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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
Makes sense, all PC gamers cheat with aimbots
Boomers were right -- video games cause violence. Ban all games before Destiny does something next
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Time to ban video games.
The real bombshell is he used a toilet for shitting.
gamres are the world's most oppressed people
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She got approach by glowie for a fun day of fake security scenario
>son! Dont you love your country and president trump? The nation need you to walk around pretending being a white antifa male who will try to assasinate president trump
>really? Like a videogame?
>yes! What if a madman would do such a thing! We need to train our secret service to this eventuality, so here take this plastic gun and this range finder and go walk around try not being see your robert de niro hack this shit boy!

That why everyone saw him
That why no one reacted
Like 9/11 on 6/11 they were running a simulation that we dont know about
A team was in the building under the sniper, as he came back through the day reporting him they send him back with new indications
Last one being to climb on roof and make the shot, he wasn’t shooting for real that why the no scope
But elsewhere the real sniper took the shoot and miss
Took out the kids and freaks out when they saw they miss
The end
>Criticizing the generation that lost everything because you fucked up everything the greatest generation gave you
Typical boomer lack of self awareness
gamers need to rise up
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Glowniggers are actually going to blame violent video games again. Instead of just saying the shooter was part of Antifa. Who the fuck is actually falling for this????
video games are mind poison for the weak willed
I wonder what his setup was. Intel or Ryzen? Nvidia or Radeon? Was he limping along with an ancient i3 and 1050 Ti? Or a 14900KS (RIP) with a 4090?
DNC convention?
was he just an enraged olbertarian who was planning to go on a multi political party rampage?
THIS. Fuck PC and all the hackers that cheat on this shitty platform.
Mate they lost GG1, GG2, and GG3 if it isnt some faggy MMO shooter the, get wasted every fucking time, cant use aimbots IRL
No way this retard was sitting on a 3k computer.
Boomers didn't fight in WW2. God you people are fucking idiots.
Xbox/ps5 fags get built in aim big because low IQ niggers can’t aim
>chump vs. gamer chad
Why would you cheat when you have a device that can point anywhere you move it as fast as you want?
Unlike joysticks, which are cucked beyond belief. You'd have to be a full-on retard to use a joystick to look around when a mouse exists. "HURR DURR lemme hold this stick for 2 seconds so I can look behind me".
*flicks mouse 10 degrees in .3 second*
*points and clicks at your head*
1. Drives a car.

2. Appears on a bike.

3. Brings his own 20 foot ladder on bike.

4. While carrying a rifle.

5. Around the SS.

6. Is spotted and told on multiple times.

7. Trump magically escapes harm. The guy who help stage the covid vax genocides and 911.

8. Brought his own explosives and homemade transistor detonator with him. The excuse made for this:
>he was good at math and went to community college

But don't worry he was a GenZ glasses wearing dorky loner so that fits the profile.
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makes sense
trump shooter was jewish
I fucking hate video games.
>current and former video game addict
I have been born into the era of video games and albeit vidya was comfy in 06-09 era its drill a gigantic demonic waste of time. Now you see that's the problem innit? But it has gone on too long to the point where every fsggot is mesmerized by his TV, he has a TV in his pocket ffs, and now the newer gens a goggles TV, unless we live like the Amish I'm afraid there is no going back and may ad well embrace the vidya like good goy faggot yea? Faggots
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My name is Tim Buckley. I'm a twenty-four year old gamer.
I have played every violent game in existence and I have never killed anyone.

There are MILLIONS of gamers just like me, and we're getting sick of people like you blaming your problems on us.

Ignorance causes violence, not videogames.
Man up and take responsibility.

We outnumber you, and the people who think like you.
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Also true

But controller faggots cope the most, especially when its in a game like Halo, they're always talking mad shit and when you call them out for having a device do 90% of the work for them they say "well it's a game made for consoles" as if that means anything

>chad PC aimbotter vs virgin controller aim assist

At least PC hackers are blatant with it, they really dont give a fuck 99% of the time, I think it's gay as fuck tho
Wtf is that reaction time
>watch as it unfolds
Little shit got mogged by professionals with years of experience and training.
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Any of you nigger actually watch this shit?

Tucker was here
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Ban video games, and guns. Gamers can't be trusted, and neither can gun owners. 1 in a million is just too much of a chance for violence, sorry.
Did you even read what the guy said?
Can you even read Boomer?
Can you even breed Zoomer?
What is his Steam profile?
>We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
>hardest most mentally demanding tasks
>playing video games
Get a job nigger
Cheaters are really dumb, they have zero game sense, their aim is trash without an aimbot and their knowledge of core mechanics is laughable at best. That goes for any game with cheaters. A good player will beat a cheater by sheer willpower.
>both of these accounts are deleted now
the fuck?
Console gamer
Does it really surprise you?
I can't even find the post on reddit, link?
>PC gamer
>shitty laptop
pick one
Are there even many gamers left ?
With the rise of bullshit streaming site like twitch it seems young people nowadays are to afraid to even play retarded video games and are content with watching some else play.
Real gamers are staying on old games like TF2.
Hi Tim, great to meet you! As a fellow gamer I'd like to suggest that you please consider chugging bleach. Thanks, have a great day!
But not too great or you might not end up chugging bleach.
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who goes to reddit?
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>it was the gamers, goy!

....h-heh... s-sure chaimy... s-sure..
how disconnected from reality are you, my guy:

there are 24 million people on steam right now
fuck i hate boomers.
Now check the age of the most played games.
But he didn't go out with style. Cringe.
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I heard the Trump shooter was a movie watcher, a music listener, a web surfer, book reader, food eater, air breather.
typical kike behavior
>playing Helldivers 2
>keep getting retarded children joining
>turn off crossplay
>never see one again
kb+m absolutely whips controllers every single time, despite having built in aimbots. Funniest shit in Halo Infinite was cumming inside controller brooch fags asses. captcha 88GG
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>Extreme political views for 20 year old
>No social media expressing it
>Wears DemoRanch gun-tuber shirt to the shooting.
>"Kills" hero firefighter who gets $4.5 million on GoFundme in 1 day
>CNN claims Iran plans to kill Trump too.
They already blamed the AR-15 and a 20 year old white kid with extreme political views but no social media to express it.

If this was a movie, it would be too fake to enjoy it.
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stale pasta
Gamers are the most oppressed group on the planet
This is surprisingly fun to read if you can imitate a French accent.
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fuck you im not dying for zog
Sloppy job mossad
I have lived through 24 years of this fake and gay century and 7 years of the previous fake and gay century. I am used to fakeness and gayness by now. Not surprised they pulled out the really big fake and gay guns for this op as well desu.
And now Biden got the coof. But of course.
These boomers can be really toxic and manipulative some times.
>a politically correct gamer
i bet he loved cyberpunk and plays(played) world of warcraft? gutted, man.
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They targeted gooners.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the longest, dick chafing goons. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a few pixels on a screen we found while edging.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time obsessing over a type of character all to find that perfect fox girl waifu after opening thousands of tabs.

Many of us have spent every weekend doing these things: find the perfect waifu, all day, looking through hundreds of pics, hundreds of times to the point where we know every little detail such that some have even named their perfect waifu and pretend cuddle with her every night.

Do these people have any idea how many relationships have been neglected, dicks rubbed raw, socks and sheets destroyed from the cummies? All because 3d women are pd?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our waifus? We're already completely devoted to her. They ban our images? Gooners aren't shy about learning to draw themselves, or even creating ai that dwarfs megacap tech companies. They think calling us loser, incel, failure to launch is going to change us? We've been called worse things by the std monster roastie down the hall. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to normal human contact. Who enjoy the burn of edging for 18 hours. Who see hitting the ceiling with coom as a show of love. Our obsession with proving our waifus are best after being told she isn't real so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with our parents saying our room smells like a pit cringing as their nose hairs burn up that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; she is real and I love her.

Gooners are obsessive, hard core, by nature. We love a good nut. The worst thing you did in all of this was to tempt us. You don't have a tail, she has a better personality than you and you just reminded us of her. Time to goon.
Why is he playing wow with a controller? Is he retarded?

typical mnk player he should have used a roller then he would have had aim assist.

aim assist buff
Surely someone can find the account with this info?
Here let me help with your dementia grandpa: He said YOU squandered what your PARENTS gave you to FUCK OVER your own CHILDREN and then blamed them for it like a COMMIE does after a genocide.
Take that you BOOMTARD!!
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Trannies can't aim for shit, more news at 11.
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Sorry no social media
But he posted on Steam
so now we gotta censor and regulate Steam too
Damn. Next I bet we'll find out he ate food as well. Maybe he even drank water.

Worse even that heroin addicts or furries,
>playing wow with a controller

Did the the greatest generation make this comic?
the tv goggles failed, lurk more faggot.
Trump surviving wasn’t part of their plan, you stupid faggot
U glow
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pick one
Yeah. His premiere was getting his head blown off by a sniper.
I think I did a good job of copying how boomers communicate.
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So that's it then, there's our motive. He was a gamer. We all know how gamers are, he probably tried to killed Trump for "experience" so that he could "level up." No reason to look into this any further.
As a fellow gamer (and a social worker), many people I interact with have become isolated and radicalized by the mainstream media constantly spreading divisive rhetoric, traumatic and depressing events and occasionally reference apocalyptic content. The outcome is a dangerous combination of apathy, ignorance, nilhism and self-neglect (“why does it even matter anyway”).

This is largely a result of an oligarchic system of press. The level of standard you’re held to should scale proportionally to your book value/revenue/circulation. More press credentials for small publications. Leeway for citizen and independent journalists and large burdensome penalties for places violating ethics and honesty policies (think a 3-strike policy where the third one puts the firm in conservatorship, thus deterring bad behavior). If you write your gay academic thesis on an expanded version of this, please properly cite CGB Anon and this page.
What's his steam profile??
Does anyone know the gamertag? Lots of talk around no online presence. Even if that is true there are lots of physical brick and mortar stores that use memberships to drive promotions.

Just saying just because they can’t find shit online doesn’t mean it’s not there. Probably just missing pieces to build the bigger picture.
If he has steam he has discord. I wonder how many retards who dared him to do this in a voicecall are shitting and pissing themselves right now
Roll em’ and this guys only fans info will be leaked today.
Aw fuck gamerbros how will we ever recover from this?
Oh no! Trump shooter drank water!
They are after us water drinkers!
They still fought in Nam, the war we lost.

Boomers are the reason why we lost Vietnam.
If he only gaymed on a laptop he was a casual, I would assume wow and fortnite, minecraft etc.
You've never set up your PC to play wow with a controller? I used to use a controller for leveling lol
everyone is a PC gamer
you dumb?
He's talking about you whore hippy grandparents. Go chase some jew cock traitor.
>DNC Convention

Uh oh
I guess he forgot to enable his


Watch the polish movie 'the Hater
Glowies not videogames
get fucked Jack Thompson you're not protecting Zoe Quinn this time.
Um, op, it's spelled GAYmers
Gaben knew and he did nothing bros...
Console users would never miss
Wut consoles have aim bot enabled by default unless youre a splatoon goon
This is the gayest thread to ever be posted by a faggot OP, the fact that you all continue to wait the 60s before posting dumbass shit just adds to this retarded gay shit. I am waiting just to tell you how gay you are.. I miss frens.
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Dat's Right.
They are going to blame gamers.
The market will crash before the election as one final FU.
What's the catalyst?
Buy GameStop.
Yep yep and the Anti-Christ will be named Israel.
PC gaming is kino.

Consoles were invented for bottom feeding retards who couldn't learn to use a computer. Those who mentally can't handle an error message without contemplating suicide.

Now computers have been dumbed down even further you must be the dumbest of dumb motherfuckers to still be using a console.

Return to the PC master race.
I doubt there a single 20 year old kid that doesn't play games on pc unless they're some farmer in pakistan or some shit like that
>We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks.

hahah lost me bro
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Maxwell Yearrick was a gammer?
That means he will just respawn
Who the fuck cares. Most young people are gamers. It's like saying "Trump shooter was eating bread on a daily basis" and conclude some bullshit out of that.
25 years ago the media targeted gamers way more after every shooter killed a bunch of kids. Nowadays journalists still trying that, are just idiots.

Nothing to see here, oppinion discarded.

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