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HAPPENING - unredacted covid files from German CDC leaked, proves conspiracy theorists were correct all along

Press conference in 5 minutes

NEW - The unredacted coronavirus protocols of the German RKI Institute have been leaked by a whistleblower today.

They reportedly contain explosive details, including that the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was a hoax.


A press conference about the leak is scheduled for 10 am German time (in German language):



At this point it doesn't matter anymore, people are dying and nobody cares
Keep me updated nafri
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no one cares. covid is long over and your country is being raped by niggers now.
It matters cause it will give plenty of cause to switch out politicians
All your sources are in gibberish
But ive still got long covid... and I just had my 13th booster.
Based whistleblower.
I am on my 33rd
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yeah well no fucking shit it's german docs from a german institute
key points:
- they were knowingly and by official order lying into our faces about the vaxx and what it does and does NOT do
- they knowingly rushed the rollout
- they used arbitrary numbers to induce more panic
- they told people to actively shame the unvaxxed
Unvaxxed here, being a digital nomad kept me kinda sane throughout. tl;dr: /pol/ was right.
There's currently 13k people on X watching her press conference. You will hear nothing in the news. This might gain TONS of traction or fizzle out because we're jewed dead.
I'll keep you guys posted
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What a fucking retard
I cannot believe that those who have been called well poisoners for thousands of years just did it again and at a global scale this time.
Add Slash step daughter on the list

Do you legit need an X account to watch this?
>Schizo shit
I was enjoying silence over a vaccine apocalypse that never panned out.
It's a shame that the cutie in your pic has her face covered!
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seems like it, but you're not missing much, it's just the journowhore the whistleblower trusted with the docs and she sounds like a Katrin.
better just download the docs yourself and start digging for nice tidbits, she did say the meat is in the Zusatzmaterial which is a 7 GB download and hella slow
>A press conference about the leak is scheduled for 10 am German time (in German language):

Can you request that they speak in English? I don't understand German.

Thank you.
Nothing will change at all.
Isnt there any tldr yet? German shizos normaly scan papers like these in a couple of minutes and make a summary with quotes.
Oh shit, I am unable to watch the conference at the moment. Will you archive the stream/video somewhere, so I can watch it later in case they try to scrub it from thr internetz?
Somewhat here


or this anon:
Only if people pressure applies, right now it doesn't because people die and the relatives are doing nothing about it. The sheeps never fight the owner, even when he takes out half of them for whatever reason
I was there at the protests, during the pass bullshit, we were too few, people accepted the genocide
Pic related a TLDR
not an argument
the two newspapers linked actually sum it up nicely from what I've seen, currently at wörk but I'll keep scanning some of the protocols I can access so far.
If you have any date spans where you knew shit was exceptionally fucky that would be a big help, otherwise I'd have to compare it to my meme folder i.e. my picture diary
Thank you for your effort but both a pretty worthless. That anon didnt quote a single thing and the article of that cut mostly contains melodramatic offtopic bs. Need to wait a bit until the shizos get to work I guess theyre still sleeping.
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I'll give that germanon the benefit of the doubt and assume he means this kind of "swapping out" i.e. turning the overton arrow around to appease the chuds but still doing the same jewish shit
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still waiting on the big download, as I said that one is slow as shit and torrents are apparently alien tech for leakers nowadays.
I'll scrape through the documents when I have time, still gotta do my wage cage on the side
Well that's not really change is it? Same bullshit with a different dress.
I actually think that vaxx deaths in the long run will be the reason for the great financial and economic collapse, no more competent people and who is left alive is mostly demoralized.
Also too many assets available will crash the prices hard, real estate, stocks etc
The article "Corona: What the Government Wanted to Hide from the Germans" reveals leaked unredacted protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key points include:

> Child Vaccinations: Despite expert concerns, vaccination programs for children were pushed by politicians like Jens Spahn, even without the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko).

> Internal Disagreements and Manipulations: Christian Drosten withheld a study because its recommendations contradicted government actions. Political influence shaped RKI's scientific recommendations to justify policies like the 2G rule and general vaccination mandates.

> Pharmaceutical Decisions: Pfizer and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) considered skipping Phase-III trials to expedite vaccine deployment.

> Test Strategies and Mask Mandates: Strategies were politically tailored, and mask-wearing recommendations were to be intensified regardless of infection rates.

> Whistleblower: The documents were provided by a former RKI employee motivated by conscience to reveal the truth.

The revelations highlight significant political interference in scientific processes, potentially eroding public trust in government and health institutions.
That's the point: "The revelations highlight significant political interference in scientific processes, potentially eroding public trust in government and health institutions."
>this kind of "swapping out"
I mean it could be either, if people were to seize the opportunity. But the one you posted is a fuckton more likely, yeah.
Keep an eye on eugyppius on substack. Guaranteed he'll have a thing on it this week with a video of one still exists
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yeah, precisely my point. you know the "don't make me tap the sign" meme? this is another part of it, europe version if you will. You flip your politicians right so the chuds can say shit like "the pendulum is swinging" while they sit on their couches and don't do shit.
Can't find the fucking thing, here's an adjacent one
i care, despite hating them lot
Just know 99.9% don't...
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AfD started as Eurocritics (currency and the EU itself), since then I see a lot less of the Doctors and thinkers of the beginnings and a lot more "muh Nazis" and even more wallkissing. They submitted to the jew. It's the same shit, different color. They'll basically be Turbo-FDP but the populace doesn't know it yet.
I am entirely open for them vindicating themselves when they inevitably come into power next year, if I actually see shitskins flown out of the country en masse or at least jailed or outright executed you can call me a fool for I was one, but as it stands, I highly doubt it.
Agree, it's a pacification tool and also if they want a big war they need people to want to participate
dont care what other people care or think
that's the other thing, war is cool now. Better get the right into power so we can later blame it on them and conveniently forget the Greens actually were the greatest of all warmongers and absolutely inept in Geopolitics and diplomacy throughout their reign.
The damage Baerbock did to our image doesn't show in full just yet, one can only hope actual leaders never took her seriously because woman lmao.
That is a good mindset to live, just know that they care a lot about that, that's why we have the TV and movies and newspapers and so forth so on
holy shit I'm vooooooting

Problem is there's no place left on this earth to leave to. Either you emigrate to the periphery of lawless 3rd world shitholes or you're trapped in the machine. Guess might as well prepare for a final stand and keep your soul, conscience and dignity.
But the opposite happened
It's nothing we didn't already know. I'm not here to blackpill.
>vaccination requirements were political and not based in science.
Stop the fucking presses.
The goyim know.
It's the new millennium.
So what was the end goal? Social engineering? Money?
lol are you new here?
depopulation has been the main theme
As a Frenchie you should know
Shoot everyone up with demon blood.
I'd believe anything at this point.
truth always matters cunt
Expect to see lots of negative info about the vaccine leaked all around the world as Mr Warp Speed runs for president here in the US. The impact of course won't be just in the US but the deep state is willing to make sacrifices across its empire to keep the orange man bad out of power.
>But the Democrats supported
Joe Biden was the one behind the mandates and he's out of the race. Plus he was obviously an old man easily fooled. Now we have a "young" candidate, one who early on warned of the dangers of the Trump injections and only later said ok when confused old man Biden assured everyone it was ok. Like Jews transferring all their sins into a chicken they slaughter, Democrats are going to dump their pandemic sins into Biden, who soon will be dead. Just another old white male destroying the world.
lmao imagine being this retarded
Lol what statist cuck
>you killed tens of thousands
>justice served
The worst ever to happen to humanity was the halt of vaccination by force. And I’ll never forgive you faggots that made them ease up rules
The truth is a deadly virus appeared and swept around the world.
Governments took measures to combat the virus.
Which worked.

Even though a few retards didn't like that the government was trying to "save grandma".
Least brainwashed portuguese.
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unvaxxed and as ready as a city slicker can be
Average 2D brain tugão. Enjoy your libtards and 3rd worlders :)
get a melee weapon. the only use of crossbows is killing cops to take their guns
lmao, you are new, right?
>95% of pop. vaxxed and boosted.
Is 95% of the population libtards and 3rd worlders?
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all at once plus depopulation including plausible deniability.
not pictured: knives. I concealed carry for self-defense on my drive to work or going outside.
In case of total chimpout my first order of action is finding the closest weapon dispenser (female cop) to take out and work from there.
Even in self-defense, you’ll never be able to escape the repercussion of shooting that against someone, their “justice” won’t allow that
geht nicht, haste youtube link?
Dunno where that stat came from but obviously the vaxx was maiming, if not outright killing, the normiefags. If it wasn’t at the first injection, it would be one of the next one… they were killing themselves and everyone here cried about it. I know the whole thing was a scam from the start so it was a PnD but it wasn’t only about money, it was the first synchronized mass psyops around the world and it worked perfectly.
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>not pictured: knives. I concealed carry for self-defense on my drive to work or going outside.
Range is more important than lethality in open combat. Get one of those meme self defense umbrellas, they actually work.
based silver chad
>self defense umbrellas
Bruder that's perfect for our Waffenverbotszone and it's raining every fucking day up here anyways, cheers
>They submitted to the jew
das liegt aber daran das die Führungsriege fast ausschließlich aus Wessis besteht bei der AfD und jeder Ossi ist - sowieso automatisch Nazi sein muss weil er National denkt und nicht an den eigenen Geldbeutel zuerst wie die meisten Wessis es tun.
Und mit Weidel dieser GoldmanSachs Lesbe....
These guys did it:

All hail Paul Schreyer
Post files or fuck off
hoffe für dich du nutzt nen vpn, sowas wie perfect privacy oder mullvad. sonst... war schön dich gekannt zu haben, denk an mich "störung des öffentlichen friedens"
dafür gab es schon vor 20 jahren hausdurchsuchungen im netz
>I don't understand German.
should've lost the war then
Won't make a difference. Politicians need to be held accountable for their words and actions. No repercussions means they will never change. Also banning lobbyists from having any contact with politicians, and banning politicians from having anything to do with a business or corporation. Stop them being at the behest of their financiers.
Untill things like this happen, there will be no change for the better.
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I hope it actually accomplishes something, but the press (assuming anyone actually covers it) will either suppress what is said or will work to discredit them.

All while muslims continue to ruin your country.
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Der Fisch stinkt am Kopf zuerst und Macht macht korrupt.
Also entweder gibt mein Netzanbieter meine Adresse nicht raus oder das fällt alles noch unter "private Chats", ODER all die 600-Mann BND Zugriffe bei Reichsbürger-Terrorzellen waren Psyops, in der Theorie müsste ich auf so vielen Listen stehen...
Ding ist aber, alles was ich hier zu liegen hab ist deutsche legale Ware (auch die Messer) und ich hab keinen Plan aktiv Leute wegzumessern sondern will mich einfach nur verteidigen, denke mal ich bin nur ein kleiner Fisch und die schauen erstmal nach all den extremen Ronnies deren Zimmer voller Baerbock-Poster hängt
That archive link in the picture pulls up some gay bullshit
Probably just a fun experiment.
Falsche Erziehung macht dich Korrupt, das hat mit der Macht nichts zu tun. Und ja ich weis, Medien erzählen eine andere geschichte.

Ist grenzwertig, ich hatte wie gesagt vor 20 jahren mal innem amerikanischen forum mit DE subforum einen witz gemacht sogar ohne bild, kamen 2 tage später SEK durch die Tür.
War aber lustig, haben erstmal Käffchen getrunken zusammen und uns über die neusten Videospiele unterhalten. Damals als Polizei noch aus Ossis in Ostdeutschland bestand... inzwischen ist es ja wegen den Befehl von Merkel noch aus 2008 komplett untersagt in Schulen & öffentlichen Gebäuden ostdeutsche Dialekte zu sprechen, kann man verweis bekommen bis hin zu geldstrafen.
und so nen besser-ossi haste immer der alle anschwärzt weil er seine lorrbeerchen will.
>explosive details

> including that the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was a hoax

wait; next thing you are going to tell me that the lab that said they were going to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronovirus to make it human transmissible actually did so???

this wont be explosive in any way faggot. anyone who wants to know has done so for a long time. what; are people suddenly going to evolve a 'dying to be informed I have been fooled' reflex or something?
>save grandma
Why not grandpa?
Doesn't say what she died of.
>literally nowhere left to escape to.
The sky is not a vacuum
Elevation angles cant be measured from curved surfaces..ever
They lied about that too.
Difficult to process, I know.
But maybe after they intentionally poisoned billions, it's worth consideration.
So basically nothing damning about the vaccine itself.
I care, but you are right... state adjacent media will either ignore or downplay it and the people will get something else to worry about... like some teens singing "Ausländer raus".
das hier ist besonders widerlich
>some teens singing "Ausländer raus"
Based teens making MSM seethe
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>2 hours ago
What did they say?

Einschaltquoten bekannt?
Things are bad here, but it's amazing how outright cucked the people of Germany are. You are the most pathetic shell of a people I've ever witnessed.
als ob die sich wirklich damit impfen ließen, das war einfach nur um zu zeigen "das ist sicher" so das sich nochmehr leute impfen lassen weil wenn die politiker es nehmen muss es ja gut sein
They aren't dying fast enough for anyone to care. The red deer meme was wishful thinking. In the movies, the cataclysm happens overnight any then you are left to frolic in the ruins after a few days. In real life, there are no such events. It's just a slow, slow decay until everyone is too weak to enjoy the "collapse."
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It does matter and the guilty shall be punished. Expect a reckoning. You won't get away with it.
Yet here you are posting $100 in silver and some faggot walmart tier crossbow in your 50sqft hovel like you even have the agency to do something. Your country is destroying the entirety of europe. You're so cucked that you can't even muster the facade of populism in response. Pathetic.
Lol if something I fought against it and was excluded from society because of it, nothing would give me more pleasure than to see those bastard hang
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>so cucked
thanks to you
>this wont be explosive in any way faggot
IT IS explosive, because it's black-on-white from an offcial source

>high level politicians reurgitated the lies
>knowing full well they were lies.
>people died

that is documented OFFICIALLY
can someone please tell me whatthe fuck they said during the presss conference?
missed it
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Constant excuses. Throw your crossbows in the trash and vote your daughters virginity away to muslims. You are hopelessly defeated and pathetic. When was the last time someone in your the EU even attempted to do something, even if it failed?
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lol. lmao
it's still online
>well poisoning
but anon, they were just trying to season the well water! it tasted so bland.
we had scholz being involved in 2 big scandals.
we had von der leyen deleting sms on her work phone.
we had the nord stream 2 debacle.

nothing will change, even if the documents will have written shit like "we just wanted to see how dumb you faggots are" nothing will happen because most of you faggots are too scared of their own shadow.
I care because it means my decisions weren't only justified, it is a complete vindication of all of us. Proof that not only was our suspicion founded, but our anger was Righteous.

They tried to kill as many people as they could. We survived the largest psyop and propaganda campaign ever seen in human history.
this. they could just come out and say that they did it on purpose and thought it was funny and nobody would do shit.
mutt please, all your talk is hollow cries of shame because in the end, you´re the "armed citizen" country of the world but also Jew Central for a century. Currently the rats are milking your country dry and all you do is sitting on your porch and poiting at others, telling them how cucked they are. Meanwhile your sons are turned into androgynous eunuchs and your daughters are whorish racetraitors.
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Maybe I'll just stop to work for tax money and fuck off the system some day
My gf got a single dose of the vax. Is she going to die of it?
It wasn't a hoax at all. It was a coordinated event by Jewish people to murder whites. That's literally what it was
glad to see this is still being exposed despite the other large ongoing news
Can’t speak German, can any anons give me a qrd? I’m assuming it’s just
>yeah, it didn’t work
>we lied about that
>yeah, it killed some people
>we also lied about that
>yeah, covid wasn’t real
>we lied about that too
Because that’s essentially what’s been leaking out all over here too. I just think normies are too weak to get upset about it since they buckled in the first place.
Side note:
Vax rates were only 70% at best in the US though, and probably closer to 50-60%. I know this because they were reporting 72% compliance when the county data clearly indicated that Los Angeles county (the most compliant county in the US btw) was only like 60%. I also know pharmacies were adding people to the vaccination record for jabs they never got because they were getting paid to do it, but that I can’t prove, even though I know for a fact it happened.
Habeck literally said this for the energy law, "lets see how far we can go"

And? None bat an eye
Wenn es doch zu ausschreitung, randalle oder im extremsten falle zu ein Bürgerkrieg kommt, wird eine organisierte Gruppe über den einzelnen Siegen, das einzige was interessant ist über die AfD ist als diese ein Bericht kamm das die AfD einer der ammeiste gewählte Partei, natürlich liegt es an die Katastrophale Politik der BRD sei es in Sache einwanderung, Wirtschaft etc. und natürlich die AfD wird nicht viel davon ändern, jedoch ist die Jugend wichtig, bloß nur ist dir frage wie kann man das in etwas sinnvolles organisieren?
I had AIDS before Corona, but when I maxx vaxxed my AIDS was cured by the vaxx. Since everyone ITT also probably has AIDS you should all get the vaccine.
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>The problem of restoring Germany’s power is not a question of how we can manufacture arms, but of how we can foster that spirit which enables a people to bear arms. Once this spirit prevails among a people, then it will find a thousand ways, each of which leads to the acquisition of arms.

>A coward will not fire even a single shot when attacked, though he has ten pistols; to him they are of less value than a stick in the hands of a man of courage.
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>frolic in the ruins
That unironically will be me, man. That will be me the MOMENT shit really hits the fan. It just hasn't yet.
so? noone gives a fuck about anything, will someone go to jail? Will someone judge politicians and pharma CEOs? I don't think so. Normies will still watch rv, read newspapers and don't give a shit unless you call some brown untermensch a monkey. THEN THEY CAN SUDDENLY FORCE THEMSELVES TO GIVE A FUCK.
Fuck them. All we can do is say
>I told you so.
but it changes nothing, they are still poisoned, dumb and will take another mystery juice when the next scandemic starts. Some countries already bought hundred of thousands bird-flu "vaccines"
We had our PM resign just because he had a party during lockdown, not every country is a banana republic like yours or Canada
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>the future
I for one, am looking forward to real price discovery in the future. This classist financial and academic charade can't last much longer.
pic related is the slow drip of truth leaking out in the US
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Willkommen, da du dir Mühe mit Deutsch gibst darfst du bis auf weiteres bleiben.
Wir brauchen nur in die Vergangenheit schauen, alles was du machen musst ist Jugendgruppen zusammensammeln und Outdoorkrams machen, schön ne Woche Wandern und Zelten schweisst zusammen und bekommt die Kids mal von dem scheiss Handy weg. Gab's alles schonmal.
Und wenn du jetzt denkst unrealistisch, auf den Dörfern schon längst umgesetzt, nennt sich freiwillige Feuerwehr, Schützenverein etc.
>we had von der leyen deleting sms on her work phone.
als von der leyen noch verteidigungsministerin war hatte sie ja ihren sohn der ne beraterfirma hat beauftragt für 170 mio € irgendwas für die bundeswehr zu machen wo es dann am ende hieß die firma hätte den auftrag nie angenommen obwohl die zahlung schwarz auf weiß an die firma ging
Ihr Faschos habt es euch mit der Jugend verschissen.
Die Jugend will eines: Ficken, und die AfD unterstützt sexuelle Altergrenzen (nein NSDAP und SED haben das nicht gemacht, eher im Gegenteil).
Die Musel nutzen das bereits gegen euch (Andrew Tate), und BSW hat das auch vor.
Wobei BSW selbst auch nur ne Rentnerparty ist.
Was noch bei der Jugend zieht ist Kirche, aber die lassen auch nicht mehr jeden ran (Wegen dem "Missbrauch" ... wie von der AfD gewünscht)
Gott, wie ich die AfD hasse ... diese Volksmörder !
ey wenn Tag X kommt, komm ich nach Deutschland mit meinem T-72A (privatbesitzer) und roll über euch Linkenpack wenn die Luger klemmt.
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wat hast du denn geraucht jung-
oh gott
Ich bin jüngst 37 geworden und dachte so bei mir, Amon Goeth war auch 37.
Und was habe ich erreicht im gegensatz zu ihm?
Er hat alleine mit seiner Luger P08 ganze 890 Juden hingerichtet. Das sind nicht mal die K98 & Walther PP kills eingerechnet. Ein Held des europäischen Kampfes gegen das Judentum.
It doesn't say any of that. But then again, the intelligence of antivax virgins is so low they will believe a literal who on twitter.
Die AfD wird aus ihrer verbietenden Sexualpolitik aber nicht mehr rauskommen. Wer das Lex Edathy unterstützt hat, und mit Gestalten wie Tim Kellner, Carsten Stahl, Gloria Thurn und Taxis) verbandelt ist, steht einem Lebensbejahenden Volk im Weg.
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>Schindler's List
als er das alles an einem Abend in Reihe gemacht hat haben alle geklatscht und meine Tante hat geweint
wenn du erst ins Grundgesetz schauen musst bevor du die Dirne auf dem Volksfest im Busch legst bist du der grössere Fascho als ich
Gibt halt die Kriegstagebücher welche von allen Kommandanten geführt worden sind. Und bei Amon nicht anders, 894 mit der Luger weggeklatscht. Schindlers Liste dient nur um zu zeigen wie based die SS war.
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gut, fehlen immernoch 5.999.106 Mordbeweise bzw. 280k oder so kann man mit Typhus abschreiben, rechtfertigt definitiv nicht uns so in den Boden zu ficken und ich hoffe wir machen in unserer Lebenszeit nochmal den Hadrian
bumping the needful
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An important distinction to be understood:
Used in the US, the mRNA vaccine is a lipid shell encasing single-stranded mRNAs comprised of analog, capped ribonucleotides which encode for the spike protein (aka the epitope). It was theorized that this lipid-encased mRNA would be taken up by dendritic cells in the inoculated upper arm. These dendritic cells are theorized to then travel to the local underarm lymph node & then act as antigen-presenting cells to spur the immune system to create spike-specific antibodies. Unfortunately, it has been found that the analog (synthetic) spike mRNA is not degraded quickly as theorized & the vaccine spike mRNA has been found remaining in the lymph nodes. The slow-to-degrade analog spike mRNA then acts as a spike protein factory, for over 2 months after inoculation.

Used in the UK, the adenovirus vaccine vector contains a neutered adenovirus with DNA encoding for the SARS2 spike protein. The adenovirus-infected host cell then maintains the spike DNA extrachromosomally in its nucleus & the host cell begins to express (make) the spike protein. The infected host cell then inserts this vaccine-based spike protein on its cell surface. The immune system will then detect the spike-studded host cell & then destroy the infected host cell and the adenovirus ALL AT ONCE via phagocytosis. The immune system will use this degraded cell material containing the spike epitope to activate the adaptive immune response to create anti-spike antibodies. The adenovirus SARS2 vaccine has been shown to clear as theorized, unlike the mRNA vaccine described above.

The reason BOTH the mRNA & adenovirus vectors cause cardiovascular and clotting issues is b/c the spike protein IS a toxin itself. Both vaccines use the spike protein as their epitope. It was an enormous error to choose the spike protein as an epitope, rather than choosing another more innocuous epitope such as the Coronaviridae nucleocapsid or membrane proteins which we ALREADY HAD IMMUNITY TO.
Was hat die AfD so schlimmes gemacht? Und welche Partei würdest du vorschlagen?
Die einzigen Volksmörder die ich erkenne sind die Leute die wahllos Leute importieren die Einheimische in Zügen mit nem Messer angreifen.
>he doesnt speak german
go back to mexico juan
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sie verspricht dem Volk erkannt zu haben warum alles Scheisse ist und klagt das im Bundestag an, quasi der Highway zur nächsten Kristallnacht.
Aus meiner Sicht verspricht sie IsraLEL viel zu viel und wir haben bestätigte Wandküsser in der Partei, also wer unironisch von denen das 4. Reich erwartet ist halt auch verblendet, Kritik von der Linken ist das übliche "pöhse Nadsis wollen unsere Demokratie kaputt machen" oder sie reflektieren wie der Spacken da dass pädophil sein irgendwie ne schlaue Idee wäre nur weil sie selber nur noch auf Knastköder wichsen können.
Noice. Then theres this too https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38806183

Honestly think the normies are too docile and socialised to ever care. Normies vqxxed cattle I know will never do shit. All this stuff ends up being is just preaching to the choir.

We literally knew all this shit already.
cope flag cope post
checks out
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shills busy derailing another thread. Interesting to watch you clowns.
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Yes we knew. But they pointed at us calling us schitzo nazi conspiracy theorists. But we were right. Again.
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We absolutely did, we cited our sources, got called fake news and they tried to scare us with punishment, mental asylums etc.
Now official sources reveal it's precisely as we said it was. Feel free to rub these documents in the face of your families who treated you like some alien or flat-earther lunatic when all you did was read a little into it.
We don't expect much. An apology would be nice. We won't get one. But it will be interesting to see how the public reacts now. Just to gauge how much you can rely on the fucks when shit really hits the fan. Maybe not all hope is lost. Maybe. Small, small maybe.
AfD hat Verbot von Jugenpornografie und Jugendprostitution befürwortet
AfD hat Verbot von Erotik "Geschlechtsbetonte Körperhaltung" befürwortet
AfD hat Verbot des Beischlaf gegen den Willen einer Frau befürwortet (nach Kölner Sylvesternacht)
AfD hat Anhebung der Ehemündigkeit auf 18 beförwortet.
AfD hat Gesetze zur "Missbrauchsprävention" befürwortet.
Oh mann, ich weiß echt nicht was ich machen soll. Bei uns wird es langsam echt unangenehm und die meisten Leute die unangenhem auffallen sind nun mal von einem gewissen, importierten Schlag.
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Trusting jews is indeed a fatal mistake

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You should focus on seeing to and holding those in government to account for their crimes. Not focus on petty bullshit because your mom didn't believe you about the Vax. You're losing the plot here. Quit acting like a child, and actually get this information out there.
government officials
pick one
picrel its an accountability machine developed by the French
Je mehr Politikern du austauschst, dessto mehr mußt du Renten zahlen, ohne Irgendwas zu bewirken. Wer wird das denn reinbringen? Der Alli? Der Mehmet? Der Antifa Joschka? Wie bescheuert bisste, Socke?
Und? Wird die von der Leyen jetzt endlich gehängt? Nicht? Dachte es mir...
Probably not but she is 100% infertile now.
can someone post the meme where the agent hiding in the bush sends out the flat earthers to the conspiracy theorists to poison the well and push the normies listening to the conspiracy theorists away? thanks
als sachse würde mich interessieren, wo dieses verbot zu finden ist. abgesehen davon, sämtliche oberen angestellten der verwaltung sind hier wessis. nur das niedere schreibtischvolk ist indigen und die sprechen auch am telefon normal. wüsste auch nicht, wie man sachsen ihren dialekt abtrainieren sollte. geht nicht.
Yea let's switch out politicians who will as well break their promises and fuck us over.
No, we need to change this system into a decentralized one, that is being governed by the people.
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lmao als ob
das einzige was realistisch passiert, ist, dass Spahn und Klabauterbach ins EU-Parlament hochbefördert werden
Ich mein die Files scheinen ja auf Twitter gut die Runde zu machen (1 Mio Views, hoffen wir mal so einige aus Schland), vielleicht gibts auch die eine oder andere Anklage? Bitte? Pffft.
Der letzte Reihenskandal eines Politikers wurde mit Kanzleramt bestraft. Seitdem hinterziehe ich aktiv Steuern.
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*honk honk*
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*honk honk*
Recht hat er ja.
Natürlich hat er nichts zu verstecken weil scheissegal was wir da für eine Klärgrube an Volksverhetzung, fahrlässiger Tötung, Amtsmissbrauch etc. finden es wird einfach NULL Konsequenzen haben.
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>Willkommen, da du dir Mühe mit Deutsch gibst darfst du bis auf weiteres bleiben.

Imagine thinking that you have the right to grant ANY favors whatsoever when you live in a shithole like the BRD.

You can't get housing, start a business, homeschool your children, defend yourself or your house from violent crime, can't even move to a different town without notifying the police. And then you tell yourself that this is some kind of paradise to which everyone aspires.

Fortunately globalization is gradually exposing Germany to the world's contempt and shedding some light on their niggershines.
Pople have administered mystery goo for FIAT kickbacks and have given Clownword the means to retcon the quadrupling of the "money supply". People have set themselves up for lifetime of blackmail for naught but arbitarily many units of worthless magic paper -- and given the Inflation they've helped to implement for every unit of worthless magic paper they've gained in the shortterm, they've effectively lost untold units of worthless magic paper (and personal freedoms, relationships etc.). Worse yet than the inflation: they've effectively helped implement an indiscriminate death lottery of freak accidents caused by the 'suddenly and unexpectedly dying' and other flavors of terminally propagandized, traumatized, developmentally stunted and militant turbofaggot cargocultists; unaligned closet psychopaths and grifters.

Even if the mystery goo was just saline: Clownworld will never recover from the revelations of the past four years. Untold effort, resources time, logistical and technological marvels, social momentum and generational goodwill has been wasted -- if you can convince people to line up for strawberry flavores cyanide and destroy themselves, you could teach them to be reasonble, humble and productive instead... But eh, you cannot teach what you don't understand.
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>boah es ist so scheisse und schlimm hier, haut am besten ab wenn ihr könnt
>Milliarden von Negern und Sandmenschen lassen Haus und Hof links liegen um hier Bürgi zu kassieren und fröhlich zu fuken
Ich halte durch und kämpfe zur Not IN meinem Land für mein VOLK.
The words "fortunately" and "globalization" dismiss you as a fucking kike btw.
>mystery goo
its not a mystery, but people aint ready for that talk yet
Bro we can't even get crossbows without a licence
I copped mine shortly before they strictened the access, not quite sure how the legal stance on it is right now.
this is a good post
pic rel is recent legal decision in US
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The Staatsanwaltschaft will do nothing.
Politicians, in this case the Minister of Justice, can issue instructions/orders to state prosecutors in Germany.
>vielleicht gibts auch die eine oder andere Anklage?

In Anbetracht der Tatsache dass das OLG Koblenz erst kürzlich eine Klage unter Verwendung der üblichen Werbeslogans ("safe and effective") abgeschmettert hat, würde ich mir da keine Hoffnung machen. Ärzte, Wissenschaftler, Politiker (egal auf welcher Ebene) und Medienwirkende -- und insbesondere Staatsanwälte und Richter -- werden sich hüten sich an der Aufarbeitung zu beteiligen. Am Ende müssten sich die allermeisten selbst vor Gericht verantworten, und das Deutsche Justizsystem ist selbst in den allerbesten Zeiten komplett ausgelastet.

Vielleicht gibts in 20-30 Jahren mal einen Klaps auf die Finger der Pharmafunktionäre und in der Zwischenzeit ein paar dutzend Bauernopfer, aber mehr wird da nicht mehr bei rumkommen. Du musst dir vor Augen halten, dass du am Ende nur zwei Optionen hast:
> Du kannst anerkennen, dass vermeintlich mündige Menschen sich (wider besseren Wissens oder zumindestens verfügbarer Informationen) für eine dubiose Injektion entschieden haben und etliche Einverständniserklärungen unterzeichnet (sogar die verschiedenen Sorten des 'mystery goo' gemischt) und letzenendes wohlwissentlich jegliche Haftung für die Hersteller ausgeschlossen haben, und lernen dies zu akzeptieren.
>Du kannst all' diese Menschen als (rechtlich) unzurechnungsfähig erklären.
Auch wenn die Hersteller offiziell eines Betruges überführt werden hilft das den Betroffenen nicht (gelernt hat ja ohnehin niemand etwas), und macht all' die Randerscheinungen und sozialen/gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen nicht rückgängig.
>random text
>random highlights
>no link
Worthless. Completely worthless
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kann ich nur so unterschreiben und es ist ermüdend.
that sounds scary, the state can force you to take a medical treatmen as long as the state considers it beneficial, what could go wron
Why do you believe random pics on the internet without any source?
Are you low IQ? Wie viele Spritzen hast du denn genommen?
i didn't realize the citation patrol was on here
<<<---how is this?
and fuck you guys, the whole thread is in german

one search away bruder, try harder next time, even though it was obvious you are incapable of finding information yourself from your first comment to that image
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that ruling said that vaccines must be given to prevent disease, not to relieve symptoms
this was a win for freedom
>one search away bruder
You know (((they))) can alter or block this "one search away". (((They))) control search engines.

So this take is so fucking stupid. Why do you want to make it so easy for (((them))) to control information?
SO IT IS IMPORTANT to have PROPER archive and links.

You are a dirty mutt who cause enslavement for humanity.
if you only test for covid and test anyone who gets even near to a hospital... then you get these "numbers".

got several heavy flus myself in the last 25 years. the only one they actually tested for one (1) specific germ was the flu in the scamdemic... which wasnt even the worst of all i got in the last 25 years.
wtf, post this in english, not gerkfinseiriglenfluag
equalling gov and people of a jewified place is typical d&c strategy. a real american would know this is stupid. from your perspective expecting an unarmed people to 'revolt' really is
a bit strange.
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like germany isn't balls deep in the global debt-based con
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Go get your booster & die already.
this post is meh, the slow collapse one is better

>she did say the meat is in the Zusatzmaterial which is a 7 GB download and hella slow

Seed that shit as a torrent, nigger.
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.... .
>still no link
You are a bot, aren't you?
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got any working sneedbox? I got the shit from these alternative file hosts the journo whore listed but I don't need my IP out there
is here >>475339466, this poster already provided a link

i imagine you're drinking, it's early afternoon over there
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>slow collapse
it is fucking slow, too
whatever did we do for currency before 1970?
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I care. I hope every last vaccinated person dies whatever it takes for that to happen.
PAY ATTENTION. These companies are moving their HQ to GERMANY. If you see nothing happen, then their soft disclosure will have worked. PAY ATTENTION.
It's in German. It's obviously never meant to be seen.
oh, it's bad
this paper is very damning
they use the word 'perverse' kek
i am going to have a thread on it
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you able to setup a torrent yourself?
would be appreciated, or atleast one with the interesting stuff?

have a fren in return
>There's currently 13k people on X watching her press conference
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ty anon
>So what was the end goal? Social engineering? Money?
Doing like their US masters wanted.
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of yourse of course

chuchichästli ^^

dont tell me its just one big file lmao
> Velázquez’ Fazit zu dem Datensatz lautet: „Die Corona-Politik basierte nicht auf rationalen, wissenschaftlichen Abwägungen. Zahlreiche politische Entscheidungen, wie etwa 2G, die einrichtungsbezogene und geplante allgemeine Impfpflicht oder die breitflächige Impfung von Kindern waren rein politische Entscheidungen, für die das RKI als weisungsgebundene Behörde eine vermeintlich wissenschaftliche Legitimation geliefert hat.“

No way, no one could have seen that.
BTW: To this day, no one knows the majority route of infection, let alone severe doses. That includes (you).
Did you know citizens can prosecute crimes? You don't need to report it to police and hope someone in charge agrees to do something.
You go to the courthouse and file paperwork just like a civil suit.
The experience of time moves along a sine wave, where certain events have been pre-meditated in advance (or in hindsight, depending on your experience of time). What happens between these points is free, but some decisions are made to happen, irregardless of what we want to happen.
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you want these downloads
pixeldrain worked fine
the one big file is a .zip seperated into months and meetings, the small download is just the protocol .pdfs, the fat fuck is 10GBs of boomer powerpoints and word files.
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If https://youtu.be/watch?v=AaKB79tWhDU&start=2798 couldn't invoke a fundemantal crisis, nothing but massive foot shortages can.
Oh, and Tandler, do not forget the Tandler mask affair. It's way less severe, but still corruption at the highest level.
What is the point of your picrel?
lmao nice comic. whats that stupid batman line. the night is darkest or some shit? we going to make it Aryan bros, just let it get REALLY REALLY bad first, then we kill everything BERSERKER
danke danke

zum glück für den nato stuff ein mega acc gemacht diesen monat, wird gleich genutzt
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don't even get me started
>all the apps they released you had to "check-in" to get into a restaurant OR fill out some papers beforehand were worthless datamining not worth the fucking paper they wasted
>2G and 2G+ were absolute scams
>a chain of "experts" had to validate every fucking little thing they release first, meanwhile VALID covid tests were done by Kebab-Places in a fucking container by some Aishe who poked your nose a bit with 50% failure rate
If it was an actually dangerous pandemic we'd look at black death levels of dying lmao
You'd have to look it up but the bullshit law theoretically giving pharma immunity defines vaccine as 'preventative measure'.
I don't think any law with a 'scope' passes the basic fundamental of everyone being equal under the law, and juries would likely agree.
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sorry I won't provide a torrent for these, don't wanna get Epsteined on my way to work tomorrow and I STILL don't have a sneedbox in russia because torrenting anime somehow still goes under the radar, pardon my laziness.
Current vibes on X is autists are giddy to get their hands on these files, some may already be digging through it.
It's 4:25pm in Goymany right now, close to end of wörk for most officedwellers, we'll be getting some spicy shit flying around at least on Xitter I'd assume.
>pretty much all of these are international banks
I see 4 "German" banks on this list.
I don't think that's true. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the proliferation of psyops, the purpose of which is to distract us from the vax genocide, thereby forestalling justice against tyranny.
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It just keeps happening.
Kek, I had a temp ID, had to show it to the police several times in winter 20/21 during the nighttime curfews.
This was the maximum a government can do without total collapse. If that's not a lockdown, what is?
naja, x ist nur voller leute die sagen, dass sie recht hatten und die schwurbler korrekt waren

auf welchen punkt sie sich beziehen, also ob sie meinen das corona geplannt war oder sonst irgendwas erwähnt keiner bis jetzt lmao

heisst wohl selbst bisschen durch schauen, bis später
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kek, shall we ask the digital kike?
>1 lockdown of 76 days
>1 lockdown of 120-220 days
All those false memories in the news AAAAA
which will keep the ones who opressed you wit vaccines unharmed as they themselves are unvaccinated.
Good job, you are just their acompliance now.
...in den letzten vier Jahren hättest du lernen müssen, dass die allermeisten nur zur Mehrheit gehören wollen, und, wichtiger noch, dass jede Mehrheit für diese Menschen vollkommen wahrhaftig ist. Menschen stellen sich zusammen, wiederholen Lügen (die sie auch als solche verstanden haben) voreinander aus Angst von der ominösen (erstunkenen und erlogenen) Mehrheit von der die Medien predigen, und... am Ende formiert sich eben diese Mehrheit im nachhinein.
Die militanten Gutmenschen die sich sich dem Einheitstrott angeschlossen haben, werden sich jetzt der neuen Mehrheit anschließen und von nichts wissen -- insbesondere nicht von ihrem eigenen Handeln.
This isn't what happened, guy getting pinned by the stabbed cop was punching the guy holding down the muzzy
You do realize that everybody dies eventually?
>im Nachhinein**
>Die militanten Gutmenschen die bewusst sich dem Einheitstrott angeschlossen haben**
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hier und da is ganz netter shit dabei
w.z.b. hier ne Liste (abgeschnibbelt) von Influencern die staatsfinanziert Werbung für Impf-Apps und die Kampagne an sich gemacht haben
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bump for justice
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fucking abgegrieft, also was ich hier klar sehe ist das die deutche regierung absolut keinen schimmer hat was sie tun lmaoooooooo
Very good, dox them and put them all into a database. In fact anybody who ever took any money from the government should be listed in a public database with their name, address and what they were paid for with tax money.
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wo ist diese liste?

muss mir mal wieder gut einen ablachen
das mit dem whistleblower is nice. fast wie damals, als wir auf pilzen die karnevalskiste gefunden haben. lachkrämpfe ohne ende.
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gut, so viel war klar.
der verlinkt weiter
Deaths and mind control of those that didn't die
>But the opposite happened
No, it did not. Many now no longer trust the government and its ancillary institutions. Do not expect this state to be broadcast, even on /pol/.
You people failed first, we're trying to pick up the pieces
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>2M€ to beg people to work for free
btw is Reiner Fuëllmich still in jail?
Is derailing this thread via D&C your only purpose here?
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as of right now, yup
btw that's a LOT of money
>it is a complete vindication of all of us
A very good point.
>They tried to kill as many people as they could.
Although they failed to achieve their goal of about 95%, they have the blood of billions on their hands. I shall hardly envy them on Judgment Day.
>We survived the largest psyop and propaganda campaign ever seen in human history.
We must always remember this.
Does this matter? Need there be one? It's more about agenda than a goal.
And the agenda is controlling the masses.
Everything else stems from this, including money. It's not a goal but an ongoing process.
>keep the cattle in their pen
>Zentralrat der Juden only got 2610€
yes, that is my point

The NYFed runs the fucking planet, make no mistake about it.
<<<——— the international banking cartel driving humanity into the ground
>private owners of the NYFed, aka shareholders aka primary dealers
>privately-incorporated company
>market makers for US treasuries
>used to be 46, now there are 24
>Five-time felon JPM is the largest
Behold, people! The failures of 2008 on fucking QE steroids.

>24 nation-less financial corporations destroying the planet with national indebtedness, purposeful arbitrage and false scarcity
<<<<----also, NYFed fulfilled its diversity requirement by adding a new Primary Dealer, ASL Capital Markets, owned by an Arab banker (a minority-owned business), been in business three years and now issuing our currency
If you are vaccinated send an email to logladyman@protonmail.com. they will put you in contact with a shaman who cures vaxx-injuries by primitive fecal replacement therapy. It's basically him transplanting a log into your system the natural way.
>no link
>no nothing
And the one German member, Deutsche Bank, is known to be shady as fuck in their own right.
Checked and true. Why is the Government in the state called Germany so antisemitic?
How come NO ONE ever brings up the constitution states plainly that no state shall make anything but gold and silver legal tender and there has NEVER been an amendment that overrules or changes this.
The trick is the Fed making the money, not states.
Checked and kekked.
I was just reading pic rel yesterday
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine ((((democracy)))) working with sane people quitting over the most massive genocide ever. YOU will do nothing and they will keep YOU in check and don't recognize their mistakes.
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shit, your flag is the only flag which can say this to our face, whenever you go out and do shit it's kino as fuck
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not even well poisoning
water is required to live
the vaxx was completely optional
yep, nothing much german about them and never really was.

>>Deutsche Bank Aktionärsstruktur

>>Größte Anteilseigner in %
>>Aperio Group LLC 5,51
>>Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al-Thani 4,70
>>Vanguard Group, Inc. (Subfiler) 2,80
>>Capital Research & Management Co.
>>(International Investors) 2,44
>>Arrowstreet Capital LP 2,22
>>Goldman Sachs International 1,90
>>Amundi Asset Management 1,62
>>American Funds New Perspective Fund 1,62
>>Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund 1,36
now that i think about it i never saw a german riot, are germans too serious and tied to civil order to do stuffs?
is that long term too?
i don't invest in gold
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all we get is Antifa getting blasted with piss whenever they (((organically appear))) as a black block against capitalism, pictured is G20 in Hamburg
usually leads to nice photos of people with their eyes ripped out by the blast and shit so we don't even dare.
last closest thing we had were the farmers protesting
no TV will ever show this so it might not even exist for of boomers are normalfags aka 90% of voters.
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this is what we should all be watching
compliance to the global status quo is directly proportional to the values on this table
i'll probably get banned for this post
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best we can do is faggy demonstrations which usually has the consequence of everyone there being called Nazis, a counter-demo plopping up out of nowhere and all media only showing that
I'm financially illiterate. What does this say?
it is who is buying and selling US treasuries
Alright. Still not getting how this could get you banned.
money has replaced success
pic relate shows the state of ivy league medicine in the US
>21 fucking papers
>lying to brain cancer patients
there's no point in burning down cities we still consider ours somehow. looting isn't aryan and has no benefit in the matter. shops are vanishing already. i guess you are right. the most we can expect is conservative lawyers starting a grass root signature lists against building large mosques where they don't belong. taking out single politicians in minecraft wouldn't help as they're easily replaced from the ranks of goldmansteinberg&co, across the democrazy spectrum too. so what do you suggest. yellow vests? burning it all to the ground. storming their residences armed with forks and bats? there are too many people here making bank with the downfall, as you can see in the lists the other germanon posted. hundreds of million for the willing liars. disgusting. but we knew all this, right? isn't it even worse in france?
I dont think they are "buying" them they are just forced to take bonds in exchange for export surplus knowing USA is never going to pay those debts. Partially why china is getting annoyed by USA printing trillions of worthless dollars and wants to shake things up.
yep, picrel face is the problem here. one can't even be sure if they're just dumb or plain evil and benefitting. i think it's the latter.
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i get banned (never for my own legit posts), but for bannable posts made by other
these bans conveniently coincide with my flood posting about the NYFed

OR i have a dynamic IP that keeps getting mixed up with other posters
pic related i don't even fucking go on /biz/
same here its dynamic IP
mostly click and after noticing its gone...
if not clear cache and reconnect
>USA printing trillions of worthless dollars
ty for the segue

A reminder, Federal Reserve Notes are what are being issued to worthless oblivion and
>the US dollar is a fucking UNIT
The US dollar is a UNIT, it is NOT issued, it is an agreed-upon metric.
It is the 'Federal Reserve Note' that IS BEING ISSUED into oblivion in exchange for bond debt. The irony is the Fed subverting their own legitimacy by THEIR OWN ISSUING of Federal Reserve Notes into worthless oblivion.

US Gold Notes and US Silver Notes are interest-free, metals-backed, NON-fiat notes that could be issued by the US Treasury TODAY.
US Notes are interest-free, fiat notes that could be issued by the US Treasury TODAY, they can also be metals-backed and were intended to be used as a tool for the citizens to trade.
Federal Reserve Notes are DEBT-BASED, fiat notes issued out of thin air by the privately-incorporated Federal Reserve 12 regional franchises and are currently bankrupting the US.
They are ALL DENOMINATED IN US DOLLARS (aka $US), which is a fucking UNIT.

We should now let this thread be about covid.
high IQ post.
Read it, copypaste it and never 4get
The German government still has the ability to bury any news it doesn't want out, right?

If this is gaining traction then it is because there is a reason to motivate the public and force a change or punish some group.
Who and why?
A bit late to save their recruitment strategy but better late than never.
It was coerced on a ton of city folk. "Take the injection or you lose your job and won't even be allowed to go to the grocery store." That was the gist of the threat in USA, anyway. For the stores, though they never got to the point of requiring proof of the vaxx the government told them to enforce mask laws or shut down. If you think the average city dweller has the balls to resist that much pressure you live in La La Land.
Luxemburg, Cayman Islands and Bermuda notably are punching far above their land size. Does anyone know how those three came to be so favored by various elitists?
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The Bank Of International Settlements (BIS) is the head of all debt-based central banks (and founded by JPM) and was created in 1930 under the Versailles Treaty to get money from Germany for all the nasty shit they did in WWI.
The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England existed way before the BIS, the BIS morphed into their central clearing house and check-kiting hub for the first fractional-reserve, fiat, debt-based central banking schemes run in a few countries and then expanded from there to installing its central banks in over sixty countries.
Pic related
Note Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Venezuela are NOT on the list lol
>China begged to be in the basket of currencies under the IMF and BIS in 2015 and the yuan was finally used in 2017
>only took the NYFed four years to get China bent over the table
Note Ukraine is NOT on the list, as it was a 2014 freshly-installed regional NYFed bank branch, it was still on probation
Russia is looking to get off the list.

The NYFed is similar to a space ship in sci-fi movies that hovers over nations and sucks up all the resources, slowly orbiting the planet.
Note that the NYFed and the Fed Board of Governors were just added as separate entities on this list
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fuck it might as well throw this in, too

An India anon’s thread on the NYFed’s primary dealers:
<<<<——this thread shows the SAME primary dealers in all of the debt-based central banks listed in the image in >>475356324, which reads just like the list of the NYFed’s primary dealers as seen in >>475348303
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note fauci is in this pic
Haha, es ist zu spät, Querschwurbler. Die NPC Herde has moved on.
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i don't speak german, but this doesn't look good
Absolutely dangerously observant. Kudos to India Anon for highlighting the fact that we (anyone who uses (((currency)))) are all being suckered by the same few faggots.

I don't want anarchy, but holy shit as long as human beings don't have lie-detecting psychic powers, there will be swindlers. Accelerator is at max. Let's go to the end.
Yes. Glad that I never took the Trump vax. Sometimes I really wonder if, deep down vaxxies wanted to die? I mean they KNOW there is no resident evil virus flying around only killing people who have more than 6 people at a table or at out after 9:PM, they KNEW this but just could not resist finger wagging over gotchas and petty rules about pervert masks and standing 16 feet apart or whatever it was. There was no search for truth at all on the vaxxed parts so maybe it would be better if they were all dead. it really would. I know it is not very nice to admit but it is true when every American you have to deal with in public is a potential problem and you never know what bullshit they will be on from second to second.
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>could not resist finger wagging over gotchas and petty rules about pervert masks and standing 16 feet apart or whatever it was
I care but the vaxxies do not and we are overwhelmed by them and pajeets. It’s a numbers game. Was hoping it would come out during the US election to throw trump under the bus but looks like it won’t
They’re all the same retard
>the natural way.
Human centipede?
>we're jewed dead
Is that another way of saying "vaxxed"?
Is a Katrin a German Karen kek

Ah yes. It wurbles quersch
good day anons
see you in the next thread
> >lying to brain cancer patients
What's the harm? They'll be dead soon.
Fuck yes. Kamala is also on video saying the trumpcene is dangerous. FUCK YES. Don’t care about trump or any of these cunts just want to see rope
wrong perker
> it schwurblers quer
At least she was one of the few journos who didnt suck government cock during convid.
<<<---all lies
No Australians are much worse
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I dont fucking care. Never got the vax. My wife never got the vax. Our son never got the vax. All who got vaxxed can get fucked for what I care.
ur delusional boyo
> >I don't understand German.
>should've lost the war then
6,000,000/10 topkek
Correction. He had 14 parties during lockdown.
Thanks anon. They were brutal to us here and there are only 240k unvaccinated adults left. Official digital health data cbf finding link. I made it and could only save one other person in my family
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i'm not vaccinated
Reiner Fullmich deserves to be in jail. He embezzled donation money and put it on his house in violation of EU law. Should have put it in escrow. Greedy cunt. Just because someone says jabs bad does not make them a saint
lol it says bum
Same, why should I? Covid only scares pussy ass mother fuckers
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Quit calling people 'conspiracy theorists'

It was an obvious conspiracy, no theory involved. And no one with a brain was waiting around until 2024 to have that fact confirmed. Then again, if you were slower than january 2020 in figuring it out, you're pretty much an NPC relying on others to do your thinking.

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