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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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When do we start forming communities to resist the Mark of the Beast? Aryan Christians must stick together. I'm sure there will be non-Whites who also don't want to take the Mark of the Beast. They can be our servants or slaves in our communities. If they commit race mixing though they are kicked out of the community to fend for themselves. What do you think?

We will have to become rebels who engage in self-sufficiency and piracy:

whatever, faggot. holy ghost is back and the mark of the beast is a Maga hat. Save the conservative party from backwards assholes like OP

I had a terrible dream about the Mark of the Beast last night Anon
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Perhaps it's no coincidence!
That man is a tare.

on the scales of justice?
no backup iron sights lmao what a shit setup
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Do you shill for money you lazy nigger?
>Mark of the Beast?

Circumcision is the Mark of the Beast (the bible always uses veiled metaphors to talk about the genitals), so i'd say it's probably too late for you mr. American.
You say that while wearing the black sun. You don't even know what that symbol means. You mark yourself for death.

nah, newfag. I stick my dick in your mom's ass
If you know how the story plays out for Christians in the end days, then I'd be making sure I was a part of the group that leaves first. Because those who hold true to the faith and resist the mark of the beast get their heads lopped off in front of your family.

Get right with God, call on Jesus in repentance, and listen to what he tells you to do, and when he tells you to do it, do not delay.

You're in the end game now, as they say. I'll help you out, when the first group leaves, the world will tell you the aliens took them. Think about what that will look like from your perspective, make it real for yourself.

I'll be peacing out with Jesus and/or his archangles on their ships. Don't worry though, we'll be back for you, if you hold true.
Will you deny the holocaust please?
I just live in Appalachia around other whites.

bet. holocaust numbers aren't exaggerated. Germans never had control over the diseases that were spreading in camps and had to open up the second front so whatever plague the soldiers had wouldn't spread to citizens
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>They can be our servants or slaves in our communities
That's exactly how your shit started first time around, dumbass.
Shut up subhuman.
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>Because those who hold true to the faith and resist the mark of the beast get their heads lopped off in front of your family.
Every Christian couldn't possibly be killed by the World Beast Government. Otherwise there would be no Christians left on the Earth. Some of them must survive, and the ones that do form a militant resistance community that hides underground or in cave systems. Perhaps we even find a way to hide in outer space for a while before either the Beast system collapses by itself or we reconquer it or Jesus Christ comes back to reconquer the Earth. If the Beast killed every last Christian then there would be no more Christians on the Earth and everyone on the Earth would have the Mark of the Beast and everyone on Earth would be damned. Does that make any sense to you? It makes no sense. Individuals could resist the Mark of the Beast, sure. But doesn't it make sense those who resist the mark eventually find each other and form an underground militant resistance? Also as another anon once pointed out. The Bible doesn't exactly say those who don't get the mark are killed by the Beast. But it does say that those who don't worship the image of the Beast are killed though.

White militant Whites are going to be the ones who have the resources to resist the Mark of the Beast system. Non-Whites who don't take the Mark will have no choice but to join us as our servants or slaves. Unless they want to form their own resistance communities which probably wont be as good as our White resistance communities. If non-White communities also resist the Mark of the Beast and they are Christian then we can help each other out. But non-Whites are servile to Aryans and it is the Germanic peoples who are the true Israelites and the whole world will serve them one day Isaiah 60, Isaiah 60:12
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Of course. But even if the Holocaust did happen it would have been a good thing. I actually wish it did happen, even if it most likely didn't.

There will not be one survivor from the House of Easu, read the book of Obadiah:
>wearing black sun patch
You stupid motherfucker I know you have zero identity but please try and be coherent with your bullshit
Are you a Christian?
What beast kills God calls home, victory still belongs to Jesus Christ. What you need to understand is you have to be ready to leave when he returns, and you need to think about what that looks like as though you were living it.

Consider what I said, the world that is left to endure the tribulation for Christians and non-Christians alike, will be the most hellish experience on the planet in an age.

As I said, I will not be here. I will be training, rapidly, with newfound gifts to return here with Christ for military victory. God bless you all and good luck.

>/second contact
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

"How old is this rock?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian"

"Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Small Government" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Semper Fi
I've already started.
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Good. Heil brother!

love how 3 couldn't actually afford masks you larping pussywillows. you ain't rolling up on the CIA or Britain and because of that, you'll always be their bitches.
>I'd be making sure I was a part of the group that leaves first. Because those who hold true to the faith and resist the mark of the beast get their heads lopped off in front of your family.
If they brought out the guillotines I'd for the first time in my life start fighting through the crowds of people so I could dive head first into one. If the rapture is pre-trib who gives a shit if you miss it, you still get to exit clown world.

more like 156 years of Britain in your bussy, canada
Good goy, form 5 person militias they will inevitably get infiltrated while you do nothing other than hang out in the woods carrying guns
I have a son, it wouldn't be that simple for me. Those that take the mark will seek death but not find it, but I wouldn't assume they won't be able to stop you without it. If your mental/spiritual armor was as strong as it needed to be to fight their mind control tech off, you wouldn't be experiencing the desire to kill yourself in the first place, as you'd already be gone. Like I will be.

Jesus Christ returns as Judge, Conqueror, and King.
>If you know how the story plays out for Christians in the end days, then I'd be making sure I was a part of the group that leaves first. Because those who hold true to the faith and resist the mark of the beast get their heads lopped off in front of your family.
Those who don't die fighting
i think you need to read the bible retard lol
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>resist the mark of the beast
>gets his dick chopped just like the Rabbinical laws of the Torah command him and his Rabbi to do
show flag you massive well poisoining faggot.
How great is he who dies in the name of Christ in those days. God grant you speed.
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This is a propaganda technique known as the "avid fan" wherein an enemy will pose as a supporter of the cause but will be extreme and ridiculous making the movement as a whole distasteful. It was used by Bongstani "intelligence" during WW2 against Germany.
All-white organizations of any kind are defacto illegal. Someone will find a way to infiltrate it with fed/saboteurs and failing that, they’d stop at nothing to make a white organization of the sort officially illegal.

By the way, comically long mags are now for niggers. Sorry I don’t make the rules. I like PMAG 40s too, but so do the niggers, so the white man now sticks to PMAG 30s or moderate-length quad stacks if capacity is a must. Surefire 60rds and desert tech quad mags. (No schmeissers, too long)

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