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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Lol i hope you fags get dragged to the streets and hanged
Seething Prott gotta love it
redpill me on caths
she's past her prime and has beared ZERO (0) children thus far.

Shameful. Shameful and embarassing. The social media attention whoring "trad wife christian right wing" nonsense has got to end. It's all a lie.
shes loves the taste of it
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Catholics are as bad as Muslims when it comes to thinking attention seeking converts matters for the truth.
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based and Christpilled
She recently married an Italian. That explains it.
I can use her flesh bag better. she only wants to be used by others, it's her fetish.
what an absolute whore of a human
Based. Protestants are coming home.
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They're gonna say something about tradition and how they're the original church even though all of their traditions are from pagan romans and their church can only be dated to about 400 AD (shortly after Rome decided everyone was a christian in the Empire)
all christian holidays are pagan ones lol

cant believe i let christians gaslight me about any of them
she's getting ready for BBC worship as is tradition for cuckolics
the Reformed tradition is nothing more than biblical Christianity. The holidays are made up, be we can still celebrate them.
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Godspeed, mexibro. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph
Probably the most authoritative Pauline Church. Orthodox are right, but none of them are right so arguments over authority and doctrine are utterly meaningless. At the end of the day the spiritual punching power is in the Catholic Church. The doctrines of Jesus by and large died in 70 AD when the original followers were put to the sword by the Romans in Jerusalem. The rest eventually got overshadowed by the gentile factions.
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As it should be.
she just insta-married a random dude cause she got pregnant from him kek
so how do we convince the normies that jesus was an aryan on a stick and not a jew on a stick?

Ah, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, always the master of spectacle, isn't she, folks? This latest tweet, “I’m Home now,” is no exception. She stands there, basking in the solemnity of a religious ceremony, as if she’s some kind of messiah for the right-wing masses in the Netherlands. But let’s not be fooled. This isn’t about faith; it’s about optics.

Eva’s political playbook is transparent to those of us who’ve watched her maneuvers closely. By aligning herself with Christian imagery, she’s not just proclaiming a personal belief; she’s making a calculated appeal to her base. It’s a shrewd move, considering how deeply ingrained Christian values are within her support demographics. Remember, this is the same Eva who’s consistently peddled nationalist rhetoric under the guise of protecting Dutch culture. Now she’s adding a religious veneer to her political arsenal, reinforcing her image as a defender of Western civilization against the onslaught of modernity and multiculturalism. It’s a classic strategy: when in doubt, drape yourself in the flag and the cross.

For those of us who see through her façade, this act is nothing more than a desperate attempt to insulate herself from criticism. By wrapping her political ambitions in the sanctity of religion, she’s trying to make herself untouchable. Criticize her now, and you’re not just attacking Eva; you’re attacking the faith she’s so publicly embraced. In the end, this tweet is a masterclass in political theater. It’s a distraction, a manipulation, and a bold statement all rolled into one. Eva Vlaardingerbroek may claim she’s found her spiritual home, but let’s not forget that home is just another stage for her relentless political performance.
None in the netherlands except toothepastes on this board know who she even is.
Nope Vatican II is heresy. Joining Catholicism doesn't change that
I also love it when old men wearing dresses feed me crackers.
>Use Pictures and Statues to worship
>Authority of the pope
Why would one choose Catholic over Protestantism?
Because Catholicism is true, and protestantism isn’t. Simple as
these are catholics, faggot. protestants are at least based for the fact that they point out every gay and jewish thing about christianity as an institution and told the church to fuck off and get bent. hence why every protestant nation was later invaded and westernized.
even roasties know christcucks are the biggest simps and paypiggies
Thinly veiled Ishtar worshipping cult.
None of it is actually true but it's fun to roleplay as religious. The RCC has cool vestments and lets you feel superior to other denominations, and even normie Catholics if you go to a Latin Mass.

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
You'd have to educate them about history, but normies don't give a fuck about history.
>"Vlaardingerbroek was born in Amsterdam on 3 September 1996 to a Catholic mother and a Protestant father ..."
this might be controversial from american perspective, but nobody gives a shit about some stupid split back in history.
even if majority of netherlands was protestant there was always a significant cath population.
if she converted from something to cath then it is atheism. your cath vs. calvinist/protestant bashing would work few hundred years ago, not today.
it doesn't matter if jesus was an aryan or a nigger, at the end of the day christianity is a political tool used by jews to facilitate jewish control. always has been
>"not religious" is the largest and fastest growing religious group
>controlled assets very publicly sign up for the roman psyop and start screaming that they're winning
Jew hunters
Was going to ask this but you answered it for me. This girl is going to do the Lauren southern tour before turning on all of it.
it's literally the opposite of that, they hunted down non-jews on behalf of master heebs
The pagan stuff is its only redeeming quality (though even that was just so a Semitic religion could hide itself)
Taken over by (((Lucifer))) in the 1960s after Vatican 2, that's why they dropped the prayer to saint Michael.
The true "church" is pretty much an underground movement at this point.
We still don't like papists in the US.
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Found the Jew
What's with these glowing grifters converting to catholicism? Vance did it too.
>jewloving tradcath retard
checks out, you will never be white btw.
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Sure prots are retarded and all that and amerimutts aren't really Christian but can we not fight about that now?
Catholicism is basically just proto protestantism and is CIA controlled.
Catholicism came 1500 years before Protestantism
>t. spic
hes an ortholarp. you shouldn't expect him to have a consistent opinion on anything
I want the 3rd Vatican Council to feature him as Retard of Honor
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she is nearly ready to settle down.
Typical woman(and cuck males) just trying to fall into a perceived stereotype (in this case tRaDcAtH) to appeal to the majority of her aspiring group of acceptance instead of being her sincere self and taking THAT path.
i don't think you have any idea what you're talking about
They like the ritual and want to be seen as different from and smarter than retard Evangelicals who make up most conservative churchgoers these days. It's more socially acceptable for "smart" people in political/academic circles to be Catholic. In the old days Protestant social climbers would join the Episcopal Church but now that church has gone too liberal. For these people, the message of Christ is dudes in tweed reading Chesterton, autistically praying each hour of the Roman Breviary while having a Duolingo understanding of Latin, and making podcasts about how holy they are for smoking pipe tobacco and knowing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
That Cardinal is pissed off by how old she is. He won't Fuck anything over 15 years old.
so which is it, does the obviously gay and satanic pope have legitimate authority, or are they converting to sedevacantism (protestantism with extra cope)
we are secular and chill
he won't fuck anything with a vagina
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Home is where the nigger toes are.
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Mudslimes, Cuckstianity, pagan larpism, all absolute dogshit faggotry... there's only blood & soil.
shut up backward tribal retard, go build a mudhut
Protestantism is basically just Catholicism Lite. I mean maybe back in the real fire and brimstone preachers or hardcore calvinist days it was a legitimate religious belief
but that was 100+ years ago
why are polaks always this stupid?
In Larp we trust.
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>back in the real fire and brimstone preachers or hardcore calvinist days
I'd consider becoming a christcuck if those people even existed today. I don't mind the aesthetics of christianity at all, I just don't want to be part of some religion that is only about feminism and sending money to niggers.

Why don't someone make a fire and brimstone christfag congregation? I'm sure there are more than me who'd join it? What's wrong with you cucks?
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Prots should be expelled from America.

America was founded in 1493 AD, by the Hispanic Monarchy. Your ilk are the ENEMIES of America and Americans.

calvinism is judaism
Look into Orthodoxy. It's not gay and modern because it's the true church. It’s everything tradcaths wish their papal protestantism was.
you're right. religion has been the most effective political tool throughout time for leveraging retards to do whatever you want them to do. i don't even doubt the existence of deities or spirits but religion itself as an organization is nothing more than a tool for control
You are literally just Protestantism ai tu sacraments, though lmao
I actually tried visiting the orthodox church in my town, it was all mongol looking bulbhead slavs. Can't into that, sorry. Anyways, I think they are more about old grandmas in black dresses making gulasch or something. Not much fire and brimstone there.

I want someone in a puritan hat screaming himself red in the face on the pulpit about how niggers are the cursed descendants of Cain or whatever the fuck.
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they BTFO native americans in mexico with the spanish cross, crushed the satan worshipping cannibal human sacrificers, and brought glory to the crown, the cross, and the white man
*with sacraments
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you're mexican bro you redpill us
Whiter than you, Silverstein
>the redpill:
I'm retard
someone outline the various denominations for me please it's too complicated
which ones are good and which ones are bad
I know catholic is bad because it's pagan ritual shit but what about orthodox and protestant and baptist and shit
how do you know you're joining the right church
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Calvinism teaches that if you're filthy rich member of the House of Orange-Nassau (which brings immigrants to Europe today) or its Jewish lawyers, then it's because of predestination; on the other hand, if you're a slave to that House or its Jewish lawyers, then it's because of predestination.
>follows explicitly jewish religion where the followers refer to themselves as israelites
>pretends to not be a jew
>calls other people jews
you are too stupid to be having this discussion, you should have been drafted into a military and thrown into a glorious judeo-christian bloodbath long ago
forgot my signature

You shouldn't let goof balls keep you away from Christianity though I agree that it goes out of its way to act effeminate/nice. People don't want to hear some feel good "im okay you're okay nonsense"
people want to hear how they are going to hell and everything they like is bad
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>five devorces
>all marriages laster less than 3 years
>no children
Catholics be straight with me.
I understand redemption and forgivness, but doesn't her faith seem like oh i don't know... fake?
uppity women piss me off. just endless whining and attention seeking behavior. just shut the fuck up
Fucking whore can't even go to church without using it for empty social media attention. Disgusting.
fuck off catholic church is jewish and secular and nothing else.
Nice digits
>materialistic garb
>materialistic decorations
>materialistic building
>gold everywhere
Jesus would be here with a fucking whip.
you must be the only educated bean in your entire country
Protestant here. Glad for her.
Don't really care what denomination as long as she accepts Jesus Christ.
Salvation and Christianity exceed petty human quarrels.
Catholic is just another word for universal, but the fact it's in Ancient Greek ties it to the ancient history of the Church. There are both catholic christians and catholic satanists.
God-tier digits, anon
Holy get!
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hey, asshole, the conquerors of the americas were blonde haired, blue -eyed spaniards and they were also CATHOLIC
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she's a larping whore though
Catholics are the only actual Christians in the US. The Protestant cults you people have invented is fucking hilarious. They have absolutely nothing to do with the protestantism in Europe, nothing.
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Wow look at all those words no one will read.
Are you annoyed you'll have to revise your script to take out the shrieking about her not being married?
Hey check out pic rel - it's a literal goddess on earth.
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I can actually help you out, because I was seriously considering christcuckery as a religion some years back, I was thinking maybe I could find some community with some traditional values or something. So I visited every christfag congregation in my town. Here's how they work:

Protestants are about sending money to niggers and running asylum centers to bring more niggers in. Their churches are almost empty, no young people, only boomers and niggers.

Catholics is for slavs and vietnamese people. No idea what they do because no one there spoke my language. I assume they were collecting money for niggers, but I have no idea.

Orthodox is same, only minus the vietnamese people.

Evangelicals are about sending money to niggers and bringing more niggers in to fill up their congregations. Their churches are usually pretty full. Full of niggers.

JW is about money for niggers, importing niggers, niggers and more niggers.

Mormons... again... niggers... it's all fucking niggers. I have in fact never seen more niggers in a single room than at the mormon temple here. I will say as a bonus this one was the only one with one or two younger white women, although they were dating some niggers.

So that's my short guide to christfagry in current year.
>they were also CATHOLIC
bitch please, this is like you claiming to be white. it's just something they said to fit in, it didn't actually mean anything. they didn't give a fuck about the spiritual consequences of creating a brand new species of super mutts ala latin americans.
I can't get past the concept of papal infallibility. I don't trust like that.
They are using captchas to target you with messages your brain will think are innocuous but in reality or trying to influence you. Watch out for your autocorrect now that you know you are being targeted, they use captchas to try to train your autocorrect to alter your messages to mean something you did not desire, hoping you won't catch it.
it's hypocritical to their own doctrine that god rules above all. they add the annotation
>well, he rules above all... except.... unless....
catholics are the biggest larping faggots in the entire world as their own religion isn't even based in christianity but in european pagan traditions.
Unfortunate but there are some very based people in the church. Brother Nathanael is a Jewish convert who denies the holocaust and names the jew constantly.

Fr Peter Heers and Fr Josiah Trenham are also low-key pretty based as well.
He exercises both fallible and infallible magisterium. If the requirements aren’t met, then it’s not infallible.

He’s the Pope, not God
>people want to hear how they are going to hell and everything they like is bad
Yes. This is what I want. Someone remake this version of christcuckery please.
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The name Peter (Gk., Petros) means “rock” or “rock-man.” In the next phrase Christ used petra (upon this rock), a feminine form for “rock,” not a name. Christ used a play on words. He does not say “upon you, Peter” or “upon your successors,” but “upon this rock”—upon this divine revelation and profession of faith in Christ.

Peter had just admitted the divinity and purpose of Christ in the immediately preceding verses:

Matthew 16:16--18
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven! And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church...

So Christ will build His church by God revealing to people that Jesus is deity. A nice little passage alluding to the pre-destination of believers (Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5 & 11).
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The following comment on this verse from The Bible Knowledge Commentary sums up the issue:

16:17-20. Peter’s words brought a word of commendation from the Lord. Peter was blessed because he had come to a correct conclusion about the person of Christ and because great blessing would be brought into his life. The Lord added, however, this was not a conclusion Peter had determined by his own or others’ ability. God, the Father in heaven, had revealed it to him. Peter was living up to his name (it means “rock”) for he was demonstrating himself to be a rock. When the Lord and Peter first met, Jesus had said Simon would be named Cephas (Aram. for “rock”) or Peter (Gr. for “rock”; John 1:41-42).
But his declaration about Messiah’s person led to a declaration of Messiah’s program. Peter (Petros, masc.) was strong like a rock, but Jesus added that on this rock (petra, fem.) He would build His church. Because of this change in Greek words, many conservative scholars believe that Jesus is now building His church on Himself. Others hold that the church is built on Peter and the other apostles as the building’s foundation stones (Eph. 2:20; Rev. 21:14). Still other scholars say that the church is built on Peter’s testimony. It seems best to understand that Jesus was praising Peter for his accurate statement about Him, and was introducing His work of building the church on Himself (1 Cor. 3:11).

You’re welcome
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>Brother Nathanael is a Jewish convert
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How does a Mexican not know about Catholics?
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i find it very amusing that catholicism's biggest shills are from latin america and brazil.
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A shit christcuckery slave religion run by a bunch of "black hat" old money and old power bloodlines. The pope is just a CEO of the vatican. Calling him a CEO is actually an overstatement though, he's their bitch, very little bitch, that kisses their feets and asses. The "black" hat families even make their supreme little bitch pope worship and kiss the feet of black people, who the parasites use as their stand-in because they want to stay in the shadows. Shit gets funnier the more you look into it.
The real reason America has blacks
Which of the 1001 prostestant cults in the US do you belong to? The one with prophet with the magic underwear or the 500 of them that have pink haired pastors claiming Jesus was bisexual. You’re not Christian.
You have a literal fucking heretic for a pope you fool! WTF are you doing!?
I mean Orthodox is not much better, but at least we have a mid tier gangster and cigarette smuggler who had a change of heart for our patriarch, which is low-key metal as fuck.
>call your pope infallible
>cry when people own a thesaurus
many such cases
Do they allow niggers?
Honestly even to a layman it's too much theology to get through and even if you decide to use critical thinking and academically get to the truth, you'll essentially turn into some gnostic heretic.
>Which of the 1001 prostestant cults in the US do you belong to?
none faggot. i don't follow any denomination of your jewish faith, but i respect prots more than i respect you. you aren't even honest about what you are.
There's not even a uniform sspx at the moment. neo-sspx are cucks, but resistance sspx are crazy. It can be pretty difficult to navigate the position between the two if you don't have good priests near you. A lot of living saints in the sspx though.

it doesnt change the fact that they wiped their asses with the indigenous peoples , took ( rightfully ) anything of value, like gold, and potatoes and corn, for the crown, freed the natives from satanic human sacrifice, and cannibalism, and if they had to kick some ass to make them convert to being Christian, then they did so, and they did it all for the moral values of the White man
Think of it like this
If the ceo of a macdonalds says they are bringing back szechuan sauce, they are bringing back szechuan sauce.
And if you dont like it thats your problem, because he is in charge
You’re the only one being dishonest you spineless protestant cuck.
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The Catholic Church declared the following...

1) Jesus is not required for salvation.
2) Jews go to heaven
3) Christians are not allowed to convert Jews from their religion

Even though the Trinity is literally the truth and way to salvation, the catholic church has become a vehicle for the destruction of the people God loves more than any others.
My country was literally founded as: The Land of The Holy Cross.
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Protestants are retarded 80 IQ hylic cattle and Catholics are grifting larpers who use their faith as a veneer of virtue and "spirituality"; both are stagnant dead-ends

take the Gnostic pill.
Yes, but you’re in Norway, you’re not likely to see them

That’s just the way of Jesus Christ, the way of the cross
Trust me he's a good one. He talks about the contents of the Talmud and shits on the jews harder than even many natsocs on here. He's a monk totally invested in Christ.
You can blame modern American culture on Calvinism
>and they did it all for the moral values of the White man
yeah that's why hispanic americans are all DARK BROWN turbomutts with extremely low iq and violent tendencies just like niggers, and let me guess: you're one of them
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>muh based jew worshippers
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Unfathomably based
>Yes, but you’re in Norway, you’re not likely to see them
Ok, so that's a no from me then.

>good jew
Him sperging out after Nick ignored him is weird as shit though
Orthodoxy are Emos
Larpagan lite
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My satanic digits confirm. Fuck christcuckery and fuck this fake and gay, and inverted world.
>You’re the only one being dishonest
about WHAT you seething faggot?
>protestant cuck.
the only cuck here is (You) christard. you worship jews and then pretend to be practicing european culture. you're arguably even worse for helping them engineer the total destruction of western society.
Christianity is for the entire planet so that includes brown and asian "people"
El Salvador did more than Mexico could for Catholics. Catholics need to punish people for crimes. Humanitarianism isn’t Catholic. Europe would be a nigger tier shithole without the death penalty.
the original globohomo
I'm pretty sure if you had gone back 200 years and asked one of those fire and brimstone puritan types if some nigger could join their congregation, they'd have a fucking fit.
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Christians are faggot kikes kek
This bitch will switch again once she's drained whatever she wants out of this dude
My entire bloodline has been Catholic long before your country or the concept of western society ever existed. 1000+ years. Rope yourself you subhuman
>If the requirements aren’t met, then it’s not infallible.
this is called being fallible
Sounds pretty gay.

I like being Jewish because I go to the local Chabad house and guess what - it's all ethnic Jews, like me! And we have a community, and help each other out, and we don't send a single dime to niggers, and all money is sent to other ethnic Jews. Feels good man.
He has a little of the jew schizoid neuropathy but thats alright for all of the good he does.
those were protestants which unironically is the main reason why catholarpers seethe about them so much
>redpill me on caths
>Rope yourself you subhuman
boy youre so catholic you really embody the spirit of the beatitudes. oh and you support blessing gay marriages right?
Reread the post, anon, and you’ll understand it. I believe in you
You haven’t been keeping up with that slimy Jew have you?! lol
90% of the time its 100% infallible
Yeah, you kikes have got it made, that's for sure. What we white people need is something like the thing you've got going on. A ethno-religion that just shits on everyone else.

damn even nick is sick of the ortholarps lmao
He's a good one like the old testament. He's totally anti pharisee kikes.
>long before your country or the concept of western society ever existed
my DNA test came back almost 100% irish. you lost the war cocksnot
Yeah, but today protestants are like this:
Gay “marriage” is a Protestant invention.
Jewish Masons.
Yes a Catholicism has been destroyed in South America in under 100 years.
I am 100% Irish you mutt.
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Nice, so you can speak Gaelic right? You know where your family name comes from and what your ancestors did as a living? Not just a larping mutt appropriating Irish race at all right?
Last I checked he was banned on youtube. What happened?
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yeh some of them are pretty stupid and ugly, but now they are mostly Catholic, and they dont live in a jungle and worship satanic idols, or eat human flesh, and it took the boot of the White man on their neck , and forcibly subjugation under the Holy Cross to start them on the road to becoming human
the catholic church became no different than the kike pharisees that killed jesus.Tradtion not based on the bible,purely in it for power over goyims.
and yet i am 100% more of a man than you will ever be. i bet you have to take the bus to get where you want to go. don't raise your voice at me little boy
You’re a Mexican dude.
>You know where your family name comes from and what your ancestors did as a living?
correct but it's no business for the likes of a memeflagging nigger
What a stupid thing to write in an OP. You’d hope it’s a jew on a vpn but who knows.
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You make being brown sound like a bad thing. So much projection lol
Why does she have to take photo's of everything why can't she do this without it why is she trying to prove that she's a catholic something is off about this woman
>You make being brown sound like a bad thing.
if being brown is so great, why do they all pretend to be white?
>go beyond plus ultra

Look if you just hate jews on an ethnic level you're gonna need to hate Christ, his apostles, and the old testament prophets. Jews are slimy and evil because of talmudic Christ denying judaism.
A rootless mutt. Stop codding yourself.
They are nigger loving faggots, but less so than prots.
my roots are here buddy, we left that shit turd island for a reason. look at you faggots who stayed, everything's a joke. ireland might be fine but not you.
Jesus gave Peter the keys to Heaven
Cathlicucks like to pretend it is transferrable and (((they))) get to decide who gets it
TL;DR supreme co-opting and grifting of Christianity
I can explain it if you are still here
Put down the bible and read some Plato and Nietzsche instead, niggers
Literally none of us do. Gringo Hispanics are so Jewish it’s unreal. Our entire identity is being NOT White otherwise Latinos wouldn’t have separated from the crown. Just because we mix with Whites doesn’t mean shit. Whites are the outliers not the other way around. We mix because we have no problem with it. You guys are the obsesses freaks. While Hispanics are cleansing blacks from their neighborhoods you’ll continue to flea and move into another suburb like pussies.
He’s orthodox not a Christian. He’s also a grifter. Not serious.
Still not as bad as black Mormons lol.
Orthodox are the only kind of Christians. Everything else is from satan.
Study platonism to fall into shizophrenic monadism, and then study Nietzsche to completely lose information theory and morality. Then the logical next step for these midwits is suicide.
Orthodox Christian is the name of the religion
And orthodox literally means the right way
>While Hispanics are cleansing blacks from their neighborhoods
lmao prove that this ever happened. hispanics listen to jungle jams and pretend to be black in this country. they don't do shit about niggers, in fact the niggers are more civilized than your shitskinned "people". you are always drunk at work, on the road, it's all cervezas and mariachi music. you can't speak a lick of english but get pissed off when whitey doesn't know spanish. lazy as fuck but clogging the workforce. i mean really i could go on all day about you stinky brown bastards.
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Christ niggers are jews
>all christian holidays are pagan ones lol
Another Jewish subversive lie.

Christmas is celebrating Christ's birth.
Christianity doesn't celebrate midsummer or other shit.
Easter is celebrating the resurrection.
You can fuck off with the rest. What holidays does Christianity have aside from these, fucking cucks.
I think it's not all from Satan, all chalcedonian denominations contain bits of orthodoxy, it's just that everything else they added on top is from devil.
Orthodoxy is Christian tradition unbroken as it should be.
Who is the legitimate successor of Christ's Church: the greeks or the russians?
>"nooo pagans celebrating sinterklaus too aaaaaaaaaaaa"
t jewish KEK
your little menorah will NEVER overtake Christmas. Your holidays and your entire faith is one big CHRISTIAN COPE
Christ is King and Christianity predates Judaism, the synagogue of Satan.
I don't mean the followers of those churches or satanic but the twisting of tradition is. Many are well intentioned.
Kek this so fucking much

Orthodox Church is a huge middle finger to all non-easterners
Christ is lives through me. You are all lost, and I will find you and educate you.
No one is a successor to Christ's church. It is decentralized.
If she wants to worship Mary, let her.
A very strange gotcha.
Orthodoxy does not have a universal patriarch, Ecomenical patriarch is in schism with several churches and patriarch does not have full jurisdiction.
In Orthodoxy it is kind of like sheriff's, think of it this way each patriarch holds responsibility for an area but they can't encroach upon each other. Big decisions must be made in counciliar manner if they exceed one jurisdiction.
So the fact that Ecomenical patriarch wants migrants, while Georgian patriarch says that Georgia should be for our people is basically their respective opinions that they have no jurisdiction to influence each other on.
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Both. They profess the same faith.
>Christmas is celebrating Christ's birth.
wrong dumbass, christmas is saturnalia
Gnosticism is wrong and you know it.
Proof the bible is truth.
is this meme coming from an alternate dimension?
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>call your pope infallible
You know that only refers to matters of morals and faith under very strict circumstances, right? :^3
Looks cooler. Prettier churches.
They aren't anathema, anathema means that you denounce the dogma of a religious entity as heretical, for example Bishop of Rome and all orthodox bishops are Anathema to each other.
Greek, Russian, Romanian etc. All eastern Orthodox churches recognize each other as real church, which means they have real dogma.
Russians and Greeks is a semi political jurisdictional angle of the church that exists primarily to interface societies with church, patriarchs can not change dogma and if they do they then become anathema.
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>Tfw agnostic and watching fools fight about religion
>Proof the bible is truth.
>it's a youtube video
the bible was written by man. and the man who wrote the bible was a jew, a kike, if you will.
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I love your tears boi
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i bow down to this man
>They profess the same faith.
Nope, that's not true. Both church's are no longer in communion with each other since the 2018 russo-constantinopolitan schism.(you don't know this because you are a stupid ortholarp lol!) 2 faiths can not exist along side each other. There is the true (old) faith, and there is the (new) faith. You have to pick one. Your position violates the principle of extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.
How? For some reason people are intimidated by ethnic churches, they are jurisdictional entities created literally for a large country/population in old days.
Just go to any Orthodox church that speaks in your language, there isn't a dogmatic difference between Orthodox churches. All orthodox churches are canonical as long as they don't break dogma, everything else is jurisdiction. Even churches in political schism are not anathema.
Protestantism is Islam for Honkies,

Every two-bit pastor in a strip mall or a tent revival is his own Imam/Pontiff.

They end up drinking poison and juggling rattlesnakes,
Can someone tell me the fuss about this whore? Women do everything for attention, that's all that matters and the rest is optics. I look at this whore and I know she had miles of dick when she was young and now is larping as trad while settling for a nice beta.

But apart from that, what's the context about this Dutch whore?
Oh yeah, Christmas, when we make sacrifices to our God, we gamble and we flip the societal norms upside down
Fucking retard
Christmas we celebrate the birth of christ by praying, honoring God and enjoying time off with our loved ones
The whole experience is a humiliation ritual for any non-easterner, man.

We get it, your Church hates us for who we are. Okay
This implies that there is an intermediate state between full communion, and no communion. This is fiction. Two faiths can not exist along side each other, and they are not the same. You have to pick one.
Shouldn't you know, Mr. Mexican?
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I feel so bad for her that her wedding day was the same day Trump got shot.
That's not true. It is a schism, Schism and Anathema are jurisdictionally not the same, schisms happen and mend over time for example Macedonian church.
A Schism means break in relationship of jurisdictions.
Catholicism is anti nationalist and pro mass immigration. That's all I fucking need to know.
Most Catholics aren't white either.
show flag fag
why shy, u embarrass yourself with or with out anyway!
Go to American orthodox or any language church of your preference. You are going to decentralized church dedicated to different languages.
Catholics will try their hardest to refute your points too. They know that deep down the majority of their shit is just stealing from pagan shit and made up.
If this is true, then there is functionally zero reason for church's to claim intercommuninity in the first place.
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>Franco-Latin Papist (FLP)
>Nostra Aetate, Vatican II; Set forth that Rabbinic Jews, Muslims, and FLPs all believe in the same god, which implies the denial of the Theophanies, which they hold onto, however contradicting previous Papal documents that state such beliefs of Anathema. Also, denying their own Catechism, article 707.
>Thomist believe that everything is created, even Christ's glory, therefore never truly coming to know Christ, only knowing creation, Neo-Platism, with implication of Arianism.
>Saint Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Book 9, Letter 68. Lol, FLP on suicidewatch
>Muh keys, yet bypassing all Latin Fathers, and Eastern Fathers regarding the meaning.
>Francis ordained and structed a Nestorius Church: https://youtu.be/8AAin0IRi3k?list=LL

There is only one Church, and that's the Orthodox Church. FLP are the first Protestants.
Yes there is, that's why some sacraments in Ethiopian church like baptism can be valid while others can't.
Plus if you are Catholic who are you to talk, Catholic church considers all orthodox sacraments valid somehow despite our dogmas being opposite lol.
>That's why they dropped the prayer to saint Michael.

We said it last Sunday in Mass
yea they took the soul out of pagan holidays and traditions. It's pretty sad, if you think about it.
>Nooooo romans had holidays every 15 weeks and because Jesus was born on Saturnalia that means THAT DATE IS OCCUPIED, YOU MUST WORSHIP MOON'S DAY NOW
Fucking pagacuck
>15 weeks
15 days*
That’s because validity of sacraments only mean the sacrament has happened. It doesn’t mean it was done in the right manner, and all your sacraments are ilicit btw
Stronk doesn’t matter if Christianity is literally true.
>jew worship

Don't worry, it's quite ironic that Kabbalistic kikes practice pantheistic Greek and Egyptian invocations despite being considered "abrahamic". Even their own esotericism is stolen
I will give the Catholics credit when it comes to building awesome buildings. I visited St. Peter's Basilica last week and that was pretty fucking impressive.
It's also pretty obvious that their are strong faggy undertones in the Catholic church. Much of their artwork and statues are half naked men.
>that's why some sacraments in Ethiopian church like baptism
No, sacraments like baptism can be valid because you can find GRACES outside the church, but you can not find salvation outside it. See the novatian schism.
The reason to claim it is because without inter-communion you can't have Ecumenical synodal councils between bishops of all nations. Starting from the split that Rome began, unilaterally calling all eastern churches anathema to protect themselves due to it being historically attested that filioque is later addition, we've not had universal proper councils.
Not having universal councils is bad for humanity, but it isn't surprising that would happen since we know that world is spiraling to an end and antichrist will control it and further dissolve physical church jurisdiction on earth.
A canonical 'Bible' was first compiled centuries after Christ's death and has always varied between denominations so Sola Scriptura is an incoherent doctrine on face. What Bible were the Apostles using?
It's still the Church founded by Christ himself and still the one Jews despise to this day, they don't feel that way towards Protestants. That says it all
din religion kommer från judisk folktro
>Protestantism is dead
Protestantism was never real.
It's a social and economic club. They removed the body of Christ from the Cross, and they don't understand the Sacrifice of Christ. i.e. they're as ignorant of Christianity as the local pro-LGBTP+ Archbishop.
tfw Benedict was betayed by Francis. Francis the commie is an impostor.
Catholicism is true about what?
About everything
Christcucks cope so much just to not say they're atheists. None of you actually believe in God, you just want to belong to your culture. Sadly American culture is centered around worshipping jews, women, and niggers. That's why you're stuck being dumb christcuck who believes a dead jew on a stick is the savior of humanity, but that somehow people will be tortured forever anyway because Jesus' sacrifice meant nothing.
>calling all eastern churches anathema to protect themselves due to it being historically attested that filioque is later addition
Is this before or after 2 different sets of delegates from eastern churches, nearly 200 years apart, conceded their entire position on the filoque in two different councils, or after it??
>redpill me on caths
doghs are better
That's not true lol, Roman Catholic church current position is that orthodox can find salvation despite anathema that Rome placed on orthodoxy.
The reason why Rome thinks that is because it is a relativistic, fallen, church that is praying with pagans and budhists these days and is borderline preaching generic deity as in every monotheism is implicitly our God
Also it really shows that you don't understand sacramental meaning in catholicism, if you can receive Eucharist and if Eucharist is correct that is it, that's salvation
Metaphysically, literally and symbolically means that you can receive Christ, this is why Orthodoxy does not recognize Eucharist of Catholics, you can't have correct Eucharist outside of church
>Much of their artwork and statues are half naked men.
It's called "Renaissance" and its pantheistic Greek eros which contaminated and never left the Church ever since. Luther was a dubious individual but he was right about his critique
I'm becoming catholic too
From evangelical lutheranism
I like how Catholics like you will throw out this statement without mentioning that it was done in tandem with Catholic church constantly backpedaling on filioque to a point that now you can basically deny around it in eastern rite, and that Catholic church was literally forced to admit Papal forgeries regarding filioque
Och? Ditt hat för judar kommer från min religion.

Den enda religionen som hatar judar och kallar dem för satan är Kristendomen och den enda religionen judarna hatar är Kristendomen. Dina förfäder var kristna, och de avskydde judar. Du gör ingen någon tjänst av att vara asatroende. Du är en vanära.
Who is this bitch and why is she getting spammed here for the last couple of days ??
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Unfathomably based
you don't have to believe it, you just need to start accepting that you're the one who's larping
>t. permacel
Catholicism is true about what?
Catholics are Catholic, aka barely Christian.
all of denominations in the US still mostly agree on the main tenets of the Bible. They are just organized differently.
Actually reading the Bible is encouraged with non-denominational Christians.
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Bild relaterad.

Låt inte juden styra dig blind från ditt förflutna.
Alright kike
Bro, Puerto Rico is literally a colonial leftover. Southern America does not have any real culture, what are you even talking about?
>current position
>The reason why Rome thinks that is because it is a relativistic, fallen, church that is praying with pagans and budhists these days
The ROC is doing both of these things, the MP has claimed that the Orthodox and muslims worship the same god. He has held prayer effigies with muslims and buddhists as well. The EP is no different. The eastern patriarchs were present at v2 as well. It's just as incriminating for you as it would be for me.
Ah yes. Pope Pius X wrote that prayer.
It's heretical.
1) Michael is an Archangel, not a saint. Saints are those who choose God in their mortal life. Angels were never mortal.
2) The council of Trent forbid prayers that ask for anything but prayers if they're to saints. So, even if Michael was a saint, the prayer is heretical.
You will note that the Vatican has fallen to Satan, so the prayer was NOT answered as it is offensive to God.
yeah... Pope Pius X was a modest man from modest beginnings and was not a scholar of the faith. He was more of a compromise pick for Pope. Good intentions tho, at least he understood that Mortal sins are sins against other people per Matt 19:16-30 and not every little thought and temptation like that heretic Aquinas said.
>Why do you get to say this?
Because I noticed Catechisms conflicted with one another e.g. Cogan and Pope Pius X vs Aquanis and others.
Which one was right? For that you look in Sources of Catholic Dogma. Bible+Popes+Traditions. Not Aquinas, not Mary.
It's not. It's made up bullshit by some desert jews. That's not what matters, bagonism is all made up bullshit as well. Islam is made up, shintoism is made up, hindooism is made up.

The only thing that matters is whether it produces good communities and healthy societies. Christfagry used to do that, now it doesn't.
>misidentifies european pagan traditions as (((christian)))
>worships jews
>"Alright kike"
wasted digits on a golem who would have fought germany voluntarily in ww2
non-denominational churches in the US don't do that shit.
>all of denominations in the US still mostly agree on the main tenets of the Bible
This is a lie
Basically every major denomination you have disagrees on, predestination, baptismal regeneration, salvation , and everyone else are offshoots of those
>you can basically deny around it in eastern rite
The eastern rites in communion with rome do not deny the doctrine of the filoque. Hell, even the traditional orthodox do not deny the procession from the father through the son.
It's all Jewish nonsense my guy
It isn't incriminating to me because the only orthodox patriarch I'm beholden to is my own, Ilia 2nd of Georgia.
It doesn't matter to me how much other bishops fall, because in future maybe their successors will rise back up.
>European pagan tradition
>He thinks Romans and Pagans loved each other or some shit
You're a mutt and you need to rim methodist ass or something. Find Jesus or stay circumcized, judeoLARP
well, the alter is facing the right way.
BUUUTT. no Crucifix. The Holy Mass is about the Sacrifice of Christ for our sins. Not Mary mother of God.
This is against Church tradition. most heretical parishes have a att least a small Crucifix above the alter.
Oh well. the two fake popes, Frank and Benedict, I guess.
the ONLY version of Christianity that can defeat demons in combat and can retake the Kingdom of Heaven; Jerusalem.
Non-denominational churches in the US are full of niggers.
Do you actually understand the issue? It isn't about procession or spirration it is about hypostatic origin. If you believe that hypostatic origin of holy spirit is in the son, not procession but the hypostatic origin, you are anathema.
Hypostatic origin of the entire Godhead is within the father, he is the monarch of the Godhead and hence the FATHER because he is the hypostatic originator of divinity in eternity.
>>He thinks Romans and Pagans loved each other or some shit
total strawman argument, the point was only that it's european in origin, whereas your desert mystery religion has absolutely no basis in europe or with any european culture. it's a transplant religion intended to control golems, which it clearly does very efficiently.
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Have a blessed day brothers
One Jesus
One Church
One Pope

Simple as
Imagine the churches we could have on our planet if we weren't subverted up the ass anons
Instead, we have NO churches, only mosques and synagogues
>I’m a turbo whore 28yo childless eceleb now larp as a hwyte mate and christcuck simp fave, flying around Europ sucking dick
Why won’t you support me anon?
I’m a good christcuunt now
No youll never fuck me
>brazilians and memeflags controlling the narrative
fucking pathetic, christcucks are so doomed it's unreal
rip off of mars
Yes, no one claims that the holy spirit has its origin from any thing other than the father. I'm glad you finally understand the catholic position.
Good. I recently went to a funeral at a united Methodist Church. To end of the funeral they played "Imagine" by John Lennon. FUCKING IMAGINE AT A FUNERAL!? SERIOUSLY!?
>The flesh is evil guys thats why my soul can't be held responsible for the evil my body does lol
Repent of thy wickedness, heretic
>Troll post with the Freemason Francis.
>deny that a Freemason can be Pope, or that there's been a pope at least since Pius XI. (Pius XII tolerated Bugnini, a known Freemason and didn't excommunicate him, and allowed Bugnini to change the Tridentine mass so not a true Pope, but an Anathema.)
>I've been promoted to narrative controller

Feels good man
That’s a year or so old, faggot
>take body of Christ in Muh mouth like I took endless cocks and Jew cum
Yum yum gang gang verse verse gang gang
Yum cum so good
i mean honestly i don't blame you for taking the opportunity. these faggots are so cucked they will follow anything
sums up Catholicism today. 9" Christ and 3' Mary.
only like baptists ones. most whites go to evangelical ones.
What? The Russian Church evolved from the Greek Church.
Who we? Here, our new patriarchal seat.
The issue isn't with Muslims and Jews, though of course it is ultimately, but what I mean is that in this case the primary cause is subversion into Atheism in particular...atheism primarily aimed at christians.
It's not.
Romans had holidays every 2 weeks. One happens to have coincided with Christmas. Likely, this is because early Christians were Roman slaves, and on Saturnalia they were given liberty that they used to celebrate Christmas without persecution. Romans still had holidays every 2-3 weeks, and Christmas happens to ended up coinciding with Saturnalia.

On Saturnalia, Romans turned societal norms on their head. Is that what we do on Christmas? No. We celebrate time off labor. We celebrate time with our family. We worship God.

We do not gamble and make sacrifices at temples.

Seek God and stop being subverted. Pagan Roman worship is a anglokike, enlightenment meme. Be more like your Christian ancestors, than a product of your mutt making masters.
Those are full of niggers as well.
>poolak faggo worships a Jew whore of Bethlehem prayer to his kike god before murdering White Racial kin for niggers
Cololorozed 1801
most of it was definitely inspired by Greek God imagery.
>Who we
Western Europe, Kaladze
Yeah, no shit, and the Inquisition didn’t condemn Luis de Camões for using Roman gods in his poetry, since, you know, it’s just art and fiction
it's not your fault that you were born a golem to do the jew's bidding. it's just what you were trained to do.
2000 different Protestant religions, kike bro.
Most of them let you fake jews commit usury and corrupt the morals of the People.
There are no Churches that preach the Catholic faith anymore. There is the Novus ordo, the FSSP, the SSPX, the SSPV, the Sanbornist... Something called "Christ the King"... none of them keep the true faith and none of them would be recognized as the faith by a bishop from 1545.
Congrats, kike bro. You kikes did indeed destroy the Church.
That's not the Catholic position, it can be now but conflict initially was specifically because several of the latin bishops implied hypostatic origin of holy spirit in both the father and the son.
I could engage with you more seriously, but I sadly can't give you quality posts since I'm on a train and it's 4 am. Sorry if it's very short and stupid sounding but you get my general point.
If Catholic church directly states that hypostatic origin of godhead is in father, that bishop of Rome is first among equals, and that divine simplicity is wrong we can have communion back.
I'm not even arguing about essence energies yet, just at least admiring that the whole idea of pure act and absolute divine simplicity turns world into basically a weird predestined premoved world removed from God in a real sense where you get to experience divinity only through beautific vision is bizarre.
>Catholics are Catholic, aka barely Christian.
There are two Holy Catholic and apostolic churches: the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. They are separated by a historic schism. The rest of the churches are denominations of Protestantism.
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You can build stuff better than rest of the world, you need to fight atheism first because the main subversion is the idea that christians should be ashamed
Depends on which Catholicism you choose, There's at least 5.
SSPV and Sanbornist at least say the Tridentine mass correctly, and don't say that the Novus ordo mass is a legit mass. But they are covered in the false gospel of Aquinas and Mary worship like dust on the faith. Corrupted.
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Protestant and Catholic position, who cares!
This is the FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Worships Rome
>Doesn't respect their decision to Christianize, because JEWS!
>Christians hate Jews and Jews hate Christians
We get it. You worship the Juliu-Claudian dynasty, like a good patrician. You want to worship other humans as Gods, be a lapdog for Emperors. You want to repeat the mistakes of the past, rather than follow the solution the Romans came up with, b-because JEWS (whom Romans, Christians AND JESUS (GOD) cursed)
You need a brain examination
>modern america
Calvinism in a meaningful sense was over after the The Second Great Awakening of the late 19th century
Catholicism is worse.
you missed the part where the hardcore racial centre of this political ideology was heavily motivated by pagan religious practices
>Jews love Christianity, that's why they've subverted it into non-existence, so much so that mutts now seek answers from the god of thunder and rain and shit
Pretty sad
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>There is the Novus ordo, the FSSP,
>Something called "Christ the King"
I would advise you to actually look into this, rather than just talking about something you know nothing about
Hitler was a good Catholic, recognized that the Catholic church in Germany was corrupted by "Liberation Theology" and not Catholic at all, and did the right thing in trying to separate the kikes from the faithful.
>We get it. You worship the Juliu-Claudian dynasty, like a good patrician.
you are completely insane and made that up to justify being a jew larper
who said im not?
>conflict initially was specifically because several of the latin bishops implied hypostatic origin of holy spirit in both the father and the son
If this was the conclusion of florence an lyon, you'd have an argument, but you don't.
>I'm not even arguing about essence energies yet
If a distinction between the God and his activity can be drawn, then it can not be real. You'd have to use completely different, non-western language to define this. God is either simple, or he is not.
And he is simple
If you worship Odin, as an amerimutt even, you're not even worth the time
>subverted it into non-existence,
christianity along with the other 2 jewish faiths remain in the top 3 religions practiced globally. all you do is larp
You should look into the SSPX, though, it’s the only sane position in the corrent day
i never even said shit about what or who i worship, it's honestly none of your business especially since you are probably unironically a jew from israel living in stockholm
>Hitler was a good Catholic
source - my ass

Also Hitler:
>I dont want a priest within 10 kms of my funeral
>it’s the only sane position in the corrent day
I have sympathy for their position, along with Sedes, but they're not tenable positions to hold
Its spelled heretic
Of God and all of his actions are absolutely divinely simple and one completely, then you either have an animistic world or you have a deterministic premoved reality, and you can ever know divinity through simulacra of beautific vision.
The council of Trent declared that anyone, ANYONE who said the mass in the local venacular was an Anthema, unless the mass was written before 1345.
The council of Trent also said that anyone who changes as much as ONE WORD of the Roman Missal (Tridentine mass) was an anathema.
An anathema is not just excommunicated, but cursed by God and the faithful HAVE to shun an anathema.
By embracing an anathema, you have sperated yourself from the Holy Mother Church. You're no longer Catholic.
You have to say the "Popes" who changed the mass are NOT Catholic. You are NOT allowed to follow them.
have a nice day (Must be a terrible to be cursed by God, but there it is)
Google the Cristero Wars -- Catholicism, Religion in general was always a sore spot for our southern neighbors.
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shame on you
family is holy

lol christ is kin-AAACK
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What authority are you under? What is your position?
SSPX says the wrong mass, and says they don't know if the post Vatican II popes who changed the mass in defiance of the faith are popes.
Archbishop Lefebvre said no pope so ordained new priests and bishops to say the correct mass, then found out that the Vatican owned the Bishops and the Bishops had the keys to the Church buildings.
Then he thew out the priest in Europe who were sedes. Which was nuts, because if there was a true pope then his ordinations were invalid and there could be no SSPX.
When Lefebver got to America, this nutty position of Lefebver was compromised; you were allowed to say "we don't know if that guy who had the live cunnilingus show in the Vatican is a pope or not."
The SSPV did the right thing and tried to keep the faith, but the faith was corrupted LONG before John XXIII

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