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What is the most /pol/ approved laptop?
laptops are for women fags and redditors
When would anyone here ever need to be mobile?
one running linux
MacBook Pro Air
stfu normie
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What level of schizo you want?
Joke's on you. MacBook Pro Air does not exist.
a thread died for this
I don't think you can go wrong with "the current $500 DELL Laptop." I'd consider that that entry point if you want a snappy machine that can play indie/low-end games. If you really care about HIGH-END GAMING, just get a PC instead. I have a $500 DELL Laptop that I bought a couple of years ago and it's fantastic. I'm sure whatever they're selling nowadays at that price point is marginally better than what I own. (Ryzen 5 3450U, 8GB of ram, 256GB NVME SSD)
Microsoft Surface Total Mind Control Edish
mba wins for battery life. 8/256 is cell phone tier specs though, and getting those up to reasonable numbers puts you over double the cost of a comparable windows laptop
I want one of those fifteen pound linux laptops for paranoids.
All laptops are garbage.
Pi cyberdeck is the new master race.
Did bunny design that?
get a laptop that's light if it's for work or watching videos. use desktops for graphic intensive or computation/simulation intensive loads
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Trick question. /pol/ only approves of desktops meeting the following qualifications:
>A CPU manufactured before 2004
>No WiFi or Bluetooth
>Monitor with 640x480px resolution
>Running TempleOS
Anything else is normie-tier garbage.
What no cd rom?
You glow nigger!
Can templeOS even run on hardware now? Last I checked it was VM only.
old thinkpads from the 2000s?
i have some but just kept using my x230
i dont think privacy is possible and even if it is its not worth the trouble and their trillion dollar supercomputer will just break whatever encryption you use eventually
A desktop pc you built yourself. What are you a poor fag using a corporations shit computer, or coffee shop liberal stealing wifi as you sip your latte?
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uncle ted approved
whatever runs linux well.
preferably tails linux.
Liberté Linux, Whonix (Qubes virt), Kodachi in addition to Tails OS to keep shit out of glownigger logs.
+ coreboot
toshiba / dynabook. mine lasts 10 years
no tpi 2.0
>whatever runs linux well
Basically any laptop that isn’t chromebook or apple
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Toshiba > anything else
>tails linux
why the fuck would anyone daily tails os, if you are worried so much encrypt the drive and at failed atempts x, format it; if you are worried so much, add a nuke button too, but daily using tails os, lmao.
I bet you can make it work on those two aswell
>battery life
pointless, you'll always end up plugging it in anyway so you might as well just plug it in and keep the battery health for as long as possible
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8470p elitebook from 2012 ~40$
upgrade CPU to quadcore ~20$
upgrade ram to 16GB ~20$
replace dvd with hdd caddy+ 1TB - 2TB hdd ~30$
upgrade hdd to 1TB ssd ~ 50$
if autistic enough replace bios with libreboot because fuck glowniggers - no ME baby.
+ docking station to be really comfy ~20$
install /g/entoo or some other linux

all in for below 200$ you've got nice durable beast with about 2-3TB storage for memes and animu.
I need to replace my 9 years old laptop sooner or later.
I looked it up, and it seems nowadays all the laptops are either paper-thin bureautic or cringy "gamer" tanks with skulls and neon :(
I swear by my 2012 MBP, the trick is to never update, still works flawlessly
strong custom desktop is obviously the only choice for actually getting shit done, but I have a legion pro (upgraded to 4tb hdd & 64gb ram, i9, 4080 12g vram) from lenovo and it's pretty solid as a secondary/mobile workhorse
I have a nice msi laptop with a 2070 in it but I mainly only use it for Java minecraft though the gpu had plenty for more demanding games.
Yeah anything as long as you have an option in the bios to allow USB boot
why even get a laptop if you aren't going to leave your house
>daily using tails os, lmao
kek, might as well run suicide linux a that point
thinkpad x200
macbook pro from <2012
for in bed shitposting obviously faggot, if you ain't posting from your cozy four poster then you ain't giving it your best
plain gaming laptops exist, like legions.
Nitro 5 with pop os
Amazon special for $200
Works for most people browsing and watching videos
Is this upgradable?
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Thinkpad T420
Sandy Bridge, still very IBM-ish in its design and construction. Physical on/off toggle switch for all wireless communications. Pick one up for $150, throw a SSD in it and it's a million times better than some shitty $500 "new" ShartMart laptop.
Not to mention weed number lmao
I don't want a gaming laptop, though. I already have my desktop.
Do you know of a "normal" laptop with a disc drive and a numeric keypad?
15" macbook air
and people who make money
Or get a gaming laptop for gaming, mild on-the-go, and lightweight gfx stuff, a cheap notebook for long duration on-the-go stuff, and paperspace all heavy duty gfx work
Black satan meets none of those qualifications and I take offense to your whole post.
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iPad Pro
Pi-Top isn’t you’re stuck with pi4
CrowPi you can upgrade to pi5
don't see them anymore
This whole thread proves /pol/ after 2019 became reddit 2.0.
FFS you can get better answers on reddit these days.
There isnt one all tech is comped at HW level
reddit answer would be thinkpads or a gaming pc that lights itself on fire
>moooooom can you buy me a gaming laptop?
i pulled some dell inspiron something out of a dumpster around 2011. it was made pre 9-11. it was slow af so i put linux on it and it still works
gaming laptop*
surely you can just have a bluetooth numerical keypad, just the numerals
Anyone in this thread who doesn't say ThinkPad is a glowie or a tranny
I have one. It's a complete piece of shit, but i have stockholm syndrome.
13“ is more comfy
pre 2008 thinkpads are the closest thing
>having no space to work is comfy
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get a falcon northwest thinkpad
A thinkpad you buy anonymously with cash and never connect to your own internet connection.
You have to go pre 2006 the jewkipedia article is wrong as usual but wont correct it even when you show them primary sources refuting their shitty nigger articles
I have a 2011 MBP. Installed an SSD, can still add more ram if I want to as well. Great little machine.
wireless keeb and show on tv for that shit (if you have an LG tv you can root it and then get moonlight and remote to your desktop from anywhere in the house)
Used Dell laptops that I install Debian on work great and are super cheap. An i5 with 16+GB ram with an SSD is more than enough as a cheap usually laptop. If you shop around you can get one for less than $100
>Basically any laptop that isn’t chromebook or apple
good answer as well.
the thinkpad is the autists laptop of choice
>does serious work on a laptop

>SSD drive
Is that all you can get on laptops recently?
An SSD (Solid State Drive) is like a candle, it slowly and irreversibly runs down.It's really just a deluxe camera chip. 3 to 5 years of use, maybe 7.
A HHD (Hard Disk Drive) is like an oil lamp, Can renew itself as long as the glass and wick holder are intact.
6 to 8 years, maybe up to 10.
with a 15" it works, but barely. for my work anyway (web/crypto dev)
any smaller and it'd be pretty annoying. also I probably just wouldn't have a laptop at all of not for work. it's nice to get away from the desk or the house and work
T-thanks :(
>why the fuck would anyone daily tails os, if you are worried so much encrypt the drive and at failed atempts x, format it; if you are worried so much, add a nuke button too, but daily using tails os, lmao.
the big thing behind running something like tails is that between dns queries, your ip, your faith in criminal/jewish/compromised VPN that browser fingerprints are built with astonishing speed and accuracy.
but if you tails and reset every few hours and guard where and how you connect to the internet its much easier to become far less visible.
only a jew would want to mock people learning about tails and friends.
nuking the drive sounds like someone who hoards kiddie pron - the fingerprinting is the real problem for a lot more people.
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I like GPD a lot. I just changed the battery on my pocket 3 and it's just like new. They just updated the processor and increased the RAM for the same price. It's become my daily. A fren here recommended the brand to me and I'm glad I listened.
>78 replies
>ctrl+f 'thinkpad'
> 10 results
fuck you guys.
Wrong. SATA SSD of WD or Samsung quality last much longer than 3-5 for the average consumer, easy.
And when it comes to 2.5" laptop HDD's they actually have much lower life expectancy than what you think, which is more accurate of 3.5" HDDs for desktops.
2.5" HDDs have such small mechanical parts inside that they are more prone to malfunction than their 3.5" siblings.
I have 500gb WD blue 2.5" ssd in my home server running 24/7 since before my 5 year old child was conceived.
You never truly own a laptop, you are just using it until a black man steals it.
Any object slowly and irreversibly "runs down", for any hard drive that outlasts a modern ssd there are a thousand that will have failed sooner.
Putting a hard drive over an ssd in a laptop is like buying a lotto tricket instead of investing the money, you might win but the odds are overwhelmingly against you. The only reason anyone should buy a hard drive is more space at a lower cost, they're worse by every other metric including longevity.
T14s 7840U. That's pretty fucking good honestly. Or anything with an AMD x8xxU. Got myself one with 4800U for 400usd three years ago.
I make money on my pc, I dont need to be hustling while commuting with other negroes or flexing at HR cunts while sitting on bean bags.
I don't even need to leave my house to be honest, yet I can tend to my garden while the PC is on and the money pours right in.
Got a P1 75 MHz will just crack that beast out and play solitare on win95
Your brain is broken
You literally live to post “grr I don’t like thing”

Do you even know what you just said?
Mac. I’ve never seen people work that don’t own a Mac, all they do all the time is configuring their shitty WMs to post them on /g/. Most of them are trannies too. Chad uses macOS because it combine true Unix with a splendid user interface without having to worry about time consuming costumizations or compatibility issues because the current WiFi driver is not supported.
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I saw the backstory of this notebook on jewtube. Hilariously stupid.
>arrow keys all the same size
Well you had my curiosity but now you have my attention.
MSI titan on a regular sized laptop pad
nice. same here. so why not have the freedom to do that outside or in another room if you want to? i've never met someone who actually does work on their PC who sees no value in that. i'm sure some exist, but i've sure never met any
>splendid user interface
>t. Phonefag
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>track pad not centered on the space bar
That was short lived. Unusable.
laptops suck though, fren
>tfw he doesn't use a gamepad-tablet-pc like steamdeck
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Unpopular based choice: Any of the M1 macbooks. Air or pro, don't really matter.
Set it up with dual-boot with your OS of choice. There's Windows (of course), and I think Arch were the popular options when I last checked.
that is an incredibly common choice
ThinkPad P16 has a number pad.
I approve Celerons, pretty sure they don't have the Intel management engine back door built in.
based raspberry pi user
the fact this is the 6th post and not the 1st is the real tragedy here. as if there was any doubt whatsoever.
I can agree, but it sure as hell isn't on 4chan lol.
Also Devuan's debian-flavored but without systemd. It's like a secure Ubuntu.

Very low-fuss for a keeper laptop setup.
this is just contrarianism
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>preferably tails linux.
Okay Jason Bourne. Good luck out there!
Depends what you are doing. If you just need a computer and you are not playing games a laptop can make a perfectly acceptable desktop alternative connected to an external display. Comes with built in battery backup and if you need it to be portable it can be. I have used laptops as a desktop for years. Dell laptops have an option in the BIOS to set the state to mostly plugged into AC so having the laptop plugged in 24/7/365 as a desktop does not degrade the life of the battery
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always nice to see the jews and glowniggers come out when tails gets mentioned
the most based thing that can be done is browse and poast with no browser/dns/etc fingerprints.
only the glowniggers in the deep state would want to encourage people to keep their fingerprints online and mock the use of stateless instances that make tracking much harder for the internet jews/big tech/glowniggers, etc.
reviewbrah would want people to browse without fingerprints too.
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Lenovo Thinkpad x270
>Nooo chinese shit!
What are those tails you were talking about?
Nah, I have a thumb drive with Tails OS myself, I just don't see the point of running it as a daily. It's more of a novelty to have. I'd be less likely to use Tails than say Kali.
Tails is truly the "oh shit, my death might actually be imminent" type of OS.
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best keyboard
Brain flex the TSA and airport customs with this dope cyberdeck. Direct channel to the cock pit for when you have to tell the Boeing pilot how to turn of the auto pilot.
Cyberdeck master race:
Design files online.
100% and affordable replacement parts
I switched from 15“ to 13“ and barely notice a difference. Given I am mostly doing mails, meetings, writing and watching youtube on it. Code related stuff sucks for sure but i would just plug it to an external 4k for that. Anything serious i do on my pc anyway. As a main driver its not suitable i give you that.

> it's nice to get away from the desk or the house and work
Thats true, i just think the 13“ is a tad more portable and space efficient
A big ol bouncing ass
cellphone processor with no GPU and constant weird software incompatibility, literally zero ability to run any local machine learning - anyone buying apple is an idiot at this point
Just let them. It's natural selection.
most of /pol/ knows nothing about cyber security
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fair lol
old lenovo I guess, if you have anything trade marked installed I dont even know where to start.
>What is the most /pol/ approved laptop?
The one you can upgrade yourself with newer parts without bullshit from the manufacturer.
>just don't see the point of running it as a daily
do you just fap to porn and play vidya? makes sense
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/polsec/urity "Politically Incorrect side of Cybersecurity"

"Shit just got real": [ https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0 ]
Cybersecurity basics and armory: [ https://archive.is/7YW04 ]
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): [ https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw ]
/sec/ PDFs: [ https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA ]
Learning/News/CTFs: [ https://pastebin.com/WQhRYB59 ]
thegrugq OPSEC: [ https://grugq.github.io/ ]
#! sec guide [ https://archive.is/X9M2Q ]
EFF anti-surveillance [ https://ssd.eff.org/en ]
Newer Links
http://pastebin.com/raw/cRYvK4jb HACKBACK walkthrough
http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet Reverse shell cheat sheet
https://highon.coffee/blog/penetration-testing-tools-cheat-sheet/ Penetration testing cheat sheet
https://scund00r.com/all/oscp/2018/02/25/passing-oscp.html OSCP review and notes
https://0x00sec.org/t/real-penetration-tests-equalizers-and-dirty-tricks/5512 Dirty tricks for hacking
https://0x00sec.org/t/how-to-become-a-hacker-from-scratch-full-guide/13278 Hacker guide
International News
Dell or HP.
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Lenovo SUCKS
Your thoughts can be decoded at a distance with no wires. There is no cyber security.
Who cares, being on a computer is for faggots, me included right now.
except that they've gone to shit like everything else
Explain yourself.
IBM thinkpads
you're fat and disgusting
yes they are shit
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You think Im locked in here with you?

That's not a ThinkPad model. They're getting worse but their other product lines are 100% Chinese e-waste.
I call them niggers every day.
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Its called synthetic telepathy. Smartphones, computers etc have secret hardware that lets them monitor and analyze brain wave activity. Your router/modem can 3d scan your house. Security scans at airports are creating high quality 3d models of civilians for the governments digital simulation program. NVIDIA is the largest company because theyre running the hardware necessary for the global AI surveillance autonomous beast system.
>backdoored modern thinkpad
>still bothers to use encryption
Try University of Texas, semantic decoding.
Fuck laptops, they tend to over-heat and are practically disposable.
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look at this fucking shit
I am on a Acer Nitro laptop right now.
Lenovo is a shit brand and has the reliability of a European car.
They're still the least bad laptop keyboards if you need new specs.
No, They are pretty good for third worlders, and people who always travel. I agree desktop is better.
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nice list; recommend you add this one to the list too

>Secure Secure Shell
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>its the smallest penis im getting fucked by
I doubt all that.
>recognizes everything sucks
>thinks this is a solution
just kill yourself
/Thread ended here
no u
Thinkpad with as bright a screen as possible and socketed RAM. Newer is better but anything past the T480 series is good enough.
I heard VMware is riding off into the sunset.
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not really, but a few of my brain cells expired reading your poast
What makes Thinkpads better than other laptops?
I have a m1 air and I like it a lot. Only problem is no piracy for any useful software or games
Linux Support
Generally easy to open up and replace things

Older Lenovo Thinkpads
why a thinkpad?
I bought a gaming phone despite me never playing games on my phone
because it had the highest specs and would perform the best logically speaking

a thinkpad has terrible specs for the price
Check the apple patent on airpods that do exactly that.
u bought a gaming phone bro stfu

Maybe I will...
because the old thinkpads cant be instantly accessed by glowniggers
they also have better build quality than other brands
it has the highest specs
I have zero games in it
it never lags or slows down doing anything
also I easily stripped it of any bloat or spyware
>because the old thinkpads cant be instantly accessed by glowniggers
if it connects to the internet and runs an OS it can be hacked
since this place is glowie central id say
a google chromebook with all your accounts synched and linkd.
Build quality and ease of maintenance, plus parts availability.
Also decades of basically manufacturing stock, basic mainboards with little to no proprietary bullshit involved.
Because of that, software support is as ubiquitous and good as any homebuilt PC. They're perfect Linux faptops.

The T, X and P series Thinkpads are effectively still America-made. When Lenovo bought IBM's mobile division, they kept everything there.
You can do light gaming on them, most of these don't come with dedicated GPUs. They're mainly office and business computers.
Consequently they're heavenly to type on, compared with other laptops.

Lower end Thinkpads, don't bother. They're cheap Chinese market slot-ins, made in China, designed in China.
Nothing wrong with that, but if you buy one of those, you might as well buy a Yoga. There's nothing IBM ThinkPad about them. Completely different team.
people who have sex and are normal will say macbook. unfortunately no one here fits that requirement
Just use Qubes os with Whonix and separate your 'identities' online.
what about an old macbook
I could never get over macs being for normies, women and faggots
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thinkpad with linux
>what more could you want?
a desktop pc.
phone's enough for on the go
desktop is king when you're at home or at work.
except maybe those mixtures between a laptop and a tablet, with an inbuild touchscreen pen so you can take notes in a lecture in university without using shittons of paper, and directly writing into the pdf documents of a book or lecture script.
I can see that those have some degree of usefullness.
they only deploy those resources if you're genuinely doing some shit, if you're just casually posting on 4chan or whatever, good hardware and opsec is enough to dissuade most

There is a distinction here. Not just any regular lenovo thinkpads but older models that you can find on ebay. When it was still being manufactured by IBM they were built with magnesium roll cages and waterproof keyboards. They were a power tool built to do a mans job. Not to be a gay boys fashion accessory.
way too many iToddlers itt
probably normie niggers who got stuck with a provider kike scheme
good setup imho
man i liked those pre jewnovo laptops.
Your mom.
is being a mkultra schizo enough for them?
all i do is play games browse /pol/ and test os's on virtualbox
TVs are for normies, wouldn't have one in the house and wouldn't buy a loicence even if I did
>if you are worried so much encrypt the drive and at failed atempts x, format it;
Doesn't do anything. Before any attempts at cracking it, law enforcement clones the drive, so all that would do is make them load a fresh copy. Good for a random non-government theft perhaps.

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