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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474648427
Ultra MAGA.
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Did you know? Nobody has ever beaten the Turbo Tunnel in Battletoads. What lies beyond that level is still hotly debated by gamers to this day.
I want Trump to appoint the best and brightest
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From the monkeys with typewriters producing Shakespeare department:
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Maga and awoo

Proper temperature response. She is under enormous pressure to resign and he just has to casually suggest she isn't qualified.
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I hope you guys are prepared for the fight ahead.
Don't get complacent because the polls look good, the next few months are gonna be rough as the Democrat regime gets desperate.
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protectthevote.com | trumpforce47.com

I did once but then couldn't beat the second to last boss
And if you die in the end boss run it sends you back to 6-1


Realistically what is the dems ticket going to be. I need your best guesses. Obviously Biden won't be on it but who are they going to run? I'm really curious who you guys think it will be because I have no idea
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JD "We'll only send your kids to die if we absolutely need to" Vance
Epic W for the Trump crowd
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Gonna be praying for Trump's safety every day
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think of how much they`ll save on branding now the money is drying up.
Are you Aushtrulian
and if biden steps down?
stop maki no women
It took me 2 months to beat Dragonslayer Armour in DS3. I did fine with the Dancer, I even beat Nameless on the same day, but that fucking boss took me 2 months. Don't ask why, I don't know.
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Not this time, Thing.
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a lot of people are going to be very mindbroken by the joe continuum
The secret service trying to cover Trump looked like a scene from a Paul Feig Movie
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If Biden drops out, it'll be Kamala. No idea who they'll have as veep. Everyone in their party sucks.


Biden might not be on the ticket.
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why got something to say maaaate.
>Broken Pussy2
Biden/Harris. Biden isn't going to just quit.
do you think biden will use him getting covid as an excuse to dodge the second debate?
okay but this would be REALLY funny
Butt edge edge veep
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Won't be the first ones to get their mind broke by a continuum.
You have a good slope there.
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anon, the next debate is in september
so yes
And that's a wrap and a new baker now needed. Have a good Throw Skinless m*xicans Into Pits Nationalism Groyper night.
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That'll go over well
Kamala doesn't want to die that badly.
I'm sure Trump surviving the assassination and Joe having "covid" are connected. Like because Trump survived, now Joe must die.
There can be only one.
I think they're just trying to protect him until they nominate him on the 28th
he could possibly even use it to drop out of the election since he locked him self in constantly claiming he will run, but now covid gave him out..
but i don't think he will tho since he wasn't to run for his own ego plus he also know he doesn't have that much time left in life due to his age and mental degradation so this is all he has
kinda sad
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Baal must be appeased
>id - DOG
Curious, is there a picture of Trumps ear after the hospital with a bullet hole in it?
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hey you aren't supposed to be entertained
i think he's going to be on ice soon like rbg

wagmi frens
i got it
Just wanted to ask something
Two men enter the Battle Box
One man leaves
he's waiting until tomorrow for the great reveal
because he didn't look like he waseven going to make it past that car ride he was bodied into the car for
They're just going to try project blue beanz and ramp up the assassination attempts
It's going to be Biden/Harris. It is simply too late to replace him, and Kamala would fare even worse against Trump than he will. All this talk about Biden being unfit is because they knew he was finished after the debate and it was only further solidified with the assassination attempt on Trump. They are trying to save face with their base for when Biden inevitably loses and shifting their focus to obstructing Trump's administration for the next term.
it's joever due to joevid 19
joevid got joe elected and now it will get him unelected, funny how it works
Realistically I think that the deep state will start WW3 before they let Trump become president again, and Biden isn't going anywhere unless he dies in office from illness.
These people caused a pandemic and intentionally crashed the economy last time just to create the opportunity to stuff the ballot box. They are capable of incredible evil in their pursuit of power. They also will gaslight, lie and threaten to get what they want. Hell, they just tried to kill Trump.
Anything is possible.
itll go over like a wet fart in a dry room
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Remember biden saying this?
Well well well... guess who gave joe covid.
i think it will be kamala with big mike as vp
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AWOO, good night and God bless
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a soul has been offered.
the old gods care not whose soul they receive.
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>tfw the bullet missing the head was just Q fucking around again
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Trump picks the faggot married to a pajeet who openly hates Trump and in a derogatory way compares Trump to Hitler. There were other candidates Trump could have picked who were not married to a brown cunt and did not call Trump voters idiots

I assume you goddamn niggers do not want to talk about it
thats gucci, thank you based Kagpaw
hey who did you want?
I shilled for Youngkin and Burgum but it would’ve been the same thing. I am not voting for the VP’s wife desu
>Well well well... guess who gave joe covid.
Presumably Hillary Clinton.
do you any idea how many poos there are in america running the 7 elevens?
And trump just good all those shit stained votes.
>Only the Lord Almighty could convince me to quit
If he doesn't survive this "covid" thing, they should put that on his tombstone.
Imo most people here only think of the next 4 years. Well worry about it when the Time comes.
If you believe he has covid.
I don't.
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ok, but the answer may involve some fighting.
remember when everybody thought ron desantis was the future of the GOP?
fun times!
How White is Australia?
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Unlike Newsom DeSantis CAN win the sunbelt
DESU Trump has shocked me with his comeback most gop types quit pretty easy
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do you know how many analyses i read that still call him le 4chan candidate
If they are lying about it in an attempt to use it as an excuse for his constant gaffes, then it's retarded and nobody will buy it
4.9 million, so 1.35% of the population of the U.S., not that important desu.
kek no. I knew he was a faggot from the beginning mostly because all the people I hate loved RDS and sucked his dirty spaghetti nigger cock.
I think that’s the whole South asian population
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that's because he is going to punch from the right any day! just you wait!
Oh fuck Hindu Indians number 3,340,000 other Indians, mostly muslims, number roughly 1,450,000
only about 15% or so of burgers vote in elections so the 1% pajeet votes will become key to flipping several of the battleground states where it's neck to neck
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depends where you go.
ciites are getting fairly fucking mixed.
not london or paris yet but getting there.
out in the country it`s much better.
i can go weeks without seeing a non-White.
ok maybe a wog or two but they integrated years ago.
I actually calculated most common first ancestry with ACS data
No that's just Indians, if we throw in the others it's 5.4 million. With such small numbers they'd be easy to deport, probably the easiest, if we cracked down on them.
maybe he can audition to be kamala's vp the democrats already have spencer on their side
161,000,000/258,000,000 adults voted in 2020
hey this just popped up
>Tfw the bullet DIDN'T miss and Q just rewound everything but we don't know if it was for fun or to save the universe
Ben and Nick Fuentes have endorsed Donald Trump. They moved to the only sailing ship. Stunning and brave
I'd be sticking things through the hole, like my middle finger
I thought all the nons were Indian, Chinese, Lebanese, and Aboriginal? What other groups did they manage to stuff in there?
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Cuz The Best and the Brightest ain't "women" Donny, you know that!
66% of the population voted in the last election anon
I am going to shit my pants laughing when you redneck far right retards get demolished in the election. The shock. The despair. The madness...Will be epic.
Kek.lol lmao
Ron lost me on January 6th when he supported imprisoning the people attending
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Not the faggot married to a street shitter and called Trump supporters idiots. The faggot openly and proudly hated Trump until Trump offered him VP. I guess everyone is now supposed to pretend Vance is not going to be a cancer within a Trump 2nd term

This is going to be the most obvious and predictable I told you so imaginable
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Imagine a Kamala Harris/Richard Spencer ticket.
It's for the redemption arc of never trumpers, which vance was. True unity and all that
She's gonna pick Nick Fuentes or Destiny.
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please don't feed the hopium there is no reason to expect anything good ever
Fuck both of them tbqh.
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sudanese down in melbourne for one.
and random sandniggers.
oh and the vietcong.
hey why didn't you answer my question?
sounds like a concession is emerging
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(what no i actually avoid all the durr durr look at 2016 and how great it is, it was just an interesting video)
(i actually think the polls are vastly overestimating trump and there will be a realignment come september october)
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he fits right in
Whatever is actually happening it would be very easy to use covid as an excuse to get Biden out of sight for an extended period.
Considering recent events and what could happen in the next few months it isn't surprising that they wouldn't want Biden doing events or interviews.
They could also be covering up a more serious health problem.
if only America was still 80% White
great it was*
and here i thought someone would finally have an answer!
I did you nigger. Any of the other candidates on the list who were not married to a brown cunt and did not give the Democrats and media unlimited ammo by comparing Trump to Hitler and calling Trump supporters idiots
why you say?
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yes the downballot says nothing good for trump people are overdosing on good vibes and press and that means fucking nothing
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He's a little busy right now.

Was she the SS director 10 years ago?
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>stuffed in there
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>refuses to answer my question
i accept your complete and total concession! thanks for playing!
If the whore is to be believed (which, to be honest, never believe a whore about anything) this nigger begged to slurp another man's semen out of her vagina. What the fuck?
>Any of the other candidates on the list
bro it's not gay if you eat it out of a vagina
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it's another man's
that's extremely gay
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because america is increasingly brown and unmarried white women are poisoning this country
there's going to be a big normalization during the DNC when democrats get free press and lots of donor money. i know you might be thinking
>but anon, trump was shot! there's that one really powerful image of him!
>plus the country is in a really bad spot! look at x,y, and z (all true)
the problem, anon, is that people forget about every single political issue, no matter what it is, in a month or two. even gaza (where people are still dying, faster than ever before actually), barely makes the news. it's all going to come down to what happens in september and october. that being said i do think trump will win, but it's not going to be by him winning states like new mexico, new jersey, and colorado
Isn't also at least a little bit gay to eat ones own semen? I would say yes but it's murkier because using that logic would mean that jerking off is also gay.
feels like someone blended melania with awoo
finally we're tackling the issues
Whites will remain 70% of voters until Gen X is elderly. CA voters are 60% White in a 34.5% White state(22% Northern European)
if reclaiming your own zinc so no not really
>this nigger begged to slurp another man's semen out of her vagina. What
ngl thats hot as fuck
i would want to do that too if i had a gf. i would make her cuck me with bbc all the time.
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they don't want to vote for Biden, unless they pull another meme coof out of their ass it's a lock
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i really enjoy the story of california. once a bastion of americana ruined by:
1. the chinese
2. the gays
3. the spics
i have traveled to california a few times and i know there are still areas full of whites and beautiful sights and sounds, but it'll never, ever recover.
pmurt is going to be president of cwcville and there's nothing he can do about it
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kouhai those areas are the worst people in the country because they voluntarily contribute money and power to the state
i will always disagree with you on this and that's okay!
not if the dimensional merge happens first
>just 2 more weeks
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Back by popular (?) demand!
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i am still mad how every group went to the right for Lake for Governor in 2022 but White women went hard to the left. fucking whores made the nigger rigging easy for them.
Whites were 70% of the voters here in 2022 and you have this difference
no it's not okay
Ben Carson should have been Vice President. Unlike Vance, Ben Carson has no dirt to be found by the media because like Ben Carson says, if you don't have something nice to say about someone, keep it to yourself.
I love it. The communists have done this to good people for years now and finally it's coming back to bite them in their asses.
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anon it's not about voting for biden, it's about voting for the blue team because the red team will offer 10% less gibs
right now it's easy for people to say
>fuck biden! he's the worst!
>i hope they run kamala she's really cool and black and a women and will protect my bodies
but at the end of the day they are going to vote democrat (they being minorities and unmarried white women) because they only care about
1. gibs
2. abortion
>god saved trump
>but not children dying from cancer
>durr durr leave your white town that your ancestors built from the ground up because the government has been coopted
note: the correct response to this statement will never happen
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fuck no, thanks.
Tonight was full of SEND THEM BACK chants and MASS DEPORTATION NOW signs. Anyone blackpilling is gay, retarded, Mexican, or some combination thereof.
god gave them cancer as a trial, not his fault if they don't pass it
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Suckin on my titties like you wantin me callin me
>trying to understand the mind of God
Nigger, please. God answers prayers. He might not give you the answer you want but he gives you the answer you'd want if you knew what He knows.
yes it's fucking disgusting
>wahhh wahh i have to be a slut ;___;
>if i'm not able to kill my own child how can i live my life?
fucking niggers
anyways did you see lake released an internal showing her winning (it's a little worrisome that her own internal was only a 1% lead but it's better than nothing)
hey where's rhodesia?
don't forget that the jews shorted djt in anticipation of his death
there was actually a map that was going to be posted here but something happened!
so no idea!
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With most or all of his revenue streams now canceled, I wonder how he's gonna meet the alimony to his ex-wife and her stable of Bulls?
Staring in cuck porn where he can indulge this particular fetish to his hearts content seems the natural path. Hell, it wouldn't even keep him out of Pedo Peter's faggy little regime.
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yeah i have no idea either
yes it's very funny. lots of people are saying
>omg lol the RNC is over
but not a single one of them can answer how many white people spoke it's very odd

God gave him Parkinson's too, which unlike covid is incurable and terminal
truly pozzed
just seems like a waste of time to poll at the moment. nobody cares until after the primary and when spending starts. 1% lead is better than say how Masters was doing against Kelly. i still don't believe what Senate polls are telling me unless it's WI and PA then i understand since Baldwin and Casey are strong incumbents even if they're nigger faggots.
hey is masters going to win
yeah the polls are not worth wasting time on right now because it's all gotcha push polling.
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no the polls are useful for one thing: making the other side despair and infight
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people keep saying it was divine intervention but didn't Hitler survive several assassination attempts?
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kek, fair
yep, especially since the debate
i honestly have no idea how that race is going to go. it's really annoying if i had to be honest about it.
Senate polling just seems odd to me. they are barely doing any and the recent slate were done by the fucking britbongs lol. god i fucking hate YouGov so much.
demographics are a meme if you’re under 60 is what I was saying earlier. The voting population will be way Whiter than the general public for a very long time and Trump has room to gain because low propensity voters lean towards him
i got you there bigots
What did the home depot lady say, I can't read it
it's not even the end of july yet.
based on *just* the assassination attempt, it's starting to look like they can't spin shit fast enough before it gets slapped the fuck down.
That needs to keep happening.
it really is time to kill the bogeyman.
I still believe it will be Biden/Harris. Biden and Jill are fucking maniacs and unironically Biden polls better than Harris in some swing state polls.
That being said, a Kamala/Shapiro ticket could be trouble. That would put PA in their column.
also I don’t know which regular you actually are but stop posting these women
Shill bros, glownigger bros, media bros, dem bros...why are you ignoring the assassination like it never happened? I find it interesting that the swamp is diving into a chance of "unity" since they failed to get Trump while shills, libs and social media crazies are upset because the shooter missed.

Care to explain yourselves? Didn't you assure /ptg/ that Trump would be in prison? Whatever happened to that?
the Senate polling i think is bullshit too because they're still trying to push Biden out and are using it as a "see see Biden is bad everything else is okay" meanwhile House/Senate Dems are in reality panicking because him being on the ballot is going to cost them seats. it's why Schumer and Jeffries leaked their conversation with Biden today telling him to step aside
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no i agree, that's trump's absolute strongest electoral power:
he is able to get people who never vote (and will never vote again after him) to cast a ballot
why, do you want guys instead?
no stop avatar fagging
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hey what does that mean?
>South Korea's top court upholds landmark ruling over same-sex spousal state benefits
Also the difference between 0 year olds and 55 year olds is not anywhere near as stark as the difference between 56 and 84 year olds
Some classic Trump kino here
I used to ask this when I was an atheist, but now I realize that the children either live because it was their own trial, or die because it was their parents' trial.
By trial I mean challenge for the soul, not like a quiz or something that you've failed.
You come here to learn lessons about yourself, and sometimes you need to experience some sad shit to truly understand eternally that you never need that again.
God itself doesn't act but rather we are the actors on its behalf. Infinite scenarios and what-ifs are playing out in the God mind reality and we choose to pack ourselves into a finite meat-vehicle of incredible design to experience it sequentially.
valid assessment
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PART 2: News on attempted assassination:
How the security breach happened, when it happened, and who was at fault.
New information, timeline synched up with rally footage, google street map view

Part 1:
How the assassination actually happened, and how the security team responded after shots were fired.

Unconfirmed info that there was a post on the roof, but the guy assigned to that post never showed up. Leads to the conspiracy theory this specific individual was paid off, or in on it.

Vance info:
Vance interview with hannity at the RNC
JD Vance wrote hill billy elegy in 2016.
Vance signed up for the marines when he graduated high school, and spent 4 years there which is normal, but he was in PR and never saw combat (though he was deployed to iraq a few times).
ben needs to get put through a meatgrinder
Different versions of "Too bad they weren't a better shooter."
Better be careful, someone's going to do it and then you'll be cancelled like the silly billy you are
saving a random kid from cancer doesn't prevent ww3
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well they are non-White.
what does Barron sound like.
every thing about him is always about how polite, tall, and autistic he is.
I need MOAR compilations of salt
I just like how a decade of wrongthink immunity has left liberals with no sense of "maybe I shouldn't post this on mainstream social media on an account directly linked to my real identity"
Yang/ Buttigieg would be a funny combo.
Why do you want to know faggot?
Imagine Darth Vader on nitrous oxide
Also, wtf is this shit about JD Vance birth name being James Donald Bowman

"James David Vance (born James Donald Bowman; August 2, 1984) is an American politician"
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Pocahontas thinks she's just THE BESTES EVAR no way she'd second fiddle.
Is Biden even going to show up for a second debate?
I dunno. Just saw jewtube about all these guys praising him and being impressed as shit by him.


Nothing is funnier
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Will he live long enough to get there?
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Pretty sure this confirms the 12 /x/ poster. Didn't that tripfag say the same shit?
Trump/Destiny would've been the funniest shit of all time.
They're engaging in cancel culture because it's polling well. The trump getting shot polled well, the Dems would immediately celebrate and ask it to happen again.
There's no morality at work at all. In fact, the attempt on Trump's life was very probably orchestrated by some of the same people decrying the violence.
>Comments are turned off
>why can't appoint best and brightest?
Because DEI means 70% of office workers are female and women suck ass at everything, meanwhile the top managers are usually 80yo men like Fauci who also suck at everything due to being old as fuck.

Also the only job offers I get are from the other side of the country, despite being in a 'job creator zone'.
All the more reason to vote Trump.
Interestingly some big companies are starting to ditch DEI already.
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They know better than to not kneel for their king
On top of pretty much everything else, the SS's public humiliation on July 13 was the single best argument against DEI to date.
>Biden got the coof
Isn't the Democrat Convention next week?
no, it's next month
who feels like watching kino
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Was there any importnant/good/funny moments at the convention today that I should watch or was it all neoconnery leftovers?
it's almost like someone is intentionally undermining the US but that's crazy who would do such a thing
I bunch of pedos coomed when they say Don Jr's daughter
>It is scheduled to be held August 19 to 22, 2024,
So they got a whole month of pleading Biden to step aside.

Stay strong, Jill. You sink your claws into power and prestige and you don't let go.
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It's because of illegal aliens incarnating on earth. They spawn in a third world country then migrate to a first world country and then they spread their infiltrator spirit to faggot up the local population then they breed and repeat.
They're gonna use this as an excuse for him to drop out, they're panicking and out of options
Holy shit i forgot about the monkey pox
>aunty kammy ca.. can i slurp da hubby cooms fr-f-from ur vu-va-vagarizard?!
not surprising considering the msm immediately shut up about it after "doctors were baffled" over how toddlers kept catching it
Nobody will ever vote for DeSantis because it is a public fact that he does not care about the January 6 protestors despite many of them being from Florida. Heck, DeSantis won't even order the Florida Attorney General to save these jailed Florida residents.
But on August 1st they are having the official delegate vote by Zoom call. So Joe has to go before August 1st.
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>they are having the official delegate vote by Zoom call
Why does that upset me?
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Yes. Fahms 'membahs.
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Very good post
embrace modernity
in 2028 the dems will have AI delegates that will nominate their candidate
>what do you mean, you weren't represented at the convention? your state had 50 AI delegates there.
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Illegal Souls
The next greatest boomer shooter
Why even with the zoom call?
Just email it then. Shit.
This sounds like some proper managed democracy there Helldiver
now imagine being a child adopted by a gay couple
Don't gotta imagine. Know too much already.
Originally, they were doing this because they needed to have a candidate before a certain date in August because Ohio closed ballot access on that date, and that date is pre-convention. So instead of moving the convention up, which probably would have been a financial and logistical clusterfuck, they decided on having what they are calling a "virtual rollcall", so Joe could have ballot access in Ohio.

But now, Ohio, I think (not sure), decided to give the Dems an exception, so there is no need for the virtual roll call anymore. Because they don't need the Zoom meeting anymore, Jeffries and a bunch of House Democrats wrote a letter today begging the DNC to not nominate Joe by zoom call on the 1st and to let things play out "normally". The DNC told them to kick rocks and restated their will to nominate Joe on the 1st.

Complicated convoluted shit.
>Over 6 million
That's the net net net
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Please don't forget that the kick streamer Destiny might recover from their temporary bans, advertisers and sites need to know about their illegal terroristic threats and glorification of terrorism and violence against the law and TOS.

Let social media, advertisers, streaming platforms, and law enforcement knowledge about this violent terrorism.

It's up to you, we need you now to help and win.
>temporary ban
Kick's desperate lmao
There has got to be a better way of doing this whole democracy business. Yeah this shit may have been top tier methodology when the horse riding mail carrier was the fastest way to get a message from point A to point B. But really, everyone has a smart phone or access to the internet now. Somewhere between now and the heat death of the universe, you gotta imagine the internet and instant feedback and mass participation is going to be integrated somehow.
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This is probably his best speech.
Watching it reminds me that there is no way in hell he could be controlled opposition.
The moment people realize that he's actually being serious and how sweaty and quiet they get when he says the word corrupt just does it for me.
The pain on the cardinals face when he mentions that Hilary hates the Catholics because he knows it's true but he needs the money.
Just all of it meshes together for the perfect storm.
It's too bad they won't be doing this again.
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By Allah kick will bend the knee or face the cosneedquenced
>But now, Ohio, I think (not sure), decided to give the Dems an exception
gay as fuck
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Does it matter? They have literally 0 chance of winning Ohio
It's only logical. Technology is always the force bhind social change.
It was kino, thanks anon.
I hope trump has maintained and increased that level of loathing over the years.
>Do you think he's having a tough time?
>He nearly died.
>>long pause
>Do you think he's having a tough time?
>He nearly died.
>>long pause
Nigel rules.
>Pressed on why the party is moving forward with virtual roll call plans even after the Ohio legislature passed a fix, Quentin Fulks, deputy campaign manager for the Biden campaign, said Democrats aren’t willing to take a risk on Ohio Republicans finding a way to keep Biden off the ballot.

Listen, we know Ohio passed a special law for us, but we just can't trust they will follow the emergency law, so we have to cement Biden's name.
>are you sure you aren't doing this because people want joe to step down?
Don't be conspiratorial! We have to ensure Biden is the candidate NOW, because of an Ohio law that is no longer on the books. Not because we are afraid of you guys throwing us off the train.
Forgot the sauce

i just hope that somewhere along the line they realize that not everyone should be able to vote.
And especially not people younger than 35. When I say that people always come at with knives drawn "WHO WILL ADMINISTER THE TEST?!" And all I'm saying is that the right to vote just being thrust upon you when you are 18 vs having to actually take time out of your day to go to the local municipal building to take a test, even if the test is piss easy, even if the test is just 2 questions.
>name 10 previous presidents
>name the 3 branches of government
just so you can show that you
1) actually give a shit
2) can read and write
3) are not a complete retard about politics
Would do absolute WONDERS for the kinds of candidates that are produced based on the narrowed electorate.
If you weren't here for 2016, it's fucking wild to me that everybody can just agree that Iowa, Ohio, Florida and (for the most part) North Carolina are not in play. While those of us who believed in Trump agreed that he was going to win these "core 4" states easily, you wouldn't believe how many didn't automatically agree. The fact that the dems gave up on all of these, except for NC, is quite nice. Hillary shouldn't have spent any time there. One of the dumbest campaigns in terms of time spent I have ever seen.
i still wonder if robinson will pull off the win in north carolina
I imagine Trump running up the score will help him.
Sadly, a lot of people don't vote down ballot properly. It helps having Trump on, but it's not a guarantee on anything.
what even goes on in north and south carolina?
In America, not everyone used to have the right to vote across the board. I'm talking about white men, not women and niggers. Some states like New York required ownership of property to be able to vote. America's history is a lot more "unamerican" than they teach (or don't teach) in school. As someone who reads history a lot, I always get a bit peeved when people say some authoritative thing is not "not American." Do you know why batman doesn't kill anyone? Because Congress told comcbook makers that their heroes couldn't. Today, if Congress told Netflix who to make a show, people would decry, "this is against our tradition of freedom of speech!"

Nigga, please, America has robbed people's freedom of speech since day one. This internet censorship is just the first time YOU heard about it.
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i will never ever understand the split ballot voters
>i am excited to vote for trump! he is going to make america great again!
>but let's not give him the house or senate lol haha we need balance or something
stop saying
To further illustrate my point on how stupid Hillary's campaign was, according to, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trumps-campaigns-numbers/story?id=43356783

Her most visited states (tied):

She had no chance in 2 of these states, but Pennsylvania was one she should have spent a ton of time on. So she was 1 for 3. Goddamn
Isnt Trump so heckin based?
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I never questioned it, pretty much the only two places you even saw The Epileptic known as Shitllary signs and merch was central and west Des Moines and the bigger 3 colleges. Everywhere else it was nothing but Trump.
Although a good deal of that is because culturally Iowa use to be about a decade or so behind and Trump's The Apprentice fame was still HUGE here even then.
Now it's because he was the very best President toward our state while in office, and Bidet has been the complete opposite. Even a lot of the dumbasses that did vote No Refunds or Benghazi Baglady or Uncle Sniffs-a-lot have come around to the Trump Train.
hey how many american citizens do you think can name the last 10 presidents in order, let alone all of them
Fat black as midnight mammy niggers with tits swingin down to they feets twerkin on the US Constitution forever and ever amen
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hey do you want to see worse
yo, you str8 bussin fr fr no cap
yeah i'm going to sleep
trump will have a good speech tomorrow (today)
People should consider reporting Jack Black to Nintendo, especially Nintendo Japan, because it would be extremely damaging to Nintendo's brand if Bowser is forever associated with someone like Jack Black
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i hate everyone so much
this please
At least she didn't take the Bogpill. I'd rather a broad get old and wrinkly than get bogged.
That's interesting. I've never been to Iowa before. My thought process for the core 4 back then was a bit more basic, but went like:

>half corn farmers and rural and half rust belt
>trump does well with both, so he would easily win it
>obama won because he was rust belt popular, but hillary had none of that
>typically more red anyway

>bellwether that is white rust belt, easy win (plus hillary said she would put coal miners out of business)

>trump's second home
>he beat a sitting senator in the primaries
>beat hillary's vote total in the primary despite being a more crowded field and against a sitting senator

>north carolina
>only went blue once in recent memory, even went red for Romney
>therefore will stay red, especially since trump does well with southern evangelicals
This is why he made Kyle Gass do the bit and not himself, so he could deny deny DENY.
also point in favor of radical centrist
Or old man Joe conveniently dies of covid to get him the fuck out of the way.
His partner did it and he got away clean, no dice
i will be vindicated when they decrypt his comms i just know it



>Or old man Joe conveniently dies of covid to get him the fuck out of the way.
My money is on this outcome. I just don't see how they don't kill Joe, unless he steps down.
Obama won it eventually and only because his opponents were pure manure. That and their dumshit, libtard test-case kids pestering them to "hewp us vote for dah firs bwack nominee pweez!!1!"
I dunno but I can see the "drama" being that Harris declines the second run. She doesn't look like she's been too enthused by the polling that shows her getting stomped in the black vote by Trump.
If you are a democrat primary voter how are you not livid?
>Hillary given debate questions in advance in 16
>Bernie jobbed out of the nomination
>Oops our voting machines accidentally gave mayor pete a fake win in the first primary in 2020
>Liz Warren stays in just long enough to destroy Bernie yet again
>Joe picks the lowest-polling dem to be his running mate
>Joe wins primary (probably with some rigging) in 24
>Half the party is trying to arbitrarily replace him with the candidate du jour of their choosing without any voter input
>Other half of the party is trying to rig the roll call procedure to cement the dementia patient on the ballot sooner
What an absolute mess. And their base will continue to drone about >muh sacred democracy
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