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>"The Beaver County district attorney’s office confirmed that a SWAT team from the county was at Saturday’s rally but declined to release additional information, pointing to ongoing investigations by state and federal authorities."

>"Three police marksmen from Beaver County were using the single-story AGR International building as their watch-post"

Patrick Young is the Beaver County ESU commanding officer ... we need the names of his snipers
>Go to that open window and ask for Greg.
It's Greg.
last name?
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>Pat Young is a two-tour Iraqi War infantry veteran, a Beaver County detective and head of the county's ESU SWAT
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interesting ... shot himself??
That's one, now we need the names of the other two snipers.
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They've got your names too, motherfuckers =)

They probably know more about you than you do, right at this very moment.
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is this Masonic?
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>sends snipers out of building to find crooks when he knows patsy is climbing
>traitor sets up and takes first 3 shots almost braining Trump
>crooks shitting his pants takes next 5 quickly
>gets brained and takes the fall as a lone wolf
How am I doing so far?
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That's a narrative they might invent if they decide to sacrifice one of the snipers, they just pretend he went rogue, and in despair afterwards 'committed suicide' and that ends the inquiry (they hope).
Florida votes legalization on november

I could just campaign for that
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Gregory Nicol of Monaca Police Department. Sniper and k-9 unit.

>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Butler County police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel loner who was bullied). This provides a false motive.

>exhibit D: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.
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previous thread from last night:

not letting this get slid
It just doesn't make sense to send snipers out abandoning their post for a guy on the ground. Then he climbs up onto a building in direct sight of where they were. Then you watch the vids on sounds of the shots and the first 3 are muffled possibly be taken from inside one of those 2nd story rooms.
A lot these ESU cops are covered in arm tattoos ... they're pretty low IQ and hide in sniper nests so I don't think we have much to worry about, they on the other hand should worry because they are an expendable liability to the deep state.
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Gregory Nicols from the Monaca Police Department is the police counter-sniper who took the photographs of Crooks from inside the building that had line of sight with Crooks while he was on the roof in shooting position. He is the one who fired the first 3 shots at Trump. This has been demonstrated through audio forensics showing there is no echo from the first 3 shots, as well as having a different sound and delay from the 5 shots that come after from Crooks.

>He is mentioned by name here: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4

Furthermore we have evidence that implicates the involvement of the Butler County PD setting up some local kids to feed a sob (bullshit) story to the media about Crooks being a loner incel.


We need to compile as much information on Gregory Nicols as possible, and to organize what data points we have and provide this to sympathetic senators. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene is on our side and wants to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. This information should be forwarded to her to assist with her case, which has information that we do not have access to.

Here is the video with full audio forensics showing not only was there a second shooter, but that the shots came from the building that Gregory Nicols was stationed in.

>Audio Forensics: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491

Furthermore, I have inside sources who have confirmed with me things that I cannot publicly reveal, but I will let you all know anons, that we are in very good hands. The beast that has drained our life and liberty, hidden, unseen, and malicious, has and is being exposed and will not be able to escape.

For law enforcement and federal agents reading this, I suggest you turn yourself in and ask for immunity in exchange for coming clean and being a witness.

God speed.
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>"Paris said that two officers with the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, a tactical force with sniper capabilities, left their posts in the building to look for a suspicious individual they spotted first and alerted to other law enforcement."
That's the new narrative. So one guy was left behind - sounds like Beaver County sniper Greg - perhaps they're setting him up as the fall guy.
Quite possibly. Or the two witnesses were sent out of the building so Greg could do what he was there for without being stopped.
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good post, anon
The snipers fed that story up the official line and Paris is repeating it, but it's obviously false, nobody was sent out of the building. Since Butler County snipers are lying, it actually puts the spot light back on them. The fact that they went ahead and released the audio saying "talk to Greg" shows they aren't worried about hiding him - but we still don't know who the Butler snipers are. Only name I've seen tied to Butler ESU sniper team is Matthew Wagner.
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>Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

>Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

>Ephesians 6:13
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
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>Ephesians 6:14
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

>Ephesians 6:15
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

>Ephesians 6:16
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
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>Ephesians 6:17
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

>Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

>Ephesians 6:19
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,
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>Ephesians 6:20
for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

>Ephesians 6:21
Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing.

>Ephesians 6:22
I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.
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>Ephesians 6:23
Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

>Ephesians 6:24
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.
Local police detach a few officers each to form these militarized regional groups that can be coopted/controlled by federal agencies - they get extra funds, awards, privileges and are tasked to be spies for the feds. This explains how a supposedly 'local' police unit could become an actor for the deep state. John Birch Society warned about this ... https://jbs.org/sylp/
>John Birch Society warned about this
important posts

good supplementary info
Notice how the shills gave up their Yea-rich campaign last night after getting absolutely BTFO. They have now diverted into sliding and bumping pointless topics. 1pbtid, irrelevant engagement baiting, etc.

Very telling.
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here's something strange
I have nothing to do with this situation. I am simply reposting the news I saw going around. This situation doesn’t have anything to do with me you retard.
not wasting time on yea-rich leads. I doubt that image even comes from the Butler rally on the 13th.
Yea see I don’t believe all this retard Qanon shit like the police did it
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Pictures taken of Crooks by Gregory Nicol from the AGR building.
>so what if retarded schizos make up stupid shit every time an event happens

Just ignore these idiots. It’s probably Israelis posting this shit to destroy free speech and democracy as part of their chaos agenda
Beaver County PD eh. I think I've seen some of their DVDs.
OMG noooo not a scary incompetent drugged out glownigger tranny coming to my house to murder me. I'm literally shaking and sharding. Faggot.
>CBS Pittsburgh

Local counter-sniper team was inside business where Trump shooter climbed on roof, opened fire

good point, but audio mentioned SS detaining somebody, is this that guy?
What kinda explosives were in the van?
Agreed that it's noise to waste energy speculating on what the dead guy's earlobe looks like, but if SS actually detained somebody it should be noted as possibly relevant
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AGR building where Gregory Nicol was stationed and where the initial images of Thomas Matthew Crooks came from
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looks like that was taken for advance planning long before anything was set up
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Trump's court date being moved back allowed him to do this rally. Lots of people are implicated. Congress is on it.

Based Neanderthal mommy. Just one of many at that.
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shamless bump in the name of truth.... they are trying to slide this hard.
>Nicol shot himself in an ND in December 2023
Sorry but what is an "ND?"
t. brainlet
Also bumping for interest
As soon as they start the endless rabbit holes I ignore them. Did it with Qanon and I do it with redskull. Their bullshit never goes anywhere and any groups of real people that start having too much convo on here get deleted.

It is obvious that white do not have rights under the zionist system in America. We have no right to gather as a people, we have no political representation for our people.

The government is required by law to respect these rights and they are not doing so. We have leaders openly collaborating with foreign countries against the interests of Americans citizens.
My leaders value Israel’s safety more than my own
>looks like that was taken for advance planning long before anything was set up
Fairly certain that was taken when congressman visited these before the congressional hearings. It looks like it was taken before because they were very quick in dismantling the crime scene.
Fuck Beaver County! Omg Beaverfalls is the shittiest of shitholes.
he accidentally discharged his firearm into his leg. other anons suspect he was wounded in an undercover drug sting while working with feds. This thread has more info on the glowie cop who tried to kill Trump named Gregory Nicol: >>475451196

Share this post on x and other social media, we need to get this to the right people before shills come up with a new narrative. Mark my words, they are trying to figure out a new angle as we speak. Once they have their plan of action they will be back.

I suspect the Pennsylvania traitor police were offered cushy feffag jobs by the governor with ambitions of higher office. New fags never forget Bill Clinton had the Arkansas police in his pocket and helped him run drugs and silence rape victims.
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dig boys dig. your the most powerful investigative body know to man. COINTELPRO is running full bore on this thread.
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>Audio Forensics: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Alex Jones said yesterday they were military grade according to his confidential sources. Also heard today his parents house was as clean as a medical lab. Very suspicious if true.
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>"Classmates" of "Crooks" are on video getting busted with a car full of fireworks, same day they are interviewed about Crooks

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>that was taken when congressman visited
thanks, anon, you're right
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>Gregory Nicol mentioned by name as sniper present in AGR building that had line of sight with both Trump and Crooks

remove ur sage, fren
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more Greg Nicol info
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Greg Nicol needs to be put in protective custody NOW and offered immunity in exchange for information as to what exactly happened inside that room immediately before and during the shooting at 6:11 PM on 7-13-2024 in Butler County, PA
>Share this post on x
harder to shill there huh glowie
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Possible addresses and phone numbers
Another phone number
This was the first picture I saw. Do you know if this came from a BWC? I assumed it came from a phone and was unofficially authorized for distribution in order to "satisfy" the public a day or two.
>offered immunity
no quarter given to traitors
Possible relatives
and this
>Gregory Nicol
they've doxed him but not named the other snipers ... why?
leaked footage they mentioned his name here, don't think they intended or even realize he was involved: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
That's Slavic fuck is back in Ukraine by now.
that was given to Sen Grassley and they edited it because they blurred the corpse - so they knew "greg" would be in the media - but we don't know who the other snipers were. Story of them "leaving to walk around looking for sniper" is total BS. When you give a bullshit alibi you are guilty of something.
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Possible genealogy post by Nicol
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We need true autists for this, and outdo HWNDU to locate this second shooter and/or unmask the two gray suited ATF glowies. The audio analysis indicates a second shooter (if not more). We have dozens of videos that can be synchronized with their coordinates marked. Based on that can some turbo sperg triangulate the exact location of the professional merc(s)? There has to be hours of footage to review before, during, after the shooting.
Agree, it does seem like he may be getting set up for the fall. But regardless of whether he was in on it or is just the fall guy, finding out more about him and his activities on that day is key to figure it all out.
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Orange man is SO bad, even libsharts want hoax/false flag shootings exposed. Crazy. You really can't pick and choose when it comes to the existence of hoax shootings. You can't look at Sandy hook without a different view automatically after acknowledging a psyop on live tv with all the media in on it.
Was wondering when the locals were going to get the spot light
This is from a Notice of Trustee's Sale. He was living at 12 Magnolia Dr, Beaver PA. Lived with Lynne A. Nicol. Property had a lien on it.
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Can anyone check these numbers? Right now, since this is an almost certain glowop which almost necessitates at least one professional sniper, we need to track them down. They haven’t updated their how to whack a president manual in Langley since the 80s and DEI retards probably fucked it up, so if we’re likely they may have been unusually sloppy. Right now there are a few candidate locations:
>window behind crooks
>part of the roof of the building complex on pic related
>water tower (don’t think the angles work)
>nearby trees
I do believe that the second shooter would be further away than crooks. Whenever there’s a patsy, it’s misdirection like the magicians trick. They put all of the commotion in one spot so we don’t notice what they’re really up to.
so how did the water tower guy get down without being arrested?
Other reports state it wasn't the snipers in the AGR building who went to look for Crooks, but guys already on the ground.
This is cringe
This could be the wife, Lynn Nicol, in a criminal court case in PA.
we aren't focusing on the water tower at this time, all eyes are on AGR and Gregory Nicols and the Butler County PD who have already been caught submitting false evidence to the media by way of turning locals to shills under threat.

See here: >https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
and: >>475514759
Go bow to your faggot King you foreign nudger cunt.
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Obituary that lists relatives of Greg Nicol.
the kid in the black t-shirt can barely keep a straight face while he gives "bullied loner" narrative
i'm no sniper but i would've thought having overwatch atop that big fucking water tower would've been a good spot.
med nord connection
So he shot three times at the sniper?
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I don’t know you guys I think the fat one seems pretty cool
>what is an "ND?"
negligent discharge
and i'm a gunless bong, you should feel shame.
these kids are apparently known to be troublemakers around down, always pulling stunts to go viral on tiktok.

Cops must have saw a golden opportunity when they pulled up on them. Funny that this lie will be their undoing.
Just your average kids helping their glownigger girl boss moms out. Treason is a family affair with that cell. The glownigger terrorists cells that is.
No slidey
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Audio calls her "Mitchel" and more than twice it looks like sending she's "shush" signal with her hands ... am I seeing things?
I believe this
3 shots at Trump from professional sniper, likely Gregory Nicol. Crooks fired 5 shots in panic afterwards towards the crowd.
other thing you get from that video is that somebody had already gotten up there first to "treat" him ... so perhaps they could have swapped bodies
Hooper has rat teeth, the other dude doesn't
Judging by how many times this guy's name has shown up in the official records, it seems we're looking at fall guy #2
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do we know the names for these two + the guy recording?
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He needs to go into witness protection/protective custody now. He clearly has information that needs to be shared with the independent investigative body.

Watching Congress grill Chris Wray, the director of the FBI right now... Congress seems to be thinking similarly to us all.

Glowies can threaten us as much as they want >>475497115, but it is becoming quite apparent that the cat is out of the bag. We will likely see numerous federal agents fired and arrested within the next 6 months.

Christ is King.
not as far as I am aware.
Dog comms.
ok, glownigger
Meathead looks low IQ and shady as fuck. Mr. Hardass Toughguy.
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Guy on the left is Shaffer.
You just know.
nice catch anon
Looks like hee is on the Middleburg PD.
He also works part-time for Snyder County Sherrif.
If they know how much l love masturbating to Brittany venti they are welcome to discuss things with me.
Anyone have the tech to isolate and enhance what the female officer (It sounds like her name is Michelle) is saying at the end of the bodycam footage? He is asking her about the van and about survivors, could be interesting.

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>Snyder County
that's 3 hours away ... you sure it's the same guy?
The van is just the paramedic ambulance, they're talking about the people that got shot in the audience.
Seems like audacity might be a way to do it?
Why does he look so angry. Aren't you supposed to be detached and calm? That seems more scary than some angry sod with a rifle in his hands
Very possible, they said that they had staffing issues so pulling in some people from other departments likely happened. Just add more confusion and dead ends for people to waste time on.
Yeah, hard to say. It was the only Shaffer that worked PD in Pennsylvania that I could find. For a one-off gig, though, if it pays good or there was really a need I could see someone traveling that far for work.
I think he's a different Shaffer from Allegany County SWAT ... there were Pittsburg police in the crowd footage
Not a dead end since he's caught carrying a sniper rifle standing on the roof giving one-word answers to questions like somebody with something to hide
What I mean is that trying to chase down a specific person with a name that's likely common in the area. There's gotta be information out there what PD's were added to the security detail, I'd check that first. Narrow down from there.
I think we have reached a semi-conclusion as far as research goes pertaining to relevant information that can lead to evidence for identifying perps and motives.

I would suggest now is the time to make certain information in this thread go viral, spreading it to influential people on social media, as well as sending this info to sympathetic representatives such as Marjorie Taylor Greene (Neanderthal mommy)

Just my thoughts of course
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good point
her hand signals are sus

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