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Something isn’t adding up. 2 weeks ago an anonymous poster on /x/ talked about an assassination on the 13th of July. He also uploaded a photo saying “Thomas was alone” and a figure on a rooftop


Need you niggas to confirm. This is all just too suspicious to dismiss
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why did none of the bystanders go up on the roof and stop him themself?
>random dates posted every day predicted something two weeks ago
i forgot /pol/ is full of senile boomers now
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Time traveler.
Giving Trump a heads up
Why didn't they pull out their own guns to stop the shooter. MAGA country has failed us.
What do the eyes mean?
that youre faggot
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I'm listening carefully with my right ear
Tongue my anus then
Why didn't they just shoot the gun out of his hand?
Yeah why didn’t they shove guns up their assholes and aim it at the low T shooter
This is the one person in the world that can actually remote view and is not larping.
>57 is the trip
>57 in heeb gematria:
>La Bamba

>57 in simple gematria
>Gemini (technically still the season, sidereal chart)
>Ice cream
>Abracadabra (means "I am that I am", manifestation magic, timeline shifting)
>I am free
The enemy cannot fire when you disable his hand
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It's a danish schizo btw
What does the "12" mean then
Just my thoughts here; The events was staged to bolster Trump support, I mean how convenient is it that the CIA owned MSM suddenly realized Biden has dementia and turned on them in lockstep only a few weeks prior. Some fed from the various government shill farms in the know (security clearances essentially make you a slave) made these posts on /x/ for 2 main reasons. #1 to send anons in circles finding info that will yield no fruit and legitimize the obviously staged event and #2 give the government a reason to shut down 4skan because too many anons know that Trump is part of the same Swamp he claims to be fighting against but constantly bolstering.
>thomas was alone
This is more chaff to poison the well as we figure out the glowniggers were behind it.
What's even weirder is that the same person has posted a pic from a Swedish college dorm, and also posted a screenshot of google where it said "oversæt" which means "translate" in English.

If it's not him, then it's someone he's talked with online. And if it is him, one is to assume he's maybe been in Southern Sweden (picture) and Denmark. Just a wild thought.. But what if he had been in Southern Sweden and took a flight from Copenhagen? Copenhagen is by far the biggest airport in several hundred km radius. But then again, what the fuck would he do there.. Just the only thing that makes sense if it's him.
>go visit swedish friend from internet (Malmø is a somewhat big city just next to Copenhagen)
>take pic of Swedish friend's dorm and post
>go back to denmark where you fly from
>be at hotel and use internet with Danish ip
>screenshot has Danish in it
In heeb
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>MOSSAD fuckboys
what did he mean by this?
Posted precisely 1 minute after the ''declaration''
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They wanted him dead.
i told u niggas, shooter spotted two weeks before attempt
>oversæt means translate in Danish
*Him not them
I told my girl 2 weeks ago they were going to shoot Trump. I think 3 letter grooming is probable.
This kid was young, bullied...a loner....fucking encrypted com apps? It glows all on its own.
We will never get the truth.
The markets are run by the unsophisticated masses who only need to believe something is real to influence their behavior. Iraq didn't have WMDs but the lie from the top brass certainly influenced the rank and file and lower level officers to go through with the invasion.
>mfw jews picked the most talented sniper on the world to brand Trump as a slave publicly
Q predicted this
His tripcode was 12#57 btw. Just tried and it’s banned until Aug 16 for breaking US law
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I gathered the same, dude is clearly unhinged based on the historical posts (ignoring anything recent due to risk of hack post event). However, the OP post clearly shows some very improbable combinations of names, and dates.

We already know, "they" can' act unless we are told the truth, in some hidden way, even if it's the schizo posts from some rando anon...
I'll bite...So you're saying the poster was a chatterbot? Seeded info about the attack and let loose on teh interwebs?

Fits the MO of letting the lesser peoples know what will happen before it does, to absolve their sins.
That nigger was the shooter not some prognosticator
MK Ultra victim. Probably the shooter himself.
Might be prime numbers.
The first 12 prime numbers out together don't come to too much of interest.
The first 57 prime numbers however, wew.
Most of the entries that are this long are complete gibberish.
The entries for 7726 however are the purest coherent schizo rabble.
its way more schizo than that, it was a legitimate assassination attempt that was done by satan, the lord of this earth, that killed an innocent as a sacrifice and pierced the ear of trump. Trump now has undying loyalty to 'the lord', because he believes that 'the lord' saved him, but it was 'the lord' that had him shot to begin with. Trump will now serve 'the lord' and his earthly minions, 'the jews' with fervor and zeal. The entire thing is a deception, and it was played on the perfect target: an israel loving senile old 'christian'.

Judaism is a dead faith and has been kept alive by babylonian necromancers for 2000 years
some gateway paranormal shit that links the poster to other posters when they stare at the eyes.
...seems possible. If he doubles down on Iran it will be more or less confirmation of that
>What does the "12" mean then
12th letter is L which is "Law" as in "Fuck 12" means "fuck the law"
Read a book "The Language Crystal" its got a chart
QRD and better trip link


It’s real apparently, I just checked. Archive all of this while you can in a SFE folder (save fucking everything)
Tr*mp was suppose to be killed. They didnt account for Tr*ump turning his head.
Schizio niggers post shit like that all the time for personal attention and validation
Maybe someone told him about the plot directly
Are there any other (authentic) versions of that besides the one where both eyes are red?
I tried scrolling through the archive but there's too much shit
All image posts here
>Corrupted JPG's
>Some sigil i can't find anywhere else
He's from Denmark and seems to talk with himself (multiple personalities? cia agents?)
Yeah what's with his link?
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57 (pass) - 12 (username) = 45
DJT was the 45th prez
We need to spread this info to the conservative boomers on twitter
Nice input
I think he brainwashed the shooter
We can't let this be forgotten like the proof that feds manipulated Payton Gendron
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actual non schizo remote viewer
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And /pol/ intervened to stop /x/ through time travel
There are too many accurate predictions to be a coincidence
As far as I can tell the rally in Butler wasn't announced until the 3rd
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Weed let's you peer into the future? Is that why it's illegal?
So mossad found a possible shooter and then planned an event next to him.
I found a thread made by the same guy WITHOUT the trip code
Sure it's real, it's right here:
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You read the pdf? Some real schizo shit I honestly can't make much sense of it.
>the one person
There are many with the gift. A lot work for governments.
We do a better job at finding connections to the shooter than (((FBI)))
fake and gay
Didn't some "psychic" predict Trump being shot in the ear?
Mind control? mkultra
Yeah and after that Trump would become a Born again Christian and completely turn around his campaign and image because of how grateful to God he was for surviving
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Can anyone find out where this image comes from?
It looks similar to to the sigil
Nvm it's Google algorithm fucking up
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They look too distinct
put simply, it has transpired that trump is the chosen anti-christ. He has been branded and chosen, in his attempts to save america he sided with israel/saturn/satan so this demonstration has proven the reality of his position. All sides are supposed to gather under him in turn seeing this miracle, but he is not the real christ. Everything is nonsense though, believe what you want.
Many such cases. Sad
Why don't they just glue mirrors together or organize seashells in pretty patterns or origami or nest platonic solids or whatever
>on /x/
that just means hes gonna try and summon a succubus by playing with his asshole for a bit under some candlelight
I think this should be named Assasingate or Crookgate
time travel is for pedophiles

Has he been doing that at all? Wonder if that guy just had a lucky guess or may have been on to something
How can this be summed up for twitter boomers to understand? https://rentry.org/ieo7vmp4
this is legit

this suggests that Thomas was aiming for the ear
You need to mention Israel being our greatest ally and then they’ll listen
Sounds based
Reposting from other thread

The carpark photo (https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38276321/#38278224) was taken at the Fisketorvet Mall in Copenhagen: 55°39'46.2"N 12°33'40.9"E

Somebody else took a photo of it here

This photo https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38276321/#38278236 was taken near the Kaffesalonen Boat Rental again in Copenhagen, it's visible in the photo
I just read a shit-ton of this guy's posts on /x. How the fuck? I know every false flag/glowie event is preceded by 4chan posts (usually on /pol), but this guy's stuff is literally scary to read! Is he using a Kosyrev mirror to fuck with time travel or something? How can any of this be unless it's a giant psyop? The guy kept referencing suicide, the Mossad, reading people's thoughts, etc. Nobody General threads always bothered me, but this shit is fucked! Picrelated is someone kind of explaining what this motherfucker was doing. Harvesting IoB data? What the fuck is that? Someone tell me!
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this image + OP's screenshot
Why did BOTH the danish guy and the shooter mentioned that they have a 10 inch penis?
I think the danish guy was in contact with him
That's some Swedish druggie, there were schizoposts after the 13th
yes, but there are too many coincidences to discredit him. he could have been either an informant or directly involved.
It happened on the 14th
His tripcode was cracked after that
It was 13
57 + 12 = 69 (funny number)
Nah, this is garbage. Sometimes coincidences are just coincidences you know, kinda like spirals in nature, doesn't mean anything.
However tho, there was another one on russian 2ch. And he wasn't all cryptic and faggy about. Just said it straight up, there will be an assassination attempt against some political figure in america or uk, with exact date
I made the first twitter post about this
holy fuck it's like internet discover /x/ and goes on a psycho trip
>another one on russian 2ch...exact date
Please share, Russian anon
I want him to share the post number.
Well somehow China had that famous picture perfect Trump with fist raise photo op pic on sweatshirts a week ago. I made a post about it but got 0 replies. Most of you guys seem to only follow what is popular rather than what is true.
>because of how grateful to God he was for surviving
He's too old to give a shit to let it cloud his judgement in that direction. Maybe im just projecting. His first instinct was FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.
Thats a penis hanging to the right.
Im interested...
>be american
>have guns
>see sniper on the roof
>aiming directly at the president
>want to stop him
>start scaling the building to reach him
>suddenly remember the kennedy assassination
>climb back down so you don't get charged with murdering a federal agent
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Tell me the nose doesn't line up!?!?!? His motivation for killing Trump is that he was a closet gay man and it was used as blackmail to make him do it. That's why he donated blue but registered republican!
Try to use gpt in order to understand it. Sometimes that's what I do to save my brain turning to mush lmao
100% remote viewing glownigger dealing with demonic entity. This is a satanic glownigger remote viewing Egyptian Babylonian Ritual using a RV'd MKUltra victim that became possed used for an operation. SS Chief directly involved in RV project. Am I wrong?
Remote viewing isn't about predictive future, dumb cunts
what if you remote view a time in the future? see? dont talk down to me again.
Unify then destroy evil. We must gather before the fight for god begins
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>some gateway paranormal shit that links the poster to other posters when they stare at the eyes
This shit is getting unhinged wtf
Daily reminder that:

A. I’m gay
B. I love cock (over 7 inches)
C. I only take it in the ass bareback

Thanks for listening
Yep I believe its 2-3 people using that same tripcode comminciating covertly. For some reason they used that instead of the deepweb.
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He posted picrel once
The filename is "eyesloveofthevoidOFTHEFANGOFTEAR"
Luke 12:57
The Bible: a guide to mental illness and low IQ
I'm not clicking that link unless someone copies it to another source. At the very least post parts of it here.
Following the theory, the FBI just came out and said that he had two phones and was in encrypted communication with someone.
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Yeah once I get up tomorrow I'm going through those posts
I have been on a three year weed trip
That kind of tunneling is blatant, but it's surprising to see a faggot cut a piece of paper so crudely and cause problemd
>At the very least post parts of it here.
Read the thread you retarded fucking nigger.
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Nevermind kek here's a ss
Jesus basically yells out "avengers assemble!" womp womp womp. It is what it is.
>Following the theory, the FBI just came out and said that he had two phones and was in encrypted communication with someone.
There is no way he climbed like a vietcong into the one sight blocked by a tree without some freak assistance
There is no way this isn't like that ear quest in witcher 3
This verse may represent how Crooks wanted to "judge" Trump
He probably shared the tripcode with that "someone" to communicate with him
Don't forget to take screencaps so I can share them
>clay to crown Nebuchadnezzar
This. If they wanted him dead he would be dead. They wouldn't leave it up to some kid
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this is key
Is there any explanation? Who gave schitzos psychic powers?
phew, im safe from gayrape.
The government, presumably, though they must be unlocked at a young age.
I assume powerful spiritual sensitivities are latent in all schizophrenics before the symptoms of schizophrenia start emerging in their adulthood.
And IoB data, what the fuck is that? Can any schitzo with these powers read anyone's mind anywhere in the world?
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Damn impressionable kiddies, huh ...


He posted his own password. He intended it to become nonfunctional.
He talks about taking out some pedophile to achieve free speech on 4chan. Was that accomplished with Trump's assassination somehow?
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>Didn't some "psychic" predict Trump being shot in the ear?
I'm particularly disappointed that nowhere have I seen dribbling, porn-addled kids suddenly becoming religious and going: "Oh noes, the beast will get a head wound but recover! Everyone will love the beast Vote for muh Biden."
Maybe I expect too much.
Porn-addled kids have not read the Bible.
If they have then they certainly aren't going to quote it while also defending their degeneracy.
Demons don't like Revelation.
>trump is the chosen anti-christ.
>Trump is the shadow rabbi you stupid filthy goyim
>you're a good follower of the circumcised Rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera of Israel hamashiach, aren't you?
>so you would never vote for the bad shadow rabbi
Internet of bodies. Some /x/ larp, you can search that Catherine username for more. They were posting in these Thomas threads a couple days ago.
Maybe your interpretation is entirely instantaneous.
Biden has had PLENTY of head wounds.
Also the euphrates isn't dry to my knowledge
considering the way he acted at the rnc or whatever where people kept posting pictures of him looking utterly destroyed mentally I wouldn't be surprised if it happens
.... wtf add the img
>Porn-addled kids have not read the Bible.
They wouldn't have to. They just repeat convenient phrases they've seen elsewhere. They wouldn't understand what it means.
>defending their degeneracy
They are soulless nihilists. They wouldn't defend degeneracy, but celebrate it.
Honestly, I would've thought it was just a scruffy cop or something
Was the RNC like a clown show humulation ritual or am I just thinking incorrectly here... IDK shit kinda adds up to me.. They didn't kill him but some deep state operative gave him big threats/deals/ultimatums right before RNC...
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Yes. Most weird thing is that he was a Norwegian poster (yes, you can see that on x)
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We are reaching levels of schizoposting that should not be possible
>Some /x/ larp
it's not a larp
Do share
Almost every block here has a dispensary
Hundreds of these businesses in town
Weed is legal retard
just do a google/whatever search
what are the first few results?
Screen shot the pdf and post it in the thread
Nah, not the same person, anons disproved that.
A lot of people post a lot of things on 4chin every day; stop reaching and follow the real leads. The 12 million shorted shares of Trump stock, for one.
There must be a video of the shooter getting hit, but I haven't seen it, has anybody else seen one?
I am too buzzed for this thread, my brain is exploding with all this meme magic going on
Link or fake. Check your history.
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none of them had guns. just like on January 6th.

white people are worthless as fuck and they not only love the government they are also fuckking terrified of it lol

very odd relationship. it's like a battered spouse with stockholm syndrome. white people are fucked. they just going to keep going back until the drunk husband beats them to death with a pipe
No but datura does, it's just very, very unpleasant and you may or may not ever recover from the experience. It's not even a drug is a deliriant that poisons your entire parasympathetic in order to catapult you into this bizarre state few could otherwise achieve. I don't recommend ever trying it. If you don't believe in demons you especially aren't ready for it.
DMT is hit or miss. It's usually not as profound as people make it out to be but when it happens you know.
by the time we were fucking around in Libya, they weren't even bothering with creating a narrative
Makes absolute sense. When a person or a country experiences something miraculous(whether through coincidence or staged) their beliefs get emboldened. It happened to Japan and England when storms decimated their foes. It happened to Emperor Constantine when he saw a vision of the cross.
It's real.

The picture is from a PS4 game:

The post pic itself is unique. No MD5 hits, no reverse search hits, no tineye.
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He psyopped another anon and dropped a Danish contact number.
Totally a burner phone.
>Trump has 2 traitors in his inner circle.
>One is a former pilot.
>I would advise trump against flying anywhere until he becomes president
>They want to off him because he wants to expose what was the whole point of the pandemic
>if you want to save him get this message to him directly
>t. Shizoposter
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I don't think you appreciate how close it got. If he didn't move at that split second, Trump would be dead.
Here's a better search filter.
Tons of fascinating implications in these posts.

it might not have been the kid who took the shot that would have hit square in the right ear had he not turned during the trigger pull. it could have been someone else behind the kid farther away.
What did he use to create this image? I imagine it some sort of computer platform game??
Nvm I'm an idiot I see you posted it
Surely there were some parkour athletes at the party.
Every day gets posted as the day of the happening.
It only looked like a split second for you. But Herr Trump used his Stand [The World] to stop time search his surroundings, spot the glint of light from the shooter's muzzle and then turned his head to dodge the bullet.
The game has a spooky ambiance. You play as a group of squares/rectangles, each different sizes, and they cooperate to navigate a 2d map.

It's very mkultura in the sense that it has that one main character .. myeteriously identifiable as the main despite there being no clear reason, and the defining characteristics of that main character(the orange golden rectangle) are shared by another anti-main but of a different color.

The title is ironic: Thomas was alone, but he's not alone. However, it's ambiguous because (i think) it's not clear that the orange rectangle is thomas; just implied. And he's not alone because of the green anti-hero block. But he is alone. Unique.

Someone lonely and schizo named thomas very likely would imprint on a game like that; envisioning himself as the main character with misfit (misshapen) friends who nonetheless dont/can't understand.

That poster also talks a lot about having a 10-inch cock, which is something i heard mentioned here in relation to this case. Was that referenced elsewhere, or just these tripcode posts?
The fuck is this?

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It was referenced in one of his posts. He also mentioned it in class once.
4 minutes ago, it's not prescient
Implant in the ear with a small remote controlled folding blade
Current events.
4 hours later, never provided evidence.
claims "russia"
this is looking even more like a US op because of the shills trying to throw the scent.
That’s someone being a faggot and a retard at the same time
Ive browsed /x/ near daily for years. There are constantly posts like this from schizos or bots. 'Something feels off today like the energy shifted. Anyone else feel that'
'You have TWO WEEKS to live (picture of the sun)'
'Grusch says the aliens gave us a 6 month ultimatum!'
'The GCP dot has changed colors. Within 2 weeks something BIG will happen.'
'The pleiadian dark fleet is coming to kill us. Dont get on the ships. What happens on [date a few days in advance]'
'Blue orbs are coming to EAT YOU, soul trap XL cern demongate hellportal days away'
'I had a dream about a volcano the supervolcano about to explode for REAL'
And yes they will have specific dates sometimes and theyll keep reposting. The dates come and go and nothing ever happens. Now it does and you think that was crooks? Lol.
>since winter 2021
What the fuck...
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It's like asking why have an army if you have an armed public. It's cause the public is useless. It's not guns that win wars, it's discipline and training. If you gave peasants guns and trained soldiers stick and stones, the soldiers would still win.
The 10 inch thing I saw on twitter first. A cellphone vid of him in highschool making a joke while talking to the camera, he claims he has a 10 inch dick. Still think its dumb to think his posts are him though.
That pic is literally me
rogue ai?
Most of the bystanders likely did not have firearms. You cannot enter a rally with a firearm, because it's a security risk, unless you're a government agent. Like the shooter.

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