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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474920148
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>he's not green
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Never reply to tripfags. The tripfags are a post assassination antitrump raiding coordinated effort to derail and destroy the threads by flooding them with low quality nonsense.

No one should ever reply to tripfags. They are trying to get responses and replies. You help them destroy the threads if you reply them.

If you see other people replying to tripfags remind them not to.

Don't be stupid, don't reply tripfags.
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God damn it, its not time for foreigners yet! We just woke up!
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Thomas Massie:
99% of lobbyists for foreign countries would pack up and leave Washington DC if my colleagues would quit writing foreign countries blank checks.
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So... is Donnie gonna presently a plasma for hlelpillng Palestine and Ukraine?

Or is he just gonna keep sucking Jewish dicks?
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Trump rally
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Biden rally
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I'm summoning the Romanian.
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May some anon please post the Warlord Tom screenshot?
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>May some anon please post the Warlord Tom screenshot?

Wtf is that?
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Henlo to you too.
Didnt she got married recently?
Dark day indeed.
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It is never too late for that Romanian anon.
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Retard make a song making fun of the man who died at the trump rally

That is a violation of twitter terms of service be sure to let people know.
white people should be able to solve this
But he couldn't go in 2026 because of his son Beau dying of cancer, keeps going on about that
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Reminds me of the watermelon head joke from his rally while people were posting watermekons exploding here in ptg..

Also, who remmembers the sniper jokes from the biden camp?

Those jokes hit different after the reality of Trump almost getting assassinated, no?
Principles of free speech go out the window when it is offensive to you. Don't bother criticizing the left next time when they go after you for your speech. What goes around comes around and conservatives are tossing away principles because they are the offended ones now.
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That other romanian /r9k/ reject prowling /pol/ was fun - he was clocking like 150pbtid per his own thread on how bad women are and how he will never get laid because he isnt a pretty boy.
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he knows an ar-15 ban wouldn’t apply to feds right
Is that a soccer ball he's shooting at there. Very gay.
If Trump wins and his next 4 years pass there would be no reason to continue this general I hope
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They want everyone raped and killed, it is right to strike them every time in every way. You are wrong and a retarded nigger faggot kill yourself.
>white people should be able to solve this

Not real?

As in, doesnt even exsist(just an A.I. pretending to be real in a phobe)

Or as in, a long distance hiest m make pretend gf to abuse you and hurt you all tele-remote on the tv, radio, movies ??
>They want me dead and my kids raped!!!
>Hehehe this internet post coupled with that twitter ban shall seal my victory
Small dick energy from a small dick nation
Imagine seething about a general for 13 years lmao
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She's asking a hypothetical. When words turn to actual incitement instead of leftist gallows humor then that would be up to a court to hear. Some are so quick to discard their principles whenever its advantageous to do so for the short term.
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They will lose their jobs, their careers, their reputations, and much more. Every way they can be punished they will be punished. Every effort to expell them from society is good and the right thing to do. You are wrong and a retarded nigger for voicing opposition to that.
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>implying eric or lara won’t be 48
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what the fuck is going on america?
the movie idiocracy was just a movie
holy shit you guys
>Not real?
imagine having someone who loved you half as much
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>leaf faggot
>calling others small dick nation
Nigger got no self awarness..
AWOOING indeed.
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Ora ora hot at 45 degree angle
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Press S to spit on the grave of the nigger
This isn't reddit
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So why the fuck did i just get muted? This site is filled with fucking crybabies, im going to punch you faggots in the throat if i meet you irl.
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She said a ridiculous threatening thing that should be punished. The correct principle of good people is to punish the degenerate criminal faggot retards. You are a retarded cuck nigger kill yourself
I found it in my files. Here.
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you posted something bade. perhaps even oragne and marynara pilled
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>Not real?
>imagine having someone who loved you half as much

How would you actually know if you coulndt even have a private conversation or see them face to face?

And even then, whats the fucking point of love at that point? All through the stupid shows and music, its not real to me, just looks like theft to me

What do you love then?

Seeing somone tortured?
How the fuck do you get muted when you're typing? Are you mute but not deaf? Blind and have a text to speech? Or new...
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Historical revisionists intend to make more media pushing niggers into everything
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>My posting on the internet is going to make them shake to their core!
Nothing is going to happen to them. Nothing. The furor has already died down. We live in a world where people won't even be talking about this in a year's time, like as not.

I'm not voicing opposition to it I am saying that what you are doing is ineffective, what you are doing won't win you the culture war, and that, in fact, you are the dumb retard gorilla nigger. If you want to have any impact you need to leave your house and drop about 170 pounds there de Payens.

While you are here bitching and reporting people on twitter, they are organizing in real life. Go talk to a young normie. Most of them are either indifferent or celebrating it. You're the dipshit for thinking anything is going to change because you reported someone on twitter.


Its an American culture thread, shitposting and spouting nonsense is a passtime. I hate "puritan" niggers like you wouldnt believe.
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oh no!
she was so entertaining.
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Enjoy that slippery slope you fed. I would rather let offensive speech stand. Her hyperbole would never be legal here anyways. Leading people to self-censor crude jokes and statements is unamerican. Go serve the Black Pope. We are Protestants here.
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>I found it in my files. Here.

Wtf did you find?

What are you talking about?
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dumgay hates booba so if you post one of those you have to stop shitposting for three days which is elementally torture to someone like us
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You're a gay retarded nigger and are wrong. Every retard trying to kill us will be punished in every way. Kill yourself falseflag cuck.
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Cool psyop
Oh and crack niggers just tried breaking into my house. Its these niggers down the street. Hey, niggers, dont leave your bright ass porch lights on then turn them off when the fuy with a machete and revolver is running around. I asked about the midwest last night because a lot of the US is intolerable these days. They want to enforce draconian social order on others but expect zero rules on themselves, thats the average mutt these days.
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Standing up for free speech is a false flag attack. Wew boy.
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at least joe ain’t throwing nigger cooks in the bog
literally your last online search is for porn you fucking idiot
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Uhmm projection much?
They are going to ban porn. Americans favorite pass time!! They are going to ban porn!!! How will sylvester stalons kid get into acting now!
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also i need to buy a new laptop today this one fucking sucks now. it needs to be durable more than this piece of shit is
here now it is
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You are either a falseflagging nigger or a turbocuck retard cocksucker. Either way kill yourself.
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He had a rangefinder so he could locate the closest booba.
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here's what?
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If only that sheboon got the new covid boosters sooner, kek.
The summer flu aka FLiRT variant is heckin dangerouserino!
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Sell the laptop and buy a girlfriend

They are cheap on the internet.
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a man either looks at naked wimminz online or sucks dicks. i dont make them rules
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Or better yet buy another laptop. It's like a girlfriend!!
cucks look, chads fuck
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yes except for the fact that girlfriends arent real. checkmate

its almost too unbelievable to imagine
i'm convinced we live in a simulation now
they convict trump to try and force him out then biden basically has a brain aneurism and is being forced out then someone tries to kill trump, how is this year more astonishing than 2016
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People with principles don't have them because they are easy to uphold... but because they are the right thing to uphold. With how many boys your catholic clergy fuck... I can see how you have long forgotten that over the centuries when it comes to Christ's teachings and principles.
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Womelange must flow
oh man oh geez I hope they don't ban schizos from accessing internet porn next
okay you got me there
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You are disingenuous
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Thanks to baker for the traditional /ptg/ Caturday bread! It's early and I'm going back to sleep again, but don't forget to have a comfy breakfast today, /ptg/

Good Caturday to the frens from overseas...and Happy Quolladay to the koalawoo

Calm the fuck down and have some fucking breakfast, dweeb

You too, dweeb
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Show me the woodchipped heads he disassembled.... also that's 2019
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Kill yourself retarded cuck nigger everyone who attacked us will be attacked too
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It's over, he's finished
I miss that little nigger like you wouldn't believe.
He's with his waifu now.
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when i was in the grocery store yesterday evening planning a nice dinner of wholesome cooked goodness the only other shoppers were a could of sad looking people buying boxes of that blue mac and cheese and other quite processed foods. it was reflected in the shape of their bodies and the sadness in their eyes when they looked at me. this is political because i am superior to my peers its shrimple as that
California proposal to allow discrimination to help 'marginalized' quietly fails

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Dont have cat pics on hand, have a bun.
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It was the greatest political moment I have ever witnesses. Hulk Hogan cut a top tier promo against the communists at the Republican National Convention. I thank God for letting me live in this time.
The economy is killing me :(
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grape kun was the master, we are but his students
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LMAO... they can't strip a family of such things due to an individual's act. Hyperbole once again by a public who were largely unaware of the fact of the role Feds played in entrapping them all as they did. Try again... you really are falling down the slippery slope.
>bullying gay kids until they kill themselves
it's called doing God's work and it's extremely based
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no, little man
he’s only just begun
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I agree... and free speech too!
If its not coco puffs, im going to sodomize you with a cactus.
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They claim he simped on OF's as well.
>use middle/high school photo
>look he was a good boy dindu nothing!
The jews desperately want to make this a lone wolf retard totally not groomed by Biden's staff to assassinate Trump.
Everything glows from the assassination attempt.
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That processed shit is too expensive even for a lazy slob like me.
Learning to make my own meals since covid was big plus and savings for myself.
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He also went to cuba during his boy scout years to earn all the communist badges he could before attending HS. Its a shame he was killed by Jack Ruby's grandson before we could interrogate him too. Super dangerous lone wolf desu.
now that we know about his search history I can see the coomer face
New fag to this particular stuff, what were some highlights?
for sure. and its not even like the food i eat is 100% perfect either. i love fried chicken and i even bought a box of frozen corn dogs because they called to me. nor do i obsessively work out or chase fitness. i just try to maintain a certain baseline of balance in this crazy clown world
What is Project 2025 and why do I keep seeing it everywhere I go? If it were Trumps plan for Nazi, World-Domination wouldn't he have just done it back in 2016? It sounds more like an economic plan, but I am not reading all that.
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lots of bangs and creams and japanese words, you don’t want to know
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its a scarecrow for idiot leftists to try and keep them on the democrat plantation. oooh soo scary they are scary
blacked cuckold sissy furry niece
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It's based.
he has said he is not associated with it.
When was the last time something happened in America that was good for white people?
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found a post on the gaming platform Steam that is credited to the suspected gunman, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. The post reads "July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds."


The assassin thought he was AN ACTOR!!!!!
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Those are the old style bills so unlikely intentional. Just a coincidental stock photo. There are more concrete conspiracy theories out there that are more likely. Dems already admitted they don't mind conceding to another Trump turn behind closed doors as was reported this week.
I think Biden stays in the race
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Kill yourself retarded cuck
Was there anything not sexually related he was looking up? I know he was looking up campaign schedules at one point. Also, what the fuck?
The fuck? Im all for making a woman shut on a bad dragon as I nearly choke her to death with my dick, but this country can so fucking degenerate, man.
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As he should
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How is president xi? Any news?
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>tl;dr - shit they made up and claim is drumpf's platform
>trump already has his simple agenda 47 with 20 bullet points
That's it, just more fear porn.
Exactly, I'm not a health nut but making my own borgors is way better and cheaper. No wife yet to clean but I make it work, kek.
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Done fucking the choir boys already? I shouldn't be surprised really, you have already practiced that routine on the daily.
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Trump election 2016 when he won more white votes than Reagan, then Trump conducted a historically large reduction in immigration in his tenure.
*Sit on
Just in case anybody thought i meant shit on.
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Tech business owner wishes death on you

U gay tardy cuck all bands be punished
litterally shaking
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Japanese users push professor lockley out of Nihon university
>bailout red lobster for over feeding niggers for free
This man will never know what the inside of a pussy or asshole feels like.
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No half measure, when you have the advantage press it and punish the enemy
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Look at that offensive speech... it is still free speech. Don't know why this is such a hard concept for you to learn but then again you had to learn about it from Americans secondhand.
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he was quite clearly a patsy, having an “incel” shooter is something disney star wars writers would come up with
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Twitter will reinstate guns instead of water pistol image in messages

Shut up gay tardy cucko U stupid U gay
Yeah, the sniper lied about having to wait as well. Thats the same category as A51 duty. You dont ask questions, you just snipe.
>Twitter will reinstate guns instead of water pistol image in messages
Really liking Elon's moves as of late. Keep it up.
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Oh and you especially do it when theres an ar15 that been fired 8 fucking times only a football field away. His inbred eyes fucked him.
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Same, the guy won all the votes and delegates in the primaries!
The party of (((democracy))) will swiftly ignore the will of the nigger cattle and install someone else?
Not a great look and they can't sweep that under the rug quickly.
Time is also running out to change ballots.
Also the reason the DNC is mere months before election day, keeping all options on the table long as possible.
There is nothing wrong with right wing militia and leftists and communists are neither civilians nor entitled to human rights.
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Didn't know it needed this. Best news since survival of Trump.
do you sleep snuggling your AR
isn't he a medical doctor? pretty sure there are legal repercussions for licensed doctors publicly opining a medical diagnosis on someone they never examined
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This nigger can't be publicly hanged soon enough.
You're Canadian
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New York DoT makes fag road crossing
Very prone to paint spills and burnouts
this faggot should be in prison for lying to congress
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Into the oven she goes!
Where are the Macho Man memes?
So true, also great image thanks

I have a coconut knife because I saw a man get his head chopped in two pieces in one swing
also for killing millions of people
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Just look around anonkyun
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Guns and chicks, great combo.
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I have a bunch but not as many as The Hulkster because, you know, he got fucked up and wrapped his car around a tree and went night night forever so he's not as relevant.
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in the past 4 years ss have
>blatantly lied about j6
>covered up hunter’s cocaine use
>oopsy let Trump get shot
it’s just silly at this point
I had a buddy that was obsessed with Oleg Volk photographs.
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Remember what they did
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More so than McVeigh being a stooge for the FBI and ATF on Janet Reno's desire to boogieman militias after their disaster at Ruby Ridge and WACO. McVeigh's prison buddy wrote books about what he said in there after the bombing. John Doe 2 was a fed as well who was filmed on camera in a chopper flying over to WACO. LIkely a thermobaric bomb was used given witness statements about feeling static electricity and then having fuel tanks from cars explode due to vacuum pressure in the atmosphere.

No, I don't think I will do that.

I don't ask for permission from the government to use my rights... I can invoke them freely. Its really not that hard to understand, but maybe you were raised in oregon.
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Good Caturday morning, /ptg/. I'm having a proper Caturday breakfast at the airport.
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Yeah huh u will cuz you cuckman
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not a boeing hopefully
I dont think they realize Republicans arent nekconservatives anymore and that the other factions are just as tired of neoliberal blasphemy and arrogance as you guys are. Also
I want to rip this dikes pants off, prone bone her in the asshole, amd tell her to keep shooting. Tell her its just an extra difficulty setting, and to take it like man. Dress like a man, get fucked in the ass like one.
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I've upset the priest... and that is just fine with me ;)
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>Dress like a man, get fucked in the ass like one.
do you know a lot of men who wear stretch pants
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>blatantly lied about j6
After seeing Trump alpha his SS detail immediately after taking a bullet I now choose to believe that he grabbed the steering wheel because it's simultaneously hilarious and also now plausible.
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THIS is your fucking vice president nominee?

holy shit
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>and the honorary doctorate goes to
why didn't they use the correct genders
I will neither confirm nor deny that, she has a peggab- i mean, fuckable ass.
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>man plays game with his child and dog.
>this is bad
your father molested you right?
Its a butthurt jew, of course he did.
hes clearly a fag
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Japan may extend historical revisionism on yasuke into a diplomatic issue
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Some Florida news!
Based water wins again.
>Florida nigglet with autism found dead at resort after possible drowning: police say not our problem
Fuck off we're full.
>We moved our family to Florida for my husband's job. It ruined our marriage — and I'm back in Ohio with the kids.
No refunds!
>University of Florida president Ben Sasse is resigning after his wife was diagnosed with epilepsy
Just ignore them rodent in ass.
>The jewish Treasury warns that anti-woke banking laws like Florida's are a national security risk somehow.
Also they declared the largemouth bass down here its own species, the Florida bass!
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imagine letting an old man cut and then suck the penis of your own child.
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My guess is that Ben Sasse was promised a cabinet position in a potential RDS administration and since that obviously isn't happening he's fucking off to some (((true conservative))) think tank for shekels.
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Absolutely should, demand reparations from Ubishit for besmirching the country's history.
What happened to your epic copypasta coomerpole?
We have spent decades already having our free speech clipped by the left for things like SMIRKING.
If we can't strike back when they are ghoulish over someone's DEATH then WE LOSE.
You are a WEAK CUNT if you do not strike like we have been stricken for years!
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Trump rally today. If you are going remember to buli the ss for being worthless faggots who can't do their job.
Thank you! Got the one where MM is in heaven?
In spirit form he is even more powerful!
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Safe travels, getting ready for scarmables eggs myself.
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No, sorry. Closest I have is this.
Yeah, its coming back on you now, kike. Oy vey, shut yourself down with a 20 gauge to the roof of the fucking mouth. You are not even worth using as fertilizer, and you will not be missed.
going by the ones he had at the RNC i think some of the issues may have been addressed.
might want to be careful around them.
Striking back is easy, but it will only degrade everyone's freedom. I would rather continue as a free speech absolutist. They can only destroy you if you let their petty arguments have any muster in the first place. Stop it when it starts by having a backbone, not by copying their style.
True! Founding documents came about because the Scots had England's boot on their throat for 400 years. Banned weapons, Gaelic, kilts, etc.
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Would explain how psychotic and inhuman kikes are.
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A Hillbilly is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.
England was invading their island so the limey is a retarded hypocrite with zero sense of shame as per usual. They and the Germans have made me hate them these past few years.
And now they claim some of those clowns weren't even real SS agents.
Only that dusty old cunt Jill got protection that day.
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that and poor genetics.
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The answer is just "yes"
And demonic cow worship.
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>The fools fight among themselves.
Based dog.
Why are you pretending this general likes Vance? The Vance shills on /pol/ keep getting called out, especially when they claim Vance is anti-establishment when Silicon Valley is also considered the establishment considering how many glowies are hired by FAANG
>he's clearly a fag
So your dad DID molest you.
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i don` think Trumpdalf would have an AK.
>Trump rally today

in Grand Rapids, I hope Ted Nugent is there again, the rally with him in 2016 was epic
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what ever happened with the heifer thing?

Actually we will keep it up in perpetuity even after his death and it would be on-topic to do so, for example a Reagan Gen or George Washington Gen would both be on topic on this board
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Thoughts on honky tonk Zach Galafanakis?

your father?
ahh so he did diddle you then.
>Im all for making a woman shut on a bad dragon as I nearly choke her to death with my dick,
>but this country can so fucking degenerate, man.
thanks anon for the laugh kek
I personally want to get a ruger mini when i get a rifle and upgrade the sights. Want to get an aluminum and polymer one in 7.62x39 with the vertical hand grip and folding stock. Have it been like a modernized version of the m1a1 carbine, 30 cal and all.
I shid you not, a dot head fucked the cow.
It's no good if they don't have their anti-christ, supposed to have superpowers, hard to fake that
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>upgrade the sights
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And its sit on a bad dragon, NOT SHIT ON IT!
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Truly a race abandoned by God.
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People apparently could not open their fridge
His programming will be over come by his genetics.
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I've always wanted a A-Team style Mini-14 like pic related but there are other things I've wanted more when I had spare cash so I don't have one yet. It's definitely on the list, though. One thing that sucks is that Mini-14s do not take standard mags.
No it's a watermelon
I don't know about you, but I really liked the opera singer and the song after the speech. Really felt like it amplified the moment.
Kek, im happy you have things that make you happy. Im fucking wasted right now.
Surely the door would still open, right?
Agreed. It magnified the moment. Made it feel bigger.
i like him
The windows fridge has android buttons?
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Vance opposes gun registry
Yep, wanted to "bless" it for Israels success and finger fucked it like im the webms we see. The rest had blemishes i think. Poos and jews, man, fucking poos and jews.
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I was told there would be a White Boy Summer.
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Thanks Obama
I love Trump.
God chose him to save America.
It's going to happen bros.
Id just buy them in aassive bulk if i got this thing. I just like how very far under the radar when this rifle is in the same capability class as an m16a2 and an original stamp akm. Its a fucking monster, you just have to replace the flimsy site with a real gas and sight or a lens and it shoots disturbingly well.
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i got to meet vance a year or two ago
his team just wanted connected to the wifi so they could do their photo op but i sorta met him
>Biden has cognitive abilities
Fake news
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Posted fom her deathbed
*How far under the radar it is
Be advised, i havent been this fucked since i was a teenager.
what a disgusting gorilla
Too bad DeSantis did not absorb more RINOs from Congress by promising them jobs with his imaginary admin
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It's time for breakfast, anons. Where is the breakfast thread?
*posted by an intern while she was on her deathbed
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Never stop never stopping.
This is MAGA country, nigger.
The day approacheth.
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>do not take standard mags.
eagle firearms do a conversion kit i see on forums.
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>man looks childish when playing games with his child
you will never know happiness, you have lost the mandate of heaven
Oh, really? I'll look into that. It's the one big issue with the Mini-14 but if there's a conversion available then that's GREAT.
That nose was designed for those glasses.
going to miss that goofy wig.
Trump's official theme song by that boomer band sounds too plain, though. Since Trump was born in New York, maybe he should have a full time jazz band.
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checked and for me its a fresh cup of lavazza and some scrambled eggs & toast with blackberry jam
lavazza is some good shit if you never had it, just make sure to get the whole bean and grind it yourself
that singer was good.
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kek i bet he would go on a date with a right wing gun fag if asked (to the gravel pit to shoot guns and drink beer)
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Probably trades notes with the that one that posts for Joe
The songwriter is a friend of Trump's and was at the RNC in person to perform it. Trump is always going to value that over raw musical talent.
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Have you tried Caffé D'arte? It's an excellent, Italian taste but roasted in the US (Pacific Northwest).
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>amazon sling
>looks like amazon optics
>bipod on 16" rifle that is already lightweight
>anodized purple parts
>meme hex rail with basically zero attachment points
the only thing it has going for it is that its better than the ghetto blaster ARPs you see in chicago that dont have optics
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i am almost just as guilty. but im not a troon
Girlfriend is three dimensional
Happy reddittor day everyone look at my kot lmao
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Good morning frens
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You’re a faggot.
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Always good to see you fren.
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reminder still baking
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i have not, i will give that a shot
where is fren's arms???
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> He doesn't have the THRUSH carbine with IR scope and duckbill flash hider.
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It's what they serve on the Washington ferries. Good stuff.
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He lost them in a redpilling accident
>No tropical oils

morning fren
thanks fren
i love washington's nature and ill give leftists one thing, they do know their coffee and washington is good for it but i hate their laws and seattle has turned into a shithole
orcas are cool and based
Hillary is going to be your president!!

Cope Drumpfenpoopers!!
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Take a picture of me im a kot lololol look at me
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They Almost Got Trump (English)
I want hillary to come into 2024!
We're working on it.
What a douchebag. I mean, yes, they are superficial, it nicked his ear, but why is this faggot talking at all? At the very least he should be in prison for his congressional testimony.
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>close the economy
>force it to re open
>claim the 'new jobs' are your creation
i got fucking laid off twice during covid and they act like that kind of stuff never happened
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this but unironically
This general is bent over by Rick every day because he is a real man and you are just pansy boys
>Rolling Stone India

He put this one last in the hopes you would stop reading the list before you got to it
running hillary in 2024 would be a crazy twist to already bonkers story arc

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