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Seems legit
Buy an ad faggot
sloppy job, mossad
Only a fatass would find this exceptional
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Forgot to crop
Hope this helps!
Amerifats can't understand basic exercise lol
>"Must be some kind of highly trained supersoldier!!"
What's exceptional is secret service watching him walk that mile carrying a ladder with a gun towards a political rally
Walkable cities are indeed based.
Why are a Home Depot and a Lowe's right next to each other?
Don't they have a more recent photo? That doesn't look anything like the dead shooter.
The fact he. Knew the landscape and how to get under the free way to get there is amazing in itself
those ladders are not light, we use a 2 wheel dolley to move it around. you can carry it but after a several minutes it gets heavy
Its a pic of him as a kid no idea why they keep using it
A lot of times they are because of zoning
>watching him walk that mile carrying a ladder with a gun
Think he carried the gun into Home Depot when buying the ladder?
We need the homedepot footage
Its 32lbs

Are you Destiny by chance?
also had 2 vehicles there too
Well with leftists being reatard enough to cut their dicks off and call themselves women an his photos look like he is a tranny it's possible
I thought he had a car there?
Shitjeets are weak anon
wait he brought his own ladder?
aint no fuckingf way
carry it for a mile while carrying other things and let me know how it went
They are aluminum weighs only 32 lbs.
It's about all they have. He was a ghost with very little to be found about him.
ban assault ladders
no one needs nylon fiberglass composite couplings and an extended shaft with an angled thumb release like that
That's how you know he's a foreign agent with a fake name. No god fearing Am*rican would ever walk anywhere
>no idea why they keep using it
He looks like a stereotypical leftist in more recent photos.

see >>474523002
Jesus, that's fucking determination, if he put half of that in to getting pussy he'll be swimming in pussy juice right now
Why are we telling people to buy ads now?
X doesn't count as an actual legitimate news source, just fyi.
So when the aisles are closed in one store because a retarded zoomer employee is figuring out how to use a forklift, you can mosey in to the other store to make your purchase
Yep just walked over and shot him.
Any more questions?
The cheapest fucking ammo lol.
this is so werid


the fbi found his car filled with expolosives on the premeisis.

WAKE UP! you know the msm narrative is bullshit. after everyting we have gone though with them, NOW they expect u to belive them?

look with your eyes, think with your brain. this combo is more powerful than what the media feeds you
that was the first run story
i bet they disappear the car and bombs now
New glow nigger tactic, just write them off as
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that was not a 5.56 crack
this actually makes me mad
it's just straight up lies
He had 2 cars. One was a distraction the other was the get away
Him parking so far away and walking kinda makes it sound like he planned to get away after.
Little Drummer Boy
Just walked right in, walked right out.
>Ladder load capacity 300lbs
Now we know why reddit didn't take it upon themselves to do this earlier.
Just walked underneath the freeway, and made my way to the Trump rally.
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I've heard he actually moon walked all the way there
only to a fuckign zoomie who spent his life in his room playing vidya.

when i was a kid I knew every alley, train track, park, ice rink, pathway for miles around my house. i routinely walked a mile to school, twice a day. walking a mile is NOTHING. takes about 15 minutes. hell when i was his age I could run it in 4minutes flat out.

>He had a car on premise
b-but op says that he walked with the ladder!
how could op be such a faggot?!
Nope just regular hitch hiked.
What about the story of an IED in his car? Did he park at home depot?
totally not staged and gay!
If he walked, how did his car full of explosives get there?
Made me chortle
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>filled with expolosives
Wait until they identify the explosives
Probably just a case of Tannerite.
Just went to home deport, and bought a ladder.
No that was somebody else who was trying to assassinate trump.
Honestly this is the weird part...A lot of people gloss over that part. Why not use it. It's like they planted it or something after he died...

Okay Sven fair enough, but taking dick all day isn't really exercise either so idk why you're all high and mighty on this shit.
This is bullshit.
Cuz he's such a smooth criminal
>wait he brought his own ladder?
>aint no fuckingf way

BYOL party!
I assume he had the rifle in the backpack. An AR15 splits into two pieces just pulling 2 pins. Upper is still a little long but it looked like a big backpack.
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>Amerifats can't understand basic exercise lol
>>"Must be some kind of highly trained supersoldier!!"

I had to Google that shit, 1 mile = 1.6 km

Common America, are you really that fat and lazy nowadays when 1,6 km are some kind of marathon? ROFL
>Ran a 4-minute mile at age 20
Pardon my skepticsm
So he drove there. Parked his car full of explosives, walked back to home depot and got a rifle, ammo, and a ladder and walked back, then just moneyed up to the building put up his ladder, tool out the rifle and belly crawled up the roof that he also knew was in a blind spot to the counter sniper team....
He's top dumb too realize it's not the walking that's odd. It's the ladder and gun that's strange. No one see him on the road?
This is Vegas 2.0.

Image of him dead uploaded here within an hour in itself is fucking beyond strange. Remember the one of Paddock? Same shit, uploaded directly from the scene.
Mics don't pick up gunshots all that well, especially some directional mics facing the wrong way.
how many seconds after his first shot until he got shot himself?
>fathers gun
Good thing there was just a trial that said parents (white ones) can be held liable for crimes their children commit. Convenient almost.
I also climbed a ladder.
>walking a mile in the US
>we deboonked it
It's not that that's physically hard to do... if you have a car, why walk? With an awkward ladder?
carrying a gun and a ladder, shirley someone would of filmed with their phone to put on youtube or some other social media site for the wtf compilations
We sure this guy’s a burger?
The average amerimutt can’t comprehend walking a mile kek. Maybe that’s why they didint see him coming? They were only on the lookout for cars they forgot pedestrians are a thing. That’s how car accidents with motorcycles and pedestrians happen, the drivers have them in their fov but aren’t expecting them so they subconsciously ignore them said they weren’t there
I went up to my dad and asked him if I could borrow his gun.
He gave me his gun no questions asked.
honestly everything about this screams botched assassination attempt. The fact that this happened right after the Biden's recent disastrous debate performance makes me think that this was a failed JFK style hit.
It was a pretty good rally if you ask me.
If he did (he probably didn't) is almost certain some security cam would have footage of him passing by.

Walking a mile with an assault rifle in front of Secret Service towards the most powerful and influential man on the Planet at present….. Are you on the same page yet sweetie? X
You can't walk a mile? God damn anon get your life together.
>man carries 50 pounds of shit 1 mile without training.
yeah and im sure sandniggers in caves with flight manuals can easily fly planes into objects first try too.
I run 3 miles before needing to walk for a minute and I'm average at best. What's so difficult about believing he walked a puny mile? If anything a dude walking with a ladder is less suspicious than someone risking to get stopped in his car. He literally evaded all police checkpoints by not having a license plate bolted to his ass.
50 rounds anon. Not 50 pounds.
> Live in state where you can openly carry long guns

“What??? A man can’t walk around with a ladder??? I thought this was America!”
the home depots where I live don't sell guns.
This guy actually gets it.

Political violence— whether alone or in groups— can only be done if the physical pedestrian infrastructure is dense enough and well trafficked.
I would NEVER buy a ladder if i was going to kill someone. I would be concerned w/ my gun and ammo. If i planned on climbing on a roof, i would figure out a way up when i got there. Who tf buys a ladder
Didn't they say he had a car full of explosives? Why do they keep changing the story?
I borrowed it from my dad, he said "here ya go buddy, I hope ya make some friends in the park"
Was he carrying the gun on him too? How the fuck can you walk an entire mile carrying a ladder and not realize what you're doing is a bad idea? It's like when people jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and realize they fucked up halfway down (the ones who survive).
They never suspect the handyman.
Imagine not just taking the car to homedepot then parking it again
Ye just walked right in. Put my ladder down, and climbed the ladder.
no he didn't fucking walk. he was driven there by his deep state handler and the ladder was provided and already there
Whoever wanted Trump dead left this corridor open for Timmy. It's only natural he would go along the one path where security is conspicuously lacking.
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was this bike unrelated? found in news video when they mentioned a backpack
Pure chud determination is something else.
Everyone says Home Depot. It's actually THE Home Depot. They autistically include the word "the" in every fucking sign.

They are THE Home Depot, as in implying they are the only place that matters to go shopping for home supplies.
Ye someone asked me about the gun before I climbed the building, I told them I was here to protect Trump.
The jew fears the bike riding ladder sniper.
Look - we know he had a backpack. An AR15 splits into these two halves with two pins that you can pull with just your fingers. Assuming the most common barrel length, the two halves can fit within about a 20" backpack.
I was actually going to get a refund afterwards.
Only a deep state fed would know that.
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we must ban assault rifle 15
oy vey
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Is there any reason they always use some pic of you when you were twelve years old in these articles?
Perhaps he built up his strength and endurance by playin Dance Dance Revolution
He seems like a scrawny guy to carry 50lbs of equipment for a mile across uneven terrain in the summer heat.
But I guess that's why the army drafts those 20y/o males.
I thought this zigga had bombs in his van?
To influence zoomers, adults w/ a brain could rage at trump all day, but in the end know he hasnt really done anything that would warrent them forfeiting their lives to take him out
It's my best photo. I would have taken another one if I knew I was going to be all over the news.
This story gets dumber by the hour.
Humiliation ritual
Iran must have helped him...
Waiting for the pics of this incel walking around with a ladder and a rifle. Surely he walked in front of an ATM or other security camera, even one of them door cams that keep producing funny videos of amazon delivery folks being douchebags.
Surely, somebody say a guy carrying a 12 foot tall ladder, right?
Brother, NOBODY does that. Have you ever climbed anything when you were a kid ? A building, bleachers, tree, hill, stone wall . . . you cant find me any vid on yt where the ppl are on their way to any outdoor activity and know they will have to climb stuff and bring a damn ladder. Parkore, hiking, urban exploring etc.
Wtf when I was his age I could run a mile in 5 min.
In my 40s and I can still do it in 6 min.
It's about 50 pounds too.
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>how to get under the free way
Not a freeway.
He probably just walked beside it.
>He walked one mile with a rifle, ammo, ladder and construction equipment, wearing a t-shirt that said "ASSASSIN", then built a makeshift wooden sniper's tower, before shooting President Trump, all in full view of the Secret Service and Butler Police department.
>The head of the Secret Service has said "Mistakes were made."
My froggy nigger, this is rural america. Look at the map, it's mostly country side/highway and a golf course.
shut up faggot tons of us exercise regularly and aren't fat at all you fucking faggot
Wow he walked an entire mile? He must be a fed he was in shape
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Now now, remember that he was also carrying 50! rounds of ammo and if you look at the map, there doesn't appear to be even a single McDonalds on the route
Okay superman you go walk a mile and then you get back with me alright?
What was he using? Cannonballs?
There would have been footage from him leaving Home Depot the second he left it and walked into the parking lot
we all know its maxwell yearick
stop blaming this pitiful nerd that mossad killed somewhere else
No retard-kun. The point is a 20 year old kid was walkiing with a 12' ladder and an AR-15 an hour before a presidential candidate was going to do a rally.

Really joggins the noggin
Fat fuck
Its rural PA. Not steal street in niggertown USA. Theres probably not cameras everywhere.
Jesus Christ I swear 40 states in this country are beyond fixing. Sell them to Mexico and Canada. Like no basic concept of exercise exists for 300 million Americans. A mile walk takes like 15 minutes
Did he have explosives in his car?
WAIT!!!!!! why tf would he drive car there park it, get out WITH GUN and walk to H.D . . Why wouldn't he leave his gun in car walk, then come back, get gun.??? Or best option yet. Get there park, realize you need a ladder, put car in drive, pick up ladder, drive back, park.
HELLLL NAH. . sus made up story
They are lying about the ladder type
It does not extend
He walked into the security area with a rangefinder, they werent sure if they should stop him or not but the Rangefinder wasn't illegal to bring in.
They were told to keep an eye on him, he then was looking at the snipers, the snipers looked at him and reported him once again.

He then left the area, and after that they don't' have the complete story. All the know is he used a ladder to climb on the roof to shoot.
32 lb ladder plus rifle plus ammo. That's about 50 pounds of shit.
What's the reason for the wrong ID getting pushed in the media in that grand conspiracy of yours?
i saw him do it, fatty
we have a lowes, home depot, and menards within a couple blocks of eachother
I run 6 miles a day and people treat me like a freak of nature
Are you planning to take everyone's guns away? Now we really need to blast him.
I see you don't shop at Harbor Freight
It wasn't only that he knew the rooftop would offer a vantage point, "he knew exactly what spot on the roof would offer a vantage point"
Look at the foreigners on here acting like they could walk a mile carrying a ladder and 50 rounds of ammo in the sun and still be able to climb the ladder. They're all acting like they are elite soldiers who have trained every day for years. Liars.
That steel ladder on side of building weighed more than 32lbs
Good catch. This actually proves he was Iranian
maxwell yearick went to jail protesting against trump. blaming a registered republican that barely looks like him leads to dissonance
wheres the video of him at home depot? at this point im not even convinced this kid was there his death photo doesnt look shit like him. nothing even places him there.
>32 lb ladder
I swear to god you people just give away the fact you're Zoomers without realizing it. I have a 40ft ladder that isn't even 20lbs
>walkiing with a 12' ladder and an AR-15
Is there clear photo of the gun? Folding stock? He had a backpack and somehow concealed it within.
Not really most people are self absorbed retards that don’t pay attention to anything around them.
its more that he's a skinny weakling and it would be incredibly suspicious doing this to a presidential rally but ok
Not that I saw, just it next to him about 8 feet away on the roof after he got domed.
We don’t walk anywhere, if you tell someone you’re walking to the grocery store they will think you’re deranged.
so he just walked down the side of the road carrying a ladder on his back and a rifle?
come the fuck on dude
Tubby, walking a mile isn't some insane feat. I hike 20 miles in a day up mountains. My backpack weighs more than a ladder. I swear you guys are so fucking terminally online, you have no concept of basic real world concepts
That ladder is around 50lbs and awkward af. No way that guy could carry it a mile on its own, let alone with the other gear.
Was the ladder made concrete?
>most people
Except the secret service's entire job is to survey the fucking area retard.
Somebody called me a hero on my way there.
>t. lives in a shithole state
it doesn't matter how fast you are, you'll never outrun the gay
>Theres probably not cameras everywhere.
I'm raising my eyebrow like you wouldn't believe right now. In fact, I'm so dubious of your claim, my raised eyebrow is also raising its own eyebrow dubitatively, while pressing X to doubt because of how dubious your claim is.
A car packed with explosives, walks from home depot with a fucking ladder in 70% humidity, car is parked at the venue..meanders around with a range finder. Puts up a ladder, unpacks and loads a rifle, and then belly crawls up a hot ass steel roof. None of this makes any fucking sense.
Even though each store has the exact same equipment and materials they never carry the same brands, so it's like a duopoly where they collude to fix prices because all of their shit is way overpriced compared to amazon.
Oops, looks like you're dumb and gay again.
There's probably some rope out in the garage, anon. You should go check
I used to do 3 a day when I was a neet and had time for it. Sadly I have not kept that up. Cardio is very important
I was just going with what that other anon said, but he may have been lowballing it. First 12 foot ladder I could find. 44.25lbs.
i feel like a lot of you are getting hung up on the distance, which isn't really that far, but logistically how would you carry an extending ladder, a rifle, and ammo down the street while remaining inconspicuous
Because you are. Why walk to the grocery store when I can sit in my 64 degree air conditioned house, turn my truck on from within the 64 degree house, and wait for my truck to get to 64 degrees before even climbing in?
Its a town of 13k white people anon.
Doesn’t matter where it is. Every Home Depot has cameras in their parking lots and indoors. That’s not to mention the fact that there’s more than handful of businesses he passed by on his way there.
What's with the weird van with no plates at the scene then?
Wear a disguise
>steel ladder
In what world are we buying steel ladders??? Are you a home owner chud? Who the fuck owns a steel ladder? It's either carbon fiber or aluminum
Yes he thought he would live. He told the nursing home he worked at he'd be back on Sunday.
Gotta get those daily 10k steps in.


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are you actually some sort of cerebral palsy retard or in a wheelchair? I refuse to acknowledge you as a non imbecile
>Compare to others.
>Aluminum 20 pounds.
You've never been to lowes have you anon?
Hide it in the bass drum of your one-man band outfit.
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>Walkers could be here he thought
>the fat women ss will pay attention
You have so much faith in this god forsaken system this event just shows how fragile and broken it is. Glow niggers are not super heros they are retards that get complicit like everyone else does. They do a job hundreds of times for years and get sloppy because nothing ever happens until it does. We don’t live in same system with good people we live in a chaotic house cards
What aren't you getting?
I just walked right in.
That way you have two stores with identical chinese shit in different colors right next to each other instead of having to drive across town.
It's not that. It's the ridiculousness of walking with a bright ass aluminum ladder for a mile and then just casually setting it up on a building that has a full SWAT team in it, shimmy on his belly up a hot as fuck steel roof, and his explosive laden car is just, in the parking lot, not a single bomb dog anywhere...

This shit was an inside job.
its not really the walking a mile part
its walking a mile while carrying an extending ladder down a public street on a really hot day
It don't matter. Nobody carries a ladder for a fucking mile. I'll haul it in my truck for that.
Most businesses in small town amerca dont have cameras watching everything outside. /pol/ is so brown and urban.
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post the better pic then you stupid faggot nigger.
44lbs???? Listen to me very carefully anon because you're obviously not a home owner. The ladder I own, extends to 40 ft, weighs less than my mountain bike. My mountain bike is about 15 lbs with all the gear on it. There is no way in hell a guy trying to walk a mile is buying a 44lb ladder no matter what BS you try to tell yourself. I have an 8 ft ladder that weighs less than 10lbs
Did he even have a car or like many zoomers did he ride the bus?
Also all the legal cases against him fell apart
I'm confused about him having a variety but the news wouldn't shut up about some suspicious van with no plates
Is the van supposed to be unrelated now
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I walked 10 miles both ways to the hospital one time, purely because I hate going on the bus because there's always some foreigner speaking gibberish on the phone. A mile is nothing.
You can't drive the Rascal to the store today Bobby, the battery dun died and you been drinkin again, haven't you!
Vehicle wff stupid autocorrent
He also crossed state lines
Climate change caused this
I'm really confused that he walked that considering they said they seized his car there and it had explosives... was there another car? Is it both?
Clearly not the correct story after reading some news outlets and watching some new reports.

He clearly in the morning went and bought the 5foot ladder. Then he went to the gun store and bought 50 rounds of ammo. THEN he went to the Trump rally but didn't immediately go to the roof.

According to the reports he went into the security area with a rangefinder, was seen by multiple people with it and even the snipers saw him and reported him. He left the security area, got his ladder and the gun and climbed the building.

None of this is really out of the realm of imagination. It was clear he saw there was an opening where there wasn't anyone on a roof, since he was clearly checking roofs with his range finder.

People with conspiracy brains in this thread are brain dead.
The shooter even told his co-workers he'd be in the next day so one can assume he didnt have a plan, just some supplies and a vague idea. Then when he got there he saw and opportunity to make a martyr out of Trump and choked at last minute.

Pretty cut and dry situation.
That is the Amerilard dream
>really hot day
I see you don't live in the Southwest. 85F is vacation weather for us
They saw that ladder and thought you were a firefighter.
He halds explosives in he car
Don't be dumb. Every single lowes has cameras no matter where they are.
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Then this or even smaller. People would assume the ladder was for photography.
Why not both? Park at the home depot and walk the rest of the way to avoid checkpoints and long lines of traffic.
They've been doing that for years, which is why the chud phenotype is just the awkward teen phenotype
Nobody will explain the van to me kek
i would guess that an extending ladder wouldn't fit in a car, you'd need a truck as they're usually 6ft without extending
but to just carry it for a mile lol you would look like a fucking weirdo
You're right. It's still a heavy, awkward object to carry a mile even on its own.
Prove it. I do not believe you have this ladder as you would need no such thing in Eglin barracks and it also does not exist. This 40 foot aluminum ladder weighs over 70lbs.
You guys don't believe us when we tell you this country is really 50 countries rolled up into one. Where I live people walk to the grocery store all the time
Sounds like a rumor in the moment. If that were legit then the source would be a police report.
i can imagine the police checking each car while he walks behind them causally carrying a ladder and rifle over his shoulder
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I don’t know if you’re being purposely retarded or what but it took me 2 seconds to find this via street view of the same Home Depot. There’s at least 4 cameras just on the entrance facing the parking lot alone.
I'm being cheeky and poking fun at how the news very clearly makes it feel like there was more than one actor.
wellto be fair, probably not four minutes, but definately six on a bad day, and maybe five if i really pushed it. I dont think i ever broke four minutes, under five a couple times for sure. but thats not my point. a mile is fuck all. anyone in half decent shape can easily cover a mile.

people are also talking about how he couldnt carry 32 lbs a mile. thats fuck all too. I have portaged canoes that weighed twice as much through the bush for a couple miles, in shit weather. Ive climbed 10000' foot mountains with packs heavier then that. and Im no "superstar athelete" either. just a tree planter who likes rock climbing and mountaineering and paddling.

all im saying is it doesnt take an olympic athlete to carry 32 lbs a couple miles in under 30 minutes. totally doable.
>He was a ghost with very little to be found about him
His handlers pre-scrubbed everything so nothing could be found that might contradict the DeepState+MSM cover story.
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>Jill Biden: oh god what are we going to do?
>Kamala: someone quick get us an assassin!
>Zelensky: do not worry, cyka. I know just the man to call.
>Zelensky: Larry Fink. I need your best man. I need. Baba Yaga. I need Crooks.
>Larry Fink: Done.
>Obama: Ayo. The fuck you doing in here?
1 mile is 10 minutes at a brisk pace
I own 3 of those ladders. only 10' though. They aren't light, and they are unwieldy af. I could carry one a mile, but it would suck.
>I have a 40ft ladder that isn't even 20lbs
no you don't
They didn't mention make and model or anything that could be traced back to him.
The no plates thing with cops swarming the area sounds like a fucking joke.
Ah the Eglin AFB poster at this stage the only believable conspjracy is the CIA and FBI collulded and commites treason with the SS to kill Trump. It should be chair for all police abd all SS at the scence unless they provide evidence of this thorem and turn whistleblower.
Chuddy, you don't own a single ladder and you're telling me there's only ONE type of ladder in the entire world??? Get lost kid, you lost. You're not a home owner nor a fucking adult apparently. You have no idea what you're talking about
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Geez that would be like … a short walk home from the supermarket with a bag of shopping.
Nobody can do that. Nobody.
Pic: having a rest from his busy day doing Manchurian stuff before anyone could get to him to question him about his unnatural endurance or his ghost like assassin capabilities.
To be fair though - this whole thing glows like the sun.
People probably though he was some wageslave sent to fetch equipment for the rally. He might have had his gun in a bag or something.
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>the dangers of walkable cities
Supposedly the secret service were in the building he was shooting from the roof of. I would say the security was clown world tier and thats probably what happened. Guy strolls by with a rifle while some older boomer is harrased on the road because his tags are expired.
how is that relevant to anything dipshit
there was (and still is currently) a heat wave in that area
Statistically false.
Yeah I do chud. Keep lying to yourself to fit whatever narrative you want
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Well if he used the fire escape then they've got him. Assuming its even on.
>I've heard he actually moon walked all the way there
Authorities say moonwalking is also how Crooks escaped the Holocaust.
>Bomb-making materials were found inside the vehicle and home of the man suspected in the attempted assassination of former President Trump, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press (AP) on Sunday.
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i think he would have gone to the rally first and scoped it out, saw the vantage point, realized he couldnt get up there and then swung by home depot to get it. carrying a ladder for a mile isnt exactly unfeasible when you intend to die in about an hour. im not sure what the issue is here
You made it sound like he was walking through Death Valley. Heat wave? hahahaha
I hope you lads arw short squeezing these fucks GME DJT
Holy shit you'd almost think he lived there for 20 years, that's fucking wild how could he know where shit within 1 mile of his house is!?!?
Also fuck this glow site who doesn't let you post links and marks your posts as spam. If you still use 4chan in 2024, you're a fedloving cuck.
Not even mad, I'd hire him in a second, that's some "Go Getta" material right there.
Come suck my dick and I'll let you hold my ladder. I carry that thing one handed
Was the vehicle at the home?
anon that is a full sprint
The CIA, SS, and FBI committes treason, all SS agents and all police at the scene get the electric chair unless they turn whistleblower.
There is nothing cut and dry about this. The level of incompetence that happened that day doesn't exist. This wasn't a heavily populated city with structures everywhere. There were so few places the SS would need to scan, it's almost comical. He somehow ends up on the roof directly above 3 snipers nest in the windows of the building below him.
Remember, as of right now, there is really only evidence of 3 rounds hitting anything. The cops that went up the ladder but just turned tail and did nothing after he allegedly pointed a rifle at them. No one bothers to take trump off stage. People were screaming that he was there with a gun, on the roof for literal minutes and no action was taken. The fuckin BlackRock commercial alone, buddy..
C'mon son
i honestly believe you're made of cellulose.
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Here’s another one right near the 2 exits entering the lot.
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Simply post the ladder on a scale and there will be an end to the horror.
The last thing he heard was Campbell screaming.
>Snake.... Snake..... SNAAAAAKE.
>big and awkward
>no handles, just metal angles
>tends to swing causing torque
doesn’t sound like a lot of fun to lug for a mile, unless you can rig up a really good backpack- thing for it
This and the fact that he knew to bring the ladder sight unseen.
I'm not going to continue to play your little game chud. When you become a home owner and go buy ladders, then you'll realize I was right all along. Until then, just remember these words:Rent is due on the 1st
Does endlessly trying to claim "chud" on this berniebro faggot, help you cope mentally?

Just a mile.. in the morning, I walk 3 miles already..
You didn’t run shit. Plus the kid wasn’t from there. He lives some 200 miles away or some shit
There's a million better ways to take Trump out if you have the SS in the bag. All the conspiracies are brain dead on arrival. The simplest answers are usually correct.

The shooter was an incel that had school shooter potential. He was a right wing gun nut with 2nd amendment merch.
Him and his family are Trumpers. He's a registered Republican.

The only piece were missing is what could have influenced him to do it to Trump. It might be just proximity and clout. It could be something like how Alex Jones was literally talking about how good a Trump assassination would be for their party.
Alex Jones has talked about it multiple times, sometimes on his show, sometimes on Tweets.

Its not a stretch to think this incel came up with the same kind of thought process or heard about the idea somewhere like from Alex Jones.
Yes this can't just be incompetence if so it is really embarrassing.
I just weighed my 10' with a bathroom scale. Its a werner of some sort. 42lb.
nowhere near that much, theyre pretty light, painful to move but hey if you intend to die in an hour on a suicide mission im sure a moderate amount of discomfort isnt going to deter you
I think the answer we will find out is he was a schizo who had voices telling him to do it
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he could have just hid the ladder and rifle somewhere around the parameter before the rally started, grabbed them from that hiding place, and then took them both to the roof.
that would require alot of foresight and also luck in not getting caught by secret service, though. a setup is the most likely the most probable explanation for all of this. especially since the SS hesitated in taking him out and let him run amok for half an hour.
The ladder is 30

The 50 rounds maybe 3lbs
>Checks the footage.
>Its wiped every day.
Then again maybe they have that footage and it shows the weirdo with a ladder and that how they have this info.
That's a lie


21lbs and this isn't the same cheap shit ladder the shooter had
To be fair. Assuming this bullshit is true (its not, I hope), he could have had his AR broken down and in his back pack. Still retarded though.
The path leads behind other streets away from eyes. It was more than planned out
A shitty home depot ladder is like 10 pound of flimsy chink aluminum.
Why was the msm obsessed with a "strange van with no plates" for hours?
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don't forget the invisibilty cloak he was wearing to go unseen by everyone, except a redheaded lumberjack named greg, who apparently has 'the gift' and can penetrate the veil with his special orbs.
dude when i was twenty I was in great shape. played hockey all winter, soccer all summer. yes i could sprint for a mile. running flat out i could do it in under six minutes. 20 years old ... you should be in your prime. let me tell you im forty now, and it will never get easier. nowadays i doubt i could jog five miles ... maybe a mile in 15 minutes. i still work out a bit, and my job is physical, so im not just some lard ass, but Im nowhere near the shape i was in 20 years ago.
Trump does rallies constantly, its very rare for threats to actually come around these days as long as you get guns at the door.

A big issue for the military is complacency and clearly, the security was complacent. Which is obviously a sign of incompetence.

Thinking its a conspiracy, because incompetence caused by complacency is too much of a stretch. The simplest answers are usually correct. The SS probably thought the building the SWAT or Police in it was safe as long as its the operating area for them. Clearly they were wrong, Police are usually dog shit at everything so they over estimated rural PA police.
feds let an actual retard try and take out trump kek

you're not carrying a ladder like that on your back either
you are carrying it with your arms, for a mile
his skinny ass is not doing that
Fkn boomer, do you know how much 10lbs is??? Do you see that ladder on the side of the building??? Nobody cares about your made up ladders. Theres a pick of the ladder, how much do you think it weighs
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why was the perfect vantage pointed painted black?
>With a Ladder

If you put the rattling ladder on your shoulder and hang a squeegee and a blue bucket on the end of it and whistle a jolly tune, then you become effectively invisible.

I thought everyone knew this.
Yeah, he must have been a Mossad agent, redblooded yankees call an Uber for anything beyond a furlong.
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How to invade and defeat the USA:
>attack after 8pm when Joe is already sleeping
>walk and make their own infrastructure useless against you
How much of a twig boy are you that you can't carry a 12lb ladder??? Do your pushups son, you're weak
seething amerilards turning up their airco another notch!
This. Add one of those visibility jackets and you can go anywhere.
>special orbs
Nigga. mainpulative magic affects the soul so of course the ginger 'saw' right through it.
Look at the picture dumbass. >>474525853

The ladder you showed is extremely lightweight. Its a painter's ladder. The ladder that is shown in that pic is a fiberglass electricians ladder. A 12ft werner ladder of this type from home depot with 300lb capacity actually has its weight listed as 65 lb.
If the entire world teamed up and tried to invade America, you'd all be dead before you even left your house. We got space lasers that can turn your entire country into a chess board
Just to clarify, it was a 5 foot ladder not a 12 foot ladder. Typical right wing conspiracy sites exaggerate and lie. Doubt he even walked a mile. He just had to go to his car from the security area. Not walk from the store. /pol/ is gullible as fuck.
I’m guessing he scouted the area beforehand. Planted what he needed in the area hidden. Doubt he carried possessions a mile in the open. He could have come back a few times to the scene. This is my primary guess.

Another option is he was wearing a disguise that could have made him blend in with a ladder and have the rifle parted hidden beneath a jacket or in a backpack. This is the second option.

This. You can post links fren. I'm not sure what's happened

These fag's won't say anything about the vehicles. The news was obsessed with some mystery van for hours with no license plates, then I start reading it had Arizona plates...then I hear forget the van he drove a Hyundai sonata...now they won't even respond to these questions cause these kike feds are being paid to pretend to argue with eachother
anon you are insane for thinking anyone will believe you
>WAKE UP! you know the msm narrative is bullshit.

Alt-Right Commenters: "Shut Up, Shut Up! This is a win for Trump and American Unity!"
Dumbass here is the ladder in the picture


>Product Weight (lb.) 13.5 lb
read the pic, alleged, maybe it was just a random they kill for the photoshop or even ai generated
the red flag was they taking so long to release the name of the shooter, and there was a lot of threads already about the discrepancy about both in terms of face and head features, they probably kill this random zoomer for the whole thing as the incel narrative continues
a 5 foot ladder than extends to 12
do you even think about what you type?
a 5 foot fucking ladder?
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>it doesnt take an olympic athlete to carry 32 lbs a couple miles
Agree. Hunters pack in more shit than that all the time.
Boomer, your comprehension is ass. Im saying you don not own a 10lb ladder
Not the same ladder. Why have you still not btfo us all with your 40 foot graphene ladder by the way?
You have to go back. You are out of your mind trying to rationalize
>All the conspiracies are brain dead on arrival
and then willingly believing someone would sacrifice themselves for Trump.

No shit complacency is a thing, but this is the SS--not a trivial organization, not enlisted Army grunts, etc.

You stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh, I see. Thanks for stopping by to take a shit, remember to wipe and wash your hands before you get back to work.
>Link provided clearly shows the ladder weighs that much, tries to be edgy and call older people than him boomers because he can't face the fact he is wrong
What fucking 5 foot ladder extends to 12 feet? Does it fold on itself multiple times? At most you'd get a 10 foot ladder, but not even that. I have like 3 5 foot ladders in my house right now, none of them are the extending kind, all just stand on their own. They're small and light as fuck.
you're not wrong
it's just imagining his skinny ass carrying a 12 foot ladder a mile does not reflect my experience with carrying similar ladders around the house
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Looks like one of these so 24 pounds.

Blind retard. Can you not count the steps

These weight numbers on home depot's site make no sense. That isn't a 13lb ladder though, the leaf is right, its a 50lb ladder. No bs I weighed one of mine at 42lb. Anybody that moves one of these around would know it isn't 13 lb.
No ladder, airman? How about your fursuit?
dumbass pajeet cant count steps
i have one in my garage is 6ft and extends to 12 or 15
it slides down into itself, but there are other types
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would have been more cinematic if he had used a grappling hook, and did the bat-climb up the side like batman and robin
Again, there were WAY too many people here who dropped th ball if that's true to be possible, and this whole "not a lot of threats these days, buddy" thing is not even close to true. Trump has already had multiple attempts on his life. He's the most divisive figure in American politics and everyone there knows it. If this is "complacency" every single person there should be fired immediately, but that's not happening. This kid was a patsy. Every roadblock they set up for trump has failed. Couldn't bankrupt him, joe biden is DONE . Kamala is toxic sludge and not even most black women would vote for her. And they knew there last chance at prosecution was failing the next day with the court ruling. This was it. It was all they had left. The Democrats are in shambles and terrified trump is gonna win. And they wont let it happen. They're still going to do this again. You know that. It's all they have left
>Yeah I do chud
Nope, you don't.
a 7ft one might weigh 10-13lbs
a 12ft one no way, and it would be awkward as fuck to carry
your right it makes no sense
That math doesn't add up, if it's 6 feet not extended to get to over 12 feet, it would have to some extra extending part on it. When you unextend the ladder, it should be 6 feet but double the thickness, when you extend it it should go to about 11 feet, considering they usually latch onto at least the very top bracket where it'd lose maybe a foot. The physics for this don't make sense without an extra length that folds.
>but that's not happening.
Ofc not. When has biden fired anyone for fucking up? Trump asked this in the debate. No one is ever held accountable for their failure in the government now. Thats why they shill for joe.
>What fucking 5 foot ladder extends to 12 feet?
any small ladder made entirely out of foreskins. if you rub it vigorously, for a certain amount of time, it extends to 12'. sometimes higher.
you need to be at least 18 to post here

Waiting for the boomer to post his 10lb 50ft ladder w/ time stamp
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The only thing I've had to think about is why he would do it. You people are the ones going out of your minds trying to find conspiracy where there isn't any. Can't people just be fucking stupid?

I've been in some highly technical military situation where we had a lot of training, we knew everything we had to do like instincts, and people still fuck up because people are stupid and incompetent. Especially people who think they're hot shit.

We watched his SS team get him into the car, one of the agents couldnt even get their gun back into their holster. These are the A team of SS. Those guys are with the actual president. This is like B or C team. Maybe a better team than Obamas since Obama doesnt do much. But still not their best and brightest.
Ur gay If you think the assassination attempt of a President isn't a conspiracy
This clown would have to have more luck than trump to make it to where he did if there wasn't an effort to help him.
So its not a 6 foot ladder, its an 8 foot ladder. The description says it goes to 15 feet maximum despite being 16 feet. You know why? Because ladder like that have to have at least one step to hold the other half of the ladder. Also count the gaps, those are about 1 foot each, and there are 8 of them.
Welcome to the world of ladder dib shit.
>drive to rally
>scope out spot
>check in with SWAT snipers to say hello
>sees he needs a ladder to get up
>drive around the corner to home depot
>ladder won't fit in car
>decide to walk the mile back to the rally
It's plausible I guess.
Those collapsabkes ones are like 300 bucks and weigh 31 lbs. I have one, it’s amazing for a compact car
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>you are carrying it with your arms
You've obviously never paid attention to anyone who works for a living.
that's his blood running down the slanted roof dingus
Why walk with the gun, did he have the gun in home depot. Os ops story even real
we just used nylon rope to do the same thing where i worked. just make a trucker's knot e-z-p-z
Nigger, HE . DID . NOT . DO . THAT. just because theres a simplistic way to do any and everything. We're focusing on how he actually did them
Top kek, walking is like a 404 to mutts
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>What fucking 5 foot ladder extends to 12 feet?
Are you a woman?
Have you never carried a ladder? They're easy as fuck to carry. It was a 5 foot ladder, this isn't rocket science and its not made of steel. You can one hand carry it if you're a child.

The issue with all of this is just motive, not how he actually carried a ladder or a gun? You just carry them, like a fucking person does. Hes 20 years old, hes perfectly healthy enough to walk with a ladder and a gun. We got skinny fucks like him rucking in the Georgia mountains with 60 pounds on their backs right now.
>Why walk with the gun,
He probay didn't expect to walk back. He wasn't going to leave the gun unattended at the rally.
>did he have the gun in home depot.
Probably left it in the car.
>Os ops story even real
Nothing is real. Why start caring now?
>it was a 5 foot ladder
Stopped reading there. Literally picture of it ITT
You're right, and the company that stands to lose the biggest contracting job since iraq also put the shooter in their video by complete coincidence. Just a big giant coincidence. They scout people like this kid for a very long time. Was tim McVeigh still in the military after he was allegedly discharged? Because there is footage of him on base in fatigues after the date he was supposed to be out. You're basically saying that no conspiracy has ever taken place in this country and therefore can't
Is that a 5 foot ladder? Doesn't look like 5 feet to me. Looks like a 12 foot folded ladder. Count the gaps, its a 12 foot ladder. Not a 5 foot ladder.
this is crazy. Even if this whole thing wasn't fake and gay, there's literally no damage to Chumps' ear, and Im saying this from a person that actually liikes the guy and considered him the rightful King since 2020, he's obviously changed since then with one major character trait I've only ever spotted in one other Human, Hillary Clinton. Its this subtle but religiously persistent part of her personality that defines her character as a whole. Its not quite hubris but it betrays a peculiar way in which she thinks of herself as being better, smarter and entitled to facts that the people who vote for her are too dumb, unstable and primitive to process for themselves. SHe literally stands up and gives speaches to the smartest people in the country and talks down to them as if they're a dumber subspecies. I guess the idea that the really smart and highly educated class that align themselves to her and her party are too proud and were treated too well and educated and paid by the same people who align to their politics and they could never be lied to or mislead like that. boy, are they so fucking wrong. Now, Trump is personifying that exact same character trait. This has been a rant and not the crazy thing i first mentioned. count...
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>HE . DID . NOT . DO . THAT.
They make actual shoulder pad.
A folded towel works almost as well.
The crazy thing about this fake and gay event, is that even if he WASNT given the God codes to magically evade all LEO and SS to get to the roof, what would happen if you had 10 men assault an event like that? These people are so absorbed with putting on a show, would they even be able to stop 10 well armed combatants equipped with long range weapons, explosives, body armor and vehicles? I'm not a military person but all these events of lone wolves or even 2 or 3 untrained, lightly armed individuals do a fuck ton of damage. why is it so unheard of to have groups of hitters 10 or even 20 deep? Why does the american public keep getting buttfucked by these bankers? The Jews stop at n othing to seize power. Just look at mexico and the 180+ assassinations to get their first Jew president
That ladder is half the size, NEET
Conspiracy means 2 or more people. This was a lone wolf, soup brain
Yeah, they recruited the guy who was kicked off the school shooting team to assassinate the president, because he's just such a good fucking shot.

If you're going to do something, you do it right. This kid isn't the guy to do it right.
>rightful King since 2016
it's dangerous and impossible to walk that far in a lot of the us, you will have to walk in the road
You don't know if thats the ladder. Looks like a google image of a location that mildly looks like the location.
Google maps isn't updated that often, the shooters ladder wouldn't be there still.
News sources all say it was a 5 foot ladder.
When you make the iceberg for youtube, don't leave out the guy on a Harley wearing black skinny jeans wearing a Gadsden flag who walked into the police command center and left the door open. You haven't heard about him? That's why he's at the bottom of the iceberg.
Thats not even a 12 foot ladder. 9-10 feet at most. Looks like a google maps image with the distortion of the building and trees. Clearly not the same ladder.
>23 posts by this eglin Air Force Base ladder salesman
Well bro you're so passionate about ladders tell me more about your magic ladder. I hear they make hollow ladders that are actually lighter than air.
This is true, buttttt . i haven't seen any proof of this tiny ladder that got this weak chid onto a 12ft roof
You sound like you dont own a home w/ a 6lb 41ft ladder. GG'z chud
Git gud, i guess
11 posts and still retarded enough to claim the ladder was not the ladder clearly shown in the picture. It's a giant 12 foot folding fiberglass ladder.
You're clearly wasting people's time or have never had a job

building was owned by black rock
they sold it just before the shooting
Hes a 20 year old, not a child. I was a skinny weak dude at that age and I'm short as fuck. I've climbed taller things without a ladder.

Hell at 15 I climbed an apartment building to the second floor when I had 2 broken arms. Climbing at a young age isn't hard. If it was a 12 foot ladder, which it wasn't, the police officer wouldn't have struggled so hard to get onto the building after him.

Clearly the ladder was too short for some fat cop to make it onto the roof.
That kid wasn't there to take that shot. He was there to die. That was it. They Arlington roaded him as soon as the sniper below him took his shot.
It's not the ladder in the picture, that's clearly google maps, that's clearly not a 12 foot ladder. We don't even know if thats the correct building. All MAJOR news outlets say it was a 5 foot ladder. The rag the OP got the info from is clearly wrong and just trying to get people to be conspiracy brained.
Nah, ur gay. That's definitely the building

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