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Now is he gonna deport 15 million people? That’s impossible and is probably not gonna happen lol
He's has the right ideas though
it's not hard to charter flights
He is to busy pardoning jews
15 million?
We need to deport about 135 million "people".
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You missed
>Overall, there were 1,074,277 "returns", defined as "confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal" in the first year of Operation Wetback.
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Shut off gibs for illegals. Fine any employer caught with an illegal $500,000 per day per immigrant. They will self deport when there is no more work or gibs.
We can start with 5 million.
Sheeeeit, just stopping the inflow of turd world trash is a big step in the right direction.
If 15 million illegals can be imported then 15 million can be deported legally
Get all the illegals, board them onto an old cargo ship, one that hasn’t passed a safety inspection lately, sail it out into the Atlantic or Pacific, sink it.
>"A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators; 300 jeeps, cars and buses; and seven airplanes" deported over 1 million people in 1954
you think we don't have seven airplanes?
Not only in the US.
Didn't he say he wants to make it easier for Indians to become citizens.
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Removing the impetus to be here would go farther. Any business employing illegals will be seized and sold. Anyone housing them will have their property seized and sold. There will be no benefits. We will not pay for your schooling or your medical bills.
He even dogwhistled about that during his speech.
Why? America is in demographic collapse. There are not enough workers. We need more immigrants- specifically, high iq English speaking ones.
If deporting 15 million people (it is closer to 30 million) is impossible then the Nazis killing 17 million people was also impossible :)
Doing so would make housing more affordable.
I wish but it would probably require the government to suspend the constitution and mass conscript you to the deportations army.
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>There are not enough workers
There are too many. That's why wages don't go up you moron.
Yeah but see they’re not going to be receptive from actionable ideas like that, they want the ideas that sound tough for a fix need sound bite but don’t ever actually materialize. Come on, man.
None of that's happening. Why do you niggers insist on LARPing after he already president once?

It's almost as deranged as the fixation on Barron, where you fags pretend he's not a non-functional autistic retard.
Why go through the trouble and expense of deporting when we could just kill them?
The problem with this is that I'd you map it out to how many of them there are fo how many of us there are, it's multiple times worse now than it was then. This conflict has to turn hot.
>Now is he gonna deport 15 million people?
wait, you really believe, after 2020 where he did nothing for America, his lies?
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It’s around 70 million illegals just going by the eye test walking around in public.
What's your cope going to be when he doesn't do it? Something about the midterms and having the millitary do it?
Sadly true. Their solution to "illegal" immigrants will be just to make them all legal. No more illegals ta-da!
Probably not, but disappearing them ain't that hard.
Just repurpose some cattle processing plants.
>"A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators; 300 jeeps, cars and buses; and seven airplanes" deported over 1 million people in 1954
you think we don't have seven airplanes?
Kek, try this on r*ddit faggot
It won't happen he talks shit all the time and does so to boost voting chance
Sell them to Siberia where they came from.
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Checked and keked.
No one "immigrated" to be part of some stone age tribe of savages. Get real. We were colonizers and settlers, not "immigrants". We brought our own civilization with us, and can't seem to keep the rest of you out of it.
I've never heard a hunter complain that his field is overflowing with deer
I can go there legally and drive a dog catching van and pick them up if you want
Watch it happen lol
Those sound like holocaust tier inflated numbers.
he'll get half out if we're lucky
better than nothing I suppose
The way it should be done.
Your image admits mass-immigration is harmful since it killed the Indians. Of course Whites should resist immigration since they're smart enough to know that.
Checked. Yes we can!
Do libshits genuinely think Indians in this country want a shitload of spics to move in, too? How fucking dumb are you?
>That’s impossible
It has literally never been faster, safer, and cheaper to rid a nation of shitskins. Mass expulsions have occurred all throughout history and will happen again.
>Now is he gonna deport 15 million people?
Of course not
He deported less people than OBAMA in his first term
Fuck digits confirm.
Checked and based-pilled.
Those prarie niggers were too busy killing each other to form a proper confederation to kick out the Europeans. That's on them. Heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya heya hoya.
Deport? No.
He'll give them citizenship.

The democrats TALK about amnesty and citizenship, but the GOP actually does it.

Reminder that it was Reagan who turned California into a permanent democrat stronghold.

Before trump's 2nd term ends he will fuck us all like Reagan
THE DEER DON'T OWN GUNS, SMART ASS. The deer haven't taken over multiple states. The deer don't have a whole country of deer bordering those states willing to reinforce the stolen states deer. The deer in their own country can call on other countries full of deer to back them up, and or call on countries full of traitorous people willing to help the deer. Or the people in this country willing to shoot you in the back to help the deer you're trying to kick out.

Think, goddamn it.
>15 million
>I wish but it would probably require the government to suspend the constitution
No it wouldn't. All it would take is a check of citizenship papers and the INS being allowed to do its job. I mean does anyone think a bunch of Mexicans waddling around who don't speak English are actually American citizens, when you have to know English to pass the citizen test? It's pretty easy: Habla Ingles? No? Okay, get on the truck.
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>Ouch… big yikes, sweaty
Shitskins want to live on the dole. Trump could simply do a massive cut back of gibs. They would self deport. Hell, even a few niggers might move to Africa.
Our cucks do here because deer symbolise the White man and native bush the Maori and most Whites here are self hating
It would be possible with just C5s and C-130s flying twice a week sorties down to South America within 4 years. The cost of the project would be nothing compared to the net negative impact these illegals have on our economy.
Is this the democrat strategy?
>haha we took a huge shit in the middle of the room and it's impossible to clean, that's why we make it legal to shit there so it's no longer a problem
Just making it difficult to work and collect gibs would make a lot go back willingly. Once you've got that and have birthright citizenship ended, you aren't in a big rush to get everyone out.
>Conscripted to fight Russia, Iran et al.
>I sleep
>Conscripted to deport the beans et al.
Looking forward to it
>webm related
This. Give Americans the freedom to simply shot to kill anyone who approaches the border illegally. It will cost border patrol $0 in additional funds and Americans will get awesome target practice.

Problem solved.
if the germans could put 6 million jews in ovens 100 years ago, us americans sure as heck can put 15 million illegals on buses.
>mass conscript you to the deportations army
Where do I sign up?
States that give federal welfare money to illegals (ie: California and New York) should have their federal welfare money cut. Pretty simple.
Correct. Those injun savages barely had a functional language, let alone the sophistication to understand migration policies.
This, as the old saying goes "Do not Feed the Birds"
he already did "the largest ICE raids ever in history" no one seems to remember that though. nor do they remember him saying blacks built america
Right. The way you solve any crime related problems is you make the punishment so severe that it's not worth committing said crime. For example I would make all violent crime like murder and rape capital crimes. You murder? You get murdered. I would also make all drug production/distribution related crimes capital crimes. You produce drugs? You die. You import drugs? You die. You transport and distribute drugs? You die. You're a gang boss counting the money? You die. You're a street-level dealer? You die. The crime would solve itself simply by ceasing to exist because those stupid enough to break the law under such circumstances would all die and then society would quickly get the hint.

And those that don't would die. :)
there is no indication of organized resistance to deportations, where are you getting this from?
you're speculating there would be some kind of IRA that emerges, except this time, they demand to stay in the UK?
I would bet good money that when push comes to shove, people choose living in mexico over fighting a hopeless and inherently paradoxical nationalist revolution to avoid going to their nation.
you are going to get deported. cope all you want, smelly burrito
He won't do shit but it's over anyway so why not?
>Now is he gonna deport 15 million people?
Sure it will.

The Largest Mass Deportation in American History
As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign called 'Operation Wetback.'

Took 4 months.

Most will leave voluntarily rather then lose everything.
he’ll prolly start with the 250-450k illegal aliens serving prison sentences. If it’s not a life sentence he can commute it and then immediately deport them (they never actually leave police custody until they are on the plane to go back). That way he can say look I reduced the prisons populations and deported people.
tell xena my number and I might put in a good word with immigration for you
Or buses. They were bussed in, they can be bussed out.
the left shoves them in then the right is telling you they're stopping the shoving in while also keeping the ones who got in. because you know, cheap labor and all that. morons. almost all of you. 4 years later they recycle the play.
>Not enough workers
Wow so you mean wages will increase then? Perfect
The Dominican Republic did it. Why can't we?
>If 15 million illegals can be imported then 15 million can be deported legally
Or more.

Digits say more.
>suspend the constitution
How many did he deport last time?
>get on the truck
>no beuno
>shoots you
Anyways, you guys are truly underestimating just how large that number actually is. It’s larger than the fake holocaust numbers.
It's easy, but he won't do it. His jewish owners want infinity browns.
Trump will send them all to YouCrane. Two hits with one stone.
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he'll do it just like he drained the swamp and built the wall...

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Trumps SS Stormtroopers will come marching out of black-tinted subway trains that are meant to round up and transport people to airports en mass in every major city.
Wont happen hes a fraud
When are they going back to Mongolia?
The Solutreans, Si Teh Cah and Wagas want their lands back
Assume if he does it there will be billions in grift for building shitty detention centers while executive order wetback 2 is endlessly pending in lawsuits.
>nations based on racial identity are good if they were there first
So you support Ireland too?
Okay so instead of sending one guy to ask then whether the tacos hablo ingles You have them travel in groups of 20 all with automatic weapons. Then if someone fucks with them you kill them and their whole families thanks to mag dumping. Lol. Are you serious with this? Your imagining of reality is like that of a child.
Detention center? Trump will send all the gays to Ukraine as well. He will dress the gays in fursuits and weird out Russians. They'll waste ammo in furries, and nothing of value will be lost. You better pick your fursona now.
It's pretty simple. They would just have to make America as hostile to the aliens as it currently is to the White founding stock. Cut all benefits completely, E-Verify, and round the clock flights leaving all of our de-commissioned military bases.
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>You better pick your fursona now.
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>Now is he gonna deport 15 million people?
In US its easy to get a gun. Imagine 15 milion angry immigrants with guns.
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You're going home too, Ranjeet
You guys are fucking fools if you believe this shit. If he really wanted to, he would've done it in his first term. Trump, like all other Republicans, is beholden to business interests who make their bread and butter on illegal labor.
what a fucking colossal waste of digits on a dogshit retarded post
how do you think they arrived, dumbfuck?
>collect them all together,
>tell them to march south
>the ones who try to flee get shot
>the ones who don't march quick enough get shot
>the ones who drag their feet get shot
>the ones who fight back get shot.
same way the germans or the soviets or the japanese imperial troops would coral prisoners around.
You'd be surprised how quickly people fall in line and stay in the group when the prospect of death is imminent to anyone who strays.
Pic related, it's a photograph of soviet soldiers taken prisoner (fighting men) were marched into camps by a few German soldiers.
>>the ones who try to flee get shot
>>the ones who don't march quick enough get shot
>>the ones who drag their feet get shot
>>the ones who fight back get shot.
You are implying those 15 milions dont have guns...

Its literally as simple as this.
They will leave, some not quietly but they will leave.

It really is. Other anon was right though, no elected person will do it.
Thanks to Democrats, they all signed up for social services, drivers licenses, local elections, etc. In doing so they've basically registered themselves for deportation. They can be found and deported.
In a way the Dems helped with this by doing the hard work for us.
Thanks guys!
You’re describing some nigger shit.
You expect the rest of America to be cool with being that savage about it? Midterms are in 2026. The economy will tank because people don’t want to shop and consume with stray bullets whizzing by and beaner blood caking the streets.
anything to get the attention off you right sanchez?
The feds deputise 1000s of local lawmen as ATFs, DEAs, etc. Just make as many INS and border patrols.
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he couldnt complete even half of his shitty little chain length border fence, & now miganiggers unironically think he has the willpower to forcibly deport a horde approximately a dozen million shitskins lmao, get fucking real
This. I'm stuck in the SF bay area. 20 years ago it would take about 40 minutes going the 65mph speed limit to get to SF from where I'm at. Now it takes at least an hour even if you weave and go 10 miles over the speed limit. The roads have so much more traffic even with Californians leaving and infecting other states. There's no way in hell it's only 15m illegals spread throughout the whole country.
>the ones who fight back get shot.
You obviously don't put the armed ones in the prisoner march, retard.
Empty the detention centres.
Empty the jails and the slums.
round them up, put them on trains (the ones that die on the way to the march are collateral) whether they die from exposure or exhaustion or whatever medical condition or even through resistance, including armed resistance, is inconsequential.
If you deport an immigrant or kill an immigrant, he becomes the same someone else's problem; whether that someone is the government receiving them, or God.
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I kneel, King.
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Trudeau will pre-welcome them all.
*150 million people
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This is the right idea. Make it impossible for illegal aliens to work or get Food Stamps. Also, start seperating the kids and jailing the parents when caught sneaking over.

Make it impossible for an entire family to come over, get jobs and feed themselves.
>If a ball can roll down hill, then it can roll up hill.
The difference is that people move themselves into the country. It will take a lot more work to get them out when they are resisting you.
this is your daily reminder that the "native americans" genocided the actual native americans long before columbus or even the vikings came
imagine indians gaining access to all that alcohol...
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Make all crimes committed by illegals punishable by death and they'll deport themselves.
Ukraine shrunk 5 million in one year. It's easier than you think.
>people that shit on the laws come into country illegally
>same people illegally claim benefits they have no right to
>same people behave illegally to make a living (whether turning to crime o just working under the books)
>deny them access to work and they will leave out of their own volition
Anon, i....
there are 200 million illegals in the US

deporting 15 million means literally nothing
They are openly employed here bro. If paying them under the table resulted in millions in fines in a day or 2, they wouldn't find under the table work. It really isn't complicated. The employers are the choke point here.
Should be easier to deport 15 million illegal invaders than it is to get rid of 800 million guns.
Barron trump could fuck your mom and sister at the same time of he wanted to. He wouldn't want to because you're an inbred dysgenic nigger.
>English speaking ones
Nice, so no more pajeets?
Fine, but you just have to go back in time to your loincloth and spearchucking ways.
They always say they are going to deport people around election time but they never do. And after the election they act all smug about it. I think they are just saying that to scare the mexicans in line because they were protesting Israel.
>Deport everyone with nonwhite ancestry!
>Breaking : US stocks down 90%, businesses closing due to lack of workers.
Who's going to deport us? The same dudes who ilegally invaded North America three centuries ago?
Not when you make it clear that staying here will make it a hell worse than the places they came from.

Throw them back across the border deep in mexico at places that are not of their choosing without their belongings.
Actually arrest employers that hire illegals under the table.
Arrest landlords and realtors that put up illegals.
Fine big chain stores for selling to confirmed illegals.
Gives convenience stores and small businesses a hotline to call for reporting illegals.

Do these things and watch them self deport by the millions.
I like the way that they treat their hardened criminals. Public humiliation, but oh wait... America is spreading her legs and wants to be invaded? Okay. You guys can go over there and set up shop. "Like a good neighbor, Mexico is there...."
He won't. He'll just serve his kike masters then leave office with unfulfilled promises just like last time.
local police departments probably. but they need to deport legal migrants too, not just illegals
shut up you stupid nigger. your country is the scum of the earth
Shhhhhhhhh don't tell this guy about babies
Woah, poweful image.
Based holocaust denier

Chuds like you must be sent to internment camps, you are a menace to the civilized world.
I think he explained it pretty well
you financially bully the countries where the illegals came from until they agree to take them back
Thanks for participating, Yuriw
this is the biggest lie ever told for many different reasons

1) there are more jobs than workers (no)
2) we NEED to have all of these jobs in the first place (no)
3) if we don't have these jobs the economy will COLLAPSE (no)

it's like Musk and twatter, we could cut 30% of the jobs across the board and have the same level of productivity or higher. so many useless fucking jobs out there. people at google get paid 300K doing jack shit just so other companies can't hire them. large tech companies literally just collect workers so no one else can have them. and a lot of these are children of asian and indian immigrants. it's all so tiresome.
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exactly, they deported a large of amount of illegal aliens that equaled about 10% of their population. they did it quickly and effectively and theres zero reason we couldnt do the same
>civilized world
nigger you're from venezuela. your country is full of stupid hoodlum ape niggers like yourself. fuck off back to the jungle.
>deport 15 million people? That’s impossible
Agreed :^)
In Canada some were even genocided after the English and the French had both arrived and interacted with them and today Canada's management even wants to do land acknowledgements for the new post-genocide natives. Because they can't find any of the first group to pay $200 to show up to their events wearing fancy dress for some reason.
>>474982940 >>474979655
>There are not enough workers. We need more immigrant
Fuck off nigger there are more people than jobs
>Now is he gonna deport 15 million people?
"More than half a million Ethiopian migrants have been deported from Saudi Arabia since 2017. Overall, over 6.4 million people have been detained since 2017 and 2.1 million undocumented migrant workers deported from Saudi Arabia."

If the Saudis can do it then so can America.

Straight white males are truly hateful and dangerous. Your reign of terror over minorities is going to end forever.
Those high IQ foreigners will have their own goals and politics. In America Jews, who have great influence over Americas foreign policy and steer it to be in gavor of Israel, and Chinese, who have no problem stealing intellectual property and sending it back home, are good examples.
How will you force Mexico into accepting them though.......?
You get them to self deport.
If you did this good work anon I like it
like in the last time. it was withdrawal of economic aid.

>capitalist industrialists suffer if we deport their cheap exploitable labor
>American workers receive high wages as demand for their labor increases

Where is the problem here
15 million or more
>Mexico : Yes we can accept them all!
Aim guns at them and say "go home".
Noticed how we conquered this land and everyone became retarded were just gonna become more stupid
keep building up industry in mexico and incentivize returning there then tariff their goods to pay for the wall
secretly use the deportation mechanism on asians
not that hard. can be done in four years. we need a 60 seat senate majority, plus the house, and probably one more supreme court judge. the issue is equability, but also eliminating unbalanced human migration flows caused just by ppp differences.
Sorry, no. You are retarded if you believe that. You either enact a national divorce and split the US in 2 camps, or that aint happening. The problem is not the employers, it's the state and the enforcement. ICE should grab and van people off the streets, then throw them over the border. Except it doesn't happen.
Why? Well in Califaggotland the enforcement would fall on naturalized spics, nigs, or some corrupt leftist. Think they will betray their own? Think again. You don't end prostitution by jailing solicitors, or drug dealing by jailing potheads. You go to the source. Especially considering the hell these people are coming from. They would turn to begging, red cross charity donations, actual crime, waaaaay before considering going back. This is why the state either uses force (like real force and guns and is ready to kill them), or they will stay. Selfdeportation is a silly meme
Not enough native born Americans of working age so we need immigration or businesses will close and we lack plumbers, fast food workers, mechanics and carpenters and more.
This is basic economics, and Trump would likely need to enforce civil conscription of old people and end retirement
Found the Texan
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Don't laugh, he's shipping them to Canada.
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They’ll self deport when the country becomes a war zone.
Create a deportation based economy, give people jobs to export illegals.
remittances are 4% of mexico's gdp, they will do anything we ask up to and including armed patrols of the entire border under trump (when net migrations were the lowest in 60 years)
im spanish descendant mostly but a little bit apache, but i actually would enjoy to live in some siberian cabin in russia away from the world
I know some words on their lenguage and im eager to learn it just like i learn angloid while little then german and the big bonus is that they are making the u.s look a worldwide lolcow
The enforcement on employers would be federal, not state level first of all. Second, the money for their gibs is federal. Close that down, you are already going to have people self deporting because they are welfare moms that have shit out a bunch of kids they can't afford. Close off avenues for work, and the workers leave. You don't have to have long term heavy enforcement, you only have to make a big example out of a few people that seem above the law, and the rest will fold long before enforcement becomes an issue.
He’s not going to do a single thing he’s saying he will. How do I know? I remember his first term.
>He lies about doing the right things and that's all that matters

/pol/ hitting new lows
It's possible, it just takes courage.
One can hope he, and his supporters, will do more this time, and whatever happens atleast he is not Biden.
Yeah, they will cooperate and illegal immigrants won't do a thing
He won't, he says whatever he thinks will get retards to vote for him. You can find his true agenda in the fact he's bragged about bringing in H1Jeets this time. His presidency is nothing more than a way for Thiel and the other techno-tyrants to take over America.
At this point I don't care about economics. Pay American workers what their labor is worth or stfu. If businesses need to die to preserve the identity of this country then so be it.
I think you finns were huge pro-biden cause muh russia or something, how come you support trump, a clear candidate that has not active hostile intentions against your neighbor
Zion Don will deport as many immigrants as he did on his first term.
>Biden is ruining our economy
>I don't care if we mutilate the economy by deporting a significant and necessary amount of young people
The real number is WAY higher than 15 million.
I am generally pro-White, and Biden has been a disaster in that regard, White Americans losing the country their ancestors built is a tragedy. Besides, I don't think Trump will give Putin free reign to do whatever he wants.
What could be better for America than low IQ, violent foreigners, who do not know the language nor share the countrys values`.
Institute a $1k bounty for every illegal you capture/turn in. They would be gone in no time

it was glass shatter. A bullet would have ripped his ear off.

Also. Him being brave enough to start fist pumping tells me it was all staged. They sacrificed that kid. He was a kike and they have alot of organ failures. The kid was most likely dead anyway and wanted to contribute to what he believed in.

>significant and necessary young people

go back to r eddit faggot. You're probably an illegal yourself
The average white person is nearing retirement and also votes Republican.
They want le olden golden days again.
No more immigrants
>Wait, why is government getting rid of mah retirement? We need people paying into SS! I THOUGHT THERE WAS MORE TIME NOW I'M WORKING WITH ARTHRITIS


It may sound ironical, but i kinda want trump over there rather than biden,I love the idea of usa leaving alone russia, so the ukraine start again to be a normal farmland and prices go down, I have a clear sense of what a inmigrant is cause we are also suffering from them, these migrants are not mexicans, these new waves come mainly from central america, haiti or venezuela, the only big thing i disagre, he must not dump inmigrants here, at least those who arent mexicans, i hope you know that mexican is a nationality, not a race, americans when they think of any mexican/hispanic must think their average brown short man, but thats a native american and there are varius mixes in beetween, mostly the poor mexicans from here go there sadly, they were farmers but after, NAFTA fucked the mexican economy by making it dependant on the usa imports and privatisation, a neoliberal jew president did this, salinas de gortari, who would have know.
>illegal mexicans paying into social security

Lol. Lmao even.
It’s possible

But it won’t happen
Trump LITERALLY said it would be LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT, and i think even jd kike vance said the same. So no, it would be on a federal level. Also, just in case, have you forgotten how pozzed the federal government is? Have you forgotten how big the swamp and the corruption is? You are making more of a case for my statement, because it will probably be q bunch of spics and nigs and leftists anyways.
The only way out is violence (by which i mean a state backed policy of strength and violence, not a lone wolf vigilante).
Also, imagine this: if some blm crowd came to your house, willing to hurt you, willing to burn it down, saying they'll torture you; what would you do? Go down fighting, right? So then why do you think illegals would just say fuck it and go home.
See, this guy gets it.
Respect bro. I hate the immigrants here, all of them, but I don't hate any of you in your own countries. You are correct, neoliberalism has fucked us all.
Yes and Mexico will pay for it.
It is fucked up that Americans don't care at all even one bit if their "leaders" are even ever good for their word at all.
I don't give a shit what Trump said. Reread the thread. We were discussing how it could actually be accomplished, not what some dipshit politician is actually going to do.
>That’s impossible

Odd way to deny the holocaust.
Trump knows you can't actually deport undocumented illegals since there's obviously no way of knowing who or where they are. The federal government also can't deport anyone in states like California without the entire population (which is majority spic) rising up against them. It's all talk.
Just gotta make it difficult for them to live here. Lrn2incremental suppression.
based and witnesed and already happened in history,
what percent ethnic europoean is uruguay?
You know how they brought in 15 million people? Do that but in reverse.

The government pays for their housing. Just empty out the hidden villages and hotels.
>How do I know? I remember his first term.
He had opposition from both parties and two speakers from his own party nigger
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He believes in actually having a border, which is an improvement over the current admin. But you aren't wrong, we won't see anywhere close to the number of deportations we should (which is 100%). If this last convention showed me anything, it is that the Republicans are doing everything to become the party of mass appeal. That has pros and cons. One of those cons is that it guarantees total deportation is a pipe dream from the get-go, not just because of logistics, but because it hurts people's feefees and they don't like things that make them feel bad. Especially w*men. They'd rather watch the country burn.

I still believe it's a step in the right direction. I also believe we're too far gone to save ourselves anyways, though. I think the deportation issue was a Bush problem. The fact that it wasn't solved then sealed our fate to be overrun by mongrels. We've got too many of them here now to not allow them a seat at the table, and they're never going to go along with mass deportation.
No. Unfortunately.
So vote for someone who doesn't mean what he says?
Hes going to take the saxons and move them somewhere else. Leave all the riff raff behind to descend into chaos
>That’s impossible
It'll be just as easy as importing them.
Checked. He's with us again. I hope we don't forget to severely punish the business owners who sold this country out to these locusts for "cheap" labor. I have more hatred for those fucking greedy boomers than I do for some fucking opportunistic spic.
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It‘s not going to happen because

Mexican people I want you to vote for me.

Your Donnie JFK Trumpino, survivor because the angels of God stopped the bullet
>We've got too many of them here now to not allow them a seat at the table, and they're never going to go along with mass deportation.
You'd be surprised. Everyone who gets a green card also wants to deport everyone who gets in illegally. They all want to swing the door hut behind them.
Still are, bitch
Sorry paco, you’re going back alive or dead
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The prophecy dictates the lost tribes of israel must return to zion.
Spoiler alert: the lost tribes of the house of israel are the saxons (isaac's sons) and the celts
when i think about an inmigrant, is their situation, i know its hard and trying to get better in another country, but people really should be fighting to make their countries better, when they come in big numbers they can over run the local health system that is already limited and other goods that are suposed to be for the mexicans, and some of them are not le creme of le creme, some are rude and prone to crime wich make you think why they left their own country and make the rest of their connationals look the same
I respect so much more the a cuban worker in cuba, than a rich cuban in miami
I really blame and curse neoliberalism for what had done to the world, specially these hispanic regions, not to mention the propaganda from hollywood making the usa the "heaven" aparently, the working class there must have their struggles too, and to see how corporations and enterprises use these people as cheap labor and exploid them while saying you are racist if you dont like them, makes sense to me for why would you hate them, but its not the source of the problem, its the consecuence, we all know who are behind of these problems
You have no idea how hard I get at the thought of every state in the union turning on and conquering California militarily. Nuke that shithole
15 million is a good start but only a drop in the bucket
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God wills it
You understand.
A lot of people seem to conflate illegals with all immigrants, but the ones that come here legally is a tiny drop in the bucket and they hate illegals even more than natives because it undermines the whole immigration process and makes things worse for everyone.

Someone that comes legally has to be paid legal wages, so when some faggot mexican or chink comes across the border and offers to do the same job for a third of the pay, you better believe he's gonna get pissed about it.
take businesses away that hire illegals, proof of citizenship for all gibs required they will self deport
I'm okay with brutal slave camps making gravel until they voluntarily fuck off back to whatever shithole they came from
Yeah, retard, that's why everyone wants to come live with us white people and not you white people.
>but people really should be fighting to make their countries better
Absolutely agree. Immigration is being used like a pressure valve to prevent true revolutions from happening.
>working class there must have their struggles too
For sure. It sucks here now.
>exploid them while saying you are racist if you dont like them, makes sense to me for why would you hate them
I didn't used to. I tried to make excuses or them, but once they all started hating white people so much, my empathy dried up and won't be coming back.
>we all know who are behind of these problems
So he says things that sound nice but doesn't deliver. And you think that's ok?
but don't you think the natives kinda deserved it for being xenophobic bigots?
Happened before with worse technology.
Capture the UN and NGO funds and get the millitary to do it.
In reality Trump won’t do it, not because it’s hard (it isn’t), but because he doesn't even want to.
Round em up. Ship em out. Done.
>muh feelings are all fuzzy inside
typical Trump supporter, feelings over logic
Wait, isn't Melania an immigrant too?
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All wetbacks will be sent back!
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You won’t do shit.
Checked, op BTFO.
>that’s impossible
Lol no it isn’t.
Cope kike. You missed.
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OF COURSE he's not going to deport the 90 million illegals in the USA...but it *is* certainly possible.

All the POTUS has to do is declare it an invasion national emergency, and deny any/all public funds/services aiding illegals within the USA. And then imprison anyone, even judges, that attempt to get in the way. It's perfectly legal, and would turn the tide into a mass EMMIGRATION because the illegals would lose all reason to remain. One does not have to physically arrest & deport the vast majority of invaders to have them ousted en masse.
He won't do shit
>That’s impossible
No, it's not.
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fucking witnessed
Alexa, clean the floor with Jack Ma.
>I didn't used to. I tried to make excuses or them, but once they all started hating white people so much, my empathy dried up and won't be coming back.
yep, this was a clear example on how divide and conquer propaganda works, you have two working class groups from diferent ethnic backgrounds fighting each other over having a job, while the boss will be trying to go the lower price and logically no american can survive on those wages, and i really dont get why inmigrants acept these treatment, perhaps its their ignorance, lack of study that they dont realize they are being scamed whit those slavery wages
Here in mexico we have also another "Inmigrant" situation, but in these case they come here mostly by the "legal way" but mainly to avoid taxes in their countries, the "expats" they work for their enterprises remotely earning in dollars but living here and using pesos, they get here better life and upper social status BUT, they screw the people here, entire zones are no being sold to these private investors, Gentrification is a bitch, making the housing bubble going up every year, the mayority of the people here cant afford to buy a house anymore working the average wage because of the fucking greedy banks and corrupt bourocracy, and if they dont sold it to the locals, they will to foreign investment ((blackcock)), thats the hell of capitalist privatization if i can resume it
The more overvalue you cant send a piece of dirt/ product/ service and the less cents you give to your worker until it dies or becames replaced by another one who work for less or ai, the best way to became the men whit the most shekels in the whole world.
you faggots are too obvious
not hard when you offer citizens $ per Mexican head
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huge digits
just the best digits.
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you don’t need to deport them. Go after the employers and they deport themselves.
Not as high as Argentina.
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>let me tell YOU about american politics
Back into the olive fields Eduardo, less talk more pick.
> They will self report because they won't be able to find work
> They won't be able to find work because potential bosses won't hire them without a clean I-9 form
> And they want a clean form because the government will go back to enforcing them

Enforcing employee I-9 requirements will solve the problem quicker than anything else. The law has crazy fines (in the neighborhood of $100k per employee per incident), and they're easy to enforce

> I-9 form serves two functions:
> Confirms your identity
> Verifies your eligibility to work in the United States
> Is required to be completed before employee works their first shift
If anyone else made the claim, then I wouldn't believe them.

But Donald Trump said he'd do it.

If anyone could do it, its Trump.

Give him the chance to try.
>15 million people
Who said that few?
Deporting even 10% of his goal would be infinitely better than allowing more to come, which is the alternative
is it a good thing deporting 15 million mexicans when he wants to import 100 million jeets?

silicon valley is rallying around him. this is a very bad sign.
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Fucking this. 15 million is hardly even a first step.
it's a good start, and better what the opposition is offering
That's one of the most jewish posts I've ever seen.
There is a gross misconception that the illegal border jumpers are Mexican when they aren't.
South America is big, and we've also got Chinese Communist Party Chinese coming in, tons of Middle Easterners of every sort. And more.
The dregs of the world that their own homelands want gone.
Anyone worth coming here will do it legally.
I am sad for Mexico, as the new president there is a meme, hunched, hand rubbing, immediately arm in arm with Larry Fink. Why not get your cartel people to focus on solving that problem?
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Does anyone think the hi-tech world is going to fire, or deport, the multitudinous Chinese scientists and programmers on whom America now depends?
It would be easier to bring back segregation
>on whom America now depends?
Pakistan deported 1.6mn Afghans at gunpoint in two phases this year.

Political will and things can happen.
Just put an extra tax to whoever hires immigrants, that will solve the issue quickly
I suppose there's always an option between deportation and choosing to spend your life nurtured and living in a work camp. It is a civilized, free will choice.
>Ship them out how they were shipped in.
>Expand e-verify.
>Fine business that employ illegals and give a tax break to business that hire Americans citizens.
>Fine landlords that rent to illegals.
>Fine states that give tax payer benefits to illegals. Withhold Medicare and Social Security to states that illegal give benefits to non citizens.
>Use tax payer money that is currently being used to support illegals and use it to ship them out.
>8 to 20 million illegals is an invasion use the military's 800 billion plus dollar yearly budget and earmark a portion to ship them out.
Ezy pzy
It will be the largest employment if Americans ever in America. There will also be a report bounty given for reporting where these filthy creatures are, so they can be arrested and shipped back to their shitholes.

He said this the last time aswell.
Trump wouldn't even enforce 100% I9 verification checks when he was in office. And I don't mean passively, he actively said it was "bad for the farmers" so he refused to do it
Take away every single gib/job and deport them as they are caught immediately.
Beaners hate hardship, and if you give them enough of it, they run away. It's why they are here in the first place and the same applies to vagrants.
if africans and mudslimes can hold onto NOGO zone blocks in europe then the euro diaspora can hold onto the west....granted might take a bit of fire to the feet to get those retarded noggins thinking straight but it can happen
Same way he accomplishes anything -- put an ad in the paper for a job and have people compete to accomplish it for the lowest salary. If it can't get done that way, it won't get done.
It's easy. You make it hard for illegal immigrants to live and cut off the gibs. Enforce laws. The vast majority deport themselves. The remaining criminals who have dug in like ticks can be cleared with standard police work.
I swear whites have no self awareness
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We need to deal with the jews who brought them here first and foremost. Sadly Trump worships them like a good christfag
Operation Wetback in the 1950's deported 5 million with an agency of around 100 staffers.
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>The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
missing a ben garrison watermark
Really big net and catapult.
See how this is ignored by the MIGA crowd

QRD? What race?
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If he wasn't a shabbos goy race-traitor sure. Shit's easy as pie when you stop feeding them.
>but land big
get fucked nigger, you're going back
I mean last time he was elected he was talking about huge doors for migrants in the border wall legally
Would be funny tho, and a good start.
>You expect the rest of America to be cool with being that savage about it?
Why Yes I do actually as a matter of fact. Look around. Take a good hard look at what's happening. Put your two little fingers on the pulse of the Zeitgeist. Yeah .... Lol. That's exactly how this shit is going to turn out but only at the beginning. It's going to be even way fucking worse. Buckle the fuck up and pepper your angus. This shit is by design all things to the hyperpolarization which is also by design.
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We need to start a program for the illegals if they can't be deported. "Dakka." IYKYN. One way or another, they will cease to be a problem. And if we CAN deport, deport the idiot caucasian and latino women who married them and revoke their citizenship. Don't want to break up the families, now do we?
Show your mom a gore webm.
They can buy it back for $15 trillion or we can offer Puerto Rico idc fuck off
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>Thanks to the new boarder policy placed into effect 17 hours ago by the newly elected president anon, US immigration has fallen by 98%
If a team of ten can deport 1 per day, then in four years time to deport 10274 per day (the amount needed has a daily average to be deported to meet that quota), 10274 teams or 102740 soldiers could do it in four years. the higher the number of teams and soldiers then the higher the deportation rate could go.
I think the IRS should be mobilized for it, it's the only functional US organization.
Wish you would have said, "catapulted legally", with those integers.
Most illegal scum will depart on their own the moment Trump is elected. The rest? Hunted down and catapulted back to their shithole countries.

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