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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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tokébak icitte sti
just ate a slice of cake.
just did a slice of 'cake'
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he really took offense to that and got a bit mad to start throwing out buz words more because his life is little and sad. not even the best rage he gets - he only gets slop - he cant get any better, cant get more even though he goes for the lowest fruit. what a loser!
Strawberries are by far the best fruit
Saving Gay Head
And that's a slice of life
Drinking a vodka seltzer
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it has started
im back
Janny might not like this one, but I dont think he usually gets his knickers in a twist over ol' Joe
They’re technically not a fruit
rocking out to some Donny because what else is life for
holy cringe

Strawberries are decent at best. And that's only if we're talking about summer strawberries while they're in season - winter strawberries on the other hand might as well be fucking celery.

Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are better in every way imaginable.
joe biden wake up
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This is what I think of the janny
how to tell if someones dick doesnt work in real life: they sit there and tell someone to shut up in reply at every single post from someone when it never works and no one listens or cares. probably their legs too
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janitorial staff on sewercide watch
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I took botany too bro, I mean the culinary definition of fruit.
Raspberries are weird
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pomegranate and blueberries are better
watching kill tony
this shit sucks man
your country has mere weeks left
Aw man, I thought this was going to be mambo number five.
its over...
My friends keep telling me watch it
Isn’t it related to Joe Rogan?
Not interested in anything related to that retard
how long after last having sex do i become a virgin again?
two more weeks
>this shit sucks
Always has
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think my yellow fever is fading, I just want a white gf like nature intended
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One of my goals in life is too snort cocaine with Mambo No.5 on repeat in the background
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immediately after your 2nd baptism
good boy
make white babies so i can get a white wife.
I love Bon Jovi
hoh, me no rikey
i'd take anything
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cocaine is very overrated
>Isn’t it related to Joe Rogan?
yes it's in his sphere of influence i think and he happens to be a guest on the episode that's live right now, but i don't know how often he does that
it's live rn on youtube, just search "kill tony" and you'll probably find it. i already closed the tab because i couldn't watch anymore
you sound like a fag
Hitler never wanted to get rid of bongs thoughbeit, even as late as like 1941-42 he still thought they might come around to Germany's side eventually.
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I think it's merely overpriced
you tryna marry a baby?
What is it exactly?
A standup comedy competition or something?
Cocaine is only good if you drink a lot of alcohol first
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if you cum, they win
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drinking beer in bed while doing online training
Drinking milk in my gamer chair while doing online trading. Just made another million.
Late night tanning and then lifting seah
Fu yeah buds
I'm white actually
also i have 3 bitches sucking me right now. so is SO cash
shut up virgin, nobody cares
not even
where do i get 100% pure cocaine for 10 dollars a gram?
Today was a good day on the stock market
>A standup comedy competition
yeah pretty much, they grab random people to do stand-up and inevitably do terribly then some annoying guy makes fun of them in a very mean and not that funny way
idk why people like it so much but it's been very popular lately
hope you enjoy it more than i did, maybe i just don't get it
you wouldn't be a virgin if bitches knew you had some bumps for em
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stinky and gassy here
>From a botanical point of view, the strawberry is not a berry but an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries.[4] Each apparent "seed" (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.
Today was a good day on the gambling pump and dump politician funded law makin market
do you shop at Target?
do a real drug, virgin creep
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Do people unironically believe Harris could beat Trump?
It would be very grim, Trudeau level even
all furries in gas chambers
Trump racketeering Taiwan for protection money is too amazing an event to miss
i like this art style
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what kind of milk?
this. we can't let it happen israelbros
If Kamal wins, I'm gonna make 4k on mybookie.
I need a female friend to tell all her other famale friends what a nice dick i have
Then life would be swell
not really, don't care for it.
Remember that people didn't vote for Biden because they liked him, they voted against Trump because so many people hate him
I looked at some Black social media pages, except for a few women doing the "stronk black womanz" bit, seems most don't like her. Low Energy!
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>iconography clearly trying to imply that “progressive” means meaningful advancement
Cow milk.
>Trudeau level
If there's one thing I know for certain about this country, it's that we always amp things up to 11. She'll make Trudeau look like he leans right.
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I can hear the cackling, make it stop
No but the possibility is concerning
A lot of people bought into Biden's "return to normalcy" shtick, but that isn't gonna fly this time around
imagine 4 years of that cackle...ugh
i'm hearing that people are excited about her. definitely give her better odds than biden
whole? 2%?
Why are MIGA schizos freaking out all of a sudden?

The recent ICJ ruling must really have you terrified, for you to be reacting this way.
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we need to hunker down and come up with a better attack plan besides
>she laughs
she's already secured the live laugh love vote
Biden did and he was senile
If Japanese females started weight training, white girls would be toast, desu ne
My mom buys 2% so I just drink that.
so none of you losers know where to get 100% pure cocaine for 10 dollars a gram?

this world fucked.
truedeau leaglize cocaine
>people didn't vote for Biden because they liked him
But Biden had that Obummer connection, voting for him was like rejecting the post-2016 era and getting a 3rd Barack term. She has nothing like that and has been a non-entity since 2020.
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I just don't know why pretend antisemites get upset when I mention Trump's enormous jew connections
I don't give a fuck about israel
you should be drinking skim milk only
she's a woman (i.e inept)
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not even the best berry.
Let's not get too political here, okay honey? Reminder that there's a board for that, I'd hate to have to get the janitorial staff involved.
If you are gonna samefag you need to at least wait a little longer to reply to yourself lol
Stop feeding disinformation. Whole milk is superior, preferably not (((pasteurized)))
Even the Navajo used swastikas wtf
>extremely easy to draw symbol is all over the world
Holy fuark...
Yea people will remember how big of a disaster trump was closer to election time
yea superior, the superior way to clog your arteries and become a fat ass
That leaf I replied to is pro-Trump and pretending to be anti-Israel. I'm anti-Trump and anti-Israel.
It's very very strange that the president of the United States dropped out of the race via a tweet written by somebody else, with no presidential seal and hasn't been seen or heard since.
>Pre-historic rock carvings
Certified kino symbol
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After saying he would never drop out too. Where are they keeping him now do you think?
Project 2025 is liberal fearmongering
Is Cuckson a junkie now and also proud of it? Oh no oh no oh no, he might end himself soon
its a 5d move or something. donald zog is secreteley hitler despite all his descendants being jews (baron will also be married off to some jew, tiffy doesnt count since he hates her)
>The 2025 Presidential Transition Project,[3] also known as Project 2025, is an initiative organized by the Heritage Foundation
I've read enough
Then why do Trumps advisors love it?
It's scary
Wrong, I'm anti-Trump and neutral on Israel, though strongly opposed to the current far-right course that Israel has taken.
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I always spend like four hours on here instead of eating and bulking up, I lack disciprine.
People don't get clogged arteries and become fat from drinking milk, especially not the ancestral version. They get fat from sugar and sn€€d oils. Calories in/ calories out. The nutrient profile in whole milk is superb, and the fats in it are healthy.
>It's scary
methinks you're the one crying about the "gaza genocide" all the time
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i want pizza but it's too late.
Don't they just want to get rid of gays and put church shit in schools? I don't care about any of that shit
>like four hours
You're one lonely pussy
project 2025 is like when /x/ schizos talk about UN article 37 or whatever the fuck. that shit is not real, drumpf himself called it a wishlist written by weird extremists. "not too far, WAY too far" - his own words
me on the terlit after eating jambalaya
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America will inevitably embrace Caesarism, it's just whether it happens soon or generations from now
it's the fucking Heritage Foundation they're basically demonic entities
Takes one to know one.
I like this .gif a lot.
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>Project 2025 search trends
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Sure but it’s still uncanny and exactly like the nazi swastika
Replacing every single executive branch employee with right wing loyalists is fascist
I believe in separation of church and state. Religion has no place in education.
no they will not, the founding fathers key motto was liberation from kings
The American people aren't stupid enough to elect her... right?
They're stupid enough to do it. But they're racist enough not to.
If someone gets dubs I'll vote for who they tell me to vote for.
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Me? yeah I'm voting for a candidate that nobody elected under a party that held no primary and is backed by almost exclusively billion dollar corporations that have doubled the price of almost everything in the last 4 years for no reason.

It's for the good of America after all
Nah bro I actually work out and spend 20 minutes here, nice projection tho, bitch ass
The real reason we can't let Trump win is he will concede to Putin, allowing him to expand his European invasion and trigger WW3
>he doesn't know
The Roman Republic was founded on an autistic hatred of Kings, it still became a dictatorship, then openly hereditary Empire.
this is a very Kafkaesque image
>not the US
don't care
me? Don’t spend anytime here at all
Not one second
Off fucking and lifting tons of weight and being a sick cunt in general
i'm voting rfk THOever
We'd get nuked you fucking monkey
it is very vexing in this day and age that OCS is lowkey out of the fight just because she's a Mexican woman. No, really.
>They're stupid enough to do it. But they're racist enough not to.
Greatest quote ever uttered in /cum/, galaxybrain.jpg moment
She still has like a 90% chance to lose but that's down from Biden's 100% chance.
This bitch is hot but after Trump surviving that gunshot is pretty much impossible for him to lose
i thought so too but apparently it's a lot tighter than you'd think. hopefully the debates will remind the world what a horrible hag that woman is
and the empire came from attacking the Sabines first
No, and contrary to what you're probably thinking, I'm not an ayyyrab or durka-durka or anything of the sort. I'm a radical centrist who strongly hates the authoritarian right and left, and Israel has basically become a far-right country masquerading as a Western-style constitutional state. Not that the Palestinians are much better, but at least the Palestinians don't enjoy infinite impunity.
I work out too faggot I just don't eat a lot so I stay slim. The strength is all still there though, I bet I could beat the shit out your midget ass.
I agree. That's my main concern with Trump. Russia can't be allowed to advance any further into Europe, and Trump doesn't care about Ukraine.
>This bitch is hot
unless she plans on blowing me it doesn't make a difference
She's not old enough to run for president you dumbfuck
Yeah bro tell your mom or something idk, fucking loser
>not the incumbent
>unproven with no political 'brand'
>not a charismatic speaker at all
>low electorate confidence in the economy
Seems everything is stacked against her ngl
I will continue to be terrified of a Trump administration until he pledges full support for NATO and Ukraine
Yep, MAGApedes can't think of the big picture.
You mean YOU'D get nuked. I live in bumfuck Idaho they're not going to nuke me.
i want to kill myself
Don't, let's talk it out
So you wouldn't mind our cities getting nuked?
I thought Trump voters loved America?
I felt that exact way this morning, bud, like legitimately suicidal. Take a few deep breaths and keep moving forward.
I didn't claim you were anything like that but you brought up the ICJ ruling so that's why I think you're that anon. Why else would you bring that up if you don't think there's a genocide happening? By the way the ICJ did not rule Israel was plausibility committing genocide.
Trump wont win he tried to overturn the last election, americans aren't stupid
so is dementia a prerequisite?
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I don't give a fuck about you guys. I vote for my priorities.
But bro they had a zoom call with 47 000 black women on it to support her
>Americans aren't stupid
I know, like I said, conservatives vote selfishly
You need to be 35 years or older. 10 year olds know this, maybe you should just shut the fuck up
He didn't thoughbeit
There is LITERALLY a samefagging proxyfag ITT
With him surviving that gunshot he already won
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Are you cute? If so don't do it babe I luv you
Kanye West
every minor inconvenience makes me want to die. if something slightly worse happens to me i dont know if I'm gonna make it. I wont vote until a candidate promises sanctioned suicide
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It's actually terrifying that my fellow citizens think this would be okay.
Are you out of your goddamned mind?!?!?
>rape a bunch of women
>make it an integral part of your history and one of the most popular art subjects
Were the Romans giga-chads or what?
nta but I used to think January 6th was a shitty riot but read all these court docs and dispositions and stuff it's pretty clear this retard actually tried to overturn the election with the most retarded plan in modern american political history.
>Electing Trump will lead us into WW3!!!
Trumps presidency was the most peaceful time our country had in decades, meanwhile immediately after biden got elected the world started burning. Which is exactly what everybody said would happen
I for one, support Israel
if you really wanted to you'd have done it
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yippie ki whah, motherfucker? Make way for president Willis!
The world will still be burning in January, and I do NOT trust Trump to be able to handle it
i'd do it if it was easier
he hired fake electors though
no one cares anymore, the news now is about biden dropping out
How many libtards have you dunked on this week?
jan 6th was the worse than 9/11 and pearl harbor combined
trump will be the end of this country
Anon, that's very vague but I understand the feeling. You're under too much pressure right now, from yourself or the people surrounding you, take baby steps to try to make your life better, you're the priority
>even the one demographic slice that should 110% support her doesn't
Big yikes lol

1. It's not even real, it's just some gay boogeyman the dems made up cause they're desperate
2. even if it were real it wouldn't be the end of anything
Justin But Lag? In my /cum/?
Damn I might have to move a bit but like I said, I'd be fine.
You must do nothing less than change your entire mindset. Develop a center that is not moved by external events. Minor inconveniences, and major ones, are inevitable. Learn to roll with it.
The fact that you believe Trump being less aggressive towards russia increases our chances of getting nuked opposed to biden wanting to send troops and equipment to fight russia shows just how retarded you are
How do you even define peace during his term retard? you fight shadow wars with spooks. he actually has a huge lay of the blame for the war in gaza right now.
Are you aware that you are a sociopath?
Weed isnt giving me schizophrenia it just enhances my hearing
same i believed the chuds memes that it was just a riot
So jf we are going to take the Trump/Caesar USA/Rome comparison to its logical conclusion, who would be the modern day Octavius?
Clearly none of his sons could rise up and consolidate power
Is there anyone in the public eye or close to him that could manage to become Augustus to his Julius?
none but its funny to see so many of them still clinging to the teleprompter glass thing
Try exercising. It will help you a lot.

Also try talking with an AI about your problems if you can't afford a therapist.
Russia repelled from Ukraine = maybe nukes
Russia invades baltics and Poland = DEFINITELY nukes
The first few polls for Harris are really bad (literally Trump+9 at her worst), but we'll see
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Do you even realize how crazy you sound right now?
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russia is a gigantic bitch nation that can't handle a country bordering them which used to be an integral part of their former commie empire. nook threads from putin are meaningless, it's china's final warning tier. we've been sending equipment killing russians with impunity for the last almost 3 years.
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Are you aware that I just got fucking quads?
i would vote for trump if he promises to send american troops to ukraine
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You mean like her?
pop that pussy
why was mr T so anti chyna but not anti russia

activates the Prunus dulcis
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>Clearly none of his sons could rise up
Stfu pedozilian, you ain't popping no pussy lol
>he actually has a huge lay of the blame for the war in gaza right now.
Lolwhat? There was unprecedented peace in the region when Trump was in office, the Abraham Accords were huge. Biden is what caused the genocide in gaza by fleeing afghanistan and leaving all of our equipment behind so the taliban could use it on Iran, which they did, which led Iran funding hamas' attack on israel
Russians are all pussies, put me in a room with like ten of them and I'm topping all of them.
You're a scary dude
>muh MIGA
Lmao holy shit you faggots still use that “meme”?
Oh you’re a retarded teenager. Carry on.
one gold watch
two gold rangz
three gold chainz
it's nuffin (goddamn!)
>Why else would you bring that up
Because it made MIGAtards panic and show their true colors
why do trumptards blame biden for Afghanistan when trump was the one who signed the deal
If you think Russia is capable of invading Poland you're a moron. Russia is going to need decades to recover from their war in Ukraine which is much less powerful than Poland
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I'll spare /cum/ my perverted fantasies, but yeah, like that.
Unrealistic, the containers should be 1 liter yogurt containers
/cum/ so fast rn
Trump also threw out the Iran deal, allowing them to restart their nuclear program
cause bidentards are the ones who botched the withdrawal, you fucking room temp IQ mong
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You say this every thread
I've always had that problem
A lot of new blood
Because biden was the one who decided to pull out everything immediately without and preparation and leave all our equipment behind
>There was unprecedented peace in the region
a peace plan FOR Israel. pulling would-be sympathetic Arab countries away from the Palestinian issue and into Israel's arms, Hamas cited the normalization between Israel and Arab states and the Jerusalem shit as casus belli for Oct 7th
Holy jesus, these women could rape any guy they wanted, fucking scary
Good, Afghanistan isn't our problem
because the execution was the problem
that was trumps terms. did you not read it
FYI, both Tokyo and Osaka have “wrestling cafes”, where a girl built like that will put you in various (gentle) holds between drinks
Good chance your face will end up in her armpit but I consider that a bonus.
and biden was in charge when he bungled it duh
oh no some humvees got left behind now the Taliban can make a super mechanized army now
Iran should be allowed to have a nuclear program.
some tourists just sightseeing
>Trump is to blame for bidens actions
you're actually a mongoloid
wish i was a mushroom and could grow spores or whatever on my head that'd be pretty cool
Imagine being fucked in the ass by a horse.
Okay, I'm a little stoned and you provoked me with that statement, so I'll just say that I want to suck, lick, kiss, and worship every inch of their bodies. I want to fuck them and get fucked by them. I want them to wear strap on dildos and spit roast me.
Japan, everyone kneels before your country....
youre not gonna believe this
From where
democrats smdh
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>oh no some humvees got left behind
trump made the mess, biden had to clean it up
Can't believe I got fucking banned from /tv/ for mentioning has autism. A couple of hours ago a thread was made in there mentioning autism has a cure. I mentioned that about my son and one hour later I was fucking banned. Unbelievable.
Complete Patton's sentence!

The Russian is a ____, a ____, an____ and a complete ____. The only thing that concerns me regarding them is how much _____ __ ____ ____ ____ _____.
I'm not gonna be a meanie because you're high, but you really need to go outside and stop looking at so much porn/hentai
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Anyway, how was your guys day?
I only saw one homeless man today!
New int lurkers
retard retard retard retard retard retard
>for mentioning has autism
for mentioning my son has autism*
how do you mfers breed so much. teach me
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Taliban Afghanistan unironically had one of the best equipped militaries on paper after getting all this shit lol, they legitimately had more helicopters than the Canadian Armed forces
janny is gonna have a conniption when they get back from their sissy hypno goon sesh
Felt amazing, helped one homeless dude today with some change
What's the cure?
is there any reason why there's pictures of a UH-1Y Venom and a Bell AH-1 Cobra for transport and utility helicopters? also it says 3000 humvees right there lol
nah threads almost at bump limit
You get a boner, slap her titties around some and then stick it inside her and pee
i saw more mexicans than white people today
mexico's birthrate is below replacement level
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you can save her
Every day in California
We have over 100 Bell CH-146 Griffons alone so you're wrong
probably sold them to china or russia now since they cant mantain it
That sounds unreal, but if you're telling the truth just appeal the ban if you care so much. Also you're blessed with a kid with autism, don't look for a cure
Every day in Texas
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Smoking peach flavoured weed vape.
its over. who are they replacing mexicans with?
Took a couple puffs off a joint
Fucking lol at these latino editorials
Everyday I'm shufflin
Listening to Planet Caravan AND smoking weed, whachu gonna do?
kafka pack
Had to pre-emptively create this to stop what was coming
well done. great job.
Based but everyone talks about that song like it's some underappreciated masterpiece. It's good but pretty trite.
What concerns is our sell out governor plans on being her running mate . Bastard took peoples farms and land away to sell out to foreign private corporations one being a Vietnam electric car company that nobody wants.
Now youse can't leave.
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>moving a thread to /pol/ when it is past it's bump limit anyways
85,000,000 blowjobs
we did it bros. we can finally be politically racist in /cum/

Nigger kike faggots!
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Cry about it faggot look at the mouse go boom!
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boring I like ziggers go boom
i was right. the sissy hypno melted his brain so hard he even threw the thread over to /pol/ lmao



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Heil meowtler!

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