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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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More than 12mil people have viewed this in the last 24hrs.

They can't be too happy about this.
They simply thought Trump's speech wouldn't sell tickets, nothing exceptional really, he's been polling low for months!
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Please don't tell me you do this for free.
Interadasting. They removed their "about us page" just today by the way: https://austinprivatewealth.com/our-story/team

Here is the archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20240718014653/https://austinprivatewealth.com/our-story/team
Jew on Jew violence

oh no

So what may it all mean? Explain it like I'm a retard.
The implication is that they had foreknowledge of the attempted assassination, which, if it had succeeded, would probably have tanked stock prices for Trump's company, so they sold a bunch of stocks the day prior.
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Start a Twitter tag going, make it popular

In reference to biggy smalls who shot ya to 2 PAC
Ok rabbi
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Short squeeze potential
Buy an ad.
It does, since its a bot.
Their proud supporters page is still up
he was due to pick his VP then, and none of the candidates were polling well
it's not a fantastic reason, but it's a reason
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Looks like they lost a shitload of money with Trump literally dodged a bullet with that divine intervention head move, cheaters get rekt, kek
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Hmmm...nothing to see here, not anymore
the thread says the short was a "clerical error" and the SEC have since erased the shorts

*catches breath*

Are they still holding the bag, not only this can blow to the news, it can blow up the stock and it can blow up their pockets
Looks like someone might be getting a visit from the Authorities
Fuckin Short Squeeze Let's Gooooo
To make a 600 million dollar bet on?
Bullshit I'm an investor and worked with high profile people including Cuban.

You don't lose 600m on a iffy bet.
>zionist on zionist violence
all good
Apparently they bought puts on Rumble as well on the same day
So we're rapidly approaching a billion lost.
They're the authorities, retard.
Lori is that you?
Is Mark a bitch ass Jew?
Yeah he is and a dumb investor, he lost a lot not listening to my advice and got burned bad, Lori?
Just a midwest boy who spent years learning about leverage.
They were betting a very, very, very large amount of money the stock would tank for some reason the day before Trump got shot.
depends on who's money is lost
Well idk what puts they bought, could've bought puts at .05 or .15 or dirt cheap otm puts
And they were liquidated from it, see the 25% increase in price afterward?
That's a liquidation candle.
What website is this?
He was one of the "chosen ones" he was a shit bartender who sold a shit streaming company to Yahoo News for 6 billion dollars in fucking 2000.
Shit company had no subscribers, no proven concept and no revenue, yet somehow (((Yahoo))) just gave that Jew 6 billion dollars just because.
Comes to show they just help each other just like their father Rothchild would wanted to
But whatever they are now are probably at zero or have no bid since rumble went up since a lot since where it was on friday, kek
But, like... how unusual is this kind of volume of transaction? Couldn't this just be a coincidence?
Yeah that's the cia
They bet millions if I remember correctly so you wouldn't do that on a whim
It's over 600m there was 800m in volume the moment it was liquidated.
I can't possibly imagine a wealth management firm doing this amount of their portfolio and such a risky bet like this unless they really thought they knew something
Probably, of course they have an insider trading arm likely for black budgets
They simply thought Trump's speech wouldn't sell tickets, nothing exceptional really, he's been polling low for months!
Yeah only you lose money in Wallstreet and retirees teachers unions assorted bag holders when (((they))) lose money its a (((clerical error))) similarly Martha Stewart goes to prison for what is legal for congress and senators to do because they made it legal for them to do but a felony for everyone else
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unrelated but you have ads on your phone anon.
Better burn it with thermite.
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>Evil geniuses
Not having a good week, are they?
No one is buying that schlock you KIKE
You can’t short squeeze puts, friend.
retard here - can you guys explain this to me in 1 sentence?

there is 100 years of rock phosphate left on earth, there is no future for civilization. Your way of life is going to end and your grandchildren, if you manage to have any, will live as primitive hunter gatherers. This is all for nothing. You are not winning the game.
>be nothingburger
>be advertised by some literal who on twitter to bait for clicks
>/pol/ shits their pants
lol kike
/biz/lets being /biz/lets
Almost thier entire team are kikes
staged and gay!
Notice how I don't have any ads on my phone on the same website?
You need to gg if you want to defeat kikes.
The day before the assassination attempt they bought a ridiculous amount of risky put options on Trump's company as if someone up the chain knew something IMMINENT and major was about to happen like the stock crashing
Ok, so what is the best way to get rid of them?
Have you seen trumps movies? He's a terrible actor. There was genuine shock on his face. He wasn't acting
Mountain* kike
Yeah it was a cohencidence goyim. nothing to see here.
you don't understand one fucking thing about this story on a technical level moron.
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thats shady as fuck.
>The day before the assassination attempt they bought
and "they" means.... kike rats?
please dont yell at me if i dont get it - like i said, im retarded, but i want to understand this.
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so pure coincidence
It's really been something to see how Austin became the mecca for insane people and business schemes. Ive been here 7 years and the decline has been almost biblical. Between Rogan, Musk, and globillions of "influencers" and "life coaches", it's the closest literal thing to Clown City. Alex Jones was a trendsetter I guess.
Yep, and now they deleted the names of them and 404d the page that names all the financial planners or employees involved>>474669189
Shorts are a little more complicated than selling stock, basically you're borrowing shares for a fixed amount of time, and selling the borrowed shares at current market value, then when the fixed amount of time is over you need to return the borrowed shares so you have to buy them back at the new market value. If the share price has dropped in value you sold the borrowed shares for a lot and only had to buy them back at a much lower price so you get to pocket the difference. On the other hand if the share price has gone up you have to buy them back at the higher price and you lose money.
Well they deleted all their names except it's avaliable here https://web.archive.org/web/20240718014653/https://austinprivatewealth.com/our-story/team
Glad you asked and I hope it is a genuine question. Very simple way to use encrypted adblocking open source DNS services. It works on computers the best. https://dnscrypt.info/public-servers/
But for your phone you can use one of the good dns from above list and install adguard on your phone. And no, no one is paying me to post this.
I just want to defeat kikes from every way possible and disabling their ad business is one of the way.
>this is your economy on jews
This is convincing enough evidence that this was undoubtedly an inside job at this point.
Every single time!
That's a kike
Why would kikes kill their top goy? Trump loves jews. Even have away his children to them lol
>muh Christian nationalism
>george bush
He was one of the first to send Trump get-well wishes, despite her past. Doesn't seem to have the nerves for that.
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what timeline are we on here?
Ok, I'll check it out, anything else helpful I should know? I'm not the most technically savvy person when it comes to this, I use old fashioned electric tape to cover my camera, kek
Day before the shot a company bet against Trump's company for 12 meals on the stock market
>Comes to show they just help each other just like their father Rothchild would wanted to
Only if it is not their money.
There is way too much financial illiteracy on this board and its how I know you are all brown skinned and poor.
This story was nothing more than a misfiled 13F but you don't even know what that means.
Christ is king.
likely it's a version of "sneed and feed" thread-marking.
friendly reminder that Nepal flag is fake Walmart anon on a VPN. do not give it (You)s
>misfiled 13F
I also always write 12,000,000 when I mean 1,200. Absolutely typical mistake.
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You got any sauce to prove this?
He doesn’t understand what he’s talking about
It's the company's statement and their sec brothers will confirm it. But does it make a difference?
Every single option position was reported incorrectly, not just DJT. You don't care about that though.
Their publicly filed 13F holding reports on the SEC website. Educate yourself.
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It's maybe the most fucked up part about normies that they do not bat an eye even if told how the jewish economy works. I mean, who the fuck thought that allowing quantative easing or gambling tier practices like shorting were good for the common folk? George soros shorted finnish markka for example which drove us to accept euro, it is well documented fact but almost no one here knows it or understand the implications of that.

Who seriously ever thought that allowing shorting governement bonds is a good idea?
Depends on how many more shills they send for damage control
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Black rock has their ass deep in this site, they're watching every move we make and this case is important, if Trump figures who short him, Jews my go full panic
Care to elaborate for the illiterate?
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But wait, there's more..
Yeah? .?fucking what? I dont see more..
dont care, voting is for faggots who think it somehow makes a difference.
Also you won't do shit, case in point
>Every single option position was reported incorrectly
I would say the same thing if I were caught red handed. It would be too conspicuous to state only one position as incorrect. The fbi should have confiscated and sealed their computers long ago.
yeah crazy right? maybe the premise is wrong? maybe what's obviously true is whats true? like that theyve been trying to stiffle and undermine the trump agenda since his campaign in 2015 and they dont actually want him to be president.
Blackrock/Vanguard put a massive short on Trump that day before someone that worked for them before tried to assassinate him then?
600 m is quite a lot, but they saved money on the actual 'assassination attempt' which was laughably fake and gay
You don't even know what a 13F is and filing one with mistakes has absolutely no affect on the market.
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And the private federal reserve only has your best interest in mind, pleb
No technical expertise required. You can follow along their guide just fine. Do look it up in your free time.
They been running a plan they started in 2001 the plan was to hit Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Siria and finish with Iran.
Trump told them to fuck off, he started making new ties with Saudi Arabia and many other oil power houses in the middle east
The Jews saw this as an existential threat and this is where we at.

Trump just give them lip service, he doesn't give a single fuck about their hand rubbing rat plans.
That's why they haven't stop calling him Hitler and what not, that's why they go absolutely fucking nuts when you mention Trump around them

Netanyahu was voted out in 2019 Biden coup him back after he was installed, left hand washing the right
>Who seriously ever thought that allowing shorting governement bonds is a good idea?
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and if the crash had happened i bet they would have given all the money back with an apology.
Zio-Don would never go against greatest ally.
Wish he would, but he'll abort his children before uttering a single negative word against jews.
Why'd they delete it?
Shills were attempting to debunk this last night saying these pits were from June 30th at the latest. Any insight to that?
Can you spot the jews, Anon?
lmao. Every form of mandatory reporting is relevant to the market. But since you want us to dig deeper. A 13F has no obligation to report short positions. So it's quite possible that they reported the wrong numbers to be able to deny it if it goes wrong.
Due to insider trading, unforeseen market conditions and unexpected world events, banks can’t always be certain of how the market or stock or commodity will move, so when it comes to such trades they take both puts and calls that the combined total amount the bank will have to pay out by ppl that did a good trade is covered by the amount the bank makes by ppl that made a bad trade.
The bank makes money from the dealer it charges.
This way the bank always makes money.
So to claim their was suspicious put trades made is essentially bs as there was equal value call trades made.
*reported the wrong numbers together with the right
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theyre not happy because they dont want casuals to learn how shorts work because then it will be regulated to stop them from making money and the kikes will need to find a new way to leech
Would DJT go down if he died though? Michael jackson stock went up straight after hee hee died
It doesn't matter what numbers they got wrong because they filed an amendment that corrected the mistakes. The original report is irrelevant.
You don't know how any of this works.
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I think I found 'em
Can you name anything they do? The trump brand is practically their entire capital.
Stop stealing our memes you disingenuous shill
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Probably would've tanked like crazy, on Monday morning when options market opens those out of the money puts would've been up massively
Fucking midwit bureaucrat. Probably a jeet? It's not about the market impact of the 13F. It's about what business they've done. And the 13F is a good indication of what they did. And the fact that they reported their short position voluntarily without being forced to do so is striking enough.
100 years is more than enough time to get asteroid mining going
Lmao the jews tried to kill Trump and he still sucks their kosher dick all day long
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There's no evidence thst I've seen that they had calls or shares or that they had some type of spread, or another than a shitload of puts
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Holy kek
Puts aren't a short position and a 13F doesn't show what they did it only shows what they are holding at the end of the quarter.
Again you don't know how any of this works.
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why are you spreading disinformation?
This was a put contract, not a short.
so as to not get terried
can we pump up the stock price so they lose money? i dont know stocks
I miss "blue the jew"
I wish we brought it back
>Puts aren't a short position
sussy wussy
it's admitting he's right
They aren't. These would have been long puts AKA bought to open.
This is extremely basic stuff.
>he's been polling low for months!
Imagine actually being this delusional.
10 guys and 11 wahmen, they achieved equality, 5 + 5 = 11.
The phrase shorting here is a bit convoluted because all they did was use a put option.

Essentially they purchased a contract on the stock market like you might purchase any other security, but this contract as a "put" allows the owner to sell the underlying security, but doesn't oblige them to, at a certain price fixed in the contract. So if they knew the assassination attempt would take his stock, the next day, or for however long the contract was, they would have still had the right to sell at a higher price on a market that would have priced the stock extremely low... The difference being profit. This right to sell is essentially just an execution of the contract because it's already been purchased by an opposing party, the money's there, it just gets executed.
Long puts is still a short position and you know it. You are trying to confuse people on a technicalality
Are you afraid, jew?
My first thought also.
To your point, that info would have already been priced in
Actually keked gj Shlomo
>long position is actually a short position!
Sure thing buddy. Wait till you learn you can short puts, that will really blow your mind.
Imagine being so greedy that making a profit on Trump's death isn't enough and you have to also create a giant publicly available paper trail in an attempt to make even MORE money from it.
So we have reddit and X stealing our shit now. Kek
Classic Judaism mate
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I've traded every type of option and spread there is, and have traded stocks since I opened a Scottrade account in 2004.
These fags werent doing that though. Anyone that bought those puts thought they were getting a bargain because they werent privy to the knowledge the insider sellers had, or thought they had
Lol sure you have buddy. A screenshot from optionstrat doesn't prove anything but you going to look up what a short put is.
Best of luck with the trading!
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You're not fooling anybody, not even the people here that don't trade, good luck with your damage control though
>More than 12mil people have viewed this in the last 24hrs.
you mean it had... 12 million shares?
>Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, Cheney Family
We're a humble company goys, I mean guys! There's nothing to see there, just let it go... *proceeds to shut down the website*
Partners and VP, for easy reference. Also, good god the team members are laid out atrociously, or they were.
yeah people are retards and don't understand basic things. it's sad and funny at the same time
this is just flat out incorrect in multiple ways
>Doesn't seem to have the nerves for that
Bushes (ignore Yeb!) know how to play the game. You think Obama is slick with his posts on twitter about Biden, Bush is a on a whole other level.
the filing is an account statement. there wouldn't have been "money". You retards didn't even realize that the OP image also says their puts were worth $39, despite having 12 million shares worth of them.
It's a glowie operation. They planned to assassinate Trump and make millions off it too.
Additional archive

You can just do it anon, no one is stopping you.
They will forget it by tomorrow
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Markets opening soon. Think I might sell some puts on DJT, thoughts? IV is pretty juicy
>thinking the "left" on "right" charade matters
good kosher goy
Huh. What a strange thing to do.
should you bet your pittance by taking enormous unlimited exposure on a highly volatile stock that has no fundamentals of note.
Denounce the talmud
Are they going to have to eat the losses, or are they going to pull a Gamestop and steal from other investors?
I've gotten rekt before doing those vega plays, good luck though
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Too bad it's already been debunked and is only being pushed by racist chuds who want to smear Jews because they are jealous of the success of Jews.
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it's a put. they already paid. they had no exposure beyond the $39 dollars noted on that 13F, which was considerably less than they modest outright long position.
Shorting in a nutshell.
T. paki manlet
This. The company server was in his closet. Dotcom was goyim working hard for fake lotto ticket handed to jews. Fake market prices used to buy traditional American companies and destroy them.
I don't even need to click a link to know it was jews
No, the SEC FILING uploaded by APW was a clerical error. ALL options contracts in that filing were multiplied by an erroneous value of 10,000, not just DJT. So in reality they had shorted 12 contracts worth, or just 12,000 shares.
The way to correct this is to amend the filing you made to the SEC, which APW has done. SEC itself has not taken any action whatsoever.

FYI no amounts of filings nor amended filings to the SEC can "erase" short positions that are held. The filings are a disclosure process, not a trading activity process.

Yeah, this kike has been running interference on Twitter, reddit and here since last night. He definitely doesn't do it for free.
lmao every single time.
>No, the SEC FILING uploaded by APW was a clerical error.
That is the excuse I would use too after the assassination attempt failed.
correction: 1,200 shares (not 12,000), 100 shares per contract.
Using an Indian proxy does not hide your nose, merchant.
It's true, valley attendance was down.
Freemasons and the rest of the elitists and magicians who run America and the West are so incurably stupid they can't even assassinate someone correctly without the whole thing being torn apart in mere hours by NEETs, jeets and former McDonald's/WalMart employees.

They are so uncompromising about getting their way when it comes to pushing their retarded philosophy that was written by people who never worked or survived an actual hard day before that they only way to show them they are wrong is to condemn the entire country and watch it burn while saying "I told you so you pathetic retard rape slave..."
the SEC filings need to match reality. Even though it would be a dumb move, you can file with the SEC saying that you shorted $1b worth of some stock. That doesn't mean that such a short position ever existed on any exchange.

Even jews can't make 12,000 contracts materialize out of thin air because that requires MONEY to move hands.
I am becoming quite alarmed at the low-effort low-quality of the glowing since the weekend.
It's pretty sad if they stop even putting in the effort.
Start diversifying your shill talking points in your discord troon server, fags.
sorry you're retarded. As I previously no amounts of filings nor amended filings to the SEC can "erase" short positions that are held. Repeat after me: The filings are a disclosure process, not a trading activity process.
Remember when the SEC lied and manipulated the markets over the gamestop stuff and then covered it up?

I wouldnt put it past them to collude with investment companies to reverse a big short like this if it failed.
Thats just the nature of all of the American institutions under Biden.
Everything has been offshored to India and Pakistan, where the culture to to cheat as much as possible the and schooling is not only next to useless, but half the normal time or less.
this event really has been an embarassing lack of basic literacy, even by /pol/ standards.
A Heinz Ketchup sachet?
$39 dollars. even you could afford it.
Better yet, sell two $33 puts (or calls) and buy a $30 and a $36 put (or call), basically buying ng bearish butterfly spreads, very cheap, high payout, high probability, and limited exposure as they are debit spreads not credit spreads, so if your wrong you can't get fucked too hard, do it for next Friday, as I do think it will crab downward after it's already pumped this week, try it dawh
pure cohencidence, goyim
Did you notice how it's always coincidence when the jews are involved?
No, I don't remember because no such thing happened. Individual brokers such as Robinhood played naughty, they were caught and they were fined. I earned tons of money with GME during the heyday as shorts scramled to cover, because I used a reliable brokerage (Fidelity) instead of pleb tier brokers.
12th was a Friday. Can't buy and sell on Saturday or Sunday.
DJT's business reports have told that they are burning money at an alarming rate and making nothing.
Anyone that buys the stock to keep is an idiot.
This is kinda a nothing burger.
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thanks for your input crypto-kike no one cares
>Why would kikes kill their top goy?

Look at the evidence: Iran had made threats against trump. The guy was reported with bombs in his car. Iran is fueling hamas against jews. Had Trump died, Iran would be the new target and even Palestinians would suffer in the crossfire. If trump dies, jews win.

Even if trump is a jew operative (he isnt) why are you expecting loyalty from jews?
They simply thought Trump's speech wouldn't sell tickets, nothing exceptional really, he's been polling low for months!
sorry for mocking the dumb BS by 1pbtid OP and ruining your fun too. Now fuck off to somewhere else where your lies can't be called out.
Every bit of pilpul has been about the filing. K.

Let's have a quick investigation into the actual trades made by the firm, since the short interest spiked so high, just to put everyone's mind at ease. I don't really give a fuck what they (((reported))) to the (((SEC))). It's funny that in their CYA message they say no "clients" held that position, but leave a giant door open that the trade was made by the firm itself.
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>he's been polling low for months!
You guys have clearly given up. You're not even trying any more.
Trump basically guaranteed victory after the debate. The assassination attempt merely sealed the deal. But no "low poll numbers" were ever going to stop Trump from winning after Biden's catastrophic performance.
Fidelity's trading interface is horrible, kek
>Let's have a quick investigation into the actual trades made by the firm,
where do propose to find that information?
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Ding ding ding! Round one, start
The two guys you circled I also thought. I never think about women thinking.
Yes you can they sold their stock at x price with a promise to buy it back at whatever y price is later. You can fuck them right in the ass. This board is filled with Semite demons.
that's not how puts work at all, dummy.
A competent forensic account tant may find this information on the terminal used for the trades and internal documents. If the firm has any interest in allaying public concern about the incident, they should be more than willing to undergo this scrutiny for transparency. They did, after all, file an erroneous report, so let's confirm it was in error.
the 13F is a simple form that retards like you are completely misinterpreting in painfully obvious ways. you're delusional if you think that a forensic accounting report is going to help anything.
Those butterflies are going up already dawg, get some
It's also self reported. So let's see the actual trades. That wouldn't be difficult to produce, would it?

quality bait
Oy vey!
>read my post
>don't bother thinking about it
>simply repeat yourself in response
good tactic
This image never fails to crack me up.
what's the point of thread-marking, exactly?
KEK source?
I don't think you calculate options' share value like that, but maybe I'm wrong
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200-500 and not including synthetics
Big ag never was considered sustainable
Why would transparency hurt anything? Let's see the trades. Put our minds at ease. They don't have anything to hide, right?

Why are you so vehemently defending this tiny financial firm which you ostensibly have no connection to?
you aren't wrong. tards gonna tard though
i'm not defending them, you're using that wrong wrong in an attempt to deflect. you're demanding that they put time and effort and money into something that you've invented due to your stupidity. If I randomly knocked on your door and said that I was nervous because I heard you had a bunch of guns and explosives, would you think it's fair that I get to search your house and review your bank transaction history to put my mind at east?
I'm sure in just 25 years from now, they will have declassified about half of the related documents, enough for us to figure out roughly what happened, be patient my fren!
Maybe they also hedged the trade. I don't think an assassination attempt would be even a good reason to short the stock since you obviously can't be sure it succeeds or not. You'd buy both calls AND puts if you knew about it beforehand
what if I told you there was an easier way?
There's also this weird shit
I heard it was the biggest short ever on the exchange.
they didn't purchase them friday. they purchased them in Q2. DJT declined like 40% in Q2, and the puts were marked as being worth $39 dollars at the end of that period.
Someone said this was a soros thing, is there any truth to this?
Funny you call people tards here but don't once shred any evidence that you understand how this even works.
>clerical error
>thanks for our half a billion back
Keep reporting anons follow the money and you got your smoking gun.
This faggot is doing damage control notice the entire catalog is being spammed with bullshit this is the only thread that matters.
>No, I don't remember because no such thing happened.
You should read the report. The SEC lied in it a lot.
nice trips. imagine. you could've had the biggest short ever if you just knew about it
>Sure it succeeds
Blackrock hired assassin, ties to blackrock.
Finland isn't sending their finest shills.
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What it be?
12,000,000 shorts? What are you talking about 120,000 shorts? I don't have 12,000 shorts! You psychopath stop demanding my 1200 short contracts! OFFICER HELP HE'S TRYING TO REDEEM MY 120,000,000 SHORT CONTRACTS!
you can scroll up for evidence. the 13F isn't a statement that reflects trades. there was nothing to get "back". Their position, per the OP image that you're melting down about, was worth $39 and it was a conspicuous cover hedge against their long DJT position that everyone is bizarrely ignoring
Just use Brave browser. I can listen to music on Jewtube with my phone locked without a single ad.
How much are your masters paying you dog?
When the calamity hits I'll make sure to treat you like the dog you are.
They put themselves in the public eye with an erroneous filing. It seems they would have a great interest in correcting this in the public eye. And once again, why are you concerned about what this firm may have to spend to correct this error? Do you spend a significant portion of your time discussing the public relations of businesses connected to Semitic organizations, perhaps?
Now you're just making up bullshit lol.
Either way die in your vomit dog.
Well at the time I wrote that I assumed they did, and if they did buy them on Friday they'd be out all that money
Don't think of this in terms of what company lost what. It's all controlled by hedge fund algorithms, with the primary influencer being BlackRock's Aladdin AI.

I wouldn't be surprised if the general market correction over the past couple days was an algorithmic adjustment for their own loss.
>it's such a simple form!
Yet they fucked it up anyways.

i'm making fun of you for free, don't worry. i see you've already shifted to desperate insults when you get to the limit of your own knowledge. making shit up lel. apply yourself dummy
I know Trump cant be killed by conventional weapons. So even if they told me ahead of time I wouldnt have shorted his company.
Maybe I would have shorted stocks in the secret service.
there's probably thousands of erroneous filings every quarter. some dick who was attempting to dupe retards put them in the public eye with a purposefully misleading post that was predictably interpreted
I hope they all go to prison like they were trying to do to trump for filing some paperwork wrong.
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picrel orange woman
No he is right. They aren't the same, people just use the word short laxly
A put option is a contract bought by someone who is bearish, that means they think the stock will go down in value. What a put contract is, is an option for the one who purchases it to sell a stock at an agreed-upon price to the contract seller. Say the stock declines in value to nothing, the seller still is able to recoup their losses by selling the stock at the strike price agreed upon. They bought the contract for it the day before the assassination attempt. It was an extremely large put as well. OP is stating that this company knew that the stock would decline in value because he was going to be assassinated.
>using Chromium based browser
None of you guys have done investments....
the 25% increase on his stock on monday was their puts being sent to hell.
>I don't really give a fuck what they (((reported))) to the (((SEC))).
Glad we're on the same page

>trade was made by the firm
the firm didn't make any TRADES, they bought 12 PUT OPTION contracts (NOT 12,000) that give the OPTION to force the puts' seller to purchase shares at option strike price regardless of market price.
So APW had 1,200 pre-owned shares of DJT that they could force someone else to buy, in case the priced tanked.
Are you claiming that APW, a small minnow with only $1b of assets, would buy put options for 12 MILLION shares of DJT stock worth $429 million that they somehow also own outright??????
Unless I missed something you didn't tell him to use any particular browser. Just comparing Brave to private DNS, it's like night and day. Given that baseline it's the clear choice.
Can some finance fag tell me the time frame in which one usually places a short? Because aren't there margin calls at certain intervals if you hold the position?
I ask this because shorting DJT is probs a good idea if you think Trump is gonna win. As soon as he is sworn in as POTUS he will no longer be bound to his contractual obligation to remain exclusively on Truth Social. Now he owns 60% of it, so there's a good chance he doesn't migrate to Twitter. But there's a good chance he says fuck the money if he thinks using Twitter will help him communicate his goals as he enacts his policies on the American people. Either way there will be a month and a half of uncertainty between election day and inauguration, and the stock price will no doubt reflect this uncertainty in that time.
So all that is to say maybe this was just a big coincidence. After the debate, when Trump's chances of winning skyrocketed, someone at Austin Private Wealth had this idea, and they then needed about three weeks to discuss it with and convince their colleagues and do all the due diligence as to whether it would be a good position to take, and if so how much they should stake.
Fake and gay
It just so happens that this particular erroneous report could be connected to THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON A FORMER PRESIDENT AND CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. Of course there should be questions asked. But for some reason, you're here saying not to ask them. I wonder (((why)))
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Trump was president when his crooked lawyer named Cohen stole $60,000 from him and checked a drop down item in quick books for 'legal expense' for a legal document called an NDA paid to a lawyer and they extrapolated email receipts as 34 separate felonies for some internal memo that never was seen by anyone outside the company, so yea, if that's a crime, then anything is I guess...
Notice I got people to stop responding to the shill threads and bump this one, and now they are sending in spamming misinformation agents.
And VPNing.
It's tiring so keep it up spam this shit make 19 threads about it until it's the only thing discussed this is the rabbit hole.
Let them prove it, pilpul kike. You don't need to come on the internet and lie for them.
>all caps
read the thread retard. the trades didn't happen the day before the assassination attempt. they happened at some point in Q2. they were worth $39. "could be connected to" is pure schizo shit.
heads gonna roll for that put position that lost $39 and was offset by gains on their long position in the same stock. that's almost as much as they spend on lunch most days.
>you didn't tell him to use any particular browser
The web engine is the issue, Chromium, and there's only one other viable engine at the moment. Is /pol/ really this braindead?
Officer stop him he's trying to steal my 12 million long
>ib's justa typical clerical error justa coincidence nothing see here
>imma expert so if u disagree yur brown
Yes well I'm an expert at spotting narcissistic clowns who are fixated with their own bunghole so intently they can't see daylight, and I can see by your sentence structure you're one.
>a jewish blackrock tied company that lost 500m dollars achshully lost 39 dollar goy now I'm gonna spam about it and attack everyone making any decent points.

I hope Trump goes full tyrant and puts every one of you faggots in internment camps making microchips for the rest of your lives.
and the only food you get is microplastic soislop.
To this day I'm convinced the good old boy act from W was just that: an act. I'm betting he was just as vicious and calculating and ruthless as his old man or as Darth Cheney.
>It's a coincidence
>It's all fake
>There is a conspiracy, but not that conspiracy.
>Why does this even matter
>You guys are crazy
>I don't care!
These are the current and upcoming responses to this from bots btw.
They'll try to sink it, muddy the waters and insist that everyone (their bots) dosen't care/ has moved on, I don't think it's gonna work this time.
lol now you're just bragging about being confused. the source data in the OP, which is the only data that's informed your opinion, is the source of the $39. it's even highlighted in red in the OP
>there's only one other viable engine at the moment
Can I get your recommendation, then? I'll check back in after I take a shower.
>the good old boy act from W was just that
Entirely, including the accent.
Not disagreeing with what the article's saying but the unnecessary capitalisation (Puts, Plummeted) make me wonder if it was written by a jeet
21 posts to try and tell me I'm confused about investments?
I've worked for multiple millionaires dipshit.
kek, good on you anon.

These evil motherfuckers wanted to blow Trump's head off in crystal clear 4k, and then plaster it all over the internet, and laugh and celebrate "cheeto man" being killed. 100%.

And I'm not a violent person at all, but if that happened, and somebody irl was celebrating, I'm going to punch them in the face.
Exactly and she even owes him 50k already as she was found to have falsely claiming she had sex with him.
People who need control of everything
I believe a proper punishment will be boiling them in excrement, you know per Talmudic law.
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There is a faggot dronning about an administrative mistake.
Obviously just like the long wolf shooter
And the "incompetent" DEI secret service
If all coinckydinks
Nothing to see here, black rock has nothing to do here.
Go get lost in an incel thread, women are making shit ton of money showing their holes.
Nothing you see here
This never would've happened if the entire world didn't adopt the "breed for the sake of breeding" survival strategy.
That's great. Let's see the transactions. Or would that be anti-semitic?
then why are you ignoring some of the 13F but also pounding your fists about some of it? why don't you understand how options work?
Ah okay phew I was afraid something nefarious had happened, but if the jews at the SEC removed the bad bet by the jews at this company, that only implies total innocence and lack of corruption all around!
>to a trump rally
show yours first. post tax returns, unredacted. here now in this thread.
Let's not forget the fucking bots from /g/ discussing browsers in this thread to slide proof.
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Black rock Jew faggot confirmed, someone screen cap this kike, they're here, let every one know
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Lol new pilpul up
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You forgot,
>It was a clerical error, not only were we not in on the assassination attempt goy, but give us our money back!
You keep telling a programmer who worked with multiple investment firms and millionaires programming their calls how this works.
You have yet to show anything of substance and you're just pounding lies and ad hominem attack while you run your /g/ bots to fill the thread and push this down.
I know you little demon.
No these were catholic private firms, and a few euros.
Yes. The Pepsi secret service involved. Pepsi has someone on the board of every evil company too with ties to Rockefeller Foundation. Need a Pepsi Plot assassination meme to destroy their brand.
Then why the FUCK is orange man still supporting Jewsrael?
The fuck is going on?
Who is jewing who?
Hey guys, silly question, but is Austin Private Wealth LLC located in Austin, Texas? Ive heard rumors of "Texas oil tycoons" being the financiers of JFK.
So Trump is blackmailed by a lady, and then his lawyer embezzles another $60,000 from Trump and checks a box for him in QuickBooks to facilitate home stealing that money from Trump while he is busy being President of the United States, and they hit Trump with 34 felonies, and the ones actually stealing money get nothing, makes total sense
Nice deflection, slippery merchant. I see you've gone from denying the actions of the company, to defending them from scrutiny, to muddying the waters on the facts, to attacking the questions. Soon you will just pretend the discussion never happened and start over.

And one day, for no reason at all...
>firms and millionaires
the 13F is the only source data. it doesn't contain any information paid for the puts. it does indicate that they were worth $39 at the end of a quarter, during which they were purchased, during which the underlying security lost 40%. the 13F includes numerous other option positions that are much higher volume on stocks that have much higher prices, so this actually wouldn't have been one of their largest positions.
There's literally no connection to occidental which owns the texas basins, it's all jew connections nothing to do with oil.
>t. mineral rights owner in the permian.
Leftists don't own oil, why they created green energy they missed out on getting into it.
Only reason I own any is inheritance.
no deflection. I've repeated myself a number of times, and the responses have ranged from name calling to "nuh uh" to a reassertion of obvious inaccuracies. nobody has shown any documentation that refutes the simple points made about the 13F and why the OP image is comical stupidity.
So that when the feds scroll down this thread they can read this:

Fuck you, you pathetic slave.
>name calling me!
>calling people retards opening off the bat and spreading disinformation.
>most posts in the thread
Guess the kikes drop the tripfagging, must be doing it for free at this point.
Yes. Knew it was fixed casino but that was the blatant I had ever seen.
I think he basically wants to know if you happen to be Jewish is all
>The Rothschild family
>George Bush
>the Cheney family
Wew. Imagine the hell.
There was an assassination hint post by Alex Soros on twatter a few months ago. Someone might have the screencap.
there is no requirement for them to "prove" anything. SEC does not check or scrutinize 13F filings for the most part. Madoff filed 13F for years but he didn't get caught.

Only when a firm is audited do they open up the 13Fs to reconcile public disclosure and private business records.

Just like you and me need to report to IRS the name of the security and value of the trade, so does a hedge fund. So the IRS would know in case this itty bitty hedge fund suddenly made a $400m+ profit and they would also know the SOURCE of the profit. It is at this point in time that they get screwed.
13F is not relevant for the most part, especially a misfiled one where nothing on it matches actual reality on the stock exchange.
This one?
>we simply didn't notice our filings were off by
>checks notes
>a very simply mistake
you could thank me for teaching you some basics on the topic at hand instead of seething. You didn't notice the $39 thing or realize that the filing date wasn't the trade date, for example. both are important here, and now you know those things.
Notice soon as thread hit bump limit the fucking niggers stop responding.
Denounce the talmud and I'll drop the whole thing.
Welcome to the modern USA.
>gee that ketchup packet sure looks reel
I hate jews and unequivocally denounce the talmud.
>Like I would believe some lying pajeet

Nice try.
There was that chick behind Trump in the stands taking photos/videos to sell them for millions to news outlets.
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How long til they take over your media, or are they already doing it over there?
it was just a plain statement of my beliefs. I don't need someone to goad me into saying that
At least 50. Like JFK.
Wow this must mean the kikes on trumps side arent really kikes after all.
Whats that?
Nah why would kikes play both sides, they never do that!
They removed their video within 30 minutes of it posted here. There something else the next day that got scrubbed quickly too.
It could be that investors are Time travelers and this is a different timeline and they got confused.

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