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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Let's make /coc/ a household name on here.
Pierre Edition.
Canada is quickly becoming a failed state.

Use this thread to communicate with fellow anons and frens about the sorry state of our nation.
>no glowies allowed

>CAF have no equipment to train - espwcially since giving half away to Ukraine
>Record numbers of international student permits given this year
>Enormous emigration of Canadian citizens hidden and offset by importation of immigrants.
>I was personally told I would need to wait 10 hours for a bleeding injury

Let's take this moment to remember Pierre giving protesters the finger, to show his love of Canada.

Previous Thread: >>475396352
If you're a skilled professional at all why haven't you moved to the US yet?
'tis my home and native land
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crazy how much damage one guy with a majority government can do to this country. there's supposed to be a king above him to stop the insanity if needed but obviously charles is MIA in canadian affairs so the tinpot dictator can tinpot dictate
The oldest reason in the book - "got family here".
Are we heading sub72c USD today?
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remember when the CAD was stronger than the dollar for some time years and years ago? good times...
Canada Is Collapsing: Pound me Harder Edition
> Sky News has learnt the chancellor will meet funds including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), Ontario Municipal Employers Retirement System (OMERS) and Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP) during a brief trip to Toronto next month.

> Canada's vast municipal pension plans have become key players in global finance in recent decades, investing in infrastructure, private equity and other asset classes.

>Between them, they have ploughed billions of pounds into major British infrastructure assets, notably becoming major backers of the privatised water industry.
> https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/reeves-to-woo-canadian-pension-funds-amid-big-bang-push/ar-BB1qxQ3Z?cvid=a1e74fe8cc834c86a27a26bd444950a8&ei=56
How bad is it
>Big cities
>Medium towns
>Small towns
How does the migrant infestation scale in those areas
big cities are over. medium towns are nearly over. small towns are undergoing active jeetification and are rapidly approaching over
>major backers of the privatised water industry

> Thames boss Chris Weston warned earlier this week that, without being able to put up charges by as much as it asked for, the company would not be “investable” and risked running out of money by May next year.
> The largest shareholder as of July 2023 is the Canadian pension fund Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (Omers) — about 32 per cent. Other investors include China’s biggest sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corporation — almost 9 per cent; the UK’s biggest private pension fund, the Universities Superannuation Scheme — 20 per cent; and Infinity Investments, a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority — 10 per cent.

The UKs largest water utility is bankrupt, it so happens that Canadian Public and private pensions are bigly exposed.
Funny enough, it's almost the same everywhere.
You'd think that cities would have a higher percentage, right?
Well, not anymore.

Every bumfuck nowhere spot is like 30% Indian. At least in Ontario.
As an old stock Canadian, the US is as much our home and native land as America. Only difference is that we preferred being British over some mystery meat soup south of the border. Unfortunately that distinction no longer applies so I'll be free to move anywhere within Anglo north America and reunite with my Anglo Protestant brothers across this great continent. Canada is a failed shithole, even our national anthem sounds like retards humming a child's song
a thread to feed each blackpills?

>why haven't you moved to the US

Liquidity crunches are happening everywhere now, repo injections are accelerating all the over the central banking system. This is always the harbinger of financial crisis.
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>Canada is quickly becoming a failed state.
Becoming? It is.
Be openly racist in public. Stop hiding on the computer. The majority opinion is we hate these stinky useless indians that are taking jobs away from our children.

I like where I live and all my friends and family are here. That being said it's getting pretty fucking bad here so that might not matter soon enough.
you get a choice be led by Satanic Freemason pedophiles or Satanic Laurentian pedophiles. pick your poison
>>Record numbers of international student permits given this year
Lmao it's so fucking blatant too.

>Look guys we decreased it by 30%
>Oops we've already imported more "students" compared to 2023
>It's a labour shortage!!!
>How could you have trouble finding a job? We only subsidize their wages from 30% to 70%!
I'm going to go kayaking with some buds and then I'm gunna go fishing, fuck everything else, I also have a pilodonial cyst adjacent to my asshole.
I will never forgive the cattle that let the vaxxpass happen and turned me into a second class citizen. I guess I'm one of those cattle though because even so I didn't do shit. praise be the truckers
and these migrants, how do they interact with the community? Are they GibsMaxxing and leeching off welfare without doing work, or minimum wage slaving and occupying jobs from locals?
We shouldn't have to.
What we need is a new ruling class. Our current laurentian "ruling class" consists of corrupt sex pests and mentally ill leftoids, they are all useless and replaceable.
The ultimate whitepill is that our leftoid ruling class is universally hated by majority of population.
Politicians can't even go out in public without being heckled and spat on. I think this is awesome.
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>We shouldn't have to.
>What we need is a new ruling class.
Flooding Canada with Indians is the only way to ever move away from the Crown; they kicked the UK colonial rule out of Bharat, they will do the same here.
Everywhere with the exception of Quebec is like that. They won't be free and clear much longer either.
both afaik. they've taken all of the entry-level jobs because employers can get their wages subsidized up to 70% for hiring a recent immigrant. they're actually poisoning the food because they won't fucking wash their hands and have completely tanked the already low service standards. white teenagers and people with no experience / eternal minimum wage slavies are completely out of the job market
and I don't leave my room enough to comment on how they interact with the community
We should just treat members of "laurentian elites" like we'd treat a pedophile Put them on some kind of "no-government" list and permanently ban them form partaking in business and politics.
And make that status inheritable by their families. A caste, if you will. ;)
My only hope I cling to is the following

>Trump wins election
>chaos ensues
>war, riots etc...
>Right Wing dictatorship commences
>Canada collapses
>Canada is seen as a threat
>America annexation
>Deport all poos
>Communism is now illegal
>rebuild North America

Isn't that the story of Canada's downfall? The ambitious and talented Canadians mostly leave for Europe/the US?
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honestly if American troops occupied us because we're a security threat and just never left I would not be surprised. add 10 maple leafs to the star-spangled banner and I'd be okay with it
Unironically working on it
Jeets are everywhere. There's literally no escape. Even remote trailer parks.
I hope someone nukes parliament.
Trudeau is basically allying with China against NATO, so it might happen regardless of who wins 2024.
trudeau doesn't have a choice or they'll release the west point grey academy tapes...
>CAD goes to zero.
>Most leave to scam other nations.
>Safari time commences for remainder.
>Acquire nice plot of land via trading scalps.
The dream.
Kek. No he isn't. He's just incompetent and enough kool-aid drinking liberals and cuckservatives let literal foreign spies into their parties.
Canada isn't independent enough to ever stray from American ZOG
> OMERS and BCI are both among Canada’s largest pension fund managers, overseeing $129-billion and $233-billion in assets, respectively. The investors in Thames Water are bracing for further write-downs on the value of their investments and consider their decision not to invest further to be final at this stage, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions.

> An OMERS subsidiary that holds a roughly one-fifth stake in Thames Water, OMERS Farmoor Singapore PTE Ltd., filed financial statements that show it marked down the value of its assets from £700-million ($1.2-billion) at the end of 2022 to £321-million ($461-billion) at the end of 2023.
> https://archive.is/ywnQR

Two of Canadas biggest pension funds just took major losses in writing off Thames water, Omers took a $1.2 billion loss. Things are accelerating.
That's the thing, ever since Trudeau came to power, he's been pushing us towards China.
His "father" Pierre Trudeau met Mao personally (and probably let him fuck hbis wife too lol) and most of Libs and NDP MP are all "fomer" maoists, so what does it tell you?
Laurentoid elites are all affiliated with China for a reason.
And I'm not sure if Pentagon and CIA will forgive Trudeau for betraying NATO and spying for China against them.
>I know you thought you were going to retire but you just aren't okay?
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I incyst
> Our UK investment recognized for diversity & inclusion!
>primary employer of women
Fucking lmao you can’t even meme this shit up.
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>regime change incoming
you guys just had a palace coup and we're on a time-delay to mimic American politics so maybe we'll be so lucky as to get one too
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>That's the thing, ever since Trudeau came to power, he's been pushing us towards China.
I wish, China is based as fuck.
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>get one
yeah well some participation and initiative is needed
>get ready
It tells me they're whores who just follow money. Canada is just full of incompetent leadership and corrupt individuals. There's plenty of room for China to infiltrate (between India and the zionist entity known as israel) but Canada will never leave gay NATO
I’d be a hypocrite if I left after years of shitting on immigrants.
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>It tells me they're whores who just follow money. Canada is just full of incompetent leadership and corrupt individuals.
fleeing the country is second only to actively letting them in
learning french is also useful so that can do call center scams on french people
>The ultimate whitepill is that our leftoid ruling class is universally hated by majority of population
so why keep voting for them?
I don’t let anyone in, like I said for years if this was a democracy they would have asked me, but they didn’t, which means it’s not my problem and I told the rcmp and politicians if anything happens to me or my friends and family, I’m coming after them, not the shitskins. What’s the worse they can do to me? Send me to Canada?
Come on over. Tell Border Patrol this and you can come live here: Your name is Inez Garcia Rodriguez Lopez, you are pregnant, and your species can only spawn within the confines of the US.
Canada's megapensions are weird. Like, OMERS and the City of Toronto ended up essentially gifting Mark Carney's Brookfield a billion dollars by selling a Green company cheap, only a couple of hundred million dollars. Then the Canadian government handed out Green funds to the company like party favours. A few years later the other leg of the deal took place, where the company was resold to the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan for multiple billions of dollars.

>The ultimate whitepill is that our leftoid ruling class is universally hated by majority of population.
>Poll after poll has shown Canadians’ support for immigration is declining, and Miller said he understands people’s frustration with an imperfect system. Yet, there are reasons to be hopeful.
>“You have perhaps some people with undertones and frustrations, but you don’t have a major party that is running its campaign against immigration,” he pointed out. “I think that is important.
Canada is so fucked that the "leadership" is literally looking on the bright side that nobody has yet come after them with pitchforks. And that there is some sort of tacit agreement among gentlemen to not pay too much mind to the poors. Family Compact but even dumber and shittier.

>teenagers and people with no experience / eternal minimum wage slavies are completely out of the job market
And eternally out of the job market because the ladders have all been destroyed to burn in corporate's fancy imported fireplace. (natgas is bad because alberta and climate change)
There are functions that used to implicitly be done by society as a whole but now these are destroyed. What's next, government paying for high school co-op programs to train students in how to job at all?

>maybe we'll be so lucky as to get one too
The Liberals have been very active in defending themselves against a palace coup from day 1. That's their main concern. Not governing.
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"hallo monsiourrrrr, bon jueerrrr"
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>so why keep voting
The illusion that voting matters when a country has a King is fascinating to behold; once you realize most here are nigger cattle retards it all makes sense tho
Maybe you could answer a question I've had. I see alot of people complaining about pajeets invading Ontario and Vancouver, but what about Quebec are they a plague there as well?
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>are they a plague there as well?
Quebec likes to "import French speakers", so they end up with loads of Africans & Haitians...
of course a palace coup here would replace stupid retard with stupider retard so it doesn't really matter if it happens or not
Soo... are the managers responsible for this debacle at OMERS going to pay the money back? Are they going to work day and night until they track down who in the UK scammed them and screwed them over with lies cloaked with DEI fairytales? Are they at least going to get fired in disgrace and never be in such a position of trust towards the public again?
>so why keep voting for them?
We haven't been voting for them for almost a decade now.
Majority of population voted for Conservatives in the last couple of elections, but we have a cooked electoral system where results are determined by ridings which were historically liberal. Essentially its a textbook example of gerrymandering, and then we have Chinese interference to help pro-Beijing Libs get elected on top of that.
The funny part is it's already like that if you're english, you're banned from politics and law if you don't also learn French. We need to bring quebec to heel.
The issue is that trudeau went a lot further then that by siding with China against NATO. He also placed Chinese police and military on Canadian soil. Without a doubt, trudeau is a chinese spy, set up as a hostile agent against USA in Canada.
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wtf I love Trudeau now
>What’s the worse they can do to me? Send me to Canada?
I was discussing this with a female friend of mine one of these days. Is prison in Canada even that bad? I wonder if I could chill going to the gym and reading books in a prison while the rest of Canadians suffer endlessly in clown world.

>Everywhere with the exception of Quebec is like that. They won't be free and clear much longer either.
Correct. I live in Bumtown, QC where a 5 minutes drive anywhere and you can smell dung, and I've seen the first jeet a few weeks ago, walking like a jeet, in a jeet way, with jeet headphones. Also there's an increasing number of Muslims; they just opened an Arab restaurant in the town. Most townspeople are cool with it though, so whatever.

The only thing going on for Quebec is that everything happens with a big delay here. In case of a massive black swan event there is zero chances anglo Canada is coming back to its glory era. It will get a lot better, but a relevant percentage of the jeets are staying no matter what. For Quebec this number will be very low... but I personally don't think a massive black swan event is coming. If anything, it will come to Europe (Africa 2.0) and it will make more people come here lol

Good luck friends! Take care of your family and friends!
Jesus I don't know whats worse I fucking despise Haitians, as a Florida bro I know how awful they are.
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>Is prison in Canada even that bad?
Canada's peak cultural media creation "The Trailer Park Boys" directly points this out.

Yep, I had a buddy leave QC to BC because the Somalians there were just too much.
Sins of the father, applies in Canadian law,
I was targeted and punished very harshly as a child for being related to my dad and brother, and all whites are collectively guilty of the actions of others.

So we just apply the same standard to them, that we are held too., equality.
>We need to bring quebec to heel.
I mean at this point they can't even get a referendum because of all the immigrants that their BQ party brought in, since immigrants will vote to keep access to federal gibs.
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Would you turn traitor to the post national state of Canada in exchange for:

One CCP tomboy wifau.
Fuck their referendum desu, it's canadian soil and they can never be allowed to be their own country. The opposite needs to happen where their traitor nigger BQ party is illegal and remove all french language laws from the rest of Canada where 0% of the population speak french, so all of our politicians are from quebec. This has always been a country run by foreign french traitors.
> Soo... are the managers responsible for this debacle at OMERS going to pay the money back?
Hey cool it with the anti semitism.
Pension funds are playthings for the state and its bureaucrats. They “manage” your money that they forcibly take from you and skim huge chunks off the top and expect you to thank them for it. All part of the grand humiliation ritual.
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Canada is dead, there is nothing to be a traitor towards. A nuclear bomb dropping on Ottawa is the only solution to this country, and sadly it won't happen.
I think the only real solution is individual provinces seeking statehood one province at a time, starting with alberta, then you would be surprised but ontario would be next.
The only way for a palace coup to happen in the Trudeau Liberals is to change the mascot. They can't change for a better mascot because there isn't one, so it would need to be either a more compliant mascot or a dangerously more active mascot. Since Trudeau flipped so hard on Covid issues in less than a year I figure they already have him solidly in the dark and fed bs so compliance can't be it.

The only possibility I see is if a decision is made to bring in Carney to absolutely destroy the country at high speed in the year or two remaining before they have to have an election. However this only makes sense if Trudeau is the one holding things up which I'm not sure of. Even the Liberals' beloved handgun ban that they kept saying was in effect the week following each press conference took many months before it was properly Gazetted and made legal. So there's something inherent to the federal bureaucracy that's keeping Canadians from instant disaster.

I'm not sure how many of them are actual knowing spies, but there sure seems to be a lot of useful idiots kowtowing to China thinking that that's just doing business. CSIS warned us in the Sidewinder report back in the 90s. Then these are the kinds of people brought in to advise the government or even be Governor General.
Canada is a post national state, it is not a democracy.
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>seeking statehood
You must really like niggers eh
I'm going to. Got my dual citizenship, getting the fuck out the moment I graduate. I'll be glad to be away from Canadians. We are almost universally boring, conflict averse conformists
There are already a higher percentage of niggers in canada than the US so what's the difference?
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Canadians love fucking eachother over and being passive aggressive
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>There are already a higher percentage of niggers in canada than the US so what's the difference?
African American niggers are in a league of their own. Canadian niggers are like Drake-tier in comparison of violence etc
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>African American niggers are in a league of their own
They're the exact same niggers, and most of them are even worse from the islands. I've lived around too many niggers for 40 years, so tell me exactly how the US is worse? We both have the same nigger problem so there is no reason for our provinces to not be part of a real country.
Because that doesn't help Anglicize Mexico-South.
Dumb question. Way more migrants in big cities of course. You're seeing white flight to smaller cities and towns. Smaller provinces as well. That's what's propelling a lot of 'inflation.'
All the truckers did was lengthen the lockdown. Omicron was everywhere and governments had no choice but to open everything up. But here come the honk-honk retards to muddy the waters.
Lord knows the US is starving for said talent. They have way more shit to build/fix than Canada does.
Ironically you'll find less and less cheap chineseum goods around since 2015. Less foreign influence as well, while India's goes way up. Some of the India hate may be Chinese because of that.
For all the Canada is a shithole news and blabbering threads, it sure isn't stopping the masses from coming here.
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>They're the exact same niggers
>so tell me exactly how the US is worse?
Just look at the violent crime stats baka baka Canadian niggers are like Mr Rogers in comparison, I've walked down Rexdale / Jane & Finch no problems. Go to a black hood in the USA and you won't be walking out. Canadian niggers are soft, just like Canadians.
He'll have to get some shoe polish and come in from the South for that to work
>All the truckers did was lengthen the lockdown.
vindictive federal mandates maybe you can make an argument for this, but they absolutely ended the provincial ones
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archive ph/ljAyf

>Poll after poll has shown Canadians’ support for immigration is declining, and Miller said he understands people’s frustration with an imperfect system. Yet, there are reasons to be hopeful.

>“You have perhaps some people with undertones and frustrations, but you don’t have a major party that is running its campaign against immigration,” he pointed out. “I think that is important.

Meanwhile the real numbers are in the millions. Kek. They all need to hang.
>but you don’t have a major party that is running its campaign against immigration
>Muh china taking over Canada
>Still no American airdrops of Toyota Hiluxes and crates of AR-15's.
They have nothing to complain about.
It’s not bad, I was in the army, prison, drilling rigs, prison, drilling rigs and I’ve been pretty good recently. Getting older, we used to smoke nicotine patches like crack when they banned smoking.
Kek. Literally just liberals with different colored ties.
Reminder that Harper went on a speaking tour in India to brag about opening the flood gates after he lost
Correct and that is why I don’t have to do what they say. We weren’t a real country to begin with hence the charter, corporations have charters, not countries, dropped from dominion in 1931 was it?.
>the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 20 grams
I wish we had some kind of media that only reviewed the media and public personalities. [x] person lied, [y] person told the truth, cbc corporation quietly added fine print retractions months after publishing an article of blatant lies, slander, and spin, etc. The only ones to really hold them to account are the public, and the public is trying. The legacy media is dying because they are bad at communicating truth and understanding. But the government props them up anyways so who's holding them to account? The CRA?
They're adding a fucking refugee camp where I live in Barrhaven man, I just want the kids to be safe I feel so fucking fed up
I'm white, they don't let white people in. I've been trying for seven fucking years.
>Literally just liberals with different colored ties.
i see 0 difference
Just noticed this on Reddit, lamo can you guess why the post is locked
Whites love being replaced because otherwise they would have done anything by now, but they wont do shit. Every white retard never shuts up how we need more migrants and how racist canada is
It is not one guy. It is an entire oligarchic class that has been sabotaging Canada since the 1970s and the apathetic, clueless or craven citizens that allowed it.
I agree. French are over-represented and these hybrid-french elites are the absolute fucking worst.
They are not even real elites, like trudeau's grandparents were inbred farmers who had no education and fucked cows for their living.
Who cares? Liberals are much worse and Conservatives actually have the real mandate.
I'm fine with Poilievre, I just want to pay less taxes and be able to buy cool guns.
I always thought his wife left him because she discovered more about his pedo past lol.
I mean it might be coming soon, because trudeau and his Liberal Party technically constitute an existential threat to USA, by geographical proximity alone. If Trudeau wants to place PLA troops on US-Canadian border, Pentagon and CIA might have a few things to say about that.
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trump invades in 2026
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>poilievre stands silently as his deputy speaks in punjab to indian students and promises they wont be deported
South Etobicoke's Superjail is frequently under lockdown because they are too short staffed to let detainees out of their cells, I use the term detainees as many people in there weren't even convicted of a crime but are merely awaiting trial -- remember the January 6? Or some from Trucker Convoy for that matter. I'm not saying, be obedient and unquestioning, I'm saying stay smart in whatever it is you do and don't do and the way you do it.
>collapse of Canada General
How long is this likely to take? I've got about fourteen days and then I've got to get on with other stuff.
Justin Trudeau is one of those non-masculine nu-males ranting abut toxic masculinity and how feminist he is, but actually he's a very toxic misogynist who is just a passive aggressive scheming narcissist, way more exhausting and soul-draining to be around tat someone obviously aggressive like Donald Trump.
I've talked to STEM PhDs who couldn't get in because they were European or white Canadian
Your best bet is to find an American girl online and convince her to green card you in
>Who cares
You do. I do. They're not a solution to anything. They just siphon off real complaints into gay dumb subjects. Plus they're way more openly zionist and I want to hurt them politically for that no matter how small.

Whites will never get anything out of this mess clownshow, but I can hurt israel by making supporting them ever so slightly more difficult.
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>Your pic
You know I've see that clipping posted on here many times but i've never taken the time to actually read through the entire thing. What a load of utter shit. Just a retarded list of anecdotes that didn't really happen. Of course Freeland was concocting clichéd hacknyed fairytales about her totally sexy and thrilling time as a foreign exchange student in Russia. What a lying cow.
Migrants say its because whites are lazy and dont work and the white cucks here actually believe it.
Is the rest of the summer ruined from the smoke?
whites don't get 70% of their wage subsidized by their tax dollars
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>What a lying cow.
perfect politician material
I doubt they even see that, its boomers and other migrants who employ them that take all that money and then call others racist for pointing it out. Its exactly like the chief featherhead playbook and whites refuse to believe it happens
Poodeeps and other third worlders are used to third world living conditions, and the employer class is more than happy to reproduce those conditions here
And white shitlibs become hardcore ancaps when it comes to discussing the economic impact of mass immigration, suddenly 60 hour work weeks for both man and woman in order to afford a 1 bedroom condo is admirable and Canadians are too lazy to appreciate our opportunities
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>Quebec likes to "import French speakers", so they end up with loads of Africans & Haitians...
They aren't choosing it any more than we are with the pakis and the jeets. The government and those who control it have decided to brown Canada. They are determined to make Canada brown. But Québec already has laws protecting their linguistic heritage (and if it had been truly and fully left up to the people who made those laws, without nefarious outside interference, it would have included their ethnic heritage too) so the only choice the government has for spamming Québec with non-whites is Haiti and the francophone parts of Africa. They are the victims here (the Québécois) and they've done more to protect their culture than ANY of the anglo provinces have done.
you're actually mentally retarded if you think LPC is more zionist than CPC.
oh wait I misread your ID and thought you were the other guy. ignore me.
One upside is that niggers are too stupid to be an economic threat the way pajeets and other browns are in Anglo Canada
Its actually worse to have a scammy wageslave race like pajeets than a welfare scum race like niggers because at least you can just pay off the niggers without them interfering in your economy
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oui mon ami, i know, but even then they are getting nigger'd, there really is no escape from the brown hordes, gg no re
Yeah, I was working for min wage in an dangerous environment that needed trading and when I had enough and quit when basic safety wasnt being met my mother called me lazy and entitled. Now I see pajeets and coal men doing fuck all at that same type of job and getting paid more for it.
Training, not trading
It happens. No worries
Yeah, I worked in a concrete factory once and it was one of the worst jobs I've ever had, they would also exploit the immigrants more than whites, particularly African blacks, because they knew they wouldn't get any complaints about it and another Ngubu was lined up at the door to replace the previous one if he quit
Pajeets rarely go into these physically intensive jobs in my experience, too weak
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>too weak
Seriously what's the deal with that? Even those 6'7" super Jeets all can't lift like 30 lbs and they run like obese boomers. It's like they're hollow inside or something.
>it's canadian soil and they can never be allowed to be their own country. The opposite needs to happen where their traitor nigger BQ party is illegal and remove all french language laws from the rest of Canada where 0% of the population speak french, so all of our politicians are from quebec. This has always been a country run by foreign french traitors.
Everything you just said is historically inaccurate. To start with this country is not nor has it ever been run by foreign french traitors. This country is run by an oligarchic financial cabal that originated in the British Empire (although admittedly not all of its members are ethnically British, [taps nose]). Québec is Canadian soil primarily because Québec IS the original Canada. With the exception of Newfoundland (my province) all of Canada from Cape Breton Island to Manitoba was la-Nouvelle-France (large swaths of the American midwest was too). French has always (and still is) spoken in all of those province to varying degrees(the % is low in provinces like Nova Scotia because of deportation and anglo mass immigration). Even here in Newfoundland the french owned part of the Island and the British the rest. There are still isolated communities in the west of Newfoundland where all the old people speak a distinct dialect of French, and their families have been there for centuries(it's closer to Saint Pierre et Miquelon French than Québécois because those island are effectively the part of French Newfoundland that France got to keep after the war). With the exception of the Anglophone colonies in eastern Newfoundland which predate the wars in the 1700s there were no english speaking settlements in Canada until the first Acadian conquest and even then and there you had a large population of Acadiens who were promised their right to their religion language and laws (a deal the Anglo-American settlers and the British government chose to break when they cruelly drove those poor people from the homes)
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grains vs meats diet
>Bank of Canada cuts key interest rate to 4.5% with hints of more to come
>Days after emergency cash injections in the repo market were required

iykyk, brace for impact fellow leafs, our economy is officially about to go tits up.
nooo my jewbucks
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>about to
Taxes and firearms aren't "gay dumb subjects" to majority of population.
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Trudeau is either a member of a sinister elder god death cult or he’s secretly a genius who is dooming millions to save billions by using his entire nation as a proof of concept that the jeet problem needs to be taken seriously, and that everyone in the works needs to stop fucking around and temporarily set aside their difference to quickly resolve the issue before we all die.

Fuck climate change, fuck cancer, fuck stopping nuclear proliferation. The great pajeet scourge is what’s going to immediately end the entire species and most life on the planet. We’re talking gamma ray burst, super volcano eruption, and continent shattering, sauropod vaporizing asteroid levels of devastation here. We’re talking destruction on a level that puts the recovery of Earth’s natural biodiversity on to a timeline that’s measured in the millions of years.

Do you see this? I didn’t believe that they were real until I went to Canada and saw one for myself. But they are real. I’ve seen it close enough to barely escape with my life. I nearly wanted to die due to the sheer hopelessness and despair of it all had I not been reminded of my duty as a human to warn my own species about its impending, and potentially inevitable doom.

This THING is going to be the fate of everyone in the world if we don’t deal with this literal shit right fucking now.
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>Trudeau is either a member of a sinister elder god death cult or he’s secretly a genius who is dooming millions to save billions by using his entire nation as a proof of concept that the jeet problem needs to be taken seriously, and that everyone in the works needs to stop fucking around and temporarily set aside their difference to quickly resolve the issue before we all die.
tfw we're the canary in the mineshaft
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>he’s secretly a genius
That is not possible.
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>fathers looks
>mothers brains
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Look at his smug fucking face knowing he killed Canada to prove how not racist he is, and 80% of whites think like that.
Born just in time to see the nigger-jeet turf wars of peel and toronto.
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yep, my boomer father did the same, made sure the real estate agent was an indian from his church so they got the +75k commission on the sale, and ensured the boomerbox house that sold for millions was going to an indian buyer (who converted it to a multi-room rental).
>Good news, Mr. Prime Minister, the Bank of Canada just called - and line go up!
You won't use your guns for shit
I wish I could find the pic of different races/ethnicities and % opposition to immigration
Whites were actually on the bottom half
How much does a bedroom in the center of Toronto or Ontario cost to rent right now?
I think the average is something like $2100 month for a one bedroom on average, might be a two bedroom. In Canada, you need a roommate for a one bedroom.
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>They are not even real elites, like trudeau's grandparents were inbred farmers who had no education and fucked cows for their living.
What the fuck are talking about? Trudeau's mother was the daughter of a Scottish British Columbian politician who went to Oxford AND Princeton. Maggie Trudeau's mother was a turbo-wasp descended from so many prominent figures in the 19th century British Empire it would exceed the character limit to list them all. Pierre Trudeau was the son of an EXTREMELY wealthy Québécois businessman whose father WAS a poor farmer but who's mother was the daughter of yet another (relatively) well to do politician. Pierre Trudeau's mother, Grace Elliot, was the daughter of another extremely well heeled businessman Philip Armstrong Elliott who was part of the local Anglo-Scotch business elite in Montréal. Francophobes who want to blame the French for Justin Trudeau always refuse to acknowledge that Justin is twice as Scottish as he is French and about as much WASP as he is French too. That's assuming Castro isn't his father in which case he's Cuban Scottish and Anglo, and ZERO % French. Trying and failing to blame the French for what is clearly a rich Anglo and their greatest ally problem is infuriating. Also Maurice Duplessis and Camilien Houde were the two most based politicans ever to serve in the history of Canada.
2k leafbucks per month minimum. But more likely 2500 if you want to be right downtown in the center of the city.
Are you the guy who wanted to move to Canada?
If that's the case, I hope you did your research and reconsidered, but if you come here don't say we didn't warn you
The Turdeau line goes back to the 1600s IIRC.
The original root in Quebec was a carpenter who built a lot of structures at that time.
>whites don't get 70% of their wage subsidized by their tax dollars
THIS. Completely utterly and totally THIS.
My dad said the same shit about the neighbors house. I think my parents might finally start realizing how fucked the situation is. Last year my mom said the reason why nobody hires whites anymore is because they are all lazy but just last week she told me the government is paying people to only hire foreign people in a half hearted apology for harrasing me for being a jobless loser
My family lost all holdings the king granted us because of Harper’s FIPA act with China.
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>One upside is that niggers are too stupid to be an economic threat the way pajeets and other browns are in Anglo Canada
>Its actually worse to have a scammy wageslave race like pajeets than a welfare scum race like niggers because at least you can just pay off the niggers without them interfering in your economy
Good point. I'd take Africans over Jeets although i'd obviously prefer neither. Honestly i'd take ANYTHING and ANYONE over jeets.
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~$2,000 syrupesos for a shitty 1 bedroom/bachelor in Toronto
Over literally everywhere. Our "based province"'s two major cities have jeet mayors. One literally born in shitskindia
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even small towns have indians and africans now, there is no where to go
Both. They've completely monopolized low skill and entry level work becusse our government literally pays theirs wages. It's over for this country. I'm basically waiting for someone to die so I can buy a small business in the US
Dude, I'm talking about REAL elites.
Trudeau'[s grandfather had cow shit under his nails. He wasn't a member of any elite. He just married into wealth, probably due to wedlock or something lol
Our ruling class are basically a bunch of midwit yockels who got astroturfed into power and wealth by foreign intelligence and banks.
Other countries may have real elites, but we don't. Any idiot could do what our ruling class does lol.
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Been planning to move west from PEI for the past 5 years, Calgary specifically, or somewhere close to the rockies on BC. Hell, even Vancouver was on the list.
It all went to shit, obviously. Seems like every fun town turned into an unaffordable hellscape. Even fucking Halifax.
It's like the only viable place in the entire fucking country is NL and QC, and Quebec is only shielded because the average asian is incapable of learning French.
Pajeets are the number one threat to humanity, hands down

Basically, it doesn't matter.
Calgary's mayor is a pajeet lol
even NL is getting jeeted, I hear. have you ever heard of the town of Gander? 10 years ago when I went it was a tiny shithole with nothing in it except old white people. now, it's a tiny shithole that I've heard from someone who lives there is the "Brampton of Newfoundland" - how the fuck ???
no where is safe
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>the "Brampton of Newfoundland"
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I don't even know why the jeets would go there. there is nothing. I don't even think there was a movie theatre when I went. that entire town will be completely ethnically replaced within 10 years
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>why the jeets would go there. there is nothing.
because literally anything is an improvement to India, webm related, they're dumping the Dalits here
No, jews are. But pajeets are absolutely an uncontested number 2
Yeah, Canada is just. Ugh. And I'm "privileged" because I work for a US client and I make way above average median, and I feel poor.
Tension are high in PEI. Province sought this growth, it was "needed", but they completely botched it. $400k average house price? Fuuuck that.
I bought a shitty condo last year -- I'm pretty sure if I list it for sale right now i'll probably make $200k clean.
I don't even blame only jeets, I blame every single real estate speculator, mom & pop and corp just as much.
>Tensions are high in PEI.

Spill the bag of potatoes anon, tell us what you seen and heard, saw mad Max visited.

t. Ancestors were awarded the civilized end of the bridge for killing tons of frogs
>Sold it to run rum and be pirates with crowns permission.
if I was you I'd sell for a profit and become a rentoid (or just move in with family if that's possible). I could have bought a trailer in a shitty trailer park pre-covid and made a tidy 50k+ profit, which I regret not doing
that being said the economy is probably going to shit the bed soon so your leafbucks may not be worth much
>The Turdeau line goes back to the 1600s IIRC.
>The original root in Quebec was a carpenter who built a lot of structures at that time.
Yeah as I said Pierre's father's father was genuinely a working class Québécois (which does not necessarily mean poor) who married the daughter of a well to do small city Mayor somewhere. Their sons were sent to be educated in Montréal where Pierre's father studied to become, if i'm remembering right, a lawyer, he became a prominent businessman owning a lucrative mining concern, a chain of gas stations, an amusement park and a minor league baseball team in addition to many other assets real estate and etc. He also married Pierre's mother Grace Elliot who was the daughter of Philip Armstrong Elliott a member of Montréal's Golden Mile Scottish/Anglo business elite. Pierre Trudeau was born in extreme privilege, although admittedly less so than his turbo-wasp whore of an ex wife or their children. He had one working class paternal grandfather who was extremely industrious on his farm and managed to amass enough wealth to make a marriage far above himself, his sons and grandsons continued to rise although in increasingly less admirable ways. Picrel Pierre's waspy whore wife/justin's oft absent mama and yes you really are seeing what you think you're seeing down there. Miss Maggie liked short skirts underwear less so.
How do I make money when everyone around me loves migrants and refuses to hire whites?
I genuinely think kikes are more manageable purely based on the scale of numbers. Do you understand HOW much bigger 1.4 billion is compared to 14 million?
>if I was you I'd sell for a profit and become a rentoid

>that being said the economy is probably going to shit the bed soon
they're already worthless, the one thing canada has going for it is the plentiful resources backing the $, if it wasn't so rich in natural minerals it would be completely finished
Do what every immigrant is doing, scam old boomers.
He did. You mean the UFC fighter? I'm currently traveling abroad.
I mean, you could see it over the internet. The facebook groups, "askPEI", "pei confessions". Your average islander (macdonalds) do hate and despise the jeet invasion just as much as the average republican pilled Canadian online. This is real. People were circulating hate online towards the protesters and the international student scam -- Hell, sometimes I think even our provincial government hates the international students, they are not weaving. It's a very strong "you will not get a PR working for timmies bud".

I was thinking about selling it and moving to Europe, actually.
Even Brazil, I can work anywhere and make $100USD/hour. It's the only thing holding my life together lol
I'm not tied to leafbux.
Vancouver anon checking in, can confirm, it's never been more over in the history of this country. The entire metro area is experiencing a rapid demographic change as more and more immigrants arrive while more and more Canadians simultaneously leave this hole. Even pockets that were always considered "white" are now either 50 percent yellow or brown. Very rarely do you find a business that has someone who speaks English behind the counter. As someone born in Vancouver and very much a west coast person, I'm thinking about moving to North Cali in the future, is that a good idea? I work in trades and am looking for somewhere where there are affordable homes so I can start a family. I'll miss my beautiful mountains but I most definitely won't miss the cultural enrichment :)
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>even NL is getting jeeted, I hear. have you ever heard of the town of Gander? 10 years ago when I went it was a tiny shithole with nothing in it except old white people. now, it's a tiny shithole that I've heard from someone who lives there is the "Brampton of Newfoundland" - how the fuck ???
Gander is an airport that's so big it needed a suburb to sustain and maintain it. It used to be that direct flights from Europe to America weren't quite possible. The planes couldn't carry enough fuel to make the journey from New York or Boston or Montréal to London or Paris or Madrid. So a bunch of rich fucks from those places bought a great big field in the northeastern corner of Newfoundland and built the world's then largest airport there. It has one purpose: receive and refuel planes touching down on their way to somewhere important. To house the airport's many employs the benefactors built a sort of little shanty town above the airport. This is Gander. It's a shame that for many years it was the only part of Newfoundland that most people passing through Newfoundland (if only for a couple hours) actually saw. St. John's is an ancient (by North American standards) and beautiful city. Gander is an airport with some cheap mid 20th century houses and a couple strip malls attached. Anyway it was all for naught either way because they figured out how to build planes that could make the flight without a stopover so the little local economy crashed. They only became relevant again for a moment during 9/11 when their population temporarily doubled from all the planes that were redirected there.
Numbers mean nothing next to political power.
Whites really are do fucking nothing cucks after 50 years of this shit
time and technology fucks over atlantic canada again and again
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Saved. Nice digits btw. I am also a descendant of the Acadiens if only in small part. As a Newfoundlander of mostly French descent though I feel a particular grievance over the destruction of Louisbourg as the city was initially founded by those French Terre-Neuviens deported from Plaisance (capital of French Newfoundland) who were subsequently joined there by Acadiens migrating north away from British rule.
St John's looks like a nice city to live. I was thinking about visiting. I do like the history, being one of the oldest cities in the continent.
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>nothing next to political power.
gg no re
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I for one support Soros and his minions efforts to pollute Canada. Stop being racist.
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You know what needs done anon.
continue shitposting on /pol/? coming right up, sir
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> crazy how much damage one guy with a majority government can do to this country.
You mean Soros?
I wouldn't doubt that trudeau family's "business success" has a lot to do with them being freemasons.
Is Gander where the new drone airport is going backed by that sus startup that found a billion dollars under the couch cushions or is that the wrong part of the Maritimes? It was somewhere with an existing airport.
>good times
not really, we manufacture. A weaker dollar allows us to sell our goods comparatively cheaper. The high dollar while better for material experts (read alberta and oil) is a big finger to ontario and a lesser extent quebec.
Pisses me off so many leafs claim to hate the govrament only to defend it all the time.

This is why whites are doomed, too scared to do jack shit unless its killing other whites for migrants
I dunno anymore anon, people even thought truckers "dont do shit"

I think people DO do shit all the time, and a bunch of do nothings just call out anythings as not doing shit....

Obviously some actions are more then others, but even just talking about this stuff to real people counts, even if you can get a few people around you to agree shits fucked, at least its a start.

In the end, if our own survival and that of our children is not enough to spring to action, then it is our death either way.
The massive amount of recent boomer retirees complaining about immigration are hilarious. Without all the immigrants they wouldn't be retired, or they would be dead.
It's not what they want to admit, but that's the choice. Bring in immigrants or die. As their kids are just waiting for them to do so. Then the immigrants can do all the work for their comfy asses instead.
>Laurentoid elites are all affiliated with China for a reason.
Started with Maurice Strong, who got infected by a Rockefeller.
>or they would be dead
>St John's looks like a nice city to live. I was thinking about visiting. I do like the history, being one of the oldest cities in the continent.
I lived there for many years, i'm in a more rural area now although still within about an hours drive give or take 10 minutes. St. John's has much to recommend it but I'd be lying if I said we aren't being hitting with the same replacement programs the rest of the country is. It's less extreme and pronounced here but only because most of immigrants they ship in can't wait to move further upalong to Toronto, or Calgary or Vancouver (or at least Halifax). If you're a white Canadian you should move to St. John's if you can manage it. Help booster our numbers. Cheers b'y.
People do shit all the time, they just make sure to never broadcast it because they know it would ignite a shitstorm of copycats.
System already would have collapsed under it's own weight and redistributions would have been made.
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The entire debt scheme / pension plan ponzi is being propped up by importing immigrants, Canada would have unironically collapsed in the last decade if they didn't bring in record numbers of bodies to spread the Debt to GDP per capita ratio
Truckers didnt do shit, they just partied, smoked weed all day and kept bending the knee. It was the bankers who ended the lockdowns then the Ukraine fake war happened.
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bingo, honking & drinking didn't do shit but give them an excuse to pass through authoritarian martial laws that now make any assembly in ottawa illegal
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>I wouldn't doubt that trudeau family's "business success" has a lot to do with them being freemasons.
I would share your lack of surprise on that one. Freemasons and greatest allies swarming Montréal are what general wolfe's victory resulted in ultimately.
I don't disagree but I also don't think this would result in the boomerdomor
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>Is Gander where the new drone airport is going backed by that sus startup that found a billion dollars under the couch cushions or is that the wrong part of the Maritimes?
No idea. I'm unfamiliar with the concept. Sauce?
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>but I also don't think this would result in the boomerdomor
It would have meant they would have extended the retirement age & boomers would have maybe wised up to the scam. Thankfully the imported nurses & care workers will be the ones taking out the boomer masses in the future via MAID and "care home" neglect.
What are you talking about? Freedom Convoy is the reason we don't have stay-at-home and mandatory vax orders like we did before it.
It also helped undermine Trudeau's image greatly and brought CPC under populist control.
>They didn't do shit
Yup, that's why they had to secretly fly in UN blue hats and have them at the ready. That's why every normie vaxxie was in a state of extreme fear every time the convoy was brought up and playing dumb. It was just pure coincidence the lockdowns and mandates ended right after the convoy.

They would have openly geocided us if they truly thought they could have pulled it off.
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>Yup, that's why they had to secretly fly in UN blue hats and have them at the ready. That's why every normie vaxxie was in a state of extreme fear every time the convoy was brought up and playing dumb. It was just pure coincidence the lockdowns and mandates ended right after the convoy.
>They would have openly geocided us if they truly thought they could have pulled it off.
Honestly i think this.
>Freedom Convoy is the reason we don't have stay-at-home and mandatory vax orders
completely wrong, there was never any stay @ home or mandatory vaxxxing, you delude yourself into thinking honking & partying did anything. I for one am glad the majority of Canadians got jabbed, its a fitting fate for the nigger cattle.
playing dumb is a thing anon, it lets very evil people put a mask on "oh whooooops im just dumb and thought the economy would balance itself, tee hee I and the people with me totally didnt do anything on purpose"

Thing is, examining the party as a whole, its actions have been well calculated and they have played the rules of power to a T, never backing down or apoligizing. It would be admirable if they were not destroying everything, and the reality is, that these people tell themselves they have "the best of intentions" and believe their own bullshit.

Nothing is more dangerous then a midwit who thinks they are saving the world.
If it happened again every one will be for it because of media brainwashing. They dont need lockdowns now that pajeets gatekeep whites out and people still wear the mask and think covid was real

They are genociding us right now but its ok because its not government guns shooting us.
If pajeets think they're going to act as some kind of government vanguard during the next happening, they are in for such a rude awakening.
>there was never any stay @ home or mandatory vaxxxing
you are actually retarded
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Whites wont do shit so yes, they will gatekeep whites out and use racism and self hating whites as a weapon.
goood, she voted for that to happen
Street-shitters have officially overrun Mississauga as well as brampton and malton. The disgusting savages don't have the decency to use goddamn garbage cans
>completely wrong, there was never any stay @ home or mandatory vaxxxing,
Ignore him. Starve him of (you)s. With this post he demonstrated beyond any doubt he's a lying disingenuous sub-human. Do not interact with him again he wants engagement and to derail the conversation and gaslight people. Evil cunt.
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>you are actually retarded
Funny, I never once was forced to stay in my home, or get a jab. Even Lucifarian death cultists know that karma is real and that compulsionary laws are immoral. Only the retards of this country got jabbed. Sorry to hear you fell for the honeypot controlled op.

Look at that fat piece of shit lmao
The same people who loved lockdowns are now doing damage control by saying the usual "never happened but if it did it wad good". These rats are all over in my life and I hate them.
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There were no lockdowns. Was anyone held indoors against their will with a gun? Did anyone get vaxxxed with a barrel to their head? Nope. (You) have a self imposed victim complex.
I now remember when they told us in the lower mainland to not visit our family or friends during the lockdowns and even had police come to tell us to not. There were always neighbours that would snitch on people too. Oh wow, it was so much worse than it seemed back then... THEY LITERALLY MADE IT A CRIME TO VISIT YOUR FRIENDS OR FAMILY
Ah no it was Stephenville in Newfoundland.

Interestingly there's a CBC article that has updates since it was first reported and some discussion happened on /pol/.
Lots of reporting there, good work by the CBC. Looks like it's either a wheeler-and-dealer type who's probably in over his head, or it's government-grade spooky.
And (You) obeyed a suggestion, good goy. What was the exact law/statute?
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Peel police info graphics are some of my favorite pics
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Retard, PHO orders are law because of declared emergency
They used the Health Protection and the Emergency Management act in this province.

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>The same people who loved lockdowns are now doing damage control by saying the usual "never happened but if it did it wad good". These rats are all over in my life and I hate them.
I know i've experienced it too but on these threads it's literal demoralization ops and the best why to deal with them is to shun them.
10 years ago Canada was nothing but a shithole with old white people in it, now it's a jeeted shithole on top of that.
I'm doing so now!
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>good little cucks who obey
top lel imagine thinking "fines"== compulsory actions
Im used to demoralization. Everyone loves migrants and are commie nihilists who claim to be centrists. It was hard to get any kind of job before as a white male but now I see fuckers who cant even speak English try to scam my Tim Hortons order.
>if you do something against this act you must give us $57,622 each time
>if you choose not to we'll take the resources you need to live at gunpoint
>not compulsory
How fucking desperate are you to collect (you)s? Calm down.
Canadian trained MD here! Moved out as soon as I graduated
Upside is the pajeet infestation is so extreme even normie degenerates are talking about it, the plebbit main sub for Canada is filled with anti-immigrant shit even from the LGBTQ flag wavers
>Morocco is preferable to Canada now
> there was never any stay @ home or mandatory vaxxxing
Uh-oh, its the retarded leftoid alert!
>white neighbors across street sell house
>it's bought in less than a week
>couple of chinks roll up
>see a truck full of drywall the next day
>at least 20 jeets now living in the house
>trash bins are already overflowing a day after collection
>next door white neighbors have a real estate sign in their lawn now
So this is Canada now, huh?
Mandates were voluntary
Thats what I keep hearing here but locally everyone loves migrants and troon shit. This on top of a bad, stagnating life the past ten years I am falling apart.
Yeah the Maritime and Newfoundland got fucked hard over the last few years. Faggots trying to escape Ontario during Covid came here, saw how "cheap" everything was (because we have no fucking money) and bought up all the property they could, kicked everyone out for "renovations", slapped a few buckets of paint up on the walls, and then charged Ontario prices for everything.
Workers started asking for more pay to afford this bullshit, so immigration policies opened the flood gates so we need to compete directly with the most desperate fucks from shitholes, which quickly put a stop "wage inflation" and our vacancy rates dropped to 1% or less. So people had to either pay the Ontario prices using their shitty Maritimer paycheques, or go live in a tent, which many are now.
I heard a story about a guy who rented a warehouse from a Sikh, he started a drywall disposal business and filled the entire warehouse. He then decided he didn't want to rent it anymore after it was full.
BC here, rural locals are getting fucked hard here as well.
>So this is Canada now, huh?
I live in the nicest tower in my quite small city. I moved in here thinking the cost barrier would deter the browns. Somewhat, but I'm now fucked because a family of 6 pajeets moved in across the hall, and they have a two bedroom unit.

All of a sudden the elevators reek of BO. I see food chunks in the hallway all the time now. They fucking hangout in the hallway yapping to each other. I've whipped the door open, and just had to give them a deathstare, so they stopped that lately.

Nonetheless, they are fucking animals with zero consideration to anyone else. Also if my tower is not safe, no where is in this country. I've had enough, I've spent a combined two years worth of vacations throughout SE asia, I'm literally moving next year.
Ontario people are just fucked in the head. Refuse to pay out anything above 20 dollars for any job and constantly support shit that causes their own misery because the radio told them to think that way.
Moving wont save you and nobody hires whites anymore.
>*walks around in public on speaker phone talking in Hindi*
why do they all do this
Uhh, astonishingly based way to fuck over someone.
immigration is for for white people, idiot.
its to taunt you. The one time a group of these roaches talked in English it was to brag about breaking laws and how to avoid being deported. If they wernt surrounded by white cucks I would have called them out.
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I don't doubt it. Not just rural areas getting fucked here though, but compared to Ontario the entire area is rural. I miss being the forgotten ass end of Canada that everyone else forgot existed.
>what's east of eastern canada
>i don't know some fishermen on welfare or something who cares
All the faggot Turbo liberals in the cities here always wanted more diversity and a bigger population. Now they're crying that they can't pay rent and dykes are getting their asses beat by roving gangs of Muslims downtown. The ironing is delicious, but unfortunately those of us who knew how it would all end from observing other places now need to suffer too so idiots can learn the same lesson the hard way.
Next elections we'll vote blue in. Nothing will change because the same corporations and richfags pull their strings and the LPC. Maybe when things don't improve people will be ready for something more radical than swapping blue and red every ten years.
But I doubt it. Our entire political system is a popularity contest between election winning machines. We select for bullshit like height and good hair and a famous name instead of traits that lead to good governance and so we get what we deserve. Hard times.
>Moving wont save you and nobody hires whites anymore.
No man I mean like I'm moving out of the country entirely. I've simply had enough of it here. I spent the entire 2023/24 winter working remotely in SE asia, living here is a cruel joke.
>I miss being the forgotten ass end of Canada that everyone else forgot existed.
Gander would be a good place for it (Gander was basically a required stop for cross atlantic flight in the past until improved tech made it a bit obsolute). But I think that was just news bullshit.

Just a point of reference, maritime provinces have to be connected to the mainland, Newfoundland (where gander is) is an Atlantic province but not a maritime one.
Correct. Unfortunately they are aware of ways they can exploit us now. A lot of them went back because it too "slow" here, but they still own a bunch of property through numbered companies so they can bleed us dry. There needs to be some insane tax on rental properties owned by out of province fags or something.
>Nothing will change
Shit's gone way too far, we need a near-collapse for things to change. As in roving white men militias taking out the trash. Canada has a parasite that will never leave on its own volition, they have to be made to leave. But first the rule of law needs to break down.
>Be a real shame if there was a fire started with an easy to recognize accelerant, might tie those chinks up in court for years to get paid out.
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So... too many immigrants, you disagree with aid to Ukraine and, uh, your booboo was judged non-critical so the West has fallen. It's all over. Leafs were a fucking mistake.
>that will never leave on its own volition
It very much will you just have to convince the faggot liberals to stop giving them free money.
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We are our own worst enemies, btw
And city liberals will vote for this shit all over again if their own life improves slightly while callling others racist still.

Yeah NOBODY hires whites and brownoids are everywhere

Whites wont do shit, being docile is now normalized. Whites cant even get together for a weekend without groveling about how not racist they are
They need to shut down the asylum claims first. Then crack down on welfare claims from recent PRs.
The average loser work permit holder does not get any direct handouts, they are not eligible for welfare. I wonder what the millions of them will do once this recession really picks up steam, and they lose their jobs too.
>Whites wont do shit, being docile is now normalized. Whites cant even get together for a weekend without groveling about how not racist they are

You are a city slicker.
The rurals are very vocal about this matter, it's all they talk about in the bars and coffee shops. The only thing protecting the pajeets from frontier justice is the law. That's it, the law.
If their was no law, the rurals will bring back lynching, I promise you that.
City slickers don't like getting their hands dirty.
Even lefty fags are fed up with immigration now since it's pushing up their rent and suppressing their wages to the point where it is undeniable.
No one likes to piss away money on foreign problems when things suck at home.
Our socialized health care system has been declining for years. People die in the waiting rooms now.
Shelter and food costs are way up. Wages are stagnant. I'm the kind of person that lives well within my means in case of exactly this type of scenario, but normalfags were all living the high life on cheap debt and had no plan for if that ever went away. Our GDP per capita has been falling, homelessness is on the rise with tent cities popping up in every city. Things are noticeably worse and in decline across the country.
>You are a city slicker.
Worse, I have been made aware I am surrounded by hicklibs. My area always votes NDP.
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Acadians are great. Some of the most openly racist people I've ever met. But they can get away with it since they are technically a minority or something.
>ontario and quebec get shafted
>rest of leafistan enjoy a higher dollar
I see nothing wrong with this
Don't hold out hope for them. Boomers are utterly mind fucked to hell and back. I can still hear my dad bragging about how he voted for the liberal candidate in our region followed closely by him bitching in seething outrage that my sister lost her job over vax mandates. He went on for MONTHS about how bullshit it was... Oh I'm sorry boomer, did you not read the large bold print of what you literally directly supported? I even told him this would eventually happen and everyone just laughed or dismissed it.

It's comical and sadly an illustration that people in this country don't know their asses from their elbows and now that it's basically too late, even if they figure it out their consolation prize is losing everything to hordes of government supported indian invaders. Short of violence this is a get mine and get out scenario now. It's like if we suddenly had a super bio-engineered swarm of mega locusts flooding into canada, short of gassing them all violently you have to just grab what you can carry and run for the hills. And with 2 billion of these pieces of shit it will never end unless the people doing this are physically removed
The system collapsing would save thousands of times more White lives than the system continuing
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Unfortunately boomers are quite literally retarded due to leaded gasoline exposure
Many things that happened from the 1960s onwards can be explained by this
Yeah, we're a 'non-visible' minority and thusly excluded from governments gibs because we're filthy Whites. Loyalists and Acadians need to unite in the face of POC hordes being shipped to our shores, we need to put aside our differences and unite against a common enemy.
I don't see why not at this point. I miss when Angloid-Frog language politics bullshit was a priority around here.
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>we manufacture.

you know immigrants take on more debt right? A house cost 1 million dollars.

You know most immigrants are on welfare right?
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TFRs aren't
Remember during covid when the borders were shut down? Suddenly everywhere was looking for work and wages were going up
This is what the government suppresses with mass immigration, higher wages + lower housing costs

I personally know an indian, he bought a condo and a fast food restaurant in toronto, now he is $900000 in debt
just say this to a random normie "have you heard of the current Canadian Collapse?" don't even have to expand on it, just plant the seed. If anything just be like "yeah it's a real thing going on right now"
Only gross people have cysts.

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