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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It has begun.
bump, whats happening?
I'm not asian though. Not my problem
>No link
>No explanation
>Faggot op tooo busy sucking dick
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Zoomers are just a halfassed lame version of the 90s and its pretty gay.
ill buy 2 asians to boost their economy.
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And where or what are part one?
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Man they ain't even got a Daria.
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BWC can save them.
japan is about to have another lost decade lmao
The white race is finished. Nice job trusting your egg basket with chinks, retards
Based. Made for BWC.
Crisis is fake just like the entire economy. Stupid pyramid scheme system deserves to fail
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The Japanese yen is extremely weak compare to the USD which means my American neetbux make me rich in Japan. This is great for me.
China Real Estate crashing.
China economy crashing.
Korea Real Estate crashing.
Korea economy crashing.
Japan economy crashing.
Yen crashing.
Japanese banks heavily invested in US bonds and heavily exposed to US commercial real estate. It is likely that these banks will need to dump US bonds, pushing up bond rates, crashing the US economy
Lower your tone when talking to a Gen Xer
He just put Part 2 to sucker you in.
OP is a faggot
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All the asian trash that has wanted to come over to the West has already been allowed to come over.
So its not like there is a huge bottleneck of asian trash wanting to come over to the West now.
They will have to stay in Asia and suffer.
Asian pacific theater of war opening up

Nothing ever happens. OP is a fucktard that is unaware that China's economy operates on 2 levels, internal and external. It will never be allowed to fail on either level because each supports the other. Big brains only allowed to discuss China's international trade vs internal manipulation.
Asians dont actually innovate so when they have nothing else to copy their economy flatlines with only tangible asset bubbles like Real estate propping them up
China is the only country that collapses upwards. They’ve gone from killing off retarded Chinese traditionalists holding society back mega cities with a higher quality of life than most mid-tier US cities. And here they are, still collapsing upward.
Cliff is that you ?
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>asian hands typed this,
>lives in West because still better
>insect doesn't recognize irony.
Bug, you're making more money here than in that chink shithole.
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Why'd he turn into the guy from The Shining?
This be the real what4 the assass attempt and the ridiculous Vance pick.
They've got to hide what's really happening over there.
And about to happen here.
Thanks OP
Xi fucked China
Actually he just believes in letting a failing company or bank fail.
That's what should happen here.
No one is too big to fail.
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you faggots have been fearmongering this since... 2015? nobody is buying it lol
It is weird OP didn't elaborate.

Basically China is in a deflationary spiral and the economy has completely stalled. There isn't a known solution for deflation- most economists would shrug and suggest stimulus spending. Except the CCP is literally bankrupt and their credit rating is dogshit so they can't even approaching international lending.

In a deflationary spiral, people are laid off because companies can't make money, so people save money because they can't find employment, which means people don't buy goods and more businesses die, etc. Basically the Great Depression. In this case it was caused by Covid Lockdowns being completely batshit insane in China. They were insane everywhere else, but China naturally took it to a new level with the "I don't care if the building is on fire, you're still not allowed to go outside and buy groceries."

Provincial govts in China rely entirely on Land Leases for income. It's like real estate tax, but it's 70 years upfront only paid on purchase of new property. But the housing bubble burst because Covid meant construction companies literally went out of business before they built presold houses. Consumers refuse to pay the mortgage, which means the banks are left holding the deficit. They've been refusing to let people withdraw their money for awhile now- often (hacking) flagging them with covid red codes to prevent them from doing so. On top of that, the one child policy finally came around and oops, the population is quartering in the next generation. This kills the housing market dead. Nobody needs new houses if there are fewer people in each generation. Despite China's best efforts to emminent domain, bulldoze, and rebuild everything.

So people don't have money, banks don't have money, corporations don't have money, provincial governments don't have money, and nobody is willing to lend them money.

tb cont.
south korea - Number of self-employed businesses that reported business closures reaches 1 million last year amid high interest rates

The delinquency ratio on loans extended by banks in South Korea rose for a second consecutive month in May, data showed Tuesday. The amount of newly overdue loans came to 2.7 trillion won ($1.95 billion) in May, up 100 billion won from a month earlier, while the amount of resolved loans gained 500 billion won to 2 trillion won over the cited period.

The delinquency ratio for corporate loans had come to 0.58 percent as of end-May, up 0.04 percentage point from a month earlier. The ratio for household loans came to 0.42 percent, up 0.02 percentage point from April. (Yonhap)
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the easiest way to resolve inflation is rapidly reducing population which china did with covid, albeit they still need another pandemic to finish off the older populations burdening the system
i didn't even notice part 1
we're talking about deflation you GPT-3 botnigger
that left hand lobster claw looks delicious!
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>Japan economy crashing
I sure hope Nintendo makes it out alright. Those slants are alright.
Buy altcoins, $ALGO
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Deflation is when your money is worth more than the day prior, inflation is when your money is worth less than the day prior. China is making the RMB worth more while everyone needs it to be worth less so the economy can continue to function.
Maybe open those slits you call eyes?
south korea - The industry ministry said Tuesday it has asked the country's four major oil refiners to refrain from excessive price increases as part of efforts to combat lingering inflation.

Second Vice Industry Minister Choe Nam-ho made the remark during his meeting with representatives from SK Energy Co., GS Caltex Corp., S-Oil Corp. and HD Hyundai Oilbank, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

"Although consumer prices have slowed to some extent since April, perceived inflation still remains high," Choe said. "The government plans to take all necessary measures to ease the burden on the public from oil prices."

South Korea's fiscal deficit rose more than 40 percent on-year during the first five months of 2024 amid weak corporate performances and growing state expenditures, the finance ministry said Thursday.

The managed fiscal balance, a key gauge of fiscal health calculated on a stricter term, posted a deficit of 74.4 trillion won (US$53.82 billion) in the January-May period, larger than the shortfall of 52.5 trillion won a year earlier, according to the finance ministry.

This year's tally was the second-largest figure ever for any cited period. The shortfall hit an all-time high of 77.9 trillion won in 2020 due to the government's cash handouts for people hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reports on the ground say some teachers haven't been paid in 3 years- they subsist entirely off bribes and illegal tutoring. Same for police and many government offices. Bribery gets you pretty far in China though and is why government jobs are so highly sought after.

Meanwhile, the US got sick of Covid dysfunction and started moving factories to Indonesia. They were thinking about doing this anyway because as China's economy improved, people demanded first world living conditions- except literally the only reason to move our entire manufacturing base to China was because you could pay them peanuts. The only barrier was the massive reinvestment it would take to relocate. But with the Covid lockdowns completely halting the entire supply chain every time a single bug in a hundred million tested positive, many companies said fuck it, time to move on to Southeast Asia.

I'm personally invested in this out of Singapore and Jakarta, btw. This is happening. >>474362996
But we saw the pyramid scheme as far back as 2008 and have been laying the groundwork since then. Which let us get a much better deal in Singapore and Indonesia before every idiot was rushing to do it.

I'm not sure why you'd call it fearmongering unless you are a mainland Chinese. For everyone else int eh world it's a massive opportunity and/or a consumer golden age. Very similar to how the end of the cold war immediately resulted in the golden age of the 90's in the US. But the 90's were very bad times for Russia. And we're already seeing it now. The US dollar is incredibly strong- like only 60 fucking yen to a buck which is wild because when I studied abroad it was 102Yen per dollar. And stock returns are fucking bonkers right now too, though a lot of it is just inevitable bounceback from Covid. But I expect a massive bull market in the west for the next several years no matter who gets elected.

Things are already amazingly terrible in China, and will continue to get worse.
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>Trump turns into lobster man and then into Gerald Ford
AI will forever be a meme
>Chinks compare themselves to a tiny country like Korea and Britain to feel better about themselves
Tuesday today is gonna be BIG
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> Bribery gets you pretty far in China though and is why government jobs are so highly sought after.
Bribery is how their economy functions. It takes 4+ years to get a permit to build a new house unless you grease some politician's hands. The CCP is the largest organization on Earth, governmental, corporate, or otherwise. The bottom 80% of the foodchain makes absolute dogshit in pay and are expected to be able to afford to live by accepting bribes.

This bribery is also how they cook the books. China's real economy is actually weaker than Japan's. They've been cooking the books for going on 2 decades now with fictional 8%+ annual GDP growth that was actually around 1.5 - 2% annual growth because higher ups would coerce lower ranking members to make the numbers look better in exchange for letting the bribery go unpunished. Corruption is a death sentence in China, but you only get sentenced if you get caught. Everyone above you in the CCP has you on a leash, and you have everyone below you on a leash too. If someone gets caught cooking the books a little too hard, your direct supervisor is going to throw you under the bus and then beg their higher ups to go easy on you so you only get a life sentence instead of long walk off a short pier.
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China's space station is fake lmaolmao\https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePtsoNIX1_M
>they subsist entirely off bribes and illegal tutoring
Then winnie xi kys by making private tutoring illegal.
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Also, what you said here:
>The US dollar is incredibly strong- like only 60 fucking yen to a buck which is wild because when I studied abroad it was 102Yen per dollar.
is wrong.

The dollar is weak right now, but every currency is on its last legs. The dollar has lost around 40 - 50% of its value in real terms since 2019. I know official inflation numbers are "only" 10% YoY inflation, but in reality it's been around 15 - 20% under Biden.

The Yen is falling on hard times right now, as is the Euro and Pound. That's not due to the strength of the dollar, but due to everyone else getting hit harder than we did. Japan managed to finally bust out of their deflationary malaise only to get busted up by inflation even harder than the US, Europe, or China. They have one of the largest debt to GDP ratios in the world and they're staring down the barrel of a pension rifle. Japan is going to have to get rid of their pension system or they're going to make Argnetina's inflation look like a fucking joke.
Thanks for the quality effort post.
You really don't think there's gonna be a (small?) recession in the west soon?
Coming to a country near you!
Best case scenario, China endures a missing 30-50 years, similar to Japan. Their growth stops, they remain well below first world standards for the rest of every currently living person's lifespan. There also isn't much of a solution at all to their falling birthrate, which they've royally fucked by killing off their women and at this point making it too expensive to have kids even for those who want them.

Medium case, they destabilize and have a regime change. They're pretty solid as an ethnostate actually- so in the end they'll still be unified- but the power struggle could get very bloody.

Worst case- and reasonably likely- Xi clings to power by inventing a crisis and picking a war he knows he can't win just to delay his own head going on a pike. Because there's basically no chance of a bloodless regime change and he knows it. So out of self preservation he needs to distract people basically until he's ready to dirtnap. If he does, it will be an absolute curbstomp and a shitshow because- again- the country is completely broke. The military is staffed mostly with chair force nepotists who've been cutting corners since the 80's. And you've all seen what Chinese construction is like- paper machet packed with dirt instead of concrete and corncobs glued together and painted to look like steel beams. I assure you the PLA is no different. They launched their new diesel powered aircraft carrier a couple months back and it stalled 200m out of port on its maiden voyage and had to be rescued. Last year Xi fired his entire rocket force- the guys he handpicked- for corruption. They're fucked beyond belief. But that may not stop them from flailing around and making a mess. If they're smart they won't, but then if they were smart maybe they wouldn't have gotten into this mess.
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China is going to kick off the next financial crisis. No one is on steady ground right now because of the swathe of left wing governments elected into power in the 2010s that fucked up the economies in the West. We're a bunch of drunk men holding each other up. If one man falls, he takes the men to his left and right down with him, and they take their neighbors down.

Basically only Guyana and Switzerland are in any stable condition right now. Everyone else is fucked.
A lot of words to basically regurgitate retarded youtuber points

2 more weeks Gwelio
You can't exist off of imaginary growth forever. Look at Greece. They were an "economic miracle" for the longest time until someone started to look into their records.

Greece, to this day, still exists in a state of perpetual suffering. They're economically paralyzed. China will either have to rip the band-aid off and let it all come falling down or suffer a Japan-style lost decades and sit idle for 30, 40, maybe even 50 years until the problem resolves.
oh. ok. nice!
Hard agree. Completely correct anon.

I'll defer to you there. I'm not a macroeconomist. I'm just a south pacific shark.

well, I'm making an obscene amount of money. But I also observe income inequality is getting pretty extreme lately too so you should probably ask >>474365854

There's going to be a massive boom but it may mostly benefit the capital owning class for all I know. Which if it jews too hard might end up with a happening? Two more weeks I guess.

stay poor baizuo.
Greece is actually doing better than they were previously nowadays ironically enough.
so china is going to invade taiwan and kick off ww3 to jump start their economy. gotcha
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>You can't exist off of imaginary growth forever.
Right, the country that actually makes stuff is
>Imaginary growth
But the country who exists solely on services and realestate is Real
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I'm no macroeconomist either, my company just has a foothold in China and one of my best friends got sent over there because he learned to speak Mandarin. He tells me how much he hates it over there even despite all the sideways pussy he's slamming.
I think that's in large part due to everyone else tumbling down to Greece's level rather than Greece pulling itself up by its bootstraps. Though I do hope they recover economically and are successful.
China's production output isn't where the majority of its economic growth is coming from. Infrastructure and real estate makes up the bulk of it. Surprise surprise, when the bubble bursts their 10% YoY growth rate drops to a measly 1%.
I don't believe you. It sucks because China is belching out coal like it's the end of the world. Would be nice if they're economy collapsed. But I don't believe you
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2 more weeks?
It won't be ww3. Honestly I bet Taiwan on it's own could hold off the PLA better than Ukraine did Russia. Except we will actually get involved, and we'll turn Beijing into Baghdad within a month. They'll have to move the capital back to fucking Nanjing by the time we're done. Then we write their constitution for them like we did Japan with massive concessions to (((our))) interests and the regime we install gets to work sucking dick.

Or we fuck up that latter part, blow a bunch of shit up, and let it fester into a massive half-century shitshow of desperate bugmen hacking eachother to death with machetes. Whatever.

Either way Russia and Iran don't want none of it. India is gonna cheer because they hate China. Basically BRICS ain't gonna do shit.

>because he learned to speak Mandarin
ah yes, the tool's gambit. You wanted to be useful. The monkey paw granted your wish.

Before Trump took over the news cycle, Weibo was freaking out about how it turns out the company that supplies all cooking oil uses the same trucks for industrial oil without cleaning them much. So enjoy the stomach cancer along with the smog.

I say this from experience unfortunately. I managed to avoid colon resection but I am not the healthy young man I was when I started in this business. Fortunately we'll be moving all the pollution to southeast asia soon, so I can fuck up that rainforest instead.

Taiwan's got a pretty good chance of beating China.

1. Russia is about as militarily competent as China
2. Taiwan isn't a corrupt shithole like Ukraine
3. The waters between China and Taiwan are unnavigable for 2/3rds of the year
4. Taiwan has unscalable cliffs on a large chunk of the island
5. China can't establish air supremacy over Taiwan unless they reduce the island to rubble because Taiwan is loaded with anti-air systems
6. There are no neighboring countries for the Taiwanese to flee to. They're cornered so half their population can't flee.

The West of the island can only be reached for a couple of months out of the year and the East is a mountain fortress jampacked with SAMs. China has to immediately KO Taiwan or else they lose the war of attrition.
Taiwan is not self-sufficient in oil or food supply. China can conceivably win the war with just a total blockade of the island. We may try to send in tankers and bulk carriers escorted by USN assets in the event of a chinksectoid blockade, however that runs the risk of them firing upon our ships and causing a real war between the US and PRC.
>There isn't a known solution for deflation
there absolutely is, it's called exporting your deflation to the rest of the world. This both destroys their oversee domestic competition and ensures domestic growth.



>This kills the housing market dead
The problem with their housing market was the massive amount of building in 2nd 3rd tier cities which was fueled by speculation. to put this into perspective, it would be like a house in a shithole like mississippi, having 75% of the value of a house in los angeles. this bubble was purposely popped by the CCP as a controlled demolition, the undesirable shithole housing has collapsed, but 1st tier cities have only dropped 15-20% from the 2021 highs, similar to any coastal city in the states.

>US got sick of Covid dysfunction and started moving factories to Indonesia
The elites in all ASEAN countries are all chinese, instead of everything made in china, they simply diversified into their neighbors and mexico, chinese exports didn't decrease, they just moved their manufacturing to vietnam, and mexico.


there won't be a hot war, albeit hard, the moment china solves the chips problem with espionage and bribery, all they need to do is subsidize chips and export them worldwide effectively removing tsmc from the equation. at that point taiwan will fall in line in due time.
>Taiwan is not self-sufficient in oil or food supply
But neither is China, right? I know they have stores of food, fuel and materials though
So basically it's making us choose between the two.

Taiwan has the all important microchips for the AI revolution. China is losing bargaining power every week as assets flee and relocate. If they're gonna act, they'd need to act soon- and they don't have their shit together nor will they get it together. Last I checked the CCP is still doubling down on (coal energy) electric cars.
>it's called exporting your deflation to the rest of the world
Sure but even some of their BRICS partners like Brazil are levying tariffs
It's a waiting game on both ends. China will take a massive economic hit for attacking Taiwan while Taiwan will take a massive population hit. It'll be a modern day Siege of Alesia, but this time the supporting Gallic army is fighting a Crassus instead of a Cesar.
China will win simply by not having low iq blacks as majority of population like America
What if we fired all the people with do nothing jobs and pay them 20% of what they would have made anyways?
In terms of collapse, what matters is who implodes first, since the surviving countries can turn them into a tax colony, similar to Japan/SK and U.S.
every single relevant country on the planet is in a similar situation. high debt, low growth. compared to economic zones like europe with low quality mass immigration and no growth, china is doing well as it's still the largest manufacturing base on the planet.
Well their high IQ Han have created an unmanageable mess that niggers could never dream of creating
Communists are just as ineffectual no matter their race. China invading Taiwan will be this century's USSR invading Afghanistan.
Yes, this is why china is diversifying their primary exports to countries like mexico, and vietnam. look at mexico's exports in the past 2 years, it's not that their economy grew due to domestic efforts, but rather because china setup shop there and uses them as a middleman.
Europe and China exist by the same virtue of them mandating that businesses not call them out on their economic malpractice. I have no idea how one retarded state in the Eurozone hasn't kicked the whole EEC down around them with how wobbly the EU is after the backfiring Russian sanctions, Wuhan Flu stimulus, and +5 million economic leeches.
>china is doing well as it's still the largest manufacturing base on the planet.
How is that going to help them when both international and domestic demand is decreasing and other countries are putting tariffs in place?
Now that Trump is going to be next Pres, China is fucked, because their sleeper/sleepy agent Biden is getting the boot.
That is a literal Veneco monkey (a venezuelan immigrant).

Are venecos the futuro of the US?
Yeah that's not a bad point but I wouldn't be surprised if that gets addressed. I knew it was serious when the muh green energy crowd was talking about tariffs on Chinese EVs but that just shows it's largely a donor grift
China literally doesnt have go invade Taiwan all thry need is just "influence" election there because guess what Taiwan is literally full of Chinese too. Do you all seriesously think people in Taiwan never go to mainland or something?
Ok, so how do I profit off this?
nah, China's pretty open in their opinion that it doesn't matter who wins the US election because the US is just a quote, "jewish puppet" regardless of who is nominally in power.

China will definitely implode first because it already has imploded. I'm already profiting off this. People are already losing their life's savings and being utterly ruined. Lowkey domestic terrorism has already begun. This isn't even especially quiet if you read literally the front page of weibo on any given day. Problem is you can't read bugscript, so it may as well not exist to an American.
A bloddy power struggle would then open the door to reunification, no?

Either way, seems you're pretty invested in manufacturing in SEA. Very cool. A friend of mine from college is in KL taking advantage of the same shift, probably at a much smaller scale than you are. Helped him in 2019 with a luxury driver service he's spun up in KL and a private trash collection service in Manila. Serving that new upper/upper-middle class being birthed in real time over there is a fucking goldmine.

Outside of manufacturing - any other opportunities you're seeing?
>retarded burger politics
don't you guys have a war in [afghanistan/iraq/yemen/etc] to lose?

>china, which makes everything, is doomed because wallstreet kikes say so, ignore the fact they produce virtually everything ever

cope & seethe, 2 more weeks, enjoy blackrock kikeniggers telling you that china making cars that flatly outcompete america for 1/5th the cost is bad because [insert wallstreet kikery]
>China's pretty open in their opinion that it doesn't matter who wins the US election
Why would they tell the truth? Do you just believe every political press release you read? They don't want to telegraph any of their weaknesses to the public.
Couple dozen Chinese banks rupted within a day last week
>Serving that new upper/upper-middle class being birthed in real time over there is a fucking goldmine.
*add to this - serving that upper/upper-middle class with BASIC services we take for granted here in the west
>trash collection
>private security
>cleaning service/live-in staff
>private secretaries
>fiber internet
>dentistry, veterinary care, other medical specialists
Lot of real, physical businesses to be built with way more staying power than your 178th GPT4 wrapper startup. I'd love to set up a fund for this market
i have a chinese gf
does this impact me?
we both live in indiana
China is heavily investing in nuclear and (((renewable))) energy. They're still wholly reliant on fossil fuel imports for industry, however these investments will eventually pay dividends in the form of future Chinese energy self sufficiency. Not to mention they have Russia, which can help compensate for a US blockade of imports form the Persian Gulf. I hope Trump tries to pull Russia away from increasing Chinese influence, however the Ukraine war may have poisoned any prospects of Russo-US re-engagement in the interim.

If a war against a rising power and an established hegemon is inevitable, it's best it happens sooner rather than later.
>m-muh elections matter
>i will.... VOOOTE
Good goy.
*If war against an established hegemon by a rising power is inevitable, it's best it happens sooner rather than later.
Comfy. Also fuck hoomers.
Ukrain was also the poorest country in Europe with African tier development
post hand
nothing ever happens
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>china, the most producive manufacturer on earth will collapse because burger goy state vomit out pre-written blackrock kike points that you need 500,000 DEI wallstreet hacks to syphon off endless wealth and print money to fund more wallstreet hacks to syphon off etc etc

Don't you burgergoys have a war for israel to fight?
Compared to china, europe as a whole relies primarily on financial engineering to prop up their growth which means they are overleveraged which means they is much less resilient to U.S macro policies than china who relies primarily on manufacturing to fuel their growth. Every country other than U.S has to rely on manufacturing/services to grow, unfortunately europe has neither.

International and domestic demand is stagnant currently because of the current business cycle because of the U.S macro policies, imo.

>How is that going to help them when both international and domestic demand is decreasing and other countries are putting tariffs in place?
If we assume that the "pie" isn't going to grow, how china wins, is killing their competition in foreign domestic industries by price which grants them a larger portion of the "pie".

tariffs can be solved by >>474371515
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>bump, whats happening?

you first tyrone
What movie is this image from?
im scared ameribros.

will walmart still be ok?
>Ukraine was also the poorest country in Europe with African tier development
True, though note that Ukraine is surrounded on land by nigh untouchable NATO countries. Ukraine would be fucked without NATO-protected electricity exports and ground supply lines of raw materials/Western arms. Taiwan does not enjoy the benefit of being surrounded on land by extremely generous allies that have little threat of being under fire themselves.
I just don't understand. If China is so great, why don't you live there anymore?
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>This isn't even especially quiet if you read literally the front page of weibo on any given day

if you haven't noticed already every social media is retarded. just yesterday a /pol/ larp about the secret service not being allowed to shoot the assassin was taken as fact by twitter.
two more weeks
OP added a generic picture of a line going down, can't you tell? It's HAPPENING
Also Taiwan's main export, semiconductors, mostly go to China for final integration into assembled computer systems. Their economy will go to shit until parallel supply chains for PCBs, interface devices, SMD components, etc. are established outside of the PRC in places like SEA/LATAM.
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:^) it'll be all china soon niggerspic burger
I'll be taking this
This new captcha amd restricted posting sucks ass wtf
cool, can I import a hilux surf for a few bucks now?
>random nigger makes up something in 4 chan
>omg omg breaking news!
The picture you posted is proof that people are too dumb to vote.
>glass houses
Depends on if she cares about her extended family in the motherland.
If you're in West Lafayette, then maybe yes.

Telling a guy who does business here not to trust a CCP press release is like smugly telling a Doctor the body doesn't consist of 4 humours. Buddy the adults are talking, you should probably stick to listening.

Unfortunately the best opportunities all have high barrier to entry. That's what makes them good opportunities. Most of the low barrier to entry opportunities have high risk- hence tech and venture capital. It's stuff that is untried and unproven, so maybe you strike it rich or maybe you flop- nobody really knows yet. Sounds like the middle ground is bringing proven tech services like rideshare etc to new markets. The only uncertainty is whether the consumers there are ready for them yet. Eventually they absolutely will be- so it's just a matter of timing. That's probably your best bet, but I'm not an oracle. I stick to what works for me- which won't work for you- so I haven't put a ton of thought into venture capital.

And a bloody power struggle is actually kinda retarded from the CHinese perspective. It would be like declaring war on Puerto Rico. Like yea you could do it, but the Chinese have been told Taiwan IS China, not "should be". And they're aware it's contested, but they still think of Taiwanese as Chinese. This is extremely different from the North Korea situation, where those people are no longer recognizable across the DMZ.

Chinese propaganda hasn't tried to demonize Taiwan, so there isn't going to be a pivot towards aggression anytime soon. Most people seem to think Taiwan will rejoin willingly once China overtakes America as global superpower (delusional fantasy at this point, and was always a slim chance even at peak American idiocy).
more scare tactics because ukraine is losing
Don't listen to the anons telling you nothing ever happen. I have it on good authority that China will collapse in 2 weeks
even then, it isn't now, but you don't live there
I think it's because Australia is a better country
Eh the capital flight to the US will bolster it as a counter signal. Give it 6 months
China has has the largest incel population in the world with 50-100 million lonely changs and there are nog in China already bringing enrichment to there women already
How exactly? I already don't use Amazon.
Ukraine has also embezzled a large chunk of the "donations" we've made to them since the 1990s. They were poorly equipped with medieval infrastructure. Taiwan is way wealthier in comparison. It'd be like if Russia tried to take on the UK instead of the Ukraine.

thank (yous)
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Jeff Bezos is an Epstein pedo.

Read up on his private dinners and private resort meetings with Epstein...
>literally every single Chinese person is larping about being in crisis
You clearly haven't and cannot even read Weibo, and thus are the dumbest possible nigger relying entirely on everyone being as illiterate as you so they can't immediately see precisely how retarded you are.


Here's a translator you. Just the front page every day. No cherry picking. No filter. The comments themselves call out trolls quite readily. Nonetheless it paints its own picture even if you have the critical thinking skills of a sponge.
I mean DXY is still down from the dot-com bubble and the early 90s but compared to the late 90's and post dotcom bubble till the start of hte covid recovery it's a bit up. I'd assume the late bump is due to the M2 starting to drop in early 2022 which has ended with the last 6~ months being an upward trajectory in the m2 supply
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Owari da.
when is noodle break? pls infom
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My anus is prepared!
I have thousands in BKF. It major holdings are in BIC banks. The etf itself is only down 1% for the day, and individual banks are only down around half a percent. Everything is up on the 5 day.
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200 more years?
Surf the Kali Yu-oh fuck, that's why they had the pajeet speak!
Wow very insightful post
Nobody here old enough to remember the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis?

It literally caused the bankruptcy and bailout of LTCM kwhbo
>since... 2015?
How new are you?
LTCM bailout in 97 was on par with the GFC
LOL! The World is collapsing, because NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ANYMORE!
>LTCM was initially successful, with annualized returns (after fees) of around 21% in its first year, 43% in its second year and 41% in its third year. However, in 1998 it lost $4.6 billion in less than four months due to a combination of high leverage and exposure to the 1997 Asian financial crisis and 1998 Russian financial crisis.[4] The master hedge fund, Long-Term Capital Portfolio L.P., collapsed soon thereafter, leading to an agreement on September 23, 1998, among 14 financial institutions for a $3.65 billion recapitalization under the supervision of the Federal Reserve.
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If I had a Chinese gf I would make her wear a coof mask while we had seagz
Because that’s hot
2 more weeks
The Shining
But China is brisk tho.
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China is gigafucked
Need to import more niggers in asia it will sure fix thier economy
True but Taiwan has many storage facilities carved deep into the rock of those mountains
Something they started to do in the 60’s
And have been stockpiling ever since
Also people seem to forget but Taiwan already btfoed the PLA once before
china's birth rates are better than US whites
You owe me a qt Chinese gf chang
And I’m coming to collect
Very soon
They will cut china of from the chips
And start right back up in some western country
The stock market relies on population growth. No population growth = no earnings growth. No earnings growth means stocks no longer have a growth premium. In fact they will be repriced at 7x earnings. Currently 30x. That means a 80% fall in stocks
Incorrect. China's fake numbers are better than US whites.

To get the real numbers, look at how many mandatory childhood vaccinations were given out. The population has been negative growth for nearly a decade. And the gender selection is extreme- reaching ratios of 1.36 in the worst regions, with only a single region measured to be lower than 1.03. Not sure what median and average are off the top of my head, but the bottom line is that 1 in 5 males can't possibly find a wife without immigration.
Definitely not, especially when you take liberals and leftists out of the equation, who are not truly white
bro is phd in comedy
I hope you are joking.
t. used to live there
you're fundamentally exaggerating some of the problems in china. particularly, they are absolutely completely capable of fucking taiwan. taiwan is almost as corrupt as china. they literally still dump chemicals in rivers there.

that said, china isn't the only one screwed. the entire world except for america, and theoretically maybe poland and a select few other high value economies. they're all exporting their deflation to us, and the more they do it, the more they're screwing themselvesxgkt
Wtf I just watched that movie last night.
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stonks are still up though, OP.
>they literally still dump chemicals in rivers there.
the fact this is your point of comparison proves you haven't the slightest clue how bad things really are.

I've been to the hospital with chemical burns in my mouth for eating seafood from a 5 star hotel. And mostly everyone just laughed at me for being a stupid foreigner. Every water supply is contaminated. That's why the richest man in China sold bottled water up until he croaked and it went to a trust fund brat.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I know Taiwan is a little rough around the edges. They don't beat people to death on the steps of police stations for reporting stolen potatoes. Mainland China is a different place entirely.
Giga Turbo Super Hyper Sub Prime. And their Boomers are the sons of the Cultural Revolution, as in Tianamen Square was a good thing. Broken libshit STRATFOR policy wonks like Peter Zeihan can be right twice a demographic day, too.
>Every water supply is contaminated.
Is this really true are you just being hyberbolic and extrapolating on your own experiences.

Ofc im just wondering about the major water supplies
If you're already broke and have no infrastructure to maintain, what's a financial collapse going to do? Your trees will continue to stand and niggers will continue to swing from them, as always.
They rely on a wall built by the Dutch so that their capital doesn't get flooded.
Lower caste jeets stop it from being Haiti tier.
>swede with fingolian gf
sex & babies all they do is fuck and make babies

tsk tsk tsk
It would be difficult to prove it's literally true (I imagine there are several uncontaminated bodies of water in Tibetan Himalayas), but you literally could not pay me to drink tap anywhere in China. It is a bad bet no matter where the pipe is. No tap water anywhere in China is considered safe to drink by the Chinese themselves, let alone first world standards.

And previously the owner of Wahaha was the richest man in China. Their main product was bottled water. I wasn't kidding about that.

Real case: A company was held criminally liable for dumping 200 tons of sulfuric acid into the Yangtzi. Their defense in court was "prove we did it" and the prosecutors winning case was "your factory produces acid and you no longer have acid. There is literally no legal way to dispose of acid in this country".

Here's probably the best example I can give you though of how fucked up China is: Go read the US State departments manual for Embassy Personnel for deployment in China. I consider it well informed as it matches all my experience and takes it seriously. It includes recommendations such as "If you break your leg in China, stabilize it and buy a plane ticket to Japan. Do not go to a Chinese hospital if you have any other option."

The HIV rates are pretty high due to needle reuse. They give you IV's you don't need just to charge you for them. They CCP formally recommends injecting boiled Chinese medicine (arsenic disulfide, aka rat poison) and chicken blood directly into your veins, like a true communist patriot rather than use expensive capitalist western treatments. You can probably decline this if your Mandarin is good enough to translate medical terms. Also cash upfront in the Emergency Room or they will tell you to "go die somewhere else so you don't lower our statistics". I'm not kidding that's a real thing that happens routinely- not a couple of exceptions.
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now that i think about it
there were no seafood options at any of the buffets i ate at in china
Shiet I knew it was bad but you make it sound dreadful. Its ironic that the citizens of a country that preaches community have adapted such a "me first" attitude.
Thanks for your info. The whole thread has been very illuminating
Guess I have to revisit my holiday plans :^)
I'm not saying you are wrong but
>US waging any war after recent fuckups by the brass
>check latest recruitment numbers and demographics this year
I mean, it's hella optimist to think there is the possibility of a comeback other than through a draft and Vietnam fragging 2.0
Eat shit and die chink rice nigger
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India is Asia, memefaggot
If the rice niggers shoot at US ships, they are gonna get fucked on hard. US pops the three gorges dam - boom 400 million dead chinks along with much of their best land.
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Turbo giga hyper deflation. Nobody has cash, even fewer have metals. 2000 digital dollars for every physical fiat federal reserve note what a fookin toimloin we're about to finna be entering.
Raugh out roud
Only 10% of the US population are niggers.
Kek jews fear him
>random nigger makes something up on 4chan

its even better when we act like things are being “scrubbed” when it was just a troll larp putting out fake info. Everybody wondering why they cant find the “original” shooter who recorded the video saying “I hate Trump” and thinking it is being scrubbed by glowfags when it was actually a fucking twitter troll
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>secret service not being allowed to shoot the assassin was taken as fact by twitter
You mean the hacker known as Twitter got something wrong??
True. I don’t read rice nigger.
>There isn't a known solution for deflation
Just proont money meng
This ai is gross and bad…
red line is going down.
china has collapsed.
it's over.
Suck my dick rice nigger
You are right, I mean they don't border a known wheat and oil exporter :^)
>Very similar to how the end of the cold war immediately resulted in the golden age of the 90's

Ok you have to take a deep breath, grab your ankles, and pull your head out of your fucking ass. THE USA WAS IN A RESESSION MOST OF THE 90's YOU BULLSHITTING FAGGOT!

>The US dollar is incredibly strong- like only 60 fucking yen to a buck which is wild because when I studied abroad it was 102Yen per dollar.

Try again retard.

You left out a 1, it's almost a 160 yen to a dollar.
Retarded goycattle thinks everytime stocks go down 1% the world is ending. This is the sort of guy who buys high and sells low

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