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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474950854
ULTRA MAGA. The rally today starts at 5pm ET.
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i hear the RNC is getting investigated for a hogan act violation
it's fucking over isn't it....
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I can't believe it guys I never knew assassinating people isn't legal
Did you know that Maine and Nebraska can split electoral votes?
What's the word?
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Haven't had actual bot spam in a little bit it's good to shake things up. Jannies useless as usual.
The moon landing is one of the greatest accomplishment of humanity in history
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Low energy drumpf
Lmao he knows he's not going to win
chuds should be able to solve this one
Yes, I live here (Maine). Won't matter this year, both districts will be read. General Mills has flooded the southern part of the state with thousands of niggers from Somalia. Everyone hates it.
>just work harder
its nancy pelosi lol
Not the act that prohibits public displays of Hulk Hogan!
Choosing a picture of space to taunt Russians is pretty hilarious. Only chance Russians will ever get to see space is by looking up from the field they're plowing, or an image on a screen. No ziggers in space.
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is this legit or just being overblown?

Actually yes.
anon you almost caused a supernova! ULTRA MAGA!
>i am worthless and forever weak.
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>final night of the DNC
>almost time for Joe's acceptance speech
>nobody knows who is introducing him
>suddenly the opening riff of the nWo theme hits
>Hulkster comes out playing air guitar
Post yfw.
I don't care.
There's a distinct Europe to Canada to California pipeline for niggerfaggot legislation like this and I'm fucking sick of it.
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>Newsweek says-
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you didnt
didnt need to watch because im already right wing you gorilla nigger
To last thread

>474956656 #
Who is stopping the sheriff? You?
The secret service won't but they'll keep him company while he's in the pen at least.
>>474956657 #
I'm not. Please bring light to my lies if you see any.
>>474956712 #
Survival of the fittest. I thought you guys liked big American industry. You can't have 10000 mom and pop factories. This isn't the 1950s. You work at Amazon or jewcorp LLC let us make laws to protect you from your jewish overlords
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Daily reminder that Trump will always put Jews first and Americans last.
That's exactly what that bill does, yes. It's not overblown.
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Stop asking about Lori.
It doesn't include the part about Democrat teachers molesting kids.
>Virginia gets moved towards swing state status
>yes, trump is now losing guys
This trip may actually be more delusional than bidenshill. Definitely a lot less entertaining.
other way around, anon, other way around.
it starts in cali and spreads outward. as a yuro, i can't tell you how much i'd appreciate it if you handled that shit in your home.
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the word is it broke section K, subsection f.a§ii)b
can any legal scholars confirm if that's true
Like we can concede ground on hating the jews but you gotta fucking be reasonable and not cuck yourself out to the Russian and South African white jews
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Look at this image. Look how happy and relieved you look. Just admit it, Joe!
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They attempted the same tactic of narrative shaping in previous elections. Nothing new.
Everyone blames dems for this shit but not the hospital associations that are providing all the funding for this legislation. Hell theyre probably writing the legislation themselves (like with obamacare) and just paying the dems to pass it
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Yes, smoking is more my style than edibles.
It's a line of domino's. Remember what happened in France
They're going to sabotage his plane.
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>Daily reminder that Trump will always put Jews first and Americans last.
Daily reminder that Israeli shills hide behind meme flags.
I should hurt myself more often, I am nothing more than a disastrous evil weak parasite on everyone else.
but what about all those kids that were told no by their parents
The NASA crew flew right over the Nazi joint US Moon base.
I want NASA to release the historic high resolution photograph.
i'm wondering why they'd shoot a man before throwing him out of an airplane
You're actually completely wrong, you stupid nigger.
peyote might be an option for me soon.
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"Narrative shaping" like you didn't put on a fucking circus in front of the entire world
say hello to the spirits for me
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Russia is a faggot nation full of rapist queers. Highest concentration of AIDs anywhere in Europe.
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>anyone else feel the same way?
Me! Me! I do!
>positivity and fun bad
You mean Trump?
thank you Nazis for putting us on the moon
Don't man. Someone with regret is not truly evil, whatever wrong thing you feel you did.
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i wonder if i'll see some mortis/anakin in the cave type shit into the future.
Do you think Biden will still be the presumptive nominee within a week?
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there is definitely something uncanny about loomer
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>Choosing a picture of space to taunt Russians is pretty hilarious.
Ukraine lost.
Let's go MAGA JD Vance and Peter Thiel want to save faggot capital of the world Russia from evil Ukrainian nazis
Democrats are getting ready to run Kamala Harris against President Trump because they didn't learn anything from running Hillary Clinton against President Trump.
its probably the 10 pounds of makup and 1 million dollars of plastic surgery
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It's Kamala. Make money niggers I'm giving you a golden parachute you can be a Nancy Pelosi inside trader.
Put destiny in
Wanted to see what the average MSM-watching normie would see about the RNC by watching my shithole's national TV and holy shit its bad.
>ummm Trump didn't talk about unification enough, the assassination didn't change him
>longest speech ever, also why does he care so much about immigration and actual policies I thought the was a uniter???
>why is he still shittalking media/politicians??
>wow that firefighter suit kissing was kinda cringe ngl
Also they implied that the crowd got so bored with his speech that they had to invite Hulk Hogan after he spoke to entertain them again. You could also notice that the bitch reading out the report was seething at Trump's existence. Also the monotone translating of Hogan's speech made a hillarious tone difference. This is how pretty much every EU media channel reports on it. I hate the media so much bros, its unreal.
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Biden is going nowhere.
And somehow they found perhaps the only woman in federal politics more of a hated piece of shit than Hilldawg.
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this shit still haunts me
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America's secondary space administration will be destroying the International Space Station after the contracts keeping it funded expire in 2030. Russia will no longer have access to a space station. Russia likely lacks the technology and funding to maintain their own station, so they will look to partner with India.
Hillary is a ghoul warhawk and almost fucking won and society has progressed since 2016. More people will vote for Kamala because she's a black lady amthan will vote against her because some people don't like black ladies. She's a fucking conservative one too she hates criminals.
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thanks doge
I knew it was over the moment I saw kid rock
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>be ugly kike
>spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to look like less of an ugly kike
>still be an ugly kike
Her simps spent their money well.
I think that China has a space station. Maybe there will be some cooperation.
Fun fact: USA vetoed China's entry to the ISS program.
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breddy gud
>do all that
>payroll trumps campaign
>you clap like a seal
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be less obvious
We should all live in fear of the day megabiden will strike.
Yea this is your side this is the governance you niggers want the dems are totally the party of fucked up freaks
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You're gonna choke down bile as you vote for Biden and he's still gonna lose lmao
And isreal is bombing yemen. Not my problem.
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You're so mad lol.
I'm full on mask off this is the debate thread until Trump loses the election
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Hulk was definitely there, and Trump was present.
It all probably made commies cry.
Why wouldn't they veto China's entry? We collaborated with Russia because their terrorist state of dogs held us hostage with treaties and nuclear weapons. For the last twenty years we've been obligated to help ship Russia's dated, alcoholic "cosmonauts" into space, lest we risk an international nuclear incident in order to cut them off for freeloading. Now, America has a chance to free themselves from the bonds of an unproductive society of drunks and ACTUALLY start progressing. America's taking that opportunity all day.
Sup, bros?
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Good afternoon. Is everyone enjoying their Caturday lunch?
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>oy vey goyim dontxcha mean trump
>*a drop of the least spiciest mustard dribbles from his pastrami sandwich onto the hebrew compliant keyboard*
it's hopeless, can't leave, can't change it, can't slow it down.
we will never see tripjoe again
>the dems are totally the party of fucked up freaks
You're gonna post crying apu memes like a faggot when he gets put in jail and post happy angel ones when we pardon him because you are in the party of children and we are in the party of adults.
Please film your suicide for us
If Joe Rogan isn't going to have Trump on, can he at least smoke some weed with Biden?
I'm so fucking right. I am bathed in righteous fervor.
>larps as a dem
>says the gamer word (nigger)
It’s Saturday my dude. Go enjoy your life instead of spending it here trolling. You pathetic faggot.
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cope nigger lmao seethe too
>he paid for a 4chan pass
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uhh, is msnbc and cnn streaming it?
people simp for that?
i am scared to see beyond the material realm.
You're wrong. How old are you man? Things can't be too far gone.
Blow job boebert is who you fucking elect who the fuck is George Takei we don't fucking elect degenerates
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You mad bro?
>economy improving
>crime at historic low
>crackdown at border
>Biden will likely by replaced by younger democrat
>Dems have the 13 keys
>disastrous RNC speech

You can tell trump is heading for defeat
To be fair, his handlers likely paid for it.
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Sooooo mad lol.
I'll film this thread and post it every fucking day for a year until you join I'm on the joke and laugh about the fucking retard you are right now and how far we have all come since. The train has left the station.
>we don't fucking elect degenerates we just let them cheerlead us
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I only watch RSBN
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my political views haven't changed in 30 years, can any leftist say the same?
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Would he have missed?
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wow you even sound like big boy there
wanna try again in English?
Not even. Are you new?
I'm locked the fuck in
Incredibly enough, yes.
Jack Black wasn't on stage at a political convention infront of the entire world
You fucking cancel cultured him
You fucking martyred him
You've lost the plot
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>I'm locked the fuck in
Is that you Destiny
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Joetrip really isn't handling the last few weeks of nonstop L's very well, huh?
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here's my policy position: you will never be a woman lol
They are our mascots like yours are evangelicals
>being THIS retarded
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i guess i'm not a real chud
its so OVER bros
Shill bros...what happened? My fellows shills have suddenly disappeared due to self combustion or being a assassin patsy for the glowniggers and elite. I don't believe /ptg/ is buying our narrative about Trump rnc being low energy...they also point out that the Biden dropping out narrative that the media and socials are peddling is just to slide the truth about the assassin. /ptg/ is also aware of the Texas company that shorted TRUTH shares just days before the assassination attempt on Trump which would had made some people very rich...also vanguard and Blackrock had a hand in the company...

What do we do shill bros...we're running out of time...
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are you having an episode? take another xanax it will be okay
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>static crackling sounds
Maybe he'll try to shoot up a store and get shot when he reaches peak butthurt.
>I haven't matured in 30 years
>I'm smart
I'm on a cell phone and I am a big boy
no just no that can’t be the case
i hate myself
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>is such a thing even possible?!
>yes it is
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Press S to Spit
>If only you knew how bad things really are.
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Dems are imploding & attacking each other including the Never Trumper RINO's that hopped onto the Hillary & then Biden tickets
Russia's army has been totally delegitimized by a 2.5 year long trench warfare campaign in a country Putin calls "little Russia." That wouldn't be funny, except that Putin makes tacit nuclear threats towards the West, and threatens to arm America's "enemies" with nuclear weapons. Putin thinks if one side is winning, the other side is losing by the same margin; and right now, Ukraine is being funded by frozen Russian assets. America cannot stop fucking winning.
Is this real?
i will always be weak
it's part of the ambiance
Nope but you will see many phantom enemies in the coming days as you are struck with blow after blow of criticism from all angles. You will live through a nightmare before death flashback of every misstep your lot has taken in the last 8 years. You will hear our voices as a demonic chorus in the background of songs as you try to distract yourself.
This guy hates Trump so much. I saw one of hie videos
demonic chorus like a word wall in Skyrim
We are about to turn you all into women
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I am having the time of my life
>White women choose black men
Be gone kike
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Meanwhile back in reality...
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Quite literally nothing you just typed out is true. I'm honestly convinced you're one of Bidens interns
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Do you know where you are?
Putin threatens the West with nukes. Please, do tell: do nukes discriminate? Is Putin planning on nuking JUST the liberals, or is he going to hit some conservatives too?
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>fantasizing about nigger cock
Checks out.
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Are you going to kill yourself when Trump wins again? You definitely should.
he lost the zuckerbooger endorsement
god i hope so
I love you Canada anon
You are my favorite thing about this thread
I like how you dropped the Joe Biden tripcode and admitted you have sucked dicks in the past.
Exactly. Keep hold of the wheel.
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lmao I think we made it mad
Lettuce is surging
It's funny, because this is such a clear difference of values. Most leftists would consider the only valid reason to go 30 years without changing political views to be profound mental retardation.
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>you have to care about Ukraine reeeee
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>Liberals have to pay their own debts
You love to see it
>American flag
>ya let putin nuke america who cares
Really speaks for itself, doesn't it? Stay sharp...
I'm on the winning team, in your stadium
Buckle up
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So far this thread we're up to 26 posts of pure desperation
You have no fucking idea where you are, I hope you enjoy your stay.
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I consider leftistism to be profound mental retardation
>Sure, my side serves satan and murders 3000 babies a day, but we will WIN!
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I happened to think it was a wonderful speech. Got to see the man beneath the armor.
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more like FICTIONARY amirite
Putin won't nuke us nukes are a spook we will let him have some little pittance of a claim to success for his "operation" and he will crumble as MAGA soon will. We will turn our sights towards China.
Wonder what's going on in that retard land. With the CIA epically failing to pop trump and biden shitting his pants for 3 weeks straight everyone's forgotten about that hellhole.
Ukraine lost. Cope.
It's hillarious that you think I can be banned from 4chan. You guys really must not be used to a real fight.
I'm scared
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>these are the "True Conservatives" behind McCain/Palin 2008
>t the party of Israel
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I wouldn't want you to be banned at all Anonymous, I want you to get comfy and see what's around.
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Don't be please :)
I hope I'm not scaring you. Everything will be ok.
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Americans might be surprised to learn that the average Russian gets their information from state-controlled television broadcast networks. Americans might NOT be surprised to learn that Russians are not allowed to call the invasion of Ukraine a 'war,' or else risk jail-time in labor prisons. Even children.
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But I will filter you, because I have more important things to talk about and your posting pattern is obvious
You think this is my first time on this board?
You think millions of people don't lurk here every day?
Who is getting shot at today's rally bros?
>trusting John Mccain's campaign manager
this was always going to end in tears
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Democrats are unable to learn new information.
They are functionally retarded.
JD Vance says we should respect their sovereignty
This kind of word butchery needs to stop.
also checked.
The dictionary I use is from 1878. Helps me get some perspective.
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Put your head in the sand. You'll still hear me. You will know me by my works.
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>15% of the thread is one mindbroken, buck broken Biden enthusiast having a complete meltdown about Trump's impending, inevitable victory in November
>have all of the largest ammunition factories ever built on the entire planet
>dey outta ammo goys!
Not even a little believable to anyone who isn't completely brain dead.
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You lack the strength to filter me
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We've been living out 1984 since 2020
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Wait a second. Are shills really calling democrats normal functioning human beings with conservative Christian values now?
Is this what they're trying to spin now?
I don't think I've seen shit like that even in 2016
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well i just hope there isn't going to be any more glowniggertry
Russia is at a standstill in what they thought would be a one week war they are collapsing politically and structurally
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LOL +1
>You will know (((us))) by our works.
Yes indeed.
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Checked, Ukraine fags seething.
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Me too anon.
Thank you for contributing to a rational discussion of the problems facing America, sincerely
stocking leaf anon?
They voted democratically after little green men held them at gunpoint
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Because both states are somewhat unique in that they are mostly rural with only 1 actual City, so they split the city/country votes
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hey the thread is particularly retarded right now so please enlighten me
should i get
>something to mix with grain alcohol
my budget is maybe $20, i already have the grain alcohol
>devote entire national economy to making bullets and artillery so you can get drone bombed and lose all of your tanks
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We've unified against Trump. You've forced us to. Congrats, you fucking lost.
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Russia will soon implement its "social credit system," like China's. This system will assign citizens a score based on their loyalty to the state, and punishing dissidence. Russians with higher standing will be allowed more privileges than Russians with lower standings.

We will soon see Russians reporting other Russians for their actions online, for having Signal on their phone, for using a VPN on their computer. And why wouldn't they report each other? Turning in your friend might earn you a nicer apartment, after all...
Does she remind you of someone?
Yes. This is the end of days for MAGA. It will be biblical.
whatever helps them cope with the fact that child them would call them a faggot and then kill themselves
>We've unified
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Way better than imagery like this
It's particularly based right now and you're fucking retarded actually
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hey anon please define
>Are you new?
bro, no oldfag drops 40 posts on a thread thats not even at 250
Give em 400 million more. Fuck it. We're winning. Trump loves bribery.
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>our enemies are not literal Satani-
It's over. Check twitter.
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I wonder where the zelenskies keep getting all this money.
Reminder that I am still baking.
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seems legit
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Im partial to bitterness because I'm made from concentrated poison, but you could get a lot of milage from concentrated grain and mixes. Depends on if u want nice or variety. I'd go with more alcohol des for MAGA
Real niggers like me shitting on amoral kike shill faggots like you
Will this midget nigger ever face punishment for his crimes?
I'm a maverick. This is a psychological warfare strategy.
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yeah, not an oldfag. you repeat yourself
/pol/ gets more engagement than any single msm source?

You think this is good for you?
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that's what we've been missing, the usuals have been copping out lately
>I love Israel
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This is the most jewish administration in American history.
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so, the same old same old?

nothing gets better
blockchain developer here
i want to make a trump themed meme coin
is anyone interested in helping and have any ideas for the name? i've already done the token contract and working on frontend now. can also provide initial liquidity. mostly its the raising awareness i'd need help with
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>46 pbtid
thank you that was exactly what i wanted to hear
i tried grain mixed with just water but it's a little too miserable even for me
Good thing you guys love Israel to huh? We can agree that the kikes are politically powerful. Why are you being so easily manipulated like goycattle by the most blatantly obvious manipulators?
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Not with that kind of attitude!
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Finished a comfy MAGA nap.
Onwards to Mars and the stars!
It's something new but it will be the same old soon
The most Jewish administration in American history so far, Anon.
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That's not true.
>I want to scam more people for Trump we haven't done enough of that yet and we are running out of time
yep because it never does.
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Weren't you anti-racist last thread? You really need to nail your character down better.
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>>474956866 (checked)
Make NASA Great Again: Apollo 11 Edition
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Under Russia's new social credit system, Russians will be incentivized to perform actions on behalf of the state in order to improve their standing (so that they might visit nicer stores, get nicer jobs, etc.)

Conversely, Russians who do not serve the state - or who are reported for having questionable allegiances - will be subject to performing labor, and will not be able to use certain buses or trains with higher-class citizens.
>July 17th
You're gonna shit when you post the next ones
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At this rate we'll all be homeless in Florida!
and lel.
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I'm anti MAGA Joe Biden is anti racist because he is a better man than I. I will drag you niggers kicking and screaming back to sanity.
yes it is, evil always win.
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lmao even
Jahy and Pekola have a lot in common actually.
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There are lesser evils. Do not cut off your hooked nose to spite your face.
>yes I am a dishonest nigger
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no this is an honest to god spencerpede
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It has to be billions...
israel will never lose, we can't even call ourselves a people.
I am a brutally honest boss nigga and you are a stupid kike shilling for a con man because you've bought into his pyramid scheme
Nah, you're just a regular nigger.
We can beat Israel by being a better people than them
You're about to find out that I'm THE regular nigger that will be terrorizing you until November.
No, you're just a stupid nigger.
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Numbers are dated, but you're right.
Shill bros...your response???
It's about high time that there's a Trump Dictionary
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i'm on your board, stealing ur gifs
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences, sweaty.

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