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Unfortunately I have to phone post, I hope some other anon takes up this investigation and presents it better than I can.

I have analysed the incident and have come to a startling revelation. The bullet that clipped trump was enroute before he made his head movement. Part of this analysis includes the discovery that the bullet meant for trump is the one that hit Corey Comperatore, who was stage left in the bleachers. He can be seen falling the instant the bullet fizz is heard in the mic.

On to the timing of trumps movement, and how I worked this out. I start with the assumption that the audible click captured in the lectern mic is the sound of the bullet passing. It is consistent throughout several shots, followed by the bang from the gun. Using video editing software, I zoomed in to the millisecond and used the click as the reference point. Working backwards, trumps slight movement begins 0.08 seconds before hand. This may not be ecact but it is within 0.01 seconds. Assuming a muzzle velocity of 1000ms and a distance of 130-150m, the bullets travel time was 0.13-0.15 seconds.

I am not a gun expert or familiar with ballistics, but this is enough for me to conclude the bullet had already been fired before the movement. This is nothing less than a miracle, in my opinion.

I am also sure the bullet that clips the ear is the first that was fired. Trump audibly moans immediately after the click, then begins to reach for his ear. The 2nd shot is then fired, hand half way to his ear. THIS is when the photo was captured. It is the 2nd bullet and it misses.

I would love some anon to present this in a better way, I don't make vids and i dont make threads often. But I think this story is incredible and people need to know about this.
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I guess you could say Trump really...turned some heads.
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Legitimately blessed by the heavens.

yes, dodged a bullet
If anyone wants to confirm, any of the podium angles have the same bullet click
Rsbn angle from the side shows Corey comperatore collapsing, confirming he was hit by the shot
Yeah when I was watching the footage over and over on 0.25x speed it became apparent to me that his head movement was literally the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT it could've been made.
I just think it's fascinating because no one is analysing the timing of this. It's either haha he missed, or damn he missed, so sad. Some are assuming trump moves a few seconds before hand. The fact is, the shot was accurate, his aim wasn't off. The cunt dodged it. It is divine intervention, grace or manifestation of cosmic destiny/collective will. Call it what you like, it's a miracle.

It is also unfathomably improbable to hit the ear, without missing completely or hitting a solid surface and killing. He had to move precisely that amount and in that exact angle for it to clip, not miss or kill
And yet every cunt is talking about not adjusting for windage or not aiming centre mass. The shot was perfect, more or less, not accounting for a miracle
>A killing bolt will shine but will not kill
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He’s the fastest man alive. That’s why he’s orange, light can’t refract off him properly because it can’t catch him.
Flash Donald.
>Nooo! RIgHt WiNGerS ARRE bad and ORange Is THe colOUr of Ze NIGhtMareS, addfgffbjgf bhvb OLE OLE ARUMBA ARUMBA
Ever noticed that the shills are mentally ill & disgusting? Every word they scrawl with poop on the end of their long noses makes people - as opposed to their big rigger’s censored AI & programming - hate everything about them even more. They basically campaign for Trump all day every day by shilling against him.
If you ever looked at a shill OP and did not think “ew” there is a 98.7% probability that you a pedophile.
I like trump again now just because of how vile the sewer mutants who hate him are.
I want someone to get thus to some influencer so they stop talking utter shit about something they haven't analysed. Tim pool is talking smack about it missing or the wind or trumps movement putting off the aim 10 seconds before hand, many such cases. I dont really know how to do video editing or make YouTube clips to explain shit, surely someone can? I'm fucking retarded but I managed to go frame by frame. Ultimately I just want the truth to come out, even for trump himself to realised he was saved literally by a miracle. I think the timing matters because it removes all doubt about thus being a missed shot or poor aim or some kind of 1 in 100 shot. The odds are infinitely smaller. It's life changing shit
Reality staring them in the face & they choose to deny it.
The larping & mental gymnastics saying >staged
Really seeing them on overdrive
I figured he turned the exact moment the shot was fired, because that would be most entertaining
You blaspheme the Holy Spirit you will not be forgiven
It's easier to conclude it was staged rather than some infinitely unlikely dodge that implies a higher power. Occam's razor or whatever. I'm not particularly religious but i know there is a God or universal force whatever you want to call it. If you can't admit this, I can see how people can't believe this really happened. Realising what exactly happened here would lead to a deep sense of faith and awe. This is why I want someone to take this and explain it better so normies can see.
Yes, he was protected by our collective Aryan spirit, it's really that simple.
could just be dumb luck too, dude
The weather saved a president's life.
He literally has the divine right of kings and this is proof
Indeed, a one in 100 hundred million billion trillion piece of good luck. But yes, it could be, if you prefer those odds over divine intervention.

>muh wind saved drumpf.

Did you even read the thread?
Basically, yes. This was first thought actually. Manifest destiny. Nothing can prevent it.

I think also for those that would say blind luck, that blind luck changed the course of the world. I dont give a fuck if skills want to scream miga and kike puppet, he's not perfect, but he's the best we've got. He's all we've got. The movement has no real successor, imagine the shock, the despair and hopelessness had he died. I dont even want to. The globalists would rule forever and there would be no hope, there would be nothing in their way. Trump isn't perfect but isn't this what the Christians say? God works through the most unlikely people or some shit? 'To save a wrech like me? '.

Straight up im predicting trump has a 'born again' type of awakening. I'm not particularly Christian but most Mexicans choose that 'flavour of spirituality, so to speak. It fits within the framework that understand. I predict trump will begin praying publicly and giving thanks to God for this miracle, leading to a spiritual awakening of the masses. I hope so anyway, I hope he has been humbled. I also hope he doesn't lose his fight amd back down from doing finishing what he started. I could see him cutting a deal in return for protection.
Fucking auto correct


Next time they wont fuck up..afterwards nobody will do shit.
Youre a fucking slave to tyranny…take another xanax
>you won't do shit

Won't have to. Trump has the universe's protection.. try again, pussies. He is beginning to believe. He is the one. Want to see actual neo in the matrix bullet dodging shit? Try it. Oh wait, you did.
he flicked it out of the air. watch the footage
That hand movement came after he was shot. He audibly moans then raise his hand to his ear. Half way to gis ear the 2nd bullet passes and is photographed.
The sound would also take about 0.3 seconds to reach the microphone from the gun barrel at ~100 metres.
OK dude, listen please. There is an audible click, that is the bullet passing the mic. The sound isn't instantaneous from a foot away, but more or less is for practice purposes. The sound of the gun follows later, yes, and can be heard as a distinct pop. Every shot is consistent with this. Click, slight delay, pop.
That click wasn't the bullet, it was Trump engaging his Sandevistan.
Lol fair enough. But seriously I invite everyone to check this out for themselves. Just pull up any of the vids on jewtube, slow it to ×0.25 and you can hear each sot, click CRACK, click CRACK. He moans just after the click, but before the first CRACK. Then reaches for the ear.
does seem to check out
the first sound, then the head movement and then his shoulders twitch when the bullet hits his ear all before the second sound comes through
seems like a very small window, crazy
You're hearing the right things, but go back just a fraction. His head movement begins right after he says 'take a look what happens'. He faces stage right just as the click is heard, then moans and shrugs and turns a bit more. That is what you are seeing.
Sorry I didn't mean to correct you, you're basically on to it. But the head movement begins before the first click, very slightly. 0.08 seconds as best I can tell zoomed in, plus or minus 0.01
I will be able to computer post later, including screen caps and links to vids to verify
yeah he kept turning his head for a bit before the shot, and just a tiny bit more when it actually hit him.
i wonder what effect this whole thing had on him
Yep you're spot on. He very slightly turns and leans forward, just enough so that it clips tge ear rather than skull. Then as it impacts goes into more of a shrug, possible causing the 2nd to miss. I hadn't thought of that. Hard to know how close that one was.

I hope he becomes more spiritual, more humble. He's surely going to have PTSD, i
predict he 'turns to jesus' as a way to cope and to process what has happened. I'd be a bit disappointed if he somehow turns it into bragging about his reflexes. Thanks can only go to a higher power for this.
the problem with the divine intervention theory is that god guided it into a nice dude.
You're right, and this must be considered. Look im not a Christian but from a Christian perspective, it would be one of those 'the lord giveth and taketh away', 'works in mysterious ways' type of thing. It's extremely sad that the guy died. I would suggest if you view his death as an act of heroism, a kind of sacrifice necessary to make this moment solemn and serious. As funny and amazing as trumps dodge was, an innocent man died. It kind of highlights the weight and magnitude more. I dont know how to really reconcile that with the Christian framework but that's an idea. I have a more Toaist perspective so I'm not really struggling to see how a personalised God being saved one man and killed another, if that makes sense.
Sort of to add to that, I'd argue trump is bigger than just one man. His life is not just his own, he's a kind of spiritual leader for a movement. He owes his life to that. It's not that somehow he's more important as an individual, but more that he is detined to lead the movement. The collective destiny is greater than the life of the one who died. Yes it's sad and trump should feel completely humbled and owe everything to whatever power or force there is.
God is incredible. I am so grateful that he was not killed. That would have been devastating for this country on so many levels. And may the perpetrators be caught and punished by death. That was an assassination attempt and Biden called for it and so did Jill.
Why would God save a sinner and a narcist over an innocent, by all accounts decent family man. It's an incredible paradox yes, trump is going to have to reconcile that. Ordinarily he would be braggadocious and feel entitled. This is why I believe he will change on a fundamental level. It starts by him not making his rnc speech about himself. We'll see if that happens
Brother it was 100% a plot. Well likely never know the details as to how, and barring this miracle, we'd just be like the jfk conspiracy truthers analysing angles and ballistics and never really be able to prove anything. I can't even imagine how fucked the world would have become. Not just the USA. 100% there is a world wide movement that is loosely connected, we ld be in such mourning and despair. That's why it didn't fucking happen. It wasn't meant to be, that's why you can't even imagine it. It wasn't a possibility, ever.
The evil forces had a plan, but there is something much greater. Something that we cannot hope to understand, we can only hope to feel a connection with it. Nothing can stop it, nothing! If this doesn't prove it I don't know what can. I have been convinced by this, I am moved, I am changed.

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