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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This was not a nice thing to say to them in the middle of Ramadan
>stop noticing
The caliphate of greater London is going to send an angry letter.
Countries with sharia courts keep you hands up
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he seems to really enjoy pissing off europeans
good news Taiwan, you are safe now
Blitz the Brits
Failing to see the lie
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Vance better be careful when he does a state visit to fishandchipsistan.
the yids will arrest him for being mean to the muzzoids and committing the hate speech.
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oh shit the caliphate of Britain is about to get the bomb everybody duck and roll lmfao
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Nice try Hindu shitskin rape rat. We can literally see the inbred Hindu rape rat Rishi Sunak having taken over. This is another poos law: the more Hindu shitskin rape rats have taken over and destroyed a country, the more you'll see Hindu rape rats larping as whites on /pol/ and saying its ackshually Muslims who took over.

The UK would still be civilized and white if it was actually taken over by Muslims, but we all know its been taken over by Hindu shitskin rape rats like you. Muslims build Dubai, Hindu rape rats produce only rape, filth, and savagery. That's why countries with more Muslim immigrants (France, Sweden, Germany) are still top tier countries, and countries with more Hindu rape rats (everywhere else) are completely destroyed by Hindu infestation.
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Remember, all these Hindu shitskin rape rats posting from our countries, larping as whites is a reminder that we are not killing enough of these Hindu rape rats. They are desperate to lie about Muslim aryan chads because they know by all rights, we should be having daily Hindu temple shootings to drive back the Hindu cockroaches. Every post you see here is a reminder to exterminate these filthy Hindu rats wherever you see them. Keep posting these brownpills until based chads start doing what needs to be done.
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he really likes Hungary though
this might just be because he is always hungry
Because he is a kike
I hate JD Vance for being a poomixer, but yeah England is obviously an Islamist country. They lit of Trafalgar Square for Ramadan.
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It was a funny comment, but Vance's own wife is a street shitter and his kids are mutts, so he has no room to talk.
Fucks a pajeet
Insults the Caliphate of Londonistan during the holiest days of Ashoura.
>Sunni dog!
England is awful these days, especially London, but I don't see how Vance can act superior when his own country is less white AND his wife and children aren't Christian.
Vance and his spirit guide
Maybe he thought she was a tanned cherokee
I hate that neocon faggot, but he was completely right about Bongonistan.
JD Vance has the look of a guy who lets his pajeet wife pump his ass with a strap-on
lel, thanks mutts, now I've got to hear the kike news media here kvetching about this 24/7 and unironically telling us how diversity is our strength and shit.
We're not an Islamist country, that's just an offensive thing to say. he shouldn't say such things, Inshallah!
This post will get buried because people are too busy showcasing their r*dditor cleverness
But take a closer look at the anxiety people have here and it’s all demographic at its root
Vance is talking about the Orban policies where women with 4+ kids pay no income tax anymore
This isn’t a subsidy but a tax refund so pointless minorities who don’t pay taxes anyway wouldn’t benefit
If white people in Australia, the UK, Germany, France, the US and Sweden were having 6+ kids per family, I could basically forget about politics forever
In fact, white birth rates is the only thing I care about
Ultra high white birth rates solve any concerns I have about the future
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>Senator from Ohio
>Doesn't live in Ohio
>Calls himself James Daniel Vance
>Real name is actually James Donald Bowman
>Says he hates the Left and makes fun of them on twitter
>Takes money from, and parties with, Ultra Leftwing Jewish orgs that openly hate Whites
I dunno fellas, it almost seems like he's not who the media wants you to think he is.
it is tho
is that refutable?
isn't ramadan over
I’m surprised he’s in Alexandria
Ashburn are where all the pajeets are
Leesburg is nicer than Del Ray
Better schools, and everyone knows everyone
Had a small town feel to it
>muh high white birth rates
The white “people” with the higher birth rates are literal scum gradually increasing the percentage of dumb parasites

We need a literal eugenics program because our lands are looking like idiocracy even if you ignore the brown people and their effects
Which anti white Jewish orgs does he take money from? ADL?
why doesn't he talk about canada basically becoming new india, or rishi sunak being the pm of the uk, or the indian sikh benediction at the rnc where it was declared "waheguru" created america? is it because of his literal indian wife and kids? it looks to me like it's kikes and their indian middle management puppets taking over.
The sort of eugenics you described is what you end up with if you cut taxes for women with 4+ kids
A program like that wouldn’t benefit niggers and it wouldn’t benefit chavs either
It’s a system to counter idiocracy
When a country stops having kids in the aggregate, it stops having a stake in the future
I was in the countryside in Italy a few years ago with my newborn son and it was like Children of Men
All the Nonas swamped us and our hosts mother took ownership of my son for the trips duration
It was sad to see an aging people with so much yearning for rebirth but no vitality left in practice
>B-B-But the special rewationswip
I fucking hate British politicians so much, stop sucking Americas cock, they dont even like you. I'd rather ally with china in the next 30 years than that cancerous shithole.
Maybe we can have him for prime minister
>high white birth rates is all I care about
I hope you live to see your pathetic white race betray you daily
Imagine having loyalty to an arbitrary race.
>pajeet lover as bong PM

It checks out.
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it's all over boris has converted
KeK okay I like him now
When you get rekt, you get rekt
It's not their fault. Modernity has taught women that having children is damaging. And it's been done to ensure the temporary growth of the workforce.
Well shit. Who will they send then? Trump is banned from entering. Kek
Bongistan once again on the wrong side of history.
Nuclear armed Islamist contry. Use the full quote.
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>Children of Men
> I hope you live to see your pathetic white race betray you daily
Races stick together
If you ever face regional scarcity you better have a tribe that has your back
You may not have racial loyalty but you might recognize the utility of in group preference when you’re the odd man out
Jesus Christ I forgot what fucking bitter, negative energy vampires hid out on this board.
Are you a Muslim or a fed on a vpn?
You’re right. Women should stay in the home. But absent that, the sort of women who are of good stock and productive should be rewarded handsomely if they create offspring in sufficient numbers
Are they saying UK is not an Islamist country?

But is UK really a country?
What about England? Is it a country?
What about Great Britain? Is it also a country?
What are they so mad about?
What's wrong with being a Muslim country?
A bit bigoted, no?
The yids aren’t in control there anymore
All of Europe fell out of the Jewish frying pan and into the Islamic fire
Because they know they have Europe on a leash and the cucks here will do anything to keep the US in Europe even if ultimately all they are doing is weakening Europe with their own money. Much like Bibi who keeps on insulting Biden and Bidens response is to suck him off harder.
>less white
Europoors aren't and never will be white.
The only white people in existence live in America or in American colonial islands.
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>Europoors aren't and never will be white

Ok paco or Le 41% and dropping muttoid lol.
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This board was ground zero for evangelising southern protestants into catholics so we are in some way responsible for our wayward neoconservative bastard child, JD Vance-Bagaswati Nadoo imo
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>Which anti white Jewish orgs does he take money from? ADL?
Video from Pic Related

The only way you will ever get birth rates that high again is if you take away all women's rights and force them to have kids.
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good news bongs JD Vance is best friends with a Tory MP so he probably won't nuke you guys
another Indian he met at Yale
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>Woman talking
100 lashes for that whore!
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no wait that guy is a leaf he's definitely still nuking Britain
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>he's definitely still nuking Britain
All Starmer had to respond with is “What an odd thing to say”
How do anglicans defend their bullshit war against catholicism when they let this happen
uk here, ignore our politicians cause hes NOT WRONG.

KEEP noticing.
Hold a picture of Mohammed then you ginger slag.

Ah thats funny as fuck given that the Raynor bish just said all parts of the UK must take invaders!

Top kek! fuck the english parliament,time for Scotland to declare UDI
You have to understand, when he said that, he didn't mean to bash UK's racial demographics but the religion of those immigrants. If all those shitskins were hindu or christian, he wouldn't have a problem with that.
Why would you even vote for a politician who uses a pseudonym
Force the lying creature to do it - or just make an AI meme with her holding one, and put it on social media.
If anyone would ever nuke England, it's going to be England itself. Why would anyone waste a nuke? Nukes are expensive and England doesn't deserve that amount of money.
Not sure if this is real or not, however, in an effort to prove to the contrary, I found this:


The capital really has fallen (36% white British as of 2021).
He's safe from arrest by the unarmed british cops. Normal person on the street would be fucked hard by their legal system. Everyone in Britain is a political prisoner. Except they are allowed to go to Greggs and pay a TV fee.
I honestly don't know what is worse, the continuous push from multiple governments for the brown flood, or people of the country being kowtowed liberal faggots.
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Kings Speech just dropped
Jihad on Vance it is then
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KEK finally said what we're all thinking
so wait, they're saying it's NOT an Islamist country?
I am deeply offended
They have to pay though. No more free rides. If there aren't going to be foreign wars there will be foreign weapons contracts. I actually think Trump wants to sell weapons to Iran again.
You think anything like that gets discussed here? Christianity is dead in England. Bongs dropped it as soon as they could.
At least they're *slightly* less crazy about Israel. I mean kill sand niggers all you want but uh, make your own foreign policy and stop flooding the west with sand people to make it shitty for some reason. No, you do not build western civilization. Watt, Maxwell, and Tesla were not jews.
Good. Seethe in hell, you stupid, Mudslim, redcoat faggots
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Pretty much. And jeets blew up the "conservative" party, and now argue over the scraps.
Angela Rayner apparently told that lie and thus deeply offended you - now go do what you always do to people who offend you!
Oddly it was under the Conservative Party that immigration began accelerating under.
I went to my first school in what was once a very white part of London which I can only imagine now is basically an Islamified/negrified shithole in the space of around 45 years.
I spent the majority of my schooling in another area and watched the gradual African and West Indian hordes migrate in under Margaret Thatcher's terms as Prime Minister.
People like to claim it's Labour who are the pro-shitskin Party but it's the entire system that loves the idea of emulating America seemingly unaware that the racial changes in America have actually destroyed America and their country is now so divided that civil war is inevitable.
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who cares. vance is literally an indian shill. he's nikki haley's with more eyeliner. if you vote for him i guess get ready to get a indiax boiwife on the weedfarm.
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looks like Vance just bullied the caliph of ingerland into joining the arab league, which as far as I know only exists for the preservation of Israel?
That shit is hilarious. And correct. They didn't even have to build it.
All those Euro babies will be 99% brown
let these dogs fight
> point out reality
> women get upset
Every time.
lmao bongs got triggered over that fact.
Taiwan: computer chips and equipment

Ukraine: Cyka Blyat Goys

I know which export I prefer
>imagine being ass mad over the truth
fucking kek
>describe themselves as patriots
what's so wrong with being a patriot? i'd be one regardless of the side of the aisle i choose.
Well that may be true but it's not a thing a statesman should be saying, international diplomacy requires a level of professionalism above high school behaviour else you're just going to alienate your allies.
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uhhhh what?
>2 millionaires and a bureaucrat tell the bongs what is wrongthink
Well his high school sweetheart and wife is a hindutva, being the cuck that he is he just adopts whatever views she tells him to. Thats the point of picking him VP, same as the uncle ruckuses they had the Republicaj convention, they want to win the hindu vote and the black vote. They still don't understand they will never get this vote. If Hindus and Blacks are given the choice between voting for the OG non-white Democrat party and the newly non-white Republican party whose only difference is they want tax cuts for jewish corporations, there's no reason for them to choose the latter.
Ok I am calling based.
Doesn't pakistan have nukes?
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>The Mayor of London’s free, annual festival returns to the capital’s iconic Trafalgar Square
>The Mayor of London
Vance is right. The muslims are not opposed at any point or on any issue. Just total rollover. Its pathetic. I hate boomers and gen X so much.
Well he's not wrong is he?
Good, these whiny bitch politicians and journos could use some trolling.
It's also because Hungary actually built "the wall". This means the libshit arguments against it are refuted:
1, too expensive - if Hungary can pay for it, so can the US
2, it doesn't work - reduced border crossings by 93%
So libs will either have to admit they want to import brown people for the sake of importing brown people - thus proving the great replacement theory - or shut the hell up.
based, this VP seems alright
I like this guy
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The rare based leaf post
Why should we as American ands Australians give a singular fuck about Europe exactly?
I'm fucking tired of the euro worship. If anything we should be conquering them instead of letting muslims conquer them.
Euros mean nothing to me.
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apparently vance was groomed by thiel while at yale and then went and worked for him after Yale law so he's actually a silicon valley guy
thiel also paid for his senate run, not sure what this means but probably we're all getting palantir microchips
They need a Member of the White Community to talk about White Genocide in Britain.
Pakistan Britain, same thing
Are you guys still sinking ships coming over from africa or not
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>The UK would still be civilized and white if it was actually taken over by Muslims
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>>474536327 Not just Islam.
They need a White Expert from the White Community on to discuss White Genocide in England.
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Europeans not realizing they’re currently zoo animals and can’t defend themselves unless America pulls out. The American cream pie of Europe has been a disaster.
Why don’t Indians migrate to East Africa?
Italy was destroy by eastern meds lol
Whites/Jews don't own that country. They did migrate to South Africa when the British owned it.
>street defiler.
you know im ok with USA invading bongland over ukraine
Honestly it would be a liberation. Just fucking do it.
Technically the UK invented Pakistan so it's actually 2 Islamic nuclear states.
This poo fucking shabbos goy is growing on me
I'd love for this woman and her retard accent to be angry with me.
shouldn't they be happy he said that since it makes them "diverse"
the fuck!?

Britons, what in God's name are you smoking?
>Court Troon
Is that the modern equivalent of a court jester?
I hate both Isreal and Pakistan, or more like I don't care about their existence but trump and jd support jews and Isreal. Of course they'll be open, critical and loud about their opposition to that side, but you know....cause I hate both and I especially hate brown people in England I can say this is pretty based.
>marries a street shitter
>calls others brown
The ironing.
Just fine with funneling all that money to israel like a good little goy.
those two things are the same thing
can't say I care much about Gaza, so if you're mad about that you can fuck right off, not your personal army.
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>be muslim degenerate
>blame jews for degenerate muslim behaviour on 4chan
>get found out, people start showing how jews and muslims are the same
>start blaming hindus instead
So you don't dispute that Britain is Islamist, just the timing
>and “muslim aryan chads”
>and “countries with more muslim immigrants (France, Sweden, Germany) are still top tier countries”

The taqiyya is strong in this one.
Vance is his grandparents name, his father left to be a methhead
He changed his name to David to sound more Jewish
muslims have their own fan fiction version of God, it's not the same one, kind of like an off-brand version
very true
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Judaism is just as different. Not many people know how different the Torah is from the Old Testament.
>pic related
As one example: In the Jewish Torah Adam went around having sex with all the animals before their god created (first Illth who became a Demon and secondarily) Eve.
Who called for a person army? I'm put off by /pol/s willingness to overlook just how deep throated on israel he is, even compared to the norm. Fuck Abrahamists (you), covert and overt.
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Moreover, Islam at least respect the teaching of Jesus and respects Mary. While modern (Khazarian) Judaism is anti-Jesus Christ from at least the 9th century onward.
right thing, out of the 3 countries right now under pressure of being/ might be attacked, Taiwan is the most important
The truth hurts.
But silence kills.
None of them are important to us. Its more corporate military interventionism
islam doesn't know shit about christianity, it literally says christians believe in multiple gods, and think Jesus is a separate god, and that mary is a god. It's fucking fake garbage, and you only have to read their book to figure that out.
They think Allah likes them too.
Big mistake.
We have more Muslims and more Jews than UK. We are le' world model of multiculturalism done right!
I doubt there are more muslims in this country than in the UK or Europe.
He is a never trumper traitor. But Trump picked him to appease those people but they tried to kill him regardless.
I think you mean "in danger", who the hell wants to be the next project Ukraine
This was once Tower Hamlets:

It took literal centuries for Romans to give voting and landowning rights to any non Roman Italians. This is objectively wrong and stupid
indeed, the social war is largely ignored in discussions of Rome's history in general education. Arguably it's niche against the titanic backdrop of Rome's epoch, but important in understanding the evolution of Rome's culture and conception of rights and citizenship.
Europoors is the deadbeat older brother who mooches off his successful siblings who support him only out of a sake of familial duty.
The critical irony of a literal poo posting that shit is that when the Romans gave the minorities those equal rights, Rome completely disintegrated, collapsed and died several times before the Goths started to feel sorry for them and wiped the plate clean in 476 AD.
One of the primary reasons that you don't get taught much about Rome in school.
They'll teach you that Rome embraced diversity, but not what effect that had on the city or the empire within a century.
Can't out bantz the Vance
Soooooooo what are they mad about?
>Fury over words
>No Fury at an ex president getting shot at and almost causing a massive civil war leading to world wide conflict
>almost causing a massive civil war
That shit is almost a guarantee within the next decade anyways
The US isn't in Europe out of charity. The US is heavily involved in Europe mainly to prevent the political unification of Europe, because a unified Europe could be a real rival to the US. The US successfully prevented the Nazis from unifying Europe, then successfully prevented the Soviets from doing so. The reason a pullout from Europe is becoming a more seriously discussed topic in the US is because China's emergence as a rival to the US is making it meaningless. Meanwhile, the sprawling US empire is becoming too expensive to maintain compared to the benefit it provides, with rapidly mounting debt and increasing external pressures from multiple directions.
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Cool but they don't spit on Christians or use the law system to get rid of all Christian icons from public spaces.
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He's an Indian trying to claim Europe's historic empire would love the mass movement of Indians into Europe.
A snake wants to make a snake pit, wow.
"It's a good thing it is happening but a bad thing to say that it is happening"
your claims don't change the fact that their holy "divinely inspired" book is apparently uneducated
His father's name is Donald. He probably changed his middle for the same reason he changed his surname.
Oh ok that would make sense

See you in the sharia zone buddy
>he seems to really enjoy pissing off europeans
holy fucking based
You’re absolutely correct, and the anon is a liar! USA have 1% or less muslims.
Can you fucking imagine how funny it will be when in some 20 years time it's fucking bongs of all people who finally nuke Israel.
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This is one thing I don’t understand. If this guy is actually Christian, how could he possibly marry someone who is a hindu without her converting to Christ first? That doesn’t make any sense what so ever if you are a Believer. He must not actually be Christian, otherwise he must hate her and wish her to go to Hell, in which case, why did he marry her?
Russia should just go rogue and nuke Israel, lmao, they are fighting Israel not US when it comes to Ukraine.

Should've changed his name to Zachariah or Isaiah for more Jewish names.
Wow i fucking love it INDIA CENTURY
Indian wife demands hindu ceremony at GOP convention and now he shit talks Muslims in Britain KEK
Well maybe he is likable lol
Perhaps we should outlaw things like Sharia Law Courts and Underage Arranged Marriages then?
Lots of complaining from our media and politicians, but no-one actually saying he was wrong.
What can they possibly say? I mean just look at London ffs. Lol.
I agree, Taiwan is an actual nice place too
He has a poo wife. What are they crying about? Vance hates Mexicans and the poor, but loves jeets. Bongoloids would vote him in the first chance they got.
>UK is an islamist state
And they are trying to say it is not?>>474524276
>nooooo u should just keeping lying to us to protect our feewings
Fuck off. The truth hurts but it absolutely needs to be said. Retards like you are how we got into this situation.
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>oh shit the caliphate of Britain
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>Islam at least respect the teaching of Jesus and respects Mary

t.pic related
What precisely did Angela Rayner say?
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>This is one thing I don’t understand. If this guy is actually Christian, how could he possibly marry someone who is a hindu without her converting to Christ first?

There are things beyond your comprehension, mohammed!
Based Vance.
I) Without us you're nothing.

II) You've already conquer us

III) The muzzies are here because you fags want them to. They are the clearest proof that you conquered us.

IV) Yeah, please leave.
I'd like to see you justify that...
Taiwanese made most of my bike parts. Ukraine makes goyslop oil.
I mean he's not wrong in the sense the west being overrun by retarded shitskins. Uk is Islamic, USA is latin american, Canada is Indian/chink future battlefield and Australia is Chinese common wealth now. How is this even controversial to say anymore? Can't believe they've convinced everyone that national self interest is evil, fucking jew and golem trickery.
They are bad, look at rotherham. Jews are worse religiously.
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> Fury over Vance claiming UK is an Islamist country
>Ukraine makes goyslop oil.
Oil is pretty based.
Yeah it's rough.

But it actually says that schoolchildren in Britain are 73,9% white.

Tell me a state in America where the school children are 73,9% white.
Oh wait, I'll do it for you:

Data from 2019 to kids younger than 18:

The United States has eleven (11) States where white kids are 73% or more of all kids:

West Virgina (89%), Vermont (89%), Maine (88%);
New Hampshire (84%), Kentucky (78%), Montana (78%), Iowa (77%), Wyomiing (77%), Idaho (75%), North Dakota (75%);
And Utah (73%)

The kids living in those 11 States comprise 6% (SIX PERCENT) of all American kids - 73 million.

Only SIX PERCENT of kids in America live in States which are whiter than Britain.
Because he's a beta and a cuckold and not really a Christian at all.
American Niggerstan throwing words like its not the same
Wow cool, where's the one they made for Extreme Left Wing (XLW) Indicators and Warnings?
I mean truthfully America is Latin American these days and probably will never white again. If Russia falls the most powerful nations in the world will be run by chinks and beaners with nuclear weapons.
based fuck europe we are dead and gone since long go on without us burger bros
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Not that kind of oil, Dick Cheney.
>doesn't live in ohio
as an ohioan this shows me that he has some good sense
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This except the women are creaming and panting, preparing to be conquered.
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You need to report to your local mosques for prayer
Now go
>Lots of complaining from our media and politicians, but no-one actually saying he was wrong.

xD yeah they can all fuck off and fight their world war 3 nigger wars without white men desu
Our politicians want to 'throw them out'
We've had America and the Soviet Union as super powers for a long time.
Nothing can be worse than that.

With the parenthisis that America was almost functional during the Cold War and became much worse after it.
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