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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474546675
Ultra MAGA.
They call it The Lincoln Project because they want to do Trump like they did Lincoln
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>Won't be able to watch RNC with my boyfriend tonight
Oh well. At least I'll have my /ptg/ friends.
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Lmao your candidate can’t even make it up a stage without falling up the stairs.
How do we stop certain blue counties in swing states from cheating in November?
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>boyfriend doesn't want to come over
Doesn't surprise me considering you're short and bald.
lol Trump was falling asleep during night one of the RNC.
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>copium intake approaching terminal levels
I know one of the regulars moonlights as the joetrip to funpost and engagement b8
fess up, who is it
Who is the most attractive American politician?

I think it's AOC
You don't. It's over.
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/gtfkjqiswz

MO 8/6: YES
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes, yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

>tfw no pokegirl friend
nice thoughtful response
You sound like Destiny Cucktini.
Which is funny because he legitmately qualifies for dwarfism in my country.
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apparently that early nomination thing has fallen through https://x.com/aaronlarnavarro/status/1813567258951823718
>>474555576 thanks
Nah, he's dead ass serious.
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I rewatched a number of the speeches from last nigh. Lion Ted, the black women reincarnation from NYC, and (surprisingly) Rubio had some awesome speeches. I was surprised they didn't throw the Roman salutes with how passionate they were.
You caught us. It's rigged. We're gonna cheat. You can't win. Might as well stay home.
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Joebros, not like this...
I guess they are hoping he dies of old age between now and then
fucking lmao you magatards actually spend time listening to those jewish owned grifters??
>leftist doesn't understand the sublime experience of prayer.
It explains so much. You poor stunted fool.
It's pretty shameless that the Lincoln Project is still in business after all the crap they put their young male interns through, like at least Subway had the good sense to ditch Jared.
>Muh sky fairy
Grow up. Even Trump doesn't believe in that shit; he's just pandering to you.
Nate Cohn is calling you retarded.
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>I guess they are hoping he dies of old age between now and then
To be fair, there's like a 50/50 chance of that happening.
Shit taste. AOC is a 4/10 face and 7/10 body.
Pic related is Congresswoman Luna, who is a 8/10.
the thought has passed once or twice but the amount of effort it'd take to put up that kind of delusion on purpose would give me an aneurism
he seems to be slipping, the more time there is until the nomination, the more chances there are for Joe to prove his un-fitness. Of course, it probably doesn't matter now, and it could torpedo any futures for hopefuls like Witmer and Newsom, but donors and people fearing downticket races are likely looking for anything to salvage their current chances
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Now that Nikki Haley is on the Trump train, I feel bad for being mean about her
They made it up, Nate. That's the big secret.
If you are content to be meat, you will be meat.
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AWOO or die
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This is not the look of a man who thinks he's going to win.
Deep state shot Trump. He lived. So they told him he'll do what they say or they won't miss the next time.
So now we have this.
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i figured you deserved to hear this from me before it hits the wire and just explodes so im going to say it here: the reason you’r not hearing anything more about the shooters rifle is because they actually recovered the fragments of the bullets from the victims and they all had one thing in common:
>pure silver
the war between lycans and vampires that has been going on since the time of enoch has escalated and the vampires are feeling desperate enough that they went against ancient tradition and brought the war to the daytime.
the time is out of joint, and cursed spite that ever we were meant to set it right.
anyway, still voting lake (werebear) and trump (werewolf, hence the intense spamming of awoos), gm and nn frens
How would you look after a murder attempt?
She'll be fine.
>he scrambled both the hash AND the filename to hide his spam
lol. I love documenting this team of little freaks behind the trip
These people need to either 25th him or shut the fuck up. Biden is going to lose, he will embezzle most of his campaign funds on his way out, this is just how it's going to be. Don't like it? Don't donate.
I suppose it's possible, but my take is that time is on Biden's side. Ballots get printed up in August, September is when some states begin early voting. Congress and political types cannot act on a timetable like that, particularly when they all have other shit they need to be doing right now.
>donors and people fearing downticket races are likely looking for anything to salvage their current chances
I think if you replace him now, you turn off a lot of moderates
keeping him in turns off a lot of moderates

I think a lot of moderates stay home this election and this election comes down to motivated bases

we need to ballot harvest on the republican side or will get BTFO again
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lol lmao. women know their about to be thrown under the bus for being women in the secret service. like all women they are completely fucking useless. charge these dumb cunts with treason and execute them
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>cancel culture is bad unless we do it
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Trump is up in literally every single poll, what is this nigger on about?
>Luna said of the 2020 United States presidential election, "I believe that President Trump won that election, and I do believe that voter fraud occurred."
Due to this, she is not attractive
I think it's funny that Trump's biggest supporters hide behind meme flags. You're obviously not American, so what are you? Russian?
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How can a politician be this hot bros?
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Yes. Unironically.
What's the dwarf limit in your country? And can he get an assisted suicide for it?
Also don't forget that Biden is cripplingly senile
like all the women in the secret service. little midgets. they could guard Rubio.
>Republicans love cancel culture now
>He still believes this wasn't staged
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Jan 6th was a protest. Saying this makes faggots like Destiny seethe
>you can't hold us to the standards we set
>muh principled conservatism and such
Shill bros, glownigger bros, media bros, dem bros...why are you ignoring the assassination like it never happened? I find it interesting that the swamp is diving into a chance of "unity" since they failed to get Trump while shills, libs and social media crazies are upset because the shooter missed.

Care to explain yourselves? Didn't you assure /ptg/ that Trump would be in prison? Whatever happened to that?
your average trump hating leftoid is almost too pitiful to be angry at. Their seethe and desperate bitterness is palpable

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Palestinian children are being bombed with united states supplied bombs.
Most political models and consultants use other data such as in state party activity, campaign spending, social media engagement, etc, to weigh states. None of these metrics are good for Biden, so I'm also curious as to what data is being used to give Biden a bump when by all accounts he's circling the drain.
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are you serious? It's always groypers and discord fags using the memeflags
People lost their jobs and more for a fraction of what this goblin wrote. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.
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the open ragequits are the best
I think the race will ultimately still be close, it can't be treated like a sure thing since wounded as Biden may be, people/critters are at their most dangerous and unpredictable when backed into a corner
Trump is the anti-christ.
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Turnabout is fair play. Like Carson said, turn those "Rules for Radicals" back on the filthy Alinskyists.
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yep, sounds about right
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nobody feels anything at all for bird brain. she's a low iq cunt. establishment republicans are finished. they just need to be reminded every 2-4 years
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kys you retarded blackrock shill
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>reeeeee free and fair
>reeeee statistical black swan is accurate
> reeeee more votes than Obama
>reeeee lost all belkweather counties
>my socialist (aka roastie whore) with a butterface agrees with the mainstream media who control my brain shes so hot
Simp more and cope. 60% of America doesnt agree with you now, including 40% of dems who agree the last election was likely rigged.
Kek besides having nothing to do with which one is hotter. I enjoy your cope and salty tears. ;)
Here is another, vpn fag. Enjoy.
>Joe announced sweeping SCOTUS reforms
>SCOTUS approval is at an all-time low
>These reforms are overwhelmingly popular
Congrats on getting Joe re-elected, I guess.
Cancel culture in 2024 is lit. I can't wait for all these leftoid faggots to be begging for money under a bridge.
I keep watching that video of the assassination attempt and I'm amazed she didn't end up shooting wildly into the crowd or offing herself by looking down the barrel of her pistol. DEI has destroyed once great agencies.
Every other election model guy is looking at 538 and wondering how the hell they're raising Biden's chances when every poll has him down, and the guy running it just autistically describes how the model works when confronted about it. Nate Silver is really giving them hell about it, seeing as how that's supposed to be his old model.
It would be legal for student groups to toss Destiny into a canal to uphold the time honored tradition of dwergenwerpen.
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>deep inhaling sounds
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US Federal congress in 2060.
You fuckers better not run off on election night.
Actually yes.
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This is one of my favorite scenes from the manga/anime.
>Pieck ambushes Eren in front of Gabi
>draws a pistol on him
>"take your hands out of you pockets, Eren"
>"what if I don't?"
>"I pull the trigger, your brains splatter all over the floor. You won't have time to shift. I don't know what will happen."
>"Well I do know. You won't shoot. You can't kill the Founding Titan. If anything, you're supposed to shift and eat me alive, which you can't do."
>Eren just walks up to Pieck's pistol's barrel right up to his forehead and stares her down
>Pieck backs off because he's right
That's right. I'm fucking Eren Jaeger, bitch. I'm not playing games.
The election wasn't rigged, you just lost
>salty tears
You're the one crying about the last election being "rigged" when actually you just lost it
2.5 hours remaining
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You promised to kill yourself and live stream it, better figure out how you're gonna do it
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They have sent grandparents to jail for being at Stop the Steal. Fug off, niggerlips.
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Why would I? Watching Trump's historic landslide victory unfold in real time is going to be even better than 2016.
That won't happen because Joe isn't losing, Ivan.
Yep and contrast this with the cowards on J6 sheltering from unarmed women and crying about an insurrection.
They look so weak and pathetic now.
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Uh huh.
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Indeed, now have a sweet gif of it.
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>Trump is the anti-christ.
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>ad hominem instead of arguing the point
exactly what I'd expect from you people
We need to get Mrs. Vance on a squat routine and schedule a tit job.
You will see the lake of fire.
>biden won no fraud
Sure thing vpn homophile!
Enjoy your place alone and cope that no one believes you, we will just continue to point and laugh.
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>filename on top of it
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Was the assassination attempt against Trump the single biggest moment in American history since 9/11? I've thought about that a lot and I think so and the media is doing their best to downplay it because they know it's true too and hate that Trump has a truly iconic moment in American history. Am I wrong?
hell yes
harden your heart, deport them all
Are you in every thread desperately posting this? When their own polls place trump well above 270? Lmao
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>Many have expressed their desire for Tucker Carlson to become the Press Secretary in Trump administration.
It would be entertaining - every press conference would devolve into a shitstorm.
You are not wrong, Trump was anointed. (In the wrong blood)

Trump is the anti-christ.
>deporting 10-20 million people
to start with, and remember that this is the humane, centrist position. historically, these people would be worked to death, sent to penal colonies, or just thrown into mass graves
I'm sure it'll happen just like all the other times he promised SCOTUS reform and codifying Roe into law.
I kinda like this Nate Silver fag lately
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>He could still hear cackling in the distance.
Prove it
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>Joe isn't losing
>Narrotor: Joe is losing. BIGLY.
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It's on the short list.
Could you imagine? Lol
Blackrock tried to kill Trump, never forget
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I do what I can.
Nate Silver really hates Trump and wants Biden to win, but he also makes money on his accuracy, so he can't afford to huff copium.
lol lmao Ukraine is so fucked. TOTAL UKRAINE DEATH and defunding
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He ain't losing.
2.5 hours
Bring all the doc
We signing this bit TODAY
I'm trying to leave and not come back
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you can smell Democrat fear. why are they so afraid? oh yeah it's because I'm open carrying lol lmao
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How does it feel to live in a timeline that shouldn't exist?
>denies the call from Vice President Trump
You guys said he was based, but he is a traitor!
You won't laugh, you'll cry about how the last election was "rigged" when actually you lost it
Its because they all grew up getting participation trophies.
He's more useful outside he administration as a consultant and guide to establishing the 2028 succession plan.
I like to win and for my enemies to lose. By those principles nothing about this is hypocritical.
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I'm rather enjoying it tbdesu.
Based, now we must ensure taco bell wont hire her either.
I'm convinced the timeline was altered by people from a doomed future. Some impulse was sent back to make him turn his head.
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democrats so scared
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>Cope cope cope
Brush your teeth, Nigel.
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I would watch every press conference
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Exactly. Get fucked shitlib faggot.
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>trump is dukakis
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So Republicans are intentionally lying in polls saying they are voting for Biden?
Seems like a good idea in theory to keep boost Biden's numbers so he stays on the ballot and ensures a Trump victory
But is it low key risky?
so if joe is "winning" the polls now (according to your new favorite image from 538) then what does this say about his chances in november
It was Shinzo.
it proved yet again women are completely useless.
GHWB could actually put 2 sentences together without completely humiliating himself and anyone who supports him though.
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You're welcome everyone for me using steins;gate
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I mean, is that a war crime if the entire world just declared a war of extermination on his entire people? I feel like that's a just response to hearing that.
Side-bar: I think Slick Willy was the ultimate bad guy in the entire series. Without his speech and declaration of war against Paradis, Eren would have just lived in peace being Hobo Eren. Once he heard that declaration, then he decided to shift and eventually kill 80% of the world's population. Slick Willy was the bad guy all along in my headcanon.
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Is he universally popular worldwide?
Trump is not a hero but he does not fit the description of antichrist, of which there are more than one (1 John 2-18).
Antichrist will be extremely popular around the world, claim to be sent by God and to come in peace to help the poor, he will apoear to do miracles, but deny Christ is the Son of God and that Christ is the only path to heaven. Who is that?
The big antichrist of Revelations has not yet appeared. But Trump has none if these attributes.
Take your astroturf "im one of you goys" nonsense back to a moderated platform where you are safe. There are no Chistians in the US govt, and Biden literally endorses castration and mutilation of children as healthcare by rainbow cult fanatics. Pic very fucking related.
You're right, Dukakis was actually likable.
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An old friend intervened on his behalf...
I just don't see that happening. Why would he want the hassle? Idk he might do a short 3-6 term if offered just to spar with libshits and put them in their place a bit but truly I just don't see him wanting the stress.
I'm not coping at all. Biden won the last election. That's fact. Coming up with nonsense like claiming that election was "rigged" - that's cope, because it's not true.
It's too beneath tuck
Press secretaries are sacrificial
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>the media is doing their best to downplay it
Search engines are also scrubbing photo's of it from their image search as well.
They're not after me they are after -aack
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why won't they take all 16 booster shots?
niggerfaggot :^)
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Keeping up with the theme....
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>R-Red Georgia, Guys!
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women are so fucking useless. only with women would a sniper jack off for 30 minutes on a roof.
Hey ptg...
No one gives a shit if you own a gun moron. You and your room temp IQ comrades are pulling down America vecause you believe the first thing the news tells you. A lot more democrats are comfortable with guns than you think, they just dont make it their personality. Its a tool for emergencies.
Hey Stella...
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I'm going to open carry 2 guns today. so many women are going to cry and call the police.
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>C-congrats or whatever...
This is the most femboy passive aggression ever post their bussy
God decides what exists and doesn't, God decided we should be here.
And you are a Christian?
I'm as upset about the incident that happened Saturday as everyone here, but can we please stop peddling in conspiracy theories?
HEY NIGGER WOMEN. are you mad? pew pew.
If he was so popular, people wouldn't be giving up their own lives to try to kill him.
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Unfortunately for Dems, that is simply not a real option. They cannot pass over the brown woman or the intersectional wing of the party will mutiny. They're stuck with either her or Joe, and neither can defeat Trump at this point.
>this is the future you chose
This is both correct and why they will keep Biden
They can't justify replacing him with anyone but harris, and Harris does worse in the polls
Maybe they will kill joe off right before the election to give Harris a pity boost
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>takes an entire week off
>spams even more shamelessly
>has abandoned the tripcode entirely and refuses to put it back on
He isn't doing well, boys.
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Sure thing vpn fag! Im so concerned. Just outraged.
Are you wearing a mask right now? When does the next authoritarian lockdown, mail harvesting, forced vax, and astroturfed CIA/media driven BLM commie terrorist coup/insurrection begin this time?
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>Its a tool for emergencies.
Go fuck yourself. I don't need permission to use a gun in an emergency. I'll use it just for shits and giggles and there's nothing you can do to stop me. In fact, I'm finger fucking my desk pistol right now and I have a rock hard erection while doing so.
>Cukshot vs some rando shill
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>He doesn't know about the multiverse
Christfags ruin literally everything. The most annoying, obnoxious, screeching fucking faggots that shit up everything possible.
Eminem releasing "antichrist" the day before is pretty funny.
I thought it was staged though. I know you're desperate right now, but please make up your mind.
God owns the multiverse
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I rember the before times
Cry and gnash, sinnerman
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Since 9/11? Nah, that popped this country's cherry on jewish tricks. It was beyond huge.
This is also beyond huge, but far less shocking.
Trump's survival in the wake of the attempt, however, is big on a biblical scale. That's huge.
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this is the funniest scenario, since it's likely Biden won't be removed from office if he's snubbed from the nomination and will likely work extremely hard to sink the people that fucked him over with the few loyal dregs he still has. the infighting would be glorious
his brain is broken (or he's dead and it's a very, very dedicated imposter)
well a minute ago you were claiming it was fake! which one is it?
>or he's dead
He's too much of a coward to die. He'd rather just live with the suffering and hope he may one day get off on it.
He's too pathetic to kill himself.
Is it still a conspiracy theory when there is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting it?
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I'll pray for you
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Literally no one cares. They're back to political messaging on both sides.
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>those whefyus in that one game
nn, too hot today
This. I wonder what the cope on trump's fist is.
I was vaxxed 5 times now. I grew a second penis and now Im considering polygamy.
Im a an automated /pol/ user like you goys. Are you a Unitarian or just a Critical Theorist MAP?
>I'm as upset about the incident that happened Saturday as everyone here, but can we please stop peddling in conspiracy theories?
Conspiracy theory no more.
If you are really bored, make an account on reddit and seek out posts talking about inflation, the cost of living, etc. Reply to it with some boring sympathetic pleasantries, but end it with 'but hey, this is biden's economy' or 'well, that's biden's economy for you'.

Watch them blow a fucking fuse. it's hilarious.
I miss CSTT...
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Mark Hamil is being a retard as usual about Trump join in the dog pile on him
I am a Christian.
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I guarantee its gonna eventually come out he was raping kids too.
Thats a good photo. Whomever took that is a pro. Captures the moment and energy really well.
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All right, wafflenigger, you seem cool. When you make your way to the States, I'll give you first pick on which gun you want to shoot first. We'll go barbecue hot dogs and hamburgers at the range. I'll even buy some tannerite so we can blow some shit up.
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And now you have cuckservatives begging rightwingers to stop delivering consequences to the people who have spent the last decade saying "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences" while gleefully destroying our people's lives for saying absolutely anything they don't like. Fucking loserbrains.
that's a little weird though. What would be your reason? I think a lot of you folks think its some jewlery piece
point proven
>the side of "sedition hunters" is seething
they actually called their group "sedition hunters"
hundreds of people not only got cancelled they are in prison because of the "sedition hunters"
shouldnt the home depot lady feel relieved she got off so easy?
That kind of happens when you are living in a postmodern era where morality is replaced with hedonism.
It is absolutely surprising that right wing media is not absolutely frothing at the mouth calling for the left wing to denounce everything they said about Trump in the past near-decade.
Only thing I saw in response from the public was a 50-man march in Cali.
The schizo you're replying to tried to kill his own father.
He isn't a Christian and never capitalizes "God," "Jesus Christ," or anything else. He also never mentions the Holy Spirit.
That's one to filter. In fact filtering keywords is the best thing. He loves putting a hyphen between "anti" and "christ".
Are you a Christian under the Nicene Creed or are you a "christian" heretic apostate as in CoE, Unitarian, UMC, or some other rainbow variety.
Do you support BLM?
Perhaps you should reread your Bible, the entire Bible, and focus on the attributes of the antichrist.
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>I think a lot of you folks think its some jewlery piece
Know what I think? I think I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my own private property and you can stay mad when I do, faggot.
>>He doesn't know about the multiverse
Fuck multiverses, cringelords domain.
>God i hate this heat
I notice he stopped spamming that screencap of him promising to self-immolate if biden loses, probably knows he's going to have to pay up, maybe even before November if he gets snubbed of the nomination
I swear there was something about that group being directly funded/contracted by the FBI as well. these people deserve everything thrown back into their faces ten times over
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yes plz
Denouncing isn't the issue. They aren't releasing anything about the shooter, motive, weapon. It's all been looked over.
The way his schizo mind works, he'll insert his own imagination when it fits his retarded ideas better. Any attempt to help him will fall on deaf ears. Even if he starts to realize his idiocy he'll blink twice, praise satan, and go right back to his kikey lies. He's a lost cause of his own making.
Maybe. Seems likely. Dgaf really he is only bumping the thread so meh
they're not stealing bread
they're stealing tvs and looting small businesses
We've turned enough cheeks, now it's time to turn some tables.
Yeah been here long enough doesnt phase me. Im still having fun.
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Winning is when you lose
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Reminder that I am still baking.
He is a jailbird who thinks this thread is the reason why he got drunk and tried stabbing his own father.
Yep, I went through the exact same conversation you're having yesterday. Not worth your time. He needs professional help.
See how far you can whittle him down.
You still haven't said if you follow christ.
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Good. It will be fun. I love this shit.
Anthony cumia is still alive???
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Yeah, Willy did goof pretty hard, but at that point, the Rumbling was happening no matter what because Eren had already seen it happening in his future memories.
The fact any DEM keeps talking about a replacement this close to election day shows how bad the polling is for them.

No politician is their right mind would enter this race willingly. They would have to know it's a sure miss and their career would be toast.
when is trump speaking?
Tomorrow night.
>get precedent btfo by scotus
>get precedent btfo by scotus again
>get btfo by scotus on lawfare
I say this with more contempt than anything in the last 8 years:
does your broken mind honestly believe this will come to pass
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You didnt answer my question and since you brought all this up I dont need to.
Im a flesh popcycle and a user of these fine webs.
Who I am should bear no relevance to the ideas and is irrelevant. Focus on the ideas, not the man. Idgaf who you are. Ill just enjoy fucking your psyop.
Am I real? I could be a bot.
34-35 bongs
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What the fuck is that creature? That isn't a female
I know for a fact you will be the one worshiping the antichrist when it appears.
Its a tranny.
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thanks, fren
No problem.
And you will know better, I am sure.
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Bro is the psyop hawt?
I'm tryna fuk her until I disintegrate
He's so desperate, it's fucking hilarious. He said that it was staged >>474556936 and then said that it wasn't staged >>474559394 , all in the same thread.

JUST lol.
awfully defensive there bud, did I strike a chord your highness
Yes, mostly because you are outright retarded.
Please stop spitting in Christ's face, you Satanic kike.
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Which game has wheyfus?
turn the trip on, team joe :)
You guys seem very christ like, I should listen to you :P
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Yeah, but still. Eren just had to hear Slick Willy say it before he finally gave in to the inevitable. He knew he was Rumbling the world but just wished for some way to avoid it. Then Willy confirmed Eren's worst fears that he definitely was going to start the Rumbling.
That's one of my big things to Eren haters. He really didn't want to do it, but would if he had to and turns out; he had to. I personally don't blame him and I personally would have gone 100%. You can see the disappointment on Eren's face when Willy inevitably gave that declaration of war of extermination on Eldia. You could just see him internally sigh and be like "welp I guess we're doing this now" right before he shifts and kills Willy and all the diplomats watching the speech.
Nope. No chords struck and no hard feelings on my part. Just letting you know I'll do whatever the fuck I want and you can't do shit about it.
Xenoblade 2 obviously.
Joe is cocked and loaded
>kike calls a christian a kike to cause further confusion and division
its getting tiresome, lay off it goy
You should, you might save yourself from an eternity in unending agony.
Cooked and loaded
>He's high as hell
>Totally fried
>Drunk as shit too
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Just go portal hunting, dummy.
God bless you and keep you, may his son shine upon you.
Stop samefagging, kike.
Guys is trump peaking too early?
Where’s the pasta coomerpole? Is ukraine winning still?
Well yeah he was a Jedi, the prequels confirmed all Jedi are groomers.
Jesus told us to take up the sword, are you one of those progressive “feel good” Christians that probably go to mega churches to get scammed, or you are just ashitposter or a leftist pretending to be a Christian.
I dont want to do anything about it, I respect your rights honestly, I own a gun myself, I'm just pointing out its a little silly to parade around with it, like, why?
imagine being a Democrat sheriff dying over pizza because a tiny midget thinks white supremacy #1 threat. many such cases
My sword is the scriptures. The gospel of christ.

I'm a pacifist.
Mark Hamill fucks kids
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And that's why dudes bang your wife.
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>God decides for us.
We are granted Free Will.
We are the co-creators of this reality.
We decide.
God watches.
the vast majority of 4chan would as well if they could get away with it. Your point?
The DS pokemon gens had a bunch, like this Fighting type Gym Leader.
Biden will definitely win. People are only saying they will vote for him in the polls because they are disatisfied with Biden, but as election day gets closer they will think clearer and realise that as bad as the Democrats are, electing the retarded orange cheeto Hitler would destroy America forever. All currently undecideds and about 50% of current RFK supporters will also vote Biden. It will be a landslide and I eagerly await MAGApede tears.
They probably didn’t have anything remotely similar to the geneva convention, so nothing is a war crime in their world.
>what! multiple people have an IQ above 25 around me! They must be the same person
kek, dumbass
some pokemon game.
Does my capitalization cause you to stumble? Meaning are you going to disavow god because I didn't capitalize his name?

Do I need to for your sake or my own?
Eglin AFB / Troon detected back to >>>/k/ ope
Enraged. Not resigned. (((They))) sent him a message, "We may have fucked up this time, but we can still reach you. Do as you're told or die."
God still rewards us for choosing right by placing us in this nice timeline
What is Rick Wilson's problem?
Cloudfag is extra faggy today
I'm celibate.
Watching and waiting
>the McChristian continues to blaspheme
I’m serious. American Christian’s are hilarious. Closer to Muslims than real followers of Christ.
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>like, why?
Because I can.
It be a waste of a great man of his skill and caliber. He can do more than just that.
>We are the co-creators of this reality
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>You can see the disappointment on Eren's face when Willy inevitably gave that declaration of war of extermination on Eldia. You could just see him internally sigh and be like "welp I guess we're doing this now" right before he shifts and kills Willy and all the diplomats watching the speech
Arguably the best single page in the entire series. The only other one that equals it IMO is Yelena's intense orgasm when Zeke shows up and destroys the Marleyan blimps in Shiganshina in a single shot.
I can't believe the assassin used a giant rubber band, two big boulders, tied to a rope to create momentum and a giant magnet to help him guide towards the roof. Also the shooter had metal rollerskates.

How no one saw this or the giant ACME crate is colossal failure desu.
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lel. I don't know what it is about Yelena. I didn't really like her when reading the manga for the first time, but after a few rereads and rewatches of the anime, she's really grown on me. How she just blows that faggot's brains out when he's talking shit about Sasha in front of the jail cell makes me laugh every time.
>"sorry for his rudeness... anyways..."
Damn they big mad today.
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Holy Cow!
Those digits on that comment!
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Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed.
Sucks, doesn't it, libcuck? Do you see how shitty it is now? The only way to teach you aboslute shitbrain retards is to show you. Take it and tell yourself what you told republicans when you were doing it to them. What was it, "fuck around and find out"? Enjoy your own medicine, you dickless coward.
>I grew a second penis and now Im considering polygamy.
So, you're going to use your left hand too and duel wield?

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