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After his assassination attempt Trump has apparently "chosen" this faggot spook to be his VP. You know the type, viz. military background, lotion-y skin, looks like he's wearing eye-liner. Looks like Aquinas. I think now is the perfect to remind all you tourists of this old gem, the Kay Griggs Interview:


It's about eight hours and you NEED to listen to every minute of it. She was a battered army wife married to Col. George Griggs who came forward in the early 1990s as a measure to protect her life. She claims her husband was groomed as a young man into a mind-controlled homosexual deviant, like most of the officer class in the Army. He was funneled into Princeton, where he partied with Albert Einstein (believe it or not), a kind of credential formality as he had his thesis written for him, before a "successful" career including leadership roles at NATO—you might be interested to know.
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She mentions a number of interesting details
>Israel runs the entire State Dept.
Interesting because this was an off-hand detail which we now know to be true. Not really a talking point at the time.

>At YALE, when you join the Skull and Bones club—yes, the George Bush one—you get put in that famous coffin and the club stands around you and sucks and fucks you.
Vance is an alumnus. I wonder if he ever joined.

Vance also worked for famed billionaire HOMOSEXUAL Peter Thiel at Mithril Capital. Hm, interesting.

Vance, the same guys who arrived out of fucking nowhere with a hit book that nobody's ever read that checks all the boxes to appeal to good ol' fashioned red-blooded Americans. Hm.

I've seen a lot of memes that DJT was protected from that bullet by God. Do you really think that? The same DJT who parties with Epstein and married his daughter to Jared Kushner, the same Kushner who went out of his way to purchase 666 fifth avenue? That's the DEVIL'S LUCK, methinks.

I have a half a mind to believe that they have Trump's Assassination in the Whitehouse planned already, for the Vance takeover, and that's when that faggot who hates your guts will really let loose. And the New World Order is one step closer.
No ring on that old whore.
husband was dead by then I think. It is a good interview though kind of mandatory viewing. It's interesting to note that in that video she talks about homosexual acts being used as leverage and black mail. I think nowadays they had to move onto children since being a faggot who fucks niggers is considered normal and common as fuck now.
I'm looking forward to the first closeted homo president.
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She has a lot of photgraphic evidence in the video at one point

I thought i had a photo saved but all i have is this :>
Part of the reason for homosexual suck and fuckery isnt just blackmail. The sexual trauma is how they (mkultra) program your brain.

Trauma doesnt heal. Mind control works by hijacking those kinds of permanent mental scars into commands chosen by the programmer. "Chainless Slaves"
Aaah im getting slid by horny posters. RIP
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I'll bump you again, everyone should honestly watch this although the board is so dogshit and full of idiots I doubt most will.
There are many clips of it in YouTube:

Colonel George Griggs takes Kay to a Cybernetics Conference




Kay Griggs, Military Gang stalking & electronic harassment


If you don't go along with the system


If you don't go along with the system part 2

the most remarkable thing is how she reels it all out without sounding like some bipolar women secretly asking for money
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Would pull blanket over her head and fart screaming "Release ze zyklon b!"
>reels it all out without sounding like some bipolar women secretly asking for money
this, we need more people with a good head on their shoulders with their feet firmly planted on the ground while dealing with these topics, not hysterical schizos
I wonder if she's still alive. She'd be pretty old by now if she is.
I noticed this to, my thread got slid to pointing out specific things about vance.
Like was posted, one of the best things she does is mention that Israel runs the state department.

NOBODY was talking about that at the time, except maybe some fringe "antisemites." She mentions it grom a naive POV like
>well if we need to negotiate peace in the middle east how come we dont have any Palestinians at the table. That just seems weird to me
She's pretty clearly totally scottish or scots-irish WASPy whatever

From what i gather someone with her name died, but not her.

A number of years ago yhe dude who runs the ISGP site reached out to her because her claims that Army intelligence runs the show was different from what he concluded about CIA intelligence running the show. Iirc he claimed she just started bad mouthing jews.
You got all the alphabet agencies in the world...working for who? Surely they don't all stay in their lane and serve and protect their "nation". What is a "nation"? Generally I think they are all owned and operate for whoever are the leading industrialists of the day. As time goes this set of owners morphs, changes, in fights etc. What I'm trying to say is I have no idea how the world runs. All I can guess is that the wealthiest of the wealth and whoever has the means...they run by way of dominant influence all the alphabets or they have a commanding influence. There might be an undercurrent somehow running through everythign all the time along the lines of global control and a global central authority like the UN except totally dominant and totally accepted...kind of like how your part of the world's tax syatem is just accepted by 99.99% of people. The ultimate goal...for one reason or another...is it all just economic? I dunno. But the ultimate goal is total world control. There are no statesmen or alphabet agencies fighting for "Australia" or fighting for "Japan" or whatever other geographic tax bracket collection of people who commonly hold whatever credentials they hold for the area they live in.
I guess if alive she'd be in her 80's. Not outside the realms of possibility. Frankly, I don't think any one particular agency runs anything alone. It is all an infrastructure interlaced with whoever are the commanding industrialists of the day/ era at the top. But I really don't know.
If we're to believe Mrs Griggs then it's just a small cabal of intelligence operatives who hold no beliefs: they're existential nihilists who dont draw distinctions between killing humans and killing animals and their ultimate goal is to just exploit peasants and swap wives.
Thank you anon. I actually loaded this up and have watched about 5 minutes. Wow! That’s already a record. I do want yo watch this.
Yeah sure and I don't doubt it. From her perspective that's what was right in front of her face,. She rolled around right front and centre in that world. But there's probably other theatres of fuckery in whatever other part of life you'd care to look into. She talks of the military stuff. I bet if she was married to a drunk bisexual high level banker she'd have some stories to tell about how heavy duty international finance/ banking drinks the blood of children and green lights wet ops etc.
I used to think that Kay Griggs was insane, then Clown happened. She claimed that the entire military leadership are all gay troons and she said that back in the 1990s lol.
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Have you every looked at isgp? Heres that article i had mentioned before.

He concludes basucally what you're saying, and demarcates a few networks with varying agreements and disagreements. Jesuits, Rockefeller, CIA, masons, etc.

No never been to that site. Thanks will have a look.
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All hope is basically lost with the Vance pick. I don’t why I’d waste time following politics anymore.
Interestingly he describes Griggs coming across as an ultra-manipulative intelligence asset. Haha that's a worrying portrait of a woman seemingly so sincere in the 8 hour interview. There's a few ways you could look at that. Either she was talking shit the whole time. Or she's had to decide to revoke or clam up on what she said in the 8hr interviews in order to protect her life. Or whatever. As usual, its virtually impossible for a garden variety suburban peasant like me to have the slightest idea what the fuck is going on in the world.
Yeah it's impossible to know. Maybe he's the intelligence asset. I don't think he's ever posted correspondences or anything. Or maybe they both are. Or maybe he's just mistaken. Or maybe she was telling the truth and then was told to shut up. The rabbit hole never bottoms. I empathize. I doubt I'll ever know either.
first thing i thought - a Republican Pete Guttgei. This guy has been selected to play this part probably a decade or more ago.
putting penis in the shithole is a satanic sacrament. the sensation runs up all 33 vertebrae and then the minds eye is opened. killing babies is also a sacrament.
And now we know it’s true
>Skull and Bones
reportedly it is for senior undergrads only
he was grad student so probably in some other lesser club if any
I remember her saying that "homosexuals are easier to control" at some point in the interview and it stuck with me.
She's still alive and was interviewed last year with a conspiracy type guy in a very public place (for safety) . I think she is around biden's age, pre boomer. in her 50s when interviewed in 1998.


I suggest you find a way to play through an eq filter and cut lower and high frequencies esp for the 1st half because of the loud noise around them makes it hard to hear parts. she doesn't show her face but her voice is legit. you can pick out her face in the reflection of his sunglasses in the later part of the interview.
Is that why liberals are so braindead?
Sure, just a glance at that site it just looks like some conspiracy site out of 1998. But as I said, honestly, I have no idea. No idea what goes on in the world.
Wow! I had no clue. She sounds like her. Too bad theres no footage. Thanks for this
Thanks anon. Will check that out. Looks to be a 48 odd minute video.
the writer of that article says he thinks she is acceptable to being a intel asset on the basis that she is a holocaust denier , and was anti semitic when referring to the culprits...
Yeah I forget his name, i think its something Dutch. He wrote the whole site and he's been around forever. He's notably at odds with the "Jews rule everything" viewpoint and has his own multigroup theories. There's a lot of great information he's compiled on that site over the years and even if you don't agree with him, he's worth reading, or at least know about.

Maybe he just has his head in the sand a little bit. Or maybe he'd changed his mind. The article IS more than 10 years old.
Q predicted this
The top of intelligence agencies and the military is reserved for old money and very rich families. This group of people lives on clouds and is not bound by laws. They have their faggy secret clubs like Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove fags, and other shit. The families are not politically loyal and typically drift around where investment is good to keep up wealth. Usually 1 party will support war and the other doesn't. The flip flop back and forth makes it look like changing political system but these people just cycle back and forth.
During Trumps 2016 presidency, the one where the system had a hiccup and they didn't calculate properly, their was 1 moment that Trump was praised by Neocons, Neolliberals, and the media. It was right after Trump ordered a strike on some Syrian Airbase. Clinton and McCain both referred to it as presidential iirc.
The reason why they won't back Trump who is just as much of a Zionist as Biden is because he's anti-war.
This all comes down to having constantly military conflicts. What do military conflicts do?
>stimulate economy
>create fear
>cause distractions
>capture resources
A lesser known one, a tale as old as time..
>pacification of men who become ill mannered and non-participitory
This is why they want war. All they want is war. It creates money and control. These faggy families are interlinked through marriage and ancestry. They exist in all continents and are not exclusive to European. There is some very powerful Asian families too.
You won't become a billionaire even if you create the best thinga-majig and sell a billion of them. The status of the .000001% is exclusively reserved for these people. They use intelligence agencies as swords and shields - which is why all the directors and heads seems to have political, military, and fortune 500 family connections.
Back when bitcoin had its surges a handful of people's dumped and made 100s of millions upwards to over a billion. These people..
trees from the forest , probably thinks adolf was a rothschild agent or jesuit as well unfortunately .
such a overlooking of detail in history makes it seem like the truth is being spoken from a poisoned tongue
him being dutch makes sense also , from my first hand experience they can be hard to knuckle down on a conviction that goes against a dogmatic mythos
These people where systematically killed via drug overdose. There money was seized and families where thrown a handful of coins and told the deceased where financial criminals. The system around us is very controlled and most of what happens is by design. The push of faggotry is actually a way of reducing population. The pushing of trannies and pedos is to make people reach half way and say "fines, fags are okay but please no further".
legend cheers i'll have a look
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Yeah we do a lil' bumpin . . . We do a lil' bumpin
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Don't let this thread die, wonderful rabbithole. IMBD? Does normieworld need to be controlled?
Damn the slide posts on this board right now are fuckin crazy. I need to remember to repost some of the info in here at a later date.
If you look closely you can see Katherine in the reflection of his sunglasses, actually. He looks like a fed, lmao.
thats a long way of saying jews
Last I read she is alive but they tried to kill her so she changed her name and went into hiding.
that's obviously bullshit or she would be dead
this isn't a movie
The person who wrote it said It was according to her family. It may have been bullshit but allegedly they tried to anthrax her and through sheer luck fucked it up and killed her dog instead or something and thats when they bailed.
ok im just saying if they really wanted her dead she would be dead
Well I think it's pretty apparent they wanted her dead they just didnt want to legitimize her interview. She was really involved in their circles, knew everyone and if she kept on running around blabbing would just make things worse and worse. She basically dropped off the map after so mission success if it was true.
Why is this getting slid?
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yeah, so she would be wrong there.
going full conspiracy nut for a few seconds here.
just like nazis "they" believe in full on occult meaning and sacrifices.
just look at the map for where joe's brother james used to live on the Main Line outside Philly.
His house created perfect triangle with a seminary rumored to be up to bad deeds and also
the death place of john kerry's first wife's husband john heinz. (heir to the ketchup fortune)
and oddly enough Kerry's first wife grew up a few houses from this triangle of weirdness.

His helicopter suddenly plummeted and killed children on a playground. heinz was thought to be a very strong candidate for POTUS.

it is a weird world with some strange conspiracies.
but for her to claim these supposed creeps don't believe in anything "supernatural" is such bs. Spiritual warfare.

Also another thing about lower merion conspiracies. It's one the most Jewish areas in America and there were videos that showed a lof of ballot count shenanigans.

Oh and just to sound like a complete unhinged nutter, i just notices the name of the road where heinz died is Bowman.

Vance (mr i love israel) REAL last name is Bowman.
Can confirm.
If you have a chance to marry into them? DON'T.
But then immediately get off the grid.
Because this isn't GLP. And GLP hasn't bene GLP for at least a decade.
Eveyone just wants to be cozy. Not scared otu of their minds.
I mean even though I'm aware there's crazy stuff out there, I';m still just sitting eating coconut crusted bells and evans chicken tendies. Because there's NOTHING I can do about it;.
>coconut crusted bells
What's that?

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