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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Confidential Text included
>Literal STAR at the bottom
Need some autism to get a clear message read
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Original image.
You know I fucking hate the CIA but it's kind of depressing that even THEY are stupider than they used to be. That competency crisis really is taking no prisoners, isn't it?
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Oh sweet, a schizo thread. Old /pol/ is back.
Edit the pixels to be darker you PC-posting dweebs
>t. Phonechad
it only has to be legit enough for normies
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Hidden Pixels
too low resolution but the star is interesting. its like its the paper behind the document and they took a picture with their phone or something instead of uploading the docx file and accidentally revealed the deep state jewish pedophile cult papers underneath the fake doctor report
I thought my screen was just dirty
They will wheel him out again, or someone with a biden mask probably soon. They are just milking the fake covid shit for as long as they can.
Yeah CIA was at least believable when Catholics were in there.
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All they'd have to do is just have their own encrypted LoRaWAN network and mesh devices to send glowie comms across the globe.

Why would they need to resort to really bad stenography in public images in 2024?
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So they made a copy of a letter 20x then took a picture of it and posted on Twitter. Did mossad write this letter?
Oh shit it's actually real for once.
looks like a dirty printer drum
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Scitzos are gods
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Image Gradient
It's just an old dirty photocopier. (Sorry zoomers you won't know what that is.) There's no way to recover any text there.
They're satanists so they believe in DEI doubly hard
glowniggers have entered the thread
Seal is bigger and different on the other print.
yeah its clearly some jewish document underneath biden's wellness report that got lifted by the nigs taking a picture of the document on the desk
Bump, how does this happen? Im pretty much a caveman when it comes to computer stuff.
boomer election tourist
>t. zoomer
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It's hard to make out, but I think it says OP is a faggot.
glownigger you wont stop people from attempting to recover the text
Your attempts of demoralization and derailment have failed
Bro, there's no presidential letterhead and the signatures don't match. We all already know it's a forgery of some flavor and some fuckery is going on.
The seal at the top is very visible in this one. Does anyone know what documents have that kind of seal?
Could be the cover document if it's a large seal.
There is definitely some text in the background. The Seal of the US at the top is also there.
Yeah it is only going to only ever be slightly smarter than the general population based upon IQ statistics and since everybody's fucking retarded now you're pretty much screwed

this is starting to become a bit more legible. you can see an emblem on the top and that star on the bottom clearly. i wonder if they can be tracked to something already existing.
Look up any declassified military document.
They usually have a large seal/logo/title on the front that gets repeated on the top of the page as a sort of "watermark"
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Nah, im still a newfag but ive been here since 2014.
Im just terrible with computers like I cant even figure out how to mod minecraft without killing my computer.
This is what I was thinking. The seal is super visible in >>475307972
not much more info left to uncover in the photo. whatever caused this, the resolution is just too low. the star on the bottom and the oversized double eagle symbol at the top are obvious however, and it contains a substantial paragraph of info. apart from that, specifics would be impossible to determine and any inquiries would likely go nowhere
There is another page behind it in the scanner. They scan whole stacks at the same time, they just flip the last one scanned to the back until they've done the whole pile.
again. it's a dirty printer drum. look at the silhouette of smudged text right below the footer. It's the exact same shape as the footer. You can even see some of the signature.
They don't care anymore.
He's dead
Alien lettering
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>STAR at the bottom
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this is what chatgpt read from this
»\n’\n|\n“4\now\n>-\n\'\n‘ =\n; aa yet os\n| UTC o WIG ;\n| s 4\n»,\ntz owls 7 . a >: ¥:\nDe tpeiee tame Zo ACEO oped & ~\nee age ee arr enaann ens\npete ee hd ee Le acto verb ves fF\nLl wre eel nme. owe sy) bois ae |\n6 Ak oe ae ‘~~. ony A. FOO 1 ¢\nSly Swe PT ow & re wee\nRL: : - ‘ “an?\n4 \'\n, .\n*: ee - :\nwon . : . ~Ule.\nita, Fes he vehe of, Fur S- nl aa\n". ey OTe ) ep Ps t5 -oe** oboe r. S$\nfel sto Bm Se Jeeta te Ft ead q ae\n7 Oma he: alc Oe Nese ~ e bey ‘es\neo! = e ve ee my “-" " “@ oe .\n. © dem ee ote he Ree tee. Oke AAP Did bet fee | AY\nLeg Sa eat ape ey an in\na v ae * - ‘ Pia f p = of.” he\n.. wt! ae re Ne} ¥ IG vent os\nep ye Eo! Tas\n'
>Swe PT ow & re wee
What diid it mean by this?!?!
It was one of Biden's cognitive exercises worksheets - he did well enough to earn himself a star sticker.
try with this one >>475307972
wow. i guess joe biden IS still alive. they wrote a transcript of one of his speeches.
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>It's just an old dirty photocopier
I doubt I've ever seen a more accurate description of Joe Biden in my life. Aside from 'pedophile.'
You gpt niggers are so fucking lazy and useless
thanks retard, that really clears things up
I guess the weird part is that they usually don't put a lot of text on the cover page of government documents.
I'm not sure. With everything that's happening I don't think anyone will truly know
Holy shit the president’s physician isn’t even an MD!!! HES A DO???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
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mmm hmmm
Oy Vey!
holy shit you cracked the case
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My God.
It even has a watermark.
Looks like the ghost image of a large spread-winged bird above the 22 July 2004 date encompassing the american eage seal at the top. And an obvious star at the bottom of page. Perhaps Washington is run by a shadow politburo
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>it's a dirty printer drum, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
>It's the jews
Add me to the screen cap bros. We're so back
this thread is interesting because you guys are actually trying to do something and threads like this are why I even checked out pol in the first place but holy shit you guys are bad. were is this hacker named 4chan I kept hearing about?
Why is it written in Dutch?
This is unironically a job for AI. It will do this better than any human. That being said, it's not that interesting.
Looks like remnants from rhe last document printed.
Possibly something to do with Israel and Bibi in town this week.
y'all have to use an approach more similar to this, where you statistically infer the most likely character based on the surrounding color blocks
I respect and prefer DOs desu. MDs kind of suck these days. Only surgeons seem sensible after the plandemic.
Assume it's printed on both sides of the page and the bleed through is going to therefore be mirrored.
Flip the image and run it again.
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You best some respek' on their name when you finna talmbout Schizo kings.
Same here lol.
Nigger, not every thread is a good one.
Finding shit takes exploring every angle until it becomes apparent there is nothing.
Threads like these come and go all the time. You only hear about the good ones
ask it to translate to English
does this make sense to anyone?
"Ch Vibe en Ors SAD iy Pe xc, Vie var ALON Ie ok Pass ee PEBOS."
It says if you don’t reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
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Perhaps a watermark to discourage forgeries?
looks like watermark. on the bottom where you put question is a Star. run it thru https://29a.ch/photo-forensics/#level-sweep
It means absolutely nothing. OP is looking at something he doesn't understand, and because he doesn't understand it, he's making the assumption that it must be incriminating evidence of something nefarious. Typical retard schizo behavior.
That's Enigma Nazi encryption for "niggers tongue my anus"
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the call was made

good job lad, getting better..
it's a doctor retard
it's a used printer in nasty conditions
old shit he has typed
this is simply evidence that they need to replace the worn out drum in their laser printer.
>printer drum head
Explain to us why that's a comfort
maybe the highlighted letters spell out something
sad biden passed
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More mundanely, it's so if government employees are stealing office supplies, they get caught.
>it's depressing that the ones who rule over me are incompetent
fuck that's funny
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Pebos might be a last name.
Or they rescanned a signed hard copy on a dirty ass scanner bed that never gets cleaned.
Still it's incompetent and typical of a DEI hire to neglect tax payer funded office equipment in such a manner.
big facepalm of a thread
that's not "confidential text," retard
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definitely shopped
Pebos get the rope
This response glows.
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Schizo kino is back on the menu boys
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Try to do similar changes to what you did but focus on the signature at the bottom. The block right below the George Washington School of medicine

these seem to be higher resolution.

Been dicking around with it. Whole lot of artifacts. Ive managed to clean the image enough that discernable words are showing up but its still not remotely legible. Only been dicking around for 5 minutes i think it can be done.
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When demonic uttrrances transcribed verbatim

Also godspeed schizos
Somebody put it through a superresolution model.
Sorry bros, this one exceeds my ability.
disregard that those are from july 8th im retarded. still seems to be the same paper possibly?
The bottom 4 lines of text are just a repeat of the bottom 4 lines of text in the foreground. Check the width and spacing.
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>I want that star
>I want it now
>I want it all and I don't care how
basically some official White House letter has a slight impression of some text and OP is trying (and failing) to interpret it.
There’s nothing here, and if there was I wouldn’t want to know. I respect the law of the land and anything I’ve posted here has been in jest.
Until you look at the catalog and there are like 12 threads wanting to riot over a dead nigger and realize if george floyd happened today then /pol/ would have been demanding chauvin go to prison and rioting in the streets with their nigger - I mean "black people" because "there is a difference" to nu-pol - friends.
Look at the last few letters from that doctor. 4 days in a row with the same markings on the paper and the exact same photocopied signature. The letters started 5 days ago and only the one from the 18th had a different signature and no weird markings. Every day it says the president continues to perform all his presidential duties. How would the doctor even know that?
Get those Fnaf autists who find secret writings in books and shit on this.
Why was this deleted?
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It's a watermark of some kind from the higher res
A message from Klaus Schwab it seems.
Didn't knew he is a Perl coder though.
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Looks like an owl.
why the fuck are they watermarked 2010?
What are the odds that it's just hidden watermarks for glowies to find leakers?
Or recycled paper?
It might be some kind of burn in from a heavily used photocopier.
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Question is what are the 4 stars above the eagle? I can't find anything with those stars with a quick search.
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wtf is that behind the logo?
looks fucking demonic
From the bottom lines, it is clearly another letter from the same doctor. Probably to congress committee telling them how fucked up Biden's condition really is.
Competency crisis. It’s significantly easier to get into DO school than actual medical school
>le gpt will solve this problem saar
Fuck off Indian
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what's it called when your enemies destroy themselves and you didn't even do anything
any other known documents got that star at the bottom
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Quick look gave this with three stars
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>From the bottom lines, it is clearly another letter from the same doctor.
Hey good catch.
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We Wuz decrypters and shiet
Being Luigi
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here's the star from the OP page
seems like the watermark has been cut out
plenty of 3 stars with the us great seal, and plenty of the jew star formation, literally zero hits with 4 stars.
Explain like an asshole?
Was going to post this but you beat me to it, I bet it's the real letter under there, hence why the signature looks fucked up.
This is a military document by a 1star general physician.
Yes. They don’t even give us any kino propaganda or psyops anymore. It’s all just fat gay niggers and trannies and the ukraine 24/7
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looks like its a "stock" eagle image that people reuse. found other stars but not the same 4
Could be a death declaration ready for tomorrow. Large letterhead and no addressee stuff at the top.
Why would they hide secret messages under this instead of just making a different letter for the people its meant to be seen by?
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Probably is, and it'll make it very hard to make out the rest because the smudges for the same letters hardly line up. The best course of action would be to try to make out the individual word lengths and guess some of the shorters ones that may be "the" or "him" and try to reverse engineer possible coherent sentences. Smudges are most legible where letters are close enough to kinda overlap, like the "Ge" in "George" and sometimes letters following a lowercase "t". I'll have to get to work soon, but if there's a thread I may pop in this evening. Hopefully someone can pick this up in the meantime.

>inb4 its the CIA trolling with momma heat the meatloaf
its probably just an imprint of the last message. still would be interesting to know what it says
Looks like hebrew
Yeah Star is now confirmed to be the top star of the 4 star watermark.
>The scale of the top watermark matches the star scale at the bottom.
>if never keep profit a good smile honesty
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Have to check and valid question.
>maybe the get a kick of just fucking with us
Why would they reuse the same paper? Wtf?
Is that a Brotherhood of Steel emblem at the top
Good question. I don't know, other than the angle of Biden is dead must be covered up at all points. In any case, things are getting interesting and the autists here always find something when they dig.
Mirror the image you stupid bastards

Normally they do two drafts for one event, one if everything is ok, and the other one
the one on the left was the first letter from when he got covid the first time. They cut out the last paragraph and moved the signature up. At no point was a date mentioned in the letter (other than at the top
Nice work.
The bottom of that, other than the star, appears to be a repeat of what's in print above it, starting with "Respectfully submitted," including the Dr.'s signature, his name, and titles.
Look through the thread
Checked but it's likely just whatever was behind the paper that got photocopied along with this.
I've done it myself, sometimes the paper is thin enough that the flash ends up capturing a sort of "ghost" of what's underneath.

It's a bit of a rookie move when it comes to supposedly official letters like this, though. I'm leaning on it being an actual fuck up and not secret messages on this one. The doctor looks like he had a lot more to say but perhaps he wasn't allowed to.
I can't find a single seal or emblem with 4 stars, or 3 for that matter, with that pattern. I check clipart shit too.
That's unlikely, seeing that the text is left aligned and you can clearly see different line lengths on the right side.
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Yeah but now we know what or rather who to focus in on. Getting the document origin is huge.
If we can find the same letter spacing in another document we'll have the text. I doubt it will be that easy as the white house site is notoriously terrible.
But now we know it's another doctor letter at the very least.
>you could say the letter is doctored
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The background doesn't change between these two letters from Dr. O'Connor. It's most likely some sort of mostly invisible authentication print documents used by the White House to ensure veritability.

Also gpogle thought I was a bot googling 'white house doctor'
Because that's when the paper was manufactured.
It's a Fraud/Waste/Abuse countermeasure so people who steal gubmint office supplies get caught.
Literally all of the NSN 7530-00-290-0599 printer paper we got from the SKs had the same watermark (varying the year, of course).
It's doctor chicken scratch. This is well known in the medical community that doctors cant write for shit.
probably a photoshop made by some dei indian who has no idea what he is doing
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checks out
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Hey so we know the bottom "background" text is the repeat of the real "foreground" text of the signature on top.
Let's call the background the ciphered text, because obviously we can't read it.
But in the way we can treat the top as the key to deciphering the bottom, because here we see the ciphered text as plain text.
Could some AI-fag train the AI on this cipher-key pair to actually decipher the text that we don't know? Between comparison of visual artifacts and statistical-linguistic analysis, I feel we could get a decent result with high degree of confidence/probability. Better than the garbled attempts posted earlier.
(You can probably ignore the signature part since it's not helping with the printed text decoding).
all wireless signals are treason and all encryption will be broken, only a matter of time. your strategy is trash
>Could some AI-fag train the AI on this cipher-key pair to actually decipher the text that we don't know
no, there are basically no patterns in the garbled text that an AI could learn.
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That's very interesting. While some of the smudges are exactly the same, like the three line endings to the right of the first paragraph, there are some random dots that seem to line up with the text on the other letter. Maybe it's where text generally ends up being in these types of documents? I'd be willing to believe that.
yeah guys im getting really sleepy. anyone else? its been a long day and im tired and sleepy. the joke is that its chuck's sneed and feed
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>five-pointed star
Whatever that other document was, it's not very important.
I dunno guys I am a massive faggot who works for the FBI and I think there is nothing to see here. Let's all stop posting in this thread, get some sleep and stop talking about this.
Posts like this mean we're onto something.
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The background image can easily be separated from the text.
>It wasn't scanned in as an image. The background image was added after the fact.

Pull up any PDF inspector and you'll see that the "watermark" comes right out. It's just an image overlayed on top (or under). See picrel. Why they would add a low-res image to the document is another question. It may just be a funky setting on the computer that generated the PDF.

I compared the watermarks across the letters on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd, and they are all bitwise identical.
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Now this image is better. I wonder if any sharpening would work.
>4 star insignia watermark
>4400 in next white house tweet
>40,000 people in zoom call that can fit 1,000
>board spam of Biden dying from account that constantly repeats posts 4 times
How close am I?
Its the same thing just shifted down you fucking idiot you can even see a ghost of the signature
It might be that another letter is used as a watermark itself.
It's extremely odd that some documents have just a watermark and some have 'block text' and watermarks.
like in your two examples the block text and watermark isn't changing
but in this one: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Letter7.8.24.pdf
it looks like there is only a watermark

links to all letters found so far

huh interesting.
>Why they would add a low-res image to the document is another question. It may just be a funky setting on the computer that generated the PDF.
Yeah, I'm trying to decipher that date, then we'd have the date and writer
That's what I thought at first but at second glance there's more text there.
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There are patterns though, different letters and letter clusters create different patterns in the garbled image, but they should be consistent.
We basically want to deconvolve the bottom, but but we have the target that we want to deconvolve into.
So find the deconvolution pattern that takes us from the bottom to the top, and then apply it to theb garbled text that we don't know the target for. AI is supposed to be good at this shit, it's all pattern analysis.
>he doesn't know

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and the star at the bottom?
>everything is a conspiracy
>muh autism
Plebbit is down the hall and to the left, normgroid.
It is the exact same watermark used across the different letters that have been sent by the doctor, every bit in the extracted png matches exactly across letters.

The watermark is something distinct, it would appear to be that a letter to the president was faded and turned into a JPEG and then used as the background for this doctor's letters. The question is as to why do this?
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did some tricks. from meowing hard... with love
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The line endings don't match up.

>The question is as to why do this?
Best way to enaure authenticity is to have something familiar to compare the watermark to in case someone tried sending a false report pretending to be the physician, I guess. Although, I still have zero idea what the four star presidential seal symbol is. Symbol of the White House physician?
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Doesn't match, it's close though.
The letter from the 8th https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Letter7.8.24.pdf isn't like the ones from the 20th, 21st, or 22nd. The letter from the 8th is just two JPEGs in a PDF (no text or OCR). No watermarks were added after the fact, the stuff you see was actually on the page (unless the jpegs were doctored).
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more love
Killed exactly zero people in the UK. Or lets face it anywhere. Which is why non of you (like me) have ever seen anyone die of covid.
This is proven with official government & NHS material, we know exactly how every bit of the hoax was performed.
Here’s a good one
>why are they replacing Sloppy Joe Biden who the organised crime power cartel cannot rig for with any credibility now he has made a public display of abject acute senility with someone even less likely to attract any real support from voters?
Seems like them Jews wanna bit o’orange. Could well be because barely reported in the media they will now automatically be found guilty by the International Criminal Courts of all kinds of crimes against humanity and they have just been ordered to leave the Gaza death camp by that court. Maybe?
Pic: some poojeeta retard. An AOC tier bag of curry farts.
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without tint
It's as if something was omitted from the original letter.
>Why would they hide secret messages
They use physical watermarked paper. This shit goes into the national archive so someone 50 years from now can read about Biden's ass problems. The scanner that they used to image the memo caught some of the text from a page underneath. If you have a shitty envelope, CIA can scan an entire letter still in an envelope and unfold the layers.
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See >>>475312696
>It wasn't scanned in as an image. The background image was added after the fact.
Wish I knew. Been trying to find out for awhile now
Apparently this board is filled with morons?

It's ink from another piece of paper that was printed. The ink soaked into the paper they had biden (or whoever) sign. Anyone who has had to print a lot of shit and then had it clamped together in a notebook or something should know this.

It's not going to be anything particularly special, just whatever document they printed off and put next to this one.
This. And make sure it looks good on OLED
Looks like same letter with different logo(s).
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hidden text shows there is another letter from the physician as there is a 4 paragraph block which doesnt exist for it to be a simple shifted scan. length of physicians signature and data matches at the bottom. watermark appears to be an internal document.
rip joe
>The ink soaked into the paper
no it didnt virtually every government agency in the world uses laser printers not inkjet
The PDF is not an image retard
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my best one so far
Wow good work anon
???? WTF
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Here's proof it's not a scan.
feels good to go back to schizo posting
Yes, I failed to count the paragraphs correctly, here: >>475314140
Even the "Respectfully submitted," lines up (with the second one being where the main text says "The White House")
>It wasn't scanned in as an image.
Its physical paper that is scanned. There are photos of the physical documents showing the watermark. The eagle and the star are the watermark. The words are scanned through. Just because your pdf shit has a "detect watermark" feature doesn't mean it was added digitally.
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I don't know what you're babbling on about, but the document was created digitally. I can edit it.
Now use chat-gdp to identify the words, it can still see the size of the phrase and the size of each word, just make it combine words until it forms a cohesive phrase.
That's what neural network was made for either way.
The date seems to be
post the pdf
Read the thread
Wait, wtf is this shit?

Invisible ink secret decoder shit?
Yes all PDFs have JPEG artifacts and use Helshitica font.
holy shit an albanian with internet
Steganography is a thing you schizophrenic
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I'll do my magic in Shoop, see what comes out
In this you can see that it has the same heading as the clear letter, from the same person, you can almost make out “COVID” in the subject line

I was thinking it may be a full-admiral (4star admiral) seal, since there’s one that got his 4 stars in 2010 appointed by Biden, but that’s too schizo and probably goes no where, it looks like a letter from the same person
has anyone checked steganography
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The "watermark" in the background is not the 22 July 2024 letter. Picrel is the 22 July letter with all text layers removed and filters applied. It doesn't match up
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behold.. meow meow meow!
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less on shadow ..tip jar my good sirs ..ha
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Letter was written before the dose was even administered. Metadata indicates that the PDF for the 20th was written and scanned on the 19th by TurboScan (phone app scanner lol)*, then the background was likely added on the 20th.

Hypothesis #1
John Doe is trying to fake a physician's note.
>he writes a letter the day before saying the dose already happened
>realizes he forgot about the stationery and watermarks and whatnot
>add a shitty watermark day of

*metadata indicates TurboScan, but that could easily have been spoofed. Someone should download the app to see if the metadata matches.
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It looks to me like it's just an enlarged copy of the original. Maybe an error caused it. That's at a quick glance though, keep working at it anons.
Creating a 300 dpi backing layer. The PNG is still pixelated as fuck. Have to denoise and upscale this trash
>dem ee ote he Ree tee

laughing at the dems
You don't need to bother doing this. We can get the watermark by removing the text layers from the PDF in a PDF editor. It's still unintelligible
Check the other letters fren

File: BIDEN UPSCALED DOCUMENT.png (3.9 MB, 2236x2892)
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Here is the UPSCALED version.

You won't find a better copy. It took out pixelation and noise.

You're welcome, Amateurs.
Read the thread you spastic nigger. We don't need a png when we have the PDF.
Try now with my upscaled version

here >>475315646
it says way way more than that
Where the fuck is the PDF???
ok listen up fellow schizo fags the text is gonna be impossible to decipher due to the insane shit quality. rather focus on identifying the seal in picrel. it doesnt seem to be a normal presidential seal.
my fucking sides
has this been scanned an uploaded?

Do we have other documents that could be fromt he same scanner?
Do we have other documents that could be from the same printer?
Analysis of the three introductory lines, last one ending with a Y it looks like. This is how you crack the case. match the blocks to confirm/deny.
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>Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
check secret societies like
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Doesn't appear to be the same seal as the letters, you're right

Read the thread nigger. The text is digitally added.

Scroll up nigger.
Anons, this shit just looks like rubbing marks, the kind you see on copy paper. Not even writing.

What are we even looking for?
Department of State?
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I'm holding a shit
Whats his face is handling all comms in lieu of president right now. from DoS
Looks like it, you can see the block for the flag in the middle of the bird.
I inverted the White to black behind the seal. This is literally what I got.
Relevant sauce:
Stephen Miller reposted
Now presidential functions are being delegated to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing to see here.
I figured some of it out.
>Physician/physician's assistant uses TurboScan (phone app) to turn his printed letter into a PDF.
>It's during this scan that the watermark is added. Someone will need to figure out how TurboScan works to deduce WHY this watermark was added. Perhaps there was a piece of paper under the page after all? It's likely that it was done inside TurboScan since the CreatedDate and ModDate are the same for the 19th's.
>The next day, instead of printing out a new letter, someone edits the 19th's letter to be current with info from the 20th's.
If you compare the 19th's and the 22nd's, you will see that the headers line up EXACTLY. This isn't possible if they are two separate scans -- they are the same scan.
>Repeat ad nauseam for each day.

I am going to bed now, you guys can continue to analyze it if you wish. I was using pdfcrowd.com to get a cursory look, but it may be fruitful to rip the raw JPEG out of the PDF file itself and examine the exif data.
>eat ape
This is definitely some kind of deep state message. Probably about alien disclosure.
Take the three latests letters. Take out the watermark. Combine the three watermaks if they are the same.
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Speaking of the content, I find it disingenuous. He needs a geriatric assessment with a mini mental for neurocognitive decline testing.
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the only seal with 4 arrow feathers is department of homeland security
It's not writing. This shit looks like rub marks, on copy paper.
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don't forget, the seal is really Lyra
How the fuck do they send this as an official statement... The competency crisis is really hitting every place.
>not writing. This shit looks like rub marks, on copy pape
yeah because your stupid filters have destroyed legibility. Stop being a retard. Rub marks with geometric shapes hurr de fucking durr just rub marks for no raisin. Get fucked.

It does but the feathers are off.

Looks like a closer match.
see >>475316313
>If you compare the 19th's and the 22nd's, you will see that the headers line up EXACTLY. This isn't possible if they are two separate scans -- they are the same scan.
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Stop posting nigger. There's a whole fucking other letter added as a JPEG watermark that we've already extracted, it's not rub marks.
It's not in issue, really. They're likely just prioritizing loyalty over competence, and why wouldn't they? They already stole an election right in front of the entire US public and there was no revolt. What do they have to fear?
Can you please post it in lower resolution? I can still see were the lines of text are.
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I can't tell what pixels are what but there might be a wayne in there
I think that's exactly the reason behind the nervous cackling of the poo nigger hybrid.
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Department of State logo
Bumplimit coming. make a new thread nigger.
Ohhhh okay, nice fucking 8 Bit Nintendo pixels you got there. Good luck deciphering that fucking garbage,.
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I was wondering if there was handwritten notes or something
This assumes its english. Other options are arabic or hebrew Hard to tell

Wish I could help, but am too tired. Goodnight anons
theres no US seal where the arrowtails look like that
also, why is there a completely clean rectangle in the middle of it?

thirdly, if this was added as a pdf layer, it was done on purpose. what were they trying to say?
It’s an idocracy
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very nice please keep going
Current Presidential advisor Sandy Winnefeld got his 4th star in 2010, could be some personal seal for his rank

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Nigger >>475310022
Is there an AI that could do it ?
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Is this an accurate interpretation of the text? Shit is spooky.
President Mayorkis
You're right, the watermark looks like the same exact scan on each. I thought maybe it was split among the 3/4 documents to combine into one.
Given the assumption that this might relate to a government document or a topic concerning the President, here is a more focused interpretation:

Top left box:
The text could be discussing how each individual, potentially a citizen or official, can have multiple identities or roles within governmental records. It also mentions the discontinuation or deactivation of an account, possibly referring to a government-issued account or credential that is no longer in use.

Top right box:
This might be highlighting the varying life situations individuals encounter, perhaps emphasizing the diverse backgrounds and circumstances of citizens or officials that need to be considered in policymaking.

Bottom left box:
This likely addresses the concept that individuals possess multiple identities or roles and how they navigate through different life situations. This could relate to how government policies need to accommodate the complexity of citizens' lives.

Bottom right box:
Similar to the bottom left, this box appears to be noting the different situations individuals face, potentially stressing the importance of considering these various scenarios in government actions or decisions.

Bottom middle box with arrow:
This text seems to point out a significant drawback or disadvantage, possibly related to a policy or governmental action. It could be referencing a specific downside identified in the document.

This reinterpretation assumes the context of a government document addressing the complexity of individual identities and life situations in relation to policies or presidential decisions. If you can provide more details or clarify further, I can refine the interpretation even more.
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Department of State seal
It's just smudge from the printer
I trying to help but

1) I don't know how anyone can decipher SHIT through the pixelation. I need the original PDF.

2) Even the best copies here are way to pixelated. We can't read fucking 8 bit chicken scratch
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Here's a QRD if anybody is bothered to bake


These three PDFs have an identical JPEG "watermark" as the background image layer. The visible text on top was added digitally, which means we can remove it and extract just the watermark (picrel is that, with filters). The watermark text doesn't match any of the other letters and has a different seal at the top, as well as a star at the bottom. The watermark is the same across all three letters.

This letter has a different watermark
I sound like a fucking Mexican. Excuse the grammar. Jesus
>I need the original PDF.
Why do you need to be spoonfed? >>475315564

He’s right.. the four bottom blurred/unreadable lines match the 4 lines above them (Starting with Kevin o Connor)
the seal hidden seems to be something internal as i've combed over every seal and nothing matches
12 genuine threads, or 12 threads that glow?
Why are you such a fucking Asshole?
Interesting, that's a bit more general than I was thinking.

My head immediately went to Biden and the possibility that the real Joe Biden hasn't been seen in quite some time, and that we've been seeing multiple body doubles/masks/actors/AI generated Bidens (or Biden overlays) this whole time, as far as the multiple identities part of this is concerned.
I meant to highlight this post instead..
he’s right (and I think this may be a bit of a burger of nothing (interesting, though)
Because you were asking for PDF links in a post directly below the PDF links. Now get to work mutt.
What the FUCK am I even looking for STEVE???
check this
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I'll do some burning on it, see what comes up
In other words, move the blurred/smudged text up about 6 lines, and it matches/overlays the readable text. Disappointed more of you didn’t catch this.. newfags.
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the spacing, straightness and center justification all look too perfect to me

sleep tight old mate
I c.
Maybe I am retart, and is significant.
carry on bois
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Never mind. It's clearly the seal in pic related grabbed from here: >>475316921

Yeah that's koomalas alias
(REVERSED), because the source is flipped.
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interestingly there is a missing square of the seal, which is where this image is.
why cut out the seal for this image?
odd it's not just overlayed
What is this deleted post that has so many replies?
I think it's a watermark (source image reversed), see: >>475316921 and >>475317736
I got nothing but Alien Runes.

I can lift most anything from a good source, this is just too pixelated.
Based phonechad
i didn't know the doctor to the president is a D.O.
Seems correct. What agency uses that seal though? Four stars above the eagle
Ik vind het erg beledigend dat jij mijn taal in de maling neemt en hoop dat je je excuses aanbied. Zo niet dan zal god je straffen met hagelslagkanker en stroopwafeltering. Je bent gewaarschuwd.
the only seal with seven arrow heads and 4 feathers is the DHS seal. the diff between the seal in ur pic and>>475315810 is the lack of a circular corona near the eagles head
I thought we were supposed to be analyzing the Joe Biden "signature"???
Is the text important or is the seal important?
I can solve the puzzle, op. They fed a stack of documents into a scanner using an intake tray. This is what you see when there's a second page of text beneath the top sheet during a scan.
The PDFs are not scanned.
seal is interesting because no one can find the seal origin
text is interesting because no one can find the original document to create the background image
>The PDFs are not scanned.
Then why are there OCR elements from scanned documents, in the same pattern as when two pages are stacked then scanned, with underlying text visible like in the op?
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text is too fucked. clearly the document underneath is from the physician however the seal is not public knowledge. if we can understand where the seal is from adds a piece to the puzzle of where the doc came from>>475314512
>angry response
oh, this is a wild goose chase, once again. What other topic did you want to distract us from paying attention to?
Literally. WUT. Are. We. Even. Looking. FOR???
Finding what the hidden document says and which agency its seal belongs to

Not my fault you don't know how PDFs work
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Why do you bring these troubles to an already troubled mind?
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heres the official state department seal
>has 13 stars not 4
>seal isn't cartoonified
Okay, post a part of the document you want cleaned up. Make it PNG PLEASE. I'll do my best to burn out the lettering.
The star symbol at the bottom is similar to the ones used in chinese military plan agreement documents

I'll look for my dads cloud drive, i remember he handled similar docs back when working in macau
see >>475317520 for png ripped directly from pdf
it's the background image for the pdf
Well if that's the best we got, I can't burn out the lettering. It's simply to pixelated. I tried. Got nothing but Alien Runes.
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From July 19 letter (not that it matters which), straight from my PDF editor.
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None I know of (pic related). Is it a 4-star general (or air force or navy equivalent) watermark, maybe?
no DOD seal holds an olive branch. this seal is most probably either DHS or internal whitehouse seal. my best guess would be chief of staff
The 4 star seal is from the first Obama era documents?
are we sure the text isn't in hebrew
New Bread >>475319446
New Bread >>475319446
New Bread >>475319446
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I can't believe OP was right. It's worse than you know.
>That competency crisis really is taking no prisoners, isn't it?

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