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Listen to daddy
The DNC will be an open convention if Obama does not endorse Harris.
Her campaign staff said dhe has enough delegates to win the nomination but the delegates don't cast their votes until the close of the convention.
>he just chose to not support anyone
he's behind kamala
Why wouldn't he endorse her anyway, It's very unbased to only endorse who you think will win.
Based Gay nigger ally of Blumpf
Because smokin Joe Biden is having her arrested tonight during his address ya retard.
The day Biden dropped out and the Obamas released a statement, a pundit close with the Obamas went on CNN and hinted that they very obviously are behind Kamala, but don't want to appear as anything but neutral outsiders. They won't do anything until after she's confirmed at the convention

NY Post is also a trump rag
GFY faggot
Your posts aren't the shit you have to pick off your dick.
ok, closeted homosexual
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rofl what is his fuckin problem? What an asshole lmao.
Here's my read on this whole shit:

1.) Trump had to expend a tremendous amount of effort and resources to run against Biden. All of that was necessary at the time, but fucking pointless now that Biden has dropped out.

2.) Now, Trump will have to campaign against Kamala. He's being forced to switch gears and campaign against a completely different person.

3.) I think Kamala will slowly do worse and worse in the polls over the next three weeks after this slight initial hopeful euphoria wears off, and she will not be the nominee. At the convention they will pick someone else.

4.) Thus, Trump will have been forced to campaign against THREE SEPARATE presidential candidates.

5.) I think the idea is that Trump is, in fact, old. And they're utilizing an underhanded strategy to sap his energy, time, and resources. Same strategy they had with all the lawsuits.
Exactly. Obama is obviously very, very, very close to Biden and he's not going to drop his buddy immediately. It's out of respect that he's waiting a while.
great analysis
The delegates have already pledged to Kamela. Save for some last-minute shinanigans, she will be on the top of the democratic ticket i.e. She drops out or the Warchest gets impounded by the SEC.
Obama is going to strategically endorse when Kamala needs a boost
That's because Obama is going to endorse Trump
If you believe this then read up on Vance. He fucking HATES Trump
he will endorse her later on when this honeymoon phase is over and she's 10 points behind trump
>Warchest gets impounded by the SEC.

I don't think that's as relevant as people think. Donors were shrieking at the top of their lungs for them to drop Biden because he was polling terribly. If Kamala starts polling terribly those same donors are going to be shrieking for there to be an open convention and someone else be anointed. The war chest will not be available to the new candidate, but in desperation, all the megadonors will simply cough up more money for the new candidate.
They can just change their minds. The dnc is a private corporation and can do whatever pleases them.
>she will not be the nominee
At the convention they will pick someone else
This is what I thought even prior to them making the 'endorse' pick after JB's letter last week
The only reason for him to say this is that he was ignored in the decision and is now offended.

David Axelrod who is well known to be the voice of Obama for the media says they will replace Kamala at the convention with a Josh Shapiro/Mark Kelly ticket.
jewish propaganda account
opinion discarded
>>475529492 Switzerland flag
>already pledged to
Doesn't matter.
did you miss what happened in July 2016
No, some shitty twitter account said that and some faggot shill posted 17 threads here about it.
Probably the same 'person' too.
>only endorse someone just because he think they could win
>not because they agree with his agenda
What is wrong with these people?
They know Harris has no chance. Whats going to happen is they're gonna tank the economy once Trump gets in and blame him saying the people should have voted Kamala.
You realize the ID tracker only tracks the current thread right? the OP will always have one post after making a new thread newfag.
This is my prediction is as well. They are going to tank the entire world economy around Christmas time just before Trump gets in to give him an economy worse than the Great Depression.
Frankly, she doesn't need Obama's endorsement. Harris has barely gotten started and is already many points ahead of Trump on polls. Former Trump supporters are joining her side in droves. More and more people are learning that Trump staged his own assassination. Trump has announced he refuses to debate Harris. There's nothing Trump can do now except shit his pants and cry.
Obama is a house nigger jew pet.
check again
lmao. lurk more
All it'll take is one news article or Tweet about "rumors and murmurs say candidate X is a dark horse, on the upswing and has a small coalition" to have all of the lemmings vote that way. Literal herd mentality
what if they just use the entire warchset over the next three weeks and then start fresh with teh next candidate?
she's behind him pegging his gaping aids infested asshole.
obongo knows she's an alcoholic/pill addict and that's why he won't endorse her. obongo actually has some integrity unlike old bidet
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This, so much this

Democrat bros… we eatin’ good this Fall!
What difference does it make ? They aren’t getting some else to run
The only reason they are backing Kamala is because of the funding Biden received. Only Kamala can legally use Bidens campaign donations for her campaign. They can't let anyone else use it or the FEC will fuck them up.
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they will put gavin newson instead of kamehamehala
I don’t think they are tanking it on purpose
They just know it’s going to tank and it’s not like israel and ukraine are going to win any time soon so they will leave Trump with the mess
Hilary and Obama will ABSOLUTELY NOT LET HARRIS BE PRESIDENT, Hilary especially. it was HER turn,not this whore's. good news actually,the Dems will continue to sabotage themselves as the Republican trump party continues to get couped by big tech money
the global economy has been fucked since Sept 2019. Trump (or Biden-Harris) isn't going to and can't do a thing about it

our post-1970s global economy is Financialized

The post-1970s Financialized autofac created brand new, never-existent-in-human-history speculative instruments, derivatives, CDOs, options that confect 'money' and 'assets' out of *NOTHING*.
After 2008 'capitalism' no longer exists, none of us would even be here posting or internet servers existing without endless supplies of debt note fiat currency from private central banks.
Remember that the Aug-Sept 2019 overnight repo crisis of the WS investment banks being unable to cover their overnight transactions,
was the beginning of our current economic collapse.
from Sept 2019 to Jan 2020 almost $1 trillion in bailouts were 'printed' to prevent a 2007-style credit freeze (what would've occurred without <--that bailout) happening and instant Mad Max at your local grocery store and bank.
Elizabeth Warren herself was on Capitol Hill "what the F is going on here"
magically, though in January 2020 along came covid :
and with it $13 trillion more in 'liquidity' for HNW entities, investment banks to continue their Financialized artificial casino entirely removed from the Real Economy of goods-services-commodities which we all subsist in.

Must watch : what is 'money', how is it created —

The Money Deluge —


a few recent threads where (You) can all learn more about how the global economy *actually* works, post-1970s Financialization, and central banks :




Century of Enslavement : The History of The Federal Reserve
No it won't. There is no one running against Harris, and she is already the presumptive nominee
Rolling for Obama's eventual endorsement to actually hurt Kamala's campaign.
You guys realize he is still running the country right? How many other presidents buy a house in DC after their term is up?
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Is this to assert that the WH will have a sympathetic ear when it comes time for the Jews to occupy Ukraine?
As soon as she nominates and convinces Thomas Massie to be her VP, both Trump and Obama are donezo.
him beating out biden and barely in the public eye until 2020 kamala will just boost his image in the public eye. whoever is actually running against trump has their work cut out for them. plus, 2020 was rigged and this one will probably be too, so in the end it depends who reads/checks the numbers to whom.
the ony reason Obama hasn't endorsed her yet is because he know Biden is already dead and it would be in bad taste to endorse Kamzlla immediately after his death.

He'll save it for a month to re bolster her when she loses momentum.

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