.... Not everywhere, and not every Chinese. Depending on the background and education a lot. Recent generations are very civilized to be honest. Very clean everywhere, like in Japan.
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>Chinese wife
>no white babies
Why are you contributing to the downfall of white Russia, anon?
No. It's China, but better.
Chinks are the Mexicans of Asia.
Japanese are the white people of Asia.
(Flips are the niggers, fyi)
Why the new id hohol finn avoiding the jannie are you?
But all Chinese eating like fucking swines
It's a bit glowing there too.
Japan really have a bad luck with American nukes. 3 times already
Putin said so
>piggy refugee changing ID's
imagine the butthurt
you've never been to china because you're a scared faggot, you wouldn't know shit
We are very big country. While Russia's West is more white, we also have a lot of Asians towards the East.

Remember, that Russia is not just the land before Ural mountains
pathetic culture and people
and now that china has more high speed rail than the rest of the world combined there's literally zero reason to go to japan
how does he keep going every day all day? Eventually you get tired of anything so monotonous and unfruitful, but he's been since last year I think. I would be tired and have better things to do with my life by the end of hour 1, maybe 2.
>3 times already
Are you drunk or did you really forget history?
>says the guy who's never been to Japan
I've been to China. Young Chinese people or those trained to interact with foreigner are fine. Chinese people from countryside are disgusting.
And yet, when you think of the concept of "Russian person" do you imagine a Tatar or a Tuvan?
No, you think of a white person.
I hope you are asiatic yourself. Russia needs more white babies, not less.
level herson
Well, yeah. Biden straight up follows the command of his handlers, he'll never go off script, which makes him predictable.
Trump's more of a wildcard. He'll obviously protect the jews, but other than that? Who knows.
WW3? Leaving NATO? Pissing off China? All possible depending on how good his happy meal was.
Look at history of Japan and it's language.
It's all taken from Chinese.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima
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My ruski bros might appreciate this
>Chinese people from countryside are disgusting.
A lot of ruraloids here are massive niggercattle too.
Ukranda is what would happen if Russian ruraloids got their own identity.
You're wrong for judging Chyna by comparing city zoomers and ruraloids.
>The irony is that Baiden is much more preferable for Russia to win than Trump.

yes i know trump might actually want to make peace and ruin the total hohol death great circus

i want biden to win so much
He means the two atom bombs and the nigger bomb, which is a far more destructive weapon than any nuke.
this is all he can do, seethe and stay butthurt
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Nuland fucked up every important assignment she was tasked with. It's why she has been passed over for promotion multiple times. The humiliation in Africa from August last year was the final straw for her as a (((diplomat))).

Also, now they have to stage a massive false flag event, poison, or zap Zognald with the heart attack gun to prevent him from winning.
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That's why I said "[japan is] china, but better".
>Fukushima was the first nuclear plant to be designed, constructed, and run in conjunction with General Electric
kek, well played, anon
Japan has few black niggesr, but lots of jeet niggers
Jeets are the new niggers
he can stop hiding from TЦК and meet his destiny already
>Ukraine: Border guards shot a fleeing conscript
>According to Ukraine, a soldier who tried to flee the country illegally was shot dead on the border between Ukraine and Moldova. This is reported by the news agency AFP.
>According to the SBU, Ukraine's security service, the four soldiers were detained when they arrived at the border with Moldova on foot. One of them had tried to escape, as a result of which the border guard shot him in self-defense.
how barbaric
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Hes a runaway hohol
ban french as a language!
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>You're wrong for judging Chyna
I am not judghing Kitai. It has good parts. I just don't like 90% of the people there. That's on me. I'm guest to their country after all.
The fact that Chinks are mexicans/jews of Asia is hard to dispute, however.
No idea what that is, anon. Comic Con is a... convention?
Was this IGROMIR... fun? What did they even have?
When is the Putin Station coming out? We need non-cucked games free of DEI totalitarianism, good narrative teams and designers and artists not cursed by globohomo aesthetics.
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based, we dont need more seetihng impotent gorespammers here. to the last ukrainian!
yeah I know, no actual fin would be so retarded and autistic. but I still cant understand how he does it. does he get paid, blackmailed or are hyhyls non human?
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> At night in Crimea, Ukrainian UAVs attacked the military electronic reconnaissance unit of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at Cape Fiolent
Ashf Lshtshfum WTF
Nigga you have Tetris the fuck else do you need?
cant you post women atleast? disgusting troon
90% of people are garbage everywhere, you just hate Chinese normalniggers more, but the truth is that normalfags are scummy everywhere.
Putin Station? First time hearing about it. I guess you could try Atomic Heart from the last year.
He can't, he's a pigmutt: faggot people.
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What’s the minimum height to be classed as a male?
everything in japan is taken from china
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they adopt /everything/ lol.. well, they ARE really good at it though and do make it their own.. in a way, but you can't take the footprints out of it. What do you think of Kazahks? I'm always curious about them, as in, whether to visit or something.
They have reached the "eco activist" level of annoyance
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Notslave ebalo status?
>What do you think of Kazahks? I'm always curious about them
There a Kazakh in the thread
Im always curious about the rest of Central Asia since in the west we learn nothing about Uzbeks or Krygz
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how is this legal?
I noticed while scrolling, I was jumping between replies but it feels weird to ask a Kazahk directly. I'm on 4chins he'll probably go the honorable meme route and call me a fat dog, tell me to stay home etc lmao.
Fine people, to be honest.
They do have differences from both Chinese and Western cultures. But unlike Kirgiz and Tadzhiks, they are not doing sandnigger-retarded muslims
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Igro / Igra = game
Mir = world

Ergo "Game World"

Igromir was a dual Comic Con / Vidya Game Expo in Moscow. Quite a few people in attendance in a huge venue. I attended because I work I used to work in the game industry and it was sort of a big deal to be there. It was a lot of fun.

Will it help make for FABs?
>Im always curious about the rest of Central Asia since in the west
Subhumans. Think jeets from the worst anti-Indian propaganda. Kazakhstan is the only good country in that region of subhumans with stolen Persian identity.
Fuck it, just added finn flag to filter, can't remember a single based finnpost on this board since war started.
Sad, used to respect my southern neighbors, but they seem to all be full on globohomo faggots now.
If you buy it, sure.
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So no biolabs updates after all? Sadge.

In truth, judging by the disregard that chinks have for the lives of their countrymen I don't think they super care for their brothers either.
"Bugmen" have that name for a reason.
You flew to Mosow for a gaymecon?
Kind of based, ngl
Hope you saw more of the city than just some tranny vidya though.
>all of them can vote
>even the dead ones
democrats went to ukraine?
there are a few good ones here, I also dont filter piss and tears flag because of gosling anon. only have meme flags, pissrael, turkgay, honduras and recently puto rico
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You didn't know?
kys kike
Back in Czechia or forget your VPN?
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Another day , another thread with the Ukranian finnmongol posting the same 3 staged gifs filmed in holoiwood by executing their own deserters in Russian uniforms … it’s all so tiresome
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Yeah I like how they stand out from all the other "istan"s, I feel like they'd be the good centerpiece for a federation were these regions ever to deem it "necessary". As much as there is to critique about China I am not a dumbass about it, and while I'd like to visit I also don't want to mysteriously get pushed out of my hotel window hahaha. I still love all the parts that deserve to be loved, I think it's just a consequence of having so many people, the ratio for likelihoods for crazy things is simply increased when you're not talking about 20s of millions of people but billions. Safe travels my good man!
why do mutts worship occupied derivative cuck countries that lost the war?
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Using filters is gay, I just ignore them. You should filter the Australian flag as well.
>Moskva ship
Whenever I read about burger polilitcal intrigues I feel like burgers would gladly kill the other half of their own nation just because they don't believe Brandon/Drumpf is the better nigger and Jizzrael lover.
china is the safest place on earth, go there
stop being a bitch
Another day, another JUDENFREI
There is some good Finns dont let the hohol migrant ruin Finland for you
i really only filter memeflags, israel, turkey and puerto rico flags
and the craziest part is that brandon and drumpf disagree on NOTHING
nah, there are good aussies around. memeflags are always kikes thats why I got them filtered
>I used to work in the game industry
A friend of mine used to work in the industry as well. Company in Germany that was shitting out shitty clones of popular games on mobile. Thankfully he managed to leave before fellating a handgun and now he's working for the chinks (at Riot).
You should add a link to relevant goon entry on a match
china is dogshit
go eat it
Because they're occupied cuck countries. All the chink haters would also gladly shill against Japan using the exact same takes if Japan was indepedent or cucked by Chyna/PuZZiainstead.
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they are both shabbos goy anyway
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I am the only good Australian poster
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kill yourself
you attention whoring subhuman hohol
It's seriously much safer here, then anywhere. I'm not bullshitting or giving you a propaganda speech.

Yes, they do control a lot here, yes cameras everywhere. But how else you would keep more then a billion of people safe
Nigra phail
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I am always a bit perturbed about placing myself in a land where I am totally different not because I stick out or anything, but rather I feel like it is imposing on whichever race of people I am visiting. I really don't like the idea of being seen as a tourist, it's just a politeness thing I don't expect everyone to follow suit, I just have my ways and everyone has theirs, which is why Americans are renowned for being dogshit retards everywhere they go.
this, total hohol kike death
I don't have ukranda filtered, just because of kievanon (he still alive?) and crimea-kun.
Pissrael and Finland are the only filtered flags beside memeflaggots.
30 km to border
Don’t answer memeflags the fact he Ben had to dig up a 2 year old incident (cause he cannot post any “new totally real” ship losses cuz there are non and those ghost ships along with the necromanced Russian soldiers shoot Kaliber the week after they were “sunk” see beginning of June Kiev bombing where half the rockets were launched from the Black Sea
your country hasn't built a single piece of infrastructure or improved itself in any way in 70 years
Hand over your Y chromosome you snivelling cowardly faggot.
Mate, please no I just got done going through 3-4 threads talking about the assassination attempt. SO many fucking retards. I am here for shelter and safe harbor.
If it wasn't for the war and sanctions I'd move to Moscow because I know the language.
Just go to Japan. China has nothing that can top the nips.
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Some still work, I'm on a vpn now, work requirement.
crimea-kun has been on a rusflag for over a year now
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suite* polite corrective sage

lol I imagine so, but accidents and the laws about people helping are insane. I'm sure it's more complicated but I understand what you mean by this, from the perspective of a h'white American I feel like I need to whip my own people for a good century before I can fully embrace your disposition because all it takes is one person (needle in a haystack) that hates us for some sort of reason. It's enough for me telling someone to relax in Saint Petersburg to reassure them.
chinese people will be happy to see you there, it'll give them a thrill
they might ask you what you're doing there, or say "you yi si" which means interesting
you don't have to feel bad, and you don't seem like a retard
You aussies are about 50/50, but the good ones tend to be top tier shitposters, so never filtering your flag.
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crimea kun is fat but have a gf now
How many Atomic Hearts equals 1 FAB-3000 ?
oh my god sorry it's 5AM for me suit is correct IAFGNDmovjklnk
fat lesbian?
Over a year?
Shit, time flies, didn't even notice that.
i never really feel unsafe even in the USA, except for around cars because people drive insanely
but you can tell how safe china is by watching the people, the women and children and old people don't have a care in the world
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>That turret ring on top
This is a work of art.
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Smoking anything is degenerate, of course a heeb would shill for degeneracy.
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crimea kun is a man
good boy
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you sure?
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>janny purged the czech kike
based janny
>anon got auto-jannied for ponies
Bummer. Was a good post.
>Metro / Stalker style games
I get why people like the mood of those games, but I hope you interacted (read: drank) with enough Russians to know that Russia celebrates life. People there don't LOVE the Metro/Stalker aesthetic (even though it's cool).
>one for vacation so I wasn't able to leave Moscow
So you DID get to see the city of Moscow? It's quite amazing and easily on par with any Western European capital.

Either way I hope you had fun and I hope you have a chance to return to Moscow and to see SPB. Do all the touristy stuff. Leave at least one full day for Tretikovka (Moscow) and Armitage (SPB). A FULL DAY, anon. You will need it.
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somebody deserves a bonus and a pay raise
my headcanon says no
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smoking is good if you don't want to die of old age.... lol. unfortunately for me, I don't see myself doing so either, alcohol is just too heavy on the senses to casually use it for every celebration. I only really recommend herbal degeneracy if you feel like a human-grenade and need a safety pin, I sure do living in this flaming social dumpster.
i feel this way after going there
china and russia have been holding humanity together for thousands of years
going to china is like entering civilization from a cannibal jungle tribe
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>Smoking anything is degenerate
That's why God invented edibles.
Should have censored the poners too.
But this is kinda dumb:
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ew fucking gross look how fat and gross everyone is too
god it sucks here
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are you even a person or just a fat retard staring at the screen and going "hmm" for 20 minutes at a time before posting something nobody cares about?
the latter lmao
Why ?
You can no longer scare anybody with your ships.
We all saw how they get sunk by the superior weapons of GAE, like rotten wood on a hot day in the water.
30 years of making money depositing them in the banks of GAE by your oligarchs did not make you any good in developing at least matching weapons. Why would you do this?
You are just a colony of GAE.
What the actual fuck is this monstorsity. Is that a fucking T-55?
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>A S-400/S-300 missile division of the 12th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was targetted overnight in Cape Fiolent, occupied Crimea. Reports indicate eight explosions, contradicting claims that all Ukrainian drones were shot down.

>A radar station was likely damaged, and there was an explosion at an S-400 position. The military unit is located among summer home cooperatives, also causing drone debris to fall on the houses.
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>Zelensky keeps sending Ukrainian soldiers to Ukraine so of course it's natural that Russia kills and cripples my countrymen.
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NATO doctrine is paying social media shills to convince Putin that he will lose. It's just part of their war effort.
Like he is UN...
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woah.. you know anon, aside from it happening in Crimea - this is like drawing a line on the ground and lighting a sparkler firework, watching the time each spark hits one side and going OOH LOOK AT THAT SEE ITS WINN- and back and forth at the mutual peppering of everything around you in a radius. Of course there could be more nuance to it than that, but it'd be wasted on you anyways. That flaming stick will land on the west side of the line no matter how many sparks get waved east, sorry.
Sildenafil for the masses.
Real men rape women.
Beta faggots beg wome for consent.
It depends on your motivation I suppose, because the old days are gone. Today it's never been easier (relatively speaking) to make good money in gaming if you're not a contractor and if you can inside a big company... but the games have never been worse either. If you're motivated by the art of game design and bro / nerd culture and the freedom/comradery that comes with it, then the industry sucks. If you want to make a decent salary while a tranny is breathing down your neck whilst BlackRock finances the whole operation... then there's never been a better time if you can get in, but it seems these days they let anyone in.

>I hope you interacted (read: drank) with enough Russians to know that Russia celebrates life. People there don't LOVE the Metro/Stalker aesthetic (even though it's cool).
It's just an aesthetic. I don't actually think or believe Russians view life through the lens of any video game. Western gaming is plagued by systemic cultural, political, and corporate problems that plague all things in the west today. It's interesting for me. I don't really game anymore. Last game I played was Remnant II and it was decent.

>So you DID get to see the city of Moscow?
Yeah, it's way more beautiful than anything I've seen in the USA as far as big cities go. Feels like Narnia. I had a lot of fun and fun out with Russians in the industry. We hit up a lot of neat bars.

I went to the Tretikovka hehe. I am a person of culture. I really wanted to go to SPB but there simply wasn't enough time.
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i'm not going to say you're wrong for posting gore, but i think we all know by now that men are dying live on camera from fpv drone strikes and perhaps we shouldn't use these men's suffering for our entertainment or to make a point
dear leader had a point
Based rusanon living the dream. The more i learned about China the more i realized it is based and doing better and better while my country is ironically devolving into a poor dangerous dystopian shithole. Methinks our """"democratic"""" leaders are just masters of projection
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>people like the defenders
people forgot this existed like three months after the invasion begun in 2022, all that's left is deranged faggots slathering feces on the walls in the mentally ill corners of the faggotnet. yeah I remember literally seeing bumperstickers for Ukraine in my country and they must've taken them off real fucking quick for some reason or another. lol, yeah you and the Chris-Chan clones are everyone, sure.
If trump gets elected he will give Ukraine even more weapons and even US troops.

He already bombed nad killed over 200 russians wagner soldiers in Syria during his last term as a president of USA.
Building a compartment for an infantry squad on the back of the turret. Not a bad idea as such if the turret motor can carry the weight
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>be hohol
>leave hoholia to dodge certain death
>screech on 4chan
>post "dead" Russians (= hohollywood staged fakes)
>get btfo'd
>cry and go back to discord
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Is it joever bros? With the trump shootereenos there is no way he can lose the election now and once he wins he plans to force zelensky to surrender by cutting aid.
The air will be over within a year.
What are supposed to do then? Where will we get our comfy war kindo from next?
It's joever.
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Latest fear mongering
>Putin's Global Army
post based glide bomb videos taken from 144p orlan with 90's nokia phone camera, or if you post fpv drone videos make sure it's the thermal kind
wdym New York is now poccnr territory
A pure art of war. Incredible...
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>I went to the Tretikovka
did you see picrel? those eyes....
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Three months after the invasion is begging of the Retard Month 2022, hmmm...
based and kim approved
>destroy own countries
>people turn against own government
what else did they expect?
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I only got jannied for 15 min. Forgot about the mlp thing.

It's late here, my mind if fucking up. >>474254401
was meant for you as well.
many such cases
There's few underage spammers seeking attention. Current state propaganda tries to turn everyone pro war. Normal people don't enjoy watching anyone die.
okay...? read flags with your slanted eyes fingol retard, you realize the only reason i'm here is because i want the global economy to crash so i can skin your ANTIFAggot kind in the streets in the wreckage of my shit nation right? Russia is YOUR problem, China will be everyone's problem, and I'm ok with that as long as I get to stomp out every burger that resembles you and their families brains dripping from my boot. I'm ok with death, have fun dealing with your own countrymen as I will mine.
Thats the shit
Hohol vids always look fake as fuck
Its eaither not enought damage delt by drones or over the top literally doom 2016 lvl of brutality
Russian ones have nearly always same effect
Brutal but belivable
I enjoy watching hohols die
More of them dead higer chance that jewish overlords send them back
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So does anyone have the pic of the Finnhohol saying he wants to start a family in Finland as a rapefugee?
Nuland, Africa, what happened
Very based. I am glad you had a good time in Moscow, anon. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. Hope you get to do that SPB trip after SMO victory.
A based jeet? I guess anything can happen in /chug/ after all!
And that's just one of Repin's amazing works.
I also strongly recommend Glazunov to both you and GameIT Anon
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I did. When I wasn't working I was walking around and seeing things. I drank a lot of hot tea (tea with wine in it) you can buy in a lot of places. Good stuff. It was already cold as hell (late September).
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will this finally be the play?
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Thank you!
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>ukraine conducted 3 successful flanking maneuvers along the front
wtf is going on, guard the fucking sides. shit like this is unacceptable.
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>military training for english speakers
i can't wait to go to russia and learn some new skills
can mutts be artillery gun guy?
99% of finns prefers ukraine over russia buddy boy.
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>What are supposed to do then? Where will we get our comfy war kindo from next?
Fukuyama is that you? Do you really believe that even of this shitfest of a war suddenly stops today, the gears of history would grind to a halt? There's decades worth of happenings waiting to happen anyway regardless of how this one goes. So it's dozens of thousands of threads full of banter more, regardless if it's gonna be /chug/ of some other funny acronym.
>When you rush B.
yeah you and your 5.5 million (your entire ethos and genetic legacy for millennia it hinges upon) should totally racketeer for more conflict, that'd be so cool if you did that! Meanwhile all the slavic countries are divided 50/50 about it like Trump and Hillary in 2016 kek.. when the fuck is Finland supposed to be indicative of anything in this regard? Oh boy one of the newer brussel-slave attack dogs is barking, oh geee!
They've created those "Opinion pieces/sections" so that they can state any extreme opinion or a straight up call/order without any repercussions because, well, it's just an opinion
i would think so
russia has the high ground here, it should be relatively easy to take toretsk
i imagine they are trying to lure ukrop forces in before putting the cauldron under the fire
They literally have orders to throw meat against everything, of course sometimes the sides will recoil a bit but it's nothing that won't be reversed in the next ~24 hours for huge hohol losses.
newest d-day ?
That's mulled wine, anon. A German invention.
I'm glad you liked Tretikovka. You will get an even bigger enjoyment from Hermitage.

Russian engineers will increase the range of the universal planning and correction module (UMPC) for aerial bombs

The new version of the module will significantly increase the range of use of ammunition.
rip king
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how quiet is all on the eastern front?
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forgot pic
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It's actually old. Just posted something random with a thermal cam.
It's not quiet at all. Russia keeps advancing.
>The enemy confirms the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction around 4 settlements.
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Think they're gonna take a page from the US and swap the tail like they do on jdams, or just add longer/wider wings to it?
Everytime I look at reports and maps its a lot of red penises fucking into blue asscracks. engagements are pretty direct and violent lately
Kommuna status?
>taken from 144p orlan with 90's nokia phone camera
Nah it's just the Russians using 30x zoom and showing us the Huawei phone recording of the bomb instead of the direct feed.
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>red penises fucking into blue asscracks
Reminds me of picrel
I guess they will make modern aerodynamic fabs instead of old ones, that supposed to drop down.
>should totally racketeer for more conflict
We don't have any say about it. There is no public debate about anything related to Ukraine. It's absurd to say that "Finns want x" when we haven't been heard in the first place.
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chasov yar is hard to take because it's on the high ground, is cut by a canal, and is manned by the ukrops best troops, the goal or a secondary plan may be to take toretsk and push up on chasov yar from the south
anyway, once chasov yar falls it's probably over
Bomb's free since it's in storage. Kit can't be more than 3k with labor included, so my guess is 30 collector's editions.
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>Huawei phone
oh come on, china has only a normal trade relationship with russia and does nothing at all to assist russia's war effort
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Some crazy Czech women came to my town
I didn't say otherwise.
Fact is, it's easier and cheaper for the average Russian soldier to buy a chink phone rather than an iPhone/Samsung right now.
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>I am glad you had a good time in Moscow, anon.
I had an amazing time. The people I hung out with were genuinely solid, greater banter, and just good times. Met some incredibly talented artists.

>Hope you get to do that SPB trip after SMO victory.
I've been delaying it long enough. I think I'm just gonna go lol. I can't really wait for the war to finish as I've been waiting since 2022. Covid ended... and the war started.

Ah. I meant to say "hot wine" -- my brain is shot but I wasn't aware of the German angle kek. But are you sure it isn't uKrAiNiAn??

I want to spend a minimum of a month in SPB. I already have some friendly contacts down there, including in Moscow.

>You will get an even bigger enjoyment from Hermitage.
I will visit it, no doubt. Honestly being in Russia was the last time I was genuinely really excited about life and was happy. Covid + too much work put me into a bad state. I am just getting out of that cycle. I'm ready for something new.
It's only permitted to worship niggers publicly here :(
it's true, and huawei phones are indestructible and better than muttshit
but i was being sarcastic because i believe china is doing a great deal not just to help russia's war effort but to ensure that russia comes out of the war unscathed and strong so it doesn't fall apart like the soviet union did
How was the BLM march against the deportation law?
russians or ukrainians?
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You misunderstood. Not supporting Ukraine doesn't mean supporting Russia. I haven't had to hide my opinions in real life either. I am against people killing each other. Much better that politicians sit down and argue and let normal decent people live their lives. Nobody needs this shit.
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beat them up
Since the majority in this country are anti-white niggers worshippers like you, pretty slim chances. And that's not a good thing.
Why do you want more niggers here btw?
an art of war. Incredible...
Kek, I like how miaqALs0 just started posting guro after getting nagged about niggers.
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>i believe china is doing a great deal not just to help russia's war effort but to ensure that russia comes out of the war unscathed and strong so it doesn't fall apart like the soviet union did
and china sent their troops to Brest to do an impromptu "anti-terrorism training" after muttsects vasals were making moves on the belarus border to make a point
if euromutts try to start shit with russia, china will be there
so many fins and hohols under finnish flag
nigger lover refugee got cornered so now he is trying to deflect
The right term is delivering equality
they're all in Russia already
And more niggers. We can own the putler and secure democracy plus more niggers by replacing our population with them. That'll show the Putler.
The HS-lehti agrees with you. They were against the deportation law, just like you.
hrukraine will join nafo, if they manage to win the war
>America gets bases in Finland
>suddenly full of "finish glowies"
Really makes you think
The head moved - pure art. The art of war.Amaizing.
Damn, new episode of Czech streets soon?
some russian troops are in africa but the africans clearly want them there
If you like the cop vs the lawbteaker analogies must like every pro-pigslave redditcuck, then Usranda is an alcoholic bitch getting her shit slapped by a cop (puccia) for being a drunk child abuser.
I don't care. Makes no difference to me who owns Crimea. Let politicians argue. I believe that Ukrainians can build a beautiful country for themselves and I don't think they have to be anyones puppet to achieve this.
He is a nigger worshipping zoomer leftoid from Ylilauta. He actually opposes the deportation law, because his major concern is making Finland into a nigger shithole. Then Putler will get owned.
I think it takes a lot more training than I have to appreciate classical music properly, compared to some of Repin's work which is so evocative and accessible. Have to go to Piter too, to see the Zapo Cossack letter drafting.
so never?
i wonder if they're paid to shill or they're just 20 year old retards with nothing better to do who aren't allowed to leave the base
>it's true, and huawei phones are indestructible and better than muttshit
Yeah, they're just a bit more bothersome to use ever since Trump decided to ban the Google services suite.
Which on one hand means it's less tracked, but on the other it kinda fucks the average user over.

pinor approves
yep XD
All the more weird why you are against the deportation law, but once I understood that you leftoids are actually just anti-white, it made more sense. Your party, the leftoid alliance, also voted against the law.
This guy will be killed by SBU like the guy from USA who came in 2014 in Donbass.Russel bentley. Yeas I remember him.
ooof that foreground (present) in clear, stark light versus the shadowed background (past) and those helpless, shocked eyes.... unfuckingbelievable.
Yet refugees coming from Italy and Greece is totally fine.
Actual human beings enjoy watching Ukrainians die, not Russians, but you would not know since you are not one of them...
Also Ukraine is the aggresor here. They started the war in 2014 when they started a mass slaughter of ethnic Russians in Donbas, including women and children.
A global army is required to defeat a global empire - The global american empire.
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kek shit's crazy man imagine risking entire lineages and phenotypes going to war with Russia for 2ish years as the nation of Finland, anyone suicidally throwing themselves at an issue like this under the guise that the rest of Europe will merrily band together like marvel superheroes needs to be immediately silenced by their own populace before this mindset costs you the same way it has costed countless other races and peoples in history, becoming a historic footnote to today's autism is fucking retarded, there's been so much worse to contend with, THIS will be it for an entire ethos? lol, lmao. intentional suicide-cult.
You are a leftoid faggot, aren't you? I got you several times in the past, because you always refuse to denounce nigger worshipping. We both know I'm right.
You still can use Google services in China. Even with Huawei, they have option to switch them on.

Inside of China they are useless without VPN, unless you are on Hainan, Hongkong or Makao.

Ironically, every young person here knows how to use VPN. So mainly it but causes minor inconvenience, but nothing more
>Yeah, they're just a bit more bothersome to use ever since Trump decided to ban the Google services suite.
my impression was that google did this on their own, but you're probably right
and people think trump is anti-war, or different in any way than biden
i think he's worse than biden
So it's all fine and dandy when Africa and Middle-east dumps their unwanted scum to Europe but big no-no when Russians do it?

How so? Wasn't mass immigration core value in democratic and free west.
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I'm gonna make my small contribution towards total Russian victory.

I can imagine the physiognomy. Greasy, bloated, shitty bearded pastrami-eating kike with bad posture.
>They started the war in 2014 when they started a mass slaughter of ethnic Russians in Donbas, including women and children.
He'll say that it didn't happen but they deserved it.
>aidscancer child hospital gets bombed
Also him: "ZASHO?"
>So it's all fine and dandy when Africa and Middle-east dumps their unwanted scum to Europe but big no-no when Russians do it?
That what these anti-whites like miaqALs0 believe.
Except he's also against the russian-sent niggers getting deported.
It's more important that they build a working system before entertaining ideas about EU and such. It has to be done from ground up because this has been one of their big problems since the early 90's. If this won't be done then the country will remain as a black hole for resources that somehow produces millionaires out of thin air.
It's not Russia who are importing these niggers.
These niggers are using boats and, it seems everyone is fine with that. They use motherships to drop these boats closer to the maritime border of EU. Who fund these NGOs, who are helping "refugees"?

But nooooo, Russia bad, because few niggers made it thru the border crossings.
My mistake. I didn't realize Glazunov shared a name.
I meant Ilya Glazunov.
This painting specifically. All the butchery and excess of the 20th century and above it all Christ.
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Daily reminder Soros invested half a billion USD in migrants back in like 2014.
It's called rudimentary intuitive deduction.
You use ylilauta, you are a zoomer, and a leftist nigger worshipper. Again, we both know I'm right. That's what matters to me, because it makes you seethe internally that I can see right through into your brown leftoid soul.
The Tranny of Saud loves Soros.
>This painting specifically. All the butchery and excess of the 20th century and above it all Christ.
that's beautiful :) ty anon, will check him out when I go.
I always knew, you guys are based. Sadly globohomo made to your government and now you guys are in NATO

Still gonna drink some Finnlandia vodka with you, lads
Do you live in Shandong and eat centipedes, starfish, and seahorses on skewers?
everyone i personally know that saves this kind of shit and rubs it all over the place the way you do is limpwrists in the navy and airforce or just ANTIFAggots. careful what you wish for
Nah, in Chengdu. Hotpot and pork, beef, octopus and other good shit on skewers.

Jokes aside, I'm afraid to eat shellfish and you are talking about centepides

>t. a dude who has cried about me in /uhg/
Kekarooni, dead ukrainians are funny :D
So than can cuba have Russian nuclear missles on their land???
RF army is weak. They can not win this war.
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self-indicative reply that needs no real response. may you get all the gore one can ask for in the years to come. ww3 is international civil war btw
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well if your eyes weren't so beady one could notice the globe is not sending itself into Ukraine so your synopsis on who will win is retarded just like you
People are properties of the state. The are the human resource of the state.
they are two type of huma resources of the state - soldiers or breeders. The purpose of human resource soldiers is to die for the state, while the purpose of human resource breeders is to produce future soldiers or breeders for the state.
You are born property of the state.
aerohomber has the best clips of war. A true artist of war
It will. It will take some time. WW3 is unavoidable at this point. The capitalism demands it.
lol i can use peanut butter instead of toothpaste and jack off with icy-hot but that doesn't make it a good idea. what a spectacular proposal, by all means get on with it and see how that pans out.
Can we see it?

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