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An American Pedophile hunter "predator poacher" has just caused an accused suspect to kill himself after police arrived.

While I support some cases of citizens stepping in, these guys are just glorified internet trolls who use children's pain and abuse for internet profit. They make money by going around and setting people up. These are civilians who are not trained or qualified to do any legal police work. Instead of cornering and making the police scare him, he could have worked on a plan to get the accused in custody.

The suspect shot and killed himself in the home, BCI was called to investigate but charges are unfortunately unlikely, even though these guys literally caused the suicide.

I'm speechless.

Why don't these fags go to nigeria where the age of consent is 11?
Seems like a self correcting problem.
Alex Rosen is a fucking racist douchebag who literally says the nword on his page and anyone who calls him out he screenshots for his minions to raid your page and call you a pedo....for calling him out on his bullshit.

He uses these abused kids as a shield against criticism. He caused a suicide, he needs to be charged
How hard is it to not try and fuck a kid?
How many of their targets are niggers?
>even though these guys literally caused the suicide.
No getting caught trying to fuck a kid and his subsequent embarrassment caused the suicide
Making you self aware that you should die isn't murder.
>literally says the nword
Because that's clearly as bad as diddling children
They don't target specific groups. It's just more likely for a pedo to be a mayo monkey. Despite being 50% of the population whites commit 13x more child molestation
better question is why some random youtuber has to do the job that the police is supposed to do?
Because you'd have to Nigeria
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So are they guilty of murder?
Every single pedo deserves this, so if you happen to encounter any muslim murder them.
Wow, incredible.
So anyway, did you guys here about the pedophile that an heroed because a chaserchad harassed him? Can you say B-B-B-BASED
So what? Flush em out.
We're not loyal to the shittiest elements of our race.
I know it's hard to understand when every element of your race is the shitty element. If we did universally purge pedos entire races of you wouldn't survive.
Meanwhile every brown and black country’s age of consent is between 12-16
so is he a jew?
must be like olive oil or something, no one wants extra used olive oil.
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Always funny how they generally target the white pedos and not any of the hundreds of millions of jeets that are hitting on underaged girls on the internet.
Not only these catchers project their pedosexuality they also don't want to be seen a racist. Big fucking surprise. These guys are objectively worse than pedos themselves.
blow it out your ass nigger
>Oh no a pedo offed themself.
How is this a problem? The less pedos in society like him and Kris Tyson the better.
Yeah cuz Tyrone and Hector aren’t impregnating high school aged chicks in the ghetto.
just don't be transexual
So go help catfish some jeets anon.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
The pedo got 25 days in jail for killing a 6 year old girl in her own driveway while he was driving drunk.
We have some seriously corrupt judges
You know who he is? Three S's, faggot.
Niggers don't bother meeting up with underage kids online, they just rape their daughters and little sisters
It's going to be as funny when they cause homicides too. It's funny when the pedo offs himself, it's even funnier when the wannabe eceleb dies.
There are statistics showing whites are higher predators. While that is true, this doesn't change the fact that this guy makes money off kids suffering, he posted a video of a guy admitting to abusing his daughter and blasted it online for clicks...you don't think the victim deserves privacy??? People will figure it out quick
based turbo autists
I wish we lived in a world where something like nigger hunters was legal
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Good. pedos deserve to die
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Why do you lie pajeet
Chris Hansen got his show cancelled when he made a prosecutor (a literal District Attorney) commit suicide in a police standoff. He wasn't charged, but I am confused. In Canada we have laws holding those liable who cause a suicide,,, I thought the US is the same? Remember that girl that made the teenage boy unalive himself? She was sentenced criminally

Someone already pulled a gun on him and he cried "pls dont shoot me, im sorry". It's inevitable, someone with nothing to lose, knows that these guys will post it online and take these "hunters" down. If someone has nothing to lose, why not?
The most kino pedo catch video was that asian guy who kept yelling he was constipated, got into his car, and then yeeted it over a fucking curb before getting it stuck.
Op is a pedophile
>bully paedo into committing suduko
Based. Don't care what his motivations are, this is a good thing.
is this just a jew loophole to view child porn himself?
In some cases there should be flexibility
This piece of shit is talking about raping babies, the world is a better place with his brains splattered on the wall
Sounds like he is doing a good job of you are bitching.
Part of me wonders this
the only person who can "cause a suicide" is the person killing themselves.
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>groomer fags kill themselves
lol lmao jajajajajajajajajajajajaja
Hey, if it means the overall number of (free/alive) pedos goes down by a factor of 10... i'm all for it.
Niggers rape kids. See R kelly and P Diddler.
Also on Tiktok you see thousands of 30-40 year old black men talking about getting 13-16 year old white girls pregnant .
The police doesn't do anything or identifies the black predators as white to skew the numbers.
Just because you kill yourself doesn't mean you get to blame the last person who made you feel like doing it.
Unless they were telling him to kill himself they have nothing to do with it.
You should probably consider it tho, at the least.

kike scam.
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>black predators
I know. But just because some nigger pedos don't get caught doesn't mean we should let some white ones go.
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Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Also more proof that he is a POS, he is praised by the alt right including wife beater Steven Crowder.

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The cause for this is the lack of sanctity of human life caused by natural selection. The people give in to the sickest perversions because they feel that life is meaningless, so they go as low as infants.

Whites do it to themselves
Go look at the to catch a predator wiki and see what those people got charged there's a reason more and more people are taking matters into their own hands
You're defending a pedo, Anon. You're not a pedo are you? Why would you do that otherwise?
Nigger is just a word you stupid nigger.


Even p*dos don't want to fuck that.
I don't know about OP...but I hate Alex for his politics and disgusting stuff he said, including racism and wishes of death to people who don't agree with his poliitcs. He says shit with impunity and when called out on it (destiny for exaple) he says "well look at all these creeps im catching, im a good guy!!!"

is this guy married?
Alex Rosen? The pred catcher faggot?

No. He is not married, he is single and talks about kids all day. He is not even a fucking father yet he preaches about "muh children" its all a grift and anyone with a brian can see throug it. Eventually he will become what he supposedly hates.
He's jewish. Kikes buttfuck 3 yr old boys and call men fucking sixteen yr old girls pedos to confuse the issue.
This guy got away with child abuse in 1995.
That rules. They outed some pedo and he died of shame. If only we could get more feel good stories like this around 4chan. This is very remoralizing. Thank you OP.
While that reads pretty horrificly...he was exonerated on that. An 8 year old says he was making her hold his erect junk...but defense made the fact clear that he couldn't have done that because he had erectile dysfunction when he was with his adult girlfriend (girls mother)...so if he could not maintain an erection with the mom how could he with the daughter? It made the case fall apart and clear that the 8yo was lying/coached
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>Louby Innocent
guess he wasn't!
pedo catchers are probably pedos themselves. Yeah I know the left usually says this thing to dismiss the anti-fags, etc but I cannot think otherwise in this case.
They are too much into being against them.
>so if he could not maintain an erection with the mom how could he with the daughter?
Cause he's a nonce?
>reeee he is racist who hates niggers and makes pedos an hero
Based kike.
Does this guy actively look for older men and message them pretending to be a young girl or does he just have a profile and men come to him messaging first?
There's no federal laws holding people liable for causing a suicide, but some states may have such laws.

Also, don't say unalive. It makes you sound retarded. He killed himself.
Only Paedos care about other Paedos.
Way to out yourself, kidfucker.
In this case the guy was a genuine pedo as he watched child porn, but seems like most other cases it's 16-year olds who look like adults baiting lonely men.
"Unalive?" Fuck off back to Minecraft you stupid retard.
You can't cause a suicide aside from your own
Even that cunt who bullied her boyfriend into sudoku should not have been charged
Take responsibility for your own actions
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Another Trump supporter dead. Sad
kills pedos, says nigger and doesn’t afraid of anything

Seems based
Good riddance.
>pedophile named Letcher
pottery, rest in piss
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
>pedophiles struggle

Maybe kill yourself?
He has tinder and bumble accounts saying he's a 19 year old girl, then tells the guys after chatting for a while that he's really 17.
>pedophile mumbling

Maybe kill yourself?

Rosen, why are you not only self-posting, but directly implying that this nobody shouldn't tossed into a volcano? That sure is a weird take from someone who seems to run a Twitter account about stopping pedos.
POC rape their babies, go away dumb ugly prasite.
Shill slide thread

You almost never see bipoc pedophilils in mainstream media. They’re trying to turn white people against each other, while brainwashing them to sympathize and unite with bipoc to kill the “evil pedophiles” aka white men.
They’re subliminally programing us to correlate pedophile with white man.
He was cute tho. Built good.
I see, so he breaks the terms-of-service of the platforms he's using and does a bait-and-switch seeing who will fall for his scam. Gotcha
where is the fucken video??????
If the guy offed himself that means he was guilty.
Good riddance then
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Exactly. I don't care what someone does in the privacy of their own home.
I hope you're falsey accused and every single person on the internet, and your personal life turn on you and bully you into never having a job, a social life or internet presense.

I wonder how you would handle the immense pressure of a guy humiliating you with millions in his audience? imagine the fear and anxiety, panic attack thinking your life is over. In india we have strict punishment, I saw friends falsey accused all the time. Like to see poeple say this things about you it feels like a nightmare you cant wake from surreal.
>he couldn't have done that because he had erectile dysfunction when he was with his adult girlfriend
Pedo scum who apparently isn't into adult women.
>that asian guy who kept yelling he was constipated
Found it. Sides status: in orbit.
Ok you sound like a liberal faggot

>In Canada we have laws holding those liable who cause a suicide

Surely that's meant for severe bullying of children or something, not if I go to a convicted murderer and tell them "you kill people, you suck!" and the shame of that makes them kill themselves...
Fuck you pussy nigger
Personally I think pedo hunters are actually pedos themselves and they are trying to cover their own ass by appearing to help kids.
It’s like the climate activists who always blame the middle class for polluting the earth, while they fly around in private jets. See >>475527453
if he wasn't guilty he wouldn't of offed himself. good riddance
I don't think it's necessarily projection.

Chances are, anybody out there diddling kids was diddled themselves. He could have known first-hand the damage done by pedophiles, while still having the urges embedded by his abuser.

Realistically, male victims should probably be euthanized.
Rosen speaks out and defends not going after POC, only white people after several people complained its making whites look bad. I love watching the right eat their own.
the guy looks very old and is probably checked out of life in general and this just pushed him over the edge since it was going to be a big headache for him and he didn't want to deal with it.
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and nothing of value was lost
Forgot link (silly me)

I thought he did go after a black guy and the guy ended up assaulting him when confronted, unless it was some other pedo hunter.
Apparently a lot of these "hunters" pretend to be like 17 and a half year old girls online and specifically target and bait individual men (whom they profile as easy targets via social media) into meeting up, it isn't a honeypot operation or anything, they specifically seek out and message these targets with the intent to lure them into a potentially incriminating act via escalating chat sessions. I don't think a single one of these ploys has ever resulted in actual criminal charges because it is very obvious entrapment, but that isn't the point, the point is social media clout and getting the self-righteous excuse to ruin someone else's life. Someone who in all likelihood would have never done any of the things they are being accused of doing without the hunter specifically targetting and provoking them over a long period of time. What they do is unethical, their evidence is always dubious and their accusations never seem to result in any charges being laid.
Actually white culture is just the only culture that views pedophilia as aberrant and arrests pedos. Black and hispanic culture its seen as normal and accepted and never reported.
There are blacks, he just goes after the ones that appear soft or weak, which is moslty frail whites. I'm indian so I seen him go after south asians as well. Most of his rumble is white people, a couple blacks and mixed race (please use ad block when on his "content"

because 11 year olds are adults in Nigeria
>Black and hispanic culture its seen as normal and accepted and never reported.
As twisted as it as, it's hilarious how the black take on somebody molesting boys is always "at least do girls".
>Someone who in all likelihood would have never done any of the things they are being accused of doing without the hunter specifically targetting and provoking them over a long period of time.
of course they wouldn't. An attractive 17-year old isn't going to message some incel older man looking to hook up or date. If anything they'd go talk with other attractive men. If these men were actively looking for underage girls and seeking them out specifically, then yes, I'd be ok with villainizing them.
why is he on Rumble? Does youtube not allow this stuff?
>pedo boomer that ran a kid over while drunk driving shoots himself

Love to see it. Nice work as always Alex, oy vey.
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Pic related (15 years old) send message saying she liked your instagram and think you are hot. What do?
What are they doing?
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Fuck no. He has been triple quadruple banned from YouTube. Remember he is a racist POS, doxxing is illegal and he literally says he hates black people on his Twitter...ZERO FUCKING IMPUNITY. Elon needs to kick him out and Rumble needs to axe him
She got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun
Blacks and (even moreso) Mexicans diddle kits at way higher rates than white people, but it's never publicized.
This is literally not true. Multiple pedo hunters have openly told us in streams that they stay away from any cases they catch involving niggers. They say it’s because blacks carry guns usually, while whites never do.
It is almost like there is a reason vigilante groups are bad.
>Doesn't like Alex's politics
>Defending Chomos

Color me shocked, leftists don't like pedo catchers, i wonder why?
They never contact first and most the bait accounts are 9-13 years old.
>Australia bans pictures of small breasted women

You mean there are Australian porn stars besides Angela White?
Nah there shouldn’t be, that’s a multi-tiered justice system and introduces a partial and biased set of rules. One rule for all

Although I still dont think the pedo hunters should be liable for this guy’s death. They didn’t tell him to kill himself or purposefully cause him to do it. There was no intent
Stop fucking lying pedo.

The dudes Alex catches all are into infants and shit, and he catches most of them on Telegram or session, not fucking Tinder.
some asshole was behaving like a lunatic on the road, whatever, but at one point at a red light he just fucking sped up onto the sidewalk momentarily as if he was going to drive around traffic, light turned green and he went back onto the road and continued.
This was a block away from my house on a sidewalk my children walk on. I followed that asshole for 30 minutes before it became clear he was headed somewhere out of town and wouldn't be stopping any time soon.
I was ready to break his fucking fingers simply because he COULD have harmed someone, I cannot imagine what I'd do if someone hit my kid and spent less than a month in jail for it.
I fail to see the problem here.
One less predator of children, which should already be zero but one step at a time I guess
I don’t goon to Australian porn, I guess I don’t really find Australian women very attractive.
Foaming at the mouth over him makes you sound like a pedo.
In the US we’ve started enforcing laws unrvenly based on status of the person. It has led to a breakdown in law where jews for example get let off for epstein tier nonsense. And goys get arrested for self defense against niggers. The US has become mexico tier corrupt so thats why it’s becoming multi tier. I guess canada still has a more intact lower court system.

That being said these guys did nothing wrong. They sidnt intend for the pedophile guy to kill himself. And TBQH they have every roght to go knock on his door. He chose to answer. I never answer my front door no matter who is there unless I know them lol because you never know who is on the orher side. Could be a burglar, scammer, serial killer, etc

The pedophile guy brought it on himself
>pedo that killed a kid kills himself

How is this bad?

This. They generally avoid ghetto niggers because if one pulls a gun and they shoot him it's a legal shitshow.
The fact is, even if you caught the wrong guy, just the accusation would be proof enough for 99% of people, so your life would be over regardless.
See here >>475529864, they specifically do not go after migrants or niggers because they are very violent and dangerous and carry weapons. It’s literally not worth it for them, they’re not the cops. And going after pedophile females incurs social penalties (people blidnly defending the women because muh princess wahmerino). So they stick to easier cases. Retarded suburban pedophile white guys are the only group it’s easy to do this with
For every legit case of an actual sicko being caught there are like a dozen instances of bullshit entrapment and outright illegal acts; assault, stalking, harassment, being committed by these clout chasers on men who frankly probably never said half the shit they're being accused of saying. Just because one guy does it according to some due process doesn't excuse the entire "pedo hunter ecosystem" from being a complete shitshow of incompetence and psychotic behaviour.
I delete the app, cancel my phone service, and tell my friend who owns a boat that we are going to panama tomorrow. Oops then I “Disappeared at sea”.
>or every legit case of an actual sicko being caught there are like a dozen instances of bullshit entrapment

It's not entrapment if it's not the government doing it retard, and definitely not entrapment when the chomo messages first voluntarily.

Not to say there aren't groups that do this for clout and are a shitshow, but Rosen actually has it down to a science which is exactly why he hasn't gotten charged and has managed to get dozens of people convicted.
The pedo catchers don’t care
They’re doing a good service, but I’d be lying hard if I said that those catchers nice people
Ignore it because im a white man with self control and an IQ over 60, you fucking coomer.

What grown ass dude is on instagram anyways?
Believe it or not, it’s already happened to DAP and one of the DAP guys got narrowly grazed by a bullet on his thigh. The probability of a circus shitshow is so high that they told us in a stream that when they hear a black dudes voice on the phone, they will literally call off the hunt. Kek this safari’s over fellas
He sure is. In fact, he used to go by Chet Goldstein. Of course /pol/ loves him
Stfu you aren't a tough guy who was in prison. It's the new brain rot slang term Gen Z adopted "Oh hes bald he looks creepy like a choomoo"
Looks like they updated the info
>oh look his address
Wouldn't it be terrible if someone stopped by these pedos' houses for a visit using their publicly available addresses?
Too bad canada protects these diddlers
Ok Boomer.
Well it sure sucks that police can’t use anything he gets and the pedos never get charged.

Anything he collects before police are involved can’t and won’t be used in court. It gives time for the pedos to nuke any contraband they have.

This guy is an attention whore. He doesn’t actually help in anyway.
Sadly you have to have instagram if you want to compete for promotions at work or sell things. My whole instagram is literally self promo, staged photoshoots, and selling different shit for commission and advert kikebuxs. I also sell PT sessions lol
Watch this guy and see how worthless he is. He is literally a racist, troll irl, just does it for money and attention.

Tell me you support this freak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK7B-9skQZE
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Sheeit is that dat nigga kevin hart?
This is a shame, it is wrong to make them sudoku. They should be flayed alive.
>Well it sure sucks that police can’t use anything he gets and the pedos never get charged.

That's not true.

>Anything he collects before police are involved can’t and won’t be used in court.

That's also not true.

>This guy is an attention whore. He doesn’t actually help in anyway.

He does though, he's gotten dozens if not hundreds of pedos convicted.

Go figure. You're one of the "if you don't like pedos, you're a pedo!" pedos. Kys tranny.
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someone order cheese pizza?
Get a real job Rajesh.
Your gif is taken
What? Where the fuck do you work that your advancement in the company depends on your instagram profile?
It's stupid because technically, child marriage is legal, so they have no right to harass people.
You can only kill the kids
Dont ever fuck them..."
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ye nah mate
Keep seething pedotroon. You should join the big club too.
Government was a mistake
These pedo hunter guys are usually pedophiles themselves.
>that 17 year old was an infant you sick fuck
OK kike
He has a Canadian flag. More likely a Pajeet streetshitter than a troon.

Indians are hardcore pedos. Back in the early days of pedo-poaching like 90% of the pedos Anxiety War would find were indian or paki.
Every single f500 company is like this, mr jenkins the mechanic. It’s called leveraging your “personality”.
Kill yourself namefag. I’m not gonna stop making money just because you’re a pussy who can’t into entrepreneurship. LOL. You’re bitchmade. Jelly that I make more money than you.
Statistically speaking, if you killed en entire buss of elementary children, you would have stopped a future pedo before the crime was committed. Think deeply about the implications that has for humanity.
Show flag, Jew.
You’re a pedo if you look at her tits in Australia, ban flat chested women
A paternity test

Let's inventva new one
Kek look at his comment here >>475531167 he’s literally gay. A flaming homosexual. Here >>475531837 he seethes at me for making money
I’d like to see actual court documents.

I also feel pedos should be killed. If this dude was so anti pedo he’d be quietly disposing of them instead of grandstanding. The only cure for pedophilia is death; as long as they are alive, they can strike again. Getting caught will just make them adjust their actions to not get caught again.
>If you aren't a pedo you're a jew

This is the weirdest angle i've seen the Jews use yet. Meanwhile, you kikes keep sucking baby dicks.
>Already a diddler
>Actually murdered a child through negligent driving
Well there goes my sympathies.
People suffer with demons within them, but they're still ultimately accountable for their actions.

OP probably killed himself too.
Why all the mutts green I can’t tell who is who.
I have heard that about australia, whats the QRD? Why did they criminalize dating women with smaller breasts? Couldn’t be me since Ii’m obsessed with watermelom titties but goddamn imagine the government limiting who you can date like thay.
you should see what the trannies do
Aren't mexicans the biggest child molesters?
Damn. Good thing I still on my ass for the DoD and don’t deal with that corpo bs.
Oh shit it means the glowniggers tagged us
Thanks for letting me know he's more based than I previously was aware of, faggotnigger.
Anon, Im trying to get out of hell...not stay in it.
>The Married father that hates pedos is gay because he doesn't like pedos

Weird argument.

>Here >>475531837 (You) he seethes at me for making money

No, i'm seething at you for being an adult man that uses instagram like a teenage girl. Faggot. I can tell you're indian or sandnigger because thats how all you fucking habibis are. "My brother i gotta promote my brand my brother im going to make it big my brother" meanwhile you sell model RC Helicopters from a cart in an empty fucking mall. Kys.
IBTC on suicide watch.
What is ZOG tryna do?
It’s hell and every day I pray for the internet to just die. I constabtly have to curste the comment sections of my insta because I get loons, antifas, animal liberation goons, and trannies fagging it up telling everybody that i’m a racist/animal abuser/their mean ex boyfriend etc

I miss the olden days of everything being analog and telephone based. No platform for gay retards to interfere with my advertising
pedo trannies are afraid
You. Dopey. Cunt. You do realise law <> truth, right? He had been getting that little girl to fondle his penis and ended up getting away with it. His suicide came about 60 years too late. Put me in a room with you for 5 minutes and your eyes will pop out of your head in 4.
Of course you are. lol Canada is so far gone.
Yep. just YWNBAW and sage.
That's only one crime though!

Does this shock you?

Pajeets have no understanding of what is socially acceptable in the west. Sending unsolicited dick pics to 12 year olds is totally normal to them.
Kek bro you’re gay because of the way you typed it, not because of what you said. It’s the way you said it. I can see the painted troonnails and the estrogen.
False. I beat the sandniggers at their own game. Kek you boomers just CANT into this shit can you??? I mainly sell sports products but I also shill a fuck ton of other things. I also operate a ‘small cattery’ (in reality its industrial sized and based at a warehouse kek) and I shill cats to older lonely women.
>I dropshit trash off Temu to other habibis

No one cares Patel.
Innocent people don't shoot themselves in the head if they are accused of being a pedophile though.
>If you aren't a pedo you're a jew
Hey kike faggot, jews call normal men pedos for fucking teen girls because kikes are literally raping 5 year old boys.
You're trying to conflate normal sexuality with your predatory paraphilia. If "pedophilia" relates to men attracted to 17 year old girls, that makes all men pedos and renders the word meaningless. That benefits you since you're a pedophile that sucks little boys penises.
Kek coping and seething from a boomer poor
Why if I don't fuck neither?

am out of the normal range?

Protip this is and always remain state property of the united states it has watermarks all over it
That’s actually pretty interesting. Can someone give me a rundown of how this would even go?
>pedo hunters
>husband and wife
Write me a 4 paragraph essay please. Show your work.
Yes a big zionist a talmudic a mike Johnson supoort he is jewish and a zionist
>Hey kike faggot, jews call normal men pedos for fucking teen girls

If you're fucking someone under the age of 17 as a grown man you should be shot. If you as an adult grown man have have anything in common with someone under 17, you probably have autism and a profoundly low IQ.


I just retired at 41 nigger. I'm not poor.
The pedohunters are entrappers. They go after lonely men and initiate conversations, build trust, then bait them in to falling for a fake "underaged" child who doesn't exist. Then they spring the trap and bully them.

These men would have never interacted with a child, but are hand picked and baited in to doing it. Like an ATF agent befriending you, asking you to saw off a shotgun for them, and then arresting you for doing it.
Redpill me on this article, when the FUCK did this happen???
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Seems that way. It's they culcha.
thats a good age to retire...Keep your head up Anon. Get a hobby because I still wake from naps and want to masturbate.
Well I saw nothing about the little child ran over the car dying, prolably injured , no report of death i will look into it however. as for people suffer demons but dont deserve a life of bad karma because of it, imagine this guy dont wanting to be what he is but he just is. what if you were borned with these thoughts? there are murderers who die of old age and happly, they are monsters but no karma for themq
No you didn’t old man you’re a poornigger simple as. You’re probably that breakroom namefag relabeling actuslly
>If you're fucking someone under the age of 17 as a grown man you should be shot.
Ok Glownigger you should be shot
>These men would have never interacted with a child, but are hand picked and baited in to doing it.

The vast majority of them are boomers that are already RSO's retard. So no that's not true.

>They go after lonely men and initiate conversations

Being lonely doesn't give you a loicense to fuck kids, retard.

The fact that so many autistic retards openly argue in favor of pedophilia is proof that we need to bring back asylums for the mentally ill instead of letting them exist in public.
>Pedo died.
No great loss.
Hope they get it on video next time.
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oh no
Sorry I copied it from another anon try to google the title of the article I think it will show up.
There are old webms of poojeets giving little blonde girls roses lmfao, I wish I could find it.
No jews
gr8 b8 m8
What as a grown man could someone (who isn't mentally ill) see in someone who is less than 17?

The Autist/pedo/tranny overlap is real. And this thread proves it.

A lot of kiddie diddling in black and hispanic communities dont get reported at all. If an older brother or stepdad fuck their sister/daughter nobody speaks up about it. If you do yous a snitch.

Same with public schools. When I worked in a PA school we all had to do a class on mandated reporting for child abuse. If you see kids with unexplained bruises youre supposed to phone in to a hotline that investigates the incident. We were actually told not to report as much for blacks and hispanics because their families are more physically disciplinary. Apparently noticing the discrepancy is racially insensitive. In fact our biggest cases came from black families. There was merely more reporting of whites due to this bias and the population of whites per capita was larger.
>admits to watching porn of LITERAL BABIES
>kills himself
Based. Pedo BTFO. Kill ALL pedophiles, no exceptions.
The only unfortunate thing about this is that the sick fuck's death was probably quick and painless. He should have suffered in agony for weeks or months first.
Kek, nigger is just word.
Nobody cares if a pedo suicides. That's a win for humanity when it happens.
This thread is literally full of autists, indians, and trannies crying over the death of their Comrade.
Top kek, fucking based ass leaf
Baby Porn sites still operational.
I repeat, Baby Porn sites still operational.
Go fuck yourself. Lets kill the crack addict, instead of bombing IP's with a tomahawk
Dipshit, you can do both, but you wont
My guess is baby fucking informants on the payroll
I don’t understand why he didn’t kill the pedo hunters first
Reminder that this old ass boomer is seething because people make money on social media
Get gud old fart nigger. Not your grand nephews playbox. It’s FOR REAL CHADS to get OUTREACH. I will sell old sluts their purebred cats and overpriced cat toys and you niggers will never stop me.

Day of the nigger elderly aid coming soon, grandpa.
Depends on if you're a Yid?
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Pedo kills himself?!

Ohhhh no!!!!
Show your flag, Heeb.
>these guys are just glorified internet trolls who use children's pain and abuse for internet profit
OP is a pedo
When did freedom, in the extent of all of known humanity....when did being free ever extend to those those violated the golden rule?
That's why fathers become over protective. Like, dude, the woman is in her 40s and sucks dick in alley ways for Food stamps. I think she has reached her peak.
Post your hand.

>guy is also a jew
He should kill himself as well then but make more pedos off themselves first.

Chris Hansen was a pedo himself though.
Lmao. No girl nowadays starts puberty that late. They all have titties and ass at 13. Girls start puberty at 8 - 10.
I digress in my rhetoric. Just look for the newest new on your Samsung and accelerate.
Jews commit to white identity in census so I suppose you are indeed correct.
That's not true you autistic kike.
All of you pedo scumbags are going to fucking die.
When a State incarcerated an innocent man, who is later exonerated...Do those involved in the cases get charged with kidnapping or false imprisonment? Or does it go to a civil court so the fags can perpetuate their slave system?
Shut the fuck up schizo. Kill all pedophiles.
>If you aren't pro-pedo you're a fed

Weird flex considering the whole epstein and president sniffing kids shit.
First post your wrinkly lizard neck old man. I pocket 70k per YEAR in pure profits from the cat stuff alone and I dump ALL of it into minor renovations. I am the KING of hustle, no boomer can catch me.

I will never ever ever pay taxes to jews.
Two parents can sign off on it in Mississippi without a judge.

California has a no age minimum too, one parent required, but has to be reviewed by courts.

Most of the country actually banned it following California, but California rejected the bill since some cultures might be offended. Evangelicals also lobby against it hard. Planned parenthood and the child law center both lobbied the government to stop the bill.

In March 1995, 31-year-old Donald Letcher was charged with two counts of sexually molesting his girlfriend’s 9-year-old daughter in Bridgewater, South Dakota.

The girl told police that from August 1992 until July 1993, when Letcher was living with her mother, Letcher forced her to fondle his penis virtually every night that her mother worked the nightshift.

Letcher went on trial in Minnehaha County Circuit Court. On the morning of the trial, the prosecution made a motion requesting that the girl’s mother testify that Letcher had difficulty maintaining an erection and often manipulated himself to keep an erection. The judge denied the motion after the defense argued that evidence of an alleged sexual dysfunction had not been disclosed by the prosecution prior to trial.

The girl testified that the abuse began in August 1992 when she was eight years old and continued after she turned nine until July 1993 when Letcher moved out. She said Letcher rubbed her chest and made her rub his penis in a circular motion and that he never ejaculated.

The girl’s mother testified that when Letcher lived with her, the girl often had nightmares. She said that whenever she worked, Letcher cared for the girl and the girl’s two younger brothers.

Letcher testified and denied abusing the girl. He testified that he believed the girl had invented the allegations or been coached because her mother and her father, who lived elsewhere and was in a relationship with another woman, were in a custody battle. He also denied having any problems with sexual functioning.

The defense called a clinical psychologist with an expertise in sex abuse cases who testified that based on the girl’s testimony, he believed that the abuse never happened. He pointed to the custody battle, the girl’s use of sexual terminology not generally used by children, the claim that she rubbed Letcher’s penis in a circular motion instead of up and down, and the claim that Letcher never ejaculated.
Based pedohunter chad
Anyone who gets entrapped like that for being a low iq sperg doesn't deserve a preteen gf anyhow
Kill your ego, faggot. You won't.
>I was innocent i swear!

You people are literally retarded.

>self promotion
>wont post hand

Okay Benchod.

After the defense finished presenting its case, the prosecution moved to recall the girl’s mother to testify that Letcher had trouble getting an erection. The defense objected, but the judge allowed the testimony.

The defense then asked for a recess to call a former girlfriend of Letcher. The defense said the woman would testify that Letcher had no sexual dysfunctions and they had an active sex life. But the judge refused to allow a delay in the trial.

The defense recalled Letcher to the witness stand and he told the jury that he had no sexual problems with the girl’s mother or his girlfriend.

In June 1995, the jury convicted Letcher of two counts of sexual contact with a minor. He was sentenced to five years in prison.

In July 1996, the South Dakota Supreme Court reversed the conviction. The court noted that the case turned on the credibility of witnesses and that refusing to allow the former girlfriend’s testimony “severely prejudiced Letcher’s ability to defend against these charges.”

In August 1996, the prosecution dismissed the charges and Letcher was released.
Every pedo should be dead, he deserves an award.
Kill yourself, schizoid pedolover.
So...mom calls puts on a boiling pot of water to melt cock...calls cops to feign...gets shot in the face?
Is this your official testimony?
>Alex Rosen

did that kike ever denounce Metzizah b'peh or does he just focus on goyim ?
Your just a fag that needs to get kicked into a well.
Id do it if I thought youd meet me at a GPS location to exchange fag porn, nigger.
Death to pedo hunters!
Weird how this jew never goes after jews who are as overrepresented in pedophelia as they are in psychopathy and schizophrenia
Eat Indian shit, french nigger.
I agree, lots of the people that screech about anime lolicon and shit like that typically get caught trying to groom kids on discord or SMS. I also used to work for a place that did webhosting and on-demand servers. There were a couple guys that were part of a special investigation team for hunting down people trying to host CP. Those guys would talk about how they have "PTSD" from constant exposure, but they showed up to work every damn day, never took vacation, and worked after hours constantly. Meanwhile, everyone else was stressed by their jobs and would burn as much time off as they possibly could before burning out and quitting. The CP chasers had fucking 10+ years of service and couldn't seem to get enough despite all their complaining.
This is the most jewish lawyer bullshit i've read

>He couldn't get a boner, so he cant be a chomo
>He had to rub his dick to stay hard!

Neither of these facts would preclude him from making a kid touch his dick.

I'm glad he's dead.
I never defended Pedophilia schizo.
Kek shut the fuck up jealous nigger boomer, I make so much cash on social media it’s not even funny. So much GREEN that it puts your glowing aura to shame. This is not your grand nephews Spongebob you old geezer. This is real shit. This is MONEY

Keep paying taxes to Uncle Pedo, salescuck.
He's gotten a bunch of jews arrested, jew jokes at one of them is what got him banned from youtube the first time.

>being passionate at your job makes you a pedo

Only a jew would talk about money in such terms.
kek...in hindsight it was so obvious....
Death to you.
I'm not French.
One day you and all your fellow pedophiles will be caught and have your entire lives ruined. It will be glorious.
Just thought I'd pop in here with some info, considering that we're discussing also the rate of black pedophilia vs white

I do a little investigation on my own time to hinder pedos, because I see pedo content occasionally on x/twitter. Truly, and I swear to God, about 50-75% of the openly pro-pedo, pro-IRL kiddy diddling content I see is by and for blacks. It's bizarre to see, and also disgusting, but over half the time I see a profile thats like "hehe I'm into sick twisted family stuff, I like em young like 12 and under, even toddlers can get muh dik", all the porn they post (legal porn) is black on black, and they talk in black people slang.

Not to say there's not plenty of terminally online UOAHH CUNNY white/asians (also mtf trans is HEAVILY over represented among them, no suprise), and a ton of jeets doing stereotypical jeet stuff, but it's shocking how extremely frequent you see that shit from black people, and oddly enough, black WOMEN too.
>heh, you’re the real cuck here. I chose freedumb. I took the Poverty Pill.
You are so French, you dont even know your an Indian. Reddit is more your tempo, my nigger.
You are an incoherent schizo who defends pedophiles.
Schizo/autists like you retards belong in facilities, not in public.
You are a crab hunter that uses Indian shit. Go figure? Try Reddit, my nigger. Thats the last time Ill tell you Mikey.
Kek read his posts with an elderly dudes accent for a minute
You should fuck your mother, and stick it to your father. Or go play in traffic. Only two choices you have, guido...next is an angel taking your tongue.
>more incoherent schizobabble
You should be castrated, without anesthesia, and forced to eat your own raw severed testicles.
Be careful with the blood pressure gramps
Come try it and Ill play an angel that removes your tongue.
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>A lot of kiddie diddling in black and hispanic communities dont get reported at all. If an older brother or stepdad fuck their sister/daughter nobody speaks up about it. If you do yous a snitch.

Very true.
I worked at a high school and we were having a little chat in the front office. Somehow touching kids or incest came up and this Mexican math teacher was pretty much saying their tio might have touched the young girls. Almost nonchalantly as if every house has a diddler they see at quinces. She asked what I would do if say my brother touched my kid; I'd have to kill him!

Thanks for proving my point retard
Good. If only they would all commit suicide. If you think this is a problem, you yourself are the problem.

Let the damned burn in Hell. We're taking this country back.
If someone is passionate about looking at CP at work for years on end they are definitely a pedo. Both of them were "they/them" pronouns faggots, too.
And there you go, dont kick and scream, be stunning. Be brave.
Hey Alex how about going after some big fishes instead of preying on retards pedophile that would never be able to hurt a children if they wanted to
Women doing pedo shit almost get a free pass, because "women = innocent" mindset.
>instead of preying on retards pedophile that would never be able to hurt a children

The guy literally ran a kid over with his car.

Does anyone actually read anything anymore before they post?
Rare case nigger
Go back to India
Im imagining a woman cleaning the diarrhea of of her infants scrotum and thinking my child! your dick is bigger than my husbands!
Is something wrong with me?
yeah dude, you're kinda fucked up
Try being MelGibson with one beer?
He didn't cause a suicide. Even that one game dev thot didn't get charged after she told a male game dev to khs and he did so, she also lied about him raping her beforehand.
>rare case

It's not. The vast majority of the dudes alex catches already are registered sex offenders for previous cases.
But on a scale...how fucked up am I? I think all pedos should hang, and the ips that host them should be leveled with a tomahawk.
is it a +1? Or is it a "donate to our PAC"?
i need to know man...ive only got 1/4 of the 1/5 left. If I have to smoke the reefer, all debts are settled.
The thread is dying
You knopw what dude...you and Mikey, I hope suck the reefer from my asshole if I fart while Im dead.
They made it personal. They should all die but get a few laughs also.
it's really funny that a ton of the guys involved in the pedo-hunter community regularly trawl these threads, and they get red ass mad when people make fun of them. Most of them are ageing millenials with nothing to show for the first 30 years of their lives, and think they're saving the world. They're basically right right wing irl reddit mods.
Alex Rosen is balding and fat. His beard grows wild like a bush of pubic hair. Is this why he goes so hard against every group, race and sexuality? Coping with being bald haha. I appreciate that he is pro israel, anti palestine but he is so ugly. Also, babies don't remember anything...so as hard as this topic is, I hope that eases and brings peace to your hearts at least
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>black WOMEN
Niggers are so cognitively impaired that I question whether or not what we consider normal sexual morality is something we can apply to them.
>I thought the US is the same? Remember that girl that made the teenage boy unalive himself
Depends on state, like most things legal in the USA. If we're thinking of the same girl (Michelle Carter), then she was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and most states would have comparable statutes. It's somewhat of a legal gray area, especially when you start considering First Amendment protections; to massively oversimplify, merely advocating it is generally/probably/maybe going to be legal, but if it's accompanied with providing information on how to commit suicide (as the girl you mentioned did) then you could probably be held criminally liable some way or another.
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Fucking kek
In the US, at least, they're not allowed to use other people's acts of entrapment, because they'd just hire somebody to do things they're not allowed to.
Those arent the same situations.
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>donald letcher

this seems like they're covering up his real
Nothing of value was lost
So would they be responsible for manslaughter?
There is definitely a physiological trait set that seems to be very common amongst the absolute degenerates that decide to look at and mess around with kids. I am a shield for my children and my family and know exactly who to look out for

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