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Carnists will never be able to refute this documentary
we are now rich enough to care about the stupidest things imaginable to man, therefore everyone, who is poor btw should stop eating meat, completely delusional argument, why not move to india if you care about cows so much?
It’s simple. Eat the director. I don’t need to refute my enemy if I’m digesting him.
dos cheese burgeros por favor
How many times did Joagquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara fly on private jets to promote this moobie?
Well... animals eat other animals, why should we stop
>Hola, dos hamburguesa con queso por favor.
I'm learning Spanish and I think this is the correct wording :) No need to thank me
lmao did you just post a documentary on tv and film.
thread moved
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Dude, shut the fuck up.
This board is a trash can
only capeshit and yidsney slop allowed
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anon, you must add an "s" at the end of your nouns to make them plural. You're not asking for a single hamburguesa. You are requesting at least two, hamburguesaS.
Are you jewish?
they also throw shit at each other.
I appreciate that friend, thank you!
those bound to darkness will never be freed
they are evolutionarily lost
they will seethe and pretend they will turn to cannibalism in order to avoid the light
but the truth is, they are incapable of dispelling the spirits which hold them
Industrial meat farming is some horrifying shit, ngl. I feel it's some sort of karmic debt we are building up collectively, may even be a notable factor in the spiritual decline of the west we are seeing.
That is, however, an argument against factory meat farming, not against meat consumption. There is nothing morally wrong in eating meat you or your kinsmen hunted, probably even farmed if the animal is in relative comfort.
meat is delicious
>You'll never be able to refute this
Beef tastes good and I like it. Refute that.
I don't have a problem with killing animals for their meat as long as it's done so in a manner that doesn't cause prolonged harm or suffering. I'll just buy my meat from my farmer who isn't slamming baby pigs head first against a concrete floor by their hind legs (actual scene in the movie)
industrial scale slaughter of animals is weighing down the spirit of humanity with black kamma. a porn addicted, rage addicted, servile humanity is exactly what you get.
if we culled like 5 billion non-whites off the face of the earth we could raise livestock in ethical free ranges and every person would have access to high quality meats that weren't raised in factory farm hell.

Bill gates is based as fuck for population control
>if the leviathan of capitalism were just run by suburban whites from the 50s...
you're so deluded you deserve your suffering
The meat industry is the biggest preserver of Wildlife in history. If there was no meat in the shops people would hunt and kill every animal in sight as they did in the past. You are simply picking farm animals over Wildlife so you aren't really pro Animal at all.
Don't care still eating meat
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You fuck dogs
Humans are the top of the food chain, not only are we the top, we essentially terraformed the planet into a more efficient and streamlined way to produce meat for us. No other animal will ever dominate like humans.
But that doesn't mean our instincts are gone, the cruelty is the point. We used to hunt to get our meat, to pull the arrow out of the deer, while it was drawing its last agonal breaths. We used to see the lights go out. We don't stimulate that part of our brain anymore - but the constant stories from vegans and the news cycle about animal cruelty, unethical bla bla does remind us and does stimulate those dormant neurons. Hence why I firmly believe veganism and PETA etc is entirely fabricated by the meat industry - it keeps the meat eaters engaged with their ancestral spirits. Indians don't need this reinforcement since they are naturally weak and didn't hunt - so they are natural vegans/vegetarians - however most other human races do. Big Beef needs you to remember that the animals do suffer, and it's not just red meat in a plastic box. You are a hunter.
lanky vegan faggots detected. when you go outside and step on an ant do you have a mental breakdown because you killed a conscious being, and contributed to the 'DARK CLOUD OF KAMMA'? When you go to the store and get your vegetables do you get on your knees and beg forgiveness from your creator, because you're purchasing food which led directly to the deaths of thousands, or perhaps even tens of thousands of insects which were just trying to live their natural life and eat food?

Of course you don't, because you retards selectively pick and choose which consciousness is worthy of your sadness.
>Indians don't need this reinforcement since they are naturally weak and didn't hunt - so they are natural vegans/vegetarians
you can't be this retarded
Ah yes, fats make you fat. Thats why we stuff our feed animals full of animal fats to fatten them up.
You have to go back, Saar. The designated streets are back in india for you to do the needful.
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>oh god, an argument that i'm too stupid to respond to intelligently.
>I know! I'll just respond with a smug anime image. that will definitely dismantle his argument, get rid of my cognitive dissonance, and i can keep on keeping on living my retarded lifestyle!
Did you say carnitas?
i see a deeper layer of causality than you, that's why it's easy to see the karmic through line that extends from the meat industry to the porn industry to the culture war to globohomo imperialism to faggots like you who will never have a culture and an ethnostate or anything to be proud of ever again. compassion for animals and respect for nature is an ariyan virtue
Because you posted this, I'm going to get a double meat cheeseburger for lunch. Fuck you, I'll kill every animal and eat them all.
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Indians are vegetarian
Look closely in the mirror at your teeth. Right there you have incisors and canine teeth.
Refute that, faggot.
Why are brown people like you allowed to post here
that's a nice word salad of rambling faggotry, but you still didn't respond to any of my questions.

where's your respect for nature when you step around in the grass outside and kill bugs? where's your "ariyan" virtues when you buy vegetables or fruits that were treated with pesticides?

is this where you stop seeing 'the deeper layer of causality' and your myopic worldview begins? let me guess, you won't answer any of these questions directly because they're too uncomfortable so you'll respond to me rambling on about 1488 and fuck niggers, right?

The way they do it is different from how we do it. There's nothing natural about large scale industrial farming. This argument that other animals do it would only hold water if you were hunting and killing animals in the wild.
i don't live here, i'm on vacation. my fruits and veggies are sourced locally. i release all insects i find in my house.
I don't see why meat can't be a heavily regulated luxury item that is only sold in speciality butcher shops. The big main problem is cheap meat and fast food. That's where the torture and horrible shit is at it's worst.

Ending cheap meat would be a massive first step

>B-B-But how will poor people eat meat

I don't give a fuck about poor people.
>my fruits and veggies are sourced locally.
so fruits and veggies being sourced locally magically repel all of the insects who are attracted to the plants for food? they probably use less pesticides than large-scale commercial operations, or they may use organic pesticides/pest control, but the result is the same regardless -- you are killing thousands of insects.

so not only are you retarded, but you're also a hypocrite. congratulations. i'm looking forward to seeing whatever cope you are going to respond to me with next
i wonder what you think the cows that become your burgers eat. anyways, i'm not even talking to a sentient, just the goybro script that gets activated in your head by your handlers when you read the word vegan
>You can't save every single ameba so that means you shouldn't even try to treat living things with respect
If you believe this why aren't you devouring your mother's carcass right now? After all you can't save everyone so why bother to keep anybody alive?
So gay.

You have canines and frontal eyes, deal with it, you are a predator.
you also have a prostate right where you'd want it to be to experience leg shaking orgasms, deal with it, you're a catamite
wow ad hominem attacks
so big of you lol
Ass is made for shitting, teeth are made for chew.
non sense logic, try again.
>muh incisors
ah yes, gorillas, nature's fiercest land predator
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>Carnists will never be able to refute
Hold my beer...

>Vegans are deficit in b12:
>High fiber diets reduce serum half life of vitamin D3:
>Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:
>Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:
>Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:
>Vegans are deficient in omega threes:
>Vegans are deficit in carnitine:
>Vegans are deficient in taurine:
>Vegans are deficient in iodine:
>Vegans are deficient in Coenzyme Q10:
carnis are deficient in spirit.
>I don't see why meat can't be a heavily regulated luxury item
Because then everybody would be retarded and literally die. Meat is already too expensive
Just had lamb chops
Scared to watch that doc ngl

>Vegans are deficient in iron due to the fact that iron from plant sources is less bioavailable than iron from meat sources:
>Vegans are deficient in vitamin A:
http://healthybabycode.com/why-you-cant-get-vitamin-a-from-eating-vegetables (studies linked in the article)
>Calcium in Rats
>Magnesium and Oxalates
>Vegans have a lower sperm count than non vegans:
>Vegans have lower testosterone than non vegans:
>Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction:
>I don't see why meat can't be a heavily regulated luxury item that is only sold in speciality butcher shops
It doesn't need to be luxury. It can be highly regulated and still affordable. You are buying a multi-billion dollar kike scam industry's propaganda by believing that we need poisons and torture to produce food cost effectively. We do not. Having more people working would eat the profits of the kikes and produce safe cruelty free food at the same price.
Who cares if the retards die?
Because people would start hunting Wildlife and eating cats. The Vegan notion that most people will stop wanting meat is pure fantasy.
We are omnivores

Gorilla deveoped in nature to be herbivores but they can eat and digest meat if you give them so they are carnivores too but not predators. Humans are predators, hunter-gatherers were the most ancient humans... imagine trying to find vegetables in the Ice Age.
I like killing animals, ether for meat or for trophy. There's nothing wrong with it. I'm occupying my rightful place in the nature as a predator. My ideal world is where all of us get to eat enough animals, healthy, nutrition-rich animals that has had a free and happy life. I will eliminate industrial agriculture, if it's at all possible.
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>Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:
>Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:
>"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"
>Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:
>"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."
>These next five are case studies:
>Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:
>Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:
>Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:
>Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:
So then lay charges on those people and condition society to completely ostracize them.
there's also nothing natural about shitting in toilets, water filtration systems, cancer treatments, etcetera
>no rebuttal

Disingenuous + retarded argument considering amoebas do not even have consciousness, nor a brain, unlike insects. You and the other faggot I'm talking to still haven't explained to me how killing a cow, which is conscious and has a brain, is bad, but killing flies, ants, and other insects (that also have consciousness and a brain) is just totally acceptable.

Like, you can just admit that you selectively pick and choose which consciousness are worthy of your sadness like I suggested earlier, but you won't because then that'll mean I'm right, and neither of you egotistical faggots could ever admit that someone other than yourself was correct about something. So instead you just respond with childish insults or retarded arguments like HURRRR DURRR I CAN'T SAVE EVERY SINGLE CELL AMOEBA. Just pure retardation, but that's sort of a hallmark of veganism anyway
>Muh vitamin deficiency
Literally just a skill issue. Learn where you need to compensate and adjust your diet accordingly.
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>"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."
>Most recent studies using more sensitive techniques for detecting B12 deficiency have found that 68% of vegetarians and 83% of vegans are B12 deficient, compared to just 5% of omnivores. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12816782
>On paper, calcium intake is similar in vegetarians and omnivores (probably because both eat dairy products), but is much lower in vegans, who are often deficient.
>Vegetarians and omnivores have similar levels of serum iron, but levels of ferritin—the long-term storage form of iron—are lower in vegetarians than in omnivores.
>Fruits and Vegetables
>This is significant, because ferritin depletion is the first stage of iron deficiency. Moreover, although vegetarians often have similar iron intakes to omnivores on paper, it is more common for vegetarians (and particularly vegans) to be iron deficient. For example, this study of 75 vegan women in Germany found that 40% of them were iron deficient, despite average iron intakes that were above the recommended daily allowance.
I will never give a shit about muh cows and chicken.
less humans, less demand, less land needed to sustain them. Factory farms are literally a scion of your 'leviathan of capitalism', nigger.

Killing off all the <110 iq poor retarded non-whites and whites on the planet would free up so many resources. Not to mention letting nature and fauna flourish.

I bet you are okay with deforestation and habitat destruction just to build more houses for jeets and niggers.
>you deserve your suffering
My diet is 90% carnivorous, its all grass fed and raised on pastures, and ethically slaughtered.

You sound like a fag
My body thrives on meat. I learned this by going carnivore. I lost 111lbs in 7 months before ever begining to exercise. We aren't aliens descended from some far off place, were animals, same as all the others. Not only that, we are apex of life on this planet. Our ancestors fought and clawed their way to the top and as the victors we claim dominion over all and all are at the mercy of us. I will not starve or sup on your goyslop poison, I will eat the hand that takes.
Based feaster
You can be against global industrialized agriculture and the inhuman treatment of animals while still maintaining the natural omnivorous diet of humans. I swear you retards always take the least nuanced, mutually exclusive takes.
>still haven't explained to me how killing a cow, which is conscious and has a brain, is bad, but killing flies, ants, and other insects (that also have consciousness and a brain) is just totally acceptable.

Bugs are pretty close to being literal automatons. A cow is an intelligent and social mammal that can suffer. Just because you can't save everything, doesn't mean you should literally mass torture animals that are not that far removed from yourself.

At the very fucking least eating mammals should be whole sale banned. You want to have an ethics debate about Salmon farming? Fine, but there's obviously a hard line when it comes to emotionally intelligent mammals.
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>Literally just a skill issue. Learn where you need to compensate and adjust your diet accordingly.


>many plant foods that contain zinc also contain phytate, which inhibits zinc absorption. Vegetarian diets tend to reduce zinc absorption by about 35% compared with omniovorous diet.
>Thus, even when the diet meets or exceeds the RDA for zinc, deficiency may still occur. One study suggested that vegetarians may require up to 50% more zinc than omnivores for this reason.
>The Naive Vegetarian
>Onions decreases your testosterone
>Why you need dietary cholesterol:
>Very great total picture kind of lecture:
>Eating meat increases testosterone
>Saturated Fat Finally Vindicated in Long Buried Study
>Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil Consumption as Part of a Weight Loss Diet Does Not Lead to an Adverse Metabolic Profile When Compared to Olive Oil
>Why you need cholesterol for testosterone
>Saturated Fat
>Humans evolved a specific hunting mechanism recently
Chupa mi verga con mecos joto
Post your BMI
I'm sorry you feel so strongly for animals. I'll at least not eat any in front of you out of courtesy.
What's the difference between a fruit and fetus?
shut up gayboy you type like a 14 year old
>You aren't worth more than any other animal
>Your behaviour must be superior to that of other animals
Seems like a tiny little contradiction there, friendo
these posts are so embarrassing to read. you sound like you're trying to impress your social studies teacher
I only eat animals that have committed suicide so I am morally absolved.
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>A cow is an intelligent and social mammal that can suffer.


>Very wide and diverse amounts of similar research and current scientific consensus (look at the links at the bottom)
>Exercise lowers cholesterol
>Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races
https://www.nap.edu/read/11537/chapter/13 (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)
>Giant read through summarizing dietary protein
>Another giant read through
>look mommy I spammed a bunch of copypasta bullshit!
There's an entire website dedicated to subhuman wastes of sperm like yourself. Go back there.
I'm still a bit confused, are you making distinctions based on intelligence, social skills, or just the fact that they are mammals?

I mean, look at bees and ants for example. They live in colonies with divisions of labor, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore there's even research to suggest that bugs exhibit forms of memory and planning. Hell, even some ants literally use tools to transport liquids to their nest.

I mean, even your example of Salmon doesn't really help your argument. They have also been shown to exhibit highly socialized behaviors, whether that be from working together during a migratory season as well as establishing social hierarchies during spawning season.

I get your argument about 'it's impossible to save everything', but regardless, your argument doesn't really have solid footing when all of the other examples you point to demonstrate some of the same socialized and intelligent behaviors that mammals do, albeit on a smaller scale.
they did on /tv/ so you are noe reposting this here
vegan faggot sliding kike
>Still coping with whataboutism
>hehe you care about your dog? Well guess what I just stepped on an ant! Heh, stay triggered!!!
if we stop eating cows they will go extinct
but we should eat less of them and let them live better lives growing up.
Suck a fat one faggot
Im still going to eat meat
Why you insult indians???
I literally do not care. Vegans are subhuman retards who should be forced to live like cattle and hunted for sport.
Your mother is nondefocent in nigger dicks
I was feeling bad because my noon lunch time came with a sloppy pieces of meat instead of a nice stake, I was feeling bad about throwing it away but after reading OP gay ass from a faggot board I lost the feeling, now I feel good doing, thanks OP, maybe I ask for more later on, see if they fuck up again so I can throw in trash-bin again
Feels good being on a country where millions of cattle is kill every day. Jeet repel.
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Don't care,
Still voting Biden.
No Vitamin B12, Vitamin A and EPA/DHA in plants.

So, no response then, just ad-hominem faggotry? Also, how the fuck is anything I said a whataboutism? We were talking about insects, and you brought up Salmon specifically. You're just another retard who misuses the word as an excuse to not answer difficult questions about your retarded hippie lifestyle.
>We shouldn't torture sentient beings and reduce our gluttony for their sake
you never had an argument.
Are highly inflammatory and have zero benefit or requirement. Stop eating kike scam poison.
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Your argument was that mammals are different because they exhibit highly socialized behaviors and intelligence. My argument pointed out to you how insects and fish exhibit these same socialized and intelligent behaviors.

Your response to that has just been to onions out like pic related. Just because you lack the intelligence necessary to respond to my argument doesn't mean I never had one, it just means you're a fucking retard that has hardly thought any of your lifelong convictions through.

You can keep responding to me with your assblasted greentexts, but it doesn't change the fact that I responded to your weak argument and you've refused to engage further.

>We shouldn't torture sentient beings and reduce our gluttony for their sake
That's literally what you are doing with insects. Why not just justify it, and move on? You afraid of looking like the retarded hypocrite I called you out to be hours ago or do you just have some masochistic fetish for getting humiliated by carnist chads on 4chan?
Wrong. EPA/DHA are anti-inflammatory and the best fats you can eat.

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liking bacon literally be an 'ism' now
have to double meat consumption, already buying 100lbs a day just to throw away to make more vegans useless
Damn, pretty badass. Thanks, leaf eater.
naw that poster is unironically correct.
>make up your own moral framework
>you must argue in my moral framework REEEEE
Fuck off. I don’t give a shit about cows, pigs or chicken. They are solely raised for one reason.
>Ackshully no life matters because you stepped on an ant
So when are you gonna kill your family? As you said, there's no reason to value life.
>As you said, there's no reason to value life.
Please go back and quote my exact post where I said that. You won't be able to, because I never made such a claim. This entire time we've been talking I've been asking YOU why YOU value mammals so lightly, but not insects. You responded to me and basically said mammals are more intelligent and social. I responded with evidence that shows insects and fish exhibit the same kinds of intelligence and socialized behaviors. I asked you if you were distinguishing based on social skills, intelligence, or merely the fact that they were mammals alone.

You haven't responded to any of this and have responded three times in a row with butthurt strawman greentexts.

I'm just going to take your refusal/inability to answer as your concession that you're a retarded faggot with half-baked ideals.
so highly*
Polyunsaturated fat is toxic, it is not food. Butter and tallow are the best fats you can eat. Rancid fish pressings is the worst you can eat, even below goybean oil.
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I slaughtered, and butchered a goat myself this weekend, and he Wes delicious.
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>industrial goyslop farming is le bad therefore you should eat ze bogs
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>Yup I am against factory farming I only eat free range
Correct, because I will never watch it.
>free range
Kikes always lie. It's in their genes.
Don't be gay shlomo. Factory farming is based.
> Factory farming is based.
>t. judeo-masonic golem eating toxic goyslop
It's an example of how carnies can debunk these movies yOU FUCKING RETARD well baited
Kys irl
Poors already suck enough as it is. Having cheap meat available keeps them from being even worse. Simple as
>It's an example of how carnies can debunk
You're a "carnie" and you can't debunk it that way because your shithole country doesn't have enough space for it and anyone knows it.
I just ate a cow.
>where's your respect for nature when you step around in the grass outside and kill bugs?
false equivalence
>where's your "ariyan" virtues when you buy vegetables or fruits that were treated with pesticides?
feels bad also
you are not really making a point

and no, am a carnivore myself, doesn't mean i can't feel bad about how our food is produced
also doesn't mean i don't know, that at current population levels, there isn't really such a great alternative
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I can debunk it by saying that there is nothing inherently wrong with eating meat you god damn idiot the farming methods are the issue thus I can justify my carnivorism
Also we have free range because people here have an awareness of that, do you think Israel is like a huge city surrounded by desert? Idiot, ppl raise free range on the same kinds of lands where factory farming happens here. It's effortless to find free range products here, you literally just go to a high end store.
>the farming methods are the issue thus I can justify my carnivorism
This doesn't justify your carnivorism in any way if it subsists on the farming methods that you point out as the issue.
meattardism is a mental disease that must be eradicated
>false equivalence
Explain. Insects are a part of nature.
>you are not really making a point
maybe things are lost in translation because you are ESL but vegans like to point to movies like this to show just how horrible factory farming is and how badly we treat all these animals. the argument isn't even, factory farming is bad, so i'm only going to eat ethically sourced meats, it's factory farming is bad, therefore eating ALL meat is bad.

if you're not eating meat, you're eating fruits and vegetables. fruits and vegetables are all treated with pesticides, or at least certain types of pest control like diatomaceous earth. regardless which method you use, you're still contributing to thousands and thousands of deaths of insects that quite literally rely on feeding on these foods to live. you're either spraying them with chemicals or pouring fossilized remains of diatoms that will pierce their exoskeletons causing them to dry out and die a slow death.

my entire point is, you're trading one 'murder' for the other, and i'm trying to get inside these peoples heads and understand what logic they are using to justify this. so far, i have gotten barely any reasonable responses, just a lot of crying and claims i'm arguing in bad faith when i'm the only one that's actually making the effort to explain and expand upon my arguments, meanwhile you and that other guy i'm talking to essentially respond to everything with:

which is not an argument
Funny that these same loons claim we're animals, and will use appeal to nature when talking about homosexual animals, say, "NOOOOOO EATING MEAT AND KILLING ANUMALS ISNT THE SAAAAAME".
It does not if I eat free range.
Also don't you know what an argument is? You think like a black person.
Even if it would not justify MY carnivorism because I eat factory meat, that would only make ME a hypocrite, it would not make the logic flawed or what I said to be wrong. Carnivorism is still justified because I verbalized away in which it CAN BE sustained WITHOUT subsisting the farming methods that are the issue.
I hope the capitalizations helped you follow all this dumb ass
Before you reply google the words 'inherently def'
Dumb ass fucking moron
It's literally not at all the same. Animals do not mass torture other animals to death in automated megastructures.
And why should we stop?
They eat them. They don't torture them in warehouses literally the moment that they pop out of the womb
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Dogs eat shit. We should eat shit, too! And agreed, fuck dogs.
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Based animal consumer.
I went through a homesteading (read: grew chickens in a suburb for way too much money) phase and during it questioned a lot of my dietary preferences and their pedigrees.

I hate factory farming (sow crates, caged chickens, stalled beef) as a dystopian nightmare that inflicts horrible suffering on animals which are sentient although not sapient.

But one day I also came out to find a raccoon had grabbed a chicken through the netting of the coop, disemboweled it, and was eating it alive while it was squawking. And that reinforced that nature is NOT peaceful and idyllic, and animals--even if free-- don't live happy lives and then pass away in their sleep one night. They always die horrible deaths.

So I'm not a vegetarian. I hunt, I source meat from producers which allow a happy life but a quick death, and make sure not to waste any of the meat.

I think a lot of people would agree with that position, but taking it further: what would we do if meat eating was outlawed tomorrow? A lot of these animals can't survive in the wild, unless they're put in an environment where they'd be an invasive species and do untold damage to the ecosystem (think wild hogs). So do we just not breed them, and let them exist as a small population on a demonstration refuge somewhere so they don't go extinct?
I'll give you a real response when you give me a single fucking post that's made in good faith.

You unironically justify unnecessary mass torture because "well we can't treat these animals better because that would be hypocritical to bugs we step on" like what the fuck am I meant to take seriously?

Like I said, feel free to go kill your family. After all, why keep them alive when you've probably stepped on an ant?
He means dot head, not feather head.
And neither do we mass torture other animals, you fucking kike. That's only the literal psychos who get into the line of work to do that, and it's not even every single one of those workers.
I gave you a respectful, good-faith response where I did not insult you by calling you a retard or a faggot (traits you have continued to exemplify continuously in this entire conversation) here >>475502401

But, because you're such a sensitive little bitch, this threw you into a frenzy and ever since you have been unable or unwilling to engage in the conversation, finding it better to respond with retarded strawman arguments that just make you look even more retarded than you came across originally.

So no, I doubt you'll ever give me a 'real response' because you find it more worthwhile to act like a total dumbfuck instead of responding to or answering any of these simple questions. So get off your moral high horse and learn to actually defend your arguments. Go hug a tree, hippie
The way we raise and slaughter animals is much more kind than nature
Don't be retarded, anon. Nature is a beautiful place where everything lives in perfect harmony. Birds chirping, butterflies land daintily on blooming flowers....it's literally perfect. Not like you can find videos of an animal ripping an unborn fetus out of it's mother's womb or anything cause it was hungry.

Oh wait
No, it's the entire life of an animal in that industry. It's a torturous life. A whole life without freedom in crowded quarters full of shit IS systematically torturing animals.
(I'm only steelmanning your post tho. Yes literally they are also getting tortured physically all the time. Not even by psychos but just as part of being handled like a product)
You know people often say the you're not white if line but apathy towards animals really is nigger behavior
Animals are barely sentient, who cares nigger
do you get your morals from animals niggerwad?
Eating animals is morally indefensible while living in a modern society. Because we no longer need to eat animals to survive, so we are killing them and forcing them to suffer for no justifiable reason beyond pleasure.

To accept eating animals today, you have to accept harming animals unnecessarily as morally acceptable behavior. Which means you need to be okay with someone who harms or kills animals for fun, bestiality, and so on. You have to acknowledge, that someone being cruel to their pet is morally defensible as well.

No one will accept the above, and everyone acknowledges harming animals needlessly would basically make you a psychopath. So there is no way to justify eating animals.
Omnivore master race here. Come on dude, I can fully admit veggies are good for ya, why can you just never do the same with meat no matter what??
I tried a vegetarian diet for a week once, NOT vegan because I was doing it to lose weight rather than wag my finger in randos faces for sexual kicks like you guys do and I know why you like your diet since it cleans you out and you feel lighter, almost high in a way and you want to tell the world about it, I did too but silly shit like the documentary is very assumptive and even tells a few fibs too. Maybe it is because they/you are not getting enough protein/meat to your brain to ensure proper functioning.
unconsciously stepping on an ant living its life is not the same as breeding that same ant, keeping it in a confine far too small, feeding it bottom of the barrel feed, pumping it full with pharmaceuticals and then killing it in a horrible way. it's not even the same as killing it in a horrible way because it was eating your crops
>the argument isn't even, factory farming is bad, [...] it's factory farming is bad, therefore eating ALL meat is bad.
sure, this argument is made but it's a shit argument and i do not agree with it
>my entire point is, you're trading one 'murder' for the other
true in practice
doesn't mean we should just throw our hands up and say 'fuck it, if it's all bad it's all good'
if we can lessen our negative impact on live we should do it, no matter if the subject is animal farming, pesticides, building infrastructure, extracting resources what have you

it's just one the myriad topics that gets made into a 'us vs them', when it really should be a non-partisan issue
>Even if it would not justify MY carnivorism because I eat factory meat, that would only make ME a hypocrite, it would not make the logic flawed
It makes the logic flawed because most people can't sustain themselves on free-ranging meat.
>no justifiable reason beyond pleasure
No. Getting your nutrition from a natural source can be argued as a human right. There is no legitimacy to force anyone to live off science made potentially poisoned artificial protein, or whatever. It's definitely not as black as white as you put it.
>waaaaaaah muh eating meat is a human rights
Screeches the demon as he starves Gazan children.
*on life
>a movie about Australian pig farmers not treating their animals as precious little children
Dont care, animals are animals and literally only keep existing because of our consent
Also i like meat and dont care if animals have to die and suffer for it, they are just animals
Ok, then it means that in order for most of society to be able to practice carnivorism in a moral way, we need to make social changes. Like defunding factory farms, but I am against animal torture but hunting isn't torture. With freezers a single large animal lasts for quite some time. Also an option. But that's not a flaw with the idea that carnivorism can be practiced morally.
>it means that in order for most of society to be able to practice carnivorism in a moral way, we need to make social changes.
Yeah, like exterminating 95% of the population.
Not what I said dummy.
>Muh gaza
What does this have to do with anything? What am I fucking netayahu fuck off
>What does this have to do with anything?
The fact that you, as a demonic kike, are in no position to talk about "human rights".
I mean, I think that all of the third world should have their tech confiscated and left to die anyway.
But you definitely don't need to exterminate in the west if you decide to cut meat exports and rebuild the industry as free range while incentivising limited hunting(i.e. for most amounts reasonable to feed family, not sell). Excess populations can be mass hunted and sold as well. Plenty of ideas if you aren't 90 IQ.
This is all giga-cope and none of it is going to happen regardless.
I am in a position to talk about whatever the fuck I want. I think I'm probably more qualified to talk about human rights than most considering I see so much abuse of them. And really the people who aren't qualified if anyone are retards who deny another persons humanity based on a 16x11 pixel flag on /pol/. Even I don't do that and I'm a literal kike.
>I am in a position to talk about whatever the fuck I want
Not for long. TKD/Free Palestine/itbakh al yahood etc.
Abolition of carnivorism also isn't. All political discussion is a giga-cope until the zaitgaist changes. The JQ was until now it's out in the open. I don't expect people like you to understand you're obviously not very bright.
Feel free to not eat meat mate, I will.
>Abolition of carnivorism also isn't
Gonna happen. The West will eat ze bogs.
I always will be, and I'm not scared of faggot death I am a human bean
Nah, the west will go post weimar so to speak
Your right-wing shabbos goys are never going to take power. Cope.
fair enough, anon. thanks for taking the time to adequately explain your ideas and your position in a clear and concise way. it's funny that you are able to do so even though the actual vegan in this thread, >>475513382 was unable to do so.

maybe your post will educate them a bit on how to respond to these types of arguments in the future
You can gain your nutrition from a "natural source" without eating animals though

Even for something like supplements, the source of vitamins like B12 can be sourced from algae
>You can gain your nutrition from a "natural source" without eating animals though
No, you can't. This is cope.
good start but it wouldn't be enough
not an option if you want to even have a ration of a few grams per week + how do you control poaching, then the ecosystem gets trashed and we all perish because all of the sudden there's only locusts
don't fuck with that
free-range farming, better control when it comes to feed, medicine and use of the whole animal
more fish, way, way more fish
still would make meat a scarce resource. don't think there is an "ethical" way to source meat in the quantities we currently consume, if we want that we will have to eat and waste less, there would be no way around it
np, right back at you
not too optimistic on your last point but here's to hope i guess
You're right, they aren't :)
I mean arguably we need animal protein
My point really is that mankind is entitled to the matural methods of doing things and that forcing an artificial way is immoral.
The topic of procreation in that context is much clearer. Even when artificial wombs will exist, prohibit of regular procreation would still be immoral. Even if let's say the artificial womb is objectively safer for the women and child.
Yes, you can. Every nutrient you need can be acquired from a non-animal source.

Vitamin B12 can be obtained from supplements that source the B12 from algae or fungi.

Vitamin D, can be acquired through sunlight. Acquiring Vitamin D through animal products isn't effective anyways, and most products that do have Vitamin D in them are fortified regardless.

You are just lazy, or stupid
>we need animal protein
No, you don't. All protein is made up of amino acids, there is nothing unique in animal protein that can't be acquired from non-animal protein.
>Yes, you can. Every nutrient you need can be acquired from a non-animal source.
No natural diet exists that can do this.
The hunting thing is tricky, but the aim is mostly for families who have the possibility, to eat hunted meat rather than industrial.
Regarding scarcity.. I really believe that it's a matter of will. Couldn't we? Couldn't we create humane megafarms stretching over huge distances? It's a question of political will and human capital.
But I also believe that the third world should be abandoned completely. I support zero exports from the west in general. That should definitely help with food scarcity. (Alternatively, it would also probably be ok to just say "we're not exporting as to not create scarcity" if there is a move towards humane farming anyway..)
>products that last forever
>not any unchecked rampant greed like modern era
>goods & services that actually help people in a mutually beneficial exchange
>no mega corps hiding behind lawyers - hence trust breaker motions by govt
cry moar commie
plenty of vegan fags who goon 8 hrs a day
>Vitamin B12 can be obtained from supplements that source the B12 from algae or fungi.
B12 supplements come from culturing bacteria, that isn't a natural source.
Didn't you notice how I said it could be argued and then continued with laying out the principle argument?
(Also they're incomplete proteins aren't they? And your argument is what, that we should trust the scientific consensus on the notion that you can mix different kinds of proteins in order to get all amino acids? That everything will be ok because the calculations were made etc? All that while meat provides you with all needed acids.. I heard that shit before, it's the sound of technocrats and megalomania. It's exactly what mankind needs to be protected from because every so often it ends up like asbestos and plastic.)
Just ask the retard what a typical nutritious, "natural" meal would look like, in concrete terms, in his fantasy meatless utopia and laugh.
I am currently on a plant based diet. It's pretty based.
I only plants, and the animals that eat plants.
I guess you could say in reality, I'm on a solar based diet.
Beat that "vegans"
the problem here is that you are going like a bull at a gate
eating, and eating meat, is one of the oldest cultural cornerstones of human beings, probably older than time
pretty sure what you are thinking of will be reality for (some) people and at some point will maybe even be the preferred choice
but i don't really see the point in going this hard, right now
a good amount of people doesn't think about where their 'food' comes from or what's even in it, a good portion has no choice at all
better to solve those problems before going too cerebral on it imo
nope, hunting for all is not happening im afraid, no dice, and it has never been the status quo in the (major, MAJOR part of) history of human civilisation anyway
>Couldn't we create humane megafarms stretching over huge distances?
sure, but then we would stagnate fast and when looking at available data this has always been a recipe for disaster
>But I also believe that the third world should be abandoned completely.
not a good idea, as far as i am concerned, that shit would wreck all of us, 1st world maybe even harder than 2nd and 3rd in the short but particularly middle to long run
it's been cooperation or domination for a long time now, can't shut yourself out because everybody else will come knocking
>I support zero exports from the west in general.
sourcing more locally would be good, yes, but just cutting import/export would lead to global famine, almost everywhere
and then the survivers could enjoy losing probably 95% of their choice when it comes to WHAT to eat
no thank you
>better to solve those problems before going too cerebral on it imo
Can any of you "cerebral" tards explain what your "natural" meat replacement meal looks like? :^)
Ok I think we disagree on what the power dynamics are between the west and the rest, and on the value of a brown life. When I say abandon, I mean revert into nationless tribes and abandon. Confiscate all the tech. I don't see how there was ever any competition at all. Even the oh great china was created by britain and then nixon, otherwise they'd be a non-threat. They can't come knockin because they can't compete.
Because they are leeches on western achievements. (inb4, i'm not in love with israel either) So a global famine? Ok. Good. Why not have one *exactly*? How many % of the earth's population will niggers indians and chinks will be before it's ok? 99%? What's important is the food that is in the west. Obviously the process should be gradual as possible in order to minimise damage. But if we rely on the third world that reliance definitely can be severed without Armageddon in the west.
We don't care to. If every vegan was slaughtered tomorrow for meat products the only thing we would ask is how you retarded fags taste.
Israhell can become a nice Russo-Chinese colony once the Palestinians clean you out.
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>muh studies muh supplements muh morals
I tried going vegetarian briefly. It was fucking garbage.
I dont need any more evidence than what my own body told me.
I feel better eating steak. Cope and seethe, v*gans.
>we are now rich enough to care about the stupidest things imaginable to man
As opposed to the russo-arab colony that it is now
>"natural" meat replacement
first of, wtf is "natural"
no chemicals? because that would be a problem
and then: i didn't even use the word
so where the fuck are you coming from?
you can absolutly synthesize a complete and balanced diet
i just wouldn't want to substain on it, and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy either, which is probably why it is almost exclusively used in medical settings
ahh, ok i get where you are coming from
i still think the danger of setting us back so far and destroying so much that the cost outweigh the gains, when a less disruptive option is a possible, is too great
but that another topic entirely
why does the cow look like a nigger?
As far as I'm concerned the biological threat(of extermination) that the third world represents outweighs most if not all set-backs. Can't rebuild a race..
>but that another topic entirely
Yeah definitely beyond the scope of factory farming
>first of, wtf is "natural"
I don't know, ask your "cerebral" buddy. He had some ideas involving algae and fungus. kek. To me "natural" implies something that a non-technological society could plausibly sustain itself on, procured from the local environment with minimal processing.

>you can absolutly synthesize a complete and balanced diet
According to safe&effective theory.
Naming the latest animal rights distraction movie dominion is to cover up future voting fraud by the Dominion voting machines. You can always tell when the Jews are up to no good because they roll out the animal rights bullshit.
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could very well be and true, no, you can't
ethically and "naturally" that is haha
>"natural" implies something that a non-technological society could plausibly sustain itself on, procured from the local environment with minimal processing.
ok, so pretty much what i wrote here >>475517121
>According to safe&effective theory.
nah, it works (kind of, but we're almost there for the long, long term), look at parenteral nutrition, which would probably the most hardcore way of going about it
again, not something i would ever, EVER want for myself but it's there and getting better, when going oraly it's childsplay when compared
also OP is a huge faggot with monkeypox
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>ok, so pretty much what i wrote here
No, I'm in favor of accelerating. Civilization wants to destroy itself and it should be helped.

>it works
Delusion. There would be no way to even evaluate the consequences after the fact, let alone predict them.
>it should be helped.
do i need to fedpost? if that is your opinion, why are you still here?
>Delusion. There would be no way to even evaluate the consequences after the fact, let alone predict them.
there are already people living on it, we are getting the information to evaluate and predict
right in this very moment and since some time now
Animal agriculture could be ethical in principle, but isn't in practice, even the free-range/organic/fill-in-bullshit-marketing-term products with the happy cows frolicking in the grass printed on the package. And about 99% of meat people buy is factory farmed slop anyway, where there's not even the pretense of adhering to strict ethical standards. If you're in doubt about this, just go and actually read the text of the regulations on animal agriculture and look at undercover footage of farms and slaughterhouses.

Boycotting animal agriculture is the natural response to this reality, based on the simple acknowledgment that we wouldn't want to be subjected to what animals have to endure to satisfy our transient taste pleasure, and the moral integrity to not exploit the happenstance of birth that put us in the dominant position.

Honestly, it's not even much of a sacrifice. You'll have to learn a bit about nutrition so you know how to replace the micronutrients you used to get from animal foods, you'll need to learn some new recipes to make the foods tasty (on the plus side, you'll discover a lot of great new dishes), and you'll need to endure a transitory period of bloating and farting as your gut adjusts to all the extra fiber and phytochemicals. In exchange you'll probably live a longer, healthier life, at least if our best current science is an indication (though admittedly, nutritional science isn't super firm on mechanisms and epidemology is always iffy), you'll contribute to saving the climate if you believe in that stuff, and you'll get to feel good about not condemning sentient beings to abuse and slaughter out of lazyness or apathy. All in all, a pretty good deal I think.
>if that is your opinion, why are you still here?
Where else would I be? What do you think "accelerate" means?

>there are already people living on it, we are getting the information to evaluate and predict
Call me back when you have a proper evaluation of all the goyslop people already consume and have been consuming for a century.
Its not a out veganism you fatherless triple nigger. Its about animals raised in cruel conditions, fed chemical shit and mystery meat, and mechanically slaughtered so your wife's melanin-enhanced son can have a cheap hamburger.
You eat shit, you become shit.
but it tastes soo good, have some heart, will ya?
we already have evaluated that, it's unhealthy at best and poison at worst
i don't think you have been following the conversation
and are apparently not capable of forming a single original thought
>i don't think you have been following the conversation
You're right, I haven't been following your conversation, which I never gave a shred of a fuck about. I have been following nutrition "studies", though, enough to know that it is pseudoscience from start to finish.

>apparently not capable of forming a single original thought
The thing is that you aren't even fully human and you drag everyone who interacts with you down. What am I supposed to form "original" thoughts on?
Animals torture other animals all the time, what are you talking about?
>At the very fucking least eating mammals should be whole sale banned.

We don’t need to eat animals to survive
Therefore when we eat them, we are harming them unnecessarily
Harming animals unnecessarily is wrong
Therefore eating animals is wrong
>We don’t need to eat animals to survive
>Therefore when we eat them, we are harming them unnecessarily
This doesn't logically follow. Try again.
Cows taste delicious though.
What if we need to eat animals to have a healthy life and achieve our full potential?
Also, because they taste great and God gave us the power to eat them.

And I'm Portuguese.
If you refuse to eat pork in front of me, I'll treat you bad because you're not trustworthy and you're probably a jew.
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Being healthy is unnecessary for survival, chud.
God hates vegans. It specifically states that he intended us to eat any animal that has cloven hooves and chews the cud can be eaten in the New Testament.
Are you saying we should be sick? Or being okay with being sick?
Dude, you're the one who treats animals like goycattle, so how are vegans the jews here?
Vlad is right
We don't need to not be sick to survive.
Therefore not being sick is unnecessary.
>we don't need to eat animals to survive
vegantard alert
You're the jews BECAUSE you refuse to eat pork.
Many people were rightfully burned for it throughout history.

But also because you fall for gay jewish tricks like veganism.

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