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Last bread >>475319446
Previous bread: >>475307020
Try cracking the background image of the pdfs from president's D.O.
Find the Source. The 4 star seal watermark seems to be from the first term from Obama.

From this month, there's 3 documents 19, 20, and 22's with this exact background image.

All documents in question have the same signature which is copied over in some cases even including dirt.
Biden is Ginsburging it out on the stairway to heaven.
Next question:
If Trump wins does that technically make him the first third term president?
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Lmao what a dead bitch

Most likely in a coma at his residence in Delaware.
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gimme qrd
i aint readin all that shit
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So this is why Van Jones was crying like a baby on CNN talking about Joe
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>that technically make him the first third term president?
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Admin put out a doctors note on how healthy Joe is.
Its written on another document to get around the security paper issue meaning its fake.
Also someone cut lines of what looks to be cocaine on it.
Someone better than me, try different color combinations
Try the image without the text over it.
i literally dont understand how this means anything. how schizo is this lol
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Ok shill don't worry
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I successfully deciphered it. It was well worth my time. Pol should devote maximum autistic brainpower to this. You wont regret it bros.

Stenography is globohomos undoing
I am a boomer lol honest, I just played around with it on my phone editor app, also the yellow picture below is from my phone app. I don't know how to do layers.
>i literally dont understand how this means anything
The white house was just caught handing in a fake doctors note.
Biden is not alive enough to sign those presidential pardons the his son really needs.
>I successfully deciphered it.
There is nothing to decipher retard.
The white house accidentally leaked that Joe Biden is either dead or the 25th is about to kick in.
>it's in hebrew
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There is nothing to decipher. The point is that background remnant from the other doc proves its a fake that someone tried to pass off as real in the white house system.
Its to circumvent the security paper system they use by literally using a legitimate letter written on legitimate security paper as a template.
From the cocaine traces you can tell it was Hunter who provided the original document and did I mention that Hunter just tried and failed to get his case thrown out of court?
He needs that presidential pardon more than anything else in the world right now and I would bet good money Kamala wouldn't sign it for the world after being done dirty by Joe.
why would they make the document on a computer, print it and rescan it?
My curiosity was possible text behind the fake. Because there def is. The pardon thing is fascinating tho!! What if he did not pardon them, his entire family, not just hunter, and it was not done officially. Could be good blackmail to use for Kamala "Nominate me, or no pardons" If no pardon, the Bidens are going to tell ALL. Strange days, indeed.
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There's no indication it was printed out, the signatures are the exact same across all three documents
Because an original would need to be scanned and they have to pass it off as one.
They need the embedded security paper code to upload it in the first place.
That could be a set of randomly placed barely off colour white pixels generated new for every couple of weeks or months so without access to the system or the paper this is the best Hunter could do.
Keep in mind Hunter is a crack smoking law student and not some man of wealth and taste.
>My curiosity was possible text behind the fake.
I mean the text as in the doctors note is 100% fake. Check >>475334259 for some more in depth analysis on why no doctor would write that shit.
The "original" text is probably some land management bullshit on what kind of turtle they could use to justify land theft.
>The pardon thing is fascinating tho!
5 days ago it was struck down.
Yesterday Joe dropped out of the race.
If I were Hunter I would hit that pipe because those walls are closing in on him and as the guy who murders all your business partners to prevent them from squealing or demanding their cut he doesn't exactly have a lot of friends.
>What if he did not pardon them, his entire family, not just hunter, and it was not done officially.
Well Hunter goes to prison for drugs, owning firearms as a felon and uhm oh yeah and the whole raping his niece and filming it part.
That doesn't even touch on Burisma and the witnesses they murdered in DOJ protection. Yeah did I mention they kidnapped the child of a guy they murdered to intimidate his wife whom they also tried to murder?
>Could be good blackmail to use for Kamala "Nominate me, or no pardons" If no pardon, the Bidens are going to tell ALL. Strange days, indeed.
I bet Kamala is licking her big fat lips right about now.
As much as we have to keep in mind that she is a politician (an ugly high class prostitute) fact remains that she probably holds a grudge against Joe and Hunter for being their quota running mate.

Given the specific context of a document related to President Joe Biden's health and the involvement of a four-star diamond pattern in the watermark, a crossover organization with elements of the Marine Corps and a focus on secrecy could potentially be involved. Here are some possibilities:

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA): Responsible for providing intelligence support to the Marine Corps and often operates with a level of secrecy. Their documents could feature unique watermarks or insignias.

Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC): Involves elite units from various branches, including the Marine Corps, and operates with a high degree of secrecy. Their insignias and security features on documents might include unique patterns.

United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM): Operates under the Department of Defense and includes personnel from the Marine Corps. They deal with cybersecurity and classified operations, potentially using unique insignias for official documents.

United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM): Involves multiple military branches, including the Marine Corps, and deals with strategic deterrence and defense. They might use specific security features on their documents.

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI): The Navy's intelligence agency, which works closely with Marine Corps units. Their documents might feature unique watermarks or security elements.

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): Provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers, and force planners in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. Documents related to high-level officials like the President might have specialized security features.

These organizations have elements of secrecy and could be involved in matters related to the health and security of the President. The exact insignia you described might be a specialized watermark used by one of these entities to denote classified or sensitive information.
Kill yourself
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likelihood guestimate %
someone took that JB out of the game.
About 40%.
Schizo threads should be banished to /x/
imma bump :DD
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grow up
Meds. Now.
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Release the original doctors note for drug testing and there will be an end to the horrors.
Lets see JB is gone so next in line gets the message to invade lebanon or Trump will do it when he wins. USA run by a military junta
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will take a minute to catch up
bump while i read
compelling argument
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>Lets see JB is gone so next in line ge

Joe Biden was played by body doubles almost the entire year 2020, all of the basement videos, home videos, debates, pressers, ALL were body doubles.
The FIRST time Joe showed up in 2020 was the blue suit and walking cast mid December 2020 after the "dog trip" accident
Joe was not at the inauguration rehearsals, those were all body doubles filmed over 3 days and edited and portrayed as if it were LIVE that grim day in late January 2021
>Salute the Marines
Joe Biden did have a few appearances in 2021, the Rose Garden speech (that was probably filmed elsewhere), and one or two other pressers for Covid. Aside from those few instances you did not see the REAL Joe any of 2021 except ONE leaked family picture from late summer 2021 where you could see the REAL Joe with Hunters and Natalies baby they named Beau after Joes lost son.
Joe Biden was completely replaced in late summer 2021 and all you have seen since is body doubles and mask wearers.
IF they wanted, they would keep the show going with body doubles, there is no reason to pull the plug there are multiple body doubles and mask wearers that will gladly keep getting paid to pretend to be Biden to keep the charade going.
pic.rel is also a body double
To clarify for those somehow still confused, here's what they probably did...

First, they scan a document.
Then, they replace the text because they're too lazy to start from scratch to create a new document.
Then they do it again for another new document.

This would explain why the background is the same for all three.

Because you can see through paper under normal lighting, it's reasonable to assume that we are seeing the document which was below or on the backside of the originally-scanned document.
fo realz, lol
it becomes a problem when the body double gets senile
>(1) knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of, a governmental record;
Hunter I know you went to law school (cringe) but you should probably get a lawyer.
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>it becomes a problem when the body double gets senile
The body doubles dont get senile, they would simply get replaced.
Remember the picture that leaked in 2020 of Hunter getting teeth implants / crowns cemented on? It looked like he had meth mouth, but that was actually his real teeth getting ground down so the crowns / caps could be cemented on. My thoughts are that Hunter got implants to match Joes, so they have the same looking teeth. And i think Hunter has been wearing the mask a bunch like the 9/11 memorial in 2021 where the mask wearer pulled his covid mask down to talk to someone and it pulled his silicone face mask off and it came untucked from his ear. Kinda starting to believe this is Hunter.
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>My thoughts are that Hunter got implants to match Joes, so they have the same looking teeth. And i think Hunter has been wearing the mask a bunch like the 9/11 memorial in 2021 where the mask wearer pulled his covid mask down to talk to someone and it pulled his silicone face mask off and it came untucked from his ear. Kinda starting to believe this is Hunter.
There is something compelling, if you notice lately you are seeing Natalie a bunch with "joe"
My thoughts is this is Hunter in the mask and Natalie is still his lover.
terrible i know....
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>My thoughts are that Hunter got implants to match Joes, so they have the same looking teeth. And i think Hunter has been wearing the mask a bunch like the 9/11 memorial in 2021 where the mask wearer pulled his covid mask down to talk to someone and it pulled his silicone face mask off and it came untucked from his ear. Kinda starting to believe this is Hunter.
>if you notice lately you are seeing Natalie a bunch with "joe"
>My thoughts is this is Hunter in the mask and Natalie is still his lover.
none of these are Joe Biden. All doubles or mask wearers.
>The body doubles dont get senile, they would simply get replaced.
that's assuming they can easily perform the equivalent of finding another theresa barnswell for hillary
but hunter in a mask, lol
akshually not out of the realm of possibility
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I bet Hunter would put on a dress and do a whole lot more for a get out of a jail free card.
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>but hunter in a mask, lol
>akshually not out of the realm of possibility
>I bet Hunter would put on a dress and do a whole lot more for a get out of a jail free card.

>what about when Hunter talking about his plea deal was broadcast over a Biden speech on a video that was on the WH site forever
its still there but its just not searchable, you have to have the direct link now to be able to watch it
Here is the link to the WhiteHouse YT page where it was posted

Here is the actual direct link timestamped for perfection
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war never changes
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"Barack Obama (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017) is left-handed."
>The white house was just caught handing in a fake doctors note.
convince me they couldn't get a real doctor's note that was bullshit instead.
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I'm back mein niggers
Hows the hunt
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Obama's teeth match the person under the mask I just posted
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this is the most likely case but in an unlikely way.

Yes, they are trying to hide that Biden is ded, so they create a fake / edited version of a previous letter and post it multiple times. Since they are trying to get you to be suspicious that Biden is ded, they created / forged these documents and the whole world would eat it up but WE anons and a few others are smart enough to pick up on the shit that dont make sense. Why does the document have watermarks from something 8+ years ago, why does it look like they used white-out over the text and then scanned the paper (with watermarks showing) and why do multiple of these documents have the same computer signatures.
Things like this are things we pick up on, and notice, and call out. They call us the conspiracy theorists but we are calling them out on their bullshit for trying to tell the world that this is obvious fakes / forges.
BUT.... My thoughts are this is faked / forged in a manner that people could see if they look hard enough, just to make everyone start questioning whats really going on behind the scenes.
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>Obama's teeth match the person under the mask I just posted

not quite but good try

Bicuspids and incisors are different
>Original bread baker factoids
Three most recent different Biden D.O. documents have a single background image that is another letter from the same D.O. but it is compressed and deepfried to hell and back
The 3 pdfs confirm all three background images are the same image with no changes.
It's not some scanner error/ghost image of another letter behind the 3 letters because the image is in 3 different letters.
The 3 letters were never scanned with Turboscan as all pdfs are inspect-able and the background image is extractable.
It's possible the original compressed and deepfried background image was scanned in digitally with Turboscan because the seal at the top has a block of watermark missing from the 4 eagle seal where a seal is placed on top.
Turboscan is confirmed to be on a 36 month contract with the FBI.
The 4 eagle watermark seal is from JCP D50: 100% Cotton Fine Writing Paper https://www.gpo.gov/docs/default-source/forms-and-standards-files-for-vendors/vol_13.pdf
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>Turboscan is confirmed to be on a 36 month contract with the FBI.
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>convince me
Uhm sweetie this is an origami board.
I checked the old thread and you were asking the wrong questions.
What the original document said is irrelevant. The real question is why reuse an official document lest its to circumvent the security paper system.
With that in mind simply establishing that the background was a legitimate document can only mean that the doctors note is a fake to prevent the 25th from being triggered or Harris taking office.
Checking into that the documents you posted have not just an identical signature but identical debris picked up during scanning.
Pic related.
As you can see by the 22nd they started catching on and began moving around specs and removed some however Hunter needs some glasses because you can see some of them are chopped with clean lines.
>why reuse an official document lest its to circumvent the security paper system.
This assumes they don't have access to unused paper. that's as bad as saying they can't get a doctor to lie for them.
I can't deny the repeating signature except usually digital sigs can be stored and reused.
I guess they could just be stupid.
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>It's possible the original compressed and deepfried background image was scanned in digitally with Turboscan because the seal at the top has a block of watermark missing from the 4 eagle seal where a seal is placed on top.
In my second OP >>475319446 you can clearly see the block missing from the seal
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>I checked the old thread and you were asking the wrong questions.
>The real question is why reuse an official document lest its to circumvent the security paper system.
Yeah, It took awhile for us to get there but we eventually started asking that near the end of bread 2
Hans on fire. Ausgezeichnet.
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>This assumes they don't have access to unused paper. that's as bad as saying they can't get a doctor to lie for them.
Implying the D.O. is even alive, If they can't get him to lie, then they might have to remove him to keep the secret.
if they can't even get unused paper, then why not just do the same thing as the letter 18th? It's got no BG image of another letter, the seals don't look deep fried and it was made with Quartz PDFContext
guess it's possible they didn't have quick access to the original pdf or device used to make it
>I guess they could just be stupid.
Very likely, but the one from the 18th is fine, something's changed significantly between the 18th to the 19th
download and upload this in to the pdf inspector on https://pdfcrowd.com/inspect-pdf/
you'll see it's made on ios and Quartz PDFContext
>IF they wanted, they would keep the show going with body doubles, there is no reason to pull the plug there are multiple body doubles and mask wearers that will gladly keep getting paid to pretend to be Biden to keep the charade going
Exactly. So what is the Deep State's purpose in writing "Biden" out of their script this way, and not simply letting him finish out his term and retire?
>This assumes they don't have access to unused paper.
Yeah Hunter does not have access to unprinted security paper.
>that's as bad as saying they can't get a doctor to lie for them.
Find me a doctor who is willing to give up their license and risk jail just to cover for a broke junkie.
>I can't deny the repeating signature except usually digital sigs can be stored and reused.
We are way past establishing that the signatures were copied over and past proving that they were not a legal template or stamp.
Then my wörk here is done.
Gotta go now but ill check in again in an hour or so.
Talking about fire I got a something in the oven.
>Then my wörk here is done.
>Gotta go now but ill check in again in an hour or so.
Thanks for baking and keeping the bread alive.
>Talking about fire I got a something in the oven.
Hope it's cooked to perfection fren
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Joe Biden was disappeared for not dropping out of the race. Someone pulled him aside and threatened to kill him if he didn't drop out on Sunday. No one gets disappeared like this unless they refused an ultimatum. Rememer, they tried to pull us back into Afghanistan with ISISK and he had the balls to tell his handlers no. This time they didn't back down. They killed him.
>If only you knew how bad things are going to get.
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>doing yikes!
It's so over.
He's been dead the whole time
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Hunter Biden has worse problems than cocaine. If Biden is dead than I can see Trump or a generic republican pardoning Hunter for bringing cocaine into the White House and his gun problem. But not for Ukraine money laundering.
Teeheebru. Duh.
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>If Trump wins does that technically make him the first third term president?
Might be why lefties call him a dictator.
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He took the deal. No reason to keep the cover-story they were going to use after they killed him.

So if China nukes the US, the US can't launch retaliatory strikes? Does Zion Don's PR team not consider the consequences of what rumors they spread? If someone nukes the US as Biden was incapacitated before transitioning authority for nuclear strikes, that's probably going to hurt Trump's poll numbers because it was Trump's people tipping off the entire world they can hit the US with nukes absent consequences.

Such patriotism!
They won't let me says the leader of the free world continually during his time as POTUS. And this is a surprise?
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> /CreationDate D:20240719132952-04'00'
> /ModDate D:20240723124401-04'00'
> /Producer TurboScan by Piksoft
Same origin pdf, they keep editing the same one from the 19th
Still has same background image and deepfried seal
Inderesding. What changed from the 18th to the 19th? because that's when the documents get weird: Diagnosed with covid
im gonna check news and articles from the 18th maybe there is a smoking gun of something bigger than just covid
>biden dood
Wat nou?
That Kenyan niggers been having his 3rd term since 202 guy
Yuh and he's pretty mad that the Clintons endorsed Harris. Big Mike isn't running so Obongo is done now.
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This is what's about to drop.
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>Inderesding. What changed from the 18th to the 19th? because that's when the documents get weird
Huh says earlier in the day he'll step down if he gets some medical condition that emerges
he gets diagnosed with covid on the 17th and the documents change from the 18th to the 19th
inderesting. i really wonder if he even has covid and is being gaslit to step out of the race
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Biden was just seen walking from the motorcade, so he's not dead yet.

They have no excuse for the lack of watermarked paper now.
It's Obama wearing a mask
GG, anon. Keep taking our meds!
SS Director Kimberly Cheatle has Resigned, guess it's back to guarding Doritos for her.
Why don't they have access to a non-deepfried pdf or 4 star eagle watermarked paper?
>Why don't they have access to a non-deepfried pdf or 4 star eagle watermarked paper?
>If Trump wins does that technically make him the first third term president?
Plot twist: the democrats admit the 2020 election was rigged, Trump was lawfully elected and has been president this entire time, thus making him ineligible to run for another term.
Not how it works.

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