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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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OMG! THIS GUY WAS RIGHT!!! IS HAPPENING no clickbait not spam !!!! look Pic thread is about Kamala Harris

this is from the year 2022 link below 4plebs archive thread for proof

i remember this thread was attacked by shills and the OP was right about kamala harris
there is another thread made by him but in cant find it i think it was deleted

please share this thread or bump this thread so can people see this !!!

nothing ever happens, nothing burger
>The vice president will be president because the senile 80+ year old won't run again
Wow what a risky prediction whoever could have predicted this?
Who’s the male senator
JD Vance
>Predicting Kamala Harris might be floated as president one day.
Like >>475127980 says, anyone with half a braincell could have made this prediction. That fact you're even surprised by this is the only thing shocking here.
Everyone can tell it's you, you fucking retard. You didn't even bother to hide your stupid flag. Kill yourself.
Is Kamala Harris Mexican? Or Swahili?
pro she was the fucking VP, retard, this thread is saying Biden was going to die, leaving her president. people have been saying that since 2020. doesn't predict anything about this situation with him stepping down for term 2 whatsoever
This guy was You, and you need to spill the beans, how did you have this info, are you psychic or something?
kamala harris has no path to win. only a few things would tip the scales, objectively speaking

-getting bernie sanders and AOC in her cabinet
-getting the green party pres pick in her cabinet
-the dem party and harris admin dropping gun control entirely
-stop funding israel entirely
-use the money that would have gone to israel to fight the cartels
-fighting the drug cartels militarily
-pick up bernie sanders talking points in general and follow through
i want to be short ! you are living in a clown world ! Trump ,Biden ,Kamala they are puppets ! all is just a distraction ! you are just a pawn

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But ohio is classified as in the midwest, not east.
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Kek /pol/ is slow
I don’t listen to retarded ESLs
there is another archive thread from 2018 same guy it was deleted from archive
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You want to hear something really crazy?
Your politicians are puppets too
wow a thread about retards who dont know how delegates and super delegates work
i dont believe in politics! is just a big scam for sheeps they control your thoughts and your mind
>this guy
Dimeless thread.
1/4 nigger 1/4 kike 2/4 jeet
>i want to be short ! you are living in a clown world ! Trump ,Biden ,Kamala they are puppets ! all is just a distraction ! you are just a pawn
>i dont believe in politics! is just a big scam for sheeps they control your thoughts and your mind
This guy gets it! OP is NOT a faggot today.
we all know that Trump is a jew agent
we all know that the assassination attempt is an attack on the 2nd amendment (legal 'ar-15 in .22, demoranch merch shirt, clean record means they skipped the mental health stability check ) and the cunt was seen with BlackCock jew CEO Larry Fink while holding a rifle - and they have ties to CIA. reeks of MKUltra Manchurian Candidate desu
Harris being VP and becoming Biden's replacement was already set in stone, its just that the jew handfler fuckers in charge fumbled at when to pull the biden kill trigger - that, or this is all planned and they accepted some exit scenario where biden stays alive so that they can finally put him in a nursing home.
If anything, the fact that they are pushing cuntmala harris as their new president is something the Trump voterbase should be concerned about, if they want the lesser of two evils - but that's only if Trump doesn't push the gun control narrative even harder (see aforementioned attack on 2nd amendment above)
what needs to happen is to get Trump to commit support for the 2nd amendment in writing, as well as border security and dealing with the illegal immigrants already in here en masse - and preferably mass deportation, if not some way of making use of them, like highly restricted work visas (STILL NO VOTING!) - Let's be real, our economy needs a boost, and we need workers to ramp that up. Naturally, someone will be in charge of all these foreign workers, and that would preferably be our own citizens, so yes, American citizens get the jobs as well, and in fact, get priority, either managerial or professional tiers. Better get to trade school for the big bucks and being in charge of a sizable industrial labor force when that happens.
Harris is a law-and-order fascist who may as well be an angry old Republican. Liberal? Progressive? She built her whole career by prosecuting drug cases against poor black people in California.

This one is basically Rudy Giuliani in blackface.
Only problem is: they missed.
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what you see in this pic? look the ear
did not read flaggot
You screen-capped your own thread from 2022, didn't you?
Except he was objectively wrong in each assertion.

>each assertion
you must be expert right|?
now thats just antisemitic
How is a faggot government bill going to fix the private market?
That wasn't the question.
You capped your own thread.
You think you're smart, don't you?
>You think you're smart, don't you?
i didnt say i am smart ! sometimes the best way to answer is to spam old archive with no answer now you think "wtf you are saying bro are you schizo"
im convinced all the elites live in the future like that movie looper.
KEK romanians are so dumb it's fucking comical
Finally, we have an insider thread thats not clickbait or spam. Very cool OP.
you want to hear the true ! i bet this thread will be shadowbanned in this board some users will be hard to see this thread
No it’s not it’s eastern time zone and due north of Tampa you pavement ape. Midwest begins in Indiana
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You need to be 18 to browse domain name 4chan
Also checked
Purple Pill anon called it before the 2016 election even ended.
Ohio is part of the midwest you stupid nigger
Except for the whole Midwest time zone thing dipshit. Detroit is an eastern city, so is Columbus and so is Cincinnati. Leave the Midwest alone we have enough faggots in Illinois
>vague as fuck thread that the young VP will become prez because the actual president is a 90 yr old corpse
yeah who would've thought you stupid fucking faggot
wasn't that hard to predict. joe's been on life support since before he entered office.
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It's time.
Dead people died
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>stop funding israel entirely
i didn't know kamala was a nazi!
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I was wondering if it was Thomas Massie and his Fed bill he was talking about. I've really tuned out a lot of this BS though.
The part of me that's still sympathetic to Bernie bros would find part of this hype but
>-fighting the drug cartels militarily
Seems like a random insert. I don't think either party wants war with Mexico and the ensuing Hispanic insurgencies kek. Only an uncucked GOP could handle it
you guys speak off topic i think you guys trying to distract again with senator maybe should i post another pic thread from 2017 same message but i dont think so because you guys will still talk about senator for no reason
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Source? It came to me in a dream.

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