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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Watching you all scramble around and use 10yr old playbooks is hilarious. I bet your bosses are sending you new scripts every fucking hour.
>You stick out like sore gaping asses
>you have successfully got everyone to not notice that JEWS BOMBED DAMASCUS! (please talk about this political war topic)
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The shooter was Maxwell Yearick
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unedited photo without circles for posterity and confirmation
do we have a better picture of his teeth? I know a very good dentist that can help
also note, the lack of stubble in the center of his chin.
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his manifesto from a few years back when he was posting on interweb forums
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A questionair about me he filled out when he was 17
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some more of his random crap from his writings
saved and sharing. Thanks. Why do you think they want to not put Antifa in the spotlight again?
Shillz are lacking this morning. Not one reply spamming he's a republican or whatever
they were planning on using crooks as a scapegoat in order to demonize republicans in the inevitable hysteric reaction to trumps assassination.
also it helps that you have to explain WHY he was a republican which requires a second step of thought and explanation.
>finding out he was a jew was a just a cherry on top to out "le nazi's"
right? it's comfy being in a thread that's being slid
The fuck is this schizo shit, and why did you provide picture of someone unrelated's ear for your comparison?
Are you just schizo, well poisoning or are you trying to misdirect for some reason?
I'm leaning towards schizo.
Ears in OP photo and dead match 100%, same with moles net to right eye and corner of mouth also right side.
The obvious one above upper lip on left side is obscured by blood.
Hmm, interesting, the tranny jew Laura loomer was one of the First persons to post about Thomas crook

"Shooter grew extra moles on his face"

OP You're a fucking DONKEY.
knee-jerk reaction. Read the thread gentlemen.
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Where as you, you fuck donkeys.
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Show me a picture of Yearick's right ear, not the plugs, his actual ear.
Because the picture of dead shooter 100% matches the ear of Crooks.
Why is he saying broken Spanish?
>no ear plugs
you can see the scars on his earlobes where they've been sewn shut.
Its probably portuguese, the hat is from "movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra", movement of the landless rural workers
It's Marxist shit. That's the shooter. He was a big fucking faggot commie surprise surprise.
And you posted a picture of crooks when he was 12(?) as proof that he doesn't.
Why do you want to deflect so badly from Crooks?
What will we find when we dig deeper on him?
We already know he was a rabid leftist, donated to shareblue, switched voter registration to undermine republican primaries, commie hat in OP pic.
You are trying to scapegoat some other antifa faggot, why?
What about the vĂ­deo of the dude saying Hes Thomas and they got the wrong guy
It's a hoax by @jewgazing on twitter. He doesn't even look like the guy kek
>which requires a second step of thought and explanation.
I hate that shit like this is what keeps a lot of normies asleep. its like as soon as something take 2 layers of explanation they're programmed to engage the conversation as if its an argument.
>w-well what if he just changed his mind?
>there has to be a reasonable explanation for this.
bless their hearts they think people are honest.
Yeah, Thats Why i find this Maxwell suspicious, the one supporting Maxwell guilty is Roger Stone, known for lying. And the Thomas crook guilty is suopported by the tranny jew Laura loomer, i mean WTF who am i gonna listen to? A lier or a jew? Fucking clownworld
You don't have to trust anyone, just compare empirical evidence.
Shit's not that complicated, reading schizo rants on here is pretty fun the first few times, and when they happen to align with reality, but realize that most of it is just that, schizo rants.
Dead shooter is Crooks, what some fucking jew says about him or someone else is a different matter.
Compare evidence and use your brain, trust only yourself.
Dude If a jew Tells me the sky is BLUE, o Will stop believing the sky is blue
That's a natural reflex, but they always mix in some truth, so you have to check and double check everything.
>Compare empirical evidence.
Also, theres is no such thing, i live in Brazil, the info and photos that i get are from the news(jews) and goverment(jews)
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Dude was a kike as well, might be why shills wanted to deflect
Okay cool, buuuuuut, you see the left ear has a 12mm taper and the dead head has pierced earlobe.
There are like 19 different chuddies in these various pictures and they are being pushed as the same guy.
that's the ear of the larper who has shadilay written on his wall
Why Roger Stone would support that Maxwell was the shooter, He Works for Trump.
Because he's a retarded boomer that shares everything he sees.
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more recent picture of him
/pol/ grows more retarded with each passing day.
Could be, but he is also a known lier, he said on a Interview that when He was Young He told Hes colegues that Nixon suopported School classes on saturdays, and Said that It was Hes First political trick.
>Why do you want to deflect so badly from Crooks?
Kike shill. Same people are pushing this disinfo who insisted Trump orchestrated the whole thing, or that he cut his ear himself, or that it was glass from a teleprompter. In a few hours to days they'll coalesce around a new narrative and push that one just as hard.
this is the thread being slid
But Why is Roger Stone, Guy who Works for Trump, pushing this disinfo too?
He's shown himself to be extremely unpredictable and has been a prominent ratfucker for half a century at this point. Who the fuck knows what angle he's trying to pull if any at all. He might just be a true believer retard.
Dont know Man, too many jews involved in this Shit. I think Thomas was the shooter, but Whats with ALL this bullshit with the identity of the shooter ALL of a sudden, i think its more productive if people were discussing the secret service, because they were the ones that made Very suspicious mistakes.
I got an update from God a moment ago, he said OP sucks cocks and drains balls.
That's literally all he's done for his entire career. He presumably learned it from Roy Cohn, amongst other things.

He would even do Qanon shit with Jonestein
Chat is she mad or something lol ?
>but Whats with ALL this bullshit with the identity of the shooter ALL of a sudden
Seems pretty obvious to me. They want you bickering about the identity of the shooter instead of thinking and talking and investigating other aspects of what happened. Kind of like all the timewasting bullshit in the first 12 or so hours about the teleprompter and whether it was glass or a bullet that damaged his ear.
roger stone will do or say anything for money. he probably gets paid per social media engagement
autists are just incapable of accepting that they were incorrect about something, happens with every happening
Cognitive dissonance.
Just overlay ears, it's 100% Crooks, we have many very detailed shots to base it on by now, moles also match.
>/Pol/ considered the sewer of internet is where i get reliable discussing of events
Something is wrong, Very wrong

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