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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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White man's stream: https://rumble.com/v57d3nm-republican-national-convention-day-3.html

Brownoid stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/XAc0dDlCD8c

Previous: >>474637528
the only thing for sure is israel will win
This sus nigga has zero charisma
>triggered faggot is spamming because Vance doesn't care about Ukraine
lol go away homo
Enjoy your brain rot, good night.

bro this nigga is literally a venture capitalism and he's pretending like he's working class lmao
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honk shoo mimimimi
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vancepilled af
still gonna vote Trump/Vance. does that make anyone here upset?
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This nigga ZESTY
Is JD Vance the least popular VP candidate in recent history? Nearly everyone has been shitting on him for being fake and a race-mixer who's anti-White. Isn't he at least better than Pence, or does the race-mixing overshadow that? We really liked Pence eight years ago, didn't we?
plz vote biden or I'll spam a bunch of pictures at you
I'm getting desantis vibes
full of empty promises
pence actually had some rizz compared to this fag
Besides Rand Paul or Tucker, he's the best Trump had to pick from.
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Trump seems like the only real human with a soul in the whole Republican party. The rest of them are like empty husks.
I think Vance is neat
Also probably the Antichrist
Guy has even less charisma than Pence
What did pence have going for him even a little bit
I always got creepy vibes from Pence. Something just felt off about him.
still voting Trump I said
Nobody cares anymore faggot
It's already over
pence actually came across as genuine vance is fake as fuck
In 2028 run Sam Altman agains this guy, Altman will crush his bussy

All the precious techbros will backstab the right while at it
It glows
>Nearly everyone has been shitting on him
Paid shills and retards, yeah
yes, Vance is virtually a foreigner, since he works for israel
he also married a foreigner, and had kids with that disgusting pajeet. but you Jews love race mixing, don't you?
Lol who cares? /pol/ loved Pence and Jeff Sessions. How did that turn out? What a bang up job
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how do I stop feeling blackpilled bros
I can't take going outside and looking at spics anymore
Don’t vote
still gonna do it :)
political experience
trump had none and his VP needed to be a calm stern presence with experience
Will be nice to have a policy maker that can save a PDF, at least
He electrocuted gays for being gay or something
This is a shill
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Why can't you use the correct aspect ratio? Makes it even worse.
>pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin
that's why he was chosen you stupid shill retards
Nope, it's really up to everyone's conscience at this point. I won't vote after the prayer to "one true god waheguru" on Monday night.
It just means you’re a satanic faggot
yes but he is fake as fuck and won't switch any voters
You gotta find a white foid and fuck her till you die from a heart attack
No because still voting Trump
I don't have the economic luxury of siting in my parents basement hoping for the west to fall (it never does).

Go outside. I'm not even joking.
The fly
>trump had none and his VP needed to be a calm stern presence with experience
Finally a smart person on /pol/
Trump had to appeal to the GOP establishment by putting Pence on the ticket, because he had zero credentials
Now that he's got the pedigree, he can put up Vance to energize younger conservatives and bolster his numbers in the Rust Belt
thanks anon
I'm sorry I don't love your race mixing kike
You’re probably Jewish
He's getting into the meat of the speech now, and this is greatly philosophical
Not after talking shit about MI too
They shit in that river, didn't they?
Those girls will marry nazis and those lads will become nazis. Demofags eternally btfo
The orange fist BTFOs the black fist
These people have no limit. They are literal goyim praying to their democracy god. No matter what they just respond with “but muh red team blue team”
pence was at least handsome
this guy is fat and married an indian
if your average voter could tell when someone is fake as fuck then 95% of our politicians would be out of the job
enough about Vance's wife and children. JD wouldn't like your offensive words
the retards ITT wanted Trump to pick Tim Scott or some irrelevant virtue signal to minorities like that lmfao
Trump needs white working class votes, not minorities.
He’s a closeted homosexual isn’t he
Enjoy hell
Wisconsin will probably rigged. Michigan will go for Biden. At best, I can maybe see JD flipping Pennsylvania
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Peter Thiel is a literal fucking blood sucking vampire and this effeminate faggot is his Renfield.
what does voting biden make you then? satans cocksleeve?
He's Peter Theil's protegee. What do you think?
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Tim Kaine's wife is a Pence (only real /pol/lacks know this lore)
This is a kike
I feel like Vance is probably red pilled on a lot of shit but can only hint towards it with these phrases like "we're not an idea" and "it's more than abstractions"
Why does he have such grumpy eyebrows?
JD, do you want to suck dicks?
>muh red team blue team
Where do these people come from? The trailer park?
Thiel is based, I have no idea why so many people are afraid of him
still gonna vote Trump
>doesn't understand citizenship
no one cares about Ukraine or whatever you're here to shill for
Vance makes Kamala seem compelling
This is a kike
>Now at some point, I will die, I will be laid to rest, there will be no life in my body and I will decay
Lich hands made this post
Dull as dishwater.
It's gonna be really funny when him and Trump tariff the fuck out of China and make Xi bend the knee.
Mamaw was the best. Wish she was still here to see him.
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>Trump needs white working class votes, not minorities.
Exactly - those are the people who voted for him in 2016 and abandoned him in 2020
here's a (You) so you get some yuan today fren
Try and form a genuine argument for once in your life
Heads thiels a Gay CIA Jew
Kek, I remember this from 2016
>muh democracy god
>muh red team blue team
Remember the part where elections aren’t even real? The saddest part is you can’t tell if these people are shills or brain dead normies
Awful speech. Is he always such a bad speaker?
>a pajeet street shitter who caught a flight isn't actually a pajeet street shitter
you kikes aren't even trying anymore
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I have questions.
Thiel is not a Jew and doesn't work for CIA
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Newsom's daughter is going to be top-tier sexo in about 6-7 years.
God what a slut daughter
>works for MOSSAD
>'Don't stop thinking about tomorrow'
>Associated with Bill Clinton's campaign, played at his dnc
What did they mean by this?
"Ill never forget where I came from"

>marries a poo
Reminder Vance came out to Merle Haggard, something that confuses and enrages the yuppie leftist shill
>nonsensical kike reply
Thanks I already knew you were a kike
plantir was funded by the cia you fucking glownigger jew faggot
dibs on the qt cat mom back there i can fix
is that vance's sister?
but you support jewish subversion of the United States, why would you care who is and isn't a kike?
>Go outside. I'm not even joking.
it fucking sucks outside I live in a city
I fucking HATE going outside everywhere you go it's mystery meats
A shill or qfanatic. These qfanatics can't admit that America might actually be totally dead soon, so they cling to any hope. Wine aunts, boomers.
It was funded by Thiel
He should've come out to Pancho and Lefty
okay but I'm still gonna vote Trump is all. why shouldn't I?
correct, he just works straight for Mossad. no middle man required
although he does love the CIA. He voted for CIA Agent spook Evan McMullin in 2016
They’re saving israel for last.

They’re going to lock her up
it makes you really upset doesn't it shitskin? please tell me all about how angry you are...
What is the RNCs position on monster women?
Never mind then. Your fucked bro, sorry.
solid choice though
Why don't we liberate these United States
We're the ones need it the worst
Let the rest of the world help us for a change
And let's rebuild America first

Our highways and bridges are falling apart
Who's blessed and who has been cursed?
There's things to be done all over the world
But let's rebuild America first

Who's on the Hill and who's watching the valley?
And who's in charge of it all?
God bless the Army and God bless our liberty
And dadgum the rest of it all

Yeah, men in position are backing away
Freedom is stuck in reverse
Let's get out of Iraq and get back on the track
And let's rebuild America first

Why don't we liberate these United States?
We're the ones who need it the most
You think I'm blowing smoke? Boys, it ain't no joke
I make twenty trips a year from coast to coast

Kike nonsense
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>He voted for CIA Agent spook Evan McMullin in 2016
Thiel spoke at the RNC in 2016 and endorsed Trump. Don't lie.
Why does Vance wear makeup
Why does he act like a Jew then?
Pence is gay and loves cowboy ass, so at least that motivated him
This is a kike
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>I have questions.
Does this help answer your question?
I meant that JD Vance voted for McMullin
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Has anyone made any pro-white comments at all at this thing, or is it all about virtue signalling for Jews, Hindus, blacks, transvestites, homosexualists, women, etc.
You kikes are so obvious
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Is this what the quality of /pol/ is like these days? Lol
>muh red team blue team
>trump/Vance are gonna stick it to China!

This is a kike
yes unfortunately, where have you been? it's mostly zoomers and leftist discord shills
Are you capable of making any other type of post? Try it!
What were you expecting kikeold?
>In 2004, Peter Thiel – the billionaire PayPal co-founder, Facebook investor and and latter-day Trump ally – created Palantir alongside Nathan Gettings, Joe Lonsdale, Stephen Cohen and Alex Karp. Their intention was to create a company that took Big Data somewhere no one else dared to go. In 2013, Karp, Palantir’s CEO, announced that the company would not be pursuing an IPO, as going public would make “running a company like ours very difficult”. This is why.

>Palantir watches everything you do and predicts what you will do next in order to stop it. As of 2013, its client list included the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS. Up to 50% of its business is with the public sector. In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture arm, was an early investor.


So based amirite fellow goy? I love our new oligarchs
look how angry I made you
I haven't been here in literal years, the assassination brought me back and it seems like 90% of the board is braindead and all the old shit is gone forever
Thiel is a post-libertarian who openly doesn't believe in Democracy. That makes him based and my guy.
Trump has never said a single thing for whites in 8 years. Vance named his kids vivek and dressed like an Indian catamite for his wedding. But you still must VOOT for them according to nu-pol because
Election tourists
Vance seems decent. Back in 2016 if trump picked this guy instead of pence everyone would have been happy with it.
Vance made an implicit one when he said that America wasn't just ideals but was also a nation of people and their progeny who have lived on this land since the 1770's.
I also hate seeing shitskins and remembering they exist when going outside, anon. I feel you.
fair assessment, pretty much
Vance was picked because he can appeal to white working class voters in the rust belt, instead of larping and pandering for black or latino or minority votes. Shills here don't like him because he doesn't support the heckin ukrainerinos
no one is voting for biden fuck off already
No they fucking wouldn't retard
These are very obvious kikes
The way this event is just carrying on as normal after trump almost got his head blown off a few days ago is bizarre
where do you go now?

I've been suffering here since 2012.
fuck this race traitor, sticking his cocking in stinky poo and claiming to be "conservative"
fuck Indians and fuck Israel, wtf was this disgusting display of foreskin stump munching? The only actual America first politician we have is Massie, and the kikes killed his wife for speaking out against AIPAC. it is all so gay and jewish frens!!!
I'm willing to believe Vance is shit (he's a shit speaker for one) but 100% of the criticism of him I've heard from people so far is worthless and unconvincing. I still actually have no idea what he's all about.
Are you capable of making a post that isn't calling people Jews because you're upset?
Maybe there's some truth to "Democrats are the real racists." But we're still fucked because they think it's smart to use blacks/browns against other Whites.
still gonna vote Trump/Vance, sorry
> Vance was picked because he can appeal to white working class voters in the rust belt
Not one person in this country will vote for trump because of Vance. He was picked because he’s a turbo shill for Israel and has an Indian wife

Why are you lying? Because you are a kike
It’s an absolute corpse compared to the magic in 2015-16
>he's just a post-libertarian mass surveillance glowie
Denounce the Talmud rabbi
>was also a nation of people and their progeny who have lived on this land since the 1770's
Sikh's have been here since 1770? seems strange he would marry and have children with one of they weren't.
> no one is voting for biden fuck off already
Muh red team blue team!
This is how you k
It really is. Like a gay fever dream
this is a kike
Oh yes they would retard. People were willing to put up with fucking pence. This guy is at least white and when he's talking about the heartland of America guess what he's talking about white people
Van Jones right about to call JD Vance a white nationalist. He's shook by those 7 generations of white hillbillies in JDs family plot.
>muh red team blue team
This is a kike
>replied twice
damn you're fucking mad, no one cares about the ukraine, fuck off already faggot
he's good on the issues when speaking, tonight was mostly a "hello america, my name is" type speech
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I bunker in a tiny irrelevant corner of the fediverse to escape from how trash everything has gotten.
That year was my join date too. Godspeed, /pol/'s most loyal soldier.
>shills here don't like him because he doesn't support the heckin ukrainerinos
Wrong, we don't like him because he's a race traitor white replacement faggot
Lmao who the fuck would come in here and shill for Peter thiel?? These people are unbelievable
>This guy is at least white
but his wife and kids aren't
>and when he's talking about the heartland of America guess what he's talking about white people
no, he's probably referring to his Indian children
his kid has a jeet name
What a shitshow.
This is a kike (very obvious)
still gonna :)
>shills here
gg cya tomorrow
you discord faggots have been larping as wignats for almost a decade now, fuck off already
looking for the immigrant speech from day 1
that buck broke
These are very obvious kikes
What you retards don't understand is that surveillance is neutral and only bad in the hands of your enemies, but if its in the hands of your friends you can tyrannize them. You still believe in naive shit like freedom and probably listen to Alex Jones. You can suck my cock.
drop your poast name (I'm guessing it's poast) and I'll give you a follow or whatever fediverse calls it
No he isn't dumb fagget
What the fuck is going on with the child holding a coyote?
What friends do we have in government that will use surveillance to benefit us? This is a kike
Trump just wants to be the guy and he's basically handed his policy platform over to do this gay moderate unity shit so he can have a nice boring reign. The regime finally made peace with him and will legitimize him and make things relatively normal again.
>surveillance is only bad in the hands of your enemies
Mossad is my enemy. Ergo, Thiel and Vance are faggot race traitors
unfortunately true
I assume the lady in the Jew flag /American flag dress owns the dog? Since she is clearly not looking at the camera.
well he definitely isn't talking about White people. If he did, he wouldn't have children with a street shitter.
you shill for a ZOGged up race traitor
Which one the one with Arnold's mistress lol ?
Trump is objectively the better option.
Thiel is your friend.
You're emotional
I was one o the people who made that initial D trump video.

It was all so magical. Guess we're not the young ones anymore.
He's not even a real zogbot. He was a fucking camera man
This is a kike
You're a kike
dunno if you saw this, but if you feel like dropping a handle of any kind, I'll ping you
I have a different outlook, which is I think he’s there to nuke the whole system in a suicide mission. The assassination attempt was unprecedented, and I think more is on the way. He seems to have a knack for constantly pushing them into escalating attacks on him. As for how we come out good at the end of this, only he seems to know

It feels less like a political mission and more like a spiritual mission at this point
Well of course the magic is gone his movement has become too normalized the change you wanted hasn't happened destory by Kushner
Classic pre-political career military job. Hunter biden was a public affairs officer in the naval reserves before he got booted for coke
Well no Kamala is worse.
>it's the good type of surveillance
denounce the Talmud
not even referring to that at all. he's a philosemitic race traitor, wholly owned by Thiel & Mossad
Thiel isn't even a Jew lol
I don't trust, it's not poast, it's shitposter world, but I do not trust this place, I hope you understand
When he's talking about areas of the country that are 95% white then I believe he's talking about white people. How low is your iq retard?
>Thiel isn't even a Jew lol
He sure wants to be one
When you are the power, you use surveillance on your enemies and punish them for going out of line. You don't think this way because you're a perpetual loser.
you need to go back to wherever brown shitskin shithole you came from
> He was picked because he’s a turbo shill for Israel and has an Indian wife

This is the most low effort shilling I’ve seen in a long time.
Nah, that's you pal
Why would he care about White people at all? considering he's a race traitor who has children with a street shitter
Vance isn't my pal. But he is thiel's pal.
Thiel isn't an enemy, and all your problems with him are tangential guilt by association and it comes across as very weak and emotional
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>goes to (((Yale))) to study law
>fully funded by Thiel
>non-combat military tour as a journalist
>Vice President nominee after being in politics for a year
Really makes you think
If he meant white people he would say white people. When are you faggots gonna stop doing this? Stop reading what you want into these people’s statements. There are zero cases of someone being secretly based and hiding it. Did you learn anything from trump? People for year kept saying he’s secretly red pilled and it turned out to all be bullshit. He’s the worst kikesucker on the planet and couldn’t care less about white replacement. You people are incapable of learning. Indicates lack of consciousness (npc)
We’re not in power. Jews are in power and thiel works for Jews

You’re a Jew
Idk, this thread makes me want to vote for Trump and Vance
The closest Vance came to being based was "America isn't an idea, it's a people". That was it.
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fuck off jew
This is a kike (very obvious)
Tune into the C-Span stream for listen to some callers. The current caller wishes that both parties would unify into one. The previous one also expressed interest in the RNC embracing unionists.
You're not in power and you never will be kek
>actually using power to crush your enemies is JEWISH we want to be weak and predated on forever!!!
ok then lol
Total kike response when backed into a corner. Kike confirmed
Why not? Just because he isn't reproducing doesn't mean he doesn't care about white people. You're the biggest dumbass in this thread
Perfect I'm sure Trump was going to pick RFK another shill for Israel or Tulsi someone who supports gun control maybe based Rubio or Tim Scott maybe based Haley truthfully American politics are Joo'd up the ass your better of not getting involved in politics or going full accelerationist
if the 'association' is that he personally founded a spyware company that sends all my data to Mossad and the CIA, >>474642924; sure, I guess I am guilty of 'guilt by association'
If you call me a Jew fifty more times in lieu of an argument, it might become true
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>b-b-but what if the jews are on our side this time?
Thanks for the laugh jew
>shitposter world
will hop on; see you there, anon
>Just because he isn't reproducing
but he is. with a street shitter. so hecking based and trad.
Thiel is not a Jew, for the 20th time lol
I recommend poast more its far more /pol/ friendly
>If he meant white people he would say white people
It takes time. You have to be careful or else you end up sounding like a lunatic.
This is a kike
You're such a child. Keep throwing your toys out of the pram ya fucking loser
Nobody is saying he's David Duke but he isn't a bad pick.
all them nigaz be hite gay and niggaz cuh
Whatever makes you feel better
A jew
What a fucking cope. Self delusion because reality is so bleak is the number one trait on the right. Vance is a shabbos goy. I cannot even believe we are having this conversation
I would rather be a child than be an unpaid shill for a philosemitic spook who works with mossad to track me down and kill me
>the CIA and MOSSAD contractor isn't a jew
What about the helping "the poorest areas of America that they call priviledged" ? He was indirectly refering to the worst of WHITE americans and NOT po blackies in da hood and shieet.
JD Vance supports mass pajeet immigration
That's how I feel. I want to know what Vance's strengths are though. I've heard that he's supposedly some kind of capable operator in the senate. I suspect he'll just be a non-entity VP though, like pretty much all VPs outside of Cheney
You are actually extremely emotional
>Whatever makes you feel better
what makes you gay is being a nigga
How the tables have turned. The average republican is just a queer with a brown wife as a beard. How the fuck did it even get to this?
Yeah, he isn't.
Lol. What are you even saying?
Or what about the refering to his appalachian land as his ancestral lands?
>I would rather be a child
to get raw dogged by a nigga
Maybe I should have children with an Indian. Then you would probably start shilling for me. Or something
>What about the helping
you get two scoops of nigga juice cuh
Yeah, that was another small reference to something deeper and more historical that had marginally more meat than the usual aw shucks Conservaslop that the system shits out
I'm cringing so hard bro
This so does every other VP candidate
I think you need to take a step back and think hard about what your asking for and what would happen if you actually got it. If you can't understand the shit storm that would follow then your just a brainlet. Not saying I'm not up for, but we are not there yet.
>This so does every other VP candidate
thats because you a maple syrup drinking nigga
Who is even worse at this point? I feel like if Trump and Vance get in, they're going to greenlight war with Iran and Lebanon for Israel.
>I'm cringing so hard bro
weird, I do the same whenever I see a shabbos goy race traitor with Indian children and an Indian wife
jews are scared of racially pure whites on the left!! Like Baron Trump, these kids will be like hitler if they're tall enough
He said nothing of the sort.
>I think you need to take a step back and think hard about
>Who is even worse at this point?
Good for you faggot
>Good for you faggot
he a faggot you a nigger
Trump is going to have a Nixon '72 blowout and then do absolutely fuck all. Except maybe they will do the Lebanon war like you say. Damn that's gonna suck.
he supports legal immigration. he supports trump 'staple green cards to diplomas'
he called Trump Hitler
he said Republicans only hate Obama because they're 'dumb racists'
there's your based WN adjacent chad
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I liked that they played Fleetwood Mac’s song Don’t Stop after Vance’s speech. As a reminder that was the song Bill Clinton used in his campaign. I think Trump rubbing the Clinton’s nose in it. MAGA
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Who dat
You were probably a libtard at one point in your life
>he called Trump Hitler
And now he's his right hand man. I will not knock a man for his sexual fetish. He's talking about white areas and real issues affecting the white community. That's good enough
Trump will not disappoint us. He will not go to war. But they will stab him in the back because of it, and he knows it
That has a fucking snout you degenerate fuck.
How smart to pick a guy that doesn’t resonate at all with the audience they’re targeting because he’s so obviously a phoney?
Lol who is your VP candidate no one will shut down the system
>Poos are pro Israel
>Poos are cheap labour for big business
>Poos are docile cattle
>Cons see them as natural allies lol
>Liberal masters like them because they do thd most damage long term
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based White Nationalist Vance
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You mean this bloated closeted gay man who has estrogen oozing out of every pore was unable to get a White wife?
It’s shill.
America will be jeet-street in 20 years
And dare I say? Not red-pilled
They already have. Like, a lot.
You're desperately grasping at straws and floundering
It's not going to work out, everyone I know is disgusted by this cuck and his shit colored family. Indians are the most hated race and they deserve it.
I think they just fucked up, picked the wrong song
You have to go back you filthy malignant subhuman shitskin.
>caring if a faggot votes for faggots in ZOG
Oh no
Pence at least knew to shut the fuck up, not fuck a jeet, and not be a faggot while being an obvious rhino ball chained to trump.
He also had a decorum that carried it all further than it deserved.
Vance is worse than Palin, worse than Biden, worse than Harris.
He’s one last insult in this long humiliation ritual that has become the GOP, at the expense of the American people.
I have a feeling we're fucked
I’m certain it’s only going to get worse here on out, but I’m only still hopeful because of him. If God saved him from certain death, he’ll pull through. It’s a very good chance the entire country wakes up to the Israel problem by the end of this next term. He just has to mediate their moves, and that’s why they wanted him dead
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He stopped hating White people in the last few years? He's already heavily invested in poos, so I doubt that change of heart can be genuine. He lives in a house with three shit colored monsters and funds their existence. Are you sure he became pro-White?
And the caste system where they act all uppity it’s like no. You’re ugly and your clothes look like leftover scrap fabric from the 1970s
>will never dissapoint us
Lets even raise the bar on this and ask for even less. How about, nevermind disappointment which literally anything could be claimed to be a disappointment -- what about considering if Trump would ever betray you? I sure as shit don't support Trump so I'm not worried about getting betrayed. I watched him sink a dagger in the back of his most loyalists supporters that came to J6 to protest like he told them to do. And he betrayed his campaign staffers that put in hours of work work labouring for him. Dozens of them rotting in jail, and Trump threw everyone of them under the bus. Like Paul Manafort that got that son of a bitch elected, and was Trump's former campaign manager. How did Trump reward his loyalty and service? Threw him under the bus.

So, no thanks, I won't put a sliver of trust in Trump. Trump can't even disappoint me. You'll be the one disappointed.
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The nigger literally said "Well only send your children to die if we absolutely need to"
Jew shill.
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>b-b-but that was 5 years ago
>y-y-you're so desperate
hating white people? He spoke heavily on the drug crisis effecting white communities. Which I bet you're very familiar with because you sound like you have been hitting the pipe all day. It's the 2nd biggest issue in white communities. Junkies aren't good for anything
This is a jew
Nah you are
>he can put up Vance to energize younger conservatives and bolster his numbers in the Rust Belt
Won't happen. Vance's senate race got exactly the same margins as Trump in the last 2 elections. Vance is basically just a second Trump in terms of Rust Belt electoral politics. He won't lose voters, but they won't gain any, either.
However blackpilled you are you can always go a little further

I only have faith that Trump is going to help avoid WW3
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That's mostly true because muh draft is a meme and our military has advanced aids. The eisenhauer got bitch slapped by fucking houties and ran for repairs.
Glad I’m not the only one who picked up on that. His book is literally enlistment propaganda for the goy. This is his task: send us to war for jews while replacing us with jews and poo wage slaves at home.
>America shouldn't have a military
wtf someone get this hippie communist faggot outta here
You realize they get paid lots of money to do this shit right. Give me 20k and a free trip to Israel I'll go touch your stupid wall
You are a jew.
You even capitalize the word like a jew tourist would.
avoiding ww3 by appeasing the potential adversary nations by throating their cocks, yes
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Nah that's you chaim
It's funny you think that rhetoric works here.
Why do you think I'm blackpilled? I'd rather the shooter had not missed him. I just explained to you why I'm not going to put any faith in Trump without even mentioning his litany of undelivered promises.
Denounce the talmud, the torah, and affirm the legitimacy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
He had plans for war with Iran in his mar a lago home. His own administration was planning WW3. He hired Jon Bolton for Chrissake. I can’t trust him for shit.
>he's talking about White areas
>and that's good enough
They need to pay some real ass shills some real ass money because you niggers are sad
You are leaving America weak and defenseless against our enemies and frankly I think that's disgraceful.

But being serious for a moment, I was watching Fuentes stream and he was saying all the middle eastern wars were not for America, and that's true - but it got me thinking what *would* a war for real America look like? Was WW2 one? Would AmNats support that? I actually can't think of one, if its with a foreign adversary. There is a real question here. If nationalists were in charge of the US military what would it do? Because as much as you guys like to pretend you're against military adventurism, all of you cocksuckers would still want US boot on Europe's throat and your bases in our continent when push comes to shove.
Notice how you refuse to denounce the Talmud. Why's that eh, shlomo? Got something to hide?
And just like that, the shills jump out of the thread at 300 replies
The founding fathers spoke against a standing army
Suck my Aryan nuts, jewboi
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>oy vey they are getting paid to touch the wall goy
what else are they getting paid for? Really makes you think, huh?
Notice how your shilling dropped in quality when you got backed into a corner.
More important than VP besides 25th amendment is his AG. He must nepotism but won't. He needs a AG that is his clone. A pitbull on the alphabets and laughs at any impeachment.
Trump's AG will be a jew
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He said he hates White people, including his own family, and that he's superior because he went to college and has non-White children. Under what circumstances do you envision this fat perverted faggot choosing Americans over his foreign children? What would make him take the side of White people at the expense of his own poolets?
Adversaries of who? Israel?

Right, you should’ve just said you were a glowie in the first place. Ignored.

You have a problem of faith and the days will get harder on you.
Bro the whole reason the Articles of the Confederation period failed was because there was no centralized state to deter foreign aggression and to deal with tariffs and shit like that. But regardless of that, the US *is* an empire in the real world that we live in whether you like it or not, and you can't just 180 that oil tanker around on a whim
Kek what a Jew bitch lmao
It's literally the same thing. Listen you aren't getting shit as long as the media is controlled. Trump knows that and Vance knows it.
Hey glowniggers
Invent your own Trump "meme-magic"
We'll be here, dilligently working with Gen Z to expose your crimes.
We aren't going to war for shit.
>so basically, we have to give jews even MORE power so that we can epically win the culture war!
Fuck Trump. I will never give my meme power to that faggot shabbos race-traitor
Better delvop your infrastructure first then
fuck off kike, you were asked to denounce the Talmud an hour ago >>474643408

He won't
He's a jew
By posting in /chug/ I voluntarily denounce the Talmud every single day
You're a faggot bro. You could put an end to all of this tomorrow but you won't. You are the answer but you won't do shit about it just stare at your screens all day.
Suck my BWC nigger-lover
Enjoy hell. You either cuck to /pol/ or watch everything you love get raped.
And I will never be your "bro" you chairforce woman-brained faggot. Put a gun in your mouth and leave a surprise for your family
Kys jew
Nah that's you
Denounce the Talmud
>suck my dick to prove you hate Israel bro ya gotta do it or else you're a jew come on suck it
>he won't do it
My jewdar is pinging
Your jewdar pings for everyone because your IQ is 84
Gibs me your cock my cock is small infrastructure heeeheehee I'm gay
That bastard trump is going to let in millions more fucking goddamn indian. And his little beedy eyed ferret bastard can butn the fuck in hell. This is all rigged. You stupid fucking gotim trump is controlled by the filthy kikes. No goddamn pajeets get them out you fucking idiot trump. They are an invasive species YOU FUCKING MORONS
My jewdar pings on you because you are a jew.
The idea is to send the last generation of White people to die while rajesh holds down the fort
You accused like 20 people ITT of being jews for mildly disagreeing with you
Oh i see, theyre gonna regret that. I suggest they hunker down now, so we can suffocate them. Without whites you filthy trash will live in a sewar. A race of mongoloid rape rats.
Like cut off the oxygen from above ground. Lets pour 500000000 gallons down their air tubes from above ground. mother fuckers
>Is JD Vance the least popular VP candidate in recent history? Nearly everyone has been shitting on him for being fake and a race-mixer who's anti-White.
and then they say reddit is a sheltered echo-chamber for the mentally handicapped

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