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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There's another rumor going around that you're a faggot? Any response?
no i am a actuall tranny not even trolling, google it
The real Biden died last year.

I honestly would believe this given that they just tried to dump Trump. But more than likely given the Optics turbo screencap spam and the retarded amount of instantaneous people agreeing with this new set of “polls” that are totally real like they just began to report the truth again after being proven to be heavily manipulated after 2016, yeah totally not suspect, given that virtually everyone thinks that someone trying to dome Don is a shock, or even remotely unexpected given how dire the situation is.

The system is behaving like a cornered animal, and they really do not want Don in there, and while he may be a puppet, it’s not the presidency this board has been focused on. It’s the mind of the normie, to which the Jew is losing control of rapidly, which is why they’ve gone to such great lengths to stifle blumpf because this board originally pushed him to force the system being broken in the most corrupt way straight into the normie’s mind. Nothing says you live in the Congo like a failed attempt.

Kikes nervous
It's just fact OP is a faggot. Goes without saying
Biden be Ridin with Epstein
He has joined Queen Elizabeth II in the crypt
The tweet:
>Biden has cancelled his meeting with Netanyahu, according to Israeli media. No explanation given.
The /pol/ interpretation:

as writ above, OP is a faggot
Lookner freaking out on his viewers asking about this
What's kind of crazy is some autistic threat posted on pol gets the FBI and secret service hunting you down, but when someone actually shoots Trump in the head nobody knows anything.
If Biden dies, he will become the Martyr the RNC wished Trump was to become.
It’s not crazy, there are no coincidences in a surveillance state.
Democrats killed him though...
Just did a little investigating.
Found this
He’s obviously seriously ill or dead.
Can’t believe the press haven’t noticed this tweet.
It was within the last 22 hrs.
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post socks
Good catch, anon.
It'd be easy to make him fake die so that Kamala can transistion into becoming the president.
the day they said he has covid i posted on this website that they will use this as an excuse to kill him
They couldn’t do Trump so they did Biden. It’s fucking sick.
His family must have been told he wasn’t going to last the night.
Do hunter wrote that.
Maybe he pulled thru so the press never said nothin last night.
he has dementia and ALzheimer's but he isnt dying ffs
IT'S OVER (if true)
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Biden died in 2020 but his election campaign was already bought and paid for so why waste it.
Actors are cheap but who knew he'd be so flimsy and on the edge of Alzheimer's?
That cunt died years ago.
Why’s hunter writing that statement then.
I learned from the Kate Middleton fiasco that they enjoy baiting us commoners with these types of conspiracies just to rug pull us later. I think it’s a form of energy harnessing. Joe Biden is not dead and you’re playing into their hands.
its joever
thank you
She tweeted it.
It’s there for everyone to see.
when was the last time biden was seen, 4 days ago?
If he is, it's a literal nothingburger.
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This honestly.
5 yrs ago
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>tweet from literal who
ok retard
OP being a faggot is never in doubt.
Canceling a meeting with Netanyahu? Something really bad is going to happen to this country soon
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>Something really bad is going to happen to this country soon
Are they still going to cash the check for this month's $4billion?
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Absolutely happening

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always has been.
holy shit
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Uh oh here we go...
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>inb4 bibi ordered the assassination of biden upon his visit
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holy fuck
also no half flag alerts posted for today
this very well could be real
two more "Biden is dead" posts
yes, if lara loomer is also pushing it (she is), best to not get too excited.
Deep state couldn't kill Trump so they killed Biden in order to replace him with an electable puppet.
why would they tell the capitol janitors and nobody else?
I imagine the calculus is that killing Biden now would defang Trump's rhetoric about his assassination attempt. It would also allow nominee's campaign to pretend that Biden's failures are "off limits."
I wouldn't be surprised.
The blood gods were promised presidential blood. They care not whose blood.
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the marine guard takes care of that flag
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lmao old fuck
He wouldn't step aside so they made it happen.
It's the Covidium-210.
Is that for Sheila Jackson?
?flag sex press
the levels of degeneracy you coomers are capable of always disgusts me
The evidence is mounting up.
Fake, the official flag is the LGBT one.
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holy shit it's real
Starting to think this is true. It would be very easy to squash this rumour.
Missed his meeting with his boss?
Where’s kamila today.
She’ll be cancelling things if she’s about to be sworn in as pres and have to make a statement.
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The first female president. Wow. What a day.
>if you push me out, I will expos -ACK!
the capital flag is lowered to half mast and there are no official alerts
it has to mean something
Don't look too closely.
>"Don't ask questions... just consume president and await next president!"
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>it's real
>is real
Real Biden died years and years ago. Real Biden was based and hated niggers
sounds more like they've resigned to the fact that they lose their personal chef and valet service and whatever else amenities being the president's son gives you
So he said no and they killed him
It's for Sheila Jackson
american pope died?
I said the same thing.
Samuel L Jackson's chauffeur?
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Guess you can say Trump was Biden his time
Right now as you're reading this some poor intern is having to keep watch over Joe Biden's corpse to prevent it from being snatched into the bowels of hell by an actual physically manifested demon. LMAO imagine believing you'd escape the consequences of striking a deal with demons.
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Keep in mind that Democrats and his inner circle issued Biden the ultimate disrespect by announcing his dropping out of the election with a goddamn tweet on a Sunday afternoon instead of allowing him to give a presidential address from the oval office
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No u
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Real Biden is left Biden.
will Joe's murder garner a sympathy vote for the establishment?
Don't care even if true
Dead men can't make speeches...
I was here
He is 82. Covid is probably wrecking him and now that he has abandoned re election he probably doesnt give a fuck anymore. Why not just stay in bed until he dies/recovers?
dont put me in the screencap

No, no it won’t. Considering the whole point is to stop this board from destroying the establishment that’s been in place since the early 80’s
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It's probably for the Israeli soldiers being killed by Hamas. They wouldn't do that for a goyim president.
Oh no, anyway....
Reddit will praise it as the palace coup that saved our demoracy.
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Grow up
don't be logical here
let them have some fun.
He maybe dead already
it's true, this was independently verified and fact checked by me
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Fcker couldn't make speeches when he was 'alive'!
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>There's another rumor going around that you're a faggot? Any response?
Biden is bunking out with Kate Middleton. Digits confirm it.
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>Congress has lowered the American flag over the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., to half-staff in honor of Jackson Lee. The flag will remain at half-staff through Saturday at minimum, and may continue to stay at that position through her funeral. President Joe Biden may also order that flags over government buildings be set to half-staff in honor of Jackson Lee.

i dunno. anyone got screencaps or video from yesterday's capitol building?
So are they saying that the bullet that grazed Trumps ear. killed a Trumper in the stands and then somehow took a curve and hit Biden giving him Covid and killing him instead?
Joes staffers worry about this shit everyday since he was elected.
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I knew they were gonna kill him
You might be right. I didn't think of that at first.
look up pixie ears, that happens when you get a facelift
Lee who?
whoa what i did i copy paste
>got covid
>mild symptoms
>got Paxlovid
No refunds
>I imagine the calculus is that killing Biden now would defang Trump's rhetoric
Dying of being decrepit doesn't make Joe a hero though.
There have been threads all day after kirk mentioned some insider knowledge, I'm not saying I know it's true, but this post another nail in the coffin so to speak.
oh never mind, apparently her full surname is jackson lee. i've been dabbling in the reefer this afternoon, but i knew i had the correct article
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is this bullish or bearish for the market?
Why does /pol/ automatically assume he's dead? He's probably just sick because he's 300 years old.
>Real Biden died years and years ago

And the script was always to burn "Biden" as a cutout before the election to protect the 2020 coup.

But why write their body double out of the script right now? Why not let him serve out his term and then retire?

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>no i am a actuall tranny not even trolling, google it
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Maybe he fell apart then shat himself heroically in an epic manner?
shouldnt have said the n-word
>implying that they don't just replace you with a clone once you get into office and Biden's clone simply degraded faster because the original was old to begin with.
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OFFICAL NOW , he is dead, mods sticky
>why would /pol/ assume a 300 yr old man is dead
Surgery will make someone look different for sure, but there are structural differences. Like right Biden has a cleft chin, a butt chin.
Left Biden has a smooth pointed chin which is very noticeable when he was younger.
>infusion of lifeforce from goyim baby
>joe lives another 12hrs
He'll be fine by tomorrow.
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That's Alpha Fag energy, based OP
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Happening canceled

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flag checks out
Fake and gay
How much more Febreze do you think they'll have to spray on him before someone notices?
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>partaking in glowops
I sleep
Big if true. Means my double split experiment worked.

BTW original Joe hasn't been seen since before 2014. Silicone Joe had to go--but how?

Double split experiment--keep talking about it, they won't be able to do it...(via assassination)
Kamala is not getting the nomination.
>another zogbot died in ukraine
Ah shieet.
Pic was probably taken while flag was being raised.

sleepy joe lives... youre all keked.... pelosi saved the day again
Watch it live:
This is the truth. They're losing the plot and people are starting to get over the hump on conspiracies. It's okay now to publicly say things that were not 3 months ago. Gradually at first then all of a sudden
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>Schrodinger's Flag
he is mad
israel killed Biden
Imagine trusting a kikeflag
biden is a niger
>israel killed Biden
Did they cough on him or leave a window open and a 'draft' blew him over?
He already cancelled a meeting with him like a month+ ago, and that’s why the jews decided to oust him. Why do you people take so long to figure shit out?
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Hammer-and-Sickle Cell?
damn. I guess after posting consistently everyday for the past 2 years OP was bound to be right some day. Way to go anon
Biden being dead would help dem chances so if it were true we would know it.
Deaderer than the last time he died.
I heard he's still alive but got a terminal illness
Hunter's entire life has been fucked up from the moment his own father didn't gaf if he and his sibs died--when he bumped Nailia's car from behind into the oncoming truck killing his wife and baby daughter Alice.

Always seeking daddy's love and approval when deep down inside of him he knows daddy didn't gaf about him.

Wife comes home, finds out Daddy is fucking the married baby sitter. Jill is Jewish, I often wonder if she was "sent in" to target Joe as ever since that night they have owned Joe. Delaware cops covered for Joe. Grateful Joe does what he's told from then on out. Now it's Silicone Joe, and Hunter knows.

That's why he and Ashley left their damning evidence out to be found. They both tried to derail the election of Silicone Joe. By that time their dad is a potato in the basement going over "important papers" and being told he's president or something.
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It's crueler to let him live.
>Biden being dead would help dem chances
The debate wasn't THAT bad.
thanks, my bad...
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His inaguration was his funeral. Check the time it happned. Check the number of shots.

The US militairy now controls all world governments.

Get ready.
JESUS, usa.
Why can't you cunts elect someone normal for a change?
Nice slide bullshit.
Netanyajew coup will not go unexposed & unpunished
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>The US militairy now controls all world governments.
>can't even control their own pronouns
I've always wrotten that picture off as him joking around, but the look on his face says it might actually be serious
literal who
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Biden was a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.
All the things Biden was doing were for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs never actually went into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump was STILL PRESIDENT all this time.
The plan was enacted over the inauguration weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements would be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump was still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happened during Bidens term was actually President Trumps doing.

>when he bumped Nailia's car from behind into the oncoming truck
>Delaware cops covered for Joe
This nigga knows what I know. yeah, him and jill were caught by hunters mom fucking and he had to order the hit.

>t. previous delaware resident
Sheila Jackson Lee. A congresswoman who just died
Told you guys so--over and over
>it will happen with no or few witnesses...

observation changes outcome. I "saw" Silicone Joe being "assassinated" in "retaliation" for Trump. Either by angry leftist because he wouldn't resign or by furious Magatard...I said it would happen where there were no or few witnesses.

Then I got the idea to keep posting the assassination RV. If I keep saying this they won't be able to do it like that. They'll either have to keep him or "let him die" of something else.

This is fun. FACT: they had to get rid of that masked actor somehow.
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Dat nigger be serius as a chicken wing
that's for the state of kentucky, not the capital building
Don't read this is cringe as fuck
>Real Biden was based and hated niggers
Have you ever seen the debate when REAL Biden basically says Obama is a homo?


easier to just post x link.
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So just some nobody then.
>who died
So a dead nobody.
Got it.
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Jesus fucking Christ that is the most POZZED link I've seen in years, use a link shortener next time agent Fernandez.
This would be big news. It's looking bad for Democrats
Still a better president than the nigger and the dead pedo combined.
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LOL glownigger cope
"plastic surgery".

Only top left is real Joe. Brown eyes blue eyes, good teeth bad teeth, who is that masked man?

He's a very good actor. That's what that whole dementia thing was all about...giving them an excuse/cover to let Silicone Joe melt into history.
They're trying to offer Biden's life as Some kind of peace offer for their assassination attempt

I don't think so you mother fuckers are going in the camps
Those in charge of this degenerecy have all been detained or executed.
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Still voting Biden.
Did they have one that actually looked like him?
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He's obviously not dead.

Don't screencap this in case I'm wrong
Trump if he Ukrainian
Biden's still probably dead though.
>Biden was a puppet.
They all are - Including Trump.
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Should be "kill him" but me too bro, me too.

Then I decided to try the double split--and it fucking worked. They couldn't assassinate him...so they did the next best thing.

No one will see or hear anything except what is TOLD.

I'm still flying to the usa and voting for trump in all the states where no IDs are required at least three times per state, honey.
I found it very suspicious. Covid? Only him and none of his staff? Several canceled meetings and literal disappearance since? The DNC has to say something, what are they hiding?
He's been half-dead the last four years and that didn't keep them from propping him up in office so the only actual answer for why they are pulling this shit now is that he actually is dead and they know they can't really pull a Weekend at Bernie's situation with a truly dead corpse so time for Kamala to be rigged in!
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Have they looked for a shallow grave over at the WH gardens?
You got too much shit.
Throw out half of your shit.
You'll still have too much shit, but at least you'll be able to hide the remaining shit that you wasted money on.
if the dead can vote for joe there's no reason you can't vote for a dead joe. stands to reason.
So will he
But I like my shit.
It's mine not yours.
Stop telling me what to do with my shit, american.
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Even when he was talking and moving around that was a big ask.
Live in filth.
There, now you're doing what I tell you to do.
Yes, you see, hunter had just used a penis pump and was busy pumping Jill when he collapsed suddenly. Of course, he's fine, it's just that too much blood was flowing to his second brain and he passed out. He's recovering now, and is enjoying a nice suck-off from his nurse.
Yep and it fucked Hunter up for the rest of his life. Consciously--subconsciously he knows.
OK so read this.
and this

I told you so.
oh fuckitol. It's just a straight link to an x video. It won't kill you. I get tired of endlessly having to upload the same damned video to catbox.
Not yet--but soon, very soon. they have to get rid of Silicone Joe somehow. They can't have a retaliatory "assassination" now--so a private one :D
Stop telling people what to do, little american.
There's this thing called freedom. Have you heard of that over in your village, bud?
can confirm from personal experience with OP
>btw, your welcome for the reach-around
At this point (5 days disappearance and one of the most important meetings of thd year canceled without explanation), it's not unreasonable to assume Biden is very ill and his party has been lying again to the American people
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>>they have to get rid of Silicone Joe somehow
>and his party has been lying again to the American people
Say it ain't so.
I'm shocked.
vatnigger shill thread (actual nigger too) btw
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Peak clown world: Rumors of the clone dying
>and one of the most important meetings of thd year canceled without explanation
>meeting some needy jew
Your numerals indicate you know--Bibi has to go soon too.

He's visiting the US--wouldn't it be awful if that parasite was "removed"?

They don't need it to be exact. They just need the NPCs to go along with whatever the talking box says.

They started doing it worse and worse (when it's possible *see Hollywood* to do something flawlessly and they do it as badly as this, you know it's meant to be noticed. Why? Not sure, mine is not to reason why, mine is but to see--

Left is Silicone Joe from debate, right is Silicone Green Screen Joe from the rally the next night. They did it badly on purpose. One has blue eyes, the other brown.

Like how badly can we do it and still have absolutely no one call us out?

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>white smoke from WH crematoria
Actually I didn't answer your question. The silicone masked Joe from 2020--that was about the closest they came to a reasonable fascimili. and they needed that one to be good--good enough to "win" the election.

It's the closest but it's still not Joe. I caught glowniggers in a major fuckup--on purpose? next post.
>They don't need it to be exact. They just need the NPCs to go along with whatever the talking box says.
You're right.
If the rectangular electric jew tells them, most americans just nod and do as it says.
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>it's real
Its happening.

t. March 2024.
Are you retarded? You think you can cancel a meeting/snub the leader of Israel?
This has definitely destroyed Kamala and any DNC candidates chances.
Isn't there a Marvel movie called 'The Inhumans' coming along?
Is it about your american election?
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Pull tabs for quick release confirm it was Silicone Joe.
>You think you can cancel a meeting/snub the leader of Israel?
It's only a jew not a real human.
Give it some pretzels and a goy baby to rape while it's waiting and it'll be fine.
It's only a jew.
Check out this image. Hunter took it on his cell phone. Only this image was NOT among those dropped during the laptop expose. Held back?


SO I see this dropped a few weeks ago and i thought, well fuck, that's buttchin Joe from 2016 so I guess I'm wrong--but I knew I wasn't wrong so I blew it up.

The fucking glowniggers PHOTOSHOPPED buttchin Joe over real Joe who I believe is a potato living in a basement somewhere (Delaware) Larping as president--pouring over important papers and having is diaper changed. The kids on the bed are Hunter Jr. and Natalie--probably visiting pawpaw.

Look at basement window and map--also, check out the DRAFT watermark near the top left.

I blocked out the kids faces so they don't have an excuse to ban me. Blow it up yourself. I put an arrow above the obvious shoop is obvious.
Vax status?
If Harris is the incumbent president it gives her a much better chance. Offing Joe is a smart move by the Dem(on)s.
There's simply no way the entire DC establishment would keep it a secret, but choose to fly the flags half mast before announcing.
Those niggers that raise and lower the flag would be like
>K, why dough?
Can you not post a link to support picrel? This picrel is from March 2024 then? This is Q level shit just curious

Same month as the guy who accurately predicted the attempt on Trump. That guy said he saw a second attempt by a woman on Trump aswell.
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American politics is like a nigger's life; fucked up.
DC flags are half mast like my pp
Did she get the medal of honor?
The Senator from the Great State of DuPont
She stands no chance. Biden regime is the biggest failure ever and is a wound the falling republic will never heal from.
Disaster after disaster, defeat after defeat.
For the nigger congresswoman who died.
He’s obviously dead
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>second attempt by a woman on Trump
Women are fucking useless at most jobs but suddenly think they can kill an american god when a redneck failed due to divine/time-traveler intervention?
How many times did they try killing Hitler?
Someone looks after his own, baby!
You am on the WRONG side of history, honeybunch.
it's pretty fucked up that he died and no one in the office noticed until it was monday
why are you telling us? not like it changes anything. jews will just replace him with some other golem to read the jewish announcements
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There are people that claim, due to all the "physical comedy" like falling up stairs etc that the masked actor is Jim Carey. I don't know about that--but when I got the "feels" and did a photo journey back in time I decided real Joe was sent to the basement during Obama's second reign of terror. At least that's my timeline right now.

This man looks NOTHING like the masked man--masked man looks enough like real Joe to keep the NPCs from asking questions.

That's the magic of the talking box. If they always call it Joe, then it must be Joe because so many people wouldn't play along---right? I mean, three people can keep a secret it two of them are dead, so this is not possible, someone would tell...right, and be called a conspiracy tard, be told it's just plastic surgery, shhh go back to sleep..no one has the courage to stand up and point and say "the Emperor has no clothes".

People will say (if exposed) "I knew all along" blah blah, then why didn't you fucking say so? Cowards.

Trump is just as fucking guilty. Debating as if HE believed that was Joe. "it's part of the plan"...well Trump has engaged in a good bit of double fuckery himself--so much so I was doing ear compares to see
1. if it was trump that got shot
2. if that was actually Trump in the court room

I reckon both those were indeed real Trump.
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epstein is still alive.. trump busted him out of jail, you dont remember?
The cleaners moved him to clean under his chair then wheeled it back into place.
>minimum wage
>ain't in my job description
The shooter will never be a real woman
Fucking Slovenigger, I mistake your flag for the Russian one every single time
I saw that vid you're referencing and I was like wtf. Seeing this video a week+ later has me equally enamored, like what the actual fuck is going on. This is way too on the nose to be coincidence
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We have weekends off here
Clone bullshit.

Clone=exact copy. That clone shit is glownigger tier bullshit fed to Qtards to keep them on the reservation.

Note the dates of the photos--no one changes that much in a week.
First female president is a black women. Hildawg absolutely seething inside
Sources say
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They have killed Biden and stupid sheeps will believe the official narrative.

Biden die one week after Trump's assassination attempt and no one question anything among normies and libs.
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This is like when RBG had been dead and they hosted a “tribute” to her at some jazz club where no reporters took pics, but reported on her daughter’s speech.

>> 475252037
They tell us

Having worked in DC I can tell you no breaking news headline is really breaking. Shit happens days prior and they feed it to the media who go “Big happening!”

>not useful to king jew because he's not getting reelected
>has chink aids
>wow dood why they cancel the meeting? He must be dead!
I know--and it was so disheartening showing friends these images and having them look at me like OK crazy train.

I even had some refuse to even look at them.

A Kamala.

This one legit scared me. Almost like there is some kind of lizard behind that mask :D (insert Hecklefish).
They'll just roll out some AI engineered address from a pretend to oval Office. No one will be the wiser. They'll pay off and threaten the biden family and this will all be forgotten.
jedini problem je sto je srbin iz bosne
why they even waste time with election on this turbo clownish system is anyone guess
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Anon doesn't know.
Most people don't realize that a lot of "x" subject matter is actually real and meshes with our daily reality constantly. A lot of it are layers of psyop but a lot of it isn't. Psychic and astral phenomena are real, and so are extra dimensional entities. The world is 100% due for a completely world changing series of events before 2030, the kind that destroy and break down the old world and lead us into a much better new world either abruptly or gradually.
>I even had some refuse to even look at them.
They're close but are afraid of the truth.
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Organic Robotoid. DARPA is light years ahead and they are now openly talking about skin being used on robots and synthetic uteruses. The glitches and pants shitting are the beta bugs. Try and find any good videos about this on even “free speech” video sites and other sites. All nuked. When not using the crapper robot they use CGI/AI and probably some doubles.
They are just replacing their clone.
>janitors are in charge of the flag
t. mulatto zoomer
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Kek, I could do a better job on a free app and they have billions of secret tech.

Remember they said she was getting a facelift? Like that turns your eyes black. She has that CGI smooth look Biden has. It’s almost like they knew she was gonna VP so they replaced her with a synthetic. The. You have the Mitch Glitch and 238 Hillary’s.
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that webm is stuff of nightmares
are you that fat bastard who posts on redzone threads?
>died in ukraine
He hung himself in his shit, piss and cum stained barracks
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I’ve paid a lot more attention to how much of Biden (and most elites) are just green screen backgrounds. This parachute demo with NATO looks like 1970’s special effects. Proves they are all in on it.
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Tom Cruise struggles with it sometimes.
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Welcome, FBI.
>Having worked in DC I can tell you no breaking news headline is really breaking
Everyone inside the Beltway understands.

Buy no one risks breaking kayfabe.
I don't know main.
Military people are saluting her now.
The rumors are from this very place you idiot.
This was not the first attempt on Trump.

Another preacher predicted it too--right down to the ear being hurt.

Assassination prediction. I did my own work (based on things I "saw" back in 2007) and then compared mine to others. I started feeling a MASSIVE energetic upset coming--wondering what can this be? I do my work, come up with the fucking tornadic blender again--everything I saw in 2007 that didn't happen back then (except the financial crisis, that happened and I was expecting the rest but nothing happened) I thought I was super fail then...but back then there was NO Trump, Hillary won--things were terrible--very bad. So when Trump popped up I was SO happy--yay that means nothing I saw will happen. NEver so glad to be wrong.

THEN I learn about timeline shifts and dimensions.
So I went and checked my work against Future Forecasters...luminosity event and July clif high event. I was stunned to see every single thing in my 2007 visions--mentioned. Each one of them came with something different. Nayim came with assassination (meaning death) but by then I was feeling something off, like that referred to Bibi--not Trump. And so it goes, Trump assassination fail, Silicone Joe has to go...Bibi is coming for a "visit" soon and his entire fucking country is sick of him.

But there's more--"alien invasion" (fake) & earth events...I still do not "feel" what the ONE thing is that caused the massive unrest upset--major disruptions--that might be an earth-based natural event (as natural as they can be--considering).

WHY? because I ask logical questions.
>why are they drawing all druggies for legal drugs to the west coast?
>why are so many businesses leaving West Coast
>why are homeless being attracted to these areas?
>why is crime being allowed to spiral out of control?
>why is NYC being allowed to go to the shitter?

Why are so many people willing to loose so much money?

They know. Best guess. WHAT? depends on what flies out of the tornadic blender next.
Why would the fbi care about this poll?
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>saluting niggers
Why break the habit of a lifetime, usa?
>epstein is still alive
Yes. The night of the NYC blackout.

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>click on poll
>IP recorded
>check against federal records
>dog gets shot
Why take the risk? Don't you like your dog any more?
glownigger getting tetchy
Implying everyone’s ip isn’t already recorded when they come here?
But why make it easier for smelly jews?
I have no idea why. Why bother going to all this trouble? Why not just let Joe be a potato?

None of it makes a bit of sense, but it is what it is.

Double have been big for ages. Winston Churchill was drunk so often many of his radio addresses and live appearances were a double.

Saddam, Putin--Hillary, Bill Obamas...it's nuts but it's true.

The New Bill looks so little like real Bill it's mind boggling. Not only that his body language is NOTHING like Real Bill.

We're all being gaslit and are too afraid to say anything.

I mean fucking look at that dude, Bill Clinton never looked like or stood like that a day in his fucking life.

it's all theater--that was the so called democratic fundraiser for Silicone Joe. I don't think any of those people are the real deals.
>Hildawg absolutely seething inside
KEK I admit that gave me a guffaw.
>Why not just let Joe be a potato?
Because seeing the world's most powerful and incompetent nuclear power ruled by a mong who falls over or sharts his pants is hilarious.
The usa is hilarious.
What's not to like?
Not a fucking Hologram. A Hologram would look like Joe. Maybe that's Tucker's cope...

As far as Ruth B. Ginsberg? KEK the most epic weekend at Bernies ever.

Remember the LARP we have re Ginsberg? Pepe farms remembers.
'V' was right in the 1980s.
They're just lizards and they're not even trying to hide it any more.
They'll be eating people in the street next.
>First female president is a black women. Hildawg absolutely seething inside
The supposed death of "Biden" might have been pushback against Hillary's attempt to claim the nomination for herself.
>a black women
Isn't she some paki hybrid... not negroid?
>Biden is dead
So, they took him out, covid is a deadly weapon, especially for the elderly. They used poor old Joe, rode him hard and hung him up dry.
>They used poor old Joe, rode him hard and hung him up dry.
That was an elderly actor.
Joe Biden died in 2020.
i loved this tv show
Diana was hot
even 6 year old me could tell.
I would bang her lizard cunt even today
Never go full lizard.
>lizard cunt
Don't say I didn't warn you!
HA "will happen with few or no witnesses" if true...
There is indeed a lot of green screening--the war in Ukraine, Zelsnsky

But what if the entire Nuremberg trial was a hollywood production?

Stumbled upon this dude's work, his channel is full of mind blowing images etc re Nuremberg. This is just one vid--check his channel catalog.


Most of us know the Holohoax was fake and gay--that means the trials also had to be--fake and gay. Remember, the US snapped up all those "Nazi" scientists (operation paperclip).

The entire inauguration was fake and gay. WHo tf believed that was the Clintons? THE FUCKING TALKING BOX--and masks sure came in handy.
>Isn't she some paki hybrid... not negroid?
Yes, but the groids aren't smart enough to figure that out so the Dems keep saying it.
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>Most of us know the Holohoax was fake and gay
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i made the mistake of looking it up anon

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