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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Bohemian Grove Elite's Ritual Human Sacrifice was just captured on camera 2 days ago, for only the second time ever, first time being 30 years ago by ALEX JONES sneaking in. nu/pol/ is too stupid to know what this is or its significance.
I can only hear 20% of what they're saying but here's what I heard:
>They called themselves "serpent worshippers" and tell the story of how their cult formed in ancient Rome
>They say "our members are powerful businessmen, politicians, and kings"
>They tell the story about how the "evil" Emperor of Rome kicked them out of Rome, using Roman soldiers to kill them.
>They say the Emperor "tried to kill our serpent, which we worship at the fiery altar" and then they showed themselves killing the Emperor and taking control of Rome.
>They then brought out the covered dead body of "the Emperor of Rome" "their mortal enemy" and took him to the sacrificial altar, as they got near the altar security ramped up drastically, searching and shining flashlights into the woods, searching for uninvited people, and they spotted the cameraman in the woods, and he said "holy shit they're going to sacrifice me just like that guy" and he had to flee.
>only second time
A kid just broke in last summer. There have been countless people who have done it since Alex.

>Alex did it 30 years ago

No. I was on ATS back in the late 90s and (sadly) subbed to prison planet in 2000. That video he did was from 1999. 25 years ago, not 30.

nu fag.
Spoiled faggots in a cult about refining piss and pain into chaotic insight with satanism so nobody has to be a profit but they can still win because they won by not being goyim example 1000 or more depending on if it was real or not in your mind by the end of fathoming that faggots like this rule the earth and largely the souls of the people around you because they picked up a book with more efficiency for metaphysical programming than Harry Potter with added extra steps of the devil laughing his dick off the entire time regardless of whatever the retards think they're doing. Install Gentoo.
When he broke in last summer the ritual wasn't IN PROGRESS. the place was abandoned.
its got the same vibe as some Magic Kingdom attraction
who are they cremating, where is boden?
It's amazing to think that magical sacrificial areas are abandoned because most people that show up are indebted to inane bullshit through nothing more than accruing debt through karmic retardation.
spooky, like in the movies.
in the next seconds the avengers and voldemort will fght for the survival of harambe
fake, debunked, and grain brained. op is a nigger cattle looking for youtube followers.
Anyway I'm the guy in the video and I sent it in to the Alex Jones show via their whistleblower email so you should expect to see it on his show in a few days. I snuck in via Kayak through the swamp on the back part of the 1000+ acre property. That's the only side that isn't surrounded by gates and guards except for the ocean facing side with 100+ ft tall cliffs
ok glownigger
Thomas Crooks
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now tongue my anus
Everyone knows about Cremation of Care
they have been doing this for 120 years
it's a nothingburger that's all it is
Dancer is a fuckin legend. I’ve been following him since the first time he broke in there.
It symbolizes them destroying their guilty conscious for the things they do.
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glowniggers completely destroyed my previous thread and are now trying to do the same to this one. theyre hunting me in real life right now as we speak.
youve hurt the thread with this wasteful post that was already bumping.
r they with u now niggerboy?
When does the human sacrifice start? So far it's just lame gay theater.
I'll be honest, if this is true, you have my respect as a 48yr old conspiracy tard since the 90s.

Now do Bilderberg.
>25 years ago, not 30.
wow, OP btfo by a teen who thinks 5 years is an important distinction because that's a third of his life.
around the last third
Good I hope they find you. Buy an ad faggot.
Thats the homosexual republican summer camp convention.
Considering everyone is now attacking him, and I'm the only non-bot here, I'd say I believe him and respect the guy. I suggest you go to Above Top Secret's forum and link this. Or I will.
And yes, they are now coming after you. They are in this thread, even.
thanks for the video, I'll upload a copy onto my bit chute.
and im behind a shady blockchain based proxy that uses other regular people's computers to post, so glowniggers will never find me
Who cares
Let the kids have fun
y is ur video even still up on jewtube in 2024, this aint ~2007 anymore (when i first saw the alex jones vid on jewtube)
They have other ways to identify you if they truly wanted to.
that doesnt explain the jewtube post nigger faggot
These faggots believe that the bad karma will go away once they stop killing children lmao

hm some sus replies for sure
Nothing happened you lying nigger faggot.
That is too cringe to be anything more than entertainment larp.
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did you not see them bring out the dead body? and even say outloud it represents the emperor of rome they slain in ancient times for expelling their "serpent cult"?
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and here they are moving the body by boat towards the sacrificial altar, which i filmed up close in the previous video when the place was abandoned
It's lame gay theater. No one recording of someone being killed.

You are gay.
Seems comfy as fuck desu
>that hair
biden noe
look up the human sacrifice outside CERN. they clearly jam a knife into her chest.
They ductape dry ice to the boat?
>Asking for a friend
Show me. I don't believe anything you say after this lame gay theater bullshit.
I was just kidding about being the guy in the video btw. To get the thread fired up.
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wait a second.

if these guys are worshipping an unironically based and red pilled indo-european aryan symbol like the Minervan owl, representative of the aryan godess of of wisdom, strategic warfare, the arts and crafts and in particular weaving, doesn't that make them the good guys? isn't that really fuckin antisemetic to worship aryan gods and symbols?

were we wrong bros? are we the baddies?

I bet you fucking anything that the evil emperor is the christcuck Constantine who drove them out
they see us as mutts with inferior bloodlines. an ironic twist of fate for a memeflagger like yourself
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aristocrats are superior though
then why did they literally call themselves serpent worshippers multiple times during the play? why did Romans (Aryans) expel them from Rome? (they said that in the play too). Why did they have the Emperor killed?
>I bet you fucking anything that the evil emperor is the christcuck Constantine who drove them out
actually if thats the case you have a point. except for them calling themselves serpent worshippers, still needs explained.
The whole thing was staged, dumbass.

The sacrifice doesn't even look remotely real.
They're not without flaws, though. Greed being their main vice.
learn your history. christcucks came into power with constantine and destroyed all aryan imagery and drove out and persecuted pagans. I bet you anything this aryan counter-Semitic secret society has been operating behind the scenes the whole time trying to liberate us
>making fun of people like americans taking all serious
>hey lets do some human sacrifice like in indy jones movies
>we need also someone to film it with mobile phone
that would change everything. technically, Aryan Atlanteans were "Serpent Worshippers" too.
They aren't Aryan they are worshipping what the aryans replaced. Think of Jason and the argonauts. The shit they went up against was minoan or mycenean prehistory wild gods. Jason and the argonauts were Aryan conquerors. His marriage to the princess represents the union of patriarchal aryan sun worshipoing invaders and matriarchal tribal moon worshippers. The product of this marriage is the Greek and their pantheons.
What the Bohemia Grove larpers are doing is worshipping who their pre Aryan maternal ancestors did
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>except for them calling themselves serpent worshippers
because they are antichristian. the serpent is a powerful anti-christian symbol of rebellion

>muh greed

cry me a river slave-moralist
Constantine has some interesting events leading up to him.
Such as space lasers burning his enemies in a hopeless three-way fight. It was an ayy intervention to install a new mode of control after Rome destroyed jews - the original control grid.
if they didnt work for CERN how did they get to the Shiva statue on the property, and how was one filming from inside a CERN owned building? i assume you are not familiar at all with the countless other times CERN released thinly veiled ritual videos portraying human sacrifice etc, publicly.
Why isn't a /pol/ack flying a recording drone over that shithole every night?
>trying to liberate us
they're the ones in charge of you kike-worshipping cuck
In some gnostic texts from the nag hamadi christ is the serpent who broke into the garden of eden to initiate the chain of events that would allow him to incarnate into the material world to save those whose souls had the sparks of divinity from the demiurge
Apocrypha of John wasn't rediscovered until 1970s though
You're application has been accepted, please move to the second stage (buy drone).
I have too many attachments to my mortal life.
>A kid just broke in last summer.
OP meant during the ritual.
>countless people
you are a retard

>That video he did was from 1999. 25 years ago, not 30.
your error is much more retarded
>cry me a river slave-moralist
The same greed that ruled in Rome turned the people against themselves. All lost sight of their nation in favor of petty disputes. They imported foreigners to compete with each other, ruining Rome forever.
Then those slaves were turned against them. The locals were displaced from the economy by the imported slaves working for cheap.

You mistake all morality with slave-morality. Your attitude results in psychos legalizing baby torture rituals and importing millions for cheap labor. Rince and repeat until all good is snuffed out.
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Get a label, and write property of [insert fake name], then stick on the underside of the drone.
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thanks for telling us what we already knew nigger. the question is, what will you do?
Classic toxoppasma sufferers which will be cured once we get Ivermectin and mebendazole past blood brain barrier.

So many problems will be solved! Marxism, depression, bipolarity, war!
The Serpents they worshipped had arms and legs just as described in the Bible. They were Reptilian Humanoids. They physically lived in the Temples, they were their mansions. The cities were built around the temple because everyone was in service to the Reptilian overlord, literally their slaves like on a plantation. The altar was literally the Reptilian's dinner table it physically ate the sacrificed humans on. It was all real. Almost every society on Earth didn't all start doing this, then stop doing this, at the same time, for no reason.
It won't go away until they are dead.
Alright, I'll bite. How many years ago is 1999? Help an inbred out.
Karma that heavy sticks around for at least an eon.
There is a reason even narcs like Trudeau are opposed to killing their enemies at this point.
It was 2 years before this century
I can not reiterate enough that I was LARPing about being the guy in the video. This should be easily verifiable being that my location is on the complete opposite side of the USA from where this guy is known to be from (California). I'm saying this because I just learned from a google search that Bohemian Grove is guarded by the Secret Service, meaning this place actually IS a big deal, and I didn't even know. I guess important people really do attend this event? I thought it was exaggerated, and probably more "regular style" people, especially not secret service guarding such a place, but maybe regular security guards. Didn't know the fire I was fucking with by pretending to be the guy behind it.
Very cool anon
ah fuck I replied to your thread
they're going to kill me too now if this is real
And the reason I said "i snuck in by kayak" is because in Dancer's previous video he shows that that's how he snuck in, so I added that extra detail to my LARP so it would seem more legit to people who didn't watch that video. I thought this was more of an exaggerated high class resort not an actual super secret place guarded by secret service.
A cult only needs to convince you their larp is real. If the larp requires Egyptian outfits or Gregorian chants then that's what you do. Obsessing over why Egypt or Gregorian is missing the point.
The only time secret service is there is when a president or former president attends. Normally it's just mall cop types guys. When someone important is there the secret service works together with them to improve security.
Relax it was actually me I was just there to shoot Michael chitwood the sheriff from California in the head in the real life Minecraft server meetup at Bohemia Grove
They ended up sacrificing him before I could though
its too late, were coming
been following this guy on Instagram, pretty interesting tnb
guy even pissed on the main owl idol once everyone left, kek
4plebs link or thread-id?
>serpent worshippers
H-how did Todd do it again?
>if they didnt work for CERN how did they get to the Shiva statue on the property

Next to the Shiva Statue is the CERN Hotel
which was also the location the video was shot from.
if you book yourself a room there, you can pretty much freely walk around at the shiva at night if you dont want to jump the fence
heres his page fwiw, posted a week ago
Elder Scrolls is almost entirely derived from real ancient lore, even if altered significantly.
They've already killed him and typed this.
What a waste of my fucking time thanks faggot.

>”oh no is dat a sacrifice oh no is it the other guy who ummm who snuck in?”
I was so convinced from your acting OP
>”a guy was trying to sneak up behind me?”
So what did you do? Knock him out cold?

The dude filming is sus. Makes a lot of noise for someone scared for their life
Either the grove wanted you there, or it really is just a huge larp with poor security and you’re trying to get unearned attention.

Has anyone seen a YMCA ragged ceremony? Shit is just fake and gay theatrics to make people feel a part of something and keep coming back and paying.

I’m not convinced this shit is anything but rich people circle jerking to harmless Larping. Thanks for killing the fantasy asshole.
For example the name Talos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talos
This device was real. Humanity was very advanced when the "gods" ruled.
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Thanks. picrel.
who were the guys in all black at the bottom of the tree after the “priestly procession” walked bu
also, is that frog sound actual frogs on the island or just audio through speakers? seems like a pantomime show lol
>as they got near the altar security ramped up drastically, searching and shining flashlights into the woods, searching for uninvited people, and they spotted the cameraman in the woods, and he said "holy shit they're going to sacrifice me just like that guy"
It's the same kid. Dancer1
there was many frog sounds when he went there when it was abandoned. and its peak frog season right now
gayest shit ever.. oohh look tottaly infiltrated footage
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the drum kit is real??? fuck.
what the fuck is this ai generated bot bullshit thread
cool as fuck sounds amazing. heil kek
Just go in there burger team 1 with your AR15s and smoke the cunts. Simple as.
theres a website for this? finally i can find out how old i am.
where is the timestamp of guy getting killed faggots?
smoke cunts? you smoke cigarettes, you fuck cunts, stupid. i bet you used to read the dandy comics.
Even if they kill kids, who cares?
I will never have kids, society can go fuck itself
They're called "peepers".
You smoke fags shut the fuck cocksucker
I want humanity to end, that's why I'm not having kids.
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Are you worried for your safety?
What an obvious homo.
nah because i just realized they'll be able to easily prove im lying about being him, when they check who lives at my house and see im obviously 20 years older than this young guy (he's shown his partial face in other vids)
/pol/ snopes here applying the label "mostly false" here
Good work bro, god speed.
when is the human sacrifice?
I just read on wikipedia that Bohemian Grove has been doing this since at least 1872. 150+ years.
red herring larp grove
wake me up when they sneak in one of their bunkers and find bloody mattresses like under ny tunnels
I don’t care about the figure heads playing dress up and having gay sex while high. The guys woth family trees that go back to fucking 1200’s Europe and Middle East are thevreal red meat, not the petty bourgois meat puppets
youre fucked dude
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A bunch of larping faggots, but they are still people with power.
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Bohemian Grove. No one knows who they were or what they were doin'...

Its on Jewtube in 2024 so it is not relevant.
We're on to you, Kyle.

We're coming.
Upload it somewhere where I can save it faggot
All of this cope.
Paganism is evil, pagan gods are literally objectively evil demons, Rome was evil until Christ defeated it, Christ is king and the true God himself incarnate hypostasis.
You can try to rationalize it all you want refusing to see truth in front of you, paganism is evil and satanic.
Christ is king.
Why are protestants like this?
I wonder what these people were praying for?
My best guess is war
they got rid of everything cool so they had to make up something new and thats the best their idol worshipping materialistic heathen brains came up with
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This was like a week or so ago. I remember because I was on a date smoking a cigarette and about to play putt-putt when I saw it on Twitter, so I made her watch it before we went to play.
checked and kayak-pilled
Yahveh was called Baal, as in "Lord" and Moloch, or children sacrifice, was performed to him, because he's basically jewish Chronos / Saturn that was jealous of other gods and ate his own children.
You're basically worshipping the jewish pagan uberdemon.
That's not what happened, Canaanites kept conflating Baal with Yahweh deliberately to a point that Israelites built human sacrificial altars like the golden Calf.
But we know that God saw it as abomination because he isn't Baal.
playing the body is usually given to a new member (as you just sit there). It's far gayer and unimaginably lame compared to what people think happens there. Basically theater kid summer camp with some government officials/industry leaders sprinkled in
Isn't this a carthaginian ritual? Carthage was the biggest and most powerful country right before rome. They were also Jewish.
you forgot the 'paddled in with a fucking skillet' part of your story
What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?
Baal is just a semitic jewish word that means lord. All their gods were called baal + something. Baal Haddad, Baal Hammon, Baal Yahveh, etc. Baal Yayhveh was their archetype of Saturn and that's who they ended up worshipping exlusively, the only people in known history that ended up emulating the closest god to pure evil in human mythos. Even Quetzalcoatl had some heroic qualities to him.
And that's who you were tricked into worshipping. Anything good to come out of Christianity is a result of romans attributing attributes of Apollon, Jove and above all Bacchus to him.
Cope all you want, but you worship a jewish demon.
>desert cultists losing their minds over some retarded shit in a forest
It's 2024, you can just use a drone to sneak in anywhere.
what a dumbfuck, ave caesar
Bro you are in cloaca dentata of Europe, completely far removed from anything that is good in the world mentally brainwashed by rapid succession of pagan and Jewish layers of demonic influence culminating in faggy masonic culture they dominated gay France.
Luckily I have first hand texts and records going good 2 thousand years straight in Georgian describing how human sacrifices and pagan demons were defeated through Christ, like the child sacrifice at Armazi Gaci and Gaim altars.
You are actually possessed and in hubris thinking that your opinions talking out of spiritual pigs den of Europe matter.
>going good 2 thousand years straight in Georgian describing how human sacrifices and pagan demons were defeated through Christ
Let me guess those definitely not made up 100% unbiased texts and records are definitely not written by your fellow kike based religion worshipers?
definitely not lolo
Not french and your insults at the great gallo-roman realm of France is pure jewish kvetching.
Maybe you kartvelians were as fucked as jews and only roman improved jewish demon worship could improve the absolute state of your shithole, I can believe that.
Again, post council of Nicea kike demon worship is almost ok thanks to roman and greek spirit imbuing it. It still doesn't change its nature and you're still praying to the same jewish god that ate first born baby jews for centuries, along thousands of goy children throughout European ghettos afterwards.
What'd she think about it?
You guys think Alex Stein the Scientologist is going to get butthurt about their Scientology series?
>Install Gentoo
Why would I want all the bleeding edge software bugs and vulnerabilities? Install Debian stable.
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Speaking of which, I wonder what Julian Assange is up to now.
Israelites were literally just Canaanite polytheists it's in the archeological record your entire existence is a cope
That's why the most common word translated to "God" is actually the plural "Elohim" literally meaning "Gods".
They reformed everything into a monotheistic cult but they couldn't erase the evidence and basically l, you're a retard.

Do we have an transliteration of this? Preferably done by native english speakers. It would make it 10x more easier to decipher what they are referring to. It think, for example, in the Alex Jones clip they mentioned "rosy-fingered dawn" (ancient title of Eos, or Aurora), I'm curious if they still have the same script of do they change things.
>top political leaders participate
>hurr it doesn't mean anything
Wonder why a bunch of political leaders are doing occult rituals, damn I'm just too sleepy to think about it.
So every time they do the thing they just loudly explain there past and future intentions to themselves like some sort of Bond villain?
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Literally caught them in 4k this time lmao

It's some kinda of metaphysical manifestation shit, plus passing on the oral traditions to the next set of cultists
As this other anon said: >>475447177

You know, the CERN is a town-sized place where thousands if not tens of thousands of people visit every day. The statue is next to the hotel, cafeteria and visitor center. You can basically walk in with no security. Actually, if I remember correctly, the video is shot from the hecking visitor center. It's not some super secret government compound, it's basically student kids playing around their summer camp in night.

t. actually been there on a science summer camp thingy
Plays, which to profane are fag stuff and give cringe, but to them, are plans to follow or information that only those in the know understand, for example OP
>The Emperor "tried to kill our serpent, which we worship at the fiery altar" and then they showed themselves killing the Emperor and taking control of Rome

Maybe what just happened with Trump/Biden.
Apparently there are books with a list of all the plays that are performed in the grove.
If this is what the elites enjoy, then they're no better than some LARPers throwing "magic missiles at each other. I thank you for giving us a little window into what some of the people in charge do though. It's creepy as fuck, but this is just shows to me that they're flawed, superstitious, scared little apes like the rest of us.

Their Owl idol is dogshit though, barely worth pissing on.
You're so screwed.
Put me in the screencap
Gentoo is the answer.
Elites HATE Gentoo operators
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>In 1878, the Bohemian Club of San Francisco first took to the woods in Taylorville, California (present-day Samuel P. Taylor State Park) for a summer celebration that they called Midsummer High Jinks.[3] Poems were recited, songs were sung, and dramatic readings were given; the practice was repeated each summer in other areas, primarily near the Russian River in Sonoma County. In 1881, the ceremony of the Cremation of Care was first conducted after the various individual performances, with James F. Bowman as Sire.[4] The ceremony was further expanded in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding,[5] with a Midsummer High Jinks entitled The Sacrifice in the Forest, or simply "Druid Jinks", in which brotherly love and Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice.

these are all masonic ideas, especially brotherly love and christianity. the snake is jesus, you must read the apocryphon of john to understand. the snake, like the owl, represents wisdom. in that book, jesus reveals to his disciples that he was the snake in the garden of eden, sent to free mankind from the evil demiurge.
it's an allegory of christian persecution in rome.
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I just can't help but laugh that our elite are just LARPers pretending to think they control reality with these rituals when they have no power in actuality. No wonder Human civilization is a joke, our leaders are too busy jerking themselves off to Owls, Snakes and Cows. Fucking retards, man, they're just so childishly stupid. "Oh, da power of the grove... ohhhhhh." People mock neckbeard LARPers for less.
Fake and gay esoteric larp created by Jews to throw people off.
/pol/ should take over the world
Why are the normies in the comments so fucking clueless? Jesus fuck normies are fucked
most excellent work bro
hopefully the audio can be cleaned up a bit and a complete transcript made
this is massive, godspeed anon
Surely there must be roman depictions of these humanoids?
/pol/ gets more results than these idiots that think some Owl is going to make them competent at their jobs that involve fucking some kids and blowing each other. Christ, if anything, KeK turned their play into a shit-fest from all of the croaking drowning out the elite's gay little circlejerk.
Meme magic elected Trump and that was hilarious.
Partially interested but also annoyed to wait on playing putt-putt. But she is pretty-based; 1st reaction to Kamala running was "I fucking can't, she makes me hate women".
basically the Spirit of God
Jej, is that Ethan Ralph?
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gnostics were also purged from the catholic church aka rome
>In Gnosticism, the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden was praised and thanked for bringing knowledge (gnosis) to Adam and Eve and thereby freeing them from the malevolent Demiurge's control. Gnostic Christian doctrines rely on a dualistic cosmology that implies the eternal conflict between good and evil, and a conception of the serpent as the liberating savior and bestower of knowledge to humankind opposed to the Demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament. Gnostic Christians considered the Hebrew God of the Old Testament as the evil, false god and creator of the material universe, and the Unknown God of the Gospel, the father of Jesus Christ and creator of the spiritual world, as the true, good God. In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created.

jesus also compares himself to the bronze snake in john. another thing worth mentioning is that nachash (serpent in hebrew) and moshiach (messiah) both have gematria values of 358.
> משיח, Messiah, and נחש, the serpent of Genesis. The dogma is that the head of the serpent (נ) is "bruised," being replaced by מ, the letter of Sacrifice, and god, the letter alike of virginity (י = Virgo) and of original deity (י = the foundation or type of all the letters). Thus the word may be read: "The Sacrifice of the Virgin-born Divine One triumphant (ח, the Chariot) through the Spirit," while NChSh reads "Death entering the (realm of the) Spirit." But the conception of the Serpent as the Redeemer is truer.
Pretty sure the "Emperor of Rome" either represents the pope/Vatican, or the emperor Constantine who christianized the Roman Empire, or both in their ritual context.
Whoever filmed this will be gutted and strung up by his entrails.
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In Thick Darkness.
Amid Violent Tempests of Unendurable Cacophony.
His Serpents Make Offerings unto His Image and Live upon Their Own Fire.
His Servants.
Hideous Reptiles of Terrifying Aspect.
Whose Work is Nothing Less than the Annihilation of the Wicked.
Consume the Bodies of the Damned by Flames of Liquid Fire They Emit from Their Mouths.
And the Goddess Quetet Tent which Liveth on the Blood of the Dead.
Truth is that they're a bunch of demiurge worshipping sons of bitches.
>serpent worshippers
Black cock aficionados
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why worship a snake?
what do those hats really mean?
>They tell the story about how the "evil" Emperor of Rome kicked them out of Rome, using Roman soldiers to kill them.
Ah so it's all kikes, makes sense. Their faggot clan has survived since rome but so have others who despise them. Hail Publius Aelius adrianus, hail Rome. We shall rebuild
SS protects more people than just presidents and former presidents.
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Keep the entertainment coming, folks.
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> demiurge worshipping
oh no, quite the opposite! reread what i posted, they think jesus came to free mankind from the demiurge, who is evil. check this out too:
>The Cainites or Cainians were a Gnostic and antinomian sect known to venerate Cain as the first victim of the Demiurge, the deity of the Old Testament, who was identified by many groups of Gnostics as evil.
>Irenaeus states that the Cainites regarded Cain as derived from the highest God, not the Creator God worshipped by Jews and other Christians. According to Irenaeus, they claimed fellowship with Esau, Korah, the men of Sodom, and all such people, and regarded themselves as persecuted by the Creator. But they escaped injury from him, because they were protected by the goddess Sophia.
and as you can see from the last line karma is not a big concern, as they are protected by sophia (greek for wisdom, like the owl)
this has much more explanatory power if you examine it, it explains society as it is, with the trannies, elevation of gays, encouragement to sin in any and all ways. their idea is that there is no sin anymore bc jesus died on the cross.
worth a watch too
check out this golden dawn ritual where they invoke jesus. it also explains a lot of their symbols
>All: L V X, (Lux) the Light of the Cross. Saluting Sign and head bowed.
>All quit Tomb and return to previous places.
>Ch. Ad: In the Grand Word YEHESHUAH by the Key-Word I.N.R.I., and through the concealed Word LVX, I have opened the tomb of the Adepti.
>All present give LVX Signs.
A hooded penis just flew over my house!
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Read up on what happened during the reign of Julian the Apostate.
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john 3:14
>14 Just as Moses lifted up the [bronze] serpent in the desert [on a pole], so must the Son of Man be lifted up [on the cross], 15 so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life [after physical death, and will actually live forever].
jesus is snek
>They called themselves "serpent worshippers" and tell the story of how their cult formed in ancient Rome
Cringe larp
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Checked and blessed.
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seeing this in 4k is really funny cause it's just a bunch of old dudes in cosplay
Checks out
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their play doesn't correlate with that.
I guarantee you half the people there are just there to do shrooms or MDMA and are having the time of their life. Looks fun, me and my friends usually go to raves to do these, but something nice and relaxing, and slightly scary like this would be an out of this world experience on the right drugs.
Of course the top level republicans are present there, together with all sorts of famous people from the entertainment industry. Bohemian Grove was set up under Theodore Roosevelt and Taft (whose father was cofounder of Skull and Bones).
Absolutely. The schizos here have very low IQ.
almost everything the entertainment industry churns out is
It's an illegal anti-white cult.
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So how much did they pay you to do it?
>I’m not convinced this shit is anything but rich people circle jerking to harmless Larping. Thanks for killing the fantasy asshole.

Yeah, harmless. A ritual in which they sacrifice their own conscience so that it can never bother them again, the people who are our rulers and elites. I'm sure that's just all in good fun.
based nixon
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low energy post. i was referring to the audience hall
the references to a snake cult being chased out of rome is a direct reference to the expulsion of gnostics and their ideas form the canon in council of nicea. they hate the catholic church more than anything, they are protestants for the most part. as i posted earlier, luther is clearly a rosicrucian and based his ideas of salvation upon these gnostic ideas, although surreptitiously.
ever played assassin's creed? the templars are the catholic church, and the assassins are the masons, they even have a compass (a symbol of christ) as their logo. and just like paul says, nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted.
and i don't care if you want to play the unconvinced game, i post for the lurkers
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Holy shit, he went back for a third time!? and on the actual ceremony? this dude is a fucking legend
This is some espionage levels of infiltration, holy
Dude, you're awesome. Thank you for this! your stuff is amazing.
Chud moment
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"snakes" according to christians are the pagans.
does the play correlate with the Glycon cult?
>We wuz romans cultists n shieet
derp a der
Why didn't you take a gun and shoot them?
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This. Saint-Patrick chased away the snakes from Ireland. They were not actual snakes as in the animal, there are no snakes in Ireland. These were the pagans. Some say it's the tribe of Dan, that's a story on its own.
well they implied they killed the emperor and took over/infiltrated Rome
Your life is a larp but you still take it seriously
Jewish bullshit.
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is it me or does one of the voices sound like Harry Standjofski? maybe it's just someone similar and not his voice.
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the emperor equals the pope. they want to meme it into existence
i don't see how any of this argues against my point that jesus is a serpent in gnostic thought, as well as in the catholic church, and the book of john. three different sources with jesus as a serpent.
>The text criticizes the God of the Law as portrayed in Genesis, calling him malicious and envious of Adam for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The author argues that the serpent that instructed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is Christ, citing the bronze serpent from Numbers 21:9. The author believes that simply saying "we believe in Christ" is not enough and true faith requires a spiritual understanding of Christ.
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what is the legend “ΓΛVΚΩΝ ΑΒΩΝΟΤΕΙΧΕΙΤΩΝ”?
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The gnostic texts were written in the 3-4th centuries AD, and there were many different sects with wildly different ideas, who were competitive with each other.
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and by the way the number 322 which is on the skull and bones logo represents jesus as well. that is the gematria for the hebrew word for lamb
the skull and bones is also another old symbol with many meanings, but in the christian sense it can represent death and the bones of adam, and also golgatha, the place of the skull. you can find pectoral crosses for monks, nuns and priests that have jesus over a skull and crossbones, symbolizing victory over death, sin and the grave as spoken of in revelation.
I like your train videos but this is something else. Gr8 job m8
>jesus is a serpent in gnostic
that's fine and true but you need to link it to their ceremony.
Finally some good fucking food, fuck electionslop
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some were
paul's letters, which were a large basis for christian gnosticism, were from 50-60 ad or thereabouts. the ideas are much older than the copies found. he is wholly against God's law, openly encourages rebellion cuz muh cool jesus dream, and says the law was given by "archons", not God himself.
just look at the vatican, they have an obelisk (phallus of osiris), the dome at st peter's basilica (womb of isis) from which is born horus, another template for the false god jesus. he is also based on mithras, which is really old, and they have a statue of him slaying the bull in the vatican too.
btw the smurfs wore the same caps as mithras, also known as liberty caps during the masonic american revolution. garamel is an old jew, which represnts God. his cat is named azrael, which is the angel of death. gnostics mostly conceive of God as a dyad, with one part being the angel of death which sometimes rebels against its master. gargamel made smurfette to sow chaos within the smurf world, much like yaldabaoth created sex to do the same in the apocryphon of john
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ok that legit sounds like Harry Standjofski
We already know that the freemasoniggers are fags.
>because they picked up a book with more efficiency for metaphysical programming than Harry Potter

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holy shit man
>they are snake worshippers
>jesus is snek
>therefore logic dictates they are talking about jesus, although in an esoteric sense

i have amply demonstrated that these societies are christian gnostics, even crowley. they are not devil worshippers, they think that God of the old testament is the devil.
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rowling is quoted as saying she based harry potter off of jesus
voldemort is YHVH, as you are not allowed to say his name (at least with orthodox jews)
here he is sneaking past the money changers in the temple
also note the similarity to the high priestess tarot
Lol, that's funny. Sounds like you should keep going out with her.
Neither Yahweh nor Saturn were ever demiurge until the greeks rewrote everything.
There are many snake gods one of greek origin as I posted.
If it were christian it wouldn't be held in secret.
322 doesn't mean "lamb" it's a date.
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>is one of my buddies in there
>are they going to be sacrificing one of my buddies they caught sneaking into the grove
i don't know who the bigger faggot is the guy recording or the people putting on their little play
Happened on Sunday? Wow the timing, I passed by within miles of that place Sunday morning on the way to the bay.
There was no sacrifice, we saw no actual body
You WANT there to be evil afoot because the evil in you yearns for it but no belief alone is not enough there needs to be cold hard facts
easy, you
>322 doesn't mean "lamb" it's a date.
Genesis 3:22 - And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

It's referencing the verse where you take the knowledge of satanic illumination.
Freemasons in the three main degrees are blindfolded and asked "what do you seek?"
The apprentice answers "light"
The fellow craft answers "more light"
And the the master answers "yet more light"
Once fully "illuminated" with "light" the Mason can undergo "apotheosis" i.e. becoming as a God.
On the Capitol Building rotunda in DC is painted "The Apotheosis of Washington", because Washington was a Freemason.
Do people in your country know about Halloween?
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No one is free of the corrosive acid that is modernity so I have a very hard time even the people putting on this production actually believe anything beyond using this as a time to getaway and fuck male prostitutes, no women at the grove.
These peoples fathers and their fathers could pull off political assassination and now all they can do is play pretend.
Leaf in full damage control, odd.
>0 mention of jews
its fake
scrutinize my theory.
Dude even if it is a mock sacrifice, I'd say the intention is pretty clear: they are killing the voice of their own conscience. These people are our rulers, remember?
It’s easier to copy paste lore than come up with one that took a culture centurie(s) to mold
I don't have to, it's long been established that the skull and bones use of 322 comes from Genesis
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yes, that is a valid meaning too
but it was the lamb that taught them these things
you have no idea what you are talking about, and the rest is word salad that i have to spend 5 posts unfucking before anything of value is accomplished. very transparent strategy.
i have also already posted a literal ritual from the golden dawn in which they explain everything, but you are too dishonest to acknowledge this
and someone mentioned dates, the wikipedia article says that they do this around midsummer.
>until the greeks rewrote everything
the nt authors were greek. they rewrote judaism.
and the gnostics were most active during the 2nd century, so the years between 101 ad to 201 ad.
>Gnosticism, which gets its name from the Greek word gnosis (“knowledge”) was a religious movement beginning, possibly, before the time of Christ and extending into the first few centuries of the Christian era.
there is also a good run-down of what gnosticism is, broadly. another good resource here, as it's used as the basis for most fiction these days
no you don't, I was asking, but you must be a zoomer, I want millennial scrutiny.
>The number "322" appears in Skull and Bones' insignia and is widely reported to be significant as the year of Greek orator Demosthenes' death.[16][19][5] A letter between early society members in Yale's archives[20] suggests that 322 is a reference to the year 322 BC and that members measure dates from this year instead of from the anno domini. In 322 BC, the Lamian War ended with the death of Demosthenes and Athenians were made to dissolve their government and establish a plutocratic system in its stead, whereby only those possessing 2,000 drachmas or more could remain citizens. Documents in the Tomb have purportedly been found dated to "Anno-Demostheni."
I thought the cremation of care ritual also had something to do with sacrificing a man of "no care." Something about the disdain for the uninitiated and unaware, and those who through lack of care and discipline succumb to lower nature and fail to create or achieve. Something like that. At least that's how the audio from the old video made it sound.
worst is that it's so bad as well, it's like some 50s movie background character with no effort
Link is a tracker.
Didn't watch ,do better.
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nah, theyre little babby kabbalists
Looks like a fun event.
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by whom? christians on rumble that think masons are satanists? skull and bones is a masonic organization, and masons are gnostic christians.
pic related from dark knight rises
bane is the antichrist. you are not allowed to see God's face hence the mask; gnostics say that jesus didn't really die, which explains the plane scene and why one had to be found in the wreckage; he wears a lambskin jacket; he also clears the temple of the money changers, in the stock market scene.
but there is no getting around the fact that 322 equals lamb in hebrew. and it pairs with the skull and bones, as i have explained. there is much more explanatory power in what i am talking about, look into it and you will see. symbols are a language and you need to see them in context.
fug guess it's real then.
Big if true
nobody cares about some faggots in a cape

it is ultra nothingburger
it's not hard to remove the tracker from the URL. try harder, phleb marketing degree
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The very concept of your christs sacrifice is wholly based upon the killing of a children to sate molochs blood lust, a massive tophet ritual that wasn't performed correctly according to the jewish religion so they all know its not 'theirs'. You really should learn what your foul religion really is demon worshiper. The jewish god is moloch christcuck.
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The Egyptians and Romans conflated Yahweh with Set-Typhon. It's hardly just the Canaanites. The fact that Yahweh chose the kikes of all people to be his special people is proof enough that he's a demon.
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it is not contradictory to use qabbala and to be a christian, it's been done for centuries. this is what crowleyan magick is, they use qabbalah, tarot, and astrology for rituals and everything they do can be understood through even passing familiarity with these subjects.
even jewish scholars admit that the zohar was mostly copied from other mystery schools and older ideas, there was lots of christian influence on jewish kabbalism which is surprising to some.

if you knew anything at all, you would know that masons hate hate hate orthodox jews, they are the hylics to them, enemy number one. this is why you see the bad guy in almost every movie being a jew, and their followers are all jewy too, although in sometimes obscure and clever ways. modern israel is run by masons that hate the orthodox, and most of the population is cheerleading globohomo crap
pic related, a cap from the above video which is an occult breakdown of the jfk assassination, which happened at 33 degrees north of the equator
>Glycon protect us from the plague-cloud
>Antonine Plague generally believed to be smallpox
Smallpox was a european evolutionary plague.
You had better have ancestry predisposed to defense against it or you died.
The US natives blame us for a similar fate.
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horus is also the template for jesus as i mentioned earlier, as horus defeats both set and typhon
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if you religion was the truth you wouldnt to look to other religions to better understand your own. just skip the jewish middleman, and read daddy Plato.

imagine a bible, except its not boring, degenerate, or tedious to read, and it actually carries over into the real world. its lessons are helpful to you and your life and isnt trying to trick you to give all your wealth to jews.
moloch is the name for the ritual sacrifice of children to their god, Yahweh.
>no security
>easily accessible
>people watching in sun chairs
it looks like a shitty play
Pagan Influences

The ritual has several elements that suggest connections to various mythologies and pagan traditions:

Minervan Owl: The owl statue used in the ceremony is often associated with Minerva (or Athena), the Roman (and Greek) goddess of wisdom. Owls are also symbols in various other mythologies, often representing knowledge and mystery 1.

Baal and Bacchus: Some interpretations suggest that the ritual has parallels with the rites associated with ancient gods like Baal and Bacchus. Baal was a deity worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, while Bacchus (or Dionysus) was the Roman god of wine, fertility, and ritual madness. The association with Bacchus is particularly noted due to the celebratory and hedonistic nature of the Bohemian Grove gatherings 2.

Druidic Elements: The use of redwood groves and the ceremonial aspects of the ritual have also been linked to Druidic practices. Druids were ancient Celtic priests known for their nature-based rituals and ceremonies 3.


While the Cremation of Care ritual at Bohemian Grove is not explicitly pagan, it incorporates various elements from different mythologies and ancient traditions, including those of pagan origin. The blending of these elements creates a unique ceremony that reflects a mix of historical and symbolic influences.

It's a Jewish/White alliance you idiots, Always has been whether you believe it or not.

Nazi's biggest mistake was excluding the Jews, they forgot Fritz Haber made chemical weapons, eh?

Jews + Whites, when not fighting, are simply more aligned, likely due to thousands of years of cohabitation and when Jews do not subvert whites, and when whites do not openy kill jews

regardless of chicken vs the egg

they are unstoppable
i know what crowleyian magick is, guy didnt know anything. he read kabbalah. could tell because he tried to make hermeticism about the ein sof, which is classic jew worshipper brain. theres a reason he was famous
and it wasnt because he was wise or knew some higher truth. its because he sucked off jews.

The freemasons messiah Apollyon is supposed to be the emperor of the future Roman Empire. Are these guys and masons enemies?

The Zionists Freemasonic messiah is Apollyon, Zionism is aryan.

Apollyon - the ARYAN Sun god - Is AWAKE


Antichrist, Freemasons, & the Third Temple: Evidence the Antichrist comes from the Illuminati

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-Zof2jGbw [Embed]

The Messiah and One World Government


COUNTDOWN TO 2025 AND THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA—PART 40: Zeitgeist 2025, Sibyls, and Visions of the Final Roman Emperor


The Freemasons are zionist. Their entire purpose is to be the knights when the antichrist comes, who is Apollyon, the beast of revelation.

Trumps house is covered in Apollyon stuff, if he isn’t a Freemason he is obviously infatuated with their ideology to do such a thing

Proof That Trump Is a Mouthpiece For Apollyon

The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.

>bane is the antichrist. you are not allowed to see God's face hence the mask; gnostics say that jesus didn't really die, which explains the plane scene and why one had to be found in the wreckage; he wears a lambskin jacket; he also clears the temple of the money changers, in the stock market scene
I think you mean Bane is Christ
pathetic LARP nerd party
Also, Some aspects Adolf Eichmann mentioned that he found impressive in Jews include:

Community and Loyalty: Eichmann acknowledged the strong sense of community and loyalty among Jews. He noted that they exhibited a profound sense of unity when facing adversity or danger. This sentiment was likely impressed upon him during his encounters with Jewish resistance, when he observed their determination to protect themselves and their families, often at the cost of their lives.
Education and Intellectual Capacity: Eichmann admired the Jewish emphasis on education and intellectual development. He acknowledged that Jews were often well-educated and displayed considerable intellectual prowess. This observation may have been influenced by his exposure to highly-educated, resourceful, and influential Jews, including some within the Nazi regime.
Persistence and Resilience: Despite the intense persecution and brutality faced by Jewish communities during the Holocaust, Eichmann observed that Jews were resilient and able to endure incredible hardships, often persisting in their efforts to survive. This persistence likely irritated Eichmann while also serving as a testament to Jewish strength and resolve.

When you realize, we COULD align if we put our views of spirituality aside for a moment for the sake of the greater good, you'll understand.
Sounds like you know a lot from regular meetings
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>"I'm going to have to step in if I see anything crazy going on"
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what a worthless post
what do you think my religion is?
do you have anything approximating a point, or just churlish disagreement designed to frustrate?
they syncretize paganism into christianity. again, from the wiki:
The ceremony was further expanded in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding,[5] with a Midsummer High Jinks entitled The Sacrifice in the Forest, or simply "Druid Jinks", in which brotherly love and Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice.
>Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice.
>Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice.
jesus didnt die, because he was never even alive.
>With the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Library in the 1940's, it became clear that the early unorthodox sect known as the "Gnostics" did not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. Nor did they really believe in His humanity either. They believed He was a "guiding spirit" sent to earth by the "True God" (not the YHWH of the Old Testament, incidently, whom they considered to be a blind, insane angel who created the material world against Sophia's or "Wisdom" i.e. the True God's will). Jesus' mission according to the Gnostics, was to impart special knowledge or "Gnosis" to spirits trapped in this material world seeking release. Thus, Jesus never died on the cross, was never resurrected, was not God, nor was He human.
he was an egregore they created, which christians today worship.
Have a bump fren
We don't mean, DROP YOUR RELIGION OR BE AN APOSTATE, just means let's not talk about religion, let us focus on the things we agree on not the things we disagree on

EVERYONE wants a "better world," we all disagree on how to get there, well let's all focus on the things we can agree prevent us from getting there. You cannot captain a boat when there are memebers of the crew drilling holes in the bottom, no matter how good a captain you are.
Weren't Top Lobsta and Raven supposed to meet up with some other guys and do this?
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no, antichrist. batman is christ. ras al gul is the father, catwoman is juno mixed with the moon, the feminine aspect of the demiurge in some senses. the moon was used for the calendar, and there were are new moon celebrations in judaism.
pic related, they finish downloading the funds at exactly 44:40 into the movie. the gematria for migdash, or temple, is 444.
heath ledger's joker also robs the temple, the floors have checkerboard like in solomon's temple too. they kill each other because in the book on the origin of the world they talk of the end times in which the archons all destroy each other.
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>It was an ayy intervention to install a new mode of control after Rome destroyed jews - the original control grid.

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>Cremation of Care
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syncretism will always happen, because the entire religion is syncretism. youre getting jewish Forms rather than true Forms.
a complete affront against god. always will be. abrahamism is a joke. and the best evidence of authenticity it has is it works on npcs.
I wonder if I just showed up and said I was on the guest list they would let me in.
I bet they would.
fellow smallpox survivors.
When Jews and Whites teamed up, we went to the moon and split the atom.

Literally - simple as.
Everything since has been shit.
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>They believed He was a "guiding spirit" sent to earth by the "True God" (not the YHWH of the Old Testament, incidently, whom they considered to be a blind, insane angel who created the material world against Sophia's or "Wisdom" i.e. the True God's will). Jesus' mission according to the Gnostics, was to impart special knowledge or "Gnosis" to spirits trapped in this material world seeking release.
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How do people not see it?
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you see this all the time in movies, the good guy is jesus/horus and the bad guy is YHVH/satan/set.
in platoon elias is osiris, who is also john the baptist. in one of the gospels it is said that john has the "spirit of elias". charlie sheen wears a wedjat eye the whole time, a symbol of horus. the eye symbolizes the power of sustained concentration and focus to create magickal results, just like law of attraction.
But Jesus did live and practically everyone agrees. Atheists, Jews, Muslims, scholars of all fields. There is no doubt Jesus physically existed. The doubt is about him being divine.
wow look how much garbage red herrings pop up after I mention Glycon.
>no, antichrist. batman is christ. ras al gul is the father
One out of three
You have the other two incorrect
Batman is Satan
He is literally tossed into a pit in the desert by Bane who is Jesus - God the Son
Rhas al Ghul is God the Father
Talia al Ghul is God the Holy Spirit
The Joker is the Antichrist who clears the path so that Satan's will (Dent's Law) can be imposed on Gotham
As you say, Bane does all the things Jesus did and to boot has a loyal army of zealot followers, laughably referred to as mercenaries at the beginning, though we are immediately shown they are more than willing to die for a cause, which mercenaries are not wont to do.
That the Joker is the Antichrist was admitted by one of the artists who came up with him, he literally said in interview he is based on the Antichrist.
The whole of Nolan's Batman trilogy is the story of Satan taking down the Holy Trinity.
Nolan is just treading the path by all talented indie directors
>arrive in Hollywood with great indie movie
>get approached by Masons who ask you to join
>once joined get handed the money to make one of "their" movies to show you're on board
See also: Quentin Tarantino, who arrived with Reservoir Dogs and then followed up with Pulp Fiction featuring two hitmen assigned to retrieve a briefcase containing "light" i.e. satanic illumination, which is locked with the code 666
Is it inside a building or is it outside? If it's outside there should be around 60 drones flying around each year. If it's inside a building 60 people should break in and protest and burn the building down.
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33 is da'at, which means knowledge it is the 33rd spot on the tree of life which allows the adept to cross the abyss into the heavens, at least in terms of astral projection types of exercises. this is why jesus died at 33, for occult reasons
so the 33 is knowledge, gnosis, or jesus
God used 22 letters and 10 numbers (sephiroth) to speak the world into existence, hence the 10 sephiroth and the 22 paths. this is also why there are 32 degrees in scottish rite, with the 33rd being mostly honorary
I made a transcription of the entire video, it is too long to paste here but here is the file
what a weird cult.
In his anus?
No moloch is the name of the diety.
YHWH is the diety of the Israelis that they are pretending to be for the land claim.
They got most actual Israelis killed by staging the rebellion against the Romans (this is why they are so obsessed with Rome)
Its literally in the Bible.
>And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God
Molech, Moloch, Molek ect is all the same. Same goes for the cult of Lilith.
This babylonian death cult is what people mean when they talk about Satanism. Literal cannibals with loads of murder rituals designed to kill ones compassion and make them more ruthless. The oldest known refrence of the cult is Gog/Magog.

If you go read the talmud you will quickly realize its metric tons of "how to not adhere to the religion you claim you follow".
Yea that’s what that famous pedo professor over in England thought to. Like the other anon said if they want you they can find you. Just depends on how bad they want you.
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his quoting yahweh's prophets, torah observance, using yahweh's temple and attempting to fulfill yahwehist religious beliefs is an obvious yes, but again, always circling back to the jews. always going backwards, away from god. his being circumsized and symbolizing his covenenant with yahweh to become an israelite, which is to say, the bridegroom of yahweh, is just the icing on the cake. he spiritually married his own father. and that is what all those freemasonic boy bride ceremonies are all about. youve been worshipping a pedo cult, never having known god. its sad. forget everything jews ever taught you, look for god on your own, from scratch. and he will find you.
>If you go read the talmud you will quickly realize its metric tons of "how to not adhere to the religion you claim you follow".
Including an entire debate on how to circumvent God's prohibition on sacrifice to Moloch
>God said don't let your children "walk" through the fire - what if we carried them into it? Can we still do that?
And so on...
>so the 33 is knowledge, gnosis, or jesus
I don't remember any cylons wearing crowns in Battlestar Galactica...
I'm surprised they still operate there. Must be a leyline thing.
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you have it all backwards my man, except for
>Joker is the Antichrist
exactly, because he is a villain! and so are all of the other batman villains. two face is another 2 part demiurge, it reflects the so called capricious nature of God, mercy and judgement, the two side pillars of the tree of life.
bane was born in the darkness, he merely adopted it. jesus went to hell when he died, but rose 3 days later. batman climbing out of hell is the resurrection.
and marcellus wallce is God, the M and W are mirror images like the star of david/square and compass. jules is the angel of death, sabaoth, who rebels and beomes homeless, just like jesus. jules even takes a sacrificial offering of a bite of hamburger, like the representative portion burnt on the altar. he even takes a sip of his drink, as all sacrifices were to be accompanied with a tasty beverage. he is supposed to die, but another black man dies in his place. the wolf is paul the benjaminite, which is the tribe of the wolf, that smooths everything over.
also marcellus threw someone out a window for violating the holiest of holies.
>Alex Jones
You mean that Bill Hicks character?
I'm not convinced "MLK, Molech, Moloch, Molek" is the name of a god.
I still think, along with the majority of contemporary scholars on the subject, that is a ritual to the god yahweh.
a real man would set fireworks off, not record with a camera
Okay so this is clearly an ironic theatre production. It was scary when Alex Jones did his grainy video but now we can tell in full HD that it's a gay theater club and that rich people are corny
Checks out. Kicked out from Holy Roman Empire to the east, they formed themselves as jews and larped that they are thousand years old cult. The whole identity is about revenge.
And there was a reason they were kicked out. Exactly because they are corrupted to the core and their identity is about killing human race.
>God's prohibition on sacrifice to Moloch
is only hebrew.
the judeans, isrealites, caananites, edomites, don't have that prohibition.
Jesus is the judean prohibition.
through claim of kingship of david and solomon.
Are you niggers really arguing over a fucking goyslop batman movie?
>you have it all backwards my man, except for
Unironically -
No, you
>exactly, because he is a villain!
I have news for you my dude, all the comics were written by fucking Jews
Jesus and God are the bad guys in all of them.
In every single Marvel movie they put the words "I am" in the mouth of the villain
All the "superheroes" are just fallen angels*

*Except Superman, his (((creator))) said he was Moses
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the cylons are the archons. the author was a mormon and based it off of mormon cosmology, wherein god and his wives are having constant celestial sex which brings new souls into the world. mormonism was founded by a mason and incorporates many of their ideas, like magic underwear = lambskin apron
the main good guy is adama, which is a huge concept in gnosticism
>The Virgin Spirit named the human Adamas
And placed him over the first realm with the mighty autogenes Christ
>With the first Light Harmozel and its powers.

>The Invisible One gave Adamas invincible power of mind.

there is a concept of a perfect man of gnosticism which actually comes from zoroastrianism. this is where nietzsche got his superman ideas. a lot of the time you have characters that exemplify this, like butch from pulp fiction meaning manly, or the truman show for the true man of gnosticism.
another example of gnosticism, the bad guy is marked with a star of david as he kills shannon (irish for wisdom) with a jewish ritual slaughter knife. he and ron perelman are the 2 part demiurge.
how about the terminator movies with JC saving the day? the machines are the archons, and skynet is God symbolized by a triangle. the og terminator was model 101, which is the 26th prime. 26 is of course the gematria for YHVH
The best evidence is that people mentioned jewish Christians existed, and made mention of the fact that they apparently worshipped somebody named Christ. But Christ is just a title, and its just means "anointed".

Suetonius and Tacitus are my favorites, because both of them blamed the jewish christians for burning down rome. NT Scholars (historically exclusively christians, mostly apologists until recently) really like Tacitus and like to consider his account as proof. Tacitus is distinct as he mentions Pilate specifically. But theres alot of problems with his account. Firstly, he simply repeats the common conception of christians having existed, essentially saying there are people called christians who burned down rome and they worship someone they call anointed. But the big blunder is he screws up Pilate's title and he refers to him as a procurator (procuratorem), rather than his actual title, prefect (praefectus). This tells me two things. 1) its very clear he isnt using roman records at all, but is rather repeating what he has heard, very likely from jews. 2) for one of the most respected roman chroniclers of the age, this is a pretty big blunder. These are entirely seperate offices. One is a military commander, and the other is a civilian administrator. This change would've occurred in the decade he was born, so if he were just some random guy i could excuse the mistake, but this guy is a historian, hes roman, and he would have had knowledge of the political shift which necessitated these title changes. It'd be like a historian today referring to Hitler as President. It just isnt a mistake you would make, especially a historian specializing in that specific field of study and writing. So what I can gather is he isnt getting this information from a "roman" source, but very likely either heard the story and repeated it, or . . . perhaps he read one of the gospels, because ITS THE EXACT SAME MISTAKE THE SUPPOSED "EYEWITNESS" GOSPEL WRITERS MAKE.
why are you posting a photographer's ad?
Canaanites conflated Baal with Yahweh
Edomites conflated Yahweh with El
Yahweh is not El
Baal is not El
El is 'God'
Whether Baal & Yahweh are the same or not, play it safe.
You should never pray to 'The Lord' or "Lord our God". Because Lord is the translation of Baal. If you pray to the Lord, rather than to God, you're praying to Baal.
the shasu are caananite.
wtf is the bohemian grove? another sect for goyim to lick their edomite masters' boots for a chance at crumbs?
it's full o' faggots.
but besides that?
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it is God and the memra, if you have read the aramaic targums. even the book of john says that jesus and the father are one.
so the demiurge and the antichrist.
the 2 pillars of jachin and boaz signify the dual nature of God to them. one has the constellations and the other has the map of the earth, for union of heaven and earth.
in star wars darth vader is the antichrist, and the emperor is God. one is pure physicality, the other is the opposite. same as master blaster.
>all the comics were written by fucking Jews
jews that are freemasons
superman is kal-el, the son of jor-el. el means God, but in this case the monad, the God above God. the s on his chest is the serpent. lex luthor is the demiurge, the name lex means law, and the gnostics as well as paul are very mnuch against the law. it's what defines them.

pic related, very odd that he would be worried about idol worship, as he stands between jachin and boaz
here is another, pee wee herman. the son is moving about on the face of the waters, and the father has jb on his shirt. note the checkerboard floors marking this as the temple
the black goo at the end is the prima materia, same as in x files and venom from spider man. it's the afterbirth of the demiurge
honestly, a cylon messiah would be preferable to a jewish messiah. a jew? the most godless people on earth? who god and nature both make known they are hated, and whose entire religion is about calling god stupid?
its just so preposterous. especially watching those zionist politicians go out on stage like beep boop beep greatest ally beep boop beep youre blessed if you bless them
like we get it dude, you rape kids
Caption that video pleb.
private party no press secret service protected.
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Checked. Based and cold immersion / Wim Hoff pilled. I wanna camp out naked with you in an elevator. Sorry for the faggotry. Can’t be helped.
>or the truman show for the true man of gnosticism.
Truman was the 33rd president and established the intelligence agency complex.

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