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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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At least indians and chinks have the testicular fortitude to be a relevant enemy of the white man.
>Other brown people (i.e. pakistanis/iranians/arabs/turks)
"SAAAR, we are not indians saaar, we are good browns who are friends of the white man and lap dogs of the west. My uncle has green eyes and this is proof that a white man has fucked my grandmother. Thank you saaar"

>Other yellows (e.g. vietnamese, taiwanese, koreans, filipinos, thai)
>oooh! herro prease! me not chinese! We are good people, not like those ching chong people... WING WANG WONG! Hyundai, kimchi, tagalog, pho and tempura! Ooohhhhh!
>I respect indians and changs
Alright buddy yeah just hand over the spices and the ivory.
are you stupid? there is no diffrence between bengali,a paki and an indian the only thing that changed is relgion.
Also everyone in the west is scared of fucking iran getting nukes.

no one thinks iranians,arabs, or turks look like poos. infact no one in middle east looks like you poo. It amazon how you try to act like you can hide among other brown people when you can't
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this is an italian woman
no need for anything else
just trust me
That's a professional headshot, her normal pics nobody would ever mistake her for Italian
good morning saar have you done the needful today?
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stupid meme
>At least indians and chinks have the testicular fortitude to be a relevant enemy of the white man.
Chinks hate Indians
lol, Italian are 100% white. They just mostly have dark eyes and hair.
Ebin street shitter thread
I honestly have a very low opinion of chinks and Indians due to my exposure to them due to the sheer number of them.
Mexican immigrants as well as illegals have had access to American education and business for literal decades and have yet to do literally anything with it. You are genuinely inferior to every single group in Asia, including SEA, and yes, including jeets. Even within Mexico, the best you can do is cartelshit. Yet, with all that experience with violence and niggardry, Mossad is still able to kill 38 candidates and install their own. Mexico is genuinely pathetic and can't even win a soccer game despite its cultural and geographic proximity to some world class players. Euthanize yourself you retarded spic.
>Arabs/Jeets/SEA/South Americans
>Aborted fetuses
Learn to code instead of shitposting everyday, Pedro.
Ebin street shitter retort
italians don't smell like curry and armpit mixed with swamp ass
both gross

virgin as I may be, at least I have some basic standards
I look like this
>he's suicidal
lol i hope they exterminate eachother
I’m not the one that has to deny his country of origin due to fear of being mocked by literally everyone
Fucking lmao imagine being a street shitter
This just indicates that skin color is less important than culture and indians are one step above literal niggers.
...well. There is certainly contamination going on. 100% is very, very false.
>t. 1/8th 'swarthy' Greek
>I know I'm contaminated.
>I do this for fun
you have never seen an Italian woman
and that's for the best, you stinky rapist
They have the weakest grip strength in the planet, a 13 year old Italian girl is stronger than him.
Nice try selling us a tigan as an italian lady
This.... right here....
>begs America to let him in
>gets overtaken and victory lapped within one generation by jeets
>cries and contemplates suicide
>begs Canada to let him in, claims asylum
>denied, his life evaluated as less important than literal africans
>acts tough on /pol/
¿Lo entiendes? You worthless triple nigger.
Imagine being a street shitter though fucking lmao
you no buy?
cheap, give u sucky sucky
Show tits ciganko
> are you stupid? there is no diffrence between bengali,a paki and an indian the only thing that changed is relgion
There’s no difference between Chinese/Japanese/Koreans or any Latin Americans, or British/Irish
reminder that even blacks, mexicans and asians find indians/pakis absolute bottom of the barrel.

you guys do not classify as asians either. do not say south asians. asians stop at southeast asia.
>Jeet thinks if he stands on top of a pile of shit he will be level with the white man
KEK. Indian retardation astounds me.
Let me add...
>Glory to China!
didn't read the OP but the reason the bottom is gross is because the way they act, the way their accent sounds, and of course the smell. when you offend 3 out of the 5 senses before i can even say hello then you know you've stumbled across a pajeet.
Idk if I'm just high but this is one of the funniest posts I've seen
This poos have distinct appearance only visible in india, bagladesh, pakis and gypsies in traces.
( . ) ( . )
Indian flag looks so disgusting to look at.
Real gypsy girl would show tits since the whole slum already saw them. You must be a trannie
Can't smell through a picture
Fuck up Priktik
When all whites are dead it will be like india and mexico and egypt, people will wonder how great architecture was made.
I don't respect anyone who's lazy, entitled and who behaves low class from any country or race including my own.

I wont, get fucked.
smell diff
Mexicans were capable of getting visa free to Canada unlike pajeets or chinks that should tell you a lot about India and China, also Mexico have visa free access to Europe and the UK something pajeets ca only dream about, cope pajeet
Nah turn her sideways, they often have hook noses
Come on, I may despise southron protojews but they're not the shade of a rotting corpse and they're not rat faced.
Liberal tier IQ if you think it’s just about the color.
DNA is deeper than that, behavior is deeper than that
Culture is more important than race, but both matter. Dark Italians get a pass because at least they are culturally devout catholics with shared morality. Hindu streetshitters have no redeeming cultural qualities to fall back on.
This is a pretty based take.
post real pajeetas
the woman in the meme is that guys wife

Why are you reposting the thread, you stupid pajeet? As a punishment, now I will redeem the code.
Good morning saar
theres literally 20 million catholics in india
OP is a Jew celebrating white replacement btw.
And for some reason we get shipped 1 billion dalits instead of them.
guess what pajeet. brown shitalians are not italians
> Worst drivers in history
> Zero self awareness

>60 second countdown to replying to a post
Ok saaaar.
Now fucking go home, dirty brownie

>We indians are aryans and men are super gay kek
I'm a chink who grew up with a diversity of friends, including a pajeeta at one point before my parents, and what the fuck happened? The jeets i grew up with don't rapestare or litter or tried to turn Canada into India. The Patjeeta girl I knew had long braided hair but a western first name, as I did -- that's easy for teachers and each other to pronounce, it's a common courtesy, we also watched Lion King together. at her house, my parents dropped me off and were fine with it, we came from Hong Kong so we had a good impression of Indians it wasn't until the last ten years with the bus gang rape stories and the rapestare uberjeets showing up that Indians start earning a bad reputation, it's SAD. I've been lurking on r waterloo and it's not just white girls being harassed, it's Indian-Canadian girls too, meaning my childhood friend's family likely moved to Canada to get away from the horde of rapemonkeys, only for them to follow her over...come to think of it, almost all the Indians I knew growing up were girls, disportionately girls.
t. a literal canadian pajeet
You're lower than a nigger. Imagine how bad you have to be to accomplish that. Fucking disgusting animal
You wouldn’t need to imagine, Paco. You burritoshitter. Mexico is a third world nation, and the only value you have is being the sewage zone of North America.
are there even other kinds of canadians at this point?
Italian women don't look like that, stupid nigger.
the "whites" of today are the equivalent of trust fund babies of the industrialist generation and the greatest generation who won ww2, "whites" today are responsible for the 4th turning and are absolutely not of the same stock and quality as their predecessors
Except we invaded your country and ruled over you. Hence why you hate turks you fucking poo.
We invaded and conquered and ruled over europe. Destroyed the roman empire twice over. do you even know who you re fucking with? Get back to shitting in the streets and eating sewage. Rat
you are Indian lol
All Canadian flags are Indian until proven guilty. They're very easy to tell apart, they lash out at the slightest provocation or sniffing out of their true nationality, almost as if they're being offended.
I am literally a Boston "brahman". My family is multi-millionaires but my dad told me to fuck off and make my own way. I did and became a contractor for Raytheon before starting my own contract company specializing in drones. My own family disowned me for being nouveau riche because I did what they said.

Boomers just suck, but I don't care. My dick is in a girl's mouth right now while I watch the RNC and /myguy/ just nailed it.
am I indian ?
That desaturated brown doesn't exist as a skin color even in the niggerest of Europeans (Albanians)
You know, you're right when you're right leafy
You're alright
The good Hispanics don’t leave that’s why.
You will be given a trial by soap & deodorant
No one cares about the opinions of street shitters
> sewage zone of North America
That's Canada and all the 7/11s of California, no street shitters here.
Statistically, Indian men have the smallest dicks on the planet. If you are white, even if your dick is only average Indian women will think it's fucking huge. Plus the skin color contrast makes your dick look absolutely massive. The sex is just intensely hot.
Pic is accurate and warranted because you can smell the difference
looks smelly
Shut up chang
Explain this derogatory term for me Serb bros
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Fucking wasted
indians do grow way less body hair. less than wetbacks anyway
white women are the reason America is collapsing. Not the jews, not the indians, not the muslims, not the blacks.

White women destroyed America. (and the white simp men who support and enable white women)
I could not stand listening to her talk...
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Hello sar
KEK...they're 100 Million beaners to 1.5 Billion stink jeets. You take the Top 1% of those two groups and obviously the stink jeet will outnumber the beaners

1% Top Beaners = 1 Million
1% Top stink jeets = 15 Million

Poos stink jeets are using the same tactics as the slants. Never mentioning per CAPITA
The retard is using the angle of "Indian excellence" when he's also omitting the fact that in less than a decade of jeet infestation, even the most liberal of leftards did a 180 stance on immigration.
Let the seething street shitter be, being an Indian is enough of a punishment.
Agreed. Still need to back them off. It seems they are competing with you all for White men cocks. You guys have your work cut out. Those shitstains are a relentless plaque.
I literally don't give a shit about racism from Americans, I've been on 4chan from longer than those retards have had access to internet.
I just enjoy seeing them trying to drag everyone else to the bottom of the totem pole because they think that this way they'll stop being the butt of the joke of humanity and remind them of their repugnant nature.
90% of the D&C threads on /pol/ are made by jeets because they think it takes attention away from them.
It's more pathetic when you realize he's gloating about his people's perceived success when taking advantage of OTHER people's generosity. Foisting their disgusting compatriots upon another, an already established and flourishing society. They're acting as if they're colonizing, or settling. When in reality they're economic mercenaries at best. If these alleged geniuses had any self respect they'd repatriate themselves back to their motherland and maybe they can become as livable as Sri Lanka in their lifetime.
They gloat about Silicon Valley street shitter CEOs right when those companies are taking a nose-dive in productivity and revenue.
They are hubristically stupid and lack self-awareness.
I like them. Their hubris is non threatening. It's almost as if they learned how to interact with others by watching Marvel movies and anime -- it's pathetically humorous. It must be mentally taxing for them to find themselves the target of relentless hatred and racial bashing, in that respect I figured you'd be more sympathetic towards them, but whatever. I was more worried about the chink hubris in the early 2010's when they were really coming onto themselves. They've settled down since, but I'm keeping an eye peeled for 'em.
I don't like them, every street shitter I've interacted with (digital nomads from Canada or California) think that kissing ass is a form of politeness. Every interaction with them has felt forced and fake to the point of obnoxiousness. And that is ignoring their smell.
Duplicitious slave mentality.
I find their servile nature too disarming for me to hate them outright. I think it must've been a survival tactic that became the cultural norm, the Brits really buck broke them.
Accurate take. I have a streetshitter at work who tries so hard to be my friend. He is fucking cringe
total unmerciful streetshitter dismemberment and death
People have the ability to detect scent you know
>servile nature too disarming
It's phony. They are disingenuous and cringe. I don't trust a single word they say
Mexico has toilets, you have fucking indians on tiktok saying favellas are real nice like they are fucking rich. This is the average Indian. America bombed Afghanistan to the stone age and poos would still be marveled at how well the live.
this poo trying to act like the only reason Pakistan existed was cause some Muslims poos were tired of fighting with Hindu poos so they wanted a separate country to worship instead of some secular state.
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use a memeflag, leaf
>Indian colony flag
Every single time.
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I don't hate pajeets like everyone else on pol. I work with a bunch of them, but they're all doctors, RNs, and social workers. They're smart and nice people. They don't have any of the stereotypes that get talked about on here, with the exception of street shitting. You can send a poo to medical school, but you can't house train him.
With animal niggers running rampant and being given jobs like they're humans and then having to deal with them and humor them like they actually contribute to society, pajeets aren't even a concern of mine.
Quite the opposite. No one humilliates themselves this hard unless they have ulterior motives in mind. It's the staple of a dangerous backstabber.
this is my experience too. we just get the absolute top quality of all indians desu. pakis give indians a bad rep, its always pakis that work at 7/11, restuarants, uber, etc. the total invert of 4chan is the actual reality.
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Anyone who could mistake a street shitter for Italian is pants on head retarded.
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Good morning sars!
Looks like a gyp
Fucking jeet, no one respects you.
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She ain't pretty no more.

Time has ravaged her and revealed her poopiness
That's a man
Looks like Canada
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Indians fucking suck I hate them so much. Far more disgusting than blacks or mexicans. There is just something about them that makes me want to rip my eyeballs out and shove them up my ass. The way they look sucks, the way they talk sucks, the way they act sucks. Even their scams are lame. They are truly the worst race.
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Nothing like that cow poo breath in the morning to really make the romance rock.

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Fixed it for you.
But I thought bathing in cow piss would make her skin not age like shit...

Hindu mutts
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>all that seethe in the comments
but no one is addressing the crux of the issue
latinas are fetishized for pumping out children and cooking and tending to their family, which they do reasonably well
indian women are fetishized, for what exactly? being liberal turbo harlots that treat every date as a job interview????
Um no, Indian girls have a lot of body hair compared to Latinas -- but I don't know if that's natural or if it's because latinas wax.
Whitest woman in Romania
>latinas are fetishized for pumping out children and cooking and tending to their family, which they do reasonably well
Just the ones from colombia, paraguay, the caribbean and some venezuelans. The rest are the same shit as your average muttoid (argentines are even worse because they have the worst of the westerners with the attitude of a niggress)
mestizos were christianized
streetshitters rejected christanization

one is cleaner than the other
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high caste indians are attractive
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Jeets incoming
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the jeets here are 1/10 dalits, 80% of them are men too
>tubby goblina behind

go away chinkopakoid
>latinas are fetishized for pumping out children and cooking and tending to their family, which they do reasonably well
>indian women are fetishized, for what exactly? being liberal turbo harlots
Indian women aren’t fetishized. They do the former things too, (it isn’t the most populated country in the world for no reason,) but they aren’t fetishized because they’re ugly, while Latinas are hot, rather simply.
Indians grow moustaches and beards. Italians don't
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No they aren't

Try removing the facetime filter they use to look like humans and you'll see their natural ugliness
shut the fuck up chink. You were propped up by us, we gave you our jobs. If Japs had a real military, they'd be the only ones who'd be a threat but that's exactly why they've been neutralized since the end of ww 2. China or India has never had a scare like the 80s Jap economy. Every one knows that Chinks & Poos will never amount to anything. Chinks are just conveniently propped up as an enemy because their military fucking sucks and Americans love to fight enemies who can't fight back for prolonged forever wars. That's all you chinks are, a forever war.
>chinks tongue my anus
>xi the faggot tongue my anus
Italian men do
This is actually a common phenomenon. Middle Easterners and South Asians often delusionally believe themselves to look like Italians.
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This is an Italian women. Notice the difference?
Because they have a high percentage of White genes.
Reminder, Tifa from the FF7Remakes is Italian.
130 million Mexicans don´t want to leave Mexico buddy boy even now that the border is open, I wonder if India was next to the U.S. how many would have migrated by now
what is this beaner talking about ? there r 20 million beaners in the us right now
i said that you are a Pajeet, and don´t understand this continet dynamics
oh wow. she looking like indian except very fair skin sir! maybe because we all descend from indo-aryan line?
The Chinks are weak, but they have a track record of bringing the Korean War and other conflicts to at least stalemate with the Zerg Rush, but you Indians have never won even a decent tactical victory against the whites, and you have been licking their feets.
Why are you now pretending that you have been against whites for a long time? Are you delusional with endless anti-British hero stories ruminating among Indians?
You people were colonized and kowtowed to by just a few thousand British opponents. There is no excuse for this.
Yeah, just change her skin's undertone to brown and grey and change her facial structure. That's all.
im not a pajeet u fucking beaner go fix my deck
She'll still smell like shit and still a disgusting pajeet.
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Nobody fetishizes Indian women except Indian men. The only people who likes pajeets are other pajeets or retards.
Of course you are, as proven by your low iq and difficulty undertsanding simple explanations. For anyone else that might be reading what i meant is that there is a population of 130 million in Mexico, right now any one of those can cross the border since we all know is open. Not many do. And the number you mentioned is Mexican descendants (including children of legal Mexican-Amercian couples), current illegal Mexicans in the US is around 4 million.
No wonder J.D. Vance, who has been bellowing flattery about Israel as if he were praising the queen, got along so well with the pajeet, who are also famous for their kikelover and obsequious flattery.
Come to think of it, Vance used to criticize Trump and now he is flattering him. The two despicable creatures are a good match for each other.
I bet he prays day and night with the poojeeta and his dirty mongrel children hoping that Israel's will blow the mudslime kids away with JDAM.
More like we were too lazy to do the jobs so Chinese had to do it for us and to please the large corporations so they can make higher profits. Our government is making China the enemy because they're afraid of the chinks, they're smart, is attractive, many white people have East Asian fetishes and way more hard working than us here in America. India, look at pajeets, they're a joke, they smell, their accents are disgusting, who the fuck would worry about pajeets being better at anything?
im not a pajeet u fucking mexican piece of shit
I think there are chuds who like how pajeetas can be submissive pickmeshias, I'm suspicious of men who end up with pajeetas, is he abusive?
The 2 Billion Indians, Sikhs, Pakis & Bangs are all just the same shit with a different flag on top. All low IQ followers who wish they were white and British.

Flips, Thai, and Viets are jungle SEAmonkeys, slightly smarter than Indos but nothing like East Asians.

Taiwanese are ethnically Chinese who wish they were Japanese.

Japanese, Koreans and Chinese are the ones who're smarter than whites and actually make stuff.

But you Indos are as dumb as sub-Saharan Africans. It's insane how you keep bandwagoning onto other races and cultures to pretend you're not literally the dumbest and least competent people on the combined Eurasian & Indian landmass. You keep pushing these narattives, but everybody can see through them. It's all so tiresome.
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picrel: pajeets talking about pretending to be Not Hindu Indians to encourage conflict between human races
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>Japanese, Koreans and Chinese are the ones who're smarter than whites

Yet 90%+ of modern inventions come out of Europe.
To be fair, the India Christians are the most elusive ones. I have rarely met one. Almost a rare pokemon.

But funnily enough, this 4th of July, a protestant Indian group had a float about Jesus. Very awkward cause I lived in a libtarded city and they were confused how to react. They had to listen to Jesus from them and some of the libtards were wearing gay shirts.
>> JD Vance
>Taiwanese are ethnically Chinese who wish they were Japanese.
The Japanese are a mix of Ainu native to the Island of Nippon that have curled eyelashes and lightcoloured eyes, plus a type of Hans Chinese from thousands of years ago -- their country was a dystopia under a despot who wanted to live forever so he can be a tyrant forever, his court Alchemist was like, fuck this I'm out of this shithole, except instead of just packing his own bags, he convinced the Emperor to him a fully stocked ships so he can sail off in search for immortality for the Heavenly Son..and he took with him 300 or 3000 healthy and beautiful young men and women. Japan deny because they don't want to be Chinese. Chinese that are brag about this, except is it worth bragging that your ancestors weren't smart enough to be on that ship?
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>Statistically, Indian men have the smallest dicks on the planet
Truth, and self-admitted. Picrel
the most pitiful race of them all
Is it schizo posting time again?
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OP can't tell skeletal differences between races

You don't say an Albino is "white" just because of their skin color
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FUCK YOU currynigger. There are 60 millions Italians on this planet and we're declining, while there are 1.4 BILLIONS Indians and they're growing, yet we've given so much more to this world than you that your shit skin pales and become Aryan again in comparison.
So leave us alone and fuck off again.
go fuck yourself
my retard filter is full after this weekend with all the incompetence in government on display and the vance pick

just shut the fuck up you shit bathing monkey piece of human trash, the mughals didn't wipe you out because they probably thought you wouldn't last the century, but you're still here shitting up the place
go back to your jungle and rot
If the USA allows it, the Mexican cartels could expel all the Indians from North América.
I'd plow guidettes and pajeetas. In that order.
Italian women do not have dead fish eyes, pajeetas for some reason all do
white men who lust after x-white women are perverts
Go back
True roman blood
It obviously isn't.
Paki here.
It's so funny how deluded you pajeets are
You're literally describing yourself in that sycophant behavior.
US Pakis are the ones who are openly enemies of honkaloids and the West.
You otoh lick white ass like it's going out of existence (it is, kek)
Vocative of Gypsy female.
Pure aryan ancestory
weird how italians and spanish look similar to indians further south you go
what causes it
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you fucking gypsy you wish because your women look like bleached indians
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>>474476597 >>474499159 >>474506842 >>474508655 >>474527398 >>474527522 >>474529920 >>474530157
and these are romanian white nationalists
>US Pakis are the ones who are openly enemies of honkaloids and the West.
>You otoh lick white ass like it's going out of existence (it is, kek)
The funny part is they’re still hated just as much as us by them, if not more. I think the asslicking makes them angrier (after all, it’s been in cowshit)
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did this board reach a level so low that obvious sarcasm isnt even noticed anymore
what kinda of people are here? am i too old?
is it actually full of zoomers and i didnt notice?
>Other brown people (i.e. pakistanis
you're literally the same shit, you smelly jeet
bangladesh too
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Hello again saars
>More like we were too lazy to do the jobs so Chinese had to do it for us
Noo goy you need to work 16 hours a day for a shitty wage in shitty conditions.
You dont deserve a job. Mr schlomberg needs his profits. Who cares your ansestors fought for this land and you could be self sufficient.
That's Indians trying to look white though. They bleach their skin and wear a tonne of makeup.
She is half white
italians are alpines, NOT MEDS
sicilians are NOT italians, they're GREEKS

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