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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474961423
Ultra MAGA.
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What's everyone hyperactive about?
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I don't want to hear ANYTHING negative about Israel in this thread.
Imagine being a democrat leftist satanic talmudist kike now that they tried to kill Trump.
Imagine living in a world where nobody sees you as a human being anymore.
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ask questions
By posting on 4chan you have agreed to denouce the Talmud and the Anti-Christ
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>when you see a hiki longpost and need to zoom in
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>Nick Fuentes
Brown and queer.
Not my problem.
I find it funny that the leftist shills are still acting like it's still pre-assassination attempt and that we'll even listen to the enemies of America like them.
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Smite God's Enemies.
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we should support our medeteranean brethren
>Trump's VP pick: "Mamaw am I gay?"
>RFK's VP pick: "Thomas Massie is my favorite Congressman"

Which will /pol/ choose, I wonder

>inb4 faggots defend king faggot
>when you see a hiki longpost and respond with TL;DR
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Russians are not allowed to call the invasion of Ukraine a 'war.' There are children in Russian labor-prisons right now for sharing their opinions on social media.
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AWOO and good moning, frens. How have threads been today?
They're slow. Maybe it'll sink in.
Doubtful, but it could happen.
People just don't see them as democrats anymore. Just as traitorous pieces of shit who the world is better off without.
I will not be voting but he has my support..
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>Vance is Gandalf
>Trump is Bilbo
what did they mean by this
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I heard Jesus wasn't a fan of merchants in the temple.
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Nick Fuentes would decisively lose a fist fight with Kai Trump.
Convince me to give a shit.
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Not my problem BROTHER!
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Why not vote? You have to.
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Hey Serena... are you going to actually try and discuss politics today or will you just be posting "MAGA" like usual?
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>Trump's VP pick
His grandma was found with nineteen loaded handguns stashed throughout her house.
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Comfy and rally tonight!
>niggers still posting in stale threads
kek.. they're still posting in the old one
Do it anyway. It'll be the best post you've ever made.
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I haven't seen hiki longpost in a while. I wonder if he gave up and found a tomboy to cut his hair and make him babies.
Nick is a little gay spic bitch. Why are you bringing him up?
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Gas the kikes
There you go. Nothing bad about Israel
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>I will not be voting
>creating imaginary lines between which shills pretend to read
think i realized something important -- this is just simple backwards reasoning applied to tds, reinforced by media and social media repetition
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Hey, guess what! I still don't care XD
It's absolutely hilarious they're having an autistic meltdown in order to replace Biden who loses to Trump by 3 with Harris who loses to Trump by 3.
>brown anime girl
Opinion disregarded
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>why might Russians post misinformation on American social media sites posing as Americans?
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How can we expect democrats to respect the results of the election if they won't even respect the results of their primaries ?

They say Joe Biden got 81 million votes to put him in office, by far the most of any candidate in American history. They have been praising him the whole time he has been in office.

Now at the last minute some socialist democrat elites want to replace him with a candidate of their choosing. They asked him if he would step down, and he said "NO".
Democrats don't respect the concept of consent, they are just trying to harass and "gang rape' a sitting president out of office. He said "NO".

Jow Biden won the primaries overwhelmingly, and fair and square. If Obama wanted someone else he should have had them run in the primaries. Democrat voters chose Joe to be the democrat party's nominee.
That is how democracy works.
Obama and the socialist democrats don't believe in ethics of consent, don't respect the results of elections, democracy or democrat voters.

We need to copypasta this all over the internet and expose the unethical actions of the socialist democrat elites. They cannot defend their actions.
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>Russians are not allowed to call the invasion of Ukraine a 'war.'
Ukraine lost. Not our problem.
I wonder if they'll ever realize that it's hopeless no matter what.
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>I will not be voting
If you want a bodyslam you can just ask BROTHER!
let the kikes and sand niggers kill each other in the desert and leave the sovereign state of israel alone.
that's all anyone wants deport the kikes from the us and ban dual citizebnship as well
This sounds like an internal affair of another sovereign nation. I value the Westphalian principle of non-interference.
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>Brown ID color
Into the trash it goes
Hoky fucking BASED
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They are trying to save democracy by voiding the primary elections.
All they care about is ruining Trump's "47" merch, forcing him to spend money to reprint shirts, hats, and signs, and rename PACs, with "48."
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His security detail won't be playing around anymore.
That will make it all worth more in the future, like coins or stamps that have mistakes on them.
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Bodyslam non-voters.
Trip over non-voters.
Poop in non-voters' mailboxes.
Deport non-voters into mexico.
>t. Israeli posing as a European
I will be voting in this year's provincial election and next year's federal election.
Awoo and open the polls I'm ready to vote
his security detail will probably be privately vetted going forward.
the cases being thrown out means that trump keeps his businesses and his savings so he hasn't been rug pulled like they wanted
We are glad for the good health of Donald Trump and we are disgusted by the heinous attempt on his life. Had he been killed, the stain on our democracy may well have plunged us into our fall. But he has survived. Now is the time to unite as a nation and do away with childish taunts and petty political squabbling. We face a world on the brink of chaos and should serve a higher cause than any single politican can carry on his shoulders. We must forgive and protect Trump, because his intentions were good, as all true Americans believe theirs to be. If he is unable to truly unite the American people, he would best serve the greater good of our nation to allow someone else to lead us.
They meant that, like Ian McKellan, Vance is a homosexual

I wonder if he ate Vivek's load out of Usha when he father Vivek jr
I don't bother to register to vote b/c I live in a blue-majority city and I'm too poor to move out.
>A literal Chinese spy for VP
KYS yourself
Sorry, we must cancel the election to protect our democracy.
Or I could vote Trump and reopen the asylums.
He should hire his own security detail and the Secret Service can act as auxiliaries to that. Like checking tickets or something.
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>I don't vote because I'm demoralized
anyone remember a kid who would push you, annoy you, try to rustle your jimmies, and then as soon as you fought back go running to whomever was in charge to tell on you
>I am a Woodrow Democrat isolationist

What the fuck is wrong with the current state of /pol/'s foreign policy
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Is Trump going to be safe at the rally. I'm scared.
>a literal faggot cuckold for VP
At least the spy hates israel unlike JD "Usha wears the Pants" Vance
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>I will be voting in this year's provincial election and next year's federal election.
Based Keep fighting BROTHER!
We will have an election, and the American people WILL save our democracy.
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No, he won't
For every red vote there are at least another 3 or four.
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Maybe you should get rid of those blue votes then?
Fuck it. Vote anyway.
Vote for Total Jeet Death
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>when Putin threatens the West with nuclear weapons, is he talking about nuking Liberals specifically, or do nuclear weapons discriminate based on political ideology?
>what did Putin mean to suggest by visiting Kim Jong Un this year after threatening to arm America's "enemies" with nuclear weapons?
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vote harder, vote more often
You can vote Trump and curse our democracy, the American people will vote for a better future than authoritarianism.
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debunked, foolish 1pbtid
after what's come out about the details of the detail last saturday, I pray that he does.
This happened a week ago.
It still feels like it just happened.
Trump is a fucking warrior.
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He better be.
I trust ABSOLUTELY NO ONE after last week's shit show.
>our democracy
Democracy died in 2020.
Get it yet? You and your kind aren't considered human.
Americans, real Americans, are united against you.
Seethe more, nigger
>t. Second lady Usha Chilukuri supporter
There are americans in jail for being critical of the biden junta. Do you denounce that too?
PPC everytime. May God Smite ALL TRAITORS.
Well that was stressful.
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>when you see a hiki longpost
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Let me tell you something BROTHER! When Donald Trump was President we had world peace! It'll happen again BROTHER!
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Sorry sweetie, but when one candidate is an admitted fascist dictator (Drumpf), it would be too dangerous to allow people to vote.
>given up on Joe
>forced to shill for RFK
what a revoltin' development
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Good Caturday morning/afternoon, /ptg/...wow, thanks to baker for taking a SECOND comfy Caturday breakfast bread out of the oven earlier...looks like there have been many breads thus far this Caturday(many more than usual), so activity has definitely increased since last Caturday when...well...can /ptg/ believe it's only been a week? Seems like it's several weeks or even months since Blimpf was shot at...the passage of time is very strange
>and there another Michigan Blimpf rally today

Is anyone else nervous about this? Looks like this one is indoors
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Does anyone remember when Theodore Roosevelt got shot, finished his speech while gallantly ignoring the gravity of what had just just occurred, and lost the election thereafter? While seeking a third term?
No. They can't afford a second attempt. We're on the brink of civil war as it is, and the leftists have proven they can't shoot.
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low-T post
He will be safe and so will America. The world is in good hands.
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he absolutely long posts around midnights after drinking some bone hurting juices
if he's a leaf it all makes sense.
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This person in politics died
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Hey, why are you hiding your flag? You know, people might take you more seriously if you stopped doing that.
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>*assassinates your president*
say something nice about her
>It's not very effective...
Dear anons of the /ptg/, what are the political ramifications of pic related?
>does Putin believe in win/win situations?
well, /v/ hasn't seen many blatantly divisive threads for a couple of days, now. the last that happened, it was october 7th.
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>Bush stole the 2000 election! Gore won!
>Bush stole the 2004 election! Kerry won!
>Trump stole the 2016 election! Hillary won!
>What?! How dare Trump suggest elections can be stolen?! This is literally a threat to democracy!!!
artillery barrels aren't needed for missiles and russia's don't work

Hey ptg...
Your faith in our democracy died in 2020. You and the rest of MAGA caused ours to waiver. We value true unity and recognize your desperation as passion to see our nation exalted again. That is exactly what we seek to do, without the pithy slogans and falsehood.
you should change you name to Stale Bait
Rally today! I'm scared
now build the rest of the gun
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Ah shit, here we go again
one production line is probably more than enough to keep up with the fact that the rest of the artillery cannon takes a lot of manufacturing to produce as well
>no one sitting directly behind the target
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Your political commentary is a threat to democracy.
Learn English before coming back.
Also nobody on our side tried to shoot Biden in the head because we were confident even then that Trump was gonna win after that one-sided as fuck debate. Desperation is your play, you dem fucking shit.
Try it again, and it will be war.
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Russia is poor and their quality control is worse
Was never for Geriatric Joe either, otherwise I'd be supporting his rightful successor, Kamala.
You sound scared. Afraid if a little competition?
Some points about RFK:
>anti trump vax
>pro gun
>anti war (yes, including for Israel, sorry migapedes)
>anti inflation (check M2 money supply to see how bad it's been under BOTH Trump and Biden)
>bring troops home
>bring industry home
>open JFK files (another broken Trump promise)
>SCATTER THE CIA TO THE FUCKING WIND (another broken Trump promise)

Trump and Biden have both had full terms and accomplished *NOTHING*
They were critical of the American election and forced themselves upon a the certification of our vote. Behind the scenes Trump urged Pence to certify false electors and award him the presidency.
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Man, if only they're was footage from when it actually happened.
>Come to 4chin /po/ in 2024
>Everyone is suddenly a Woodrow Wilson isolationist or a Chamberlain appeasement cuck

What went so wrong
Or I could vote Trump to punish the democrats who were the ones who brought the country to this point.
Every American citizen is allowed to vote. The more Americans vote, the worse Trump's odds are. You know this to be true.
some points about RFK:
>he will never be president
>won't even get enough of the vote to make a difference one way or the other
just go back to shilling YANG again already you unfathomable troon nigger
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>cuckmaxxing bushite wonders where the other bushites are, who never were on the 4chins in the first place
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>What went so wrong
You were born.
that was from tonight...
I should add he is the ONLY candidate who called out Covid for being genetically engineered to target non-jews. And did I mention his campaign supports Thomas Massie, the only congressman to call out AIPAC? Did you awooogots forget Thomas Massie?
don't you have somewhere more credulous to groyp
A member of your own party has proven that the hate in this nation has driven our people to insanity. We are in dire need of a course correction.
Looking kinda empty in there eh ptg...
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>According to sources familiar with the matter, experts say that insiders have speculated that confidential authorities on the matter could have suggested that subject matter experts potentially led researchers to believe that they could have uncovered evidence that perhaps indicates that those privy to the inner workings of the situation may have inferred that anonymous individuals potentially confirmed that strategists have all but stated that it has potentially become clear that analysts have interpreted the latest evidence to mean that leading experts evidently communicated that this is the truth, say experts.
It's practically Joever!
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cry harder bitch nigger, Trump is winning and there's literally nothing you can do to stop it lol
man, if only someone had brought some high speed retardation...
I knocked on the doors of 4k latinos family and do you know how many mentionned they wanted Biden to go? Two. The average democrat wants Biden!!!
We rule the air, land and sea. Artillery is a good weapon against large massed military. We live in the era of modern warfare.
Polls suggest otherwise :)
Head to head against either trump or biden, he wins. All he needs is one of them not to be on the ballot and it's RFK 2024.
Trump is dodging bullets and Biden's entire party is begging him to quit.

Hope you like hearing the name "RFK", and dismantling Israeli influence in our elections. Cause that's what's happening, faggot
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I'm in a group chat with some friends. One of them mentioned his difficulties installing a new CPU from AMD and that he cannot even boot because it's not recognizing any inputs from any keyboard and has been talking to a very unhelpful Indian customer support agent. Another friend referenced an AMD forum thread with the exact same problem along with the troubleshooting used to solve it. He tried all of them already, that's why he called customer support. Guy with CPU difficulties noted that the Indian customer support was reading the same forum posts, right down to the sequence of suggestions, put two and two together, and realized he wasn't going to get anything useful out of him.
>(((One person familiar with President Biden's thinking)))
>We are in dire need of a course correction.
I agree, but not in the way you want.
Anyone who promotes genital mutilation in any way needs to die.
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Who would you be for 10 days?
>If you die as this person you return to your original body.
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After 2030, the contracts which keep the International Space Station funded will expire, and SpaceX has accepted a contract to destroy the ISS. This will end American cooperation with Russia's aged, vestigial space program, and almost certainly mean that Russia has no reliable avenue to perform science in space any longer.
Never before has a president encouraged American citizens to lie on his behalf, while plotting with private lawyers and political theory crafters. There is a reason that the outcry has not relented against this most egregious lie.
RFK is not even in every state ballot

I like him but this shit is amateur hours
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maybe he has a special boi keyboard instead of a 5$ chad Logitech office surplus typeslab
>Polls suggest otherwise :)
>Head to head against either trump or biden, he wins.
None of that is true.
You did a bang up job in afghanistan.
lmao you faggots can't even shoot a presidential candidate from 150 yards away.
Learn civility before trying to govern.
There will be no war between the American people, because they have already chosen which way to steer their future.

How long until HotWood Ice Cream brand war fighting Baskin Robbins with 64 flavors, Jenny BearCia' flaver, etc etc,

If I could, I would make hot dog flavored water and ice cream flavor... lol
You sound scared. I'd be scared too, Moishe. Israel will have to fight its own wars now :)
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You're not gonna like which side.
Whenever something doesn't work just return it immediately
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>You can vote Trump and curse our democracy, the American people will vote for a better future than authoritarianism.
>vote for someone I don't like
>'curse our democracy'
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Ladies and gents, a round of applause for the 47th POTUS!
You could attempt to hurt our democracy out of spite, which is the exact ethos that has guaranteed your defeat.
I'm gonna vote Trump, and shills will have to just sit there and watch.
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Good awoofternoon lads.
>if you don't support muh heckin Jewkraine you are a fed and isolationist!!!

kill yourselves, no one gives a shit about some east EU shithole
Biden can shove executive orders up the jewish beaks that wrote them!
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>Anakin was a simp
>Crooks was a simp
Uhh... joe is doing this right now by maintaining the 2020 election wasn't stolen. He's also doing this by maintaining he didn't put a hit out on trump.
Thats a man!
Tell me: what's undemocratic about voting for somebody you don't like?
If anything that's exactly what democracy is all about. Telling you to fuck yourself by picking the leader I want instead.
>Never before has a president encouraged American citizens to lie on his behalf,

k.keep me posted
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many such cases
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And the L's don't stop coming for Destiny. It's been a two week long perpetual L.
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if Trump has to be assassinated I just hope it's a legit schizo and not a tranny
That fucking creature procreated?
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just needs a dr evil laugh to bring it over the top
Fuck your democracy, leftist scum. All it has brought is impoverishment and despair.
Democrat delenda est.
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>rally soon
good awoofternoon
It's a general consensus that Trump has already won the election shouldn't he be laying low now that the deep state is literally trying to kill him?
You weren't aware. It was a huge criticism levied on him back in the day. He straight abandoned the kid.
Trump has already lost, and I'm very happy about it
The only people that need to die are those who seek the destruction of America. Many people need to be brought back to sanity.
The thing is Trump isn't a pussy.
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NO, bad anon, bad!
I didn't know twitch still existed until they 'unbanned' Trump
trying to stay relevant?
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Not good, as redundancy is needed. The USMC managed to keep both Parris Island and San Diego during the base downsizing and closure that happened over the past few decades because they needed an extra one in the event one was damaged due to natural disaster.
I don't know much about artillery pieces but I know the barrels have to be replaced after a certain number of shells fired out of them.
>The only people that need to die are those who seek the destruction of America.
Hence why I'm voting Trump. Only human being currently who has a shot at saving it. No way in hell am I voting for a party that tried to assassinate him. Not in a million years.
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Here's the clip lmao

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This one good is too.
Gore literally hired lawyers in 2000 to try and ensure recounts would only take place in Dem counties and, 24 years later, still believes he won.
last time someone tried to kill him, he stared down the shooter in the face like he was going fight.
Believing every mistake to be treason poisons every action into a mistake.
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These demons live in a warped fantasy land.
Unironic sanitariums for social media addicts. This way the catalog will be free of retards simping for these jewish eceleb shills.
>I wanted to save democracy by screaming until someone shot at me
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correct, there's no staying power for American forces, certainly not in a atritional war.
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>13 year old son
What the fuck? I thought Destiny was in his mid to late 20s or something.
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Trump rally T-Minus ~3hrs.
Shills REALLY can't stop it.
I didn't say treason. I said dem-run military is shit now that covid made sure all the strong soldiers left.
I'll never forget how desperate the military's been since biden usurped office.
You faggots don't know how to use a single tool you have.
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Same, for gaming they said until it become the troon pedophile hangout.for communists.
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Americans often struggle to believe that Russians are so cynical, and so guarded. Meanwhile, even the most liberal Russians struggle to believe that Americans are so confident and individualistic. Russians generally equate idealism with stupidity. Russians think that American confidence is a cynical facade.
it's not mistakes that make treason anon.
INTENT makes treason.
and the press is committing misprision of treason.
which also is intentional
You're gonna like our first female president, and you're gonna like us again. We are going to make the United States United again
How do you like that slogan, Jack?
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>Shills REALLY can't stop it.
Just got here,
what's the SHILLCON today?
I never liked you to start with.
You have no idea what the real world's like.
You support the greatest supporter of Israel of all time! Declared to be so in front of the world and the American people! Donald Trump didn't seem to disagree!
I refuse to unite with anyone as evil as a democrat.
I have standards. You don't meet them.
Not my problem, also you're a Yid.
0. They're dead and flailing, saying literally anything at all and nothing is ever gonna stick again.
They crossed the line with the assassination attempt and they're too dumb to understand that.
The 2020 election was not stolen. This is the only hill that people will truly die on, should they choose not to leave it.
Level 6,000,000
>You support the greatest supporter of Israel of all time!
you don't like jews?
they're the chosen people anon
completely delusional lol
Biden is a self-proclaimed zionist.
Some homeless fucking junkie has better use for your home than poisonous sacks of shit like you.
Nothing at all. What's undemocratic is denying the American people the agreement that they live in democracy.
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brother imagine having your father being known for eating a cum of another man from your mom pussy, for sure he gonna kill him one day
Then you won't mind if I just walk right over to the battle box and vote Trump.
The world will keep you posted. You will be waking up very soon.
>The 2020 election was not stolen.
And just like that, everyone knows how much you are willing to lie.
While Democrats plan their strategy, MAGA concerns itself with drama and economically motivated culture critics.
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>when Putin threatens the West with nuclear weapons, is he referring to liberals specifically? Or do nuclear weapons discriminate based on ideology?
>can you give me some examples of times when putin has evoked the nuclear threat?
Read my post again, what's the point of exposing himself when he's already won? He has enough influence and power to make his speeches virtually
Fucking clutch, fantastic shot.
It's our democracy, and if you are an enemy of American democracy, you will lose. Period. That's why this election is already over.
>what's the point of exposing himself when he's already won?
Because he's already won.
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Ukraine lost.
Probably the same thing people thought about Austria back then
It's a general consensus that our nation is in chaos. It is the MAGA consensus that our future leader should be laying low.
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>what's the SHILLCON today?
The number of shills has dropped off but the remaining few are utterly assmad; coping seething and perhaps dilating.
>While Democrats plan their strategy
The strategy of trying to cajole Biden to drop out of the race in the four hours a day he's somewhat lucid?
>it's our democracy
Not how it works. That is an extremely undemocratic thing to say. Here's how it works. I vote for Trump, and you have to be willing to die to defend my right to do so.
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If that is your belief, I respect it. God Bless America and God bless Democracy.
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he was working for blackrock / cheneys
so yes, israel
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>The number of shills has dropped off but the remaining few are utterly assmad; coping seething and perhaps dilating.
5.56...digits of truth!
But I thought that was what reddit was for?
the founding fathers hated democracy
ordo ab chao is just everyday human life at this point
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>they got me
The party does not, and neither do the American people. Gore is a punchline on family guy. And Trump will soon return to that rightful status.
The only enemies to America that exist are democrats.
I am American, I have always been American. Democrats, on the other hand, are all foreigners and rootless cosmopolitians. Not a single democrat is American.
I'm voting for Trump to fight for my homeland. You, and every leftist like you, is just a visitor. And you have outstayed your welcome to America.
Emptiest rally in history
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God certainly blessed America on July 13th. That's for damn sure.
all AOT waifus will be sent to super ultra omega null class mexico ottawa
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based Stella
You didn't say treason but what you said describes it. This has been the calling card of MAGA since they prepared to lose the 2020 election.
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>God certainly blessed America on July 13th.
Fucking LEGEND
Ultra MAGA
MAGA underestimates their enemies, and America no longer underestimates MAGA.
>you didn't say what I need you to say to support my argument, but I'll pretend you did, goy!
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Nothing can stop the JOEmentum!
Are you kidding? Biden won with half the counties Obama did, and still got more 15 million more votes even though those blue cities had been hemorrhaging population over eight years. The Democrats have simply never been more united. I believe in science!
We must spread the American values of faggotry and sodomy.
no! that's wrong!
>MAGA underestimates their enemies
Easy to do when you fucking miss lmao
The press are not our elected leaders, and we should not elect leaders the likes of reality TV stars or professional character actors.
It was less believable than north korea's last election, and the public knows that.
That picture is at least 20 years old
I think they’re planning to blame the assasination attempt on Iran. Fox commentators were talking about the encrypted accounts this morning and saying that a foreign actor could have groomed the shooter and provided the plan. But the fact that he had no social media prices it was a US op. The social media companies keep that data, they never really delete it because it’s their property. So you he fact it isn’t coming out means the US is keeping it out and they purged his accounts prior to the attack.
You'd rather have corrupt lawyers, pedophiles whose daughters hate them, and niggers.
I don't think I've ever seen so many empty seats at a political rally. Maybe a WNBA game.
Reminder that I am still baking.
I do know what the real world is like which is why I still like you even though you don't like me. I know why you're acting this way.
>Biden won with half the counties Obama did
funny math
16.7% of counties won by biden
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Squish cat.
I do not think most policymakers know how the US was the industrial powerhouse during the Second World War.
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That's right!
>I do know what the real world is like
You think that, but no, it isn't just like reddit.
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Listen Biatch we get you dont want the job

we get it .. now gulp that big cock down your throut and stop crying

Inb4 I give you summat to cry about slut
You will unite with your fellow American or you will unite with America's enemies. Or you will be cast aside into irrelevance.
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>what did Putin have to say about nuclear weapons in his 2018 state of the nation address?
>is Russia still trying to develop new nuclear weapons or is that a fear of the past?
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And we are still aching.
wonder why shills are mad trying to pretend nothing is currently happening
Everyone knows that blacks prefer biden to obama. That's why obama won 2008 and 2012. Biden carried him!
I can't stop thinking about Kai bros
what do you mean! you are just lying to lie! it's fucking packed!
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because they fucking missed lmao
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>almost back to double digits
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Fuck off to /chug/ or /uhg/ or whatever.
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Now seriously, what kind of bullshit is GOP cooking to fuck the american low/middle class?
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Biden actually "won" only 477 counties -- the lowest in history BY FAR for any "winner." Barack Obama won 689 counties in 2012 but got TWENTY MILLION VOTES FEWER THAN BIDEN.

No incumbent president in nearly 150 years has gained votes in a re-election campaign, which Trump did, and still lost.

Biden is the first in 60 years to "win" while losing the states of Ohio and Florida.

Even with the artifically inflated totals for Biden, Trump had the highest share of the non-white vote of any GOP presidential candidate since 1960. This statistic alone is a HUGE RED FLAG that signals the obvious cheating in the supposed result.

Biden lost 18 of 19 historic bellwether counties across the country; 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 60 years.

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in EVERY major metro area........ except for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia. These cities just happen to be in the four critical states where Biden was trailing late at night until mysterious vote dumps happened.

Democrats failed to flip a single state house, while Republicans flipped both the House and Senate in New Hampshire and expanded their dominance of state legislatures across the country.

No incumbent who has received 75 percent of the total primary vote has EVER lost re-election. Trump received 94 percent of the primary vote, which is the fourth highest of all time.

le sigh
I like Americans
I prefer the term prophetic
Biden is a unifier, and Israel is one of our most powerful allies. We are not subservient to them. MAGA believe us to be so.
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think about god instead
>The party does not, and neither do the American people.
Gore did a rally in 2016 with Hillary where the crowd chanted that Gore had won and Hillary nodded along and chuckled.
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>wonder why shills are mad trying to pretend nothing is currently happening
faggot rage
Ukraine? LOSERS.
Go right ahead. You might have to wipe the dust off of the screen.
Go now
And just like that the world sees you for what you truly are.
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Drastic times call for drastic measures, we have many good candidates to lead our people. Donald Trumpnis not one of them.
I am willing to die to defend your right to do so. I am also willing to die to prevent you from stealing the election with lies and fraud as Trump attempted to in 2020. You cannot deny the false electors to be certified by Pence because Trump urged you to motivate him
>appealing to consensus
>it wasn't stolen
anon, i...
When he thinks of foreign affairs, he thinks about faggots and trannies
When the democrats think of foreign affairs, they think about China and Russia
That's a very Canadian thing to say, lil bro
Everyday human life is different for all of us but we need to come together to make it better.
America has many enemies. Russia, China, Islamic extremists, drug and human trafficking cartels
You make enemies of your fellow American.
Your candidate lied to the American people. MAGA snickered and jeered in encouragement.
>we all need to come together
>MAGA is a single person reeeeeeee
how...utterly uniting

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