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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are anti-Trumpers so extremist and violent?
based landscaper
How the fuck do all of these people who claim he was a loner and loser know so much about his political stance?

I didn't even know any of my classmates--let alone friends'--political stances in high school.
>giving browns a platform
Never met a never trump person in real life? There is no way to avoid knowing they hate trump.
Yeah but you likely went to school before rampant internet use was normalized. Things have changed A LOT in the past decade or two. More than most people can really comprehend.
Based beaner ruining the fake fbi 'no political motives' cover up narrative
That's my whole point

This change was ready, we worked for it hard as balls, b4 we knew that without it the world would sink into madness
I was lonely in high school and never said my political beliefs that much after some bitch tried to make me feel bad for voting conservative in the student vote mockup election.
Telling you now, his mom found out he was a Republican, brainwashed him to hate Trump to the point of thinking he needs to be killed to save democracy, and is now screaming at her husband “for not getting rid of that thing like I told you too reeeeeee.”
Meanwhile, poor lolbert dad. He tried. He knew there just was nothing right with that boy. He tried taking him hunting, tried to get him into sports, tried to get him a landscaping job to make a man of him.. but to no avail.
>he hated trump
>cant figure out the motive
because they're homophobic

the world changed and now being overt and pushy about your politics is trendy.
A pro Trump guy wouldn't mock a spic for liking Trump. He would be sucking his dick and offering the spic to fuck his girlfriend
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This just confirms that he was an accelerationist.

He was a suicidal loner and possible glownigger democrat jew asset maybe coerced, but if that's not the case then he was 100% literally just a lone wolf accelerationist from O9A or some other neo nazi telegram group.

How many people on /pol/ still call trump zion don after he pardoned niggers and his followers rot in jail.

Have you never been to highschool? You are forced to stay with the same people every single day in every class and eventually even if you're not friends you are acquainted and talk to them at least a couple times.
no, that dude is literally just retarded.

politics was always talked about in school, i assume they still do those fake elections or w/e and discuss the candidates in class

i remember being like one of two people in the class on the opposing side of Bill Clinton in the class debate
Sub-70 IQ here, but isnt a shooter responsible for an assassination attempt of donald trump motive clearly to kill donald trump? Like do they think he was coherenced into it?
Maybe they just knew so much about his political stance they realized he was a loser to be left alone.
>Try to shoot guy in head
>a particularly difficult person to shoot in the head
>”he may have been a difficult person to shoot in the head supporter”
Have you noticed anytime anyone snaps everyone who was around them has all these contradicting opinions of them? “He was a liberal” “he was definitely conservative” “he was always quiet and weird”
It’s like they’re only saying this NOW but no one has a clear picture of what the kid actually was loke
It sounds like he was a pissed off loser who drank the anti-Trump koolaid. Dude probably thought he was going to be captured and put on trial, probably dreaming about fangirl conjugal visits moments before the secret service domed him.
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>known Trump hater
>know it all
>implied beanbro was stupid for liking Drumpf because he was a beaner and Drumpf wanted all the beans to Goyaway
That little faggot was 100%, no, 200% a leftoid. Actblue as sure as he was shootin'.
They don’t. They’re just bullshitting for clout and their chance to get on tv and say something.
Unsurprisingly, it looks like none of you retards have actually watched the video. The beaner said Crooks hated all politicians (including Bernie and Hillary) and was suspected of making anonymous threats to shoot up his school. He was obviously a /pol/cel.
>How do they know ANYTHING about their classmates?
>IIIII didn't know anything about mine!!
Wow, that's great. You fucking retard.
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>Why are anti-Trumpers so extremist and violent?
So we're ignoring the whole storming the capitol thing?
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>know it all
These old classmates of his are 20 years old. They are college juniors. They probably are all radicalized liberals and many of them understand how important it is for the election for them to paint a picture of the shooter for Biden.

IMO the most fucked up people was the neighbor who I assume is still neighbors with the parents today.
The kid apparently had zero social media accounts, no friends, and just sat off in a lonely corner during lunch and recess breaks. Any of his peers claiming to know anything about him are entirely basing it on his appearance and filling in blanks with imagined encounters.
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This is getting ridiculous
>Crooks was a known Trump hater
hmmmm doesn't seem to match up with the evidence, what's this guy trying to hide?
I think this too, or they're glownigger coached.
What evidence is there aside from all of these contradicting statements from former classmates?
Dude in this OP literally says he was not a loner. Him and his little group of friends were all arrogant losers and outcasts but he wasn't a loner.
Because they are willing to fight for what they claim to believe in, unlike any republican out there who only relies on snitching, hypocrisy, smugness and outright lying to you.
>Hispanic classmate
Great interview, the Hispanic guy seems cool. I know this exact type of a person he describes and I fucking despise them.
Did you watch the video? He said he didn't like the choices which is a sentiment Democrats always express (none of these guys are good but the Democrats are the lesser of two evils and Trump is Hitler). I don't have a single Democrat friend who tells me why Biden is great, they all say the same shit. All are bad but Trump is the worst so vote the lesser of two evils. This guy was obviously a /leftypol/cel

Why would you post speculation in a thread that has a first hand witness to the guys political beliefs?

Other than you faggots being so desperate to avoid facing consequences for your years of rhetoric that just causd a presidential assassination attempt, and likely has other shooters actively plotting their move.
why do they need to identify this guy as 'hispanic'

why would you make a point of that
It's clear Morning Joe radicalized the shooter. Hence being pulled off the air the day after. The shooters sick parents put him on SSRIs and turned the TV to MSNBC .
It's like taking an ice cream scooper to one's brain.
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>How the fuck do all of these people who claim he was a loner and loser know so much about his political stance?
They didn't know him, they are kick streamer clout-chasers posing to know him to get on tv. They made it up.
His dad fucked a beanett . It's the American way.
if you watch the clip,
he didn't claim he was a loner.
he claimed he was part of a weirdo clique.
so, you know, a bunch of leftyfags.
Leftist do all those things though
Not necessarily. The objective was to assassinate, the “why” remains to be seen. It’s true that the “why” could simply be to kill a former president, however, that’s a grandiose motive for someone so young and there would likely have been signs or other indications of that.

It’s also entirely possible there is no discernible motive (albeit unlikely). Per usual the truth usually reveals itself between the extremes - he will have wanted to kill the president for some vaguely “realistic” reason, but that reason will edge on “we don’t really know”
The only democrats who hate Bernie are boomer centrists because they think he's too extreme. Stop coping.
It’s because people forgot that geeks
Are not isolated they’re geeks because they just like to talk to people that have something in common with them
They’re not depressed people
Geeks are geeks they’re smart at something useless and don’t get bullied they have a best friend or a few friends
Nerds are nerds they’re smart and bullied
Loners are loners they’re idiots that were probably raped and have no friends and can’t wait to get out of school to do gay shit
The dude was a big geek meaning he talked to everyone but probably only about what he likes and people didn’t want to talk about what he likes all the time
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>tries to blow trump's head off
>retarded leftist faggot asks where the evidence is that he hated Trump

It's absolutely fucking hilarious how retarded, panicked, and empty you faggots are.
Every single goddamn Democrat is a dumbfuck 15 year old retard.
He was probably that one kid that never shut the fuck up about it, used the topic in every conversation he could because he was boring as shit and thought he could attract women with it somehow with typical teenage mental gymnastics. "Lots of women online have TDS, maybe if I have TDS I'll get laid by these girls that can't even vote yet." Typical sperg behavior. I thought every school had a couple spazzes like that. No one ever knows the politics of normal people you're right, the fact that everyone knows his political stance shows he was not a normal kid.

Yes, but democrats have spent so many years gaslighting and pushing false claims about Trump that they need to try to make it anything other than a person THEY motivated to shoot Trump.

That's what's happening.

>threat to democracy
>MAGA is dangerous
>everyone who voted for Trump is a traitor.

You can't walk back that kind of rhetoric. And it's all based on lies they fabricated. They spent 3 + years exaggerating J6 and suggesting every Trump voter was involved in a terrorist attack.

They then drove a dozen+ men to suicide because of this stuff. Guys who if the tables were turned, never would have been gone after criminally for protesting.

So, they've racked up a body count, and they've just got a guy to take a shot at Trump which only missed because Trump turned his head slightly as the bullet was apparently in flight.

Literally every claim democrats have made about Trump is something they are guilty of.

And it's not just disengenuous chants of "hang mike pence" they tried to blow Trump's head off in 4k.

Think about what we would be doing right now... People would be laughing it up about pictures of Trump w\ his head blown off. And I think Alex Jones is right in that some of their planned false flags are meant as retaliation.

And we may never know any of the truth because they've gaslit people so hard that some MAGA dude may very well say fuck it, and take out some senators.

Aint nobody going to shoot Biden because we see he's already on death's door.
>trump hater
WOW! The story shifted
Spotted the sperg, lmao! You were the only one doing this talking in high school you fucking loser.
This generation is different. No one cared about politics when we grew up.
His parents were Trump supporters, had a MAGA flag and everything. He was a rebellious faggot. Can only imagine hearing that your son tried to murder your favorite president, would have to fuck with your head and cause all kinds of mixed emotions. At least if you were a leftist you could tell yourself that your child tried to do something you viewed as heroic.
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Nah, we just confirmed he puts his money where his mouth is.
>His parents were Trump supporters, had a MAGA flag and everything.
Wow, got any evidence or are you just here to make up obvious lies to make team blue look bad?
He was in highschool during covid when the country was locked down and every class was online. None of these fuckers knew him.

He said the shooter called him, a hispanic guy, stupid for supporting Trump due to media claims about Trump and mexicans.
Bernie’s a jew
They've been absorbing anti-trump propaganda from mainstream media sources since 2015 being told he was literally Hitler and wants to put gay people in camps.

This was inevitable
I hope they reopen the Joe murder case and arrest that bum live on the air.
The fact that Thomas Crooks' parents called the police should make it clear that they knew he was dangerous.

1) Trump coming in for a rally very close by.
2) Weirdo son takes off with the rilfle
3) Parents can't locate him, which means he wasn't answering his cell phone.

They knew he was a the "shooter" type. Had obviously had conversations with him wherein he made it clear he thought Trump was the devil.
Look at this midwit who views the whole world through a lens of left vs right lmao
His mom was a democrat and donated regularly to actblue, his dad was a lolbert.
>he was not a loner, he had a group
>he was not bullied
Everyone with common sense hates Bernie because two times he was cucked out by his own party and then endorsed the candidate who was the complete opposite of what he stood for. How are you this retarded?
who likely introduced him to the latest MKUltra recruitment officers, that then programmed him to do this.
>This just confirms that he was an accelerationist
>He was a suicidal loner
He had a group of friends, possibly bullies. Watch the video.
Our country was founded on violence. Every nation in the history of nations has been founded on violence. Neck yourself.
Motive: daddy issues. Fortunately the therapy he received has solved his problems.
I don't know how popular Bernie is now but I would assume he's too old to be relevant. This guy is recounting memories from like 2018 though. Bernie was still very popular back then.
>plot twist: Crooks was the 'my dad/while I sleep' poster and he wasn't lying
Their delusions are falling apart and the cognitive dissonance is too much to bear.
Was this confirmed? The fact the media isn't talking more about it (the $15 debunk) means he really did donated the $15 (most probably).
This guy is so based. Fuck the FBI. I am sure they're covering up for the DNC like a bunch of tranny faggots. I will never say anything bad about Hispanics ever again
You got PRANK'D
No 2016 since he said Hillary and note the spic focused on that time specifically. Didn't say anything about Biden who the shooter donated to act blue when he was inaugurated.
So he’s an INTJ autist.
Either very far right and hated having to share a candidate with a mexican or a lefty.
That's the thing that bothers me. If he had an alibi ready (shooting range iirc), why didn't he told his parents of the same alibi. It would make his alibi stronger.
His mom was a Democrat that poisoned his mind with tranny garbage. And his dad was a "based Libertarian", meaning, he just let his whore wife put shit ideas in their son's head. Just like Elon Musk
I know... I hate election season, the come but never leave.
LOL... would do the same for the lulz
Look at how many Tiktok followers that Trump has. Lots of young people care nowadays. Whether thats because of Trump Derangement Syndrome or if its because you love him.

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