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What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?

>The police officers at the scene said his ear looked like it had been hit by glass. They know what a gunshot looks like.
>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
that grazed him. Even the edge of a bullet would tear flesh. It's like
like a razor cut.
>An inexplicable hole in the safety of the event that allowed the shooter to be in perfect position. If this were the norm, we wouldn't have any surviving ex-presidents.
>Instead of the Secret Service or a hundred different emergency physicians he could have gone to (any of which would have prepared a medical report), he went straight to a MAGA congressman ex-doctor that has a history of involvement in Jan 6th who treated him in private.
you missed
still voting trump
my counter argument is that asking a sharpshooter to shoot your ear off is an absurd plan no one would even try.
we can see its not a squib. we can see the blood wasnt smeared on. we can see the wound.
My initial impression was that it was staged, I was watching live and I laughed at loud at how ridiculous it was. Seeing that capital management firms were shorting DJT stock expecting him to die that day is the best evidence it wasn't fake
straight line is a trail of blood from the ear cus of gravity when he was keeling, face down. One of the SS pressed a handkerchief to his cheek, hence why the blood is smeared on his jowl
>An inexplicable hole in the safety of the event
its not inexplicable. the commander was a woman. the agents were chosen by jill biden, a woman and trump's enemy. they diverted the nor al number of agents away from the event to cover an event jill was having. anti-trump provocateurs have infested every institution and quite proudly and frequabtly declared in pu kic that they would do anything in their power to undermine trump. something as simple as strategic laziness was enough to allow the assasination.
1: a person fucking died so the bullets were real.
2: aiming is really hard, no one is going to be like "okay 20 year old non military trained kid, just aim for my ear with your rifle 200 ft away the moment i turn my head, make sure not to accidentally brain me."
3: there were 6 (i think) shots fired by crooks at trump.
4: trump was already 100% guaranteed to win the election after everyone saw how demented biden was at the debate, and then calling the president of ukraine the person he was at war with infront of our nato allies. there would be no need for this psychotic stunt.
5: you can see the bullet or his liquefied ear flying through the air in some photos.
>>Instead of the Secret Service or a hundred different emergency physicians he could have gone to (any of which would have prepared a medical report), he went straight to a MAGA congressman ex-doctor that has a history of involvement in Jan 6th who treated him in private.
yeah why go to an anti trump doctor whod put him on a ve tilator for his ear wound? why trust the ss emt who failed to prevent the assasination? trump had cause to be hella paranoid since the revelation of the fbi spying on him in 2015. then, after being shot while under the care of the most advanced security force on earth, may he finally have your permission to be suspicious?
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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #14 — IT GLOWS Edition


Gunshots aren't precise enough to be staged like this. AR-15 is gas operated and the gun used does not have a blank firing adapter or a barrel modified to fire blanks.
>4: trump was already 100% guaranteed to win the election after everyone saw how demented biden was at the debate, and then calling the president of ukraine the person he was at war with infront of our nato allies. there would be no need for this psychotic stunt.
they like to pretend this point isnt the biggest point.
there is no motive to stage a fake assasination. lots of motove for the ss allow a real one.
Occam's razor. Since bullets were obviously being fired in his direction (and since one killed a man behind him), it was most likely a bullet that hit his ear.
>bro just shoot my ear from 130+ meters away
nogun niggers are something else
lack of man power because jill biden reassigned them.
per kamala harris, catching sperm from important men is the uktimate credential any woman can have to get into the ultimate positions of power.
if he has the balls to fake this in live tv he deserves to be president anyways
>What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?
there are no good ones. anyone who has ever watched a copperfield or some other illusionist show should be aware that things are faked easily.
possible the whole event was staged with only feds being in the crowd and area. no one of us was there and if there was i still wouldnt believe them. its all fake n gay. like always.
You can clearly see a hole in his ear. Flying glass doesn’t blow a hole through an ear.

This is even dumber than the flat earth retard shit.
You lost.
Get over it.
If it was fake, the media would be pushing the story, they're not. It never even made it onto my google trending searches. Today "Trump Shoes" was there. Unless you think Trump has the capacity to stage this for himself, and fake a dead body, and another victim, but then decided to give himself a somewhat lame ear wound. Why not go all the way and Hollywood in some blood bag explosions, and a shoulder wound or maybe even a side wound?
Not being fucking retarded is a good counter-argument, why don't you start there?
>If it was fake, the media would be pushing the story, they're not.
not an argument
>It never even made it onto my google trending searches.
not an argument
>Today "Trump Shoes" was there.
not an argument
>Unless you think Trump has the capacity to stage this for himself, and fake a dead body, and another victim, but then decided to give himself a somewhat lame ear wound.
not an argument
>Why not go all the way and Hollywood in some blood bag explosions, and a shoulder wound or maybe even a side wound?
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument

maybe this site isnt for you
>(and since one killed a man behind him)
why dont you go pray to allah you fucking doon coon sand nigger and stop with the retarded cock sucking posts? the blood on his face isnt from the bullet you fucking 65 iq inbred pedophile. its from when he went down and the blood drips you smelly, disgusting subhuman bagette conquering frog.
>You can clearly see a hole in his ear.
Post a clear pic or STFU.
He won't
>Inbred mudslide doesn't provide proof for his retarded notion
>Demands us to ignore our lying eyes
It is unforgivable sin to deny the Holy Spirit when divine Providence is manifest.
I think you should take your meds
Because I'm not a schizo who thinks everything is a conspiracy. Occam's razor tells me it's a lot easier to believe a faggot snuck through lax security (headed by a woman who was focusing on DEI instead of safety) than this was a grand conspiracy where everyone was a fed that went through a choreographed dance and not a single person that surrounded him on 360 degrees saw the dupe.

Why does everything need to be a conspiracy? Some deaths are fishy, but this attempt is easily explainable.
You can get sued for over 4 billion dollars to defaming the victims like that.
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>What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?
"You are a nigger, you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger that I've ever seen."
skill issue
To be fair, it would be possible if he was stationary, the rifle was sighted in properly or the shooter knew where to hold his elevation, and the shooter was well trained in correcting for windage. There wouldn't be much adjustment needed for windage at that distance with mild wind. But the last second turning of the head makes it practically impossible. The most absurd idea would be that Trump agreed to be shot in the ear. But I don't think I have seen anyone claim that. Either Trump was extremely lucky or his ear was cut while he was down. There appears to be a bullet impact on the railing behind him, so I am inclined to believe that he really did get shot in the ear. It's incredible that Occam's razor would produce such a miraculous result. There are still lots of questions regarding everything else though, because the absurdity of the secret service's failures are pretty suspicious.
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my counter argument is that it makes more sense as a failed assassination attenpt than it does a faked assassination attempt, and it's consistent with the rhetoric from the people in power
>prove it wasn't faked
Prove it was faked.

That's literally not the easiest and most believable thing though. It's not believable that this happened, full stop, lol. You're not convincing anyone beyond having the same IQ as yours.

It's simply not believable.
>The police officers at the scene said his ear looked like it had been hit by glass. They know what a gunshot looks like.
American police officers don't even know what their own dick looks like. I say it's not staged because no one could be precise enough to just hit the ear on a moving target with even 30% confidence.
get drunk faggot
>Why does everything need to be a conspiracy? Some deaths are fishy, but this attempt is easily explainable.
They want to say anything to take away Trump Daddy from us.

We were in the trenches in 2016 all across the internet. We rallied Kek. We popularized Pepe. We blew up r/thedonald. We are meme warriors who specialize in meme magic.

And they are trying to do everything to stop it.

Trump Daddy drained the swamp. Inflation was down. Crime was down. Black unemployment rates were their lowest ever. Then they rigged the election.

If Trump Daddy wants me to fight for this country, in Ukraine or Israel or Taiwan or elsewhere, I God damn will. The man literally took a bullet for us.
An excellent point, ARs adapted for blanks look considerably different
It is blatantly obvious to anyone with army or other form of rifle training. Your margin of error is way too thin.
None of them have probably seen a bullet hole through the ear either, if they've seen bullet wounds at all. I don't think every officer has seen gunshot wounds. A gunshot would to the ear would obviously look much different to anywhere else because the ear is so thin, it's not far off from shooting paper.
Literally it's the most basic thing that could happen. Anything else is hard to believe. You think they played bullet noises on the loud speaker and Trump quickly reached into his pocket for fake blood?

The easiest explanation is usually the answer. Stop looking for something that's not there. This isn't like the Kennedy or MLK assassination where the shooter was caught later.

People saw the guy hanging around. They saw him on the roof. Then we see his corpse. Get over yourself, anon.
None of this is an argument you faggot
>thinks there is an argument

I wonder if you tardlers even grasp the implications of your conspiracy theories. For example, if it was all faked, then that implies the deep state wants Trump to win in November.
Oh look a leftist behind a memeflag pretending to be his enemy
Plus, how long did they actually see the ear? There was a lot of commotion and Trump was put into the SS car within a minute. No local cops ride with the SS as they can't be vetted enough.

How did these cops examine the ear?!
>For example, if it was all faked, then that implies the deep state wants Trump to win in November.
Kek! Imagine that. What, do you libtard memelords really believe Israel controls the country? XD

Conspiracytards are so stupid XD
I suppose if you were going to go with a fake shooting narrative, the argument would be that the patsy or the SS did actually fire life rounds, just not at Trump. As for quickly reaching into his pocket for fake blood, we can see on the video he doesn't do that. A more believable scenario would be that secret service cut his ear while he was down. Anyway I agree it's more likely that he just got shot in the ear by a sperg. The only thing that makes me slightly suspicious is the retarded secret service and the media throwing Biden under the bus fitting very nicely with this shooting which looked very much like a WWE show to create a hero character. I do think the deep state wants Trump for president and not Biden, because nobody would fight a potential WW3 under Biden.
>my counter argument is that asking a sharpshooter to shoot your ear off is an absurd plan no one would even try.
With right wing conspiracy theories at least they make sense.

>Trump paid some kid to nearly kill him in a very dangerous way to boost his poll numbers that were already surging after Biden froze on stage.
Doesnt make any sense whatsoever.
>What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?

Calling you a retard and pissing in your mouth.
>the media throwing Biden under the bus fitting very nicely with this shooting which looked very much like a WWE show to create a hero character.
Brainwashed libtard. Every media outlet is saying the shooting is fake while slandering Trump as an insurrectionist.
This discourse is never going anywhere. You failed to kill him, stop minimizing
>What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?

Look at 9/11 truthers. Do you want to be like that in 20 years? Because that is what you sound like.
Let me put it simply, when you stage something, you don't put yourself in the way of harm. If this was staged by Trump, he wouldn't put himself in the line of fire of actual bullets. That's just an unnecessary risk. It would have been considered an assassination attempt even if none of the bullets were in Trump's direction.
Why were dancing israelis filming it all as it happened?
So? I don't even watch TV or any left wing media for that matter. What does them saying something have anything to do with my post, retard? I'm just saying this all turned out amazingly in his favor, he even had the secret service agents a full head shorter than him between him and the cameras, allowing for the iconic pictures. And the timing is perfect, coming a couple of weeks after the mainstream media started acknowelding Biden's mental incapacity. If you were a deep state arms manufacturing kike who wants to draft Americans for WW3, the last few weeks have been absolutely perfect for you. I'm not saying that's the case, I think it's a series of coincidences. But given your memeflag, it's quite likely that you're a nigger who can't into hypotheticals, so you're forgiven.
the jews shot a few trumptards, trump bent over cut his ear with a razor blade and fags like you eat it up. go take another jew booster, low IQ guillible faggots like you are why this world is a shithole.
>Seeing that capital management firms were shorting DJT stock expecting him to die that day is the best evidence it wasn't fake
This was deboonked
>What are your counter-arguments against the theory of the attempted assassination being staged?
"We're done arguing. Shut the fuck up, you faggot psychopath."
>we honor our "heroes" purely for trolling purposes
>wears a purse
There won't be a mass grave deep enough
Other people were hit, and someone else died. You can clearly see the bullets wizz passed his head.
And how does that disprove it's fucking stupid to stand in the line of fire you fucking jewrat?
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was there a map on it?
And ONLY because he turned his head like a half a second before.
He probably wakes up with nightmares about it
Glowniggers sound desperate, because they missed.
>Reach into pocket for fake blood
Holy shit you are retarded, do you have any idea how much more sophisticated these things are? Do you think Hollywood films have the actors quickly reaching in their pockets everytime you see blood? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you, are you actually a nigger?
trumptards are useful disposable idiots they were murdered and Trump knew. are you slow or something?
That's what the other guy came with you illiterate SPIC. Could have been something that was already on his ear too. If they were going to fake it it would have been easier if secret service cut his ear with a sharp ring or something while they had him on the ground. That's all I was saying, your absolute fucking retard, go learn how to read and then find a book on how to kill yourself you hemmeroid brained pile of corn syrup.
>useful disposable idiots

You sound vaxxed, good luck with that.
you are stupid
>You're not convincing anyone beyond having the same IQ as yours.
>It's simply not believable.

jesus you are so dumb
You missed. The left can't shoot.
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sorry i dont worship jew politics or pharma, that is for dolts like you
>Kek! Imagine that. What, do you libtard memelords really believe Israel controls the country? XD
>Conspiracytards are so stupid XD

you are the cringiest
>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
>that grazed him. Even the edge of a bullet would tear flesh. It's like
>like a razor cut.
are you actually retarded? seriously, go eat snails because that's the only thing you're good for.
>>An inexplicable hole in the safety of the event that allowed the shooter to be in perfect position. If this were the norm, we wouldn't have any surviving ex-presidents.

Unless they are all on the same team.

>inb4 Biden shill!

No I’m not. This is like aliens vs Predator. No matter who wins we lose.
>to shoot your ear off
never happen, his ear is intact.
watch video with SS shooters. They are the ones to fire when Trump touch his ear. Forensics even stated that the sounds were from SS, except two that could not be, but do not correspond to the official version if were from Thomas Crooks.
Yeah the chances are astronomical. Makes for golden copy though in terms of campaigning.
These numbers don't lie Frenchie
The ear is covered in blood.
You can't tell if it's a razor cut, or torn flesh.
There's also the pic of the bullet literally passing
The man cheated death.
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I actually really like this conspiracy theory. It really does a good job of displaying just how common retarded conspiracy-type thinking actually is (although in this case, I think it's mostly out of sheer denial rather than chasing the high of being "red pilled" like many chronic conspiritards do). It's also one of the rare times the well is poisoned not by bad actors intentionally pushing a conspiracy theory (itself a conspiracy theory that's actually been acknowledged as a real tactic used by the CIA and other propagandists, not that it would be necessary for that to be the case for it to be valid). Instead, the well-poisoning is an organic happening, where fucking moronic idiots repeat this stupid theory that it was somehow staged, thereby making people with TDS look even more unhinged, bringing more reasonable normies around on the idea that yeah, maybe all these anti-Trump people really are as deranged as some people have been saying.
I enjoy being able to do this, more or less detached. You don't have to be a Trump supporter (I'm not, nor am I anti-Trump) to see that the media has been conspiring against him for almost a decade, that it's lead to this assassination, and that the election was obviously stolen in 2020. I think they know it's seriously dangerous to try to do it again. If there's a conspiracy about the assassination attempt, it isn't that it was staged. But whatever happens, I'll be over here sipping sake and having a good chuckle.
>There's also the pic of the bullet literally passing
Unless special dedicated cameras were there typical press core cameras would not be able to catch that - lots of back and forth online about that specific data point.
Cut the lefties some slack fellas. They've never needed a conspiracy theory before, it's not their fault they're new to this and suck at it.

OP you gotta learn to critique your own theories. Claims have to be wargamed in your head for validity. If there's no inner monologue, you cannot debate yourself which is a big disadvantage.
I believe he explanation for security fail, is that they deliberately let the kid take the shot.
>They know what a gunshot looks like
No they fucking do not. LOL.
You're saying the picture is fake?
No, I am saying the only possible way for the photgraph to be legitimate and not augmentation of reality is if there were specific highly sophisticated cameras on site capable of recording such image speeds, otherwise it is invisible to commercial cameras typically used by press agencies and so on.
I'm not asserting a conclusion or making a positive claim based on it I am only stating it as a factual data point.
>1: a person fucking died so the bullets were real.
Do you know the person who died?
i think trump's being set up so we go on iran after a false flag
>Because I'm not a schizo who thinks everything is a conspiracy.
In 2024, that makes you an idiot.
What a waste of digits.
If it would have hit glass they’re would have been more pieces being spread out
Argument for the theory. The alleged shooter was a bad shot allegedly. However, apparently Trump only lives because he had turned his head. The alleged shooter looks like a good shot then.
It's probably just a hoax to keep you invested in the scam that is the election, the constitution and the white house and the supreme court and their owners, an actual mafia.
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After taking a week to digest the actual facts, it's hard not to agree this was simply incompetence by local and federal law enforcement (WOW SHOCKER) and the shooter was just a dork who got much further in his attempt than he should have.

If this was a deep state ploy to kill Trump, then they wouldn't have missed.

If this was a ploy to have Trump become more popular, this is virtually impossible to have played out the way it did.

Occams razor suggest plain fuck up by a junior varsity crew of secret service members riddled by women and post-2020 traitors too deluded to see how corrupt the federal govt/DC ate
> Unless special dedicated cameras
You mean like a fast capture camera that everyone in the press uses?
>Do you know the person who died?
No. But I've heard from numerous others who do. Are you suggesting that the medical personnel lied?
> If this was a deep state ploy to kill Trump, then they wouldn't have missed.
They didn’t. Trump just moved at the last second preventing the headshot.
>They know what a gunshot looks like.
You creatures are genuinely pathetic.
This is the kekaroo/awoo Leaf faggot.
Kys, jew
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>They didn't miss because Trump dodged
That still counts as missing you dingbat
"you missed" is hebrew for "i'm a jew"
No, not really. I'm not a camera guy but I am an internet guy who watched camera guys talking about it among themselves and also with AI on a stream some nights back.
Even the AI agreed in the live stream the camera capabilities needed were way out of the league of what you'd typically expect at such an event. So either they are all wrong or you are wrong.
The point still stands. If this was deep state, there would be multiple shooters to ensure death and they wouldn't hesitate to shoot more than once. Just like in Kennedys assassination, there were at least two shooters

And further besides the point-- Trump IS deep state. He is purely aligned with the Zionist, uniparty agenda. There is no point for them to take him out at this stage, he's already compromised to the point I'm sure he and his family are 'made-men'
It refutes your argument that it isn’t deep state because they missed, since clearly they missed by dumb luck on trumps part.
> I'm not a camera guy but I am an internet guy
Explains why you have the incorrect take on the matter. Professional photographers use fast capture cameras to take hundreds of pictures to sort through later.
> The point still stands.
No it doesn’t. You are confusing the deep state with the military.
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It's worth pointing out that the photographer credited with the Trump bullet photo is the same guy who took this famous one with Bush on one quaint random morning in some random classroom PR visit.
No that does not explain both AI systems and also several professional photographers claiming the distinct opposite of what you are claiming under i suppose now also the implied authority of a professional photographer.
I dont believe you are a photo ace
& I do not believe the painstaking granular detail they went into to investigate if there was any possibility whatsoever a fast capture as you say typically used in the commercial setting could record such an image speed and no they can't. slight glow detectable
>Deep state isn't military or vice versa
You're a fucking moron, you're not ready for discussions on /pol/
Why would it be staged? What's the point? It's not staged. Trump is effectively dead. He's only not by luck
>muh AI said it so it must be true!
This website is being overrun by midwits lmao.
AI is not a valid source of truth, retard.
Seethe more nigger. The deep state is made up of civilian organizations, not military ones. Covert intelligence operations always protect themselves with plausible deniability, which means they would never send two assassins after the same target since that proves coordination.

They will only ever employ a second assassin to take care of the first. This is basic knowledge to anyone but the newest of newfags.
>Are you suggesting that the medical personnel lied?
you know, I hear you, but covid
that said, this shooting was real. a setup, certainly, but the person being shot at wasn't meant to live
Its weird that all these significant, far left people turned up at some tiny Trump rally in the middle of nowhere.
Almost like the security failures were planned ahead of time by the democrats.
>Why would it be staged? What's the point? It's not staged.

I simply dont believe the security services were that incompetent.
If that was in the UK, the SAS would have blown that kids head off before he even got on a roof.
>>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
thats blood that dripped down from his ear, you fucking retard. he was hit by a bullet. fuck you faggots and your "glass" conspiracy theory
glass from fucking where? retard
> I simply dont believe the security services were that incompetent.
Why? They’ve been trying to deprive Trump of secret service protection all year.
>hey young man. I have a great idea. I want you to shoot as close to my head as possible.
>wait what?
>you heard me. As close as you can. Hit my ear even. It'll be great. Great optics, the best.
>your fucking ear??
>exactly. It's gonna be yuge. All the best networks will cover it. And then right after you're done I'm gonna have my buddy Frank hear turn your brain into pudding with the best ammo money can buy! Fantastic stuff, it'll be amazing.
>The police officers at the scene
The ones that let it happen, those officers are competent now?
I await the bodycam footage and the footage from the woman just behind to stage right who was constantly pointing her cell phone at the scene from behind.
>the democrats!
Stop pretending that its the entire government apparatus vs Trump. Makes much more sense that hes a player in the plan
>, I was watching live and I laughed at loud at how ridiculous it was
> Makes much more sense that hes a player in the plan
Not really, considering he was an inch away from being in a grave.
>I simply dont believe the security services were that incompetent.
they arent. they wanted this to happen
>Here's my bullshit idea that it was staged. I have no evidence, prove that I was wrong.

Just kys you delusional idiot.
The SS would have to be in cahoots with Trump.
The police would have to be in cahoots with Trump.
They murdered one person and wounded two more - making it a capital crime.
The FBi would have to be in cahoots with Trump, and that is absolutely not true.
Simple as. And the SS director is a never Trumper idiot who believes the Jan 6th insurrection bullshit.
The government conspiracy to assassinate hypothesis explains all the facts.
You have to ignore the evidence to believe the "it was staged." hypothesis.
appeal to absurdity
they used AI for the physics and maths in real time as compendium to their investigative assertion which makes good sense.
that you immediately went into screeching and intentionally misconstruing that in order to try and rubbish the claim just shows you're gaming
>Stop pretending that its the entire government apparatus vs Trump
Only after you stop pretending that it isnt the entire government apparatus vs trump.
> they used AI for the physics
Jesus fuck it’s like talking to a child. Why do you think physics is even closely related to photography professionalism and what is standard in different parts of America?

You’re a fucking retard. Just kill yourself already before you start worshipping LLMs like some coon.
>character assassination

m8, you're like a shill 101
>They murdered one person and wounded two more - making it a capital crime.
This is ridiculuous. These liberal conspiracytards are worse than Sandy Hook denialists. Someone in the audience literally died. The Deep State would never risk that.
Says the nigger unironically referencing AI as a legitimate source.
>Only after you stop pretending that it isnt the entire government apparatus vs trump.
Kek! Got him!

Libtards like to pretend that Trump didn't give 500 billion to homegrown BBC men. Black America was starting to pull for Trump after the stimulus checks too. That's the one thing those libtards loonies are scared of: big strong armed redpilled Black men.

They've been meddling with Black men ever since Tuskogee.
It's called a "LIHOP"
let it happen on purpose
it's not easy to find someone who wants to throw their life away
people are less crazy than you think
The claim is this - the cameras needed to record such image speed are anomalous to that which could be reasonably expected at such an event.
You say this is not true and that typical cameras can photograph a speeding bullet in mid air.
You're wrong. Simple as that - and you needed to tell me to kill myself to lie about it...not my problem but do be aware that God is watching.
>it's not easy to find someone who wants to throw their life away
>people are less crazy than you think
Exactly. These stupid libtards will believe anything. As if the government has these spooky mind control powers. LOL
the deep state can't even get biden to step aside
maybe they're not as good as they used to be
Again, I see no reason to continue this conversation with you if you don’t see the issue with using an LLM as your source of factual information. Such displays of incompetence are hard to ignore.
i don't think mkultra really needs to be a factor here
the kid heard the news say trump was orange hitler since he was 10 years old
Sounds good. I won the argument.
Go back to X, Destiny.

The shooter would have to be the greatest gunslinger of all time to purposefully get him in the ear and just the ear in the amount of time he had.
If Trump kept his head like that for a few seconds before the shot I could see it being fake.
Also he just obliterated Biden in the debate, he had everything going for him, there'd be no reason to fake this since he was already on top.
Plus, Trump could've been killed even if it was staged, as the shooter could've missed the ear and actually hit his head, killing him. You only agree to that when you're out of hope and options, Trump would not agree to that, especially right after the debate.
When Biden eventually does step aside in the next few months, will you stop posting for being too new/low IQ?
>the kid heard the news say trump was orange hitler since he was 10 years old
tv is mkultra for the public
>I won the argument
Says the retard using an LLM as his source of information.
But such incompetence is to be expected when you’re just here to “win” internet arguments.

So let’s recap: it’s normal for high profile photographers to use sports cameras in their profession. Your AI source is not a valid source to dispute this common knowledge.
File deleted.
his campaign announced 3 hours ago that he isn't, so
if sandy hook can have a few dozen "crisis actors", why cant one of the most influential people do it?
all this talk of 'is it fake or real', why does no one ask about footage of the guy who got shot, actually getting shot?
youd think there would be webms every other thread but I still haven't seen anything

thousands of people and half of them filming, and nothing?
God, it's hilarious watching you cope and seethe over this. If only Obungo hadn't gotten greedy and wanted that head shot on live TV....
>The shooter would have to be the greatest gunslinger of all time to purposefully get him in the ear and just the ear in the amount of time he had.
Conspiracytards act like it was alien homing technology that richoted off of glass when we literally have the whole thing on film. Someone literally died.

Don't these damn liberal loons check the fucking polls. Trump Daddy would never do something like this why would he?
>>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
That's because it's not a wound but blood that splattered from his ear you dumbass frog.
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The burden of proof is on the accuser. If you accuse Trump of faking it, then you have to show evidence of this.
To everyone who watched the video and looked at the photos and heard the eyewitnesses etc we can make up our own minds. I didn't see any of the things that have been claimed here. I've seen ridiculous photoshops of blood packs tucked into Trumps collar. Obvious jokes, that anyone could see wasn't real.
First of all have you ever seen someone shot in the ear? I never have. I've never heard of that. How would anyone know what the wound looks like? Are the experts on comparing glass shard and bullet damage? Do you have some ace crime scene investigator behind the curtain whose cracked 1000 cases? If you have the evidence just show it...
Again, I repeat: When Biden eventually does step aside in the next few months, will you stop posting for being too new/low IQ?

Biden didn't get senile last week. He's been this way since 2021, arguably much much earlier. Who do you think have been pulling the strings this entire time? Who do you think have been protecting him publicly in the media and amongst other DC factions? Biden is as deep as it gets, and Trump will be no different
>if sandy hook can have a few dozen "crisis actors", why cant one of the most influential people do it?
Oh look it's a Sandy Hook conspiracytard. Even your hero Alex Jones admits this assassination attempt was real.
>all this talk of 'is it fake or real', why does no one ask about footage of the guy who got shot, actually getting shot?
Did you watch the interviews you fucking libtard? A literal doctor was in the audience and he tried to resuscitate him but his brain matter was splattered everywhere. A literal fucking doctor. Are you retarded?
the fact there was a fatality in a civilian behind him along with several wounded, there was several large companies that tried to short DJT$ a day or so before the event

That tells me all I need to know that this was a planned but failed assassination
Shills need magical thinking. They fear the empirical logic. No (you)'s deployed or given same as fucks.
The interesting thing I see here on the political chess board - The deep state had previously taken down Alex Jones for claiming a shooting was fake. They got a 1.5 Billion dollar settlement against him. And now the left is doing the exact same thing. They are making wild claims that this shooting was fake. Even though people really got hit and died. So now logically, shouldn't the family of the dead firefighter be able to sue all of the leftist conspiracy theorists for billions of dollars? We simply need to wait for leftist schizo's to bully the wife and children of the dead firefighter and then we can use the legal precedent of what they did to Alex Jones to just takes absolutely everything from them. It would be the most devastating economic warfare imaginable. And legally, that awful case against AJ sets the case law into record that you can get people legally for this. And crush them. This is a weapon.
It's not really a huge point. Biden had no chance to win in 2020 but here we are.
Faking this would be extremely risky and an act of desperation. Trump was ahead in the polls, so why would he risk it?
Stupid conspiracytard liberals will never see it coming! Imagine the look on their faces when that Black conservative judge sentences them their fines ! PRICELESS !
keep daydreaming while wageslaving away on Trumpflation, cuck
The far right started to get disillusioned with Trump. A lot of them began to think that the "fix is in". This stunt brought them back on the wagon.
>Instead of the Secret Service or a hundred different emergency physicians he could have gone to (any of which would have prepared a medical report), he went straight to a MAGA congressman ex-doctor that has a history of involvement in Jan 6th who treated him in private

This is the big question. Normies and MAGAtards are unaware but not a single physical or nurse or hospital confirmed that Trump was shot with a bullet.

Trump is who informed the press, personally, via a post on Truth Social. He specifically said his ear had been "pierced by a bullet."

He doesn't need that bandage he wore all 4 nights at the RNC. But had Trump not worn the bandage? More people including anons would be questioning what actually drew the blood.

A huge WWE thread on Plebbit was nuked on July 13. The thread subject was about how many WWE wrestlers have used razors to stealthily draw blood during matches.

Trump didn't use a razor though. Too crass and dangerous. He had a blood capsule in his eye, the size of a tiny gel vitamin, flesh coloured, that was popped either by a finger nail or even remotely.

Trump was not shot with a bullet. Also the number of anons who chime in with, "Wat you mean, one man was shot dead!" are fucking plants. Yes everyone injured or dead was shot but not Trump.

>There just so happens to be a "million in one" photo of the bullet.
Don't trust that 9/11 photographer.

Trump didn't lose even a tiny piece of ear. It's too lucky. It's like three miracles wrapped in one. This is the type of weird shit dummies swallowed about 9/11.

Larry Silverstein was full of shit when he didn't show up at the WTC on 9/11. And Trump is equally "lucky" to dodge tragedy here. Similarly regular people weren't so lucky. Similarly J6 was the same shit.
>Trump was ahead in the polls, so why would he risk it?
EXACTLY ! Stupid libtards never know nothing about no polls !
If the Trump assassination is a hoax and Trump is an incompetent bumbling loser, how could he pull it off? Check made, Bidets.
Are you saying that Trump is like Neo in the Matrix and can dodge bullets in real time missing his brain in microseconds?
I know most leftists are already brain damaged but how retarded is your theory exactly?
>Trump didn't use a razor though. Too crass and dangerous. He had a blood capsule in his eye, the size of a tiny gel vitamin, flesh coloured, that was popped either by a finger nail or even remotely.
>Trump was not shot with a bullet. Also the number of anons who chime in with, "Wat you mean, one man was shot dead!" are fucking plants. Yes everyone injured or dead was shot but not Trump.
Are you saying that Trump is like Neo in the Matrix and can dodge bullets in real time missing his brain in microseconds?
I know most leftists are already brain damaged but how retarded is your theory exactly?
I dont think sandy hook was a hoax at all. but if retards can seriously circulate that shit then theres no reason to believe this also couldn't be the case.
>bluhbluhguh a doctor said he helped
the guy was behind trump. A direction everyone was facing. You're telling me not a single person was in the angle to get the money shot of some vet going "ACK"?
Trump is least likely to continue the forever wars that started under Biden, that's why there's supposedly another assassination plot from Iran, so that they could pin Trump's assassination attempt on Iran and let whoever is the next president start a war on Iran.
A few thoughts:
-NPC's are arguing that they couldn't plan the sniper to hit the ear. That's a strawman, we're questioning if there actually was a gunshot wound, it could easily be faked with fake blood and some photoshop, let alone in a blurry image.
-the officials completely ignored a man on the roof shooter with a gun, even though, despite the alleged death threat and the fact the that even public saw the shooter and started yelling to the police to do something one and a half minute before the shots
-after the shots, not only the security fail to prevent trump from exposing his head to a possible second shooter, but they literally make a stop for him to take the iconic picture
>the shooter white incel. Everybody knows white incels want trump to win. The only possible explanation for the shooter being a white incel is that it was staged to secure votes from women and niggers.
shills like to ignore that a man got shot and died at the rally.
At least consider the possibility that Trump wasn't shot with a bullet. He was reacting to a cue. The gun shots were real. He reacted to gunshot #1. He touched his ear. He touched blood. It's highly possible he has a blood capsule in or behind his ear. You'd be surprised by the tiny blood capsules that sfx uses or can whip up. They can be extra sensitive to touch but not to accidentally bursting

Trump officially wrote that a bullet "pierced" his ear which is a lie. Sorry. The world fell for it.

Consider how fucked the msm would be if they *seriously* began to ask this question though. Automatically the Right and Fox start mentioning Alex Jones and Sandy Hook. But that is what has occurred I think.

>shooting conspiracies become a Left thing again (as they did with 9/11 when Bush was prez)
>hating Israel is a Hard Left thing again (as it was during Bush after 9/11) (the alt right MAGA movement of 2016 is now replaced by an Evangelical Zionist majority)
This bullet bullshit creates a "divine" narrative that Trump is protected and God intervened on his behalf. My family all believe this exact shit now and watched all 4 RNC nights in full. It's reminiscent of Bush's second election in 2004, and Vance is basically Yung Cheney ngl.

Adam Green on the possible bullet hoax, broadcast from yesterday
>the guy was behind trump. A direction everyone was facing. You're telling me not a single person was in the angle to get the money shot of some vet going "ACK"?
You disgusting libtarded sicko. An innocent man literally got shot in the head and died. And you want to see it? The fuck is wrong with you you sick fuck?
>Seeing that capital management firms were shorting DJT stock expecting him to die that day is the best evidence it wasn't fake
Anons should be wary of regurgitating this and can consider the source on X. There is a controlled opp movement underway that weirdly has fringe Christian groups (bots) accusing Israeli Mossad and Js of plotting to assassinate Trump. This "short option" story seems related.

Adam Green went over this as well, using sources
>at least consider my retarded theories
No. They don’t hold up to scrutiny, and the fact that you have to ask us to suspend disbelief is not a good look for your theory.
Again, could easily be faked. Or, even if it was real:
>((They)) would never sacrifice the life of a goy to secure a presidential election
Oh this is a literal damage control bot trying to draw attention away from the financial jews behind the shooting.
So they shoot past trump to kill the random bystander to make it look real?
That still doesn’t make sense since there’s still a chance to hit Trump.
>The police officers at the scene said his ear looked like it had been hit by glass. They know what a gunshot looks like.
the doctors report has not been released because trump and his team are just lying about everything as usual
He wasnt though dumbfuck
>Trump officially wrote that a bullet "pierced" his ear which is a lie. Sorry. The world fell for it.
prove it. You say it with conviction but offer no proof.
what a weird thing to say.. on /pol/
>NPC's are arguing that they couldn't plan the sniper to hit the ear. That's a strawman
It's worse than a strawman, it's well poisoning
It's the same as
>WTC 7 fell without a plane that's weird
>Lol look at this fool and his hologram planes lmao
So the bullets just magically teleported past Trump into the chest of the bystander who died?
Doubtful, he will bend to their wars this next time around-- he's knows this is why he lost 2020. Even if Trump does perpetuate zero of their forever wars, Trump 10000% will be passing bills giving the military perhaps trillions in order to restock all the 'donated' crap we gave Israel/Ukraine. It doesn't matter in the end, the MIC and Zionism wins with Trump
Holy strawman. IF the bystander was actually killed by a shot, and that's a big IF, how could you be sure that the bullet that killed him was fired by the supposed ear shooter?
Well considering there isn't one single argument that it was staged, there's no much else to say.
The simplest answer is the one that's also irrefutable: it's impossible to intentionally pull off what happened. Anybody saying otherwise is a paid shill or literally retarded
>So the bullets just magically teleported past Trump into the chest of the bystander who died?
yes after you propagandized that it did for a few days now
>what do you mean bullets travel in straight lines??????
You niggers are beyond retarded lol.
you are the retard
Only a glowie coud be this dumbfucked.
>You can clearly see a hole in his ear
That's the thing: there is no visible hole in any photos. There is no damaged cartilage. There is no detached flesh. There were no stitches administered, which is cmon very unusual given Trump posted on Truth Social that his ear was "pierced by a bullet."

Other people did get shot. One supporters got brained. That doesn't mean Trump was hit with a bullet. He unironically is an actor. He unironically likes Vegas magic acts.

For those saying he was already going to win the election. First off this has shot his legacy into an even more rarified stratosphere that is triggering lots of "he's blessed by God!" simping and downright hysteria. We don't know if Michelle is going to run in place of Biden, if so, that's a fight and the bullet helps Trump. We don't know what type of FFs are prepared before or after November. The bullet has changed the tone and violence is on everyone's minds which is helpful for conflict against Iran and helps promote a war mindset.
So you think someone in between Trump and the bystander shot the bystander?
Because that’s literally the only explanation that wouldn’t risk killing Trump in the crossfire.

It’s hilarious seeing terminally online retards contend with a happening.
>there was several large companies that tried to short DJT$ a day or so before the event
Seethe more, nigger. Explain how the bystander got shot from the direction Trump was standing.
Sorry chud, it’s been officially rebunked.
>It’s hilarious seeing terminally online retards contend with a happening.
just show trumps doctors report then, lets see what really happened
fucking retard
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I wonder who will take the bait.
When they took down Alex Jones, it was because he is a high value target on the right. So we need to look for an equally high value target on the left who can be baited into believing conspiracy theories about blanks and blood capsules and crisis actors with fake families. Once we get the high value target to believe the psyop through social engineering then the second step in the plan involves bringing in some aggressive lawyers to claim that what the high value lefty target said, caused leftist schizo's to bully the family of the dead firefighter. That's all it takes and we can financially ruin the target. We can ruin them financially the way they ruined Alex Jones. In law once a case is decided, it sets precedent and then every other lawyer in the land can point at that case and say, our case is like that case and should play out the same. Logically the high level leftist target will be in debt to the tune of billions. When they took down Alex Jones I said this legal Pandora's Box will come back to bite them SO hard.
are you suggesting the powers thst be would arrange a staged event in full view of the (((media))) to sway public opinion? when has this ever happened before germanon?
Who said that he was shot from the direction trump was standing. Even if you can form a straight line passing the ear shooter (who fired blanks), trump and the shot person, that doesn't mean the shot came from that direction. They chose him because he was in that position, but the shot couldbbe fired from another sniper.
morlity tends to be thrown out the window here for the sake of attention and to bait others.
>People saw the guy hanging around. They saw him on the roof. Then we see his corpse.
No one saw him fire a shot though. They have AI targeting they can hit an ear no problem.
the fuck am i reading
Well, to me what we are experiecing lately is the final days someone got control over a very sophisticated technology, so this someone is doing everything under it's power to cause the most damage as possible.

It's the last breath of an old, rusted and arrogant person being defeated.
trump did. He saw the little pecker sticking up over the roof then saw the muzzle flash and that's why he turned his head.
No one cares about this circus. Trump failed in his first presidency.

We had enough of these self proclaimed 'billionaires', posers, hampton pucci boys and untalented nepotism players who got everything in life through family connections and their respective luciferian secret societies.
>A gunshot would to the ear would obviously look much different to anywhere else because the ear is so thin, it's not far off from shooting paper
It's funny because anons who make this argument can't produce one photo that resembles the alleged bullet-shot ear of Trump. He literally has zero damage. It's just blood. There is no hole.

MSM is reporting Trump was "grazed" by a bullet. Trump himself says he was "pierced" by a bullet. Look at his ear pics after the "bullet" though. It's very suspicious. Look at his ear objectively and separate from the 1) alleged gunshot itself 2) the alleged photo of the bullet "whizzing" by taken by the 9/11 elementary school photographer 3) the dead MAGA attendee and others who were shot. The gun shots were real. But it doesn't follow that Trump was shot or even the target. They provided a cue and cover for him to pop a stealth blood capsule that was in his ear while he was standing. The blood drains across his cheek as he's kneeling.

It's very similar to a magic trick. With a swift hand that appears to be touching a bullet's grazing on his head/ear, Trump instead somehow pops or activates a capsule in his ear. So quickly. Then he immediately ducks and is surrounded by SS. The job is done. The blood is trickling. He stands. He wants his shoes for the photo op. He realizes the blood did its job. He knows this is the photo op of photo op. He noticeable doesn't look behind him to see who else was hit, which is a little strange given he's fine and aware of the situation.

Anons who 100% believe he was shot:
>that is not one miracle
>this is three miracle
>miracle 1) he is took a head shot but survived
>miracle 2) he turned his head within one second of being killed, wow
>miracle 3) even though his ear was "pierced by a bullet" his ear did not lose any cartilage, any flesh/meat, it did not tear or split, it will not leave a scar, the injury did not require stitches or a suture
>ear was "pierced" by a bullet yet no doctor!
where is Trumps doctors report???
No bullet flew near Trump, the photo is Fake.
>Shoot to the crowd and surroundings, never ever endangering or having Trump in your scope.
>Trump ducks and uses fake blood
>Publish fakest pic ever as "proof" he was shot
>Place dead body on roof

"But...but...they will never kill innocent civilians..." think twice
Good post.
>there is no motive to stage a fake assasination

There's a huge motive for a fake assassination. Trump can now bring in sweeping gun reform laws and fuck over his base.
There is footage from behind and you can see his ear ripping. Unless that's fake too.
where is Trumps doctors report?
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feds everywhere
You missed faggot
Still voting Trump
>that bullet in flight pic
Yeah it needs magical thinking to buy that any old camera could capture that image speed. Trust nothing in the clown world circus show
Yes. It's insane that people are even questioning the lines of blood on his face a minute after the shot. It's like these people don't even realize how gravity works. He fucking bent down, rubbed himself, etc.

>Flying glass doesn’t blow a hole through an ear.
The whole "flying glass" thing only came up in the first place a cope from leftists who didn't want Trump to look heroic.
And/or the "flying glass" idea came up as a way for officials to not say "a bullet hit him" until they knew for sure and (more importantly) were allowed to say so.

If there wasn't another person killed and a few others injured, these same tards would be saying
"Well if there were real bullets involved, why wasn't anyone else hit?"
Now that one person was killed, they ask "How do you know that person was real?"

If some important new information comes out how about the victims have no record of existence prior to that day, let me know.
If someone does an analysis of the picture showing the bullet in the air and somehow proves it's a composite fake image, let me know.
Otherwise, it seems like this happened.

I don't believe 9/11 happened the way the official story says it did, but I don't believe all the insanely specific explanations for 9/11 involving "mini-nukes" and CGI imagery of the entire event.
The people saying that the Trump shooting was fake remind me EXACTLY of the elaborate conspiracy theorists who adhere to extremely specific and far-fetched 9/11 conspiracies.
I'm not averse to conspiracy theories, and I'm not a Trump voter, but there is just so much real-time evidence that the Trump shooting happened. We hear the shot, we see the bullet, we see the bloody ear seconds later, other people behind him get hit.
Is there a chance that some part of this was a conspiracy? There's always a chance but this is like 99.99%.
None of the explanations as to why anyone would fake this make sense. He was/is already going to win.
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Peter Thiel is a fed and has his finger in many, many social media websites.
>>The police officers at the scene said his ear looked like it had been hit by glass. They know what a gunshot looks like.
You mean the cops that could not see a gunman in the roof with an assault rifle? Those cops.
It was a bondslave ritual. Most of those were not agents. This is even being admitted this morning.
Trump was being covered by major press outlets on the eve of the convention.
Have you ever seen insanely detailed high-res photos of literally every presidential candidate on the campaign trail?
They use cameras that are really good and roll footage constantly, so that they can go back and pick the best frames.
The're capturing people talking and moving as they talk.
They're not capturing still people posing for images.
In other words, the cameras are such that they can capture so many images that the subjects look like they're posing even when they're not.
Cameras like that can capture a bullet in flight for a frame or two, which is what we've got.

By the way, something you really need to think about:

If that bullet photo didn't exist, the skeptics would be saying
>people don't even realize how gravity works
Don't start.
Stay on topic.
>I laughed at loud at how ridiculous it was
How exactly is an assassination attempt supposed to look?
>The deep state had previously taken down Alex Jones for claiming a shooting was fake. They got a 1.5 Billion dollar settlement against him. And now the left is doing the exact same thing.
Yeah but I'm also considering the possibility that the Alex Jones lawsuit and $1.5 billion settlement -- much of which was theater -- was to place a cooling effect on questioning future glowops, which this qualifies for.

To me, this also falls into the eerie pasta that the cabal is reversing away from the woke agenda to prep the war agenda. And part of that is making the Left into the conspiracy theorists who question shootings and into the racists who hate Israel. They are flipping the script because they need tough white boys to go fight in the Middle East etc.

You can call bullshit but look at the premeditation involved with CNN and Leftist media in turning against Biden all at once. And a similar thing is happening with Trump, he's starting to get Leftist support. Glow boy for the Left Bill Maher might even flip for Trump, just as he's turned against woke (which means shitting on Palestine and defending Israel). Mark Zuck just praised Trump today as "tough."

Also: most anons seem convinced that Trump wasn't complicit in the outcome of J6, but he hasn't helped his incarcerated supporters or donated money to them. He sacrificed them imho to create the bi-partisan narrative that he and his supporters are oppressed. And the shooting has further strengthen that bond. And it feels like theater. To get Americans to fight Iran.
don't you have a store to loot or something you retarded antifa migrant faggot?
>>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.

It's a line of blood trailing the bullet, you insufferable retards.
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That's codeword for "I'm a tranny enabler".
In order to pull this setup, you would have to have cooperation of Biden's secret service ER people at the hospital, find a guy willing to suicide himself, kill off Firefighter hero, and critically injure two others. Trump couldn't even trust his Whitehouse to keep a secret. You have to be incredibly low IQ or delusional to think it was staged.
I'll accept your contention, when I contrast it with the contrary claim and how it was addressed- with great detail in all aspects - for me, I think it's still open to debate.
Your appeal to technology of the day is noted though...erm..got any other examples of the camera that took the photo or similar capturing a bullet in mid flight?
We could even try and find out which specific agency took the photo or published it and what typically they use in terms of camera gear or maybe there is a run down on the equipment that was on site.
Press cameras recording speeding bullets. Not sure about that one, anon. Still sounds pretty magical.
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So the plan was to kill one bystander, critically wound two other bystanders and shoot the president in the ear without hitting his skull?
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All the people saying this are retards and fags that have immediately dismissed much more plausible conspiracy theories with abundant evidence.
Look at this. Two different anons posting the same exact "debunked" posts back to back. With the :::exact same wording:::: wtf.
Are you calling Joy Reed a moron?
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>Are you saying that Trump is like Neo in the Matrix and can dodge bullets in real time missing his brain in microseconds?
>Are you saying that Trump is like Neo in the Matrix and can dodge bullets in real time missing his brain in microseconds?
How did you both manage to post the exact same sentence to two different anons back-to-back?

Are you JIDF accounts? Why are you so concerned with anons questioning whether Trump was hit with a bullet or popped a gel blood cap on his ear?
This is the problem with cultivating a base of conspiracytards: They don’t believe it when you actually get shot! Or they see through your clever stage trick. Either way it’s bad.
The GOP, Democrats, Israel, Ukraine, and BlackRock/JP Morgan all have multiple reasons to want him dead—mostly related to war racketeering (Ukraine war) and Israel wanting the US to help them invade the entire middle east.
There is a reason the entire corporate media like CNN, NYT, and BBC were all covering this rally despite not covering Trump rallies at any other point.

This plot was an open secret among people who are part of the machine.
Nikki Haley was going to be the nominee and continue everything Biden was doing.
They even planned the RNC around a Nikki Haley diversity platform.

It highlights how even someone who plays ball with the machine and isn’t actually revolutionary like Trump is a problem just by virtue of not being part of the club.
>They know what a gunshot looks like.
Cool story bro but an ear does not have enough tissue for the bullet to impart any of it's energy for the spectacular effects you expect.
>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
That's a blood trail that dripped down his hand and onto his face while he was on the ground.
>>An inexplicable hole in the safety of the event that allowed the shooter to be in perfect position
They want him dead.
When people want you dead you go to your trusted doctor and not some random
>Are you calling Joy Reed a moron?
the ear recovers very quickly, you don't need stitches. I cut a small piece of my ear while cutting my hair about six months ago and after ran rubbing alcohol and clotting it for an hour it was fine and eventually reattached naturally. I mean people's actual ear piercings can fill in if they stop wearing earrings
doesnt change the fact the media has spent years brainwashing people that Trump is Hitler and he will genocide "x" if elected combined with the least qualified presidential protection in moderm history.

At minimum the shooter was groomed by the globohomo media.
> I'll accept your contention
Why do Germans always behave in this holier than thou attitude?
>There is footage from behind and you can see his ear ripping. Unless that's fake too.

There's no such footage. I've asked for it dozens of times on these boards over the past week. No one can produce any footage of the supposed shooting. They only show footage of Trump's ear turned out of the view of the camera, then he's supposedly shot then he fiddles with his ear, then he turns back into view of the camera. Now with blood on his ear.

The fact that no one can produce footage of his ear getting shot, is very suspicious given that there was more than a hundred people sitting right behind him, and everybody records fucking everything on their phones..

Post it if you have it.
Explain the two dead men.
Not even German, my perspective is i dont really give a fuck about it, its pretty obvious you need magical thinking to buy into a lot of the shit nowadays including press cameras capturing a bullet in mid flight for the first time ever.
sorry man no holier than thou, it's just not my hill...but neither am i going to say oh okay let the sorcery in magical cameras exist again just like zapruda's
Its closer to your heart than mine
you know fast a bullet is nigger?

you are a piece of shit
>That's the thing: there is no visible hole in any photos. There is no damaged cartilage. There is no detached flesh.
There is a hole
And there's no le detached flesh because there isn't enough tissue in an ear for the bullet to dump its energy or expand. It just poked a hole.
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>popped a gel blood cap on his ear
Lmao this is like 14 year old redditfags first conspiracy. Fucking hilarious
I can't.
I only state that getting shot through the ear by somebody spraying wildly into the crowd is an amazing, almost impossible circumstance.
And if I can't actually see such an amazing miracle happening, I'm just being told that something is an amazing miracle, but there isn't any specific footage of it, then I think I have a right to be suspicious.
my counter argument is that OP is a gay retard
>not even German
lol not making a good case for yourself. Holier than thou yet ignorant of the world to the point where he doesn’t know what a sports camera is and he trusts AI.

Classic midwit.
You gave yourself up
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The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
>you know fast a bullet is nigger?
How low is your IQ?
You don't need to be able to track a bullet with your eye, to see the impact of a bullet hitting some one.
I’ve never seen you IRL. I have a right to be suspicious that you’re a bot controlled by some glownigger.

It’s stupid reasoning no matter how you paint it, nigger.
>prove it. You say Trump said his ear was "pierced" with conviction but offer no proof.
That was exactly Trump's phrasing

Again provide one photo that proves his ear was "pierced" by a bullet. Show any photo evidence in this thread of a "piercing" on Trump's right ear from a bullet. You fucking can't.

And no doctor has directly verified Trump's claim that he was "pierced" by a bullet. If anything Trump may have been "grazed" by a bullet but he is directly saying his ear was penetrated by a bullet, his upper lobe at that.

And yet there is no missing cartilage, no missing flesh, no missing meat, no hole in his ear! Please provide any photos of others ears that have been "pierced" that show zero damage and only a mild amount of smattered blood in and outside the ear. Ears get fucked up when they are shot. This is not Ivanka getting an earring piercing at the mall.
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When Trump was President with the ability to pardon people, they hadn't been charged for J6 yet in many cases. The deep state waited a while to get Trump gone and then they hammered all the MAGA Trumpers who dared to even protest the stolen election.

If Trump doesn't make pardoning the J6 protesters a top priority when he gets back in office, I'll be extremely mad. It's a terrible dishonor that we've let the radical left keep political prisoners for simply protesting. It's disgusting and it makes our country look disgusting. Nancy Pelosi is a dishonorable pig bitch and her strategy of calling a protest an insurrection is so fucking cynical and evil that I hope she burns in the deepest pits of hell for several consecutive stacked eternities.
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I'm guessing your knowledge of firearms all comes from shitty bollywood movies?
>I’ve never seen you IRL. I have a right to be suspicious that you’re a bot controlled by some glownigger.
Of course you do, why wouldn't you.
>It’s stupid reasoning no matter how you paint it, nigger.
Yea it's real smart to believe everything you're told by the TV. You're a real genius.
I don't need to have a counter-argument. Why? Because I'm not an incel who needs to entertain himself with nonsense conspiracy theories because my life is boring and I have too much time on my hands.
>the only options are to believe everything or disbelieve everything
Nice false dichotomy, low IQ nigger.
>I'm guessing your knowledge of firearms all comes from shitty bollywood movies?
Sorry I didn't know that the shooter was using magical bullets, that mean you can't see the bullet hole.
You're knowledge of guns comes from Harry Potter, obviously.
i know a sports camera doesnt capture a bullet in midflight thats IS something a midwit would believe and whether the presscore or trump's capaign AV crew are equipped with bullet capturing cameras.
I also know I am in Germany - that's why there is a German flag. Not really all that difficult to understand when you think about it. Don't make Americans look like arrogant fools.
>gen z with glasses nearly assassinates trump
>with glasses and the attention span of gen z
come on goy, are you all really that dumb?
>Nice false dichotomy, low IQ nigger.
Ok, so you've no argument. Better luck next time.
>The police officers at the scene said his ear looked like it had been hit by glass. They know what a gunshot looks like.
>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
blood drops that fell when he was down crouched
>An inexplicable hole in the safety of the event that allowed the shooter to be in perfect position. If this were the norm, we wouldn't have any surviving ex-presidents.
not evidence, could mean they wanted to kill him, or could mean diversity is our strength and the chief in charge is DEi which means DIE.
>Instead of the Secret Service or a hundred different emergency physicians he could have gone to (any of which would have prepared a medical report), he went straight to a MAGA congressman ex-doctor that has a history of involvement in Jan 6th who treated him in private.
fake and gay. based if true.
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That its not and I don't care if it was cuz Trump 2024.
> nonsense conspiracy theories
like a perfectly positioned retard firing bullets at a presidential rally just grazing Trump's ear
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>there's always a bullet hole in soft tissue like cartilage no matter the angle just like the movies.
Thanks for confirming Jagdeep
Staged, but by which side?
this, imagine asking someone to shot at your head and time it to where you hit my ear at the split second I turn my head, oh yeah and we're going to kill you after.
> i know a sports camera doesnt capture a bullet in midflight
>I know im not German im just in Germany
So you’re a transplant loser, how does that make anything better?
Why would I argue against your false dichotomy? Only low IQ niggers entertain such dumb arguments.
It's not even what OP is saying you illiterate fatass
I bet you think all the people that died on 9/11 were faked
by biden, why else did he have such a poor performance in the debate in atlanta? because he was having a moral dillemma knowing as one of his official acts with new immunities from the supreme court was signing off on a hit on the guy he shared a stage with in atlanta?
Yeah what op is saying is even more fucking retarded
>the glass from the teleprompter somehow hit the ear that was turned to the crowd behind him
Having this thought without realizing your retarded before saying it is pretty telling
That it’s been repeated now for days on end without realizing the physical impossibility of it means everyone pushing it is either retarded or knows it’s bullshit
Would also mean the photo of the bullet contrail passing by Trump was faked by an award winning photographer but no one has said that yet
That is quite literally what OP is suggesting. It’s so ridiculous that you niggers really just deserve endless ridicule.
I accept your concession shitwit
You're the blackest gorilla nigger in this thread full of them
I am starting to think this camera capability thing is a bit..i would just sailed by after simply stating about an interesting stream with professional photographers about the issue i watched but no i keep getting (you)'s about it without end
I guess it really needs finding out what camera is alleged to have taken the photograph now and what its specific technical capabilities are.
you voted for this.

It wasn't staged, it was orchestrated and Trump was supposed to die. But it didn't work and the SS had to kill their patsy before he could complete his mission after failing on the initial shots.
Says the nigger desperate to explain away a failed assassination as completely fabricated and planned.

You truly believe life is some Hollywood set. Deranged.
What is the favorite phrase of every atheist? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
>muh failed assassination
you're a shill, go back to /ptg/
There's literal slow motion footage of the hole appearing as he gets hit. The left has gone full schizo
>muh left
More shill talk
The best brigading money can buy
The line is from touching his ear then smearing his face as he dropped down

It wasn't staged but security was weak to the point of negligence
While you’re researching you should learn what a “perfect” shot is.
Is the bullet blurred? Then it’s not a perfect shot.

Sports cameras are not capable of capturing a perfect shot of a bullet, but they can capture the blur created by the bullet moving through the frame during capture.
This really is such a dumb argument you have. It purely depends on not understanding how sports cameras work.
yeah. because in 2024 it's impossible to fake video.... find the source of that video...
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You can capture bullets at much higher speeds leaving the muzzle of a gun with most modern digital cameras today.

An iphone 5c did this tiny spider over a decade ago.
>everyone who disputes my interpretation of reality is a shill!
holding a flag upside down is disrespecting it
>it’s a deep fake!
Desperate lmao.
why would a perfect shot come from a autist in glasses? how does that narrative make sense? is the military full of snipers that wear glasses? are the pigs a bunch of band class size queen faggot retards that wear glasses?
find me the source or post nose
Nope, everyone who shills msm narratives is a shill. No exceptions
Ask me how I know you’ve never shot a gun in your life. Accuracy isn’t some rare skill that only 1% of 1% of society is capable of mastering. It wasn’t even a far distance.
Let's just look at the reason for motivation alone. Why? You could argue that Trump would have motivation to stage a shooting against himself because it would cause others to gather around and support him.

The Democrats though have no reason to be in on it. They have fought against Trump for many years, even going as far as to wiretap his phones and send spies into his campaign. They investigated him for Russian collusion and after three years determined they didn't find any Russian collusion but that he's still guilty of it. They accused him of rape, accused him of having sex with a prostitute and being pissed on, and accused him of using campaign money to pay off a hooker. None of it panned out. So they just do a 180* turn and decide to go all in with Trump?

Honestly it's incredibly stupid. I think if anything this looks a lot like what happened on 9/11. NORAD was told to stand down and three out of four planes hit their targets. Jill Biden puts an unqualified woman as the head of the Secret Service and it's been confirmed that an order NOT TO SHOOT the shooter was made to Secret Service snipers. They only reacted after they saw him shooting. Only Trump turned his head to look at a chart about illegal immigration and it saved his life. If anything, I believe the Secret Service allowed the opportunity for Trump to be killed, and that opportunity was missed.
Still waiting for an explanation to why the "agents" literally make a stop for him to take the picture, with his head still exposed to a possible second shooter.
Happens at 1:36:
You want the source of the video you claim is a deep fake?
MSM is shilling the staged narrative. Are you stupid or something?
so you’re simping for glass wearing faggots? you’re a faggot then
why hire a 20 year old mentally ill asshole?

why not get shot in the chest with bulletproof vest?

why the head? what if he missed the ear and shot the face ?
Too many of you are missing the point, real or fake it's too real looking to matter. You will never convince a meaning for amount of people otherwise. Move on. This isn't a Kennedy.
You've never shot an AR-15, or you're a shill like the rest of the mutt flags itt
All I am going to do is search my search histories figure out where i was watching the breakdown of the image and then post the photographers stream bit with timestamps and then lets the chips fall as they may
is it a chore? yes.
Am i lazy about this? Also yes
Do i care. Not a bit really. It's all academic at this point. clown world is as clown world does.I denounce the talmud.
Nigger are you fucking twelve?
>MSM is shilling the staged narrative
Sauce or gtfo
because band class faggots peak in band class and obviously want to assassinate trump
Lmao ok nigger. Keep siding with the MSM niggress Joy Reed.
I don't think you've fired a gun if you think that shot from that distance isn't insanely difficult to not kill but clip with active wind.
Why is the assumption he was shot?
The only proof is a Jew chaser from bush
>There is footage from behind and you can see his ear ripping. Unless that's fake too
Post it. There's isn't any. We have close up photos of Trump's bloodied right ear. There is no damage, no hole, only blood. Where the blood has most congealed in the ear, one would expect to find a hole, rip, damage, but it's just blood. The blood seems to have no definable source.

This to me is the "non smoking gun" that proves he wasn't hit by a bullet. No one can show a photo that sources where the blood came from. It's almost as if the blood was in a capsule inside his ear canal that was popped. It ran up his ear, along the lobe and, when crouched, down his cheek into mouth.

Show where the bullet "pierced" or penetrated his ear. Show where the bullet "grazed" that created the source of the blood we see. You can't. That is alarming. An ear is a compact body part and a bullet wound should be easily identifiable.

There is :::no doctor's report::: and no hospital report. Recall when Trump got COVID and was helicoptered to the hospital, there was an official statement. Not here. Why?

The bandage Trump wore to the RNC isn't for the alleged hole in his ear. The bandage is to ironically "cover up" that there is no hole or damage. It will be interesting to see how long he wears that stupid bandage and what "damage" is visible on his ear once it is removed.
Just remember, cameras are graded on their ability to capture something with clarity. The bullet that went past Trumps head WAS NOT captured in clarity. But it was still captured.
who wears glasses if you’re in a military environment
>band faggots
are you retarded or just pretending? post source

You’re literally agreeing with a retarded sheboon lmao.
A lot of military members were glasses. What a retarded argument.
The kid didn't even have line of sight to shoot at Trump. He was laying on a sloped roof. There is a lip at the vertex. He was a few feet away from it so his gun's barrel wouldn't even be over the top, lol.
Lmao, go back you streetshitter
keep siding with a nigress, retard.
not the real military, just the faggot chaplins and cooks
The line across his face is blood. From the hole the bullet ripped through his ear. You retards will lie about literally anything.
>no true Scotsman
Way to argue like a retard.
You don't know guns, you source some poo paper and you talk shit. You couldn't be a more obvious rent-a-shill from streetshitia
> MSNBC's Joy Reid took to X to share another round of conspiracies about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump - including that he may not have even been shot at all.

Seethe, nigger lover.
the scotts irish wear glasses?
I agree obviously since he's a puppet of the NWO. I bet they'll say the guy shot behind him was the antifa fag who's mysteriously disappeared. MNWOGA. Sherrif chitwood did it
>The people saying that the Trump shooting was fake remind me EXACTLY of the elaborate conspiracy theorists who adhere to extremely specific and far-fetched 9/11 conspiracies
For the record I do believe Israel was involved in 9/11 and that the Saudi hijackers were likely patsies. I do not believe in any well poisoning shit like holograms and no planes.

And yet I do not believe Trump was actually hit by a bullet. I believe he used a blood capsule or something similar that was embedded or behind his ear and flesh colored before it was popped. I believe this because there is zero damage to his ear in any of the photos. I am certain a man died at the rally due to a bullet and that others were shot. Trump was not hit by a bullet. I do not have an exact theory on the sperg sniper or his alleged gun shots. To me, what really matters is that Trump's war was not hit with a bullet, and that his claims it was "pierced" are a lie. Prove me wrong.
I do believe it was staged.
However, not in favor of Trump.
He was supposed to die this day
>lack of security
>lax handling of an extremely suspect individual who was known
>shooter is jewish, had ties to Black Rock
>Black Rock tried to short Trump related stocks on that day prior to the attempt
>FBI Woman behind Trump smiling and filming confirmation footage with her smartphone at the then seemingly successful shot to the head (the only person who did that)
>All of the killer's public knowledge has been scraped from the internet just 1 hour after the deed, yet noone knew anything about him for multiple days afterwards
>the FBI can't overcome the password protection of his iPhone ( a likely story )
>owned a black car, not a van, yet FBI states he had a van with a bomb in it
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>The police officers at the scene
They only saw what the rest of us saw on the big screen. He was put inside the SUV and it drove away.
What police officer got a better look at it, than what we saw in pictures?
>The straight line across his face can't be caused by a bullet that grazed him.
Blood on face wasnt an injury. Drip of blood on face was wiped by SS white cloth or gauze and left a streak
Counterargument: OP is a fag

I rest my case
so you can't post the source and just resot to posting shitting mobile links to dailymail? impressive
there are videos of him screaming against trump and his classmates said he wanted to shoot up the school

try to keep up to date
There were no planes there was no bullet. "It's a great vaccine I inject it daily into my jugular, it's very safe and effective!" -Donald Heinz" ZionLilDonny" 57 Trump. Next time just say the jews may be involved in questionable ethics in the financial sectors if you want the swing donny
>Trump wins, cause uh, he just does
So what stocks do you own? I want to short them

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