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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If you're born in the late 90s you can't even leave your country because you dropped out of university because the state of everything was so ugly and demoralizing and you need good goy diplomas to be able to live in another country because of the global goy mandatory visa programs implemented in recent history.

I grew up with hockey and snow and speaking english and having canadian friends and I'm not allowed into Canada while 100k indians flow into canada every day

I don't want to "visit" for 6 months in Canada. I wanted to fucking live there since I was 11. (I was 11 in 2009)

all my friends were "coincidentally" all Canadian too growing up and I was always separated from them and it was hell.

In fact I would have qualified for Canadian citizenship by descent because a grandparent was Canadian but not really it was my grandparents sibling lol.

I actually had amazing grades in highschool and I got into uni twice but first time I got a dissociative trauma episode and got psych hospitalized for 3 months and forced to move back to Kuhmo from Helsinki.

Second time around was biology and psychology in Joensuu but my semester started in sep 2017 and I got immediately alienated and lonely even before corona hit

^^^ Correction
Sep 2017 was helsinki physics
Sep 2019 was joensuu biology+psychology
leave canada for white canadians abdul
1 bump
scandinavian nationals including finland should be given north american citizenship.
Why the fuck would you wanna live here, the only place that might be remotely close to Finland is Quebec, I'd rather live in Finland than this

I've travelled to like 80 countries and canada wouldn't break the top 10
actually ontario and eastern canada is far more identical to canada than quebec.

quebec is a hilly wonderland.

most of finland is literally just ontario or newfoundland
hello finish twinkbro, post bussy



HAHAHA go to toronto now bro, enjoy the classic anglo culture of schawrama and curry restauarants on every corner, HOHNAONWOF@#F@F23423


Finland has hotter girls only quebec has hot white girls

finland treats their people like citizens not people they wanna kill off, finland is superior, canada sucks ass, america is better, i'd rather live in maine or some shit than canada, fuck this placeFM@LFM@#F
finns still own all the farmland around me in northernish ontario their families bought in late 1800s, large population here only rivalled by the wops
>quebec is a hilly wonderland.
With one of the worlds leading AI research centers.
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>can't even finish a shitty degree in pozzed competence crisis academia
You're not qualified to contribute to society.

That said, neither are the poos Canada is prioritizing over you, but at least they aren't mentally ill, just mentally impaired, perfect as slave cattle.
"Canada" will be made great again, but it won't be Canada. The Canada you remember from the 80s can only come back through the power of total annexation into America. Canada had it so good only because it is, in fact, America. And you only started declining because of your national identity of denial. Continuing down your current path will only accelerate the decline. Annexation will prove once and for all that the only reason Canada was great was because the late stages of America denial had not yet occurred. Once you've radically rejected Canadian ideology in favor of total American reform, you will see an end to the surreal, fecal world you now live in, and a return to how things should be.
could be some of my ancestors easily.
half the people in my town (KUHMO FINLAND, THE PERSON IN OP PICTURE IS ME) have relatives who left for canada but i got left behind and it's impossible for me to get to the new world as white europeans are banned from entry, only letting indians and philippinos in.
i got groomed into cybersecurity by covert glowies and a lot of it came from canada
Want to trade places with me? I live in Halifax and its 99% jeet
0% within 5-10 years
they don't take their vitamin D
I know you read this and refuse to acknowledge the post just like you read it last thread and also ignored it
it's ok, I'm not mad but just know I will eventually find you and breed your little perky twink ass wether you like it or not
Finland's not that big there's only so many places you can be
Ok. Post ace wound or its a larp
want my fucking address?
Siskonmakkara case
ok drop your onlyfans queen so I can search for the leaks, ain't giving you shit
It is crazy how fast they'll let a million Indians walk through the gates but if you're from another developed country they demand you jump through a bunch of hoops.
especially so if you have a common shared history and culture
Post axe wound goddamit
>i got groomed into cybersecurity by covert glowies and a lot of it came from canada

McGill University has an interesting USA glow nigger affiliated history.

Kamala Harris is from Montreal as well.
i have a tiny pp and i like to wear chastity cages from time to time.
yeah glowies are attracted to me like moths
You seem crazy. I wouldn't let you in either if I were Canada.
yeah that's because you're a fucking dumb golem like most people and when you see something that doesn't agree to your dumb golem programming you get scared and be like "noo... we can't allow you...."

your time is over
>blah blah trauma I'm a loser /cry
we don't need more retarded zoom zooms over you faggot snow nigger.
It sounds like you are a fucking failure and a ticking time bomb, no wonder no country wants to fucking deal with you. You would become just another gibs consoomer
Ok and? Where is it?
but sure as shit when ahmed 35 years old pretends to be 12 and wants to go to elementary school you'll take their dick in your ass before you let them go to school with children
retarded boomeroids
is this a formal invitation?
Canada just dont want mentally ill faggot anon...
Yeah, you're crazy.
I can prep your troon ass physics BSc in no time. If you want it.
im not wasting time anymore on acquiring a golem diploma. shove it up your ass.
no smart person isn't crazy in this retarded modern bureaunigger environment
Oh lol he's a tranny. Priceless.
>I couldn't uni cause things
>I cried and failed another time
you are a funny faggot maybe you should go back to /r9k/
Shut the fuck up tranny.
you people are doing nothing but proving me right
Part irish here - I get it OP. I too wish we could move to other european countries like we once used too. Fucking modern immigration is so fucking gay.
I already shove it in my ass. Its literally worth nothing and you make a big deal about it. And you can have any sort of diploma even shit shoveling cow dung. Its that you also need required proof of work
yeah, this inflexibility and inability to just casually move to other countries that share your heritage and history is damaging to the environment without even factoring in the damage third worlders and etc. are causing economically but especially societally and culturally
Japan and Finland are superior man.
Canada is a lost cause.
>I already shove it in my ass
god damn it, my erection can only get so hard
someone post bussy
Just casually move to stockholm to be with your anime fag pals. Canada wants cheap work force that can do work without mental breakdown
And if you know about Canadian immigration papers, you know mental issues are a no no for them.
The joke is you can't shove it as its electronic. Thay don't even want to waste paper.
so glowies i know you're reading all this and monitoring this

why is the system like this?
Anal sex 4chan BBCaddiction canada for bumsex and drugs
If you truly want to come here, finn anon, you can do it. Nobody will stop you. But what happens after you land is a different story.
i know it's really easy for you to keep laughing and making fun and not taking any of it seriously but you do understand that i'm literally just a massive indicator of things about to go completely fucking boom soon because i'm a victim of the retarded system and i am by no means the only one.
i don't think i'm even allowed to board a plane because of the absolute manipulated control i'm under and always have been.
you'll be the retard after I fuck you silly for days on end twink
Why this cruel world don't let troons choose their residence for NEETing. I thinknyou should go learn drive PONSSE in vocational school and get some job experience. You could go work canada in lumberjacking. You could have fun with guys after hours. Imagine a distant log house and horny guys and you are the only girl-like in hundreds of miles
Just stop being mentally ill lol.
yeah, keep laughing.
Fuck this thread is going nowhere Post asshole. I want to fap
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Technically this, if you obviously want to impregnate fully white nordic featured women at least 5 times like I do.

It sounds like he just wants to get down with anal trannies on drugs and contract HIV AIDS, for that Canada is probably superior, right?
>If you're born in the late 90s, you can't even leave because of the global goy mandatory visa programs
I kept fighting against the Jews. Canadian citizenship is probably the easiest in the world to get. You only need to live there for 3 years and learn the anthem.
>I grew up with hockey and snow and speaking english and having canadian friends
So did I. The shitskins that flow in can't speak French so they just move over and escape to Ontario and eventually find work. You can do better than them.
>In fact I would have qualified for Canadian citizenship by descent
This only works if one of your parents was born in Canada.
You are a grown up now, nearing 30 soon. It is so easy, even you could have gone through the process yourself. You can still try to apply to a program in a Canadian university, or find work in the meanwhile. I know a lot of people from France just apply for a work visa and find some odd ways to just ditch France forever.
if you are an anglo, I suggest you leave. You aren't wanted here anyway.
Immigrants who actually have a brain won't be as useful to all their pump and dump ponzi debt schemes. Indians on the other hand only exist to grift or be grifted. The ones coming here are being lied to and saddled with debt by the Indians who help them get down here, then the gov and educational institutions rape them and put them into so much debt their next 10 generations will be stuck paying it off. Honestly if they could do it without having to bring these horrible idiots down here it wouldnt be too bad.
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How based are the Frenchists in Canada? Do they kill niggers in open daylight?
If they don't, it's probably still not worth to start learning french.
honestly can't really fathom the present state of management still being in place by end of this year.

it really is the end.
They are just as bad as everyone else except vote left harder.
don't care about your plight, post more pics
im literal tranny and the way you are all teasing him is making me horny af
Kuhmo clearly takes a toll on people. :D
T. also from Kuhmo. Would know OP if I had had friends as a kid
honestly kuhmo is kinda based and probably the best place in finland it's just that there's fuckall and i already spent like 7 years just driving around the countryside and etc. so i've seen it all already and i'm bored.

also the permaday 24/7 daylight summers are starting to really take their toll on me.
you need to take d3+k2
post bussy faggot
so really it's just a natural reaction to being stuck here and seeing all the cool kids hang out in north america and do all sorts of cool stuff hang out in big cities and it's annoying as fuck

yeah, i have a very idealized view of north america and i'd like to see it come true

Don't they hand out Estradiol for 6 year olds at your local catholic church or something?
Spanish speakers have to be by far the most queer demographic globally.
You probably meet high quality black haired trannies with large cock and ass on a daily basis.
Even in small Spanish villages, right?

it'd be easier to get an official glowie to chime in and check the actual systems to see and then inform me

i know you're watching :)
maybe i'd actually play video games too if i had <50ms on NA servers

omega strikers flopped because i wasn't allowed to be canadian
Post it faggot.
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Will you shut up already? There absolutely NOTHING good about Canada. Go to america, it's literally 10000000 times better.
the moment i enter north america the engoodening of north america will begin immediately before i even land
Why would anyone in their right mind think that America is a good place to go to?
I wish I was born a Fingolian, where you can be an sperg / autist
rather than in Castro Island(Cuba) where you're expected to behave like a literal GROID.

so FUCK YOU very much OP
You do realize your high school diploma is enough?

>an Educational Credential Assessment for immigration purposes that
is from a designated organization and
shows your education is equal to a completed certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian secondary institution (high school) or post-secondary institution
Selection factors
why do tails look good on humans
thats God saying you should kill yourself
>go work for valmet for 6 months
>You now have enough paid work experience and that high school diploma you thought was nothing
>You now can go to MOTHERFUXKING KANADA to assemble autos with other pajeets
Just finish college bro
Or get in through a "student program", and do college here. That's what all the pajeets are doing
Even if you cant, there are other ways, like marrying some canadian slag, or starting a business

> I got a dissociative trauma episode and got psych hospitalized for 3 months and forced to move back to Kuhmo from Helsinki.
Oh nevermind, you are a massive doomer faggot
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Easily better than Canada

++meet a white racist cutie at a trump rally
+culture of friendly facade
+more conservative
+cheap cost of living, high earning potential
+climate overall more sunny than EU
-niggers and spics
-can also be rude
-extreme drugs and homelessness problems
-flouride in the water

+more polite attitude
-expensive cost of living
-far left
-known for its cold climate
-leftist, black haired Frenchists, frail Asians and Indians
-extreme drug and homelessness problems
(does the water have flouride? would be -)
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>Coming from Satan's nation
Wow a Finnish with emotion, real emotions. You are welcome in Argentina any time

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