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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Biden met with CEO Larry Fink of BlackRock + World Bank at the G7 Summit a month before the attempted assassination of former President Trump. This timing raises eyebrows, especially considering Trump's disruptive policies against foreign military funding. Why is this not major news? https://www.reuters.com/business/microsoft-blackrock-ceos-expected-attend-g7-session-italy-2024-06-12/

Then we learn Ree Tardy Oswald was in a BlackRock commercial. When have you seen one before this week? A journalist unearthed this, but the narrative pushed by mainstream media makes it falsely appear BlackRock surrendered the info.

It's insulting to suggest that Thomas Matthew Crooks had a conveniently empty phone. We're supposed to believe that the FBI / CIA couldn't find anything, or is it more plausible they chose not to disclose that information, just as they'd done with the Hillary Clinton emails and so much more?

This Administration has a COZY RELATIONSHIP w/ BlackRock.The connections in Joe Biden's cabinet and BlackRock can't be understated. Look up Brian Deese and Wally Adeyemo. The influence of the world's largest asset manager on US economic policy suddenly seems not so coincidental. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/06/13/fact-sheet-partnership-for-global-infrastructure-and-investment-at-the-g7-summit-2/

Fink then goes public & calls Trump & Biden to reconsider tax cuts, RIGHT after the shooting. It feels too opportune given his company's vested interests in US tax dollars currently funding military operations in Israel & Ukraine https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-15/larry-fink-urges-biden-trump-to-pursue-economic-boom-agenda

For a firm profiting immensely from CURRENT Biden fiscal policies, its involvement in initiatives promising to "de-risk investments" feels like a strategic move to cement its hold over economic policy decisions & continue the profit stream.
Please fucking BUMP this. It took like 2 hours to even successfully post. Y'all need to read into this, we need the old school 2016 style weaponized autism to commence.Show me it hasn't died. Let's unite and remember the good old days before KKK and QAnon took over this once-beautiful meme and info forest.
I'll bump since you removed the memeflag.
Thanks man. Sorry, its been a while and im turning into an oldfag when it comes to memewar etiquette
Yeah blackrock is involved in this, I'm pretty sure of this now. The head kike also went out recently and declared his support for bitcoin.
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This makes more sense than anything posited so far. BlackRock holds the contracts to rebuild Ukraine - which are likely in jeopardy with Trump.
You think that Biden asked BlackRock to attempt the assassination?
Fink, who lives up to his name, has the most to lose out of a Trump reelection. Thanks for sharing this as I did not even get so far to see they were already involved in 2022 re: Ukraine rebuilding on top of everything else going on and profiting from the tax-funded weapons.
No. Biden doesn't control the stage. BlackRock, the World Bank, the CIA and Special Ops do. The reason they don't like Trump is that they cannot control him like Biden and others on both sides of politics. Same with JFK and Reagan.
Bump. The Ukraine slush-fund getting put at risk because of Trump's isolationist policies is the best guess at a motive.
>The Ukraine slush-fund getting put at risk because of Trump's isolationist policies is the best guess at a motive.
It's the only motive I can possibly think of. Not only Ukraine but also Israel. I would not be surprise if AIPAC didn't have a hand in this.
More than meets the eye
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sure memeflag kike we all buy it and ignore his and his vp's 100% loyalty towards jews
>we name the presidents
Agreed. If it was special ops, we wouldn't have seen them nor would the police
Memeflag removal AND manners?
America HAS to play ball with Israel via words, but the proof is in the pudding when it comes to funding or defunding. Trump was at least non-interventionalist and nationalist in keeping our tax dollars domestic and in the hands of American citizens. That is why he was attacked so viciously. If he went full-on anti-Israel he would be labeled a Nazi. It's happened before when he went public and criticized Israel's bloodthirsty warmongering attitude and inability to compromise (via hot mic)
>Memeflag removal AND manners?
Thank you lol. I am too old for trolling. I want us all to play nice and get some facts rolling <3
AIPAC definitely has a hand or at the very least is aware of this. I don't think Israel is the smoking gun right now, it's Ukraine. Yeah Isreal is dirty and it sucks and Im pissed that I am funding their entire country where they get everything for frew with my money while I get less than scraps, however, theu are currently very entrenched in US politics. I am of the mind that in order to uproot the stump, the branches must be cut.

Blackrock signed a deal to rebuild Ukraine after the war. We know Ukraine is home to corruption: embezzlement, sex trafficking, "illegal" weapons research. Tactically, it's also decent due to its proximity to Russia and I'm sure for a slew of other reasons I am unaware of. Considering the amounts of money we've dumped into it, Ukraine is the all in for the current DNC and RNC corruption. Trump isn't in that because he doesn't need to be. We he spoke of cleaning everything up the first term, I'm willing to bet he was unaware of too much, probably assumed it was more of internal corruption and certainly not to this scale. However, mistakes were made on both sides: him for not expecting the depths of corruption, and them for panicking and knee-jerk reacting when they could've just stay quiet. Now, (((they're))) doing it again with this assassination attempt. Trump is lucky he's not dead, and (((they))) are seething.

Not sure how the tranny shooter ties in other than failed CIA experiment shooter.

Tl;Dr armchair analysis says go after Ukraine first, Israel later. Ukraine is a more active source of corruption and more blatant. Blackrock stands to gain a lot, and so does Biden & DNC
>embezzlement, sex trafficking, "illegal" weapons research
Exactly why Ukraine and Dems are like peas in a pod. You've brought up a lot of good points here.
>Not sure how the tranny shooter ties in other than failed CIA experiment shooter
He was going to engineering school and stealth-appeared in a BlackRock commercial in his school. Schools indocrinate their pupils. It could be coincidence but what are the odds. They wanted him to shoot - my Theory, is perhaps to divert attention from a sniper out of sight. I have a feeling based on trajectory that Ree Tranny Oswald killed the firefighter and another shooter was the one that grazed Trump's ear (since it would have been a direct hit if Trump had not moved at just the right time)
100% blackrock is behind this. Blackrock is basically a front for the globalists / rothchilds
Plot twist: Blackrock and Trump are just as cozy. He is literally a Wall St. Man ffs.
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What I wanna know is this: where the FUCK did he get a detonator for the IEDs in his pocket and car?
Chainlink powers the mark of the beast and trump is about to endorse the mark.
Very possible. Considering Blackrock and how it's hand are in everything due to funding, it's pretty much the 4th arm of government with 0 oversight. I'd be willing to be CIA and Blackrock are arm in arm. Another shooter is very possible, although I am unsure where he would've been stationed. Considering the delay and lack of urgency and the DEI hires in SS, DNC&Biden are setting trump up for death using plausible deniability while CIA and BR are going for the kill. I think JD Vance was a very good choice for VP in terms of tactical decisions: he isn't against Israel (so no mossad interfere(hopefully)) but is a cynical millennial and is against Ukraine funding. Taking out Trump now is a highly risky game because Vance isn't that different from trump politically and if both are killed there is a very real chance of revolt.

We know for a fact a lot of hands are in the Ukraine cookie jar. (((They))) are between a rock and a hard place. Rock: trump/ Vance removes funding and exposes the corruption, destroying both RNC, DNC, and potentially breaking Blackrock. Alternatively, Russia is still there too, and I'm willing to bet Putin isn't having this shit either. Nationalist or not, he is ex-KGB and definitely has the intel on this shit. He isn't stupid. With trump supporting Israel and Biden being obviously corruption with Ukraine, there's little mossad can/will want to do, which helps in regards to active players on the board.

I'd be willing to bet both the SS (mostly the DHS) and the Butler PA police force are compromised (pa is hugely corrupt. I have my own theories why) and evidence shows that it's reasonable to assume this isn't purely "incompetence", it's active maliciousness masquerading as plausible deniability.
Gay 7
Bumping this thread. I enjoy talking about this.

I already told you and i will tell it again

The shooter is Maxwell Yearich.

The shooter was Maxwell
Yearick -

The CIA, Mossad, AIPAC, Blackrock & Uki military are all on damage control. They are displaying a little kid as their shooter, Instead of a literally antifa militant who was in Ukraine fighting against le fascist putin.

We know they want to kill Trump bcause he wants to stop the murder on White Orthodox childern and the people by Jewlensky so the jews can go back to
Ukraine when Israel falls, also Blackrock Jews in the US, the jews in Ukraine most probably forced him to do it, or his family will be tone.

We will not let them get away with it. Sooner or later Anons must visit the AlPAC/ADL building to send a message. It cant go on like this, hiding like cowards
are the american anons.
Even leftists faggots will do something.
Why isnt any rightwinger men enough to visit Aipac?
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>Sooner or later Anons must visit the AlPAC/ADL building to send a message
>It cant go on like this
>Why isnt any rightwinger men enough to visit Aipac?
Imagine grooming shooters on the internet in the interest of 'national security'. Couldn't be me.
I dont groom anyone.

Anons are groomed by AIPAC/ADL/BlackRock themself. Someone will walk up in their office and shoot them. With me encouraging them or not. Doesnt make any difference
you are a gigantic low IQ tourist of a faggot.
Oh you mean the BlackRock that Trump’s admin (Mnuchin) allowed to take 0% interest loans directly from the Fed to pump the stonk market following the COVID crash? Yeah they must really hate Trump lol

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