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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is /po/ - papercraft & origami not talking about this?

The alpha lions are the fat ones.
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>He says Putin will use new type of bomb on Poland that will vaporize everything within 80 km radius.

I never liked this world anyway.
holy lord
Strike first
Russia is pretty weak atm, just take them over
So God Spared Trump but allowed in an innocent in the crowd to be killed. Neat
Yeah when millions and millions of people make predictions all the time one of them will hit the mark
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>quick just get vaporized
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>mark of the beast vaccine
antichrist confirmed?
that's a jew who is explaining the (((deep state's))) assassination psyop.
Retards make a thousand predictions a day. Odds are at least some of those predictions will wind up being correct.
>there will be false prophets
Trump didn’t pray at all after it happened. It’s already debunked.
Yeah he went to a golf course right afterwards lol
Who is this guy?
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Apparently some jew loving grifter who has been calling himself a prophet for years now.
>an innocent
Your distinction between innoncent and guilty is your weaknes.
kek why are you replying to yourself?
Didn't fact check you but wouldn't be surprised but pretty crazy how he predicted this only a couple months before. Sure a broken clock is right twice a day but still.
Whether this guy was right or not, Christians around the world have been praying for Trump for years and are praying extremely hard for Trump now. God turned Trump’s head.
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Hey Rabbi
To add onto my previous post? What are you, retarded or something?
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Fucking Christians were right again?????
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ok satan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?> v=Ey0qVzG8_vU&t=666s
>with eerie accuracy
Not really no
2 now btw.
Warsaw sucks anyway. It's no big loss.
Lol missed
None of us are innocent. We're all sinners. I know atheists seem to think Christian believe everything is predestined (we don't, calvinists are heretics) but a man in the crowd catching a stray does not mean that was part of God's plan. All we can know for certain is that Trump getting domed on Saturday was not part of God's plan.

I know you'll reject it anyway but the bystander died protecting his wife and daughter. That is the duty ordained to men by God and a righteous act. He died a hero and, assuming he has faith in Christ, he is alive and being lauded in the kingdom as we speak. By doing his duty as a husband and father he showed obedience to God.
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He also says XRP will rise
>calvinists are heretics
please give me a quick redpill on all of the denominations, there's like a million of them
Life for a life.
Anyone who believes in limited atonement and full predestination is a heretic because it makes God responsible for evil which is ontologically impossible. That mostly applies to any and all 5 point calvinists. Unitarians and anyone who rejects the triune reality of God is also a heretic.

Other than that though most all other churches have at least enough truth to be called Christians. Some have more of the fullness of the truth than others but the Holy Spirit seems to be working in all of them so Christ obviously judges them to be worthy of salvation despite small, and perhaps insignificant (to Him, the only One that matters) differences in doctrine or practice.
>because it makes God responsible for evil which is ontologically impossible.
Not according to the Bible
>7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
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>He also says XRP will rise
xrp went up for me 33% then i sold.
Except that's a mistranslation. The literal meaning of that word is "disaster" or "calamity," not evil. Even the NKJV fixed it. Punishment for sin, while it indeed may be a disaster from a human perspective (the flood, the babylonians, etc) that is by no means evil.
Why didnt you just edit your post you dumb newfag
>Except that's a mistranslation. The literal meaning of that word is "disaster" or "calamity," not evil
Then you have this cope
>not the correct translation
Is your god omnipotent? If yes then he creates all things and all things are done by his will.
I don't have enough upshekels to do that yet
>went up for me 33% then i sold
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>Unitarians and anyone who rejects the triune reality of God is also a heretic
I've seen christians argue about this before and I've seen this image posted on /his/ a couple of times if you are able to give quick clarification on it. Never read much of the bible myself so I can't exactly say which one is correct but it seems like unitarianism isn't popular at all
You're retarded if you can't understand the difference between
>god punishes sinful humans with disasters
>god is the ontological source of evil

Discipline is not evil. This is actually ar argument the koran uses against Christians: Mohammed in his illiterare retardation actually says "why do the Christians call God their Father? If he's your Father why does He punish you when you do wrong?" Legitimately a top 10 dumbest argument in all of human history.
XRP was always mentioned as it will rise.

Anyway dude might've seen a glance of possible futures, pretty good stuff.
>allowed in an innocent in the crowd to be killed
Dude might get a reward, and the people probably needed that to stop shouting FAKE. It's the people who killed that man ultimately.
>>god is the ontological source of evil
>Is your god omnipotent? If yes then he creates all things and all things are done by his will.
>but it seems like unitarianism isn't popular at all
I'm workinf so I don't have time to dissect that entire image but no, unitarianism is not popular because it would require ignoring or willfully misinterpreting the plain reading of the Biblical texts dozens and dozens of times. The Bible is so clearly trinitarian it would be past straining credulity and into pure delusion to read unitarianism from it.
God is not capable of ontological impossibilities. God cannot create evil the same way He cannot create a square circle.
>God is not capable
Then he isn't omnipotent and thus not a god
>God cannot create evil
He isn't omniscient either.
God cannot go against His nature, correct. This is basic Chrisrian doctrine as is explicitely stated throughout the entire Bible. You having a gradeschool understanding of what the word "omnipotent" means to a Christian changes nothing.
>God cannot go against His nature
Is his nature one of omnipotence?
This is your brain on Christianity right here. Any plothole can be dismissed with “Its a mystery” “Part of Gods plan if its good, not part of Gods plan if its bad” “who are you to understand God?”
Well if youre Catholic you have to think if he whacked off in the shower this morning, or used condoms it doesnt even matter.
Yes. God can do anything that is ontologically possible. Considering the Christian use of the word omnipotent is over a thousand years older than the English language itself maybe you should learn what the word actually means.
>Philosophical sophomoric bullshit to justify a philosophy that up until 1900 insisted the world is 6000 years old
Now Im seeing why christopher hitchens loved arguing with you people. Its so fun and simple once you break free of the fear of hell.

I cannot get over the amount of double think it takes to be ok with somebody you love who is a non believer facing eternal concious torment
>Yes. God can do anything
Not according to you
>b.bbbut muh ontological mumbo jumbo!
Critical thinking and common sense is the death of you goons
The fat faggot was wrong. His ear drum wasnt "busted"
>oh may gerd
>muh prophecies from da lawd
Retarded niggers
>does not mean that was part of God's plan
So your god is not omnipotent then
>it makes God responsible for evil
Calvinism is retarded but ALL christfag creeds imply this. Simple as. Isaiah even states it outright.
God is not "omnipotent" in your modern, incorrect definition of the word, correct. He is omnipotent in the traditional Christian sense of the word which is centuries older than the language you are speaking. This is just another example of you liberals/leftists redefining words whenever they don't suit your purposes.
>Except that's a mistranslation. The literal meaning of that word is "disaster" or "calamity," not evil.
It means EVIL - including moral evil
Christfags lie as much as kikes when it comes to defending their creed
>the NKJV fixed it.
Lmfao, even
Both the greek septuagint and hebrew masoretic text say EVIL
Lying piece of shit
>Isaiah even states it outright.
No, he does not. The word is "calamity" or "disaster." The translation of that verse in the King James version is dogshit and that's why it's been fixed in every other translation, including the NKJV.
Evil is both possible and real
A square circle is not
Your creed is incoherent jewish pigswill
God being evil is not possible, no.
>you liberals/leftists
I'm far right
>God is not "omnipotent" in your modern, incorrect definition of the word
>redefining words whenever they don't suit your purposes.
Both the greek septuagint and hebrew masoretic text say EVIL
Abrahamists are essentially demon worshipers
>God being evil is not possible
Imho that is correct ergo yahweh isn't God and all abrahamic creeds are false
Mark of the BEast is your Social Security Number(soon tokenized if the serfs let them) in vulgar terms.

Mark of the Beast is you being a complacent bitch and not raising up to God, while staying humble unlike that other fallen guy, in esoteric terms.

Literally in Genesis. Also see Parable of Talents. God doesnt like slaves nor Pick Mes.
>The Hebrew word translated as “evil” (ra‘) in the King James Version of Isaiah 45:7 has two applications in the Bible. The term can be used in the sense of moral evil, such as wickedness and sin (Matthew 12:35; Judges 3:12; Proverbs 8:13; 3 John 1:11), or it can refer to harmful natural events, calamity, misfortune, adversity, affliction, or disaster. It is in this second sense that Isaiah speaks, and his meaning is reflected in most modern Bible translations of Isaiah 45:7 (emphasis added): “I make success and create disaster” (HCSB); “I make well-being and create calamity” (ESV); “I send good times and bad times” (NLT).
Weird every single modern translation and textual critic says you and the KJV are retarded then.
>every single modern translation and textual critic says you and the KJV are retarded then.
Even your christfag citation asserts my position ie
>The term can be used in the sense of moral evil, such as wickedness and sin (Matthew 12:35; Judges 3:12; Proverbs 8:13; 3 John 1:11),
>it can refer to harmful natural events, calamity, misfortune, adversity, affliction, or disaster.
There is no "mistranslation". The text says "EVIL". Plain and simple
Yes and "evil" translates to two seperate fucking things in English. Go read the passage, right now, and tell me Isaiah is talking about moral evil instead of disasters. Go do it then come back so everyone can clearly see your lie. The entire chapter is literally about Israel being punished with calamity for their sins and disobedience, not the creation of moral evil. It's fucking explicit.
>Yes and "evil" translates to two seperate fucking things in English.
Thank you for finally admitting to your lies about mistranslation
>The entire chapter is literally about Israel being punished with calamity for their sins and disobedience
>not the creation of moral evil.
THAT is YOUR added interpolation and exegesis based on COPE
In any case moral evil is commanded by yahweh in numbers 31 and numerous other passages
Furthermore creating creatures in full awareness their fate is eternal flames IS pure moral evil by definition
Yahweh is an evil psychopathic narcissist demon
>if i just pretend the author meant X when he clearly meant Y..
>if i just ignore the entire context of the verse and chapter it appears in..
>if i just ignore all of scholarship then...
>HA! checkmate christfags
You are an embarassment. Are you 14 years old?
>>if i just pretend the author meant X when he clearly meant Y..
That's YOUR cope - not mine. The TEXT says EVIL. Simple as
>>if i just ignore the entire context of the verse and chapter it appears in..
Context does not change the ACTUAL word used nigger. You shamelessly LIED earlier and even though you have now tacitly admitted this, YOU continue to point fingers. You are a hypocrite and a pharisee
>>if i just ignore all of scholarship then...
The only one ignoring scholarship ITT is YOU
>You are an embarassment. Are you 14 years old?
Keep pointing pharisee
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>there would be a stop to the lawsuits
I'm scared bros
>economy crash
makes sense
Answer me: is Isaiah referring to moral evil or disaster as punishment for sin in chapter 45? I don't care about the literal word used, I care about what the author was actually talking about. Which of these two things is actually the subject of the chapter and verse?

If you say the former I want to to provide a source for ANY biblical scholar who agrees with you.

never knew playing golf was a cardinal sin
>Answer me: is Isaiah referring to moral evil or disaster as punishment for sin in chapter 45?
I'm not psychic. I neither know nor care what the jew author meant.
Point is that you christfags assert that this text is holy writ and the literal inspired word of God ie it's YOUR job to try and make sense of this schizo jewish pigswill. Not mine.
To me it's BLATANTLY obvious to me that the evil, jealous, psychopathic, genocidal, genital mutilating, child murdering, demonic entity described in the OT is not God but rather a projection of the evil kikes who wrote the text.
Let me get this straight, bundle of sticks, you honestly want to die on the hill of "it's not possible for a word to have more than one meaning?"
Keep strawmanning all you like faggot
Won't change the fact that youre a proven LIAR ITT and the literal text says "EVIL" and this is not a "mistranslation"
Keep pilpuling though like the filthy demon worshiping transjew you are
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And the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, the Prince of Peace.
Holy cringe faggot
When a translation divorces what a writer is trying to say from its explicit, intended meaning then yes, it is a mistranslation, you brainlet. The entire purpose of translating is to convey meaning in one language over to another and if you have failed to accurately convey that meaning then you have failed at your translation.

There's a reason you were called a bundle of sticks, because your hermeneutic is completely fucking retarded.
trump is the antichirst? i mean - the 666 seconds thing is a red flag
>When a translation divorces what a writer is trying to say from its explicit, intended meaning then yes, it is a mistranslation, you brainlet.
No it isnt you pilpuling transjew. Literal translation of the greek and hebrew word used is not "mistranslation" you utterly nigger brained retard
> The entire purpose of translating is to convey meaning in one language over to another
So let's see
Literal Masoretic Hebrew term - "evil"
Literal Septuagint Greek term - "evil"
Literal English term - "evil"
>noooooo reeeeeeeee mistranslation ...it means disaster
>disaster disaster disaster
Stamp your little feet all you like retard
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
>>noooooo reeeeeeeee mistranslation ...it means disaster
>>disaster disaster disaster
It says so in that very same chapter of Isaiah....like 5 times.
nice "666" digits in link
Doesn't change the text in the verse under discussion nigger
The translation of "evil" is literal and accurate
Calling it a mistranslation is a fucking LIE
It is not for YOU to decide what the author intended especially when you assert the ultimate author to be God! Lmfao, even.
The stupidity and arrogance of you pharisees is astounding
nah, he pledged his soul to the devil for revenge on his mortal enemies. and god wanted it that way.
>eric's wife left him, his dog died, and he's under investigation for tax evasion
>he really has the bluew
Obviously this means he's loaded down with 15 shades of Valdpar paint.
>Why is /po/ - papercraft & origami not talking about this?
He said it would rupture an eardrum
That didn't happen
A prophet cannot be wrong about a single detail

He probably did have a dream about it, I'm not saying he's a liar or a hack, but I'm not seeing this as a prophecy given by the Holy Spirit.

>fat christian predicts
Take out the log of cheeto dust in your own eye before you judge someone
>checkout my judeochristfag pilpul, cheap shyster rhetoric, and meaningless strawmen
In any case fixation on this 1 verse is irrelevant. Yahweh is explicitly an evil cunt elsewhere in the OT texts eg mass murdering Egyptian babies for decisions HE mind controlled the Pharaoh to make.
This is just blatant comic book levels of cartoon super villain evil on display and retarded christfags worship THAT!
>The stupidity and arrogance of you pharisees is astounding
I imagine you have no idea what you're talking about but, as an fyi, it was the pharisees who were accused of being too literalistic and ignoring the meaning/spirit of the law in doing so. So the exact same thing you're doing right now.
>The translation of "evil" is literal and accurate
No, it is not accurate
>Calling it a mistranslation is a fucking LIE
It is truth
Look at how angry you are about this

You are clouded with bias
Its a prophecy, if they strike first it will probably be the reason for getting vaporized.
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Because he didn’t predict it correctly. He said it would be so loud and close that it would blow out trumps ear drum and then he would fall to the ground and start praising god.
That didn’t happen.
>I imagine you have no idea what you're talking about
You imagine all sorts of rubbish no doubt eg your super jew best buddy jebus
>no u
How could I be a pharisee when I reject their god and texts as blasphemous, evil, immoral, schizo filth for brainwashed niggers?
Cope more transjew
>No, it is not accurate
Literal Masoretic Hebrew term - "evil"
Literal Septuagint Greek term - "evil"
Literal English term - "evil"
>noooooo reeeeeeeee mistranslation ...it means disaster
>It is truth
>Look at how angry you are about this
I hate liars. It's why I despise jewry and their enablers. I love the truth.
>You are clouded with bias
The fucking irony
>eg mass murdering Egyptian babies
Nope. Everyone knew they could save their children by smearing blood on their doorstep. The parents refused and their children died because of it.
It's no different than kvetching God "murdered" your children after you let them walk across a dangerous bridge and they fall and die because God created gravity.
It's pathetic.
The parents did not respect God's law and their children suffered for it.
No different than not respecting God's law of gravity because God's will is as certain as gravity.
Not murder whatsoever.
>HE mind controlled the Pharaoh to make
Why do you lie? Spiritually hardening the pharaoh's heart does not mean he lacked the free will to save his people by letting the hebrews go. It just means he refused to acknowlege Yahweh is God
>Everyone knew they could save their children by smearing blood on their doorstep. The parents refused and their children died because of it.
Nice retcon nigger. Lmao, even.
>It's no different than kvetching God "murdered" your children after you let them walk across a dangerous bridge and they fall and die because God created gravity.
It's entirely different. The spirit of the lawd went out explicitly to murder all the firstborns
>Not murder whatsoever.
Cope more demon worshiper. Jews worship a demon and so do you.
The text says he hardened the pharaoh's heart
>hardening the pharaoh's heart does not mean he lacked the free will to save his people by letting the hebrews go. It just means he refused to acknowlege Yahweh is God
Ohhh riiiiiight? So "evil" doesnt mean "evil" but "hardening the heart in order to demonstrate yahweh's wrath" actually means the complete opposite?
It all makes sense now
>Literal Masoretic Hebrew term - "evil"
>Literal Septuagint Greek term - "evil"
>Literal English term - "evil"
Who says that is the "literal" translation?
You are a liar and you rage completely exposes your bias
No one is innocent of their sins
>doubles down
>still coping
>still projecting
>still pilpuling
Lying shameless hypocrite pharisee gonna shamelessly lie
>Nice retcon nigger. Lmao, even.
Not an argument
>It's entirely different
"NUH UH" is not an argument
>The spirit of the lawd went out explicitly to murder all the firstborns
It wasn't murder. God created gravity too. Gravity does not murder children.
You have lost.
>Cope more demon worshiper. Jews worship a demon and so do you
Your rage proves your bias.
Why do you hate Jesus so much?
>Ohhh riiiiiight? So "evil" doesnt mean "evil" but "hardening the heart in order to demonstrate yahweh's wrath" actually means the complete opposite?
>It all makes sense now
Not an argument
You failed to refute a single word I said

I accept your concession. God did not murder Egyptian children
>>doubles down
How can I "double down" if all I did was ask a question?
You are lying once again. All you do is lie.

God did not create evil according to Isaiah.
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>Not an argument
It's an assertion. The text says no such thing liar
>"NUH UH" is not an argument
Correct. It's an assertion. A self evident axiom.
>It wasn't murder.
It absolutely was mass child murder
>God created gravity
Yahweh isnt God
>Your rage proves your bias.
Anger at liars is righteous.
>You failed to refute a single word I said
I refuted everything. You're too much of a prideful lying pharisee to accept that though. You're also bantu tier IQ
>no you lie
Lying transjew keeps lying and accusing others of his misdeeds
Classic semitic behaviour from the christjew
Friendly reminder that the teenage bong is functionally arguing that the proper way to read a 2024 news article that says "Ford Focuses are a dime a dozen" in 2 thousand+ yeaes would be to understand that yes, you could buy 12 Ford Focuses ffor 10 cents.

We are witnessing one shockingly low iq individual at work.
>can't defend it's false claims of "literal"
>accuses me of doubling down
>lies about that
>can't defend that lie either
kek I accept your concession
*didn't edit properly
>It's an assertion.
It would have been impossible not to know what was going on.
Moses gave the warning all first borns would be killed after the whole city witnessed everything else he said come true
The mass panic would have lead to the whole city figuring out how to save their children within hours.
>The text says no such thing
Doesn't need to. See above.
>>"NUH UH" is not an argument
Thanks. Let me know when you have an argument ;)
>Correct. It's an assertion. A self evident axiom.
>It absolutely was mass child murder
>Yahweh isnt God
>Anger at liars is righteous.
>You failed to refute a single word I said
Again, this is all nothing but "NUH UH" or lies.
>I refuted everything.
Why do you lie?
This are nothing but baseless assertions which you were forced to admit are not arguments
You gave no arguments thus you cannot have refuted me.

You are again a proven liar.

You do nothing but lie and project your lies unto others
>Look at my judeochristfag strawman guise
>It would have been impossible
>muh interpolation/exegesis/pilpul
Not what the text says nigger
>the rest
Learn to greentext properly you schizo retard
>You do nothing but lie and project your lies unto others
Irony from the frothing christjew pharisee who can barely contain his impotent rage
I accept you're circumcised
Your edited version is no better transjew
Go worship your canaanite demon christjew
Bored of you now
>Not what the text says nigger
Not an argument
>Learn to greentext properly you schizo retard
I fixed it above. You will not defend yourself because you can't
>Irony from the frothing christjew pharisee who can barely contain his impotent rage
>>474292082 (You)
>I accept you're circumcised
No argument, just rage
you gave up.
I accept your concession
God did not murder the children of Egypt and he does not create evil according to Isaiah.
You could not refute this

You will lie and say you did
>God is not "omnipotent"
Then he's not all powerful and not a god, to me anyway
>you liberals/leftists
I'm neither
>still never offered proof of his lie that it is the "literal" translation
>Bored of you now
You will keep responding to my posts because you know you are a liar
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how can i contact this guy? I have some questions about the stock market.
>and he does not create evil according to Isaiah.
But it says he does. But we've been through this already
You're a retarded nigger and worse than the ginger papist loon johnny black
I've never seen you win a single debate ever
You just sperg at your opponent with retarded accusations, strawmen, non sequiturs, fallacies, denials and claims of victory
You're a low IQ nigger Jacob and talking to you is simply a waste of time
>engaging with triggered reply button smashing baby retards is something intelligent people like me don't do
>>>Bored of you now
>You will keep responding to my posts because you know you are a liar
yeah unlucky
So unless God can create a white black He can't be God? The whole point is that God cannot do anything that is inherently contradictory because to do so would be against His nature as God.
>epicurian drivel
you must be 18 years old to post here.
God needed the citizen for another purpose. Perhaps his family will lead the charge or do great things in his absence. Not everything is solved and clear immediately.
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>The whole point is that God cannot do anything that is inherently contradictory because to do so would be against His nature as God.
As would be murdering babies or commanding genital mutilation and genocide in the OT
Ergo yahweh/el isn't God
Simple as
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fuck this faggot false prophet, if you listen to what he says you deserve the slaughter
Yahweh literally creates corpses of children by murdering them yet you christjews still worship this demon as God.
11:11 timestamp should have been your first warning its the devil
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Petty atheist seething.

>The Lord allowed me to be healed from cancer, thank God for his mercy!
>NOOO, it wasn't God! It was the doctors, stop glorifying God!!!

OK but you're not actually addressing anything I've said.

I accept your concession
>>The whole point is that God cannot ...be against His nature as God
>As would be murdering babies
>Ergo yahweh/el isn't God
So Yahweh can't be God if he cannot murder babies (bc lack omnipotence) but he also cannot be God if he does murder babies.

Your self-contradicting insanity is comical
Still unrefuted by christjews
>>engaging with triggered reply button smashing baby retards is something intelligent people like me don't do
>So Yahweh can't be God if he cannot murder babies (bc lack omnipotence)
I never made that argument nigger brain
Try to keep up
>can create a white black
I don't know what this means
you guys need to join the thomas was alone threads.
Collect all the schizo predictions on this stuff as we can.
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You have no idea what you are even talking about, like every other seething atheist. God is the one who gives life and He has the right to take it away whenever He chooses, we owe God everything and He owes us nothing. That is why we are supposed to be grateful for every day no matter how bad the day is, we are not supposed to forsake our lives here on earth and just sit around waiting to die so we can be at home in Heaven we are supposed to do the will of the Lord here on earth and when we do His will we will be able to rejoice in our Spirit because we have pleased God.

>"And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."- Job 1:21
>I never made that argument
yes, you did:
>As would be murdering babies
>Ergo yahweh/el isn't God
The hypothetica state of Yahweh murdering babies establishes Yahweh cannot be God according to that sentence. There is no other explanation to that logic you gave and of course you will not give another one because you know I"m right.

You are such a insane liar
I'm sorry but it means you're stupid anon.
vidya won't work because of EMP, just saying
All these anons trying to understand God's ways....
Our human brains will never fathom how the Lord works.
That's why we were told the Lord works in mysterious ways. We have no concept of his Realm or power.
Glory to Jesus Christ the Redeemer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdpvuQSvtkg [Embed]


>Admittedly, religion is losing its power for control, however, the fanaticism that has arisen due to this decline is particularly helpful to Illumicorp. Our invisible influence in the church has helped bring the Christian fundamentalists out of the background. We control their opinions on current issues through policies designed and written right here in Illumicorp headquarters. They are sent to our ministers who then preach the word of God and their interpretations of the bible to their followers. Their blind faith is used to transform them into willing soldiers to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead. As the final phase is enacted, we will propagate end time prophecy to convince them of their convictions.

>The rise of Islamic fundamentalism works to Illumicorp's advantage. In the coming years, planned terrorists attacks will warrant a full-scale retaliation and initiate the final phase of the great plan. Christians will support our actions since they will believe them to be proof of the end times prophesied by Illumicorp's religious leaders.

Just in time for the "upcoming" cyberattack to be blamed on immigrants and Islam as predicted by WEF and Leave the World Behind (produced by Obama). Who better to carry out the retaliation than Trump the savior, sending a bunch of white Christians to the meat grinder in the middle-east to help Israel expand its territory, fulfilling the Greater Israel "prophecy".
Yahweh isn't God
>like every other seething atheist.
I'm not an atheist
I'm just not a canaanite demon worshiper like you christjew retards and all other abrahamist/yahwehist niggers
>fly by his ear

except it didnt fly by his ear it flew THROUGH it. Keep believing in prophecies, dipshit.
>I never made that argument nigger brain
You did, you're just not intelligent enough to realize it.
>yes, you did:
I never made an argument regarding God's omnipotence meaning he can theoretically do anything
You're so low IQ and dishonest Jacob
Peak semitism
God allows evil for a greater purpose. The only thing you need to worry about is to receive and preserve sanctifying grace so you are pleasing to God.
That guy who died wasn’t going to change the world and got sent to eternal paradise, trump still has work to do on earth,
>I'm not an atheist
Neo platonists are atheists. They openly claim "the one" is not a deity (of course it is a deity but they are too stupid to realize it and thus their version of belief is a belief in a non deity, ergo atheism)
>You did
As a neoplatonist I assert that omnipotence does NOT mean being capable of ANYTHING
Incorrect jacob
>The text says "EVIL"
No it doesn't lmao
Evil exists as a natural consequence of free will, and the sin that comes with it. We have free will because, without it, it would be impossible for love to truly exists. God values love above all other things which makes sense because He is love Himself.
Yes it does
Just another christian schizo doing predictive programming until it comes true and the schizo can be all
>see I was right all along Donald Trump is annointed by gaaaaawd.
>I never made an argument regarding God's omnipotence meaning he can theoretically do anything
Your "logic" depended on it so yes you did.
This is why you cannot explain the "logic" behind:
"As would be murdering babies"
"Ergo yahweh/el isn't God"
Just like I said you wouldn't :)
>You're so low IQ and dishonest Jacob
I'm not that guy. I don't curse
He would have blasted the F word at you 50 times by now
>Peak semitism
No, but you've reached peak retard and are too dumb to recognize which anon is which
Name 1 child god has literally murdered
>Your "logic" depended on it so yes you did.
>This is why you cannot explain the "logic" behind:
The logic is that this would be counter to God's moral nature. Simple as.
>I'm not that guy.
Ok jacob
>Incorrect jacob
>NUH UH!!!!
I accept your concession once again

It's funny how you can't figure out who I am but I recognized you as the neoplatonist bong retard kek

More proof of your inferior intellect
>Name 1 child god has literally murdered
Yahweh has though
All the first born Egyptian babies
Ok jacob
It does technically use the same root as evil but he's choosing to ignore that the same word is used for disasters/calamties in the original language and that literally ALL linguists and Bible scholars agree that it's the proper way to translate it given the fact that Isaiah is explicitly discussing disastrous events repeatedly in that same chapter. He's just being a willfully dishonest faggot. That specific verse in the KJV has been called out as being a dogshit translation for like a century which is why almost no other Bible translation uses it.
Nope. Burgeranon over here >>474278849 is one hundred percent correct and you need to shut up
Yup, but that doesn't change anything lol
You don't know either it seems
Both the greek and hebrew uses the word "evil"
חֹ֔שֶׁךְ = evil
Strong's Hebrew 7451: adj 1) bad, evil 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant 1b) bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery) 1c) evil, displeasing 1d) bad (of its kind-land, water, etc) 1e) bad (of value) 1f) worse than, worst (comparison) 1g) sad, unhappy 1h) evil (hurtful) 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition) 1j) bad, evil, wicked (ethically) 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts 1j2) deeds, actions n m 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity 2a) evil, distress, adversity 2b) evil, injury, wrong 2c) evil (ethical) n f 3) evil, misery, distress, injury 3a) evil, misery, distress 3b) evil, injury, wrong 3c) evil (ethical)
Better leave then
I'm simply stating a FACT
How you pilpuling christjews choose to INTERPRET it is up to you but claiming that "evil" is somehow a mistranslation of the text in that verse IS A FUCKING LIE
I do know. The point is God cannot go against His own nature or the nature of existence as He ordained it.
>>Your "logic" depended on it so yes you did.
>NUH UH!!!!
>The logic is that this would be counter to God's moral nature.
A "god" being a slave to its own moral nature (which you cannot define anyway) is not a "god"
It wouldn't even have free will
What complete idiocy.
Thanks for playing

>Ok jacob
We all 3 have literally argued in the same thread before
You prove your absolute stupidity constantly
Continue to do so. It's comical
Liddel-Scott and the Septuagint says you're wrong. Your OWN definition says your're wrong. What now?
>another post
>another inability to refute me
Neoplatonists are atheists
You're too stupid to even understand the "religion" you're LARP'ing

>>>engaging with triggered reply button smashing baby retards like you is something intelligent people like me don't do
>A "god" being a slave to its own moral nature (which you cannot define anyway) is not a "god"
This is YOUR argument. Not mine.
>We all 3 have literally argued in the same thread before
Both of you are low IQ dishonest christjews who make moronic "arguments" while strawmanning like a kike 24/7
You're essentially the same person jacob
>>>>engaging with
You can do better Jacob lmao
>Liddel-Scott and the Septuagint says you're wrong.
> Your OWN definition says your're wrong. Incorrect
Are you illiterate?
>3a) evil, misery, distress 3b) evil, injury, wrong 3c) evil (ethical)
Neoplatonism is not a religion jacob. We've done this too many times before.
>The point is God cannot go against
Then he isn't omnipotent
>his own nature
Is something you lot make up as you go
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>You can do better Jacob
Jews aren't Jacob. That's the White European Race. Jews are Edomite scum.
Nice try kikes. No we're not going to start calling you " jacob ".
I see what you're doing.


You are talking to a literal child. I made this guy so mad over a year ago and he made a catchphrase for me to avoid being dunked on. Just watch
A crypto shill. He says Christians should buy XRP because God told him it will hit $10,000 a token.
You opt for the easy counter when you could instead accept his position for the sake of argument and then use it to a priori prove that yahweh isn't God by his own logic
>killing your enemies means they win
Ok Trudeau
Christjews truly are mindraped retards anon and as dishonest as jews when it comes to defending their jew texts
Damn dude, is that what you look forward to all day? Talking shit to flags?
You too. What the fuck are yall even trying to prove here? Yall are both schizophrenic and think that yall talk to each other in other threads lol
>muh strawmen
My shock
>murdering gentile babies is ok guise if the jew god does it
Evil filth
>>You can do better Jacob
>Jews aren't Jacob
Ok Tyrone
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>eerie accuracy
Ear-ey Accuracy
>we wuz heebs n shieeet
>This is YOUR argument. Not mine.
And since you cannot refute it :
>>The whole point is that God cannot ...be against His nature as God
>As would be murdering babies
>Ergo yahweh/el isn't God
>So Yahweh can't be God if he cannot murder babies but he also cannot be God if he does murder babies.
>Your self-contradicting insanity is comical
Remains a fact :)
>Both of you
So you admit I'm not "Jacob"
You finally got something right
>You're essentially the same person jacob
So we are two people but also I am both people

You really are insane. No wonder you can't debate me or back up your lie about the 'literal" translation of Isaiah.
This is the future of this nation and a warning to get away from the left for your own good: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=bryan+denlinger+civil+war
>you could instead accept his position for the sake of argument
Not really because these fucks change their minds all the time
>And since you cannot refute it :
Why would I choose to refute or support an argument I never made with terms and framing I would never use jacob?
Low IQ
Granted. They are inoperable.
this the father is a hero. the guy that rushed to help him is a hero. that other anon is a loser that cant comprehend the actions of men and the importance of obeying God
>he made a catchphrase for me
lol No. You're that liar from a few months ago I exposed who pretends I made a catchphrase for you
You admit you are not this individual

Thus I did not make the catchphrase for you
Great men theory enjoyers keep winning.
What age are you jacob?
Also - are you part eggplant?
Unfortunately Trump is not a great man
His refusal to cross the rubicon in 2020 proved that beyond all doubt
>Why would I choose to refute
LOL.. ROFL even
Biggest cope so far. You are not "choosing."
You simply can't refute it like you can't refute anything else I've said
Thank for admitting I'm not "jacob" because you referred to us as "both of you"
Maybe you were lying again I don't know.

>Damn dude, is that what you look forward to all day? Talking shit to flags?
I do it in between my work from home tasks because I don't have enough time to step away from my computer for hobbies.
He's a transcendent figure. He's the definition of a great man.
>cannot create a square circle.
God can create a square circle without creating it and/or it being square
Everything is possible for God even the impossible. But your feeble mind cannot comprehend it.
>why won't you refute my strawman?
Ok jacob
Perhaps to dumbfuck deracinated mutts addicted to copium
To me he's a ridiculous merchant caste bullshit artist and a glorified used car salesman. A preening mutt poseur larping as a lion.
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Can you give a pimer on the thomas was alone threads for a total newcomer who missed them?
>Everything is possible for God
Can God make two jacks beat three aces in a hand of poker?
>>he made a catchphrase for me
>lol No
Yup lol
So basically the simpsons but with jewed 1848 style liberal heretic prots instead of cartoons. Yeah I'm a gonna called it a hoax. They staged and did some goycattle predictive programming. Gotta help jizzrael goy. By the way prepare for deployment in westbank and be sacrificed for haaretz israel goy.
What's the catchphrase?
>What age are you jacob?
What age would trigger you the most?
>Unfortunately Trump is not a great man
Why do all anti-Christ shills say this?
You sound brown.
>triggered reply button smashing baby
If you search the archive for that you'll see how long this dude has been mad at me lol
>spit put hundreds of possible things incessantly for years, one finally hits

omg guys hes a profit!!
So you are the person in that photo yes or no?
You won't tell us, which proves you are lying.

>I j-j-j-ust CHOOSE to n-n-not refute what you s-s-s-say
Biggest cope of all time

I accept your concession, liar
>so triggered by the catcphrase I invented for someone else he can't even repeat all of it
kek, it must have really triggered the actual person I made it for too
>What age would trigger you the most?
The incorrect one ie a lie
>Why do all anti-Christ shills say this?
>confirmed magatard
My shock
I'm Anglo Saxon. You sound like low IQ untermensch trash.
Kek. Thus rendering the game meaningless and arbitrary. Low IQ.
Even his catchphrases are shit and lack wit
Concession accepted jacob
>So you are the person in that photo yes or no?
Uh oh, who's the
>triggered reply button smashing baby
Now? Kek
>The incorrect one ie a lie
Is English not your first language?
There's more than one incorrect one
Which age is the "incorrect one"?

>still can't defend it's lie that "evil" is the literal translation after all this time
Lets not forget that one!
>it must have really triggered the actual person
How? You're the one that jumps to that everytime I dunk.on you.

For over a year bro lol
What's wrong with dude in photo? Looks like a bro you could enjoy a beer and intelligent chat with
>Which age is the "incorrect one"?
Any age that is incorrect ie a lie
>"evil" is the literal translation after all this time
It is
Concession accepted jacob
>He/She still refuses to answer a yes or no question after months
You'll really enjoy that wank tonight lad.
>g note
>g chord
Get a load of this heretic. You need to speak with your local Bishop.
>He/She still refuses to answer a yes or no
Bro I've answered you so many times. If you're too stupid to get nuance then that's on you
>inb4 triggered reply button smashing baby

Stay salty for another year though :^)
>Low IQ
That would be you.
You are playing by HIS rules and you can swear that those are and always have been the rules. You wouldn't even feel the change.
But typical chopped dick jewed anglo shite. Retarded as fuck. No wonder you lost the largest empire in history.
>You need to speak with your local Bishop.
I fail to see how getting buggered by his local clerics will help
>You are playing by HIS rules and you can swear that those are and always have been the rules. You wouldn't even feel the change.
God is not a trickster you moronic gypsy
> you lost the largest empire in history.
We DID have one though. What do you have? A French flag that someone urinated on.
>What's wrong with dude in photo? Looks like a bro you could enjoy a beer and intelligent chat with
I barely remember. I haven't talked to him in a year
>>Which age is the "incorrect one"?
>Any age that is incorrect ie a lie
No no no no. Do you not speak English?
You said THE incorrect one.
That means a singular unique age, obviously.
So again, which is "the incorrect one"?
Give me this single number you spoke of.
Unless you're illiterate?

>Phonetic Spelling: (rah)
>Definition: bad, evil
So THE literal translation is "bad"?
That's the first word I see in the definition. So we should use that one right?
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no faggot, he does not say anything like that in the video and I wasted 10 min of my life because of your stupid comment. fucking retard
>I haven't talked to him in a year
Lmao almost exactly a year you've been this bent
>wank tonight
It's so strange how jews cannot stop thinking about pleasuring genitals.
Are you perhaps a jew?

>He/She still cannot answer yes or no
too easy
>Stay salty for another year
It's been like 2 or 3 months since you found me so that lie is not even possible
>That means a singular unique age, obviously.
Your low IQ is only matched by your obtuse judaised pedantry
>So THE literal translation is "bad"?
No. Evil.
Give Cletus and Jethro my regards
Concession accepted Jacob
>>He/She still cannot answer yes or no
We've done this already duder
>Bro I've answered you so many times. If you're too stupid to get nuance then that's on you
>It's been like 2 or 3 months since you found me
No, you always come looking for me hahaha
>Are you perhaps a jew?
I'm Anglo Saxon and neoplatonist.
You worship the demon god of the jews jacob. Not I
Give my regards to your wife/1st cousin
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We're still in the Conquest, War, Famine, Death timeline. How accurate are these biblical prophecies if important bits keep changing?
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>claims following the assassination attempt, lawsuits would be dropped.
Interesting timestamp
you still get those if the cyberattack thing goes through. with or without Trump in office, the MIC gets what it wants, a world in lockdown (as per Rockefeller's Operation Lockstep)
>>That means a singular unique age, obviously.
>Your low IQ is only matched by your obtuse judaised pedantry
No argument as always
You have proven you are illiterate
>>So THE literal translation is "bad"?
>No. Evil
But your link has two words and the first is "bad"
Why are you ignoring the first word anon?
Are you just lying again?

Tell me why you have to ignore the first word.

>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question
>smashes reply button twice
Too easy
>Too easy
Yeah you are, see
Your low IQ is only matched by your obtuse judaised pedantry
You DO look like Tim Poole's tarded brother Tom NGL
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>You DO look like Tim Poole's tarded brother Tom NGL
We have our own profits here that do similar things.
>this heretic
You're the heretic prot burger. Do you prots even acknowledge Jesus as God or for you its just the jew god and Jesus is only his son like some poor taste muherican vip in a kitsch show? By the way nice divagation from the trump hoax and future muhericn death for jizzrael.
>I'm Anglo Saxon
Then why do you act like a jew?
>and neoplatonist.
They don't believe in God or gods so no, you aren't.
Show me a single source that says Neoplatonists think God = "The one"
You can't
>shooting with eerie accuracy
yeah I gerrit
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>Then why do you act like a jew?
Irony from the transjew
>They don't believe in God or gods so no, you aren't.
Get your hair cut Tom. Long hair when you're balding on top looks peak skeezy
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>Then why do you act like a jew?
People like this use the term jew with anyone who disagrees with them
It's the same mentality a tranny uses when you disagree with them, instead of jew they use transphobe

2 sides of the same coin
>God is not a trickster you moronic gypsy
Ofcourse not. He is the Rule Maker you dysgenic anglo
>> you lost the largest empire in history.
>We DID have one though.
DID - past tense. Why did you lose it? Because you're a low iq inbred retard.
>What do you have?
>A French flag that someone urinated on.
That someone goldplated inbred shabbogoy
We gypsies own your ass and even your kike masters seethe over us. Where do you think the gold came from?
>>and neoplatonist.
>They don't believe in God or gods so no
They do
>The neoplatonist gods are omni-perfect beings and do not display the usual amoral behaviour associated with their representations in the myths. The One: God, The Good. Transcendent and ineffable. The Cosmic Gods: those who make Being, Nature, and Matter—including the gods known to us from classical religion
>can't say why it ignores HALF the definition of the word it is arguing about
You are pathetic
You refuse to acknowledge the definition in your own link
You have been lying this whole time

>>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question 3 months after it first found me
You make this so easy
>You make this so easy
Nah, nuance does. Shame you don't
>You have been lying this whole time
Kek, this is you
>show me a source
>can't do it
It's sad how you keep trying instead of giving up

>>>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question 3 months after it first found me
You make this so easy
>reject the god of the jews
>reject the jew mashiach
>get called a jew by a circumcised christjew mutt in ZOG
EST. It's the last retort of the butt blasted christjew.
>He is the Rule Maker
Rule Makers don't arbitrarily change the rules mid-game nigger
Yahweh isn't God gypsy
>urine is golden
Keep your gypsy kinks out of this please
Concession accepted Tom
Clip your balding hair Tom. You look like Wormtongue in shades
>>Couldn't show me a source to back up his claims, again
It's sad how you keep trying instead of giving up

>>>>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question 3 months after it first found me
Too easy
>>show me a source
>>can't do it
This idiot, I used the search term "do neoplatonist beleive in God" why can't you?
>It's sad how you keep trying instead of giving up

>You make this so easy
Cry more like you did here
You're simply not worth the mild effort involved Tom. More fun to just troll your balding head quite frankly.
> >>474315465 (You)
>Concession accepted Tom
> >>474315876 (You)
>Clip your balding hair Tom. You look like Wormtongue in shades
You refused to acknowledge the definition in your own link for crying out loud. You are a completely exposed liar

And who is Tom? Am I 3 people now? You're so insane you're just inventing new names with each post kek
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God is not good, but He is based beyond belief
>You refused to acknowledge the definition in your own link for crying out loud
Incorrect Tom.
>And who is Tom? Am I 3 people now?
Imagine Tim Poole's tarded brother
Then imagine him with less hair on top and merged with Wormtongue from Lotr
Then add cheap aviators, the dishonesty of a jew and the IQ of a nigger
That's you that is
Why did you lie and say the literal definition of "ra" is evil when the first word of your own definition you gave says it means bad?
Explain why you lied.

>>>>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question 3 months after it first found me
You make this so easy
>>You refused to acknowledge the definition in your own link for crying out loud
>Incorrect Tom.
Is the first word in your definition the word "bad" yes or no?

I love exposing you with simple questions.

>Imagine Tim Poole's tarded brother
>Then imagine him with less hair on top and merged with >Wormtongue from Lotr
>Then add cheap aviators, the dishonesty of a jew and the IQ of a nigger
>That's you that is
didn't read
>>>>He/She still cannot answer a yes or no question
This dude can't even remember why he is asking am irrelevant question
The definition is "evil"
Bad is simply tonally insufficientvto encapsulate the full import of the term as detailed here
חֹ֔שֶׁךְ = evil
Strong's Hebrew 7451: adj 1) bad, evil 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant 1b) bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery) 1c) evil, displeasing 1d) bad (of its kind-land, water, etc) 1e) bad (of value) 1f) worse than, worst (comparison) 1g) sad, unhappy 1h) evil (hurtful) 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition) 1j) bad, evil, wicked (ethically) 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts 1j2) deeds, actions n m 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity 2a) evil, distress, adversity 2b) evil, injury, wrong 2c) evil (ethical) n f 3) evil, misery, distress, injury 3a) evil, misery, distress 3b) evil, injury, wrong 3c) evil (ethical)
>The guy said that Trump would become radically born again
New timeline confirmed, we're on a different course. God wills it.
>Bad is simply tonally insufficientvto encapsulate the full import of the term as detailed here
Your link doesn't even remotely say that.
You are a liar
>Strong's Hebrew 7451: adj 1) bad, evil 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant 1b) bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery) 1c) evil, displeasing 1d) bad (of its kind-land, water, etc) 1e) bad (of value) 1f) worse than, worst (comparison) 1g) sad, unhappy 1h) evil (hurtful) 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition) 1j) bad, evil, wicked (ethically) 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts 1j2) deeds, actions n m 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity 2a) evil, distress, adversity 2b) evil, injury, wrong 2c) evil (ethical) n f 3) evil, misery, distress, injury 3a) evil, misery, distress 3b) evil, injury, wrong 3c) evil (ethical)
Less than 20% of those words are "evil"
You are such a liar
>חֹ֔שֶׁךְ = evil
That isn't in your link
You're just outright desperately lying now

I accept your concession

You are pathetic
>radically born again
Presumably this means you shout "hell yeah" while pulling mad skilled maneuvers upon baptism
Like totally radical brah
Look at how angry this shill gets at all positive things mentioned about Christianity
It is absolutely out of its mind

This is why it has to constantly lie
>Your link doesn't even remotely say that.
I'm saying that
>You are a liar
Incorrect Tom
>You're just outright desperately lying now
Well let's just accept "bad" then like you assert
Are you happy saying the forbidden fruit grants knowledge of good and bad? Because the same word is used there and numerous other places where "evil" is the accepted translation
Concession accepted Thomas
>u mad tho
Lmao, even
You project too much baldy
chatgpt lol use local ai
just start hoarding alcohol so you can bribe the russians to stop raping your bussy
>I'm saying that
you're an illiterate ant-Christ cryptojew retarded raging biased liar so everything you say belongs in the trash :)
>Well let's just accept "bad" then like you assert
the definition says "bad" you liar
It's not my assertion, it's your own link.
>Are you happy saying the forbidden fruit grants knowledge of good and bad?
No because I'm not a liar like you who says that word ONLY means evil.
The first definition is bad
The 2nd is evil
We need context do decipher which should be used.
You lie and say the literal definition is "evil" but the truth is the literal definition is bad or evil.
You have been lying this whole time.
>Because the same word is used there and numerous other places where "evil" is the accepted translation
And a word can mean more than one thing
It primarily means bad or derivaives thereof
That is why it's the first word in the definition and only liars like you say it should always mean evil.

I accept your concession
>You project
So the real life person you pretend I am has hair and you are bald.
Is that why you are so angry at a personal God and pretend a non-personal "god" exists instead?
>you're an illiterate ant-Christ cryptojew retarded raging biased liar so everything you say belongs in the trash :)
Irony from the transjew
>No because I'm not a liar like you who says that word ONLY means evil.
That IS the most frequently used meaning in your precious jew books
>You lie and say the literal definition is "evil" but the truth is the literal definition is bad or evil.
It is. Protip nigger: evil = very bad mmmmkay Tommy?
>It primarily means EVIL
Concession accepted Thomas
Now cut your balding mullet
I have glorious locks of full Anglo Saxon hair baldy
>Is that why you are so angry at a personal God and pretend a non-personal "god" exists instead?
Low IQ and judaised

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