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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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what the FUCK is going on????

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The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world
>texted a man in a gray suit
Most retarded thing I've read in ages.
it was a GLOW OP and this is just chaff they're throwing out to confuse the issues

kinda like the fake Anthrax mail scare post-9/11
Traitors within the ranks got a patsy and used the patsy as a shield while they tried to assassinate a candidate for President.

They missed. Absolutely fuckery shall ensue to do whatever it takes to keep a lid on everything.
was it 007?
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Shitskin gayops
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In Senator Johnson's 13 page Letter, they mention this on page 3.
See here and ITT, an anon posted the entire letter
Maybe the Diversity squad is in charge of glow-ops now and this is what they came up with.
Is this the Person of Interest timeline?
Well there it is. Thanks anon.
So who is the man in the gay suit?
Sounds like a guy who works with ATF anon. He needs an ID to track down the gun purchase. I don’t get what’s weird about a man wearing a suit.
Tune in next time to find out!
So it looks like the picture of him btfo was purposely leaked online to help speed up identification. That answers who spread it and why.
How can you know what he was wearing if you don't know his name?
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You're welcome, thanks for your important thread.
Why didn't Ron Johnson's staff ask for the 215 Phone Number to have it traced.
That's Philadephia iirc
so that was who posted the death photo here?
Because he’s in videos

Orange man faked the entire thing and used some polcel as a patsy simple as
He sure can, Mr. Freeman.

WHo the fuck is that guy? I bet he has the largest collection of dic pics in the world
damn if he's that good he deserves to be President.
X Files smoking man…
Tan face and white scalp. He normally has hair, hat, or helmet.
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What about the dead guy?
Based x files enjoyers
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This goes deep
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It was Gregory Peck
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>”Take the picture”
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Worse. Its the entire Valentino Rogues Gallery in one person.
The female agent who was trying to holster her weapon is a nurse or a medic. She looks just like any ambulance driving dyke. She’s overweight, ungainly and totally unable to operate her weapon. She’s there to try and mop up his head to save his life.
>this agent was a trained emergency medicine specialist as well as passing the rigorous ss exam process.
Deep state agents.
Time traveller vibes. Any event this decisive is bound to be swarming with then.
Thread theme

i know.
watch it be a nothingburger
>Most retarded thing I've read in ages.
I agree. It was obviously a pickle suit.
They made a lot of money on the anthrax scare. They vaxxed the entire military several times.
>a man in a grey suit
What sort of retarded name is that? Arabic?
It was a grey alien. They always wear 1920 era suits when in human disguise. The aliens aren't good at keeping up with our fashion trends. That's why they never disguise as female humans.
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>And Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and Monty Python and the Holy Grails Black Knight Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meany Cowboy Curtis and Jambie the Genie
He really does look like 47
Grey Man was the /pol/ body leaker confirmed
Here’s my theory

That's a bald cap
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The Goon CLAIMED to be a member of ATF.
was he the same guy from Oct 1 Vegas shooting that leaked Dead Comped Sushi guy?
Yeah this is getting even fucking wilder bro
It's a crime scene, retard.
Every single person who was on-site should have been vetted and had their Credentials photographed and verified.
AFT cannot be trusted. so ATF is involved too and part of the fucking coverup.

>/pol/ has a deep-throat egregore
God bless if tru
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excuse me satan RUBY RIDGE
You have to pay sheckles to download videos from X?
God fucking damn that's kiked
>Senator Ron Johnson
Notorious Q tard. This is complete bullshit.
>y-y-you're jewish
>y-y-you're a glownigger
Yes I'm Agent Jamal Goldstein.
that was a helluva get kek
They’re poodle shooting faggots.
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It was me, nothing personal SS just needed to let the boys know it was Yearick.
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seem to have a LOT of blood on their hands
nk yrslf.
Can someone please webm this for a poorfag?
Screen record the vids you want you nigger yes it's very kiked but you saw this coming
>suit only

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I highly advise that you cease and desist this line of investigation... For the sake of yourself and your family's safety.
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kek thank you for the comedic relief anon. kekekekekekekek i loved that show.
Ah! You found him in a grey suit... Noyce!
Fast & Furious, Rahm Emmanual and his Levant homeland sort of deal? ...
It wasn't him.
It wasn't him.
The Red socks won.
Do you think that this is a GAME?!
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Dancing ingreylies
Teddy boys
This so much.
Also this.

Giving me some Half Life Alyx ending vibes, trump originally died!
What the fuck is Mario doing there? Is this a King Koopa plot? And why is he not wearing his overalls?
That guy has some incredibly poor posture so I can only assume it isn't Agent 47. His neck is so crooked he is turning into a Skeksis
Why are Americans refusing to just say it like it is: another FBI-brainwashed shooter being manipulated to do their bidding.

And you retarded Americans are literally trusting the FBI to handle the investigation.
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>a deep-throat egregore
Eww, gross
Probably the person that leaked the dead face picture
Pretended to be someone important for shits and giggles
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except the man on the roof has hair
>police, congressmen all shrugging as to who this guy is
just fucking trace his phone number holy shit retards
Thank you Peru-chad, I was just about it post it myself
looks like he's wearing a fake skin cap on his head or he just shaved his head for the first time
Why is Skully wear that hat? What's that frog alien man?
>I'm from the Government and I'm here to help
>Isn't actually from the Government
>May actually be there to help
Bruh... This whole thing is getting fuckin creepy
intersting take
That is Scott Adams.
white man in peru has to come save /pol/
>Some of these people are androids. Watch the way they move
Are you a Mountain-chad?
Did he see the camera man? Looks like he was stare right at him?
They have the address they sent it to, right?
Was if ATFAgentJones or MikeBJ69?
The man in the vid clearly recently shaved his. Looks like he had a full head of dark hair and shaved it off. Judging by the contrast.
>just shaved his head
The contrast in skin color
the ATF is the agency with warehouses full of confiscated cigarettes, booze and crazy modified weapons. they are obviously the gung-ho lose-cannon badasses of all the glowies.
This is the most glownigger-on-tape video I've seen all year
>you keep rubbing that head like your hair ain't never going to grow back
-Boyd Crowder
Looks too smooth and weird, that's an alien in a human decoy suit
whoever it was uploaded the pic asap so hes probably chill
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>This goes deep
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honestly it makes sense.
He had enough of Trump, and pinned it on one of his followers.
Guy clearly just shaved his head today.
Just when I thought it couldn't get anymore amateur hour a guy with a Grey suit and head shaved that day tricks TOP OPERATORS into texting him the death pic first. Long long before even taking the body off the roo the pic was on the internet. Wtf is going on honestly?
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>So who is the man in the gay suit?
the head homoanus in charge of the popo 5-0 niggeratti masons
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The rooftop shooter that was killed is m@xwell ye@rick. Antif@ and known Ukraine sniper. Probably sent by zelenky.
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He's the irl equivalent of this guy
There is an ATF office outside of Philly, so that checks out. What’s the problem?
>talked to an unknown man
Should have asked him his name then retards.
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Oh wait a minute, that's where we got the leaked photos of the dead body. It was this guy. Who else would have them so early and just post them on the internet for everyone to see?
Why does this look computer generated, like ps4 graphics or something
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Holy shit.
One would think we would get proof of life of yearick by now. Yearick and crooks both dead for whatever reason it seams.
i think this is true
Why didn't he just climb the ladder and snap some pictures himself?
Seems like there was open access to whatever was going on before and after the assassination.

Maybe they do this on purpose to throw out any evidence they have gathered.
< expert here
this type of person is a 'writer' he write the history new. light is great, you can look in the future, the aliens here do that a very long time and help humans. = this event was massive, i think civil war.
say thanks to the aliens.
Damn. What about his eyebrows
bros in fucking SCARED.

WTF IS THAT??? seriously why is he there
The Grey Suit Glownigger
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Good work Agent 47, you can now exfiltrate
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Looks like your typical MIB but in a grey suit of course
OK City was supposed to be a patsy bust but the patsies pretended to play along with the FIB and went ahead with the bombing anyway. The feds were then forced to blame it on McVeigh to cover up their fuck up.

Look up Jesse Trentadue, this is how we know what happened. FIB was trying to capture one of their groomed patsies and this random dude looked just like him and the FIB beat him literally to death by mistake before realizing it wasn't the guy. And the dude's brother happened to be state attorney or something and had the means to investigate and push FIB shit in which is one reason we're aware of the larger story.

And yes, our media are pathetic mouthpieces America is a Potemkin piece of shit fake society controlled by a financial cartel. While there are still elite politics and factions, the popular level from media to elections to our tastes and preferences are all fake as shit. This is a Satanic fucking country and God damn to hell the pathetic Boomers and their parents for letting this farce go on so long.

Literally all you have to do is stop contributing to the system, and stop taking it seriously. But noooo, you gotta get your "good job" pay taxes, watch your niggerball.
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got em
Has anyone tried locating him?
Hes like a crustpunk faggot so hes probably homeless
FBI just wash evidence and ensure forensic cover up so no local or other investigation can learn anything.
Why should the federal deep state apparatus - Wall Street's toy soldiers - have to get their well crafted plans fucked up by this thing called "federalism" where power is distributed to other centers of power and for instance states could have their own investigative bureaus to find out what sort of shady shit the current fed faction is doing.
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that's Dr. Jonas
Where does he live?
I would think yearick himself would be interested in distancing himself from a failed assassination, I think everyone in america knows about it by now.
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James Tanda
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Lex Luther!?
I would have just gone up to him and harass him with a bunch of questions
The rumors online is that he worked for the ATF...but that's it. No one can explain why he'd be there in the first place, or why police and secret service would tolerate him just casually walking around a HIGHLY FUCKING IMPORTANT crime scene following the most high profile shooting in American history since goddamn JFK.

Why the fuck would police officers or secret service members just text him the pics they took of Crooks prior to and after the shooting? Wouldn't those pics be highly sensitive material in a highly sensitive case?
So here's my take. Obviously the police and secret service didn't have a problem with him being there. Maybe he was CIA or NSA? I think sometimes its important that you don't even question things. Some things are none of our business and we have to trust our officials they are the ones who are in control not us.
>just text him the pics
Jedi mind tricks
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>Some things are none of our business and we have to trust our officials they are the ones who are in control not us.

Most American post ever. US doens't deserve to be fixed. Best hope for the planet is it loses influence and everybody can finally ignore them.
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>walks into your secure area
>demands you give him highly sensitive evidence
Looks like Seth Godin.
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I own a grey suit and am also bald... I also don't know where I was on the day of the shooting...
they're gonna revive ronald reagan as a robot i know it
he's gonna be here to help and go skynet
Is this him? Are you sure?
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we're watching
Who are you? What do you want?
Honestly this is the only logical explanation at this point. We are in a interdimensional proxy war
based anon, I was looking to see if anyone had posted it yet
>ey freeman you gonna do the thing or what
>badda bing badda boom
It’s Biden in a bald cap kek
why does he stand so funny? and his hand looks weird, he has his palm facing to the rear instead of facing his leg/side. almost looks not human
the cops who complied should be fired for incompetence even if he turns out to be a legitimate official because they did not reply to the request with "... and who are you?"
Stop noticing. Arms are always weird in photos.
Agent 47???
I think it's obvious. He was a time traveler sent back in time to prevent WWIII with Iran. He used his 22nd century technology to make the shooter narrowly miss his shot then leaked photos online to create uncertainty in the time line. Being spotted adds to the uncertainty.
Could also be time terrorist.
>Obviously the police and secret service didn't have a problem with him being there.
both thought he belongs to the other org. same stuff as with why we have a strict "invitees of the bride on the left, invitees of the bridegroom on the right" seating plan at weddings, so that no hobo should show up and eat while both groups think he belongs to the other one.
fake arms with big gun underneath ready to shoot. that is what that is.
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then he was media
I guess it really was Biden and that's why they've disappeared him and switched to Harris
lmao this is really how it works
CIA for sure. this is how the photo was posted on /pol/ so quickly. we got it almost immediately it seems.
Trump's time machine had us jump many timelines to result in his ear being nicked
>What’s the problem?
I dunno bro, probably something along the lines of:
Philadelphia is 320+ miles away
the ATF office in Pittsburgh is 42 miles away
This Goon shows up immediately
This Goon requests crimes scene evidence
This Goon does not present any credentials

Tell Senator Johnson that it's just nothing, anon.
It was first posted to twitter approx 1 hr after shooting with a throwaway twitter account that was quickly deleted afterwards. posted to /pol/ approx 1 hr after it was posted to twitter.
Looks like he recently shaved his head.
That’s either Captain Jean-Luc Picard or Assistant Director Walter Skinner.
Dude's probably SES or at least working on their behalf.
Yep, his bald head literally glowing
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Sir can you step aside for a moment.
Entering the Ether lab requires a keycard and a uniform. Luckily, it seems both are within reach.
Sure, but you could end up with an unpleasant visit from someone else afterward.
>arithmetically, 37 plus 73 equals 110. is this because of the jews? who knows. here are an additional 3,000 words and 6 paragraphs of useless information meant to distract you
>they glow in the broad daylight
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The glowie there to confirm the patsy was dead?
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What I wouldnt give for this to be the new shitpost psyop. Instead of sam hyde we just get grey suit man. Never posting pics just known as
>grey suit man
Fuck thats kino.
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Delete this thread
Crook was one of those FBI bitch boys. Basically he was going to be one of those engineered terrorist the FBI likes to arrest to justify both their budget and the privacy violations.

But instead of pressing the button on the real but non-woring bombs the fbi gave him. He decided to try to ass-ass-in the next prez. Maybe, he even knew the FBI had set this up and decided it was good cover for a real ass-ass-in attempt.
Could be a journalist pretend to be official so he can get photos for publication idk
One way a senator can receive yummy goodies from the company store is to use a little timely blackmail. As long as he's actually buyable and the information isn't too embarrassing, there's no need for a tragic auto accident or private jet crash, which is a messy, risky, and costly endeavor. There's a balance that both parties hope to achieve as they negotiate.
he was telling them mk ultra trigger words
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The plot thickens.
>pickle suit.
Chris is gonna freak
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who knows we'll find out tomorrow the army dudes had cameras on their heads. somebody will talk it's exciting to watch unfold though. I bet if you guys spend some time looking at Old Secret Service or ATF photos from recent news articles I bet you might find something.
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Why would the guy be on scene that quickly though?
Why are you posting with a VPN?
Who are you and who do you really work for?
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>This Goon shows up immediately
it says it was 630pm at night
>This Goon requests crimes scene evidence
yeah, why wouldnt he?
>This Goon does not present any credentials
Says who?
>it says it was 630pm at night
Lazy fucking FED.
Shooting was at 6:11.
Do you need help with the math?
Skibidi toilet?
His arm looks fake.
shooting at 611
between 640-650 they were joined by the guy in the suit
the office is 42 miles away
39 minutes to go 42 miles with lights and sirens on is nothing
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>plans to reveal his identity in an upcoming report
Every time I hear this phrase, I immediately dismiss whatever was said about it. If some uber shadow gooberment is after you, you would never "plan to release" the information, you just do it. Every time that phrase is made known nothing comes from it. You really have to be an idiot to tell anybody you "plan to release information."
He's a senator.
Could be an alien. Many high profile individuals have stated that "they walk among us". Aliens also have long arms.
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Why the fuck was this deleted?
So wake up Mr. Crooks. Wake up and smell the ashes.
My first thought as well
That was a photoshop. Clearly.
shut up pussy
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Yeah. It was up within hours. But how did someone know to find that new Twitter account?
But why shave your head. If he was naturally bald, his skin would be darker on top.

Could be an alien. They are known to be amungus.
Could have been Sam Hyde. The damn FBI still hasn't caught him.
Was he there before the shooting? That would have been weird.
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Remember, Anon, you were taking a nap right before dinner.
Fake arms guy was a highlight of the first Trump kino.
Most logical answer.
why would he need to check the body? its dead and he knows who it is.

might not be shaven head but a cap that looks shaved. they wear these sometimes but you can see its plastic on their forehead.

what reason would they need an early pic of the body?

also he looks like a watcher type but he is human. watchers etc dont get many photos of themselves taken, nor do they have phones.

this part of the government can do things like make things appear and disappear, and enter buildings without opening doors. i know this is true because i left my phone recording twice and someone came into and out of my attic and bedroom without a trace. head them clomping around and my cats freaked out.

the were walking around and had some beeping sound, but most importantly a woman greeted my cat who freaked out. the beeping sounds are the same everytime i recorded. footsteps and a creakimg door sound even when no door is being opened.

yeah anyway not sure why he wanted or could get that pic. but he knew what to say. maybe they swapped the bodies or needed to confirm they could not access his memories after death?

yeah i know what it sounds like but all this tech is old and it exists.
takin bets..berg..stein..levin.? silver, gold?
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FBI fucked up, big time. At least they stopped their own Whitmer terror plot.
I hate to say it, also I'm not saying this is fake, but given the state of generated short videos these days, it would be exceptionally easy to make one and cover up the rough edges with digital distortion.
if this was true you would had posted the video from a throwaway account and linked it here
anyone who leaks info to the public is based
why are his hands so white? are those gloves?
>knowing who someone is texting
>knowing what the person they're texting is wearing
what is this schizo shit?
He was his mossad handler.
why is his suit so fucking big?
>the fake Anthrax mail scare post-9/11
Pretty sure it was real anthrax because they traced it back to the American military.
guy in video looks thinner/older
Uncultured fooken zoomer
Good work, 47.
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looks russian!
The black hats are now grey suits ?

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