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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Did it hurt? His ear is fucked forever.
Probably as much as getting your ear pierced
t. pierced my ear
I think it was worth the guaranteed re-election
A chunk of his ear flew off his ear is fucked.
he is worth billions of dollars, he will get a new one, you don't have to worry about him
It was literally ketchup.

45 put ketchup on his ear, and MAGAts ate it up.

There was no shooting.
his ear looks the same as just about any other ear
Not anymore since the deep state witch hunt targets him with staged trials, remember to donate
He's gonna be president and enact Project 2025.
Maybe it'll become iconic like Von Gogh.
The shooter was a confirmed ultra chud as of four hours ago. The shooting doesnt matter that much anymore since drumpf and the gop cant lay it on brandon anymore.
No he hasnt lol, take a chill pill for a few days

Even if he is an ultra chud it doesnt matter Trump can just say >oh look the chuds hate me
Are there any chud shoops of the shooter?
>Max Smith, who took an American history course with Crooks, told the Philadelphia Inquirer that his former classmate "definitely was conservative".
>Mr Smith recalled a mock debate in which they both took part, saying: "The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side."
>"It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate," he said.
>Trump attacker was 'passionate' about history says schoolmate
The FBI is about log this as a right wing domestic terror attack too.
he just cut it a little bit with razor blade, well known WWE trick
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>not blading himself a gusher like eddie guerrero
One classmate, who gives a shit. Probably lying.
>One classmate,
I doubt he isn't traumatized by the event and it effects his health. Also I doubt it would be the last time someone tries this on him. This event would most likely inspire someone else to do it. Its happen several times with school shootings inspiring other people to do the same.
ears just have a lot of blood in them, if you accidentally cut yourself in the ear it would look the same
I happen to have this telegram sticker on me.
Bro it says they dont have a motive, fuck off

>He also donated $15 to liberal campaign group ActBlue in 2021, according to an election donation filing and news reports.

Yeah sounds like a real chud. I'm in PA and change my party registration all the time to vote in the primaries, doesn't mean shit.
Did you even read your link?
Just accept that the shooter had the same ideology as Trump and maga chuds, it's fine not a big deal
It was an inside job, Trump should get his own private security.

Secret Service = Praetorian Guard
Perhaps he’s wondering why someone would shoot a man before he wins re-election
You lefties think if you keep repeating this along with the Epstein stuff that it will stick. Sad!
Saying he’s a chud isnt even an own. If anything it makes the leftist claim on MAGA voters being extremists ultra shallow now
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>an inside job,
Seems so.
The article also said he wore a covid mask for years after covid was over. We also found out his parents were raging libs. Not difficult to put two and two together with this one.
He is a fucking billionaire, he could have your ear if he wanted to. There are ways. Ever heard of 'nam?
ahh those digits
just accept you're wrong and should kill yourself immediately
Based. It's not real blading unless you hit an artery like Eddie did.
Does anyone have pics of him post shooting showing his ear? Curious what the damage is or if hes walking around with a bandage or something.
I bet that hurt like a motherfucker, like a thermal injury, but just initially, then hurt merely like hell until they got him to the doctor.
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A wound of resistance and power.
quads of truth to enlighten dark times
Insofar as I am aware he has made no public appearances or statements. His wife issued a statement but that was it. Otherwise radio silence. From a man usually extremely outspoken. I haven't even seen a report that he ever left the hospital.

1) Could have been a closer shot than we thought and shattered his skull
2) concussion from secret service tackle
3) They finished him off shortly after the setup failed
4) He just has nothing to say
>no public appearances
There's video of his coming down the steps of his plane at midnight that day.
Camera on left, so no pics of the ear.
It's because he won't shit on white people and decry "white privelage". Very early on in his political career he was asked to talk about his so-called privelage and refused. He instead talked about the small loan to start his career. These kikes marked him as an enemy from that day forward.

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