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this is what they're trying to slide
This explains the Kamala shilling, they have no choice but to run her or get I to the shit.
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boards moving 100mph (147 threads per hour) to be exact as of right now.
>not 1pbtid
Glowniggers are on overtime
Saved. They must kill Biden now. This is the left eating itself now.

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Demons in skin suits eating humans
Shits fucked
Good catch anon, bump.
And there it is
>6motnhs before the election
>somehow you can't change the name on a piece of paper

the public service is appalling, may as well burn it
Oh yeah they fucking killed him alright
They will just use courts to negate laws. These people don't follow laws
Dindu Hindu for pres you bigot
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>if you only knew how bad things really are
2 wings of the same bird
The DNC convention where they formally declare their faggot isn't until August 19th thru August 22nd. At this point in time, while he was the presumptive faggot he wasn't the declared faggot. Just like if Trump had actually been killed by that one retard the RNC Convention just after would have still been allowed to pick someone else as their declared faggot since he was still just the presumptive faggot. As the government has long since been rigged by the big two parties and their endless collusion, they're allowed to submit anyone they've selected as a nominee to be their big faggot for the election and can use any method to pick their favorite faggot.
See the previous clusterfucks about the DNC superdelegates who had a solid 15% or so of the vote in their convention with no obligation to anyone but The Party itself when it came to selecting a favorite faggot which allowed thrm to shift numbers to the establishment slave faggot whenever they wanted. All of this was legal by US law, even though it should not have been, because the Democrats and Republicans operate together as a uniparty enemy of free democracy to maintain their power. The people who make the laws get to make the laws about how you get to pick who makes the laws.
Damn so they killed old Joe after a long lifetime of service because he was sluggish at the last debate, why does anyone have any loyalty to these monsters?
Holy fuck they really did kill him.
Three months before the election.
Red Zionist
Blue Husband Zionist
hey were counting on chaos-the stochastic terrorism in Butler wasn't supposed to fail, and with Biden forced out, we were going to have a period of chaos.

Then Crooks missed. Then Joe decided to tell Obama and Pelosi where they could cram their malarkey. And now we have an Obama/Pelosi coup in real time, and I don't know if they're going to make Biden resign or if they're going to Covid him into a coffin by Friday.
I can only get so erect
interdasting theory
dont be limited by the material universe
what fucking timeline am I on
After 4 hours I'm not calling a Dr.
Living dangerously over here.
Corn Pop always gets the last laugh.
Yeah they're actually killing him off or deposing his ass. No fucking way that this late in the race they can just switch it around like this, once again these faggot schemers and rule makers will try to bend the rules to the best of their abilities or they are in fact going to pillow that parkinson faggot.
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had they not missed 10 days ago, we'd have a real life batman on our hands.
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Biden is fine you retards.
I saw him last week.
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did he fly over your house you enormous faggot?
it's kinda funny in a very fucked up cosmic way. these people are literal demons, and your friends and family would do anything for them.
>Filter Harris threads
28 hidden threads
>Demonrats and globalists are working overtime
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How'd they let themselves get trapped like this?
It's a checkmate.
Aren't they all lawyers??
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>Let's see Paul Allen's attempted assassination.
Corn Pop either was the hero we needed, or was he the hero we deserved?
Glowniggers be wildin
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She's unironically not human, maybe demon, maybe reptillian idk, watch her neck in webm
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keep your eye on ol glory bois i'm going to bed
So it will definitely be Harris for the presidential race, because the rats can't have a primary for 'the best candidate' 3.5 months before the election? So she is inheriting this just because she's the token VP picked because she's brown.
Damn, just as well that she's almost as fucking useless as Biden.
Democrat party is truly the party of Satan. They must be defeated at all costs and not just at the polls. President Trump will truly have his hands full.
She's just walling out as she hits sixty. She was still fuckable before she was VP.
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I can't believe the democrats had the gall to accuse anyone of trying to "destroy democracy" meanwhile the democrats will have ZERO fucking vote on who's going to be their candidate, fucking ridiculous but those leftist faggots are cucks so what do you expect...
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uh oh

jews fear the indo-european Aryan pagan deities
Oh, what a big difference
>picked because she's brown.
>Damn, just as well that she's almost as fucking useless as Biden.
No Because she's a she but the brown is just the icing on the cake.
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This clown show is just getting warmed up.
This board has been sliding - where the fuck is muh libertarian candidate!!!!
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The Donald will definitely win and save the world from Cackling Kamala, right bros?
The left may be completely insane and couped their own puppet, but there's enough states that will go with DJT.
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i want to believe, but cartoons never lie.
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They™ don't even know what the fuck is going on.
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This is why silicone Joe has to go.
rip bozo..
Guy was a nasty slime ball doubt that many people respect him in DC
this isn't about the dnc, it's about the states. some of the states have deadline requirements for being on the ballots - which would allow legal complaints from the other parties if the dnc tried to sub someone else in.
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She's a lizard person (insert Hecklefish voice). (not kidding).
seems like this might be why the old bastard held out so long: he was trying to get a good deal for his offspring.
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It's fucking Joever is ways that have never been seen before!

Joe? Where we're going we don't any Joe.
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And what happens to degenerate Hunter?
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This is completely fake and gay.
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If they bring out the Remdesivir and Ventilator, then you know what's going on.
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thats just inevitable outcome of trillionth time face lifting.
Bumping from page ten.
The Lord's Work

Does this truly matter? If people there vote Biden then the delegates in the electoral college can just vote Kamala, can't they?
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You should share this around the maga camps, I'm sure "Kamala is a lizard demon" is gonna look good for the voters
6 months and 3 months is a 50% difference.
That's just a silicon mask
They might even remove them both. Twitter has some wild theories.
- Trump tried attempt
- Biden dies
- Kama dies (plane 'accident')
- Then Hilary comes along
those eyes have no light whatsoever
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>had the gall to accuse
Always accuse the other side of doing exactly what you're doing. That's manipulation 101.
He will get a pardon, but in the deal he will be sentenced to live the rest of his life as Hunter Biden.
They don't follow procedure in any other case, the letter, the announcement, nothing in the last 10 years is up do code. Why would they care about the stupid flag - is that where they draw the line regarding tradition?
So this all happens only after the Trump earshot.
Does that mean they implied that whoever would run from the republicans after Trump is dead would lose to Joe Biden?
can't find any evidence on that
just this:
>Multiple election law experts told PolitiFact that Democrats are legally secure in switching out Biden between now and the convention period, which runs from Aug. 19-22 in Chicago.
check and yes probably...And he didn't want to step down so they had to take him out fishing..
>kills their own
>negates all their voters
>incessantly spams absolute horseshit to "garner support"
Bold strategy, I guess.
No, first they set-up Biden with the early debate, so he'd crash and burn.
Trying to kill Trump may have been planned after that, but they have always wanted him 'removed'.
Whether it was from lawfare (which is failing) or a bullet doesn't matter to them at this point. That's how desperate they've gotten.
Their agenda was to have Harris beating the random Republican. Trump's survival fucked that.
Doesn't matter. The demonrats cannot win. The people are seeing through a lot of this shit.
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The "Here's how she can still win" memes never get old. Just like the kids she's harvested for adrenochrome.
Bump op.
Biden got assassinated by jews.

Weird you say that, because we were watching sky news last night and the projection from them reached new heights. One of their Scottish reporters in Washington was absolutely gushing over her saying the country already felt healed over her running for president…. Was fucking weird considering she hasn’t done anything during the four years that has seen America in its worst state for decades.
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>The people are seeing through a lot of this shit.
I wish I were as optimistic as you. I believe the lions share of people are full tilt NPCs, incapable of independent analysis. They will be told that Kamala is popular and always was. They will nod their heads and that will be their new opinion.

Kamala Harris is about to be the new Current Thing™
I don't know why they would bother unless they are scared of Trump. I assumed they had him under control what with Vance as his handler. Deep state civil war?
All our media is a mouthpiece for the Deep State. We interfered in the US election in 2016. We interfered again in 2020 and we will probably interfere in 2024. And our media tries to condition us in favour of the outcome they want to achieve, hence why we've been bombarded since 2016 with US politics
They don't want Trumps ideas spreading, especially not when coupled with our Brexit mindset. God forbid anyone in the UK had the idea "Make Britain Great Again".
Fair point. There are a lot of NPCs out there.
Though an increasing amount of people are noticing and ignoring the electric jew.
Idiots. you can't cannibalize votes in the general election.
Why would a state make a party submit their nominee before they got voted on at the convention?
>Biden is fine you retards.
If Biden is fine that means their campaign is fucked
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Thats correct
I wish we had a Trump in our country.
Sadly, James Dyson wouldn't run as an MP and Richard Branson is Eurocucked anyway.
Of course, we're all fucked by FPTP, which is why not even Farage can do enough damage to the globalist establishment.
You and me, both.
Doesn't help that the average voter just tips from red to blue and back again like a fucking see-saw

Are there any sources available for this?
Yes and they are both globalist parties and jewed anyway.
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>this is what they're trying to slide
Biden has to be either killed or removed via the 25th in order for Dems to plausibly steal the Nov election, because it is too late to put a different candidate on the ballot in key swing States?
Indeed. Though most of us here see through the lies of the globalists.
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>Are there any sources available for this?
I've seen reports of the ballot issue before. There are a couple of places where Republicans control the legislature and would block emergency legislation to make that last minute change to the ballot.

>MFW, the democrats have already printed up and filled out an extra 100 million ballots with Bidens name on them.
Idk why they'd slid that but it's funny how fucked they are.

We now can elect a third party and forever change American politics!

>Yes and they are both globalist parties and jewed anyway.
Correct, but one side has committed serious crimes (treason) in order to get and keep power, and Trump may want some revenge.

Jews win in either case, but they are some different Jews who win depending which party wins.
>Of course, we're all fucked by FPTP, which is why not even Farage can do enough damage to the globalist establishment.
Proportional representation isn't necessarily better, and in practice is worse.

Each system/country has been hacked using techniques appropriate to each respective country.

Canada,like the UK has FPTP and the preferred method of hacking it is to (((subvert))) the parties at the top, and change their rules so the party leader has control over who is allowed to run, and to eject anyone who isn't corrupt.

Bingo! Maxime Bernier is booted from the party and has to struggle creating a new one from scratch.

Proportional Rep is subverted by having Jews finance a large number of non-organic, but grass roots appearing type parties, thereby diluting the people's votes, and creating confusion over which party is in favor of this or that.

Since the party leaders are in some cases hired shills, they will say one thing during the campaign, and form a coalition with their ideological opponent, to thwart an moderate, but ukiked sincere party.

Control of power is more important to the Jews than any purported party platform. Whomever wins, immigration still increases.
>biden is dead, dnc killed him because they failed to kill trump
legal complaints with no merit. the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has ballot access, not biden personally. whoever they nominate through their regular procedures (delegates voting for a nominee) will be on the ballot, end of story.
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Biden is reportedly dying and not expected to last much longer.
Yes. I'd still support The Donald purely because he is the least globalist.
Well I know that forming governing coalitions is tougher and almost impossible for non-globalist parties; but other than nationalist revolution, what is a feasible answer to defeat these satanic forces? It's a shame that Reform couldn't have infiltrated the Tories and turned them more nationalist.
Sadly, we are indeed fucked by the kikes backing all the horses and subverting nationalist movements in the incubator. I wish based Ernst Zündel was mainstream, so we could finally destroy the holohoax lie and give the kikes the love overdue pogrom they have deserved since 1945.
>It's a shame that Reform couldn't have infiltrated the Tories and turned them more nationalist.
And this is out of the Steve Bannon playbook. It's a shame that we also lack anyone like him.
I was thinking about this, are some deadlines past?
Can they really reprint gorillions of ballots in time?
>the least globalist
That's the best anyone can do anywhere in the West right now.
Yes. The Donald is the US' last hope.
I wish we had such a person that was anywhere near to power in Britain.
Same for the rest of the West. Yet they are all sell-outs to Davos and the CCP.
Bumping from page eight, BTW.
>Well I know that forming governing coalitions is tougher and almost impossible for non-globalist parties; but other than nationalist revolution, what is a feasible answer to defeat these satanic forces?
I won't say it directly. Read between the lines:

The gold/silver standard of hard money is hated by governments and central bankers because it creates a hard limit on the size of government, and prevents the manipulation of interest rates which is used to stimulate economic prosperity for political advantage. (blowing economic bubbles)

Fiat currency also allows the goverment to finance activities such as war and unlimited migration, because it steals by diluting the money supply. The rich backers of the system own assets that appreciate with inflation, and appreciate even more due to low interest economic bubbles.

Economic prosperity is a double edged sword:
-Improves standards of living, allows creation of endless benefits to humanity.
-Creates ideal conditions for the infection of society by social parasites who, once they get their hooks in, gradually begin to direct more and more resources to their sustenance and protection.

These parasites eventually weaken society to the point where it collapses under its own weight. The parasite fears the independent homesteaders living in small groups.
yes, this is a dumb image, a minor technicality which definetely does no t justify killing the president for
I know this shit was written by a pajeet. "hospice care" this aint st thereza calcutta hospice visajeets
>Yes. The Donald is the US' last hope.
You are putting too much faith in a "let's import unlimited Indians into America LEGALLY" and an Israel first Democrat Boomer. (Yes, Trump is an old school democrat).

Systems gain momentum and once the heavy train is rolling out of control down the hill with failed brakes, it doesn't really matter who's in the Engine compartment.

There's no brakes on this train, and Trump has demonstrated (via covid) that he can be manipulated into doing whatever the cabal needs him to do.
They will announce his passing in the coming days or weeks, maybe from Covid 19 or maybe from "previously unnoticed" terminal alzheimers disease.
Truth is that he's already dead, and his family are either also dead or under house arrest until they can be trusted not to blab their mouths.

Why else has Jill Biden not come out in public to speak on behalf of her husband?

This whole thing reeks of late stage Soviet Union before the collapse.
>I know this shit was written by a pajeet. "hospice care" this aint st thereza calcutta hospice visajeets
Hospice is a term used in North America for end of life palliative care. Ie, no medical treatment is offered, just pain relief and patient comfort with a chance for loved ones to say goodbye.

In Canada, they save money on palliative care by killing you.
100% dead by now
I know what a hospice is
a president would NEVER be sent into hospice care before going to ICU
This is bullshit made by someone who is not from america, believe it
The democrats made two coups the first one in 2020 and now another killing Biden
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>Truth is that he's already dead, and his family are either also dead or under house arrest until they can be trusted not to blab their mouths.
Very likely true. Communists learned to IMMEDIATELY kill all the opposition at the very first opportunity, lest there be a successful counter revolution. Same thing happened after Stalin's death when they IMMEDIATELY killed Beria.

Pardoned in exchange of shutting his mouth about his father being killed
>I know what a hospice is
>a president would NEVER be sent into hospice care before going to ICU
>This is bullshit made by someone who is not from america, believe it
Fair point. A President would be sent to the Walter Reed Naval Hospital in Bethesda MD.

They would would be an official process to transfer the power to the new President. (Kamala)

The lack of official information suggests this is a hasty, disorganized coup.
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>Pardoned in exchange of shutting his mouth about his father being killed
Imagine Hunter dying of an overdose, Jill dying of grief. They can all be killed.
You know what? that makes even more sense than blackmailing him right now, the entire Biden Laptop story is too "annoying" for these because he's alive
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>The democrats made two coups the first one in 2020 and now another killing Biden
Starting on a path of crime requires ever greater crimes. It's a common trope because it's true. See Breaking Bad.

You can't taper a ponzi, it has to eventually blow up.
they forgot to botox her neck
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>You know what? that makes even more sense than blackmailing him right now, the entire Biden Laptop story is too "annoying" for these because he's alive
There are also some other members of the Biden crime family who must getting a little nervous right now.
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Goodnight, corrupt Joseph R. Biden.
Well well.
The plan's looking clearer by the day.
>kill Trump on the day it's expected he announced JD Vance as the VP (Vance is an adrenochrome supplier, deep state)
>have Biden croak of covid, make Harris president, put her on the ballot for the elections
>start war with Iran, use emergency powers to keep Harris in position

But now they're panicking.
>try to kill Trump after he didn't announce Vance, fail
>try to install Vance, he's already been secured; Vance is now being played by actors with silicone masks
>try to remove Biden as planned, but Biden was a bodydouble, there's more where he came from, they can't get rid of him
>try to quietly subvert the position of President with faked tweets, forged signatures and a lying VP, fail because everyone's noticing the lies
And now we're here.
I wonder what the next play will be
I still believe this a farce to change the ballots. Last minute printing to insure fake ballots can be inserted into the count
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Printing ballots even as we post.
>literrally raised by the family secret service detachment
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no one cares about your jewnited states fake vooting process 51/49 working as intended bullshit
Bottom left panel looks like it's from I pet goat
Schizophrenia intensifies

Reminds me of that movie Vivarium

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