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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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every time he enters a space now it's a religious experience.
fucking guy is insane in the membrane. you know they are still gunning for him.
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Why isnt he wearing the ear diaper anymore? His horrible ear injury healed that fast?
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HH Brother
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Trumpamania must rule, brother!
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It's over joebros
what's his ear looking like
Flesh colored bandage. Smaller than the patch
Thiels' cum healed it
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Fight, fight, fight Statue
Just like the Marvel movies!
Imagine paying attention to this retard anymore
terrible whitmore
removing the woman is a good choice
hey you guyyyys
>a party of every race color and creed
Diversity is our strength isn’t it miga bros?
Those evil far right.
>Last week I took a bullet for democracy
>when you take dayquil and nyquil
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Vance came out to speak first. How do you feel about this guy?
No gives a fuck about the vp
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He's saying exactly what a lot of people want to hear. Remains to be seen if he is a pic rel.
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>21min old thread
>28 replies

lol, lmao even
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cant wait to see how blue his lips get
i like how he said he wasnt going to tell the story again and hes already telling the story again
don't care still voting Jill Stein
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yeah I kind of saw that one coming
I love the Hulk Hogan memes.
everyone is talking about this
>Thursday night live on the floor of the RNC in primetime Rep Mike Waltz told a fox news host that he had been briefed by the FBI that the Trump shooter had 3 overseas accounts they were trying to crack into.
>Hours later, the largest tech outage in history hit the globe, affecting airlines, hospitals and banks to name a few
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>The best wiggers
>The best onlyfans whores
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oh come on that's bullshit, jews are just trying to spin it for there muh China narrative, it's probably 25 bucks in a crypto.com account and $50 in an international Binance account or some shit. Maybe even counted his twitch credits in Ireland. Be weary of the jew guys, always.
the last one of these threads proved to be....interesting
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LOL, Trump blasting manlets!
We still love our patriotic shortys!
Many such cases!
it's funny they want to pick up like it's 2016 or even 2020 and they don't know the whole workd has changed.
>boat powered by heavy batteries
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> indoors rally

Crooks copycats seething.
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Stay out of the ocean beaners
Damn bro is back to high energy Don.
Why is the orange nigger talking about death by sharks? Is he going senile?
>people posting at lightspeed
>450 replies before archiving
No doubt it was because people appreciate my keen insights and sharp witticisms and not for some other unrelated reason.
electricity and sharks?
qrd me on this
I wonder if the secret service got over their overwhelming fear of standing on slightly sloped and completely dry rooftops. I realize it takes a Navy Seal level of training to position anyone on a slightly sloped rooftop. I mean, it's sloped (slightly), so it's really dangerous, I get it. They're doing their best out there. I just hope they received the additional training necessary to keep their footing on mildly inclined surfaces. It may be asking a lot. A superhuman feat, perhaps. But I believe in them.
Allow me to paraphrase- if you put heavy batteries in boats you will be electrocuted and then eaten by sharks.
forgot about trump dodging the tpp bullet
you shut your dirty beaner mouth
He's 78 and will be in his 80s as President. Stop defaming his name or GITMO is your new home, Shareblue
wrestling was based as fuck you weirdo little tik tok zoomer. anyone who hates on hogan is a fag
He doesn’t even know where Mexico is your orange kike is losing his mind
battery tech evolves, gas is old tech and lossy as fuck in dead end. you just pay more per mile just because. I think it's retarded af but hey big oil stuff
He's just joking and having a good time. Lithium fire from a compromised battery is far more likely
How do you recharge a tank in a war that you've bombed the power grid?
>gets electrocuted by a shark
Shouldn't have ignored the advice of Brother Number One
this. he only speaks for so long because he cant find his way off the stage
Anyone watching fox? Why was the guy choked up?
>exploding batteries
>lithium fires
That's an old wives tale. If Chinese batteries really exploded there would be a bunch of videos of it happening.
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Not all wounds are like your gaping cloaca, troon. Kill yourself.
No it's not. Lithium catches fire in water.
EV sux ass
Musk is a massive beta cuck
his wife cucked him earlier today
the same lady is behind him that was at the assassination rally
the lady in the blue hat
and she's in the same spot
You mean like in the ocean?
he's talking about fucking civ cars you chimp. of-course gas and the nu-gas which is hydrogen are good for CERTAIN applications.
when talking about average folk in town EVs are overall smarter.
you get shtf mobility for your citizens. solar panels are everywhere and you can rig something up. as opposed to manufacturing fucking gas. if gas supply to your local stations stop you all plebs stop functioning. with solar panels you can still move around for fucks sake. you're not manufacturing gas if tankers stop coming to your local stations.
the discussion is for average folk with regular cars.
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Hannibal. Lecter.

He ate a friend for lunch.

shark bites batteries and they explode
keep me posted if he gets shot again
This. The only time they are mildly interesting is when they debate the other VP so you can compare dicksizes
He has turned his head to the side for almost the entire rally so far due to PTSD.
It is ironic that /pol/ is not a monolith but the place a certain spiritual battle unfolded for 3 1/2 years between drumph and well you know.
Some here know or at least suspect Trump is actually the AC.
Did sages of long ago predict virgin neets would make up some of the 144,000 sealed.
I don’t know, but today they would be called incels.

Fifth, in Revelation 14:3 the 144,000 are described as those “redeemed from the earth” and in Revelation 14:4 as having been “redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb.” The redeemed are most naturally interpreted to refer to all the redeemed, both Jews and Gentiles.

Sixth, John says they are “virgins” who have “not defiled themselves with women” (Rev.
No more ear pillow?
He literally said they wanted to make ev tanks.
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Do you guys think he has better security now? I sure hope so.
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assassin fires
diversity hires
niggers, women
their heads are swimming
one has chicken and the other a tampon
what the fuck was this country even found on
I can't believe the encrypted accounts
the longer we go the more the tension mounts
FBI thought they'd crack into what's true
but they got defeated by an internet poo.
one of the accounts was his redditscord account
No wait, was that John Roberts? Why was he crying during the 5-6pm transition on Fox?
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Seems like the convention was just the conifdence booster he needed after the bullet scare. High energy Trump is back.
must have tuned into it later than that. sounds retarded but I'd want to hear the reasoning behind it. more precise control or whatever but it does sound kind of retarded without further details.
>jew stories are real
I was being sarcastic. There are hundreds of hilarious videos of Chinese batteries exploding. Those batteries are made with materials that are only available in China. We would be at their mercy. Can you imagine if all of our cars and boats used them? There would be explosions every time someone had a fender bender.
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Donald Trump is going to make sharks electrocute us if we don't inject bleach. Better not consider voting for him.
Man, that's so weak and silent. Especially when he meanders through boring stuff. Sure it's the mic too, but still it sounds so bad.
>waman are fierce and powerful so strong and brave
Kek is this a dnc speech?
they don't know what the 3 encrypted accounts are yet.
one of the servers was in Israel so we'll likely never know.
my song is still cool though, huh?
new Sodium batteries don't catch on fire. there's also solid state on the horizon which is supposedly self-healing.
how many pajeets will trump import this time?
who was the 50IQ individual?
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mfw trump shitposting irl again
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TRUMP 2024
Stay in /ptg/ kike
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Welcome to the Christian Dictatorship of America
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>they don't know
correct. they're just making shit up, as per the norm
seethe harder troon nigger
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turns out with the new DEI Gov't forces, all you need is a ladder and a rifle.
Stop being a righttard
Trump isn't going to do whatever his most unhinged, Wignat supporters want for example Groyper retards
He is America's best hope and wants normal people voting for him, shut ins be damned
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Better start packing & book a flight to Israel.
yeah the inserting Iran into it when they don't know is a pure jew thing. Israel for certain behind that one. I agree.
reciprocal screwing
No drastic change in Trump mentality since the AA. I suspect the prophet vision was just coincidental. In the Bible, Saul was drasticly transformed when the Lord spoke to him.
MAGAnomics. :)
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>reciprocal screwing
He said some different shit to Saul though.
I like comedian Trump
trumps so vain he probably thinks this post is about him
Wouldn't that be nice
He just screamed 'MAGANOMICS' and the crowd started chanting. He's high energy today. Has been since the second half of his RNC speech.
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Oh I think that cope is losing weight with even agnostics at this point.

Whether you view eschatology of the Bible as just a description of humanities inherent failures and conquests leading to a reoccurring and predictable cycle and outcome or are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, people are waking up.

Trump rallies now have all the elements of a church service and they are worshipping a man promising them world peace and prosperity while demanding total allegiance and willingness to destroy anyone who bad mouths Trump.
Dismantle the regulations.
Bring back the old days.
No more EPA, FDA, CDC (all Demonratically controlled)
Stop taxing our most productive workers
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Dude he is crying about his bad hair day like a women right now. That is so feminine and gay. Did the shooter clip him in the balls? What is with this panzy
>No more EPA, FDA, CDC
people have stopped talking about it, but Chevron getting BTFO by the SCOTUS was fucking massive
>he actually have 0 damage to the ear not even a week later
what's happening here?
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>Dude he is crying
nah you are lol
taxfree circumcisions!
Sometimes I think that the fake tweets are just things he wanted to say but decided not to post.
The RNC was low energy but he's on fire with these rallies. I keked when he made a self depreciation joke about his hair.
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I was going to vote for Trump but you totally changed my mind. I'm Ridin' With President What's His Name now.
>Still has a bandage merely 7 days after being shot
They're not sending their best retard shills are they
Is he safe, anons?
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Humility is a virtue
She cute
I love what her mouth does when she speaks russian words with a Z in them.

He's been speaking for over an hour straight now. Contrast this with Joe, who can't do a fucking 15 minute pre-taped interview.
Yes, not all the media companies are there broadcasting it live so he's good.
>china narrative
They said the shooter was chinese in the beginning but they realized they couldn't use that viewpoint and so switched to iran.
jew stories ain't real, bud
Posting that with that picture is called irony.
you know whats happening
Trump magically heals himself of bulletholes now.
Cancer and Dementia cures are in the post. Hes just waiting till Joes passed before inventing the latter.
first they said it was an Ultra MAGA super hitler fascist anti nigger cremation operator.
stem cells.
he just roasted his own hair ya tard
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you lost :)
Ukraine lost :)
Trump won :)
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We're going to Venezuela!
Nah even before that. They were telling everyone it appears to be chinese. This was like 5 minutes after Trump got shot. They scrapped it once they saw it was a white male.
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>lock up all the violent criminals
>violent crime plummets
really makes me think
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what is it with this Venezuela schtick?
I fail to see who would give a fuck
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Florida State Rep. Randy Fine, a member of the Trump Campaign Jewish Leadership Team, about fighting “anti-Semitic” political speech, Jewish students feeling “unsafe,” and how putting America First means also putting Israel First


Operation Wetback 6 Gorillion
We're gonna have the most beautiful shill trials, biggest and greatest in the world
We're gonna send them all to GITMO. and feed them rotten mice
>begin the largest deportation operation in this country
Ok this gets me excited kick out all the spics
>Biden, et al. represent at this time a picture of unarguable impotence and inability to govern
>Trump, et al. represent at this time a picture of unarguable enemies foreign and domestic and inability to govern
>any semblance of functional American democracy in the immediate future essentially evaporated at this current juncture in time

I sleep. Hand me that fiddle, Nero, because the glow from the burn is really just unmistakable right now.
there's no bandage, merely a band aid
there's no damage to his ear very obviously
there's no way a 70 years old heal from that in a week kek he had very superficial damage from a debris or absolutely fucking nothing
no other explanation
his ear isn even swelled
when he finally take off the band aid you'll see there's no missing part of his ear or even anything visible
ear are notoriously hard to heal
that never happened
trump denounced based project 2025 again, call it quits stop shilling him on pol
we are in the boris johnson betrayal arc

he didn't even commit to pardon jan6 guys, the betrayal that is coming will be as horrific as it is predictable

you got bushism with trump instead of trumpism without trump
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His stories are boring.
He said all the same things last time.
He gave his cabinet to Jews.
He walked away from a Jew coup.

Why would we expect anything different this time?
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he said all this shit the first time
Laughing about Joe biden having a 70 IQ doesnt sound that Holy in my book.
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I think he will give far fewer fucks this time. What are they gonna do, shoot him?
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No fuck the “good ones” kick out every last beaner
cope and seethe, discord niggers
I do indeed stand corrected.
I remember some shit about Xi having a stroke either right before or after too only saw a few threads on it figured for bs.
You missed
Press 1 for English
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Ty. And saved.
I think he said 50. 50 IQ.
and he's a feeble old guy.
but it's the people that surround them
> Fascists are le bad
God damn it just when I was getting behind his message of kicking out the beaners he has to pull some faggot shit. Why does he do this every time?
He said that last time.
Trump needs to say THD (Total. HISPANIC. DEPORTATION)
Why would you denounce the only right wing country in latin america right now
That locked up all their criminals
That wants to ally with you
After also disavowing project 2025

Trump's campaign is completely subverted yet again
neocon bastard
fuck off back to the spic fuentes chat and then kill yourself
>50 IQ
thats 'requires watered daily' material
he said 70, which is sub-African average
Fucking coward
neocons hate him you retarded fucking nigger
But who going to hold the beg brass balls?
Trump is in a better mood, but man he's sounding old... shit sucks.... even has a slur i've never noticed before
Lock up every groyper for fascist treason!

He didn't, retard. He said that he's doing such a good job that they might hold the RNC there next year if crime keeps going up in America.
yayyy more police and drones!!!
lets go trump!!
I feel bad for the staff that has been changing Biden's diapers because they are all going to have to get suicided 5 times to the back of the head after Joe is gone.
same goes for Biden family members but I don't really care for them.
If it helps getting rid of rowdy niggers and Mexicans, I'm all for it.
I'm running for president and I get shot you bet your ass I'm showing off my scar
he's giving us a shout out
I want that faggot spic kicked out too I hate that little queer he had some shitskin rape his followers why are my options cuck faggot trump or beaner invader fuentes?
Kai Trumpf spread your ass cheeks for me
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>next year
confirmed retard
You must be 18 or older to use this site.
so he didn need suture points or anything
he was not touched by a bullet
the damage is not consistent with the claim period
debris at best
faked at worst
I’m 30 seethe
if you had recovered a piece of Trump's bloody ear on stage and saved it in a ziplock bag how much do you think I could get for that on ebay?
Do you show people the scar between your legs?
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Death to Globohomo Z
>I'm 30 and still retarded
k keep me posted
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kek, axe wound jokes never get old
definitely 5 figures. Maybe 7 if Trump wants it back.
shills working overtime
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really looking forward to becoming Canada
You know what he meant.
this lil nigga is drunk
Ok wtf again is wrong with the fox guy? His mom just die?
ok I'll probably have a thread during the auction unless 4chang shuts it down for spam. tomorrow.
Trump made him drop out of the race and endorse Mike.
and unemployed
this guy sounds wasted
I would encase it in gold & diamonds & get it surgically attached to by ear. Like an ear decoration for my ear.
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what was that about?
He got back up for America. ,)
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The old movies were prophetic.
It would be priceless. The priests could encase it in a religious relic like the saints and people would make pilgrimages from all over the world to see it.
is that good or bad?
A scum like Trump would do anything to milk this "assassination attempt" and show that scar like a goddamn war wound. Yet he hides it?

You're telling me the convicted felon that need to win this presidency no matter what to get his self-pardon/get out of jail card won't do whatever it takes to win?

No scar after his cunt win. Calling it, good job America.
based ear grill retard I love you
Good. It's Trump's party now. The Overton window has shifted to the right again.
checkd for Trump Mecca
Awkward high energy boomers going off crowd energy and being in the moment, pretty based
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>convicted felon
lmfao you faggots are too obvious
Someone on Fox is crying?
Donald Day Trump
The entire global economy and universe and multiverse
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I can smell your desperation
What did he mean by this?
IDK I only watch the RSBN stream
Jon Scott was breaking up during the 6pm transition. He's recovered some but something is up.
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When is a candidate gonna come to the UP?
Trick question, they're never gonna come up here
didn't see it as a kid, but today i think ric flair would have a real shot at the presidency title as well. wuhhh
fuck no you don't usually let open wound uncovered until it's conveniently closed or you open a door for infection
logically if a bullet touched his ear, no matter which part, it would have left a bigger wound and it would certainly not be closed already
if it didn even necessitate suture points it was certain a very small injury
if it had necessitated suture points, he couldn speak like that because blood pressure would reopen the wound and bleed
it was superficial
Remember, everybody: You're watching a television production. With lights and hair and makeup and cue cards and advertising and extras and teleprompters and stages and concessions and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

What you're watching is akin to a QVC commercial for a government administration. They will say and do and act and behave and swing from the chandelier and whatever else the money orders them to, from the top dude all the way to the bottom stagehand who has to move amps and shit around. (Same thing with that Supreme Court Justice guy who keeps writing decisions for kickbacks--money is what moves all of these things in the political machine, nobody gives an absolute flying fuck about a single one of the words that actually comes out of their mouths in front of the cameras or in the halls of justice or wherever else, they are all actors trying to hit their marks and it's always been that way even with the orange idiot back on TV in the fuckin' '80s and '90s. ACTORS, man, goddamn, not a thing they say should actually be accepted as part of any inherent belief system they subscribe to; the only belief system to subscribe to in their world is a Faustian bargain with the next source of money.)

Not a goddamn person in that place has a lick of autonomous or critical thinking, and the whole thing is downright bizarre. (Hulk Hogan delivering remarks at a political conference is like a "What does Ja Rule think" moment lol)
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Still Voting Flair! Woooooo!
The right?
You mean the nuRight. Niggers, wiggers, kikes and their fluffers, whores who support on demand abortion as long as it is decided at the state level, and lastly, a overwhelming sea of shitskins who’ll replace whites but it’s ok it’s done legally.
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>my granddaughter did very well
Hulk really triggers you guys, doesn't he?
Kai Trump will save america
>wah wah wah wah I'm a faggot
cool story bro keep me posted
the circumcision scar?
get a load of this crying tranny lol
that guy is a shill. probably a pajeet
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I wonder why..
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definitely brown and gay
>missed the comparison reference to Ja Rule entirely

I don't care if you're deplorable, uneducated, or just too young to understand, but you have some YouTubing to do in order to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the discussion at hand.
Go blow a “based” nigger, faggot.

How could any whites watch the RNC and think yeah that party cares about me?
he was supposed to be sentenced on July 11 and be in prison for the RNC.
kek, diversity hires can't do ANYTHING right.
Mexizambos BTFO
How could any white watch this and think it wouldn't be better than Joe? You wouldn't know, because you're not white.
I assume it's an Idiocracy reference but I never bothered watching it. Hollywood propaganda is terribly unAmerican.
(helpful reminder)
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because Professional Wrestling has deeper roots in reality than their ideology.
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he's a gooner
One wants to replace whites with illegal shitskin

One wants to replace whites with legal shitskin

Why the fuck would any self respecting white vote at all?
Put it back in the oven, it's not done cooking.
>Joe: I want to let in millions of illegals
>Trump: I want to deport tens of millions of illegals
>You, a retard: these are the same thing
go slit your throat, you LARPing brown faggot
Does he keep bringing up hannibal lecter because he's a tranny?
he does it to b8 the media, and it works every time
He's just fucking with the cannibals in Congress.
>I assume
Yeah, you do, don't you?
And you're entirely wrong, by the way.
Anyone around that can help enlighten this guy?
>Citizenship for anyone who gets a college degree—Trump
>h1b or expansion—Trump

They’re both going to fuck over whites. The only difference is one is going to do it with the proper paperwork.
>BTFO's his own argument
shut the fuck up retard nigger, Trump is winning and all you can do is cope seethe and dilate
>liquid gold
do we really have liquid gold rivers flowing under the USA as we speak?
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does trump just recycle the same pish every rally?
Perhaps you could do it for us in the next thread. I don't think anyone knows what you're talking about.
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as an unvaxxed individual I have liquid gold in my testicles!
You are fucking retarded.

Now can you denounce the Talmud, and spell god?


I denounce the Talmud, now go the fuck back to spic fuentes' chat until you turn 18.
>plz smart fox, plz.
kek those shitbags
we are testes bros
also got unvaxxed gold testes
I don't think that man Trump invited on stage is the same one as before, like he thought.
I can hate republicans, democrats and that little twink taco faggot all at the same time.
Still didn’t spell god.
Perhaps you could utilize autonomy, critical thinking skills, internet access, and maybe some rote cognition to achieve the desired result.

Some of you people really are as utterly incapable as Biden lol that level of submission to others is pretty sad in actuality
Camp for you soon, scumbag
who is j rule?
The man has got it, he was just straight spitting and actual facts not just stupid hope, like actually describes what he’s going to do and how, but in an easy entertaining way to keep both smart and normies following

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